Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

An Infernal Summoning (High School DxD)

An Infernal Summoning (High School DxD)

A/N: An Infernal Summoning is a commission originally written in two parts back in April of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Rias and Akeno are summoned away from Riser on the day of Rias' wedding. But is that really a good thing?

Themes: Demon Sex, Brutal Sex, Master/Slave


Rias Gremory, soon to be Rias Phenex, stands in a wedding dress with a mask of blank acceptance all but fused onto her face. She's long since run out of tears to shed for the circumstances of this forced ceremony, but even if she hadn't, she wouldn't dare shed them here, in front of all of these people.

Regardless, she was all out of sorrow and grief over the betrayal visited upon her. Now, all she had was boiling rage left seething beneath her mask. She hated… so damn much these days. She hated her family for putting her through all of this, she hated Riser for pushing so damn hard for their marriage that it was happening now, instead of years from now when she would have a better chance of breaking free from the contract her father had unthinkingly made without her input.

On top of that, she hated that Riser would settle for nothing less than turning this whole charade into a spectacle for the entire Underworld to see, rather than the private affair she'd swallowed her pride and begging him to allow. But most of all, she hated herself for being weak. For being lazy. For being all the things that she was that had led her to this moment, where those stronger than her got to decide her fate solely on the basis of that strength.

She was doing her best to tune out all of the hot air Riser was blowing in an increasingly long winded speech to all of their 'guests'. Her eyes were all but glazed over, not wanting to hear a single word of it. Riser could sit on it and spin for all she cared, she didn't give a shit what the bastard had to say and-


A scream of denial and heartbreak from Koneko is more than enough to pull Rias out of her inner monologue, tearing her out of her own world and back into the real one as her eyes move along with the entire audience, and even Riser himself. Rias only has attention to spare for her beloved peerage, however. She finds Koneko and Kiba easily enough, but the previous spot that Akeno occupied between her Rook and Knight is suddenly devoid of Rias' Queen.

Multiple voices stir in confusion, even as Riser begins to shout, clearly trying to regain control of his party. Sona, Rias' long time 'friend' (but not friendly enough to stand by her side in defiance of their elder siblings, Rias had bitterly noted) strides forward, eyes narrowing behind her spectacles as she all but tastes the air that Akeno had last occupied.

"… Someone has summoned Akeno Himejima away!"

Sona Sitri's proclamation causes something of a panic among the other Devils at the 'celebration'. The amount of power required to summon an uncontracted Devil from the depths of the Underworld should have been entirely impossible.

Even as Rias is reeling from Sona's announcement, immediately believing the brilliant young Devil even if others attending the party are expressing their doubt, her brother and sister-in-law move to flank her, possibly sensing that she might use this distraction to try and flee. It was immediately obvious to Rias that Sirzechs and Grayfia were more concerned that she had planned this somehow, then they were worried about the implication that Akeno had been taken.

Glaring balefully and hatefully at both of them, but especially her sister-in-law Grayfia, Rias just sneers. The traitorous bitch seemed insistent on lecturing her on duty and obeying the will of her family these last few weeks, and yet, Rias knew her history well enough. Grayfia had sided with Sirzechs during the Civil War, and in doing so she had betrayed her own side, betrayed her own family. One of the rebels' strongest fighters, and she dared to lecture Rias about obedience here in the presence.

Sirzechs, meanwhile, raises up a barrier around them to make sure she can't flee, or possibly to try and make sure she couldn't be taken the same as Akeno. Grayfia, meanwhile, was saying something, but Rias couldn't be bothered to truly listen. She assumed that the silver-haired bitch was lecturing her about disrupting the wedding party with whatever rebellious idea she'd planned with her Queen. Never mind the fact that Rias didn't know where Akeno had gone or what was happening…

When Sirzechs' hand falls on her shoulder, her brother the Great Satan trying to calm and pacify her, Rias yanks herself away from him, gritting her teeth. In the same moment though, she feels a twinge of something through her magic and a realization hits her. Anything would be better than here, to this life set out before her that she had no hand in choosing.

She remembered reading the Harry Potter books and their description of a portkey sort of hooking you behind the navel before pulling you along. A gasp leaves Rias' lips and she has to admit, THIS sensation feels a lot more like being harpooned through the gut. As the line goes taut with a jerk to start reeling her in, Rias manages to get her final hateful words off towards everyone around her, from her brother to his wife to her would-be husband and all his guests.

"May I never see any of you, ever again!"

The wedding hall vanishes from her sight a moment later and she finds herself rather unceremoniously slamming into a carpet with a stone floor underneath it. Groaning, Rias spends the next few moments lying on the carpet as her Devilish constitution dealt with the unfamiliar sense of nausea from her summoning. She was no doubt feeling a large part of that nausea because of her brother's barrier. It couldn't stop her from being summoned away, but it could make her feel like absolute shit, it would seem…


Akeno's voice calls to her, and she blinks as she feels her head being lifted up and sat back down on the more comfortable lap of her Queen. Oh, good. They were here together, that was… good. And hopefully, if her luck was truly holding out, they were beyond either Riser or her family's reach. They would… they would have to be, right? The power to summon Akeno would have to be immense. The power to summon Rias through a Great Satan's barrier… now that was true insanity.

Shutting her eyes and deciding not to worry about it too much, Rias leans into Akeno's provided comfort for a moment as her woozy mind entertains the idea of the panic she and her Queen must have left in their wake. The panic that they would all be feeling when she couldn't be found or retriever. Their families would attempt to continue to force the issue, Rias was sure. Perhaps her brother and her sis-terin-law wouldn't be as happy about the arrangement if it became their own son being forced to marry Riser's sister Ravel.

See how they liked having the issue being forced upon them for a change. Rias smiles at the pleasant image for a brief moment, until her senses finally begin to focus on her surroundings, and she realizes belatedly that this place her and Akeno have been brought to… it isn't a very nice place at all.

Blood and viscera all around them. Only a few hours old, but in a quantity she'd never quite encountered before. The Power of Destruction usually failed to leave behind remains to clean up whenever Rias had had to kill, and not even while investigating the leftovers from Viser's meals had she been so assaulted by scent. Her eyes open wider to further take in her surroundings even as they begin to water, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

She and Akane are in the large hall of some castle that definitely wouldn't have looked out of place in some fantasy anime or manga. It looked like the room they were in had turned into a failed last stand, if the dozen or so gory blood pools were any indication. Slain human servants… or even slaves. There was no shortage of humans kept in the Underworld before the cease fire, and even to this day there were plenty of intermediaries to supply certain families with their choice of pets.

