Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Far From Home (Fallout 4)

Far From Home (Fallout 4)

A/N: Far From Home was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in November of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Hearing about an all-women town on the outskirts of the Commonwealth, Curie decides to investigate. What she finds is a pact made with Devils... but there's nothing wrong with having some fun, right?

Themes: Monster Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly


It was real. Curie couldn't help but be surprised by that. The former Nanny Bot turned Synth had followed up on the rumor only out of a whim. Most people would probably just assume that it was a complete fabrication, and to be fair, Curie had placed the likelihood of that being the case as incredibly high back when she'd first heard about this place.

After all, a town comprised entirely of women, located on the outskirts of the Commonwealth? Once upon a time, Curie might have been naïve and gullible enough to the ways of the new world to be able to believe that might be possible. But ever since the Sole Survivor, Nora, had pulled her out of Vault Eighty-One, introducing her to this world and even getting her a human body, Curie had been learning a lot.

A town full of ONLY women sounded like the sort of fantasy that some man would make up as some sort of promised land where he could engage in all sorts of sexual activity. Or maybe a fantasy that a woman would make up, in order to get away from such men for a time, getting lost in her own head.

But it really existed. Or at least, from what Curie could see so far, it was real.

"Well, howdy there stranger! Welcome to Venus' Paradise!"

Blinking owlishly, Curie focuses in on the woman right in front of her, a freckled red head that reminds her of one of Nora's other friends, Cait. Except, Cait had never looked so pleasant or kind before.

Smiling back at the stranger, Curie clasps her hands together in front of her.

"Greetings! I am Curie, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I am quite surprised to discover that this town actually exists!"

For a moment, the red head looks taken aback by Curie's exuberance (or perhaps it's the French accent that Curie was programmed with, an accent that had carried over from her Nanny Bot body to this Synth body she'd been given.) then, she grins all the wider, bobbing her head up and down as she chuckles.

"We're a bit of a gem, no doubt about that! Not everyone came make it to Venus' Paradise! The name's Sammy! Come in, come in! Let me show you around~"

"I would like that very much!"

Following Sammy into the town, Curie continues to look around in unabashed curiosity. So far, everything she sees confirms what she heard. There are only women, well, women and girls. The all-female population of the town appears to come in all ages… which is a little surprising to Curie, because she sees more than one woman nursing a pregnant belly, or even holding a baby to an exposed breast.

She supposes that the lack of men makes such social taboos as breastfeeding in public no longer applicable. Luckily, with her transfer into a Synth form, she's grown well past the need to recite two hundred year old laws and the like. Looking back at the way she'd talked right after getting free of Vault Eighty-One makes Curie's ears burn with embarrassment. It was a wonder that Nora had put up with her, truly it was, but in the end the woman was a mother, and mothers were said to have a special sort of patience for child-like wonder.

But even still, none of that explained where these women were getting pregnant in the first place. What was the source of this blatant population growth? For a moment, Curie allows herself to quietly giggle at the thought of there being another town some distance away that was only men or something.

"Oooh, here we are! You're going to like this, Curie! This here is the town bar!"

Blinking, Curie pulls herself out of her own thoughts just in time to avoid running into the bar that Sammy has led her to. Beaming happily, the freckled red head slaps down a mug full of liquor in front of Curie, causing the Synth to blink owlishly down at it.

"First round's on me, as a welcome to our fair town! We can continue the tour afterwards~"

Well… it would be disrespectful not to accept, wouldn't it? And while Curie needed to consume food and drink at a much slower rate then actual human beings did, her Synth body was an advanced enough model that she did need both those things, as well as sleep sometimes. It was the trade-off for being able to pass effectively as a human to almost all but the more advanced scanning equipment.

So, with a smile on her cute little lips, Curie picks up the mug and gives Sammy a nod as the two of them knock glasses and proceed to drink together. The alcohol inside really isn't that bad, in fact, it's quite sweet. Curie initially only means to take a single sip, a solitary gulp at MOST, but before she can really say what's happening, she's downing the entire mug in one go, gulping and gulping and gulping it down as she easily holds her breath the entire time.

She and Sammy finish at the exact same moment, and when Sammy slams her mug down on the bar and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, Curie mimics the action, finding it so immensely satisfying that she lets out an involuntary happy sigh in response.


Curie jolts as more mugs are placed in front of her and Sammy, but the red head just starts drinking again before Curie can remind her about her promise of further touring of the town. And really… it was a really tasty drink. So, Curie keeps drinking as well. And keeps drinking… and keeps drinking…

They're about ten glasses in when a sudden familiar animalistic roar assaults Curie's senses, making her eyes go wide as she spins around on the barstool. In truth, she might be susceptible to alcohol, but she's still a Synth, and it would take a lot more than what she'd consumed to lay her out or something. She IS a bit tipsy by this point though, as well as feeling heat in areas of her body she's never felt heat before.

"That… that was the mating call of a Deathclaw!"

Hearing the startled worry in Curie's voice, Sammy turns to her and lets out a perverse, drunken giggle.

"Oh yeah! Dun worry about that… hic!"

Blinking owlishly at her new friend, Curie furrows her brow and pouts cutely in confusion.

"Don't worry about it? Why would one not worry about a Deathclaw?!"

"You mean Deathclaw-S! It'sh plural. That'sh just our local Deathclaw Pack! Hey… you don't sheem very drunk…"

Curie never gets a chance to respond, because the next thing she knows, the town gate is cycling open and Deathclaw after Deathclaw come trotting into the all-woman village. Curie stiffens for a moment in pure panic… but then watches in mounting confusion as the rest of the town's population refrains from screaming their heads off and running for safety. Instead, the women of the town welcome the Deathclaws with open arms… and not a single one is torn into pieces for it.

