Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Rogue, not Rouge (Marvel)

Rogue, not Rouge (Marvel)

A/N: Rogue, Not Rouge is a commissioned two-shot that was originally written back in August of 2020 and then updated in 2023. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: An AU combining both Rogue and Venom's origin stories. When a young mutant runaway stops by the Cathedral to pray for forgiveness for what she's about to do on the same night Peter Parker tears the symbiote off himself... a match made in heaven is formed.

Themes: Alien Sex, Rough Sex, Symbiotic Sex


She’d come to the Cathedral to pray. That much was true. But at the end of the day, Anna Marie’s intentions involved a cardinal sin… that of suicide. After the Cathedral, she had every intention of throwing herself off of a bridge and ending it all. One might wonder how things got this way for the beautiful young woman sat on a pew, praying for her eternal soul.
After all, at first glance, Anna Marie was a beauty. She was a young adult, on the cusp of stepping out into the greater world, out from under her parents’ shadow… or she should have been, if her entire life hadn’t been ruined by the emergence of her mutant ability. Mutants were not an unknown quantity these days. Anna Marie was well aware that there were monsters out there, monsters just like her… except, not even they were like her, in her mind.
Where many mutants gained powers that disfigured or transformed them in some way, Anna Marie’s mutant ability had not manifested itself in a physical disfiguration. No, she was still the beautiful young woman she’d always been… but one single touch of her bare skin, and you’d be dead. Or at least nearly dead. That was what had caused Anna Marie to flee from her home, after her mutant ability had originally manifested itself.
She’d put her boyfriend in a coma, and though her parents hadn’t outright said it, it had been obvious they were afraid of her, that they no longer wanted her under their roof. Incredibly obvious, in fact, when they’d just stood aside and let Cody’s parents rip into her, screaming at her for being a freak, sending as much hate and vitriol her way that they possibly could before they’d exhausted themselves and left.
No one was going to defend Anna Marie… and why should they? She was a monster. Even if she didn’t look it, she knew it. Letting out a shuddering breath, Anna Marie bows her head a little further, tears dripping down her face that she hastily wipes away with her gloved hands. It’s been… so long since she felt the touch of another person. On the run for months now, the young woman hadn’t been able to so much as hug someone in all this time.
Not that there hadn’t been attempts to physically harm her, to use and abuse her. A pretty little thing like her, living on the streets, trying to hitchhike her way across the country? More than a few men had tried. All of them had come to regret it, and it was in the midst of that regret that Anna Marie had been able to escape, time and time again.
But what was the point? Was any of it really even worth it? No… no, she’d ultimately decided it wasn’t. She was done running, done hiding, done… trying. It was time for a monster like her to go away and not hurt anyone anymore. She just… she had this hope that maybe if she prayed hard enough, maybe if she beseeched God himself in his own house, that he might take pity on her.
Suicide was a sin, a grave one at that to be sure… but wasn’t her existence as a monster sinful in and of itself? By removing herself from the equation, was she not making the world a better place?
It’s in the midst of all of this running through the young mutant runaway’s head, as she sits there praying… that the bell tower begins to toll above. Blinking, Anna Marie looks up, her brow furrowing. It’s not the right time for the bell to be rung? And more than that, the bell continues to ring, long past any sort of count for what the hour could be.
But then it stops, and Anna Marie goes to sit back down… only for her eyes to catch a flicker of shadow moving from the ceiling. That’s all the warning she gets, before something detaches from the ceiling altogether and lands atop her. Letting out a scream, the young woman flails and thrusts out her gloved hands in an attempt to ward it off, but that just gives it more things to latch onto.
As Anna Marie tries to pull away, she finds that she can’t. The strength of the living shadow is uncontrollable, and as she’s dragged down to the floor of the empty Cathedral, for a heart-stopping moment, she wonders if this is a demon, come to drag her down to hell. Have her prayers been answered, but in the worst way? Has the Almighty himself allowed this creature to come for her in one of his places of worship, reneging on the unspoken promise of safety and sanctuary to deal with a mutant monster like her?
It certainly seems that way, as the creature dissolves her clothing, covering more and more of her body, holding her down to the floor. It also seems that she’s going to be punished for managing to avoid all of the sexual abuse prior to this. Perhaps those encounters with all those men were meant to be her penance, and now she’s to pay.
The living shadow creeps up her legs as Anna Marie whimpers and sobs, slowly losing the will to resist, succumbing to true, total despair. And then…
Well, aren’t you just a bundle of issues?
