Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The End of Lady Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft)

The End of Lady Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft)

A/N: The End of Lady Jaina Proudmoore was a commissioned one shot originally written back in November of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: An alternate timeline where Jaina Proudmoore catches the eye of a more experienced, more powerful Archmage just after getting Theramore off the ground and ends up as his personal fuck toy.

Themes: Mind Break, Master/Slave, Breeding


"… And so, it is my fondest hope that you will answer this call and agree to meet with the new Horde's Warchief, Thrall.

Yours Truly, Lady Jaina Proudmoore of Theramore Isle"

Finishing the letter off with a flourish, Jaina smiles down at her own writing. After a moment, however, that smile fades and she scowls just a little bit before pushing away from her desk and standing up. Moving over to the nearest window, Jaina looks out over the city she's helped build and now rules over. It's rather late at night, but there's a lot of stars in the sky tonight, along with a full moon, giving her a fairly good view of Theramore in all its nascent glory.

… She would continue working on her letter to the King of Stormwind on the morrow. It had been a week since Thrall, Warchief of the Horde, had contacted her in hopes of negotiating peace talks between him and the latest version of the Alliance. In the wake of Arthas' betrayal and Lordaeron's fall, the center of the Alliance's political power rested in Stormwind, mostly in the hands of King Varian Wrynn.

Having known both Varian and now Thrall for years, Jaina was sure that if she could get both man and orc at the negotiating table, it would go a long way to stabilizing and normalizing peaceful relations between their two factions. Which was why the letter that she'd been laboring over for a week now was so damn crucial. It had to be absolutely perfect, or Varian may not decide to come. And if he did not come, war might break out. War that would threaten her city, given their close proximity to the new Horde's Capitol.

She would finish it in the morning and then sent it off, no matter what. She couldn't afford to continue to put this off, time was as much of the essence as the quality of the letter itself. For now, though, it was late and Jaina was tired. It wasn't easy, building and running an entire city from the ground up.

And so, the Lady of Theramore heads to her bed, a smile on her face in spite of her current stress. Regardless of what happened next, she could be proud of what she had achieved so far. Theramore was thriving in otherwise inhospitable conditions, expanding outwards into Dustwallow Marsh. Jaina couldn't help but be excited for what the future held for her and her people, her city.

Everything was looking up.


Waking up with a start, Jaina immediately knows something to be wrong. For one, the bed beneath her is far too comfortable, far too soft. It reminds her of her barely used quarters back in Dalaran, the ones she was given shortly after her promotion to Archmage of the Kirin Tor. The ones she never really got a chance to use, before she had to flee with as many people as she could on the word of the mysterious Prophet.

Needless to say, her bedroom in Theramore, despite her position, were not nearly as nice as those quarters back in Dalaran. Which is why it's undeniably odd that she's waking up to such luxurious comfort. But even odder is the weight around her neck… and the complete lack of mana in the air.

For an accomplished Archmage like Jaina, mana is to her what breathing, eating, and drinking are to other people. It's a developed sixth sense that's always on, the ability to not just sense magic in the air, but to feel her own mana reserves and manipulate them to cast the spells she wants to cast.

Except, not only is Jaina unable to sense the magic in the air, but she also can't even feel her own magic. Eyes widening in fright, the young blonde Archmage sits up fully, her hands going up to the weight around her neck. The moment she tries to touch it, the suppression collar shocks her, causing her to hiss and snap her fingers back in pain.

At the same time, her sudden movement draws the attention of the man sitting a dozen feet away, across the room. Turning towards her, leading to her recognizing his presence for the first time, the bearded man smiles.

"Ah, good, you're awake. Welcome to your new home, Lady Proudmoore."

Pushing herself up off of the bed, Jaina stands and clenches her hands into fists at her side.

"You-! Who are you?! Where have you taken me?! You have no right!"

Raising a single brow, the man gives her an entirely unamused look.

"I think you'll find I have every right, my dear. After all, in this world of savages and untold dangers, might MAKES right."

