Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Lost Boys of Central America (Tomb Raider)

The Lost Boys of Central America (Tomb Raider)

A/N: The Lost Boys of Central America was a commission written in two parts from April-May of 2021. Posting it up here and now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: One of Lara Croft's adventures, told from the perspective of her latest naive intern. Andy has a lot to learn about Lady Croft's... techniques.

Themes: Gangbang, Slutty, Rough Sex


"Right then, so that's how it is."

Hearing her employer (and idol) suddenly speak up in that posh British accent of hers jolts Andy out of her slight stupor. She'd been waiting for Lara to finish her scouting of the ruins they'd come to find through binoculars for several minutes now, and while she'd let her mind wander, Andy is very quick to refocus on the task at hand.

After all, it's not every girl that gets to say they're interning for THE great Lara Croft. As a short stack lesbian with colored hair and a whole punk thing she's got going on, Andy has gone through life being very… alternative. She's something of a misandrist, though she would never call herself as such. Still, there's no denying that she finds men both disgusting and a bit scary. She's always been small, after all, and though she's managed to avoid ever having a really bad encounter with a man, she's certainly suffered her fair share of leering and unwanted advances.

But Lara… Lara was everything Andy wished she could say she was. Lady Lara Croft was an adventurer, a strong independent woman who didn't need no man! She was an Archeologist that traveled the world, finding ancient ruins and uncovering long-forgotten secrets! Hell, half of the museums in the world owed Lara for her efforts, and there seemed to be no stopping the gorgeous, brunette femme fatale.

When Andy of all people had been picked from what was likely hundreds of applications to be Lara Croft's intern and personal assistant, she'd been positively thrilled!

… Of course, what the young intern didn't know was that she was actually the only application Lara had gotten for this latest expedition. The world-renowned archeologist was in no way old, but she was starting to get on in the years. More than that, while her reputation with the world and most museums was downright stellar, her reputation among her fellow archeologists… not so much. Not to mention that she tended to lose a lot of her interns and assistants to traps and dangerous beasts when they couldn't keep up with her over-enthusiastic pace.

Andy didn't know any of that, and as a result, she was here now, unaware that her life expectancy had taken a drastic drop from working for Lady Croft. That was all fine though, because Lara was at least aware of how she'd lost her last three assistants and had already resolved herself to be more careful with her newest one.

"I've finished scouting out the area, Andy. The temple is not as abandoned as we might have hoped."

Andy's eyes widen, and she gasps as her gaze darts down to the guns holstered at her employer's side.

"Are they… are they plunderers, ma'am? A-Are you going to have to take care of t-them?"

Admittedly, the thought of Lara shooting a bunch of thuggish men and saving the ancient temple from their predations turned Andy on quite a lot. But then… she kind of had a huge, giant lesbian crush on Lara. The gorgeous woman was… well, she was an absolute bombshell in ass-hugging khaki short-shorts and a blue shirt tight enough that her nipples could poke an eye out most of the time.

She had claimed, the first time she caught Andy looking, that it was all for range of movement. Frankly, Andy didn't need her to come up with an excuse. The sight itself was payment enough for Andy's services.

"No, nothing like that. These aren't armed men, they're just boys. They have a few guns, but I can tell that they're… they're just playing around. I couldn't possibly bring myself to hurt any of them, so here's what we're going to do. I'm going to disarm now and you're going to hold onto my pistols and knives. Then, I'll go down and see if I can negotiate with them."

Andy opens her mouth to protest… and then shuts it again, even as Lara begins to pull off her holsters with the guns still in them. Put simply, Andy absolutely idolizes Lara, and to this point has followed every order that Lady Croft has given her. If this is what the trained, skilled, experienced Archeologist says needs to happen, then she's almost certainly right… right?

Still, Andy can't just let Lara go without saying SOMETHING.

"You'll be alright, won't you m-ma'am?"

Inwardly, she curses her slight stutter, even as Lara gives her a comforting smile.

"Of course I will. That said, I think it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyways. If something does go wrong, I don't want you to try and be a hero, alright? No matter what happens, trust that I have it under control. No matter what, you are not to interfere or come out of hiding until I give the all clear. Is that understood, Andy?"

Swallowing thickly, Andy nods, nonetheless. It's not like she has any training with firearms or knives to be fair, so even if she wanted to, she wouldn't know how to come in and save Lara if it came down to it. That realization, leaves the short stack shivering a bit, even as Lara gives her one last smile before slipping away, down into the brush.