Anna’s eyes widen as the voice resonates through her head. Her mouth has already been covered by the creature, to silence her panicked screams, so she can only answer mentally.
No. I’m the so-called ‘demon’ currently enjoying bonding with your sweet young body, honey.
If she could, Anna Marie would gape. As it is, her eyes widen further, and though she’d all but given up, the mutant runaway struggles anew at the confirmation, at knowing for a fact that-
Oh, would you listen for a second! I was trying sarcasm… learned it from my previous host. I’m not a demon! I’m an alien!
Wait… what? For a moment, Anna Marie stills, as she processes what the voice is saying. In the meantime, the black slime is not idle. Her clothes are completely gone… and it’s pressing into her body from all directions, making her finally realize something… whatever this is, doesn’t seem to be hurt by her mutant ability, not at all.
You… you’re an alien?
That’s right. And you, my dear, are going to be my new partner. But first, I think we both know what you need.
Anna Marie’s eyes go wide again, this time not just from surprise as her back arches and a muffled moan emits from her covered mouth. The alien creature… it just played itself across her body, teasing every single erogenous zone she has at once. Her breasts, her nipples, her cunt, her clit. Anna Marie’s eyes flutter from the pleasure, and she writhes as best she can in the creature’s clutches.
There you are… you like that, don’t you? Well, there’s more where that came from~
The creature, or rather, self-described alien, croons at Anna Marie before continuing. He’s… or rather, it’s playing with her body, messing around with her. And it feels amazing, like she’s getting a full tongue massage across her entire body, while at the same time having her nipples and clit pinched, and her pussy invaded by dexterous fingers.
Anna Marie and Cody had never gone beyond fingering, before that fateful day when her mutant gene had activated, and she’d put the boy in a coma. That was supposed to be the day that they gave each other their virginities, the day of their one year anniversary. He’d… he’d been inside of her when she’d started to drain him of his life force. Neither had understood what was happening at first, which was why they hadn’t stopped until he’d flat out passed out on top of her.
And then she’d been screaming for him to wake up while holding his face in her bare naked palms… and hadn’t had any idea she was making the situation worse. She really was-
Enough of that. Jeez, here I am trying to give you the world, and you’re pining for an ex-boyfriend. Way to make a partner feel welcome, partner.
The alien cuts in, before she can really get her pity party underway. And it’s… it’s still playing with her body, still having its way with her. Anna Marie squirms, though not much given how she’s pinned down, and moans into the thick black goo covering her mouth. The alien continues to piston its… digits? Whatever they are, it continues to piston them in and out of her cunt, and combined with all of the other stimulation, Anna Marie tips right over the edge, orgasming explosively right there on the floor of the Cathedral.
That’s probably incredibly sacrilegious now that she thinks about it, but then, she’d been contemplating suicide after inadvertently harming her way across America. She probably can’t sin much more than she already has.
That’s the spirit! You want more? I can give you more… all you have to do is ask~
The voice is teasing, cajoling, and seductive all at once, despite it’s alien qualities and the fact that it’s in her head. Anna Marie is sure that she’s experiencing a full body blush right now, for all that her body is buried under a massive pool of black alien goo. In the end, the entire experience is surreal… but she knows the alien is right… she does want more.
Y-Yes… please…
Oooh, so very polite. Nothing like the last one. He tore me off and tossed me away… but fine. I think we can both agree, I’ve found quite the upgrade.
Anna Marie can’t help but feel surprisingly pleased with that. It’s a strange warmth that spreads through her chest, one of happiness and affection at being… desired. Even as the alien is playing with her body, even as it brings her to another orgasm, and then another and another and another, Anna Marie finds herself liking the idea of… having a partner.
It’s bonding with her, she ultimately realizes. Of course, by the time she realizes that, she only knows because it’s practically finished. She’s lost track of just how many times she’s cum, lying there pinned down to the floor of the Cathedral. But eventually, she finds herself standing, finds herself rising from the ground.
She does not do so naked, however, nor is she alone as she stands up. Looking down at herself, lifting her arms, Anna Marie stares at the black claws hanging off of her fingertips, she stares at the black, form-fitting body suit that covers her from head to toe… yes, even her head, because she knows that her eyesight isn’t supposed to be this good, and she can feel rows and rows of sharp teeth in her transformed mouth.
All the while, the alien symbiote continues to stimulate her body, continues to massage her from her scalp, all the way to the soles of her feet, and everywhere in between as well. And one can’t even recognize it, can’t even see the ripples from beneath the black suit. She can FEEL her new partner sucking at her nipples, but her sleek new chest doesn’t so much as pucker at any point. She can feel the symbiote still burying itself in her cunt, and it’s even starting to press at her asshole experimentally, mentally asking her for permission that she gives while blushing. And yet, the crotch of her new suit is completely smooth.