He's a mad man. Or simply just an evil villain. Either way, Jaina knows she'll have to find a way to escape his clutches. And so, she spends a moment more exploring her surroundings… only for her eyes to catch upon a familiar purple and gold tabard tucked in a corner. Gaze widening, Jaina swings back around to the still-seated man, glaring at him accusatorily.

"You're of the Kirin Tor!"

Her mind whirls as she rapidly processes this new information. Why would a member of the Kirin Tor come after her? What purpose could he have for kidnapping her and placing this suppression collar on her?

Chuckling, he draws her attention back to him as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I suppose I am. Or was, once upon a time. The Kirin Tor recognized me as an Archmage oh so long ago, it feels like a lifetime. But though our paths diverged, I have kept in contact with certain members of that august body. Enough that when they have a problem that falls outside of their direct purview, they send it to me."

Incensed, the young woman crosses her arms over her chest and glares daggers.

"I too am an Archmage of the Kirin Tor. Surely you don't think you'll get away with this? Abducting me from my tower will bring all of my allies down upon you shortly enough!"

For a moment, the mysterious Archmage looks irritated.

"Have you listened to a single thing I've said, Lady Proudmoore? I know who you are. I know what you are. And while the Kirin Tor has not publicly sanctioned this work, I have been tasked with removing your influence from the board all the same."

What… what did that mean? Finally, he stands up and Jaina feels a tendril of fear as he steps towards her.

"The Kirin Tor, as a rule, try to avoid ending up in direct power over the non-magicals of this world, Lady Proudmoore. My contact has even told me that they were concerned about accepting you for teaching in the first place, given your… near-royal heritage. The royal right to rule flows through your blood, and normally the Kirin Tor would shy away from such a thing to avoid complications. But there's also more magic flowing through you then most, and that was viewed as the greater threat."

He pauses just long enough for her to begin to open her mouth, only to then sharply interrupt her, cutting her off as he pins her with his gaze.

"However! Fleeing halfway across the world does not remove you from the Kirin Tor's sight, Lady Proudmoore! Nor does it keep you safe from retribution! What did you do, the moment that the Kirin Tor officially recognized you as Archmage? You gathered up an entire fleet's worth of people and sail over to Kalimdor, where you began setting up your own personal fiefdom!"

This… this was about Theramore? Jaina was well aware that the Kirin Tor preferred to shy away from politics. She was well aware that they required any… royal or noble students to renounce their claims. And she had! She'd renounced her claim to Kul Tiras. To be fair, her brothers had held a higher claim anyways, so it wasn't like she needed to worry about that.

But then everything had happened and Theramore… Theramore was a necessity!

"I did what I did to save people! The people of Theramore look to me for leadership because I saved them from a fate WORSE than death! I will not abandon them in their time of need, no matter what you say!"

Chuckling again, the other Archmage smiles a sardonic smile and cocks a single eyebrow once more.

"Is that so? I'm sure by now you've noticed the silencing collar around your neck. You're not going anywhere, Lady Proudmoore. Consider yourself removed from power."

Before Jaina can say anything further to THAT, the Archmage steps forward again, closing the distance between them as he brings up a hand, and then brings it crashing down. The young blonde Kul Tiran's eyes widen as she's sent crashing to the floor by unseen arcane force, pushed to the ground as a cry splits her lips from the pain of having her knees driven so hard and so fast into the stone beneath her.

The Archmage follows up this attack by pulling his hands apart, and in response, the front of Jaina's dress, of her Archmage's Robes, tear open, ripping to shreds as her pale, full breasts are exposed quite violently to the open air of the chamber. Jaina's eyes widen at that, and she tries desperately to cover herself up. She does so just in time for his cock to land upon her face with a meaty SMACK, his member rubbing across her features.

"Y-You… w-what do you think you're doing?!"

With a snap of his fingers, her arms are pulled away from her tits and magically forced behind her back. Her now-exposed breasts jiggle and shudder as she trembles and quivers before him.

"You lack discipline, Lady Proudmoore. I consider it my duty to instill some into you. Starting with learning to submit to your betters."

Even as her face flushes from his cock rubbing all over it, Jaina glares up at him from around his admittedly thick, meaty member. It's certainly the biggest dick the young woman has ever seen. She's not quite a virgin… but she's close.

