Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 167: To Know the Heart

Chapter 167: To Know the Heart

There was an uncomfortable silence between the girls and Laz. He didn't understand why they would suddenly act this way considering how everything worked out. Looking at them and they way they looked at him though, Laz knew that something was up.


"Alright, what did I do now?"

"Do you even care about yourself?" Ruby asked with a stern voice.

"I do. Of course I do. Why?"

"THEN WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO DANEROUS?" This time it was Leona who yelled at him. She didn't mean to lose her cool, but she was only now appreciating just how dense this young man was. Cute, but dense.

"Ahh..." Was all Laz could say while Ruby tried to get Leona to calm down.

Truely, the whole situation looked strange. All three of them were in this small pool, in a cave underground without clothing and yet none of that bother them in the slightest.

"That's it? That's all your going to say?"

"You know something? I forget sometimes. I forget what it's like when someone else actually cares about me..." Laz laid back in the water with his eyes closed while Leona and Ruby shared a look. They then both walked over to the pool edge where the lip was sticking out underwater and sat down, waiting for Laz to continue.

"I told Leona before a bit about my past, so I'm guessing she understands so I won't waste your time talking about it again. Instead, look forward. I have no idea what's coming but look around. The news, the politicians, everyone is saying the same thing. We are dangerous. We are a problem. And once people latch on to an idea, it's hard to change their minds."

Laz was still just floating around and not really doing anything, yet he still ended up floating in front of the two girl who ended up guiding him over. Even though he was still technically floating, Laz was actually now perched on their legs with his head resting on Leona's ap while his legs were resting on Ruby's. For whatever reason, Leona started randomly playing with Laz's hair while Ruby just leaned herself against his legs. Although his manhood was in full view of her, she was instead focused on his face.

Laz probably didn't know that right now his voice sounded strange. it sounded a bit deeper, more steady and mature. It was also filled with sadness. Perhaps it was some sort of strange irony that while Laz's blood could inflame the desires of others, his voice could entrap their minds. Or at least, make them listen to him.

"It's happened before and it will happen again. They will hunt us down like criminals and lock us up, just for being this way. That's how it will work once everyone thinks we are a threat. The worst part is that someone is already doing their best to make sure that we are the ones that are called sick and infected while those they deem chosen are not. What's the difference really? Is there even a way to tell? And I can tell you this; life is going to get really shitty very soon."

Laz was just letting out his thoughts. He probably shared them with Leona before, but for Ruby, this was new. And Laz really was feeling very tired. Everything that had happened had kept him kind of on edge the past year and a half.

"Ruby. You've got the Black Rose. If something happens, take Leona with you. And find a place for Dee and Reggie," Laz finally asked. He had this feeling that he would be going soon. For some reason, he felt like it was a bad idea to stay in one place for too long, and he had already been here longer than he had wanted.

"You... won't be here?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know. Ever since I left home, I just don't feel like staying anywhere for too long is a good idea..."

"Where will you go this time?" Leona inquired.

"I'm not sure yet."

There was a peaceful moment of silence while everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Leona was the first one who came to..

Leaning over, she planted a kiss on Laz's lips while he wasn't prepared. He had been floating, but the sudden kiss caused him to almost sink.

Opening his eyes, Laz noticed Leona looking at him with a smile.


"Will you forget us? When you leave?" She asked the question in her heart. Laz had come into her life like a storm, changed almost everything about her and was going to be leaving just as quickly. She wondered that if after he left, if she would ever see him again. And she also had a feeling that he was going to be really important someday, even if she didn't know how. Therefore, she wanted to make just a little mark on his heart. Even if he only thought about her every once in a while, it would be enough.

"How could I?" Laz asked, still a bit dazed. The portion of his life back when he lived with his parents had started to become blurred, almost like a dream. Instead, when he thought back, he only could really remember things from when he started living with his grandpa. He wasn't trying to be disrespectful to his parents, it was simply that his life then was so different than his life now. and on his road to becoming a man, there was more than one women who seemed to have a part in it.

Hearing his response, Leona bent down and kissed him again, this time with passion that wasn't hidden behind shyness. It was a sweet and succulant kiss, filled with feelings. It was also stimulating for Laz since due to their angle, Leona's breasts and therefore her nippes rubbed up against his head and chest. In fact, had they been any bigger, Laz would have doubted that she could have bent over enough to kiss him.

The whole time, Leona's hands were gently rubbing his head and chest, as though she might forget the feel of him suddenly. The stimulation from such a move was enough to excite him, but he didn't really care. Although he wasn't intending to do this type of thing with her, how could he deny his hot blooded youth? He had forgotten about one thing though, as he lay there kissing Leona. And that was Ruby.