With Akeno's help, Rias manages to get her feet under her and stand up, further surveying her surroundings. After a beat, she has to correct her previous assumption. This was no valiant last stand; it was an outright slaughter of the castle's human inhabitants as they fearfully retreated into the throne room and tried to barricade themselves in. Dozens of pools of blood litter the hall now that she's looking further beyond herself, and the shattered remains of the great hall's doors are scattered behind them.

Were they even still in the Underworld? Rias certainly hoped not, but she couldn't say for certain one way or another any longer. Turning to her Queen, Rias finds Akeno staring… and follows the other Devil's gaze straight ahead to realize that they aren't alone in here. There, sat upon the throne in the hall they'd been summoned to, was a being of immense size.

Rias hadn't even realized it, but she'd been avoiding looking towards him until now. But now… now it's impossible to look away. The first thing she finds herself latching onto is the wickedly edged slab of metal that would only at one's most generous be called a sword. It was a sword in the same way the things Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy wielded were swords, in Rias' opinion.

Stabbed into the stone tiles just to the side of the throne, there was blood and viscera in great amounts sliding down it even now, creating a rather large pool beneath the massive cleaver. Her eyes attempt to slide away from the monstrous killing implement, even as she finds herself contemplating Kiba and Koneko and how the two of them would stand up to such a thing.

Finally, she manages to take in the sight of their summoner. Her mind quickly assesses three simple facts about him. First, he's huge. Even sat upon the throne he was currently occupying; he was taller than both her and Akeno. There was also the fact that the throne was clearly made to be large and gaudy for it's status, and in no way properly fit a normal sized person. In this case, it BARELY fit his masculine majesty.

The second thing she notes is that his absolutely ripped body shows in the bulging muscles of his arms, legs, and his chest. He would have easily broken even the strongest man in a fight. Rias now understood why Akeno couldn't take her eyes off of him. After all the devilishly handsome Bishonen of their race, a masculine specimen like this was quite the change from the usual, and even Rias found herself unconscious rubbing her thighs together as her core heated up and her nethers wetted with desire.

However, the third fact she noted about him put something of a dampening on her enthusiasm. The being before her was CLEARLY a Stray Devil of some sort, likely a very powerful Queen given the magical power needed to summon them. His patterned flesh, where it looked like the muscles had torn the skin apart in their explosive growth, along with huge horns that took up most of the sides of his head were very obvious indicators of a Stray Devil's degradation.

Still, it wouldn't do to… upset him. Not only was he massive and musclebound, but he was clearly an Evil Warlord with a capital E. From the talon-toed boots that had carved visible gouges into the stone beneath him, to the hand-sized pendulum blades dangling from chains on his waist guard. There was also the dark-green waist tabard with embroidery of a segmented skeleton leading up to a large blackened metallic skull of a waist buckle.

And finally his armor, which seemed almost bound to the flesh of his body instead of being worn normally. He wore clawed and spiked gauntlets on both hands, with the left further capped by an additional device, while the right held some large heavy tome in his huge hand. Full moon eyes with a ring of silver to them glance at her from underneath a dark green hood, before he seems to almost dismiss her and returns to staring at the tome he's holding aloft with ease.

Biting her lower lip, gathering her trembling nerves, Rias attempts to steady her rapidly beating heart as she considers how best to approach her uninterested summoner…

Her next actions… she had no doubt that her and Akeno's lives depended on them.


Lord Zalgran, Commander of one of the largest of the Infernal Legions, sits upon the first overly decorated seat large enough for his ass that he'd found since arriving in this pathetic Kingdom. It'd previously belonged to the ruler of whatever this place was called. Considering they'd overrun it within a week of their arrival, Zalgran didn't particularly care to try and remember the name. It would be lost to time itself now.

Observing the so-called female 'Devils' recovering from their summoning, he curls up one lip into a partial sneer. The tome of the 'Waifu Catalog' that he currently had in his grasp had promised him devils. And instead, he'd gotten… this. They were the latest in a long string of disappointments he'd been experiencing since he'd begun the invasion of this world.

Hell, the Infiltrator Sect would have sent the both of them down to the torture pits for several years over the numerous strikes against their so-called 'human' forms. Too beautiful, too exotic, too damn colorful. They were both too damn attention getting to ever even hope to blend in among the humans, so what they were playing at, the hulking Demon Lord didn't even begin to know! They were as noticeable as the idiotic 'Heroes' that had attempted to stop his invasion!

Hah, Heroes! Lord Zalgran had heard such tails of 'the Champion and his Consorts', as if they would be the ones to defeat him and his Infernal Legion, as if he would be stopped by some man and his harem. And that was what they'd ultimately turned out to be in the end. 'Champion'… 'Consorts'… don't make Zalgran laugh! It was a Soulbinder and his enslaved harem that the Demon Lord had ultimately found waiting for him at the end of this conquest. The inhabitants of this world had simply been too stupid to identify them as such.

Said Soulbinder had rather arrogantly challenged him and his forces for the fate of the world. In the end, it hadn't even been a worthy fight. Zalgran's first spell had disrupted the soul bindings upon the Soulbinder's sex slaves. Half of them had broken down on the spot, while the other half had attacked their 'Champion' before escaping via portal to try and get as far away from the pathetic human and his bindings as possible.

Zalgran and his forces had laughed long and hard at the pathetic wretch that something had deigned to give power to. The human couldn't even control his harem without magic to bind them to him! How he thought he would defeat a full-blown Infernal Legion was beyond the Demon Lord!

Of course, amusingly enough, the Soulbinder hadn't given up there, even attempting to fight Zalgran one on one with one of those Holy Blessed Blades that the Heavenly Host often 'lost' on the worlds that the Infernal Legion invaded. The wretch should have just run far, far away instead, really. The sword had quickly deemed it's wielder unworthy, as Zalgran had known it would, and ultimately only allowed the Soulbinder a fraction of its power before shattering into several pieces after a few impacts of their blades clashing against one another.