"Y-You-! I am an Archmage of the Kirin Tor a-as well! Take off this collar, and we'll see who's the better here!"

Rather than doing as she says, he reaches down and gathers her blonde locks into a makeshift ponytail, going about it ever so slowly as Jaina trembles there before him on her knees, the lack of her magic clearly throwing her off her game. When he uses his grip on her hair to draw her head back and place his cock at the entrance of her mouth, she closes her lips tightly in an act of defiance.

"Lady Proudmoore… you may hold the title of Archmage, but only one of us managed to enter the other's quarters in the middle of the night, bypassing both mundane and magical defenses. I removed you from your inner sanctum in the heart of your power with no one the wiser. If I need to go back to Theramore and start… removing others, I will."

At those words, he pushes insistently against her lips, and Jaina reluctantly opens her mouth, allowing him to thrust forward with his cock. It's not because she wants to obey him or anything… but he's threatening her people! She has no choice but to obey for now, to keep Theramore safe. An opportunity to escape will present itself eventually… it has to…

"There you go… that's a good girl. Isn't this a better use of your mouth?"

His genial tone fills Jaina for rage, even as he fills her mouth with his cock. He starts off slowly enough, thrusting in and out betwixt her lips, and she just kneels there and takes it, glaring up at him hard enough that, if she had her magic, she'd probably set him on fire with her gaze alone. But as it is, she's powerless to stop him, helpless against his actions. As he forces his cock further and further past her lips, as he begins to thrust faster and harder, Jaina's glare turns into wide eyes as she begins to choke and gag on his thick meaty member.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

That's it, take it all, Lady Proudmoore. I know you can do it, pet. I know you're capable of anything you set your mind to~"

What might be praise in any other situation is so clearly condescending and vile and repugnant right now. Tears form in the corner of Jaina's eyes as she's choked by the Archmage's fat cock, her tongue pressed down to the bottom of her mouth as his length pushes down the back of her throat. Using his grip on her hair and the makeshift ponytail he's made of her locks, he begins to face fuck her rather violently, brutally pounding into her esophagus until she fears she won't ever be able to talk again by the time he's done with her.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Luckily, it doesn't go on much longer. Unluckily, this means that he cums. And he's none too gentle about it. Pulling partially back at the last second, the Archmage explodes in Jaina's mouth, his seed filling her cheeks to the brim in an instant, causing plenty to explode out onto her chin and dribble down onto her chest. And then, for good measure, he pulls out and lets the last few spurts of his thick, viscous cum land directly on her tits, staining them as much as he's stained her face.

As Jaina kneels there with her dress torn open, panting heavily, her cum-covered breasts bobbing up and down with every breath, her captor reaches out and runs his thumb along her lips with a pleased smile.

"You look positively radiant, my dear. Everything I could have hoped for."

And then with another wave of arcane force, he pushes her onto her back, pinning her to the floor with unseen magic as he kneels down between her legs and forcibly spreads them apart. Jaina, still recovering from the rather brutal face-fucking she just received, goes wide-eyed as she looks down the length of her body to where he's tearing the bottom of her Archmage's Robes off too.

"N-No! Don't!"

"Don't be ridiculous, my dear. It's not like you'll need these anymore."

He rips her undergarments off next, exposing her slit to his gaze. To Jaina's shame, she's actually already a little wet. Not too wet that it doesn't hurt when he shoves his fingers into her and begins to piston them in and out, however. Wincing, Jaina can only whimper and squirm on the ground before him, looking nothing like the powerful Archmage and leader of Theramore that she comports herself to be.

Instead, she looks and feels like… like a helpless princess, captured by the evil wizard and taken back to his sanctum for him to have his way with her to his heart's content. She doesn't like it, there's nothing to like about any of this… but his fingers still do their job and she's soon wet enough for him to decide it's time to stick his cock in her.

An anguished howl leaves Jaina's lips as his cock splits her open. She's no virgin, truly she isn't, but he's still the biggest she's ever had, and in truth it's been a while for her. After all, she's been a little busy in recent times. The Archmage doesn't seem to care though, fucking in and out of her with grunts and groans as he slams his entire length into her cunt time and time again.

