Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Supreme King’s Supremacy (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)

The Supreme King’s Supremacy (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)

A/N: The Supreme King's Supremacy was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in August of 2020. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In an AU where it was Syrus instead of Alexis that was sacrificed to create the Super Polymerization card, she finds herself the only one left against the Supreme King. Every king needs a queen, and the Supreme King is no different. Luckily, he's found the perfect candidate in Alexis Rhodes, but first he needs to help make her more.. amenable.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Master/Slave, Mind Break


Even as she walks down the corridor towards her fate, Alexis Rhodes doesn't have much hope. She knows she's got absolutely no chance of defeating HIM in a duel. But… she needs to keep moving forward all the same. Because in the end, she's the only one left that can stop the Supreme King and save Jaden from his clutches.

And in Alexis' eyes, they are two separate people still. The Super Polymerization card, born from Syrus, Tyranno, and Atticus all being sacrificed by the Mad King of Dark World, might have allowed for Jaden to be possessed by the Supreme King, forcing them to become one, but Alexis hadn't given up hope. She knew her friend… her crush was still in there somewhere.

Unfortunately, the Supreme King had defeated all challengers so far. Everyone else who knew what was happening, who could have stopped it… had fallen. Even Axel, Zane, and Aster… none of them had been enough to defeat the monster Jaden had become. Which was why Alexis was sure she was doomed to fail.

But that didn't mean she'd give up. She still had pride in her deck, in her skills as a duelist. And more than that, she loved Jaden Yuki with all her heart. It'd taken her a long time to recognize and accept that, but given she was effectively walking to her death right now instead of fleeing to the ends of the Earth, it was pretty much guaranteed. She wanted to save him… she HAD to save him.

Coming to a large set of ominous-looking double doors, Alexis lets out an explosive breath and pushes them open, setting her jaw in determination, her eyes filling with resolve as she strides forward into what is effectively a massive throne room.

"Alexis Rhodes… the damsel in distress has finally arrived."

She tries hard not to flinch at hearing Jaden's voice twisted so, darkened, and deepened and corrupted, but still undeniably him. It hurts too because the Supreme King, bastard that he is, is right. Just how many times HAD she played the damsel to Jaden's hero over the past few years? Lips thinning out, Alexis strides forward all the same, palming her deck.

"I'm not the damsel anymore, Jaden… you are. And I'm here to save you!"

The Supreme King chuckles, but also stands from his throne. The throne room itself transforms into a dueling arena in the blink of an eye. Alexis' breath hitches, and she places her deck down on the designated spot at the same time that her opponent does. Then, she begins to draw out her hand, eyes only leaving the Supreme King once she's finished.

This right here… it was going to be the hardest, most grueling fight of her life. There was a bone deep certainty that she wouldn't be good enough… but Alexis intended to defy fate, she intended to beat the odds and win! She just had to take it one turn at a time…


It was over. Standing there, Alexis very nearly drops to her knees in despair. Her legs are knocking together, she's trembling so bad. She can't… she can't even look her opponent in the eye, instead staring down at her Life Point counter, the glowing fifty looking back at her a telling show of just how the duel has gone.

If she looked up, she knows what she'd see… that the Supreme King hasn't lost a single one of his own Life Points in return. More than that, she has no monsters left, no spell or trap cards that can save her from an attack. Plus… it's not even her turn. It's his, and he has plenty of monsters in his side of the field in attack mode, ready to finish off the last of her pathetic life total.

With that defeat will come her death, Alexis knows this. She'll be sent to the stars if she loses an official duel here in the Dark World. It's what happened to all the others, after all. She's… she's going to die, and truth be told, she's not ready. She's not ready to die, not by a long shot.


The young woman jolts, eyes widening at hearing Jaden's voice, uncorrupted, untwisted. Her head darts up, but he's still there in all of his regalia, the Supreme King. Except… not. His eyes… his eyes are back to Jaden's normal eye color, as he smiles at her.

"There's no reason for you to die here, Alexis. Surrender, forfeit the duel willingly… and I can save you."

