Children of a Lesser God

Chapter 166: Revenge

Chapter 166: Revenge

Laz reached out and brought the girls a bit closer to him. As it was, he was sitting on a small lip on the edge of the pool that kept his head and most of his upper body out of the pool. The girls had dunked themselves in fully before being overcome by the surging energy, so to keep them from accidently drowning, Laz felt that he should keep a hold of them.

And that wasn't going to be easy.

Both girls were twisting and spasming in pain as the waves of energy from the water shocked their systems over and over again. Ruby was a bit more lucky than Leona as she was able to find some relief by using her partial transformation. Once the scales covered the various parts of her body, it helped to reduce the pain, but only slightly.

Laz, who in an effort to keep Leona and Ruby from drowning, had no choice but to grab on to their bathing suits and use them like a leash. After seeing Ruby use her transformation though, Laz couldn't help but frown.

'It would help more if she didn't...' Laz thought to himself, remembering some of the things that Vivi had told him about the process.

'The stronger your body is, the stronger the benefits you aqquire. If you want to make the most of the strengthening, then you have to suffer the full hit.'

At the time, she wasn't talking about the pool energy, but Laz figured it applied here too. As such, he had no choice but to yank Ruby over while still keeping a hand on Leona.

Ruby was looking pretty rough at the moment. She had been wearing just a little bit of makeup before hopping in the pool and now it was running down her face. Laz couldn't help but think of a video he had watched at one time, but quickly got that vision out of his head and focused on her.

Having yanked her over, her brought his hand around the back of her head and forced her to look at him.

"Lose the transformation. You need to do this with your own ability," He tried to explain as gently as possible considering the circumstance.


Ruby wasn't in any condition to speak and could only grunt her refusal.

"This is for your own good. Drop the scales."


Laz realized that Ruby was already trying here best to not only stay in the pool but also to endure the pain and therefore she didn't want to do anything to make it any more painful. As such, Laz had to take further action. Letting go of Leona who seemed to have stopped struggling and spasming, Laz grabbed Ruby and brought her over his knees. Before she could even struggle, he brought his hand down hard on her wet, barely covered ass.

"Drop the transformation!" He ordered.


Hearing her response, he spanked her again, this time three times.


He didn't even wait for her response before spanking her again, this time five times. Despite the pain that she was feeling all over, the pain from his hand shocked her system and hearing Laz's voice through the screams inside her body, she dropped the transformation like he asked. Seeing her drop it caused him to relax and once again sat her up in the water. The waves of pain hit her harder and harder, but she knew that he was right there and that he wasn't going to let her give up or get by. She screamed out her pain but continued to hold on.

Seeing this caused Laz to smile. He might be going a little overboard, but he knew that you only had one chance to do things right. Otherwise, Ruby would have wasted a golden opportunity. Seeing that Ruby was hanging on, althought barely, he turned his head back around, only to find Leona gone. Focusing his sense, he quickly discovered that she had somehow slipped under the water while he was redirecting Ruby. His hand shot out and grabbed the first thing her could find, which just so happened to be her hair and dragged her above water. Besides being amazingly painful, the jolt caused Leona to cough out some water before grunting in pain again..

And so the cleansing continued.

As the girls struggled in pain, Laz did his best to watch over them and make sure they were staying conscious. Had they passed out, they would also miss many of the benefits that were being offered. One of the biggest ones besides the changes to their bodies, would be the strengthening of their will power. That wasn't something one could train by themselves easily, short of asking someone to torture you for funsiees. So in this instances, he wanted them to toughen up in more ways than one.

The only real problem Laz ended up facing was that because the girls were still fighting him on and off, both of them ended up ripping off their swimsuits in an effort to get away. During one particularly violent spasm, Laz had no choice but to latch on to both girls hair in an effort to keep them from getting away.

But as the time went on, the girls did recieve massive benefits to their bodies and their minds. The benefits to their bodies was much easier to observe as they both attacked Laz as various points and managed to leave marks and bruising all over his body. Of course this only happened because he didn't bother to defend himself at these times. Their will power also improved as time went on. Their violent thrashing became less and less as both Ruby and Leona were able to stay still and stay calm despite the pain they felt.

As their bodies finally adjusted to the energy and the changes and strengthening lessen, they were both able to open their eyes. Leona couldn't help but stand up and roar as she felt alive like never before. Ruby stood as well and tightened her fists over and over again before punching out, causing the air to boom with each strike. Whether it was Leona or Ruby, both were amazed by the changes that had taken place.

After a few moments of standing there though while feeling the changes in their bodies, Laz couldn't help but cough as though to clear his throat. Hearing this, the girls looked over at Laz, only to find that he was looking away.

"What is it now?" Ruby asked, somewhat annoyed.

"Nothing. Just wondering if you were both getting a bit chilled being out of the water like that?" Laz asked with a smile. It was only now that they both realized they didn't have their swimsuits on.

"You couldn't say something sooner?"

"You asshole. You think you're going to get away with this?" Ruby asked as she looked over at Leona who nodded in return.