Jaina has to continuously remind herself that the pleasure she's experiencing is purely of the biological variety. There's nothing to appreciate about any of this, but her body is still enjoying it all the same. It's some of the better sex she's ever had in fact, but that doesn't mean she hates this bastard who's raping her any less.

Tears stream down her cheeks even as reluctant lustful cries spill forth from the young woman's lips, her body shaking and trembling, her cum-covered tits bouncing and jiggling with every jarring thrust he delivers into her quim. He fucks her hard and fast, just the way he likes it, and much to her anguish, her body likes it too… likes it a little too much, in fact.

An explosive orgasm ripples through Jaina's figure, causing her to squeal in ecstasy. The Archmage currently fucking her grunts… and then begins to cum inside, just like that.

"Shit, you're so fucking tight you little haughty bitch…"

Normally, Jaina would take umbrage with an insult like that. But right now, she's too busy having her world rocked to even register his words. In the midst of her orgasmic pleasure, she doesn't even realize he's cumming inside of her. Or rather, she notices it, but it doesn't hit her hazy mind what that exactly means. It won't really truly hit for her until later.

For now, Jaina struggles just to maintain her thought processes, to remember that she hates this, and she hates the man doing this to her, even as he flips her onto her front, lifts her hips into the air, and begins to fuck her from behind, face down, ass up. As his cock continues to piston in and out of her squelching, clenching cunt, Jaina squeezes her eyes shut, trying to shut it all out… but to no avail.

She can only hope her allies will be able to locate her soon. Or that her captor will slip up and she'll have a chance to escape. For now, all she can hope to do is endure.


The sanctum is rather quiet, save for two very different sounds. One, the sound of a quill scratching against parchment without pause, the enchantment on it making it so that constantly re-dipping into an ink well simply isn't necessary. The other sound is the distinct sound of a woman's mouth around a man's cock, sucking and slurping mechanically, tongue writhing but only reluctantly and with great disinterest.

With a satisfied grunt, the Archmage comes to the end of what he's currently writing and sets his quill down before pulling back slightly from his desk. Looking under it, he gazes into the furious eyes of Lady Jaina Proudmoore as she kneels there naked save for the suppression collar, her hands in her lap and her perfectly plump lips suctioned down around his cock, descending to the halfway mark again and again but never going any further.

"I'm getting close my dear. Are you going to try and swallow it today, or shall I give you a facial before dinner?"

Grimacing and glaring up at him in anger, Jaina begins to descend further down his cock, the only way she has of telling him that she'll swallow. She would pull back off of his member altogether and speak, but that would only invite punishment, something that the young blonde Archmage has learned to avoid to the best of her abilities.

She needs to be as strong as possible for when escape finally arrives, after all. Whether it's by her own hand, or because others have finally located her and have come to free her. Though, two weeks after her initial abduction, Jaina is beginning to suspect that her only hope is to find an opportunity to escape on her own. If they haven't managed to rescue her by this point, then they probably can't locate her no matter how hard they try.

And that makes sense, no matter how much Jaina hates to admit it. His words from that very first day echo in her head constantly. If he had the magical power and prowess to steal her away from her bed, bypassing all of her wards as well as Theramore's fledgling military… well then, there was no one back in Theramore who could hope to find her. Jaina was the most powerful magic user that Theramore had, bar none. If she was no match for this bastard of an Archmage, then no one else under her rule was.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

As she forces herself further down his cock, choking on his dick in an effort to make it clear she's willing to swallow rather than suffer the humiliating of wearing his cum on her skin yet again, the Archmage grins wickedly and begins gathering her blonde locks up into a familiar makeshift ponytail.

"That's a good girl. Let me help you."

With that, he begins skull fucking her, something that causes involuntary tears to streak down Jaina's cheeks as she kneels there between his legs, choking and gagging all the harder on his cock. He seems to delight in ruining and ravaging her mouth, sometimes even more than he enjoys fucking and seeding her cunt.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

And yes, Jaina has not missed how he's made sure to deliver every single load of his seed into her womb as he fucks her quim day after day. With no form of protection, magical or otherwise, Jaina knows it's only a matter of time before… before he's bred her. It's one of her greatest fears, in all honesty. Right alongside her concern for her people back in Theramore. That he'll knock her up… she's not sure what she'll do then.

