Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 209: Illness

Chapter 209: Illness

Laz didn't know what happened, but he knew that she wasn't well. By using his spiritual sense, he noticed that she was not only burning up, but little spurts of energy were practically exploding off her skin. With a closer look, Laz noticed that her cells seemed like they were super excited, which was what was causing the fever. Laz knew, thanks to medical shows, that if her body kept experiencing this, eventually, her organs would start breaking down as they roasted themselves.

Laz was no doctor so he had no idea how to stop this. The only thing he could think of was trying to get her cooled off. But how was he suppose to do that out here?

There was no good way. Before he did anything else, he needed to get her back to the house.

"Tyr. Super size it, we have to go back," Laz called Tyr over. Although Tyr didn't understand what Laz was saying, he could sense what Laz wanted. Tyr grew to his large form in an instant while Laz jumped on his back while cradling Sarah.

"Let's go," Laz yelled and Tyr was off and running.

Even though they weren't being chased, Tyr knew the urgency of the situation and was running at full speed. Thankfully, with his eight legs and incredible vision, Tyr was unstoppable as he ran. Before Laz knew it, he could see the house.

And of course, the people at the house could see him too.

The children and their mom couldn't help but scream, seeing the large spider charging straight at them. Onacona's daughter dragged the kids inside the house and ran to get the shot gun while Onacona just sat there with a concerned look on his face. He had a hunch about what he was seeing and therefore knew that there was no danger. But the part he was concerned about was why was Laz and his spider rushing for the house as fast as they were.

He got the answer in just moments.

Even before Tyr came to a complete stop, Laz had jumped down with Sarah in his arms. He quickly brought her over to the old man who's face had gone white.

"Wh... wh... what...?" He rushed over and started examining his blood covered grand daughter, looking for a wound.

"We were attack in the woods by some large demon beasts. She's not hurt though."

"She's not. But what is this illness. It feels like it's burning away her life force?"

"She was covered in blood from the demon beast. She was fine for a while, but then she started getting hot and passed out," Laz was trying to recount what happened while holding her. The old man looked her over from top to bottom and didn't find any wounds. He could only believe Laz's words.

The old man could feel the stress her body was under and the energy that was raging inside of it. Although he wasn't an infected himself, he had a very strong spiritual sense, something he had trained in since he was young from the old chief. Despite the loss of customs for many of the tribes, there were some that still respected and practiced the old ways, keeping the traditions alive.

"She's... changing..." He knew his grand daughter better than everyone, minus her mother. He had also been present when other members of the community were infected. There was still no telling how some were infected and some weren't, but they all experienced the same symptoms.

"You're sure?" Laz had to ask. He knew how it felt as he had experienced the same thing. But even he didn't know what exactly happened after he lost consciousness.

"She's not the first here who has gotten it."

"Didn't you say that there weren't any infected in town?" Laz remembered he had asked that question, just because he was curious. And the answer was no.

"There aren't. We've had several get sick but every one of them died..." The old man looked a bit lost as he looked at his grand daughter. He was hesitating. They normally avoided hospitals unless they didn't have a choice. But the doctor in town had no way to deal with this. He had already tried his best. But even then, the choice of a hospital was one where you would basically go in, but never leave. At least, not without an armed escort and a trip up north to their 'special hospital' that was designed to handle infected.

There were more than one instance of people losing track of their loved ones after they went in. The ones that did get out were in body bags..

But even if everyone knew what the government was doing, the populace just accepted that it was for their own good and told those who were worried about their loved ones to just let it go.

Onacona didn't want his grand daughter to die. But he didn't want to lose her either. And there was no telling if she would even survive a trip to the hospital.

Laz looked at Sarah and fell into thought. Tyr was standing a ways away. looking back at Sarah's mom and waving while smiling. He looked kind of silly when one noticed that Sarah's mom was pointing a twelve gauge right at him. Before she could stop them, the kids all noticed that the giant spider was Tyr and ran out of the house, scaring the shit out of their mom.

Seeing the kids running at him while laughing, Tyr laid down on his belly and stuck his feet out, giving the kids a ladder with which they could climb on him. Tyr loved playing with the kids after all.

"Let me take care of her," Laz said while looking at the distraught old man.

"You? Can you?"

"I don't know. But I have to try..." Laz had thought of something, but he was going to need to put her down and he needed it to be quiet.

"What do you need?"

"A place to lay her down and privacy."


Just as the old man was considering his words, Tyr jerked up and looked down the long drive way. Laz sensed it to.