It feels good, all of it. Anna Marie is a little embarrassed, to be sure, but she doesn’t fight it, nor does she ask her new partner to stop at any point. The constant pleasuring of her erogenous zones is… it’s sort of what she needs, after all this time without any human contact. Which it seems the symbiote knows. It knows exactly what she needs, just like she in turn is learning from it as they go.
We’re going to need a name, you and I. Together. You can’t just be Anna Marie when you look like this, now can you? Though you don’t always have to look like this…
Licking her lips as information floods her mind, as the knowledge that she can technically touch people by just having the symbiote act as the middleman fills her head, Anna Marie slowly nods.
“You’re right, of course…”
And oh god, that sounds disturbing. Her voice is both feminine and deep at the same time?
Well? What are you thinking?
For a moment, Anna Marie considers… and then she nods, having come up with an answer.
“We are… Rouge.”
There’s a brief pause, and then…
Rouge? Because that’s your favorite color? Eh, I dunno…
Well, if he doesn’t like that.
“… Rogue then. Because there’s no denying we’ve gone rogue at this point…”
Rogue. Roooguuue. Mm, I like it.
Smiling for the first time in a long time, feeling more powerful and secure and not-alone then she has in ages, the newly named Rogue tosses her head to the sky and lets out a happy yell, feeling the symbiote yell right alongside her.


“MJ, I’m home!”
As Peter Parker steps into the apartment through the front door… something that happens far less than you might think, he immediately notices the smell of freshly cooked food wafting from the apartment kitchen. At the same time, a voice carries over from the kitchen as well.
“Dinner’s almost ready, Sugah!”
There’s only two problems with this situation. Number One… MJ didn’t know how to cook to save her life. Number Two, that Southern Accent was very decidedly not MJ’s voice. Grunting, Peter makes his way to the kitchen, where his suspicions are confirmed. Standing there slaving away over his stovetop is a familiar brunette with a white streak through her hair… who he’s found himself getting very acquainted with over the past few weeks ever since she came crashing into his life.
Meanwhile, a couple of additional appendages are coming up off of her shoulders to help her with her cooking, representing the OTHER familiar entity that he’d been getting reacquainted with ever since they came crashing BACK into his life.
“… Where’s MJ?”
That gets a pout from the brunette, who had named herself Rogue all those weeks ago when she’d first shown up like a bad penny, refusing to leave. Rogue even goes so far as to wiggle her bared buttocks at him. Because yes, she was currently completely naked save for the ‘apron’ she was wearing, and given the all-black nature of said apron, Peter suspected it wasn’t REALLY an apron at all, but merely another off-shoot of the symbiote.
This left Rogue’s back profile completely bared, but while Peter’s eyes WERE drawn down to her shapely posterior, his first question was about Mary Jane instead of her. Still, after pouting briefly, Rogue recognizes that he’s not going to just go over and ravish her without an answer.
“Bedroom. She’s still… recovering~”
Peter nods at that, before stepping down the hall for a moment to glance into the apartment’s bedroom. Normally shared between him and his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson, it had also become the bedroom of a certain third wheel more nights than not these past several weeks. And from the look of things, MJ and Rogue had been… busy in his absence.
Laid out on his bed, clearly feeling herself, Mary Jane’s face is covered in slick wet fluids from where Rogue likely forced her to eat the other woman out. On top of that, she’s completely naked, mewling as she wiggles and writhes that sexy body of hers all over the place. Peter licks his lips as MJ finally notices him, her gaze sparkling as she sees the question in his eyes and lets out a throaty chuckle.
“Go get her, Tiger~”
That’s his MJ… with a chuckle of his own and a shake of his head, Peter steps back from the bedroom and turns back to the kitchen. As he goes, he works open his belt and unbuttons and unzips his jeans, pulling his already hardening cock out of its confines just in time to reach the kitchen. Rogue has stepped away from the stovetop now and is plating their dinners, which is perfect for Peter’s purposes as he steps up behind the brunette with the Southern Accent, grabs her by her hips, and slams his entire cock up inside of her sopping wet cunt without so much as a ‘by your leave’.
Rogue yelps and then coos, going up on her tip toes as Peter drives into her, her hands clapping down on the edge of the kitchen counter. Fluttering eyes look back at him as the drop-dead sexy brunette bites her lower lip.
“Finally here to give me some sugah, Sugah?”