"What? Hey, I did this for your own good you know..." Laz saw the ladies had a weird look in their eyes as they slowly approached him.

"That's besides the point, isn't it?" Leona responded as she jumped forward. Of the two, Leona was stronger. Due to that she pounced first and grabbed Laz's wrists before Ruby had jumped and tackled him in the stomach, causing him to go off balance. Just as Laz was falling backwards though, Leona pounced again, but this time, her aim was different. Just before his head went underwater, Leona's pink lips met his as she kissed him hard.

Just as Leona's attack landed, Ruby was quick to follow up. With his hands and mouth tied up by Leona, Ruby was able to swiftly peel away Laz's swimming trunks from under the water and toss them away. She came up to the surface just in time to see Laz cough from the water he had sucked in accidently while being surprised about being kissed. Leona had moved away as well, only now there was a slight blush on her cheeks.

"How's that huh? You like standing around naked in a.... oh damn..." As Laz stood there and coughed, Ruby's eyes were glued to his waist and the thing directly below it.

"See, I told you didn't I?" Leona laughed as she saw Ruby's reaction. It really did look way to big for a guy of Laz's overall size. After Laz finished coughing, he didn't do anything else but look at the two girls who were now giggling.

'I honestly never pictured these two giggling...' Laz thought to himself.

"Those things were way too tight anyway so I guess I should say thank you? Come here and give me a hug Ruby," Laz said with a laugh as he started running towards Ruby. Well, he tried running, but there was still a bit of water resistance that caused him to be slower than he normally was.

Seeing Laz come at her, Ruby darted away like a scared bunny. Laz was surprised to see that the water proved almost not restraint to her at all as it looked like she could move normally in it.

Seeing that he wasn't going to reach Ruby that way, he changed his target and went after Leona who was standing there laughing at them. Not expecting him to switch targets, Leona was taken by surprise and quickly picked up over Laz's shoulder where he proceeded to give her four quick spanks to her curvy, yet firm ass.

"Hey?!?!" Leona yelled at him while banging his back with her fists. Had she wanted, she could have used those same fists to leave holes in the stone floor, but it seemed like she used no strength to resist Laz.

Seeing Leona capture, Ruby made her way back and jumped at Laz.

"Let her go!" She yelled while laughing as she hit his stomach and wrapped her strong and smooth legs around his waist. While Laz tried to fight for his balance with this new change, Ruby leaned over and bit his neck. The sudden shock of Ruby's 'assault' caused Laz to fall over again, this time dropping Leona over his shoulder while Ruby was still attached to his waist. Once again, before Laz hit the water, his lips were attacked, this time by Ruby. But where as Leona let him up after a minute, Ruby grabbed on to Laz's head and gripped him close. He could taste the sweet juice of her saliva while the feeling of her tongue piercing against his tongue was quite arrousing.

Seeing that they were still underwater, Leona reached over and grabbed Ruby's leg, forcefully pulling her off of Laz. Laz came up for air while looking at the two sexy, exotic girls who were staring back at him. Almost as if on que, everyone just started laughing as though they had all gone mad as they just feel back into the water. Before long, the small, waist deep pool had three people in it who were simply floating there, far enough away to have their own room, but occasionally bumping into one another.

"You both arn't mad?" Laz asked, thinking that maybe he should have said more before hand.

"Well, you did warn us. But, I mean, how do you explain to someone, 'Hey, ok. Now your going to experience what it feels like to have your skin peel off layer by layer while someone drives burning stakes into your joints and muscles...?" Leona said with a laugh. It had hurt hurt and it had hurt a lot. But now that it was over, she felt like it was worth it. But even she knew how scared she would have been had he told them everything before hand.

"And why did you have to go off and spank me? I was perfectly fine using my ability like that," Ruby said while sending a kick in Laz's general direction.

Laz just let water from the kick splash him without fighting back as he said,

"It's important to work on your normal body. Once you strengthen it, your transformation will strengthen with it," Laz explained.

"Really?" Ruby asked, standing up.

"Yep. Or so I understand." Laz said with his eyes closed, just enjoying the moment.

"So, you did this on your own before?" Leona had stood up with Ruby and stood next to her while asking the question.

"Yeah, for the most part." Laz didn't want to explain about Vivi so he left it as he was by himself, which was technically true. There were no other humans around him.

Just as Laz was continuing to float, his head hit something soft yet firm. Opening his eyes, he looked up to the see the smaller yet full breasts of Ruby hanging over his head. Although she was looking down at his face with serious eyes, Laz couldn't help but playfull reach up and give her nippe piercing a small turn. Instead of Ruby doing anything though, it was Leona who batted his hand away.

"So you knew that this was going to be ok for us?" Ruby asked, almost as though she had ignored his previous action.

"Yes. Did you think I would have you two do something that I didn't try out first?"

"Did you know it would be ok for you?" Asked Leona.

"No. But I had to try, didn't I?" Laz asked, standing up. He couldn't help but wonder why they were both being super serious at the moment.

"You are such an idiot...!"

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