Having left not just her weaponry but also her binoculars behind with her, so after a second of indecision, Andy picks them up and peers through them, biting her lower lip in worry and consternation.

Despite all the tales Andy has heard about Lady Croft's fighting and infiltration skills, Lara doesn't bother using any of them today. With her hands held up in a position of surrender, she walks right out into the open, entering the clearing that the ruins are situated in with an easy going smile on her face as her ass and tits bounce invitingly with every step she takes.

Needless to say, it doesn't take long for the boys to notice the absolute bombshell in their midst. And they are boys, for all that they're all armed, even Andy can admit that much. Most of them are still taller than her (curse her genetics!) but some are even her height, and their youthful is apparent in their dirty faces. However, that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.

They quickly surround Lara, all of them shouting at her in a foreign tongue that Andy doesn't understand. They point their guns at her, and for a split moment, Andy whimpers to herself, afraid that she's about to watch her idol get gunned down by a bunch of men.

But Lara just smiles at them all, seemingly fearless in the face of death. She responds in their tongue, proving that once again the Lady Croft is worth idolizing. Her chatter is interrupted, however, by one of the boys poking the muzzle of his long rifle into her cheek, cutting her off.

After a beat of silence, in which Andy once tenses up, Lara does something that absolutely shocks her lesbian intern. Letting her tongue lick out, the gorgeous brunette femme fatale licks the gun's muzzle and lets out a wanton moan. Needless to say, the group of savage boys get the hint and in an instant most of them are dropping their guns to the ground so they can then drop their pants.

Without a single ounce of frustration or anger on her face, Lara Croft sinks to her knees. Instead of looking furious or outraged at what she's being forced to do to stay alive, the brunette actually seems HAPPY to bring her hands up and wrap them around two of the cocks that are suddenly swinging in her face. Andy grimaces at what she's seeing, even as she admires her idol's inner strength.

Her own internalized misandry and overall dislike and fear of men is only encouraged by what Andy is seeing unfold right before her eyes. For all that these are just boys, some of them her height, some a little taller… they're HUNG like horses. Andy has only seen a few cocks in her life, and most of those have been fake, dildos that she or a lover used to play with.

But these boys… each and every one of them is endowed with a thick fat cock that's at least twice the size of her biggest dildo, a bunch of monsters that would have caused Andy to faint right on the spot, she was sure of it.

As it is, the young intern isn't sure she won't faint now, as she watches her idol being forced to give a… seemingly enthusiastic blowbang to the numerous well-endowed young men.

"Oh my~ Such big cocks, all for me? Why don't you show me what you've got, boys~"

Lara even sounds like she's enjoying it, as she gives them all a coy look while stroking two of their fat studly dicks at a time. Eventually, one of the boys growls and steps forward, grabbing her by her ponytail and shoving his dick into her face. Without missing a beat, Lara opens nice and wide and lolls out her tongue.


With a grunt, he shoves forward into her mouth… and then some, letting out something like a coyote howl of triumph as he begins to thrust away into Lara's mouth, outright fucking the estimable Lady Croft right there on the spot.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

The other boys are hooting and hollering as well, and from what Andy can tell, they're cheering their leader on, while jeering at Lara like she's nothing more than a piece of meat. A juicy, juicy piece of meat. Andy flushes, unable to look away, even though she feels like she should. Would Lara look away though? Would she look away while Andy was clearly making such a self-sacrificing gesture right in front of her?

Whimpering, the young intern continues to watch, almost… enthralled, in a way. Lara almost seems like she's enjoying herself, from the way she happily gags and gurgles on the cock currently in her throat, while also continuing to pay attention to the two dicks in her hands. Now there's far more boys than three, so the rest are constantly jerking it themselves all around her, encircling her in a veritable blowbang that can really only end one way as Andy sees it… a complete and utter mess.

And yet, Lara doesn't let a single ounce of her irritation or disgust leak through, if she's feeling any. She MUST be, as far as Andy is concerned, but instead of showing it, she's happily choking on one native boy's dick, deep-throating it as she's positively railed by the kid, while also tending to the rest.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

They take turns using her mouth, after a little while, and if anything, the next boys are even rougher than the first. Passing Lara around by her brunette ponytail… it should disgust Andy to watch this, and while seeing all of those huge cocks DOES disgust her, she's also a little turned on. Solely by Lara of course, even if this isn't a good predicament for the other woman to be in.