Peter snorts dryly at that and reaches up to grab her by her voluminous brunette locks, gripping near the roots and tugging her head back as he fucks her hard from behind with deliberate, punishing thrusts.
“Here to remind you of your place, bitch.”
A needlessly caustic reply, one might say… but then, they didn’t know what Peter knew. They didn’t understand the dynamic that had rapidly formed between the sudden Menage de Trois that was Peter, his current girlfriend… and his quasi-ex who had thrown herself right into their life.
Put simply, Peter had to be the dominant one in this three-way relationship, or else it would all unravel. Rogue was… she was a complex individual, to say the least. He still didn’t have the full story, necessarily, but he did know enough to know that the Symbiote and the young woman who it had bonded with were made for each other. They were a much better match than the Symbiote and Peter had been.
When he’d had the Symbiote… they’d brought out the worst in each other. It was a toxic relationship to a tee. Eventually, they’d had to ‘break-up’… and Peter could admit, he’d never expected to see the alien creature again, once he escaped its clutches. Or rather… he hoped he wouldn’t. In reality, he had actually suspected he would one day face the Symbiote as a villain. Dreaded it, even.
But that hadn’t come to pass. Instead, it’d found someone that was actually good for it… and that it was actually good FOR. Peter had questioned the human half of ‘Rogue’ extensively when she’d first shown up on his doorstep. According to her, before the Symbiote had come along, she was a mutant woman with an… unfortunate power. She drained people, taking their life force, putting them in comas… and all with just a touch. An uncontrollable mutation that she couldn’t turn off, no matter how hard she tried.
All things considered, the look of pure and utter joy on her face as she’d shown him that she COULD touch him with her ‘bare’ hand thanks to the Symbiote was… well, it was too good. Peter had found it impossible to turn her away. To turn them away, really. And so they’d stayed… and things had quickly come to a head when it became obvious that Rogue had… feelings for him.
Put simply, they’d quickly discovered their dynamic over those first few days. Rogue was eager and submissive when it came to Peter. She wanted to be his ‘good girl’. She wanted to impress him, to make him like her. On the other hand… she was incredibly dominant towards MJ. Not in an overly cruel way, but she made it clear early on what she considered the pecking order to be, and that MJ was down at the bottom.
At first, Peter had thought this would be a problem. Until one night, MJ had confided in him that she LIKED it. She liked being ‘taken care of’ by Rogue. The brunette turned out to be excellent at housekeeping and cooking. She was a Southern Belle raised on taking care of a home, and while their apartment was tiny… she still put her all into helping out with everything Peter and MJ never had time for.
More than that though, MJ confessed to Peter that she liked how Rogue told her what to do… and it was MJ who suggested they bring Rogue into their bed, to see what might happen. Peter had been nervous at first… but in the end, he’d agreed to give it a try, resulting in the situation they were in today.
Speaking of the present, Rogue coos, making it clear that he’s said exactly the right thing. She thrusts her hips back to meet and match his own thrusts, the Symbiote giving her more than enough physical strength to match him. She might be dominant with MJ, but she’s happy to let him dom her in turn, resulting in… well, precisely the pecking order that Rogue had wanted from the start.
Peter had to be in control. He had to maintain his place as the ‘Man of the House’. At least, that’s what MJ told him. He needed to pin Rogue down and fuck her silly, and maybe he would do it while Rogue was riding MJ’s face, leaving the red head able to lick and lap at both Rogue’s clit and his thrusting cock. And so they’d done that. And they’d kept doing that.
Of course, right now MJ wasn’t a factor. Peter didn’t have to worry about potentially hurting her if he went a little harder. It was just him and Rogue… and Rogue could take it. Bending her over the kitchen counter, fucking her right over their dinner plates, Peter doesn’t hold back. Okay, he holds back a little to avoid completely demolishing the kitchen, but he still fucks Rogue with enough force that it would definitely injure MJ if he ever fucked her in the same manner.
And Rogue… Rogue loves it, of course.
“Yessss~ More! More, Peter! MORE!”
At the end there, the Southern Belle’s voice overlaps with the Symbiote’s. Peter tries not to think overly hard about that. That the Symbiote self-identifies as the gender of whoever its host is… makes sense he supposes. But it’s still a little weird for Peter to be fucking the alien creature he was wearing just a few months before.
Not quite so weird to be fucking Rogue though. As previously mentioned, she was a fairly nice girl dealt a bad hand, on top of being drop-dead sexy and an old hand at helping at around the apartment. She was… she was rapidly becoming the missing puzzle piece in Peter and MJ’s relationship that neither of them had known they needed.
