Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 210: Figuring Out A Treatment

Chapter 210: Figuring Out A Treatment

Laz laid Sarah on the center of her bed before sliding over a sturdy, yet faded old chair. He changed his clothes into a lose tee shirt and sweat pants before sitting down. Laz could feel the headache brewing. He had figured out a few things thanks to the information he had received from Onacona, but he wasn't sure how to put it into practice.

Cooling her off wasn't going to work since this wasn't a fever. It was more like a biological reaction, one that external factors wouldn't effect. At present, Laz was trying his best to observe her body using his spiritual sense to see if he could figure anything out. Laz still wasn't totally sure about how spiritual sense worked or even if he could use it in other ways. It just kind of kept developing as he grew stronger, adding him in sensing the world around him. He wasn't even sure that calling it spiritual sense was correct, but since he always called it that, it just stuck.

Needless to say, that strange sense he possessed is the only thing he could rely on to observe Sarah, so he was thankful he had it.

As Laz looked on, the her clothes quickly disappear like smoke as her entire body was laid bare before him. Although some might find it stimulating, it wasn't really like that since her clothes were still there. If anything, he was now seeing through them like an x-ray, causing even her skin to fade.

There wasn't anything to really be attracted to without skin.

Instead, Laz wanted to observe the energy in her body as close as possible since that was the cause and probably the solution to her problem. After focusing his sight, Laz was able to see exactly what was happening. Little worms of energy were crawling every which way over her body, hitting everything in their path, including each other. Despite that, they all seemed to be staying on a certain path. If Laz had to make a comparison, it was like a one lane highway with high dividers and everyone was driving a bumper car. So although the energy worms were going every which way, in truth, they couldn't leave that path.

The problem was also that they couldn't leave that path. Every time they ran into something, the energy worms would cause damage, either to the walls, the road, or each other.

It was literally chaos every way you looked at it.

The end of the path also marked the beginning of the path. They all seemed to want to go to a certain place that Laz quickly recognized as the origin point. Then, after a while, new energy worms would emerge from that point and start out on the highway again, going any which way they felt like.

Laz recognized that this was exactly like how it was for him. Everything started from his center and circulated around, grabbing more energy as it ran and bringing it back. His center was currently covered in the grey fog so there wasn't anything running on the highways, but it was still there.

Seeing this, Laz understood. Sarah needed to be able to properly direct this energy until it ran it's course and settled down. After doing it enough, it becomes second nature, like breathing. At that point, even if she is completely knocked out, the energy is trained and goes on it's own.

And somehow, Laz had to teach her that while she was passed out.

Laz thought back to it and realized that when he had passed out, he somehow knew what to do, something he never thought about too much. Somehow, it just felt right. When he learned his infinity technique and started using it, he was able to direct the flow of traffic on the smoothest and most natural course. It was like learning how to control your breathing, as opposed to just breathing. Doing so would add strength to every breath you took, improving lung function and stabilizing heart rate.

But before you could run, you had to learn how to walk.

And that was what he somehow had to teach Sarah.

Seeing her body shudder and convulse, Laz was awoken form his thoughts. He started to get a crazy idea.

Even if he had access to his energy, he couldn't use it on her body. His control wasn't the best to begin with and on top of that, his energy was robust and wild. Sending that into her body would be like injecting a balloon with hot lava. He would melt her pathways in less than a second.

But his spiritual energy would be a perfect fit. The only down side was that he had even less control over his spiritual energy than he did his internal energy.

'If I was using my internal energy, I could at least control it with my hands... Can I do that with my spiritual energy as well?' This question seemed to pop in Laz's mind, leading to his crazy idea.

"I'm really sorry about this," Laz said, standing up. He gently leaned over and removed her boots and socks. Then from the top down, he slow stripped away all of her clothes, leaving her lying in her bed with only her underwear.

It was worth it to note that she was wearing a matching white bra and white panties, but they were anything but innocent looking. The lace was practically see thru, something that Laz couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate..

'Damn... She's actually hotter than I thought...' Laz thought it, but then let the thought die. This wasn't the time for that.

Laz sat down and gently leaned forward. In this position he would be able to touch almost every part of Sarah with his hands. Now, Laz had to experiment. Using his hands as a guide, Laz focused his spiritual sense forward to the tips of his fingers. Placing his fingers on her skin, Laz strengthened his sense concentrated at the tips of his fingers and using a tracing motion, he started using his fingers to trace the pathways of Sarah's energy. In the same way a magnet under the table might affect metal on top of a table, Laz was able to use his spiritual sense to move the energy along the routes that his own energy would take when he used the infinity technique. Although it was slow at first, once he started affecting enough of those tiny energy worms, they started moving forward on their own.