The pathetic human had whined and bitched about how none of this 'could be happening' and that 'he would get his revenge right after a training arc!' before they'd finished binding him in chain and Lord Zalgran had personally torn his soul from his pathetic, mewling body. It was then, as Zalgran had devoured the all-but-worthless human soul, that the tome had declared a transfer of ownership… to him.

Connecting to him, he'd found himself with plenty of time on their march to this kingdom's capital to familiar himself with the tome. Stripping off those extra bits attached to the consumed soul and returning the broken sex slaves had afforded him a refund of the currency that the tome dealt in.

Unfortunately, it had only been more disappointments after that. Aside from the band of 'heroes' that had attempted to stop him and his forces just after exiting the portal, they hadn't encountered any other resistance. Perhaps the Heavenly Host had only had the one Blessed Blade to spare for this world, but it was still more than a little disappointing. His forces would ultimately end up suffering more casualties from celebrating and fighting over the spoils as they sacked the city over the next week or so than the entire journey here.

He'd hoped against hope that the Soulbinder and his slaves were a distraction or a delaying action by the humans to somehow gather their forces to meet his on the battlefield. Or, failing that, perhaps to allow them to have enough time to reinforce their capital against the coming siege. Instead, the Demon Lord and his Infernal Legion had encountered nothing, but undefended quaint little hamlets filled with all too easily slain peasants that simply hadn't fled fast enough, despite his legion doing nothing to hide their progress.

The most fun Lord Zalgran had had in the past few days was personally and quite easily shattering the front gate of the city so that his forces could flood through. He'd followed that up by shattering the doors to this throne room as well, and personally slaughtering the entire human Royal Family.

"Greetings, your Lordship. I am Rias Gremory, Heiress of House Gremory, and I thank you for-!"

As the red-haired sex slave begins her polite greeting and interrupts his brooding over how much of a monumental disappointment this campaign had turned out to be, Zalgran cuts her off with a snarl, his deep demonic voice ringing out through the blood-stained throne room.

"What are you wearing?"

She blinks and glances down at herself, and he does the same, staring at the tight altogether human dress that hugged her curves. No Infernal that wasn't of the Infiltrator Sect would be caught dead in such a garment, that much was for sure. And yet, the tome had given endless details about the world they'd come from and the more Zalgran learned, the more he had been disgusted. The inhabitants of this little bitch's world claimed to not only be Infernals, but powerful and high-ranking ones at that!

Her face at least twists into disgust as she looks down at the garment she's wearing, and for a moment Zalgran has the faintest bit of hope… only for it to be dashed by her next words.

"It's… it's the wedding dress forced upon me, just as the marriage to a devil I loathe was forced upon me. My husband was chosen for me against my will, and thanks to your power, I and Akeno were spirited away. We are of course incredibly grateful and will gladly offer our own powers in service to you to repay the debt."

As she speaks, his clawed hands clutch at the armrest of the throne and the tome respectively, his disgust growing with every word from her human-like lips. The tome, of course, is more than capable of standing up to his strength, intriguingly enough. The arm of the throne, however, is not.


A snarl leaves Lord Zalgran's lips as the pathetic human construct gives away under the strength of his clawed hand. Bringing it up, he swings it about angrily.

"Human rituals, human laws, human clothes! And you complain about them all, while professing to following them even still! You should be corrupting the other races, but instead it would seem that the humans of your world are the ones who corrupted YOU! I was promised two proud Devils by this tome, and yet all I see are two Infernal sex dolls that I would have thrown back into the flaming pits as the failures they are!"

His Infernal energies build up within his amplifier gauntlet as his rage builds within his chest. Both of the females before him are cowering in fear at the display of anger and power… as well they should. Bringing his left arm across the front of his chest, Zalgran swings it out, releasing the built up wave of energy to slice across the room. As the red wave washes over the girls, it obliterates the human clothes they wear.

To their credit, neither are blown away or even go down crying out in pain, revealing that despite appearances, they are at least tougher than the average human. He'd only used a bare fraction of his power, but even still…

Meanwhile, the one the tome had labeled as a Devil Heiress looks wide eyed and shocked as she stands there before him naked, her mouth agape in surprise.

"I-Impossible. That's… that can't be… only the House of Bael possesses the Power of-!"

Her stumbling, stuttering revelation is interrupted by a loud moan from her companion, the one the tome labeled 'Akeno'. Both Zalgran and the Heiress turn their attention towards her, finding the dark-haired female on her knees with one hand between her legs and the other groping at one of her fat udders. Her face blank and her mouth agape as well and drooling, she looks… utterly dimwitted right now.

Groaning, the heiress palms her face.

"Not now, Akeno…"

Lord Zalgran, who can already smell that the kneeling female has cum from nothing more than a display of a fraction of his power, lets out a deep, bellowing laugh.

"You haven't even bothered to train your servant to resist her fetishes, have you?! Bwahaha! By the Flaming Pits! How did you ever hope to get anywhere with her, if this is the response to a little show of power?! I suppose I shall have fun with her, if nothing else…"

Blinking, the one the tome called Rias Gremory suddenly steps between him and her kneeling Queen, looking distinctly unsettled.

"What… w-what do you mean by that?"

He doesn't have to answer the question… but some part of him enjoys the gloating. None of the people on this pathetic world were worthy of it. Even the Royal Family had been worthless. This bitch was worthless as well, but not on the same level. So, with a smug grin etched across his demonic visage, the Demon Lord happily explains.

"Of the two of you, she is the more valuable find. Much of the Heavenly Host die before they can be sufficiently corrupted into falling or completely twisted into turning into an Infernal. As a Half-Fallen turned Devil, she's quite the little toy, a valuable trophy to show off among my peers, like one might show off a bauble or trinket."

Zalgran shrugs and holds the tome aloft.

"I summoned her as proof of concept that this tome actually worked. And then, the first thing she did upon arrival was beg me to save you! Bahaha! She sold herself to me in order to have me bring you here!"

Rias stiffens at that, clenching her hands into shaking fists. Zalgran just smirks.

"Oh? Does that make your blood boil, little sex doll? Are you enraged that your servant sold herself into slavery in order to free you from your own shackles? Hm, perhaps a wager is in order then."

The red-head doesn't even need to think about it, she immediately nods.

"What are the terms?"