She had moved him so that his legs were resting on her legs, as such, when he started to get arroused, it was right up near her face. Although Ruby had been amazed before, considering Laz's age, now she was simply astounded. She wasn't some young, inexperienced girl and had seen the world... and porn. Although he wasn't outrageously huge, there figured that there wasn't a lot of guys out there that could compete. It was certainly bigger than anything she had seen up close and that wasn't because she had been with it a lot of guys. It was due to the training she had recieved from Lady Mathilda that she had no choice but to see a lot of guy's privates. In the end, one of the lessions she had been given was that a target would generally be less careful and have less defense towards a hit while naked. It was a common thing to attack when the target was the most defenseless and even though it was less of an issue for guys as opposed to girls, it still held a lot fo sway over them. Due to this, there had been more than one target she had taken out that was naked, hence her exposure.

All the same, when faced with the rising solder in front of her, even Ruby couldn't help but blush a little. Seeing that it was because Laz had been kissing Leona that he had gotten this way, Ruby was feeling a bit left out. She had a similar feeling to Leona although she had intereacted less with Laz. Just from the small time she had interacted with him, she had found herself drawn in. He was like a strange drug or addicting drink that you just wanted more and more of. Hearing him talk and hearing Leona's responses, she knew that it didn't seem like he would be around forever. And she herself knew that her job would move one day too. She had taken Leona to be a little sister and would have her join the organization, so she knew they would both lose their connection with him. How could she let this man who had left such a deep impression on her walk away without leaving one on him?

Just as Laz was deep into his kiss with Leona, he suddenly felt a pair of small hands wrap around his flesh sword and gently rub it up and down. It took but a moment for him to figure out who was doing it and although he was surprised, he accepted it. No matter how much he had wanted to distance himself from others, women especially, it seemed like that wasn't going to happen. So why think so much? He just relaxed and used one hand to reach across his chest to rub one of Leona's large, firm breasts while he used his other to reach down and play with Ruby's nippe piercing, twisting it between his fingers at times while pinching the nippe into the metal at other times.

As Leona's kissing became even more crazy, using her tongue and bitting his lips, Ruby's hands seperated, one of them playing with his man sack while the other grip his rod like a blade. She brought her head over and sticking out her tongue, she rubbed his shaft against her face at times while icking it at other times. Between the stimulation of all of the actions, everyone's breathing became hotter and heavier. It almost seemed like a three way fight to see who would lose their reasoning first and want to go on for more.

It turned out, the first loser was actually Leona. The feeling of Laz's hot kisses along with his constant and skillful rubbing was enough to make her feel completely hot and turned on. She couldn't help but pull away and take a deep breath. Seeing Laz smiling at her with a well defined ust in his eyes turned her on even more. She gently slid up from the pool and stood on the edge before reaching down to bring him along with her. Feeling Laz move, Ruby looked up to see Leona was moving his and almost wanted to fight back before Leona looked back at her a smiled. Ruby, knowing her intentions, smiled back and followed them. Leaving Laz sitting on the edge of the pool with his legs still on the inner ledge which was more like a step under water, Leona and Ruby went over to their bags and pulled out two thick sleeping bags that had been rolled up and shoved inside. They were survival bags so not only would they provide comfort against the ground, but they also folded up to an amazing degree, allowing them to be transported easily. These were something Ruby had arranged although it wasn't for this purpose.

They laid the sleeping bags out next to the pool and each taking one of his hands, guided Laz over to the now comfy area on the ground. For what it was worth, the small spider was still lazily soaking in the pool as though the actions of the humans didn't concern it in the least.

Laying Laz down both girls sat on Laz's stomach just long enough to exchange a rather intimate kiss before Ruby snuck down, sliding her body along Laz's and even rubbing her wet lips along his man meat as though kissing it from the side. Just when it was about to spring back up, she caught it with her hands and began to once agian devour it with her mouth. Leona had slid up on Laz until her dripping honey pot had reached his mouth. Without saying a word, Laz reached around her legs and spread her ass and thighs. The forceful assult caused a moan to escape Leona's upper pink lips while his tongue licked up and down her lower brown lips before finding their way to the tight pink center and tasting her inner ambrosia. Slidding his tongue around and down, he made sure to attack her cit as well, sending pulses of energy through her body.

As the assault became more and more fierce with Laz not only using his tongue but his fingers, Leona's eyes suddenly changed as her claws grew out. Even Ruby looked up at her in surprise as Leona couldn't help but roar out while she orgasmed, filling the cave with her beastial roars as her entire body went limp and collapsed on top of Laz's muscular chest.

Sitting up slightly, Laz's eyes met with Ruby's.

He knew that she wanted the same serving of what he had just given Leona and could barely contain herself.

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