If one had been looking at Laz from the outside, it would appear that tiny white lights had formed at the end of Laz's fingers and were cutting through Sarah's skin. They didn't actually harm the skin in the slightest. The first difficultly Laz found was when trying to move the energy along the routes in her chest, Laz had no choice but to press hard against her breasts in a effort to maintain the same balance of intensity without causing her any harm. Since he was still completely new to using his spiritual sense this way, he had no idea what kind of harm he would do if he tried using more strength. It wouldn't harm her body, but if the energy it was directing got out of control, that would be far worse.

Sarah, who was still unconscious, could help but moan a slight bit as Laz was roughly digging into her breasts. The soft and sweet sound was entirely unexpected, causing Laz to almost lose his focus. Luckily, Laz was no longer a cherry boy who lacked experience. Even though he was startled, he quickly recovered and continued.

After the upper portion of Sarah's body was circulating correctly, Laz had to focus on her lower body. The pathway of energy went down her outer thigh to her leg and foot before coming back up to her inner thigh and moving across her pelvic region to her other leg to repeat the process before coming back up and disappearing into her center.

Laz couldn't help but take a deep breath and he began to trace these pathways with his sense, forcing the energy to move how he wanted it to. The outer leg was easy enough, as was the foot. Laz didn't have a foot fetish, but even he had to admire how soft and supple her feet and toes were. Tracing back along to her inner thigh, Sarah again couldn't help but moan in her sleep as Laz's strong, firm yet gentle fingers ran upwards along her inner parts before brushing up against the white fabric. Tracing his fingers along the route, Laz had no choice but to pull down the tops of her panties with his fingers while tracing the route. He could just barely cross a small line of fabric without losing connection. Trying to stay on top of her panties the entire way was way too difficult for the current him.

As he was doing so, Laz brushed against the tip of Sarah's fleshy folds, accidently hitting the spot that makes all girls shudder. Sarah's body tensed almost solid due to this action and it took a while after Laz had cleared going down her other side before she loosened back up. There was also a slight wet spot on the flawless white fabric.

Laz didn't actually notice any of this since he was far more focused on the task at hand.

He was finally able to finish up directing the energy worms along the path way before he sat back, covered in sweat. His head was throbbing with a piercing pain between his eyebrows. He couldn't believe how much effort it had taken him to do that. Laz had never used his spiritual sense this more or in such a focused way so he had no warning the the resulting pain was going to be so bad.

'No. I can't pass out yet. I need to watch her more,' Laz said to himself as he slapped his face a few times. This was a very precious moment for him. He was learning more about what he and everyone like him was going through, starting from the first moments it happened. He had to take this chance to learn all he could. Maybe doing so would also help his current predicament.

Scanning Sarah's body, which had started cooling down a bit, Laz check every single pathway and how the energy was flowing. Despite having guided the energy himself to get it on track, the energy was now moving on it's own accord, circulating around the route that Laz laid out. He noticed that even when some bits of the energy wanted to rebel and run amok, due to the waves of energy behind it, it had no choice but to get back in line and keep going.

A tiny stone couldn't stop a ranging river.

Using that analogy, Laz still noticed some points of issue. There were some parts of Sarah's pathways that were either slightly damaged or slightly deformed. Laz had never noticed this in himself during all the times when he checked out his own body, but at the same time, his transformation was much smoother that what Sarah experienced.

Laz focused on those spots. Although he could use his spiritual sense to guide her energy, it wouldn't do anything to her body.

Seeing that there were just a few spots and not wanting to miss this opportunity, Laz made another risky choice.

Using his spiritual sense to guide himself, Laz used an infinitesimal amount of of his recently restored outer energy to fix one damaged spot. In the same way that the strange sword had absorbed the energy that was naturally present in Laz's body, Laz was using just a bit of this energy and injecting it into Sarah.

He had started out slow, but realized that this energy that wasn't refined by him was a crazy amount weaker than what he thought. As such, he needed to suck in a large amount of it to just fix that one spot. Seeing that there were at least three others, Laz had to take a deep breath.

He was only able to use the sword tice before it almost killed him. And even then, it was only the strength of the demon beasts blood that brought him back to life. Yet now, healing this one spot cost Laz a good portion of his residual energy.

Even though he knew it might damage him more, he continued.

It took almost 3 hours to fix the last three spots and the sun had gone down by the time Laz was finished. The process didn't take nearly as long as the repairs, but seeing that Sarah was sleeping soundly, Laz was relieved. He was glad he could pay back Onacona some of his saving grace.

Laz had drained every last bit of residual energy in his system, but he didn't have to drain his blood energy this time. As such, he didn't dry out like a sponge left out in the sun and wasn't in any danger of dying.

He was just exhausted.

Laz got up with the intention of finding the old man and telling him how it went before he passed out, but he got only two steps and his body gave way. Laz tried to support himself with the chair, but lost his grip as his hands went weak. Falling backwards, Laz landed on the bed next to Sarah before his world darkened. He could just barely feel a soft, warm body grip him tightly before everything went black.

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