"Simple enough. You will wager yourself in an attempt to free her from my clutches. I will give you one opportunity, one chance to hit me with the full extent of this vaunted ability of your family. This… 'Power of Destruction'. Use it to overcome me and make your escape with your servant… or abandon her to her fate and flee, either through the doorway behind you or the balcony over there.

He speaks in an almost genteel tone as he lays out all of her avenues of escape. Of course, it's not like she has anywhere to go. But he could care less what fate befalls her. His legions outside of this castle would happily enjoy a pretty, durable little thing like her for as long as it took her durability to finally break. As they fucked her, and ultimately feasted upon her, Lord Zalgran would be breaking in his new toy.

Of course, that was only if she chose to run and abandon her friend. Somehow, he doubted she would. Her sensibilities were much closer to that of a human than an Infernal. And so, Zalgran isn't surprised when, after several moments of looking between him and her so-called Queen, Rias turns back to him and begins forming an orb of this 'Power of Destruction' between her hands.

Of course, what she doesn't know is that her so-called 'Power of Destruction' is a basic magic taught among the forces of the Infernal Legion. It's a stepping stone at best, a cantrip of sorts, and while it CAN be overloaded by a powerful enough caster to do serious damage on a wide scale, it's more often used by Infernal Casters as a building block for more intricate and more ingenious spells.

And so, Zalgran sits back and watches rather bored as the red head pours more and more of her energy into the growing orb of destructive power. Her face scrunches up in concentration and persistence as she does her best to increase the size of her attack. Her arms tremble from exertion, and it's obvious that every time she looks at him, she's wondering if she has to go further, if she CAN go further, if she should risk it… if she can afford NOT to risk it.

He remains unimpressed. The sheer amount of time she spends building up her attack, and the straining effort she's putting into holding it tells him more than enough about her training… or rather, the utter lack of it beyond what she'd inherited through her pathetic bloodline. Taking so long to charge up an attack, wasting so much energy in the hopes of making it more powerful… all she was doing was making a bigger explosion. The actual overall power of the attack had largely remained the same.

In the end, Rias can no longer contain it, and she has to send it flying at him as a desperate scream leaves her lips. Without a second though, Zalgran lifts his left hand, outstretched to meet the globe, his amplifier gauntlet surging with his own destruction magic. Their two spells connect, and his outstretched hand slowly pulls back, not because it's actually being forced back by the attack, but to insure it wouldn't detonate early from being stopped too suddenly.

He could have slapped it aside, or even punched it back at her if he wanted, but that wasn't what the Demon Lord wanted. No, he had plans…

Clenching his fingers against the big ball of power, pulsing his own destruction against it and slowly wrapping his own power over her attack, he encases it in a shell of his own magical demonic might before slowly but surely beginning to compress the attack. Eventually, he's dominated her orb of energy completely, even as it shrinks to reveal them retreating toward the shattered doorway with their backs turned to him, Akeno having to carry Rias after the red head exhausted herself.

Finishing turning the great big worthless attack into a small, stabilized orb of condensed power floating between his claw-tipped fingers, Zalgran sneers and stands up from the throne. The heavy weight of his steps as he gouges out more of the stone beneath his feet is enough to alert them to his approach, even as his long strides carry him to them in a fraction of the time they had used in their attempt to flee.

Akeno and Rias both turn to stare at him in shared expressions of gobsmacked disbelief, even as Zalgran smirks evilly, standing right in front of them and holding out the compressed ball of destruction magic for them to see.

"All that effort… wasted. All because you fail to understand the fundamentals of crafting a spell with Destruction magic. Making your attack bigger by blindly pouring more energy into it does not make it better. Especially not when your opponent is stronger, better trained, and can do… this."

As he lectures them, he finishes by simply crushing the condensed orb in his left hand. The wave of energy that blasts out as a result sends them both tumbling head over heels, the naked females flying across the ground.

His first summon, the Half-Fallen, is the one to recover first thanks to the utterly exhausted nature of the red head. Zalgran smiles as he sees her eyes widen at the sight of him, utterly bathed in an Aura of Destruction, the very stone he stands on beginning to disintegrate beneath him. Until of course, he flicks off the cloak of power with a shrug and begins to once again advance on their position.

Despite her earlier submission, it's obvious that Akeno still cares very much for her Mistress, rising to her feet to protect the red head, desperately throwing lightning bolts at him. One strikes him, stopping him in his tracks for a moment as the electricity dances over his metal clad body in twitching spasms… only for him to chuckle darkly.

"Ooh, tingly. I actually felt that one. Might make for some fun times later."

And then he lifts his left hand and without another word, casts an Enslavement spell at his newest toy. Infernal chains wrap around her, binding her in shackles, pulling her down to her knees upon the floor. Of course, she immediately tries to stand… only for a spike of pain to course through her body, causing her to scream in agony and moan in ecstasy at the attempted movement.

What follows is a cycle of the masochistic Half-Fallen trying to escape, only to suffer every time she attempts to rise from her knees. Of course, she enjoys it quite a lot from what he can see.

"You're far too sensitive, toy. We'll have to put you through some training later. Your kind don't usually get let out of the torture pits until after you've become so numb to this sensation that you'll only truly get to feel it after a successful mission."

Snorting, he shakes his head and leaves the hybrid creatures to the enjoyment and suffering of her painful bondage. Moving over to the Heiress instead, he sees her trying to get up, but too tired to do so. Taking one last look at her pathetic form, he hums.

"Let's see if there's any value in you after all, shall we? Corruption."

He casts the Corruption Spell on her and pours some serious power into it as he slams the spell down onto her back, shoving the energy directly into her body, specifically into her heart where it can begin spreading through her blood.

Rias Gremory screams like she's probably never screamed before, and all Akeno can do is watch on as it happens, helpless to help her.


When the transformation is finally done, Zalgran looks her over and hums consideringly. Her original body is gone or rather… shredded. She'd quite literally shed her skin as she'd transformed, and he had to admit, she'd taken to the Infernal Corruption he'd forced upon her far easier than any human and most angels would have.

There had been tell of a few humans who had grown powerful enough, be it physically or magically, that they could survive being corrupted into one of the Infernal. Most of them just ended up as zombified corpses when the Corruption spell was applied to them however… either that, or they flat out exploded from the ounce of demonic energy forced into their body.