"Here it comes!"

And with that warning, the Archmage begins to cum. Unlike the very first time he'd taken unwanted liberties with her mouth, this time Jaina is already beginning to swallow when the first spurt of seed hits the back of her throat. It's not like she wants it or anything. It's not like she likes the taste (even though it doesn't taste half as horrid as it did when first starting out). It's just that it's better to swallow then it is to wear his cum all over her face and tits as it dries for the rest of the night.

Given she's only allowed to wash herself once each morning, he's all too happy to mess her up and leave her in such a state all day long if she doesn't do what she's told.

And so, Jaina's throat convulses as she swallows and gulps down the viscous, thick 'treat'. She drinks every last drop of the Archmage's cum, and when it's finally done, he eases up his hold on her ponytail and lets his cock slip out of her mouth with a pleased sigh as she quietly gasps for breath.

"Very good, pet. Very good. Now then… I imagine my little Proudwhore would love a good fuck to follow such a delicious bit of oral, wouldn't she?"

Jaina flinches at the bastardization of her name, as well as the 'pet'. She hates that he's done this to her, hates that he's slowly gone from calling her 'Lady Proudmoore' to calling her all sorts of insulting, degrading names over the last two weeks. And most of all, she hates that he tends to do it right before fucking her with that big fat cock of his. It's the only thing Jaina can think of that explains just why her pussy starts getting wet the moment he starts in on the insults.

Still, even as her cunt begins to drip, Jaina glares up at her captor angrily, refusing to break, even if her body has certainly learnt how to bend.

"I want NOTHING from you, you bastard. Go to hell!"

She wished he would get angry with her. He did in the early days, punishing her for her back talk. But instead, he lets out a simple chuckle before tightening his grip on her ponytail and yanking her to her feet. Jaina lets out a yelp as she's spun around and bent over his desk, her palms landing on the wood with a meaty smack as she catches herself, before he ultimately forces her further down, causing her back to arch and her ass to jut out in the air instinctively in expectation of his cock.

It's an expectation he happily fulfills, his member thrusting into her from behind a moment later as Jaina squeals and trembles, experiencing a minor orgasm right off the bat. D-Damn him, he'd trained her body to respond to him like a finely tuned instrument. He'd manipulated her cunt until it was absolutely in love with his cock. As such, as he fucks her, despite her strong words, her pussy responds eagerly to his thrusting, clenching and squeezing down around his meaty shaft even as it gushes wetly, providing more and more lubrication for him to fuck her with.

"You say one thing with that ever-defiant mouth of yours, Proudwhore… but your body says something else entirely, doesn't it? But then, you wouldn't be my little Proudwhore without your misplaced pride, now would you?"

"D-Damn you, I-I hate you…"

Snorting derisively, it's almost as if the Archmage can hear the LIE in her words. Jaina squeezes her eyes shut at that and tries hard to fight back against that small little voice in the back of her head that says, 'no you don't'. It's not been around for long, but it's definitely present. Maybe a day? Maybe a week? It's the voice that tells her she's lying to herself. That she's wrong to try to create a disconnect between her body and her mind.

If her body likes getting fucked by her captor this much, who's to say she's not just in denial? Who's to say her mind doesn't enjoy it just as much? But no! No, Jaina knows who she is. She's not some… some bastard's 'little Proudwhore'! She is an Archmage of the Kirin Tor; she is the Lady of Theramore Isle! She WILL get out of this; she WILL escape and- ohfuckthatfeelssogood~

Jaina's eyes roll back in her skull as she bites down on her lower lip nearly hard enough to draw blood in a failed attempt to contain her voice. The climax that proceeds to cascade through her causes her body to shake and spasm as the Archmage continues to fuck her bent over his desk, her pussy walls tightening up even more in a way that has him groaning in plain satisfaction.

"Yesss, that's it you little tart. Fucking take it! Take my cock! Take my seed!"