"Go. Draw them away and circle back," Laz told Tyr. Tyr gently but quickly removed the kids and took off, shrinking while getting out of sight quickly and running down the side of the driveway. Sarah's mom finally took a deep breath and looked over at Laz and Onacona, finally noticing something was wrong with Sarah.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" She screamed as she raced over, scaring the little ones who were looking around, sad at Tyr's quick departure.

Onacona made a choice right then and there.

"Take her to her bed room. Upstairs, third door to the left. Quick." Onacona said while point, he then moved to block Sarah's mom while trying to calm her down.

"Stop. YOU NEED TO STOP." Onacona gripped his daughter tightly while trying to get through to her.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BABY?" She screamed, obviously worried and angry at her father.

"She will be alright. The boy will take care of her. But you need to be calm. The patrol is coming up the drive. And if they hear something is wrong, Sarah will really be in danger then." The old man looked his daughter in the eye. With almost a unnoticeable flash, a light came from Onacona's eyes and hit hers, causing her tense body to finally relax. If one looked closely, the would see that she almost looked absentminded, as though she was there but not really.

"Alright children. I'm taking your mom inside to relax. Play out here a bit, but only in the front yard. If anyone shows up, tell them to go away."

"OK!" All the kids responded at once as they raced off, obviously looking for Tyr.

As the kids raced down the road, an old pick up was driving up the stone driveway with four twenty somethings inside. The young men all held rifles and an inflated sense of ego at having the job of guarding the town. They hadn't actually come across any demon beasts in their time guarding and only had some of the older guy's stories explaining how dangerous they were. As such, none of them felt the slightest bit of fear.

"Why are we going out here again? Want to see that little hottie boss?"

"Shut up. It's cause of your guys mouth's that she doesn't want to hang out with us anymore. Not like there are a lot of options in this town. And as long as we got work, it's not like we can head up to the city to look for chicks either. So this time, keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, I won't invite the other girls the next time." The oldest of the bunch responded, scolding him.

The town has had a long history. Although they were the descendants of indigenous people, it's not like everyone who was born in the town stayed in the town. Some of their best and brightest had gone out into the world and with the towns help, had gone on to do amazing things. As thanks, all of them had given back to the town, helping fund building projects, getting the town broadband near the center of town and other things. These success stories were spoken of by all of the grateful families of the towns and their names were well known. Even the town doctor was one such person. As someone who wanted to start his own practice, he needed funding. As such, the town supplied that for him, allowing him to open up shop close to town, but also close enough to serve other towns and villages, giving him the option of growing. Once he was successful enough and could expand his practice, he would open up new clinics and services.

All of these people were the pride and glory of this small nameless place in the middle of nowhere.

And then, there were these guys. They barely made it through high school and instead of going on to try to do better and be better, they basically gave up, picked up a few jobs around town and didn't do much besides waste their days drinking and trying to get laid. It was like college without the occasional classwork.

And being guards now, of course.

As such, knowing that there was a new girl in town that they could try to get friendly with, their boss went out of his way to spend time with her, despite their age difference. His behavior really was a headache to all.

Just when he was thinking about what he could off Sarah to go do, the guys saw the kids running down the drive way as though looking for something. They quickly stopped the truck as the boss called out,

"Hey. Boy. What are you brats doing?"

"Looking for Tyr," Sarah's oldest brother called out while picking up a rock. He quickly shook his head and set the rock back down.

"What the hell is a tear? The thing you cry?" One of the other guys asked, not understanding the kids. Although these guys were assholes, they weren't bad people, per say. They had their limits. Even if they were rude and lazy, they still loved the town that raised them. Otherwise, they never would have agreed to spending some of their days driving around, wasting their time.

The smallest one, the little girl suddenly looked up and pointed,

"Tyr!!!" She yelled, causing the guys to all turn their heads. Just as they turned their heads to look, they ended up having to look up as well since Tyr had assumed his truck size form.

And he was waving at them with a smile on his face.

The guys blanked out, their brains not able to handle what they were seeing. Tyr just continued to wave for a good two minutes before he felt like something might be wrong. He lowed his arm which caused a bit of a boom as it hit the ground. The noise was just enough to wake the guys from their stupor. The all ended up screaming in a high pitched panic while the one driving floored it. The truck did a quick circle and shot off towards the main road, with the sounds of the guys screaming still echoing.

After watching the show, the kids just shook their heads and pounced at Tyr who was happy to shrink a little, crouch down and let all the kids hop on for a fun, giggled filled ride back to the house.

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