Mostly just wanting to get it over with, Lord Zalgran had gone for more than just an ounce… and it seemed to have paid off. The creature who had once been Rias Gremory has been much changed by his energy. She now stands at over seven feet tall, with massive draconic wings draped off of her back. Her skin is as red as her wild and untamed hair, and her horns curl up along the sides of her head, much like his, but smaller.

… Everything about her is still much smaller than Zalgran, of course. SHE is still quite small for an Infernal. Nothing like the usual fuck partners he plays with, he can't help but idly think. His usual fuck toys were female Hell Knights, big and bulky… and most importantly, capable of taking the fucking and still being ready to march the next day. Not even many Infernals could claim that they had that much constitution, not when up against a Demon Lord.

But then, this little bitch wasn't going to be marching anywhere any time soon. It didn't matter if he broke her a little, now did it?

Grinning wickedly, the Demon Lord watches as she slowly uncurls herself from the fetal position the pain had forced her to take. The Corruption would have stripped her of her morality, her restrain, and pretty much anything too… similar to a human or angel mindset. It had certainly expounded heavily upon what little 'Devil' there actually was in her.

As such, Zalgran is not surprised when the first thing she does upon noticing him… is attack. With a warbling demonic shriek, she launches herself at him, using her new wings to lift herself higher into the air and carry her new body forward. The claws and talons on her hands and feet aim to rake across his flesh as she all but attempts to pounce on him and rend him limb from limb.

Of course, Zalgran easily lashes out and with his longer, thicker arms and greater reach, grabs her by the throat before she can so much as lay a claw on him, slamming her into the ground with a chuckle. Before the much-changed Devil can so much as recover the air that he's driven out of her lungs, he's grabbing her by her legs, yanking them up into the air so that she's scrambling against the stone beneath her with all of her weight pressed onto her wings, shoulders, and neck.

Folded up properly, he forces her legs apart… and proceeds to drive every last inch of his massive, demonic cock into her right there on the spot. The howl of pain and pleasure that exits the newly made Infernal's mouth is music to Zalgran's ears, and he roars out his triumphant in response, even as he begins to dominate her right there on the spot.

Pounding into her from above, jackhammering into her tight cunt, he watches with interest as her belly bulges. His cock is much too big for her, but she takes it all the same, her cunt expanding around his dick quite elastically, to take all of him and then some as he rams into her womb itself. He's going to seed her today; he decides then and there. She's not going to be much use in the Legion, nor is she the exciting new bauble that her former servant will be, so he might as well see what sort of brood he can expect from knocking her up.

Slowly but surely, the more he pounds her, the more that she submits. Infernals understand only one thing, strength and strength alone. This newborn is no different. Heiress she might have once been, powerful and respected she might have once been, but here and now, she is before her superior, her Master. There is no one on this world stronger than him, and it's time that she learn that.

Her snarls and roars of rage and defiance taper off, slowly but surely, and she begins to moan hoarsely as she gasps for air. He shows her no mercy though, not even then. Instead, Zalgran fucks her even harder, pounding into her from above as nearby, her former servant continues to experience the pain and pleasure of the Enslavement spell he cast on her.

They will both bend… they will both break. As he empties his balls inside of her, scalding his new Infernal Broodmother's womb with his fiery demonic cum, Zalgran growls… and then spins her over onto her front, taking her from behind and pulling her horns and thus her head back so she can watch as her former servant learns submission as well.

He lets them stare at each other, one of them Corrupted, the other Enslaved, and both of them all his. This is the Will of Lord Zalgran. This is his might. They belong to him now, and there will be no need for any of the paltry soulbinding methods of the time for him to control them. No, Lord Zalgran knows how to break in a slave. He has no need for a book and what are clearly subpar methods.

With another triumphant roar, he picks up the pace fucking the Infernal Broodmother in front of him. To his mild surprise, she cries out in ecstasy and pushes back against him, clearly wanting more and not quite down for the count yet. No, she can keep going… more than that, now that she's no longer trying to fight him, it seems she WANTS to keep going.

No matter. He'll enjoy testing her limits… regardless of how long it takes.


His newest slaves continued to be utter disappoints for Lord Zalgran. The corrupted one didn't have enough stamina to last more than an hour of demonic fucking, while the other tortured and pleasured herself into unconsciousness with her chains. In the end, the Demon Lord had dumped them both in the largest bedroom of the castle and set out to find a proper Hell Baroness to plow.

On his way, he'd encountered a few other female demons… needless to say, only the last of these was lucky enough to get a chance to crawl away so her hips could heal up from the injuries she'd suffered, as he'd tossed her aside the moment he laid eyes upon the Baroness in question. Needless to say, despite him being in charge of the Legion, the Hell Baroness he'd eventually found didn't go down without a fight.

Zalgran didn't expect nothing less. After all, as a Baroness in her own right, while she was technically expected to bow down to him, she was also technically expected to challenge him and try to usurp his position at all times. All of the Hell Barons and Hell Baronesses under his command were expected to do so. Of course, given his proclivities lent towards female flesh, Zalgran's Hell Barons didn't have to plan for him to show up at random and bend them over for a long, hard fucking. His Baronesses… did.

It probably wasn't fair, for him to show up out of the blue while she was marshalling her troops and effectively engage her in a contest of strength in order to see which of them would submit to the other, but then, nothing about Hell or it's Infernal Legions was fair to begin with. And on the plus side, there was always a chance that she or one of her fellow females would surprise him. The Infernal Legions were not exclusively run by Lords… there were some Ladies of Hell as well.

If nothing else, Hell was equal opportunity in that way, based on power and merit and what you could bring to the table… and who you could pin down and have your way with in a show of extraordinary might and strength. Needless to say, the Hell Baroness Zalgran eventually came across in his path of conquest and attempted slaking of his never-ending infernal desire… was not going to be besting him today.

Still, she puts up quite the fight in front of her troops, roaring as he comes upon her, swiping at him and digging her claws into his body, even as he grabs her by the throat and slams her down big style right into the ground. After that, the following sexual encounter is more fight than sex, but there's definitely significant amounts of penetration and impalement by his cock upon her holes all the same.

The number of walls they go through as Zalgran fucks her across camp and back into the castle is considerable. The Demon Lord plows the Hell Baroness in every position he can think of and some that are just instinctive, while she rails against him with all her might and fails to make any headway whatsoever.