Alexis' eyes widen. He… what? That was an option?! But why not the others?! Why not- he… he loved her, didn't he? The realization takes the breath out of her lungs. She'd spent so long crushing on Jaden Yuki. At first, she hadn't acted on her feelings because he was still Slifer Red, and she was Obelisk Blue. Over time however, as Jaden kept winning, kept overcoming every challenge put his way, and yet stayed Slifer Red all the while… that separation grew to mean less and less.

At some point, it stopped being about waiting for him to ascend to Obelisk Blue and more about Alexis' own insecurities. She'd known, after a certain point in time, that no one would have cared if she'd dated a Slifer Red student, so long as that student was THE Jaden Yuki. But… he'd become so powerful, so strong, so mighty.

And she'd just become a damsel in distress, barely ever even able to stand up for herself, Alexis had felt more and more. She'd never even stopped to think that Jaden had feelings for her as well.

… He was still possessed by the Supreme King, the armor he wore even now made that obvious. He wasn't breaking free; this wasn't him trying to escape… but it was him offering her an out. A way to live on, maybe even a chance to break through to him and save him from this fate. She… she HAS to take the out, right? She can't in good conscience reject him when he's the closest to being the Jaden she knows and loves that Alexis has seen in ages.

Closing her eyes, Alexis lays her hand down in front of her and gives a single nod.

"O-Okay… I surrender… I f-forfeit."

Immediately, the Dark World closes in around her and she can feel herself being pulled. Was this it? Had he lied to her, one last act of cruelty, forcing her to kill herself rather than ending it by his own hand? But no, before Alexis can be dragged under, or possibly up rather, there's suddenly a hand in her hand, and then another taking hold of her other hand, and suddenly she's back in the throne room, yanked back by the hold of the Supreme King as he smiles at her.

It's still Jaden's eyes, and even, in Alexis' expert opinion, Jaden's smile.

"You made the right choice, Alexis. Now we can finally be together. We can be happy."

And then he's kissing her. Alexis' eyes widen in surprise for a moment, before ultimately she relaxes into the kiss. She forgets herself, forgets that this isn't really Jaden, that he's still the Supreme King, that all of their friends are still dead. She loses herself in the moment and finds herself collapsing into his chest, which is suddenly bare, all of that dark and menacing armor fading away to reveal the young man underneath who she's so in love with.

When they pull apart for breath, Alexis looks down and has to admit… naked Jaden is a delicious sight to look at. He's ripped now, his body muscled in a way she didn't think it ever was before. It wasn't grotesque or anything like that, and he was only a little taller, only a little broader… taller than her, stronger than her.

Alexis sinks into his warmth, even if he's a bit harder and firmer than she might have wanted. But, part of her likes that, part of her likes how masculine Jaden has become, even if the cause of that, the Supreme King, is something Alexis hates with all her heart. Right now, he's her Jaden though, so it's fine if she… enjoys herself a little. Right?

When his hands move from her hands to her body, Alexis doesn't fight it. She's too busy kissing him, their tongues dueling with one another, her eyes closed shut as she moans into his mouth. When he works open her Obelisk Blue female uniform, Alexis doesn't stop him from unbuttoning and pulling open her top. His hands glide over her bra-clad breasts, and all she does is shudder under his touch.

This was something she'd been wanting for far, far too long… how could she possibly pull away now? Jaden needed her, and she… she needed him. It's not long before she's been stripped of her top. He leaves her bra in place however as well as her skirt, seeming all too eager to rush things. Alexis whimpers a little as he pushes her to her hands and knees. His hands on her hips and her ass, sliding up under her mini-skirt… they feel good, but also a little rough. Like he's… like he's too eager to have her, to care about her feelings.

Taken from behind wasn't how Alexis expected her first time to go, and this WILL be her first time. She wants… she wants to be facing him, wants to look into his eyes so he can see how much she loves him, and so she can see his love for her shining right back as they become joined as one. Clawing at the floor of the throne room, Alexis twists to look back over her shoulder, mouth open to tell Jaden as much, to ask him to change this to a more palatable position, even as he's in the process of yanking down her panties to her knees.

But the words never come, dying on Alexis' tongue as she goes wide-eyed at the realization that Jaden… Jaden's eyes are gone, changing back to the visage of the Supreme King. And not just his eyes either… his smile, when he sees her looking back at him, isn't Jaden's smile… it's cruel and hungry, and positively evil.