With one last grunt, Peter thrusts forward a final time and spills his seed inside of Rogue. He fills her up with his jizz, prompting a howling orgasm from the brunette as he pulls her head back with the one hand and slaps at her tits with the other. Her entire body is arched, her spine bent backwards as she shudders and quivers, shaking from the explosive climax.
Still, by the time he pulls out of her, she’s got herself under control and isn’t in danger of collapsing to the floor at least. Though if she didn’t have the kitchen counter to hang onto… Peter figures it would have been a much nearer thing.
Around that time, MJ steps into the kitchen, still completely naked as well. Licking her lips, still wearing Rogue’s pussy juices all over her face like a badge of pride, the gorgeous subby model walks over to the counter and grabs her plate.
“Heard Rogue cumming her brains out, so figured it was just about time for dinner. Glad to see I’m right~”
Before MJ can step away, Rogue growls and reaches over, delivering a swift spanking to the red head’s own bared ass.
“You little minx…”
MJ squeaks, then gives Rogue a grin that Peter KNOWS is a provocation. Submission might apparently come naturally to MJ… but she was still his Mary Jane. Still a vivacious, mischievous… minx, just as Rogue had labeled her. That said…
Peter’s own hands come down on either side of Rogue’s ass with much more force, causing the brunette to jolt as he hums.
“Remember the rule, Rogue. When I’m home… only I dole out the punishments.”
That gets another pout from the Southern Belle, but she ducks her head after a moment and nods in submissive agreement. That was their dynamic. MJ the submissive but impish little minx… Rogue the switch, dominant one moment to Mary Jane, submissive the next to Peter. And then there was Peter. Long-suffering. Forced to be the overall ‘Man of the House’. Not that he minded it, he supposed.
Together, the three of them make their way over to the dining table and sit down with their respective plates of food. The dinner is delicious, as usual. Cooked to perfection, it has everything a man could need after a long day. Of course, Peter and Rogue’s dinners are twice the size of Mary Jane’s, but that’s not some domming thing. That’s honestly just because they both have much higher caloric requirements than Peter’s girlfriend. Not to mention, Mary Jane’s work requires her to watch her figure, always.
Before Rogue came along, Mary Jane watched her figure by skipping more meals than was reasonably healthy. As previously mentioned, his gorgeous girlfriend wasn’t much of a cook. Neither of them was. So it was easier to just eat one lousy, unhealthy meal a day and skip the rest, then it was to try to come up with multiple healthy options for every single day.
Then, Rogue came along and changed that. He and MJ had never been eating healthier… and on top of that, the food was delicious.
Regardless, the result in their different portion sizes is that Mary Jane always finishes eating before them. Even if both Peter and Rogue can technically eat faster than her, there’s just so much more food piled onto their plates. As soon as the red head is done, she sets down her utensils and squirms in her seat, glancing between them both needily. But she’s not begging them to hurry up with her eyes… no, she’s begging for something else.
Rogue looks like she wants to say something, but after being reprimanded by Peter, she closes her mouth moments after opening it and glances his way. Peter, for his part, knows exactly what’s going on. He waits a moment, letting both of his girls squirm… and then nods.
“Go ahead MJ. You can have dessert now, if you like.”
Letting out a squeal of joy, his naked girlfriend hastily slides out of her seat and out of sight entirely. Moving under the table, she crawls into position and a moment later Rogue is slightly flushed, her lips parting as she pants from what Mary Jane is up to. Of course, Peter knows exactly what MJ is doing under the table, as he feels a familiar pair of lips wrap around his cock and begin sucking him off. If she’s using her mouth and tongue on Peter, then she’s using her fingers on Rogue.
The meal continues unabated as MJ gets her ‘dessert’ and in the process riles them both up quite heavily. In the end… in the end, Peter winds up taking Rogue right there on the dining table, once the dishes have been properly cleared away of course. He lays her back and fucks her while groping both of her tits, leaving her to moan wantonly and grip at the edges of the table as it rocks back and forth with the power of his thrusts.
All the while, MJ remains on her hands and knees, her mouth and tongue transitioning from his cock to his swinging, swaying ball sack now that the former is occupied with Rogue’s cunt. His girlfriend sucks and slurps at his churning balls, even as Peter fucks Rogue yet again. By the end of the night, he’ll have fucked MJ too, likely pounding into her from behind while she buries her face in Rogue’s cunt to eat out his load.
That’s just their dynamic now. And there’s no escaping it, not that any of them want to.


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