It was both satisfying and not. It did a lot to slake his infernal lust, to be fair, and when it all ended Lord Zalgran was even 'kind' enough to throw the Hell Baroness in question out one of the high castle windows and straight into the greatest concentration of her detractors. Many demons liked to think they were subtle and careful, that they were capable of holding their cards close to their chest, as the human saying went.

But Lord Zalgran, as mighty and muscular as he might seem, was not unaware of ANYTHING that went on within his Infernal Legion. You did not get to be a Lord of Hell by being oblivious to what your inferiors were up to behind both your back and the backs of your subordinates. So yes, he knows exactly who might take advantage of the Hell Baroness' weakness after he gets done using her robust physicality for his pleasure and finishes fucking her silly.

Rather than leaving her lying where he finally ends things with her, Zalgran gives her… and her detractors, a chance. Either she'll rise to the occasion and keep her position as a Baroness of Hell while destroying a significant amount of her detractors and solidifying her hold on her troops… or they'll gang up on her in her weakened state and her humiliation will be a hundredfold. After all, she was expected to lose to him. Losing to a bunch of weakling demons just because the Demon Lord was a little rough of you?

… Well, if she didn't come out on top, she wasn't meant to be a Hell Baroness in the first place. His lips curling in a half-snarl, half-sneer, half-grin, Zalgran turns away from the hole in the castle that he's made with her body and the sounds of fighting already starting up down below as the Hell Baroness defends her position from those who would take it from her.

At least one good thing had come of his frustration, he can't help but think as he looks around the still-mostly intact War Room the humans had clearly been operating from. This was pretty much why he'd ended things with the Baroness… he could either toss her out the window or risk the both of them burning this place to ash like they'd burnt half the castle's rooms at this point.

But no, he wanted this intact… mostly because with the information found in this room, he would know which direction to march his Legion in next, once the rest of the Infernal Legions had arrived. That was how it worked, after all. One Infernal Legion to a planet… until that Infernal Legion had demolished a Kingdom of enough size to set up a foothold on the world which could in turn be used to make the massive summoning portals needed to bring MORE Infernal Legions.

Zalgran already had every intention of calling dibs on whatever country left on this stinking mudball of a world had the greatest military power. After this abysmal first battle, he wanted SOMETHING more enjoyable to cut his teeth upon.

Meanwhile, he had finally worked up something of an appetite. The battle hadn't done it, nor had dealing with the two bitches who dared to call themselves devils… but fucking the Hell Baroness for hours on end had finally managed to make him hungry. And so he heads for the kitchens, finding himself forced to settle on a cask of weak human ale and cooked and salted meats. Disgusting, there wasn't an ounce of raw or bloody meat to be found! It'd all been cooked in that manner that these filthy humans used to try and make it palatable for themselves!

Expected, perhaps, but nevertheless disappointing. Still, with that meal to tide him over for the time being, Lord Zalgran finally makes his way back to the bedroom that he'd dropped his two new slaves in… only to find the corrupted one pinning the hybrid to the bed with her new larger form.

"Akeno… Akeno, don't you want to be my pet, Akeno? Beg your Mistress, beg her!"

"R-Rias… oh f-fuck, I know this isn't you, but I want it so bad… please M-Mistress, please let me be your pet!"

Zalgran rolls his eyes. The Infernal was doing the typical newborn thing of playing with her food. Truth be told, it wasn't something the Demon Lord would have minded under alternative circumstances. Like for instance, if the red-haired bitch had waited for him before starting and bothered seeking his permission first. Sure, it would have been a sign of weakness… but compared to him, she WAS weak. She lived at his whim, only because he allowed it, and it was obvious she did not understand that even remotely.

It would have been far more entertaining if the bitch had only waited for permission. Seeing the hybrid agonizing over what he'd done to her friend and lover before he did the same to her would have been… delectable, in its own way. Instead, his authority was being challenged so soon after it had been established. How the newborn Infernal hadn't learned her lesson, he couldn't begin to say. It seemed another was in order though.

Stepping forward quickly and far more quietly than his large stature and clawed feet would seem to allow, Lord Zalgran reaches out just as Akeno's eyes finally clock him over Rias' shoulder. Before the hybrid can do more than open her mouth, likely to call out to her 'Mistress' in warning, Zalgran's hand closes around the red head's swishing spade tail… and unceremoniously yanks her back, hurling her across the room.

Her airborne body shatters the wooden dresser he sends her towards and craters the stone wall behind it as she cries out in pain and agony. Looking her over with contempt in his eyes, Lord Zalgran sneers.

"Know your place, brat. I should have walked in here to see you prostrating yourself before me in submission, waiting for orders. Instead, I find a disobedient cunt who's trying to take what's mine."

Pulling herself out of the wall and off of the pieces of wood that have impaled parts of her body, a much transformed Rias Gremory hisses as she glares at him with decidedly dangerous eyes. If she had even an ounce of power to back up the look he sees in her eyes, why… Zalgran might just be a little afraid. Nah, he didn't really feel fear anymore, only further battle lust in the face of overwhelming might (though encountering that was something that seemed to be fewer and further in between for the Demon Lord) but he might have respected her more.

As it is, the bitch clearly has the mentality of a Demon Lady, backed by the power of a newborn lesser demon with barely any strength to her name. Her reaction, that of a fury-filled counter attack as she positively screeches and launches herself at him with her claws and fangs bared… is entirely expected. It's also immediately put down as he grabs her out of the air and pins her with ease, slamming her into the ground and holding her there as she scrambles and squawks at his hold.

With one hand and a foot occupied in pinning her in place, Zalgran looks back at the watching hybrid and smirks. Now here was a good bitch, a bitch who recognized true power. For all that she'd been ready to continue submitting to her former Mistress before he'd stepped in, now that he was here, she doesn't do anything. She makes no move to attack him from behind, showing that her loyalty to her former Mistress really only extends so far. In the end, she acknowledges his overwhelming majesty and submits unthinkingly, even if she doesn't actually say anything to that effect.

Thrusting out his free hand in her direction, he pours Corruption into his hybrid prize in the same way that he did the squirming demoness beneath him. Akeno Himejima howls and screams in a pain that she instinctively decides is NOT the good kind of pain as his essence and power courses through her body, beginning to transform it. Unfortunately for her, there's nothing she can do to stop it. Like her subconscious mind, her body also instinctively recognizes overwhelming strength and submits to the change being forced upon it.