Alexis tries, belatedly, to fight back. However, even as she makes an attempt to scramble away, her body locks up and aborts the resistance, freezing in place. A dark chuckle sends a shiver of ice cold terror down the back of the beautiful young woman's spine.

"No? You've already surrendered to me, Alexis. You've already forfeited all rights to your life and your soul. You don't get to say no to your King, not anymore."

Alexis whimpers and shakes her head, able to move still, but not able to make any effort to pull away, for some reason. Her entire body trembles as she claws at the ground, and yet, no matter how hard she wills it, she can't crawl forward, she can't leave his touch. There seems to be truth to his words, inevitable, inescapable, hard truth. She surrendered, she forfeited… and now he owns her, if not her mind, then her body.

His cock is suddenly pressing against her cunt lips, and Alexis is a little ashamed to say she's more than wet enough for him down there, thanks to their foreplay, thanks to his trickery. The makeout session, his running his hands up and down his body as he half-stripped her…


"Please what? Don't claim my prize? I won our little duel, on that we can both agree. Now, you're all mine."

And with that, he thrusts forward. Alexis, stripped down to her bra, her mini-skirt, and her boots, cries out as he fills her from behind, his cock piercing her hymen right then and there, his length stretching out her pussy walls to their limits. Alexis cries out, knowing she's lost something she can never get back… but if some part of her hoped that her cry would break free to Jaden, buried somewhere within the Supreme King… she couldn't be more wrong.

He laughs, and any hope she had left dies as he begins to fuck her from behind, hard, thrusting in and out of her like she's not even her own person, like she's nothing but a piece of meat for him to use and abuse to his heart's content. Emphasis on the abuse bit too. While he hadn't bothered taking the time to strip off her mini skirt, he has no issue whatsoever flipping it up to unveil her round bubble butt in all of its heart-shaped glory.

His hands fall upon Alexis' posterior, causing her to whimper between cries as he continues to thrust into her. And then he rears a hand back and spanks her, and Alexis cries out even louder than before.




Back and forth, Jaden, no, the Supreme King plays with her ass like a pair of… of drums. He spanks her bottom red, even as he fucks her cunt with all his might.

"That's right, you filthy little whore. Learn your place. Remember who you belong to."

What… what is he saying? Alexis starts to shake her head, opens her mouth to deny it, only for his hand to come down on her ass again, preempting her and causing her to cry out instead.


"You belong to me now, Alexis Rhodes. You're mine, my property. I own you… and the sooner you learn that, the better it will be."

Jaden's voice, but twisted and corrupted and darkened by the Supreme King possessing him, fills Alexis' mind, like it's invading her head through her ears. Unfortunately, she can't block or barricade because her hands are stuck to the floor. Her body isn't willing to do most of the things she wants it to do right now, like get away or cover her ears so she doesn't have to hear his words reverberating through her skull.

There's also his cock, burying itself inside of her cunt again and again. And his hands, landing across her already punished ass cheeks, one after the other. Tears stream down Alexis' cheeks. It's all too much, it's simply too much, but she doesn't know how to fight it. What can she do? She lost… and no one is left to save her.

"Mine. Say it. Say you're mine!"


It's the hardest spanking he's given her yet, and before Alexis can stop herself, she's doing as she's told even through her squealing, just to try to alleviate some of the pain.

"Y-Yours! I'm YOOOOURS!"

For a brief moment, the Supreme King slows… and then he speeds up again, fucking Alexis even harder than before. His hands are no longer on her ass, though the sheer force with which he's clapping into her butt cheeks as he fucks her twat means she's not actually receiving any sort of reprieve there. His hands instead journey up her body. One settles on her neck, gripping firmly though not choking her, while the other starts to play with her tits through her bra.

The new position also puts him mere inches from her head, his darkened voice crooning in her ear.

"Good, very good pet. The first step is admitting the truth. You're my bitch. You belong to me, and you always will."

She's still crying, even as the truth of his words resonates through her body, and she finds herself agreeing with him more, unable to deny the evidence before her. She's his…

"I'm yours…"

"You're my bitch."

He seems insistent she say it, and Alexis doesn't have the fight in her to deny him anymore.