It's not like she has a choice, in the end. But that doesn't stop Jaina from cumming AGAIN a moment later when he begins to cum inside of her. As he's pumping this latest load of his cum directly into her unprotected womb, he leans over her, one hand still holding her by the hair, while the other now comes up under her chin, grasping firmly at her neck right above the suppression collar.

"No one's coming for you, pet. This sanctum hasn't been breached since it's founding. Not only that, the silencing collar doesn't just block off your magic, it mutes your presence on Azeroth as a whole. No matter how hard they look for you, they will never find you. In fact, if they already have looked… they almost certainly think you dead."

Jaina's eyes widen at that as she shudders in muted horror (and reluctant pleasure) beneath him. It's true. He's right. If they have looked for her and not been able to find her presence… well, some might assume she's being shielded by something. But others might assume her dead. Two weeks… two weeks probably wasn't long enough for them to assume the worst, but any longer and they would have to accept that she probably wasn't coming back.

N-No! No, she was coming back… she was!

Slowly, the Archmage pulls out of her cunt, letting his cock fall free of her lips yet again, this time the lower set. As he settles his robes back over his softened member, he pulls Jaina back off of his desk by her hair and lets her settle back onto the ground on her knees at his feet.

"Come, pet. Dinner should be ready for us."

In silence, Jaina follows the Archmage out of the room and down the hall, crawling on her hands and knees all along the way. Her ass sits high in the air, subconsciously waving back and forth as she goes, but Jaina doesn't notice. Soon enough, they reach the dining hall. The dining table is a long thing with multiple seats at it, but the defeated and broken female Archmage knows better than to try and sit in one. She'd made that mistake one time… only one time.

Instead, she makes her way to the doggy bowl set up next to her captor's chair at the head of the table. Just like his plate, it magically fills with food created by his arcane servitors. Planting her hands palm down on either side of the bowl, careful not to use them to eat, Jaina leans in and begins to chow down. She has to… she has to preserve her strength. F-For the escape. She has to be ready for her chance to arrive.

Any day now, her chance will arrive…


"Oh, oh, oh! OOHHHHH!"

Eyes rolling up in her skull as she bounces up and down on her Master's cock, the beautiful blonde formerly known as Lady Jaina Proudmoore, ruler of Theramore Isle, lets her tongue loll out of her mouth. She's not quite smiling, but she's clearly visibly enjoying herself as she rides her Master to kingdom cum, her enlarged tits and visible baby bump both bouncing along with her with each and every movement she makes.

Months have passed since he took her from her bed and made her into little more than his slave. Months with no one coming for her. Months with no escape. Months in which she lost what little definition to her stomach that she had, in which she got more and more curvaceous until it was impossible not to acknowledge the truth anymore. She was pregnant, and there was nothing Jaina could do about that but accept it.

Though, her Master still had yet to notice, seemingly. Or maybe he had, and just didn't see a reason to bring it up. Either way, Jaina is riding him with her arms willingly clasped behind her back, allowing her to jut her tits out as she arches her spine and cries out to the heavens, orgasming again and again around his cock. Until finally, her clenching pussy walls bring him to his own release, and he cums inside of her.

Not that it matters where he cums anymore. In fact, Jaina is already wearing his seed from this morning all across her face and her tits. It just… doesn't seem all that important, whether she swallows or lets her Master cover her in his cum anymore. After all, he's left more than a mark on her at this point. He's fully knocked her up!

As she's shuddering in orgasmic bliss atop him, her Master chuckles and reaches up, grabbing hold of Jaina's tits and giving them a good, solid squeeze.

"You know, pet… your breasts are bigger than ever. Being my fuck toy seems like it suits you."

Immediately, a scowl spreads across Jaina's face and she glares daggers down at her master, gritting her teeth as he plays with and fondles her chest. While inwardly, she knew that she was his slave and he was her Master now… outwardly, Jaina had actually never lost her defiance. Even if she was only paying lip service to it at this point, she continued to fight him as much as she could… without REALLY fighting him, of course.

"I-It's all your fault a-anyways, b-bastard…"

He raises an eyebrow at that and then abruptly rolls them both over. Jaina yelps as she ends up on her back, with him lifting her legs up and pushing them to the sides as he begins to fuck her again, causing her belly and tits to jiggle and bounce with the thrusts.