With that process started, Zalgran turns his attention back to the struggling red head beneath him… and proceeds to flip her over, onto her face, lifting up her hips even as one of his clawed feet curls around the back of her skull and pushes her face first into the stone beneath her. Said stone muffles her cries, as he spreads her ass cheeks apart and proceeds to stuff his Infernal, Lordly cock right up her back door.


Needless to say, this wasn't what Rias hoped for when any of this happened. This wasn't how she wanted things to go. When she and Akeno had been summoned away, she'd foolishly hoped for a moment that they were saved. Then, the 'conversation' with the massive hulking demonic monster had happened, and things had quickly gone from bad… to worse. He'd changed her, transformed her with his magic after making her own magic look so incredibly weak and ineffectual in comparison.

The difference in their power was staggering to say the least, and neither she nor Akeno had had a chance to get away. After he'd altered her, he'd fucked her… raped her even, and Rias was ashamed to admit how much she'd enjoyed that first time. It felt like an eternity of him plowing her silly, until finally she'd passed out on his cock.

When she'd woken up in what could only be a King's Bed Chambers alone with Akeno, Rias hadn't been sure what to make of it. Perhaps she'd impressed their summoner or something? Before she'd been able to spend too long thinking about it, before she could fully contemplate their circumstances… Akeno had drawn her eye. Her squirming Queen was just too delectable! Rias couldn't help herself!

She never could stop herself from taking what she wanted, truth be told. One might even say Rias grew up spoiled. But the transformation, the corruption… it had taken a couple of minor character flaws that she'd done her best to curtail where she could and magnified then by a hundredfold. Before even Rias knew what was happening, she found herself over Akeno's helpless form, pinning her down.

Strength had flowed through her then, more strength then Rias had ever had before. Both physical strength and… and demonic power. She had never BEEN so powerful… and somehow, instinctively, Rias knew that the strong took from the weak. Akeno was weaker than her, Rias was stronger than her… so it only made sense that her Queen would submit to her as her pet. That Akeno would call her Mistress… it was a foregone conclusion, wasn't it?

And she'd been so close, so close to tasting of Akeno… but then he'd shown up again. He'd come back, and he'd tossed her across the room so easily, hurting her in the process. Rias… Rias had let her temper get the better of her. Pinned face down on the floor, being sodomized from behind by the same big demonic dick that had raped her of her virginity not too long ago, Rias can recognize that she fucked up.

Doesn't make it any more difficult to stop from oscillating between hating him with every fiber of her being, while also loving every second of him fucking her. Even her ass, as painful as it was, felt great after a time. Oh sure, the pain never went away… but it was almost like her new body was MADE for the pain. Like she was reborn to love the pain.

Akeno's screams are a little unsettling, they don't bring Rias any pleasure, hearing her Queen hurting on the bed as the transformation takes her. But it's honestly all too easy to get a little lost in her own punishment, her eyes rolling up in her skull and her long demonic tongue lolling out of her mouth and resting limply on the ground next to her squished cheek as she moans wantonly, in between squealing like a stuck pig.

For a time, this is Rias' whole world… and then a familiar-yet-not-familiar voice speaks up from the bed.

"N-No… no, no, no… please no…"

The Demon Lord's hand curls around one of Rias' horns and yanks her up off of the ground, spinning them both around as he continues to sodomize her. Gazing upon Akeno's new form, Rias' first beleaguered thought is that her former Queen is even more beautiful than before. Her second thought is that Akeno certainly wouldn't think so… and that very much is what's happening.

Akeno has been transformed, just like Rias was. This is undeniable and inescapable, and something Rias has actually found herself accepting quite swiftly. Her new form, as much as it LOOKS like that of a Stray Devil, doesn't FEEL like it's breaking down and coming apart around her. Instead, she feels stronger than ever before… strong enough to kill Riser in one blow if the womanizing bastard were in front of her right now, for instance.

But Akeno… even though Akeno was a reincarnated Devil, it would seem that her hybrid nature, her Fallen heritage… has shone through, nonetheless. She's grown to a similar size as Rias, but instead of more demonic features, she's now graced with a large set of ebony feathered wings, as well as a black circlet crown of small horns atop her brow. A twisted mixture of a halo and horns, if Rias has ever seen one.

Letting out a sob as she takes in her own changes, Akeno reaches for herself with clawed fingers… and Rias' eyes widen as she realizes what her former Queen is about to do. She honestly can't even be mad as the Demon Lord tosses her aside and chains her up in the same chains he used on Akeno earlier before striding forward towards the transformed Fallen hybrid… because at this point, he might be the only one who can stop Akeno from tearing her own wings off of her body.


Tears streaking down her cheeks, Akeno has every intention of tearing the monstrous black wings off of her body. Unfortunately, before she can do much more than clutch at them and begin to pull, larger clawed hands are upon her, stopping her from disfiguring herself. A low whine leaves the transformed Fallen's lips as she looks up into an uncaring, demonic face that sneers at her.

"Do you think I care for your mewling, cunt? You are MINE now. MY property."

Needless to say, Akeno wasn't expecting kind words or anything like that, but to hear such callousness, such overwhelming disregard for her flagging mental health… it leaves her slack jawed for a moment. Long enough for the hulking Demon Lord to yank her off of the bed and force her in front of a large ornate floor mirror.

Akeno sobs at seeing what she's been turned into. She'd never said as much, but honestly, becoming Rias' Queen had been as much about leaving her shitty heritage behind as anything else. Her hatred for her father and the Fallen as a whole had left her all too happy to become a Reincarnated Devil. Now here she is, forced to confront what she is all the same. This was what she was, deep down inside, and Akeno knows that without any ability to deny it. She knows it like she knows that water is wet, and fire is hot.

Of course, her new Master cares little. He pushes her forward, bending her slightly in a way that causes her enlarged bust to jut out towards the mirror and her ass to push back into his crotch. His cock slides along her cheeks for a moment, hot-dogging her ass crack, before slipping down and then up inside of her. Just like that, he's fucking her in front of the mirror, pulling her arms behind her so that she cannot harm herself as she's railed from behind right then and there.