"I'm your bitch…"

"You belong to ME, your King."

"I-I belong to you… my King…"

"I am your Master."

"You are my Master."

Everything he tells her to say, Alexis says it. Reluctantly, at first, but by the end it's almost a relief to just… admit the truth. He owns her, not just her body, but her mind… her soul. As she declares that he's her Master, a full body shudder goes through Alexis, and for the first time since he started fucking her, the gorgeous young woman cums on the Supreme King's cock, moaning wantonly as she spasms and shakes beneath him.

In response, he grunts and thrusts in one final time, before spilling over the edge as well. His seed, his essence… it fills her womb, and Alexis knows she should be horrified, she knows she should be disgusted… but she's not. Her Master, her beloved, Jaden… he's cumming inside of her and it feels so damn good.

Her hips buck and her eyes roll back in her head for a moment as she cums explosively, back to back with the first orgasm. A loud, wanton moan leaves her throat as the Supreme King fills her with his jizz and then some, leaving her oh-so-satisfied, if a bit bloated.

"Good… good. But… not enough for me to be sure."

That's all the warning the beleaguered blonde gets before her King is pulling out of her cunt and using his hands to spread apart her ass. His cock, lubed up by their combined fluids, begins to burrow into Alexis' backdoor, taking her anally for the first time in her life. When it comes to losing a virginity, the young woman quickly finds that losing one's anal virginity is MUCH more painful.

Her shrieks fill the room, but the Supreme King is uncaring of her plight. He continues onwards, only going slow enough to avoid doing true damage to her, but not actually hesitating for a second to claim this second hole for himself. But then… as she'd already admitted, all that she had to offer belonged to him, didn't it?

Fresh tears streak down Alexis' cheek, and at first it's unimaginably painful. But as he begins to slowly thrust in and out, his slick lubricated cock stretching her anus to it's utmost limits, the pain begins to… fade.

"That's right. Take it. Take my cock up your tight little ass, you Obelisk Blue bitch. Not so high and mighty now, are you? Sing for your King! Sing for me!"

There's an undeniable note of Jaden in those words, but it's the worst of Jaden, it's the Jaden that Alexis initially put down, when he'd first come to Duel Academy, only to be assigned to Slifer Red. And yet… had he not defeated the head of Obelisk Blue's male dorm in a one on one duel? It was always a travesty, that Jaden had been put in Slifer Red. Alexis had always known that.

Now though, now she's paying for her hubris. She's paying for her inability to express her feelings as well. If they'd accepted their love for each other earlier, perhaps Jaden wouldn't have become the Supreme King. But now… now she's getting butt-fucked by the man who owns her life, her Master, and there's nothing Alexis can do but squeal like a stuck pig and take it, singing for her King at the top of her lungs all the while.

With a grunt, her Master leans forward again, mounting her and fucking her ass as he finally grabs her bra and tears it from her body. Alexis' mini skirt and boots are the last things she's left wearing, and neither do anything to protect her modest as the young woman is unceremoniously butt-fucked by her King. Reaching around, he begins to molest and fondle her tits to his heart's content, taking her from behind anally and mauling her breasts at the same time.

Alexis' cries slowly turn more and more… pleasured. The physical pain is gone now, leaving only emotional heartbreak in it's wake. Instead, Alexis is being assaulted by pleasure… she never knew that being fucked in the a-ass could feel this GOOD!

"You're liking this, aren't you bitch? Admit it! Shout it to the heavens! Announce to the whole wide world who you belong to, how much you love getting ass-fucked by your King!"

"Y-Yes! Yes, I love it! I love getting fucked anally, Master! I belong to you; I belong to the Supreme King! Please don't stop, please keep fucking my ass!"

And fuck her ass he does, as Alexis continues to break down, as she submits to her King and Master. The Supreme King owns her mind, body, and soul, and he goes about showing her that over and over again, until she's corrupted, until she's brought around fully to his way of thinking. By the time it's done, Alexis doesn't even see it as corrupt, or sick, or twisted any longer. It feels like… like she's finally been shown the light. It feels like she's finally stepped out of the darkness… even as she drowns in it.