Still, Lara happily lets herself be passed around the circle, native after native taking hold of her by her brown locks, gripping them tightly and shoving her down their dicks most violently. They roughly face fuck her, but even as Lara's gagging and choking and gurgling gets louder and louder, she's STILL happily fisting two more of their dicks at the same time, the whole time.


Spittle and strands of saliva end up coating her chin and eventually her shirt as well… and yet, still she keeps going at it. At some point, the boys begin to groan in a way that even Andy can tell means they're going to cum soon. In spite of her rough treatment, Lara seems to sense this, and one after the other, she begins to make then blow their loads.

Each and every time one of them is about to cum, Lady Lara Croft is there to catch it in her mouth, collecting load after thick load from the well-hung native boys, one after the other. Andy can only watch in a sort of awed manner, like one watching a train crash and finding themselves unable to look away.

Finally, Lara finishes up, having made all of the boys spend their seed in her mouth. Then she shows it to all of them, Andy watching through the binoculars as she tilts her head back and opens her mouth wide to show a veritable ocean of cum resting all the way up to the edges of her pillowy, full lips. After a long moment of showing off, Lara closes said lips and swallows every last drop, her throat convulsing as she gulps down their seed all at once like… like a pro.

There are cheers from the boys now directed at Lara, and it's very clear that she's impressed every single one of them. While they tuck themselves back into their pants, all of them wearing bright, toothy grins, Lara stands up and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, looking like a woman who does this every day, even though Andy knows she obviously isn't. But she IS a strong woman who does what needs to be done to get things done, and Andy's admiration for her employer only grows at the sight.

There's some more chatter in the foreign language of the region, mostly between Lara and the boys ringleader. Finally, Lara smiles easily and turns to where Andy is hiding, even as all the boys retrieve their guns from the ground, but hold them loosely, no longer threatening anyone with them.

"Andy! You can come out now! I've managed to make a deal with these young natives. They're going to escort us past all the traps, to the deepest part of the temple! Isn't that just fantastic?!"

Blushing, Andy isn't sure if she was supposed to see what Lara did with the boys to 'make her deal' or not. Still, as scared as she is of men, the young lesbian trusts Lara with all her heart, and knows her idol would never lead her wrong. So, shouldering their packs and all of their equipment, the short stack carefully makes her way down to the clearing, to where Lara and the group of well-hung boys are waiting for her.

… If nothing else, she knows she can count on Lara to keep her safe. Right?


It was surreal, following the group of boys down into the temple, deep underground. On the one hand, this was everything Andy had signed up for. Exploring ancient ruins, uncovering ancient civilizations, discovering lost treasures and knowledge that had been left untouched for hundreds upon hundreds of years. And doing it all while trailing along after her idol, the estimable Lady Lara Croft at that.

On the other hand, it was nothing that Andy had signed up for. To be fair, it was a fair bit safer given that the boys were all too willing to show them past the myriad of traps that she and Lady Croft would have likely had to navigate to get to the heart of the temple ruins. Though Andy didn't know this, it was something she should have been incredibly grateful for. A number of Lara's interns had lost their lives to such traps over the years, but thanks to her idol's 'negotiations' out front, Andy was safer then she could have been.

Of course, in another way, she was decidedly not safe. As eager as they were to show her and Lara deeper into the temple, they were also just as eager to get more touching in. Lara accepted it happily of course, allowing them to fondle and grope her lewd body to their heart's content. With a smile on her pillowy lips, the British Tomb Raider doesn't seem at all dissatisfied by their enthusiastic handsy-ness.

Andy, by comparison, flinched back when a few of the boys tried to do the same with her. Well aware of the guns they held loosely at their sides or 'holstered' in the waistbands of their pants, she didn't dare rant and rave at them as she might have if a man tried to get handsy with her back in modern civilization. This wasn't some bar where she could accept everyone to come to her defense after all, and the young misandrist was VERY aware of that.

To her surprise, however, after seeing her flinch back from their reaching hands a few times, the savage young men that she and Lady Croft had stumbled across… pulled away. Seeming to recognize her unease, and actually CARING about it, they were satisfied instead with Lara's openness and accessibility. Of course, Andy had no doubt in her mind that if Lady Croft wasn't there to take the lion's share of their attention, she would be the piece of meat that the dozen or so boys would rip to shreds to slake their lusts.