"Oh? My fault? Well, I'm happy to take credit, I suppose~"

Is he really that blind? Inside, Jaina is all aflutter as she decides she's finally just going to tell him and announce it. Outwardly though, she's still glaring at him as she snarls it out.

"I-It's because you knocked me up, y-you ass!"

There's no surprise on her Master's face at that, and the bearded Archmage certainly doesn't pause in fucking her. Instead, he just tosses his head back and laughs for a long moment. When he finally looks back down at her, it's with a wicked smile.

"Was wondering when you'd finally say something, Proudwhore."

Jaina's eyes widen, and for a moment both internally and externally, she's aligned again. He knew? Her Master knew the entire time?! Seeing the look of surprise on HER face, the Archmage just laughs and reaches up to grope one of her full tits as he continues to fuck her to his heart's content.

"You thought I didn't know, slut? Of course, I knew! Did you think I was fucking you for fun? As enjoyable as it is to use your naughty little mouth for stress relief, I had every intention of knocking you up, my pet. A woman of your pedigree and magical talent combined with my own considerable traits? Any progeny that you make for me are bound to be exceptional."

His words strike her like a Warhammer, driving the breath from her lungs as she processes what he's saying. He'd bred her and knocked her up, and he was… he was going to keep knocking her up. Jaina's eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms around his cock again, not even able to hide her delirious happiness any longer. The defiance washes off of her face and her Master just laughs as he continues to fuck her to his heart's content.

The Lady of Theramore, Jaina Proudmoore, is no more. But then, from the moment that she fell into his clutches, she was doomed. As intelligent as she was, as quick and clever as she was, Jaina… was not infallible. The magical prodigy had blasted through all of the teachings the Kirin Tor could offer her in order to become one of the youngest Archmages in their history.

But just because one is a once in a lifetime prodigy, does not mean one can not be hoodwinked. And Jaina Proudmoore had been thoroughly hoodwinked. The collar around her neck, which he'd called a silencing collar and she knew to be a suppression collar… Jaina had thought that all it did was restrict and lock away her magic, her ability to access her mana as well as feel the mana in the world around her.

And her new Master had never disabused her of that idea. Why would he? She was so ready to just accept that that was all there was to it. But then to be fair, in Jaina's eyes she probably didn't think there would be anything else to it. After all, he already had her in his clutches. Why would he need to go any further?

She had made the fundamental mistake of underestimating just how deeply depraved her captor was. He didn't just want Jaina Proudmoore as his private fuck toy, he wanted her to be his property for the rest of her life. Mind, body, and soul. As such, the collar didn't just keep her from casting or sensing magic. It also placed a geass on Jaina that had been developing in strength all these weeks and months.

At first glance, the geass was simple. It made it so that Jaina wasn't allowed to harm herself or him, even by nonmagical means. It made it so that she wouldn't even THINK about trying. But over time, the geass would grow. It fed off of the Lady Proudmoore's prodigal mana reserves themselves, using her own magic against her to grow stronger and stronger.

Over time, it manipulated her body and mind. It wasn't his cock that made Jaina break, simple sex doesn't work that way. But repeated application of his cock and sexual pleasure while the geass slowly tuned her body and mind to fall in love with him… well, that combination had certainly done the trick.

And so, the Lady of Theramore died not with a bang, but a whimper. Jaina Proudmoore was no more. Even Proudwhore wasn't truly accurate any longer, because at this point the geass had properly broken Jaina's pride as well. In the end, she was her Master's loyal, adoring, loving pregnant pet. And she would gladly and happily bear him as many children as he demanded of her, for as long as she was capable.

Meanwhile, in Jaina's absence… Azeroth would never be the same. Of course, this wasn't the prime timeline, or else the Bronze Dragonflight would have had to step in. But no, this was a tertiary timeline, ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, ultimately meaningless in the vast weave of endless, infinite time that was the universe Azeroth resided in.

And so, in this timeline Jaina Proudmoore was broken by another Archmage and turned into his loyal pet and broodmare. The consequences of which would be far-reaching indeed.


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