"Mmm… Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

"That's a good girl, Lexi. Worship your King. That's right…"

Alexis Rhodes is no more. What's left of her is simply Lexi now, her Master's pet, her King's concubine. As such, it makes perfect sense for her to be on her knees before him as the Supreme King sits back on his throne, smiling down at her in satisfaction. Bobbing up and down on his cock, she swirls her tongue around the head whenever she pulls back enough to do so and writhes it along the underside of his length the rest of the time.

Choking herself on his dick, she happily takes him down the back of her throat, even as her body's gag reflex tries and fails to rebel against her. She feels so good, kneeling here before him. Her hands are behind her back, not bound or anything like that, but clasped there willingly after he gave her the order to do so, to not use them in this task.

He wanted her to worship her King with just her mouth, with just her lips and tongue… and that was something that Lexi was more than happy to do. Her tits swing back and forth below her chin as the beautiful blonde bobs up and down on her Master's cock, all the while getting progressively covered in more and more of her own drool as it slips down from her lower lip.

She doesn't care that she's making a mess of herself, or that her forceful deep-throating of her Master's member is causing involuntary tears to track down her cheeks, running through her eyeshadow and her makeup. Her slobber and saliva is all over the place, but Lexi doesn't CARE… all that matters is her Master's happiness.

Her ass and cunt are both filled to the brim with his seed from his previous two releases. While some drips out of her freshly fucked holes even now, what Lexi wants more than anything is to complete the trifecta. To have her Master's cum in her belly, filling her up in one last different way… it's what Lexi longs for, even as she reveres his member, even as she worships her King with all her heart and focus.

"Glughk… Glughk… Glughk…"

"You're trying your best, pet. But your best just isn't good enough…"

His hand comes down atop her head, his fingers spreading wide and curling around her skull even as they move through her hair. Looking up at her Master, Lexi blinks and then slows to a stop and waits, content to let him do what he likes with her. After all if her worship isn't good enough… he'll have to show her how it's done.

Smirking evilly, the Supreme King begins to force her down his cock much faster than Lexi could do on her own, using his grip on her head to begin one-handedly skull fucking her right then and there.


The sounds of her choking grow much louder, ringing through the air and filling her ears. Her saliva production ratchets up as she gags and gurgles on her Master's cock. Her tongue, for all that it continues to participate, ends up pressed down to the floor of her mouth. In the end, he uses her like she's little more than his cum receptacle. Not that Lexi minds… it feels good, being of use to her King.

With a loud groan, the Supreme King cums. He doesn't much worry about her health or safety as he grinds her down into his crotch, his balls pressing against her chin and her nose in turn buried at the base of his shaft as she chokes down his cum. He fills her gullet with his seed and it's all Lexi can do to try and swallow every last drop that comes spurting from his cock.

His third load ends up filling her belly, just as she'd hoped, but at the same time much of it explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as he finishes. With a grunt, the Supreme King throws her back, releasing his grip on her head at the same time, leaving Lexi to fall back on her ass, still wearing her Obelisk Blue mini skirt and boots as she pants heavily, her naked, cum-and-saliva coated breasts heaving up and down from exertion.

Before she can even finish catching her breath, he speaks again.

"Come here."

Lexi could care less about her King's mercurial attitude as it were… all that matters is that he wants her company. She scrambles back onto her hands and knees and crawls back to him, only to have her Master grab her by the hair once more, this time yanking hard enough to cause an involuntary cry to spill from the mostly naked girl's lips as she's dragged to her feet.

Spinning her around to face away from him, the Supreme King pulls her back onto his lap all the same. His cock grinds against her ass for a bit, hot-dogging between her butt cheeks, before he speaks again, another command.

"Fuck yourself on my cock, you horny little twat."

She is… she's so horny for her Master's dick. Even with all three orifices now filled with his cum, Lexi wants more. And it seems, so does he. Hurriedly, she collects herself and gets into position, finding a good way to lift herself up and spread her pussy lips wide over his bulbous cockhead, while maintaining her seat on his lap.

Once she's done so… the blonde drops. A loud, wanton moan splits the room as Lexi throws her head back, her eyes rolling around in her skull and her tongue wagging out of her mouth in true debauched ecstasy. Her breasts bounce and jiggle as she shakes and spasms, because the first thing her body decided to do when she impaled herself on her Master's cock, is cum.