All the same, it was surprising that they were willing to give her any space at all, let alone as much as she was getting. But regardless, Andy ultimately put it out of her mind, trying her best to focus on the majestic ruined beauty all around them. This temple… well, it wasn't quite right to say it hadn't been walked in in centuries, given the way the boys were knowingly leading them past all the traps. But that didn't make it any less special, or at least shouldn't have.

Finally, they come upon a large ritual chamber. It appears to be a dead end, and Andy stares around at it, rather wide-eyed… before noting ancient hieroglyphs on the walls and rushing over. As it so happened, this was Andy's area of expertise, this particular dead language, and it was half the reason Lara had likely picked her as her intern, or so Andy assumed.

Wanting to prove herself useful, especially since Lady Croft was currently occupied with letting a dozen young men fondle her voluptuous body, Andy bites her lower lip as she studies the walls, slowly deciphering the ancient hieroglyphs sprawled across them. It takes her a moment… and then she has to go back and start over again, because the conclusion she comes to… it can't be.

"Andy? What does it say?"

When Lady Croft's voice echoes across the chamber, her young intern has re-read the ancient hieroglyphs three times. Each time, she tries all she can to find a different meaning in the symbols, to discover some minor mistake she made that would somehow miraculously change the whole wall's meaning. Obviously, it doesn't work that way… and Andy's shoulders slump as she turns to face her idol.

"It's… um, a-apparently it details a particular ritual that needs to be performed in order for us to be able to proceed, Lady Croft."

Blinking, Lara looks over to the center of the chamber, glancing over the top of the boys' heads as they all surround her, some of them even being so bold as to suck at her tits or nibble at her ass. Andy has to believe that Lady Croft is irritated by the treatment, deep down inside, but she's so very good at not showing a lick of weakness to their current… companions.

"Oh? What sort of ritual is it?"

As Lara looks at the large altar in the center of the chamber, Andy does the same… and easily recognizes the purpose of it now that she's read the wall. She can see EXACTLY how one might use it to… to complete this particular ritual.

"It's… it's a fertility ritual, m-ma'am. You have to… um, it says that a woman must be seeded by the priests of the temple. The… the number, as best I can tell, is roughly fifty."

Part of Andy hopes that this will be the breaking point for Lara. After all, they only have a dozen or so young men down here with them! Certainly not fifty people. So surely, this will be where they're forced to turn back and reassess. Perhaps coming up with another way to get into the tomb that no doubt lies at the temple's heart.

Another part of Andy, one that's relatively new and deep within her… knows that's not going to happen, even before Lara lets out a bright laugh and pulls herself free of all the handsy boys.

"Is that all? Sounds like fun!"

Before the young men can get angry with her for moving out of reach of them, Lara tugs her tight shorts down her legs and off of herself entirely, discarding them and exposing the fact that she's gone commando to every boy in the room, as well as Andy herself. Then, without further ado, Lara Croft hops up onto the altar, clearly having 'assessed' even faster than Andy did, as she lays herself out how the ancient women of the time must have laid themselves in the process of preparing to receive fifty men back to back.

Grinning and splaying her legs apart, Lara looks at all of the native boys who've led them down here. They look a little confused by her behavior, but also incredibly aroused… and in the end, all it takes is Lara slapping her pussy with her palm and then spreading her lower lips apart with her fingers for them to get the hint.

They jostle at first, but eventually a pecking order is established, and the boys form up a line as the first grabs Lara by her hips and slams himself home into her. The wanton moan that exits her idol's lips makes Andy blush pink even as she finds herself unable to look away from the sight, just like up above…

"Oh yes! That's it, go on young one! Take me! Take your first woman upon this ancient temple altar! Spill your delicious, virile seed DEEP inside of me!"

Slowly, subconsciously, Andy finds herself moving closer. Lara's posh British accent, used for such crass language, is like a siren call for the younger woman. After so long spent crushing on her idol, she can't help but want to see more of Lara, even if she IS watching her get railed by a train of young men. The way Lara mauls her own tits and moans like a wanton whore, one might think she was actually enjoying it… b-but surely that wasn't true, r-right?

Andy watches for what feels like ages, but truly isn't that much time at all as Lara works her way through the first six boys. It's only when she gets to the latter half of the dozen, still moaning and egging them on like she's having the time of her life, that she seems to remember Andy's presence. Glancing over, eyes heavily hooded and face painted red with arousal and desire, Lara gives Andy a wide, wicked smile.

"Andy, darling~ Be a dear and help fluff the boys for me, would you? If we're going to hit fifty, we're all going to have to, oooh, do our part!"