Needless to say, this in and of itself is no better for her mental state then anything else. And yet, though she's sure he doesn't mean to help her… it does, in an incredibly twisted way, help her all the same. Akeno goes through some serious mental gymnastics as his massive demonic cock, ridged and spiked and altogether painful but pleasurable, rams in and out of her brand new cunt.

She hates and loathes the Fallen with all her heart. Her father, a Grigori Lord, had abandoned her and her mother, and without Rias' intervention, Akeno would have died because of it. Now though… now her past, her heritage… it's all caught up with her. She visibly IS one of the Fallen now, albeit a more monstrous caricature of them. And yet, something tells Akeno that she's not some Fallen version of a Stray Devil. Something tells her that their new Master, their summoner… he's about as far from a Stray Devil as one can get.

Rias might not have realized it yet, but Akeno was a bit quicker on the uptake. This Demon Lord… he was a Primordial Entity, wasn't he? They were said to be of the far distinct past, the Primordial Infernals. Needless to say, such things did not exist in the modern day Underworld… but there were still whispers of them all the same.

Did that mean that she and Rias had been summoned, not just through space, but also time? Was this the distant, distant past of their world? Or perhaps this was an entirely different universe altogether, perhaps this was a universe where the Primordial Demons had not… reduced themselves to the state of your modern Devil, even if your modern Devil would take umbrage to the idea.

A shudder runs down Akeno's spine and a wanton moan leaves her throat as she cums on the Demon Lord's massive, painful cock. Yes, she hates and loathes the Fallen. And now that she looks like a Fallen, she's utterly disgusted with her new body. She hates herself, she hates what she's become, and truth be told, Akeno wants nothing more than to rip herself to shreds, to destroy herself in this new form.

But of course, the Demon Lord isn't going to allow that. On the other hand… he obviously has no problem hurting her himself. Staring at her new visage in the mirror, Akeno's mind really does do some serious mental gymnastics. She's being fucked, raped really, by this massive hulking monster of a Primordial Demon.

Which means… which means she's technically watching a Fallen being raped by a Devil, savaged really, brutalized even. That's… it's pretty hot. In the mirror, Akeno watches herself blush. Her skin is so very pale now, even as it's framed by her limp back hair draped down her front and her massive black feathery wings behind her. Her pale features blush so easily now, and as she gets turned on from the idea of a Fallen being raped by a Devil, her blush intensifies.

Technically it's her being raped… she shouldn't be enjoying that, probably. Except she's always been a sadomasochist. Maybe she was more of an S when she was a Reincarnated Devil at the top of the social ladder in Kuoh Academy, but she's definitely feeling a lot more like an M now that she's here in this place, once again at the bottom, clad in the body of a disgusting, filthy, loathsome Fallen Hybrid.

Shuddering, Akeno's eyes roll back in her head as she finds herself enjoying her own rape more and more, not just because she gets off on the pain, but because she gets off on the fact that it's pain being visited upon one of her loathsome kind. The Fallen deserve nothing more than the worst that her Master has to offer, and since she is Fallen now, truly and irrevocably… then she deserves the worst that her Master has to offer.

"P-Please… please… h-harder…"

She moans through cracked lips, positively biting hard enough to draw blood even as she begs for more. With a dark, deep chuckle, the Demon Lord pauses for a moment, cocking his head to the side in the mirror behind her.

"Harder… what?"

It's obvious what she wants, and so very easy to simply cave in and accept it. After all, she was ready to submit before he transformed her and Rias… even before Rias had been summoned. She'd asked for this, in a way. He'd ONLY intended to summon her initially, wanting her for her uniqueness as a hybrid. It was only when she'd begged him, submitting herself before his terrifying visage and offering up everything she had for him to save Rias, that he had summoned her Mistress to them as well.

In hindsight, Rias might have been happier with Riser. Akeno might have made a mistake in sacrificing her freedom to bring Rias to this place, because it looked like Rias' freedom was now forfeit as well. Yet another reason to hate herself, yet another mistake to lay at the feet of the stupid, idiotic Fallen she'd become. And so in the end… didn't she need someone to control her? Someone to keep her, to command her?

"P-Please harder… M-Master."

He chuckles again, and then redoubles his pace. Akeno squeals, cumming explosively around his massive cock as he splits her on his dick. The harm he's doing to her is only temporary, she knows that all too well, and she wishes nothing more than for it to be permanent, for him to maim her. Perhaps if she's particularly obedient, he might eventually agree to hear her out. If she could convince him to remove one of her wings, at least… that would be alright. She would still have the other to show her uniqueness as a hybrid, as his trophy. But she would be a clipped bird, with no ability to fly away. She would be as useless and worthless as she already feels.

She knows better than to ask for that now though. No matter how violent and brutal their new Master has proven to be so far, Akeno can tell that there's also a cunning and intelligence to him that surpasses even Rias, as it were. She'll take her time, get in his good graces… and if perhaps he sees fit to reward her, if he sees fit to listen to a request from her worthless personage… then Akeno will ask him to truly hurt her, to harm her irrevocably.

Until that day comes, she will settle for the pain he's visiting upon her now, his molten demonic cock scalding her angelic womb with every thrust as she watches herself, her Fallen visage contorting in pain and ecstasy alike as she's raped in the mirror. This is her new life now… hers and Rias'. There's no escaping it, no escaping their new Master.

Might as well make the most of it.


The Demon Lord is no fool. He's incredibly cognizant of his hybrid trophy's desire to commit self-harm. Normally, he wouldn't care… but normal demonic 'healing' techniques might not work properly on a Fallen Angel such as herself. And so he sets about fucking her silly, breaking her mind down some more and properly… ingratiating her to him. Namely by raping her until the little masochistic pain slut begs for more pain and calls him her Master properly.

There will be quite a few sessions ahead for both of his new toys in the Chains of Enslavement, before he'll be able to say for sure that they've been properly broken in. He's not too worried about the red-haired one hurting HERSELF, after all she's barely more than your run of the mill demon… but if she DOES hurt herself, then his hybrid trophy will probably take longer to give up her own dreams of self-harm. Likewise, if he separates them, sending the red head to join his armies as the worthless foot soldier she is, it will take longer as well.

So for now, he'll keep them both at his side to train them up as his personal slaves. Who knows, the red head might surprise him… though ultimately, Zalgran doubts it. But only time will tell… yes, only time will tell.


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