The explosive orgasm ripples through her, but her King gave her an order and Lexi intends to see it through. As fast as possible, she begins bouncing, riding him, fucking herself on her Master's cock just as he told her to.

Eventually, his hands come around her to fondle her messy tits, spending most of the time pinching and pulling on her nipples, dragging her soft, pliable boobflesh away from her body as far out as he can.

"That's right, bitch. You know who you belong to."

She doesn't care if it's a prompt or not… she immediately answers all the same.

"Y-You, Master!"

He chuckles in response to that, delivering a stinging slap to one of her breasts. Lexi knows her old self would have thought it a punishment for a misstep of some sort, but Lexi knows better. It's a show of affection, having her Master hurt her.

"Good girl. I've decided… I've decided I'm going to breed you, cunt. I'm going to fuck a baby into you and use you as my breeding sow for the rest of your life. Doesn't that sound nice?"

It does… it sounds wonderful. Lexi beams happily, even as her tongue continues to wag outside of her mouth, her eyes wide and near-manic with lust and pleasure.

"Y-Yes, my King! It sounds amazing! Fuck a baby into me! Fill my womb with your seed!"

He just grunts, and then grabs her by her hips and takes over. Like with the oral sex, he fucks her up and down on his cock far harder, faster, and more powerfully than Lexi ever could, for all her enthusiasm. In no time at all, words fail the corrupted blonde cum dump as she reverts to bestial noises, squealing and screaming her pleasure at the top of her lungs, cumming over and over again around his cock until she finally milks him of his load.

Lexi passes out from the pleasure around the point that she feels the Supreme King cum inside of her and fill her womb for the second time. She can hardly wait to grow heavy with his child.


Sitting upon his throne, the Supreme King ponders. The last fortress has been taken… the Dark World now belongs to him and only him. None stand against him any longer, not his former friends, nor his enemies. With nothing standing in his way… it was time to branch out and conquer every other dimension he could get his hands on as well.

A sudden jingling sound alerts him to the approach of his… concubine, of sorts. The woman who was one Alexis Rhodes, but now only responded to Lexi when she wasn't responding to cunt, bitch, sow, fuck toy, cum dump, or a dozen other insulting titles, slowly crawls her way to the side of his throne. Her pregnant belly swings back and forth underneath her as she does so, and he estimates that she's about halfway through her pregnancy now.

It was Alexis who'd shown him that he didn't need to fight it anymore. Whatever elements of Jaden Yuki remained in the Supreme King… they weren't gone, per say, but they were… sated. Having Alexis at his side, even if he'd had to diminish her in order to make sure she would not betray him… it pleased what little human sentiment he had left.

Meanwhile, his pet couldn't be happier. Even as she crawls onto the large pillow beside his throne and sprawls out in a pose that is meant to draw his eye to her and make him want to use her, the Supreme King can see how she positively glows in the midst of her pregnancy. The last remnants of her Academy Uniform are long gone by this point, of course.

Instead, she's dressed in red and gold. The red is the barest of silks, a wispy sort of garment that's pretty much entirely see-through, as well as incredibly skimpy. It 'covers' her breasts and has a sort of loincloth that slides down the front and back of her lower half… but beyond that, she's mostly bare. And even what is 'covered' is fairly visible beneath the silk.

Meanwhile, she's also adorned in quite a lot of jewelry, his pet. That was the jingling sound that alerted him to her approach in the first place. Gold bracelets on her wrists and ankles, gold hoops through her ears, a gold choker doubling as a collar laid tightly around her throat. And most importantly of all, the thinnest golden circlet resting in her blonde locks across her brow.

Lexi was the closest that the Supreme King would ever get to a Queen. She was the woman who was worthiest of such a title… but even she was not worthy to sit upon a throne at his side as an equal. Luckily, his pet breeding sow was well aware of that. With a smile on his face, the man who was once Jaden Yuki reaches out and runs his fingers through Lexi's blonde hair, scratching at her scalp as she moans happily and nuzzles herself up into his palm.

Alexis Rhodes was gone, but Lexi would be with him always. She would bear him children and stay at his side for the rest of her life. This, the Supreme King decided, was good.


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