More than that though, what really makes Curie put two and two together, is what arrives with the Deathclaws. Or rather, who. Streaming in alongside the massive monstrous creatures are much smaller, mostly human boys. Except, each of them has Deathclaw horns curling up out of their hair. And Deathclaw tails, wagging back and forth behind them. And… massive monstrous Deathclaw cocks, stiffening to full mast between their short human legs.

As mothers welcome their sons, as daughters of appropriate age welcome their fathers, Curie begins to understand what's happening. She just doesn't understand HOW it's happening. Turning to Sammy gets her an explanation though, as the freckled red head grins wickedly.

"Made a deal with the Deathclawsh, that'sh what we did. We let em breed us, they keep the real monsters at bay. Men, Curie. Men are the real monstersh!... hic!"

Seeming to sense Curie's continuing confusion despite her inebriated state, Sammy just giggles drunkenly, even as the sounds of debauchery and depravity, of lovemaking between human woman and Deathclaw, begin to fill the air.

"Hehe, it's the drink, Curie! It'sh all in the drink! Makesh it so we can fuck em and breed with em! Makes it so we can shurvive the experience! And lemme tell ya, it's an experience worth survivin'!... hic!"

It's at that moment that a singularly loud HUFF nearly knocks both of them off their barstools, causing Curie to whip her head back around, only to realize that somehow the biggest Deathclaw she's ever seen has managed to sneak up on her and Sammy. It's staring at her with surprising intelligence in it's reptilian eyes, and has the biggest, fattest, most massive cock that Curie has ever witnessed sticking straight up in her direction between its legs.

"Oooh! That'sh the Alpha! The Alpha himself is interested! Go get it, girl!... hic!"

For the briefest of moments, Curie processes everything she's now seen and heard, as well as what she's currently seeing and hearing… and then begins to smile. It might be the aphrodisiacs and small amount of LSD that the drinks were laced with, or it might just be Curie's natural scientific curiosity getting the better of her, but without any further hesitation, she hops off of the barstool, allowing the Alpha Deathclaw to scoop her right up.

"Wonderful! I must document this entire experience, for science!"

As the Deathclaw snorts in amusement and begins pulling her out of her clothes with surprisingly precise claw strikes, Sammy giggles and sways on her own barstool, thrusting an empty mug high into the air.

"For science!... hic!"

Soon enough, the freckled red head is occupied with her own… companion. One of the Deathclaw Hybrids approaches her with great enthusiasm, and from the bright red hair his curved horns are protruding from, Curie marks him as Sammy's sun, even as he helps her strip out of her clothes, pushes her to the ground, and begins motorboating her tits while pounding her hard into the dirt.

Meanwhile, Curie herself is lifted up and up now that she too is naked. Her body is lifted above the Alpha Deathclaw's massive demonic-looking, monstrous member, and then he begins to lower her down onto it. He's facing her away from him as he does so, giving Curie an unobstructed view of the entire town currently engaging in an orgy with their Deathclaw neighbors, even as she herself is slowly but surely impaled on the biggest cock of her life. Well, it's also the only cock of her life to be fair, but still… she has no doubt it will REMAIN the biggest cock of her life.

As her pleasure receptors go absolutely haywire, Curie's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. The Synth shrieks and squeals as she experiences her first orgasms at the end of the Alpha's cock, enjoying immensely the way he's fucking her up and down his length like she's some sort of cocksleeve or sex toy. He's just manhandling her, and Curie wonders if this is what it's like to discover one's fetishes, because she thinks she just might have done so.

All around her, the older pureblood Deathclaws are fucking their of-age daughters, or any mates that aren't pregnant already. At the same time, the handful of Deathclaw-Human hybrids (and those are just FASCINATING) are engaging in eager coitus with their mothers and older sisters. The hybrids are clearly much younger, but it makes sense that they would be ready to have sex far faster than their equivalent sisters. Someday though, they would be the big brothers and their little sisters would be experiencing their first times at the ends of their big fat monster dicks.

It was a glorious sight, to be sure… but part of Curie was far, far away, even as she was fucked through orgasm after explosive orgasm by the Alpha Deathclaw. He was undoubtedly going to get her pregnant, given the copious amounts of alcohol she'd consumed prior to this. If it WAS the drink that made their coupling and breeding with the Deathclaw Pack possible, then Curie was in for the impregnation of a lifetime.

That, as well as all of the mothers in the town, had her thinking about another mother entirely, one that was so very far away right now… and yet, always close to Curie's heart.

Nora had been so betrayed when she'd finally made it to the Institute, only to find that the son she'd been chasing had not only grown up while she was frozen but had become the Institute's leader in her absence. It wasn't the Sole Survivor's fault; she'd been trapped while he was indoctrinated and brainwashed. There was nothing she could have done. But Curie knew that was a small solace for the woman, especially after she'd been forced to turn her back on said son and his horrible practices.

Ever since all of that stuff with the Institute had come to a head, ever since the Brotherhood of Steel had also overstepped their bounds and forced Nora to put them down, Curie knew that her best friend had been at something of a… loss as to what to do next. She'd just been wandering around when Curie and her finally parted ways, doing things that needed doing but basically just going through the motions.

As Curie loses her mind on the Alpha Deathclaw's amazing cock, the last coherent thought that passes through her head before she's completely fucked silly is a simple one.

Nora would love it here. I should give her a call…


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