Then, without skipping a beat, she turns back to the young man plowing her atop the altar and belts out further encouragement that only serves to make him fuck her faster and harder.

"That's right! Don't stop now! Fuck my slutty cunt you big-dicked brat!"

Andy can scarcely believe her idol would ask something like this of her. But at the same time, she really doesn't want to disappoint Lady Croft. And so, pushing past her disgust and through her revulsion, Andy approaches the boys who have already had their first turns. They're all chattering with one another in their own language, though they stop and stare at her blankly when she gets close.

Blushing, Andy reaches down slowly and carefully, mindful still of their guns, and grasps one of the boys' cocks in each hand. Stroking them up and down, she gives them all a tentative smile, even as she slowly sinks to her knees there, not but a few feet away from the altar where her idol is getting absolutely plowed with no end in sight.

And that's how Andy ends up giving so many handjobs to a dozen natives that she loses count. It starts with handjobs, and slowly but surely graduates to oral. She only has two hands after all, and to keep up with both Lara and the young men, Andy finds that she NEEDS more… like for instance, her mouth. And so she strokes cocks and massages balls, and eventually she sucks and slobbers all over their genitals as well.

… It's honestly not as bad as she expects it to be. Thankfully, Lady Croft is draining a fair amount of their aggression from them, or so Andy assumes. And by the time that aggression is back thanks to Andy's role as the 'fluffer', well, Lady Croft is all too ready for them to come to her again. They need fifty loads and only have a dozen boys. That means at least three loads apiece, with plenty having to do four as well.

And it falls to Andy to make sure they're ready for their second, third, and even fourth goes. It falls to her to use her mouth to suck their cocks clean of their cum and Lara's own juices. Her idol's pussy fluids, all over Andy's tongue, slurping down her throat… it's enough to make Andy herself cum a little as she kneels there off to the side of the ritual chamber, sucking and jerking off boy after boy before sending them back over to Lady Croft for another long, hard pounding filled with dirty talk and a posh British accent.

It does eventually come to an end however, but only once there are glops of juices flowing from her gaping pussy and into a channel beneath Lara, a channel that around the altar that slowly fills up until a sudden grinding noise can be heard as a lock that's gone unopened for hundreds of years suddenly sees use again after all that time.

By this point, Andy's jaw is distinctly sore, and she thinks even the boys are getting a little worn out because none of the natives protest when she stands up, or when Lara hops right up from the altar. Despite getting fucked roughly fifty times straight, Lara has a wide grin on her face as she tugs her shorts over her well-used pussy. There's a huge wet stain and a sticky squelching sound, but Andy's idol and mentor doesn't seem put off by either as she jumps for glee.

"Finally, progress!"

And then Lara is rushing into the tomb, and Andy is having to rush after her to make sure her boss remembers that this is the part of the temple the boys have never gotten in before, and that it might not be entirely safe.


In the end, there are no more traps… but there's certainly a lot of wealth to be found. Not actual treasure, much to Andy's disappointment… but she did receive a master class in watching her idol turn one of her finds INTO money. The tomb of the ancient king filled in so many blanks about Mayan migrations that historians and museums were lining up around the block to give Lara money in order to do talks on her latest discovery. Not to mention the publishing companies who wanted to pay her exorbitant amounts of money to have her write ANOTHER book on this new find.

Needless to say, Andy expected Lady Croft to… embellish events a little bit if she DID write a book about finding the temple and the ritual chamber. And she wouldn't blame her idol one bit, either.

At the end of the day though, with all the money Lara had managed to earn just from this latest find, the estimable Lady Croft had shown herself to have quite the kind heart, using much of it to reunite most of the teens who'd 'helped' them with the find with their families. In the end, only two of the native boys were truly orphans… which brought them all to the present moment, with Andy standing there blinking as Lara happily pulled the two boys into her sides in one big hug.

"Needless to say, I'm not just going to leave these boys all alone! No, we'll be taking them back with us to England, where they'll become my wards."

The smiles on the native boys' faces make it clear they still don't fully understand English… but they certainly understand actions. As Lara turns with them under each arm and begins walking towards the private plane that will take them all back to England, Andy hurries after… and the intern doesn't miss the trail of cum dripping down her idol's thigh as she goes.

Her nipples throb, and for a moment she wonders if Lara will need help taking care of her new wards. The moment passes as she realizes that Lady Croft would never need help handling just two men… but then, she finds herself wondering if she should just ask anyways…


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