Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Stalking Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)

Stalking Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)

A/N: Stalking Daphne Blake was a commissioned one shot originally written back in July of 2020. Posting it here for people to enjoy!

Summary: Daphne's always been a girl to live life on the edge. That combined with her over-confidence in the security her dad's money bought her, cause her to make an inadvisable deal with her stalker when he comes calling. If he can get into the house... she's all his.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Punishment, Rough Sex



While the muffled sound of thunder does make it through the walls, the windows don't so much as rattle as lightning strikes off in the distance. The heavy torrent of rain crashing against them also doesn't do much beyond provide some ambient noise for the beautiful young red head lounging on the couch in the living room.

Daphne Blake doesn't so much as flinch at the sound of thunder, of course. Call it the byproduct of a misspent youth… though if you asked her, not a single iota of it was truly misspent. Her time with the gang, traveling the country in the Mystery Van and solving mysteries… it was some of the best times of Daphne's life. Even if she had gotten kidnapped an awful lot, even if she were a little… well, danger-prone, as the others would have put it.

She wouldn't have traded any of it for the world, really. Alas, all good things come to an end. Times change, people move on… they grow up. The gang were adults now, actual, real adults rather than high school graduates just trying to find their way in the world. Now in her mid-twenties, Daphne had known it was time to get a degree and figure out what she wanted to do for her career.

Luckily, her rich father was as ever, available to her. He'd set her up with this house, which was close to her college campus, and had made sure it had all the electronic security that money could buy and a rich white girl like herself could want. The red head was perfectly safe, which was another reason why the thunderstorm raging outside didn't bother her one bit as she lounged back on her couch in a lavender and violet nightie and a pair of matching lavender panties, reading her textbook and intermittently sipping from a cup of tea.

Of course, as if to disagree with her calm and collected state of being, that's when her phone, set on the coffee table next to her, deigns to ring. Sighing, Daphne sets down her cup and reaches for the phone, not the least bit surprised when it says Unknown Number. A little thrill does run through her though, and before she can think better of herself, Daphne answers the phone.

"Daphne Blake speaking."

"Oh, I know who I'm calling, Ms. Blake. It's good to hear your voice again."

The sinister undertone that the man on the other end of the call speaks with sends a shiver down her spine as Daphne's lips purse and her brow furrows together.

"You again. I told you to stop calling this number."

"Yeah, I was a little hurt that you blocked my last number again. So very rude, Ms. Blake. It's like you're asking to be punished."

A low growl leaves Daphne's throat at that.

"I'd like to see you try, bastard. You're certainly acting all high and mighty for some cheap stalker."

Because that's exactly what the voice on the other end of the line was… Daphne's stalker. She was pretty much she'd picked him up at school, over at the college. She probably even shared a class with him, as disquieting as that thought was. But he was a smart one. He only ever called her when she was at home, to make it seem like he had no connection to the university she went to on the daily. And he always called with burners, which she of course immediately blocked, only for him to call again.

Maybe she should have changed her number, or involved her father or the police, or something. But Daphne had spent enough time with the gang being a damsel in distress that needed saving. She refused to be that now, when really, this dude wasn't all that dangerous at all. All he ever did was call her and talk about what he wanted to do to her. Daphne wasn't even remotely phased by a creepy voice after everything she'd been through.

"… You should be nicer to people you haven't met yet, Ms. Blake. You never know when you might piss off the wrong person."

Daphne rolls her eyes at the baseless threat.


And then she hangs up. It sends a little thrill through her to do so. She doesn't immediately move to block the new number, and sure enough, a fresh call comes through within moments. Daphne just grins down at it, enjoying the little bit of power she's exercising over this stranger, over her stalker. She lets the first call go to voice mail, but of course her stalker doesn't leave a voicemail, he simply starts to call again.

This time, Daphne picks up, making her tone sickeningly sweet.


"… Ms. Blake, I'm rapidly reaching the end of my rope with you. Show some respect."

Daphne giggles, half because she knows it'll piss him off to no end, and half for real.

"Or what? Are you going to get me?"

"Maybe I will. Maybe I'll come into that quaint little home of yours and show you exactly what you've been missing out on."

Daphne can't deny that a small thrill of excitement rushes through her at the man's words. And not just excitement, but arousal as well. She's not going to lie… she might have a little bit of a domination and submission fetish. The thought of a guy invading her home and pinning her down to have his way with her… it was kind of hot. But only in fantasy, of course. In reality, she was perfectly safe. The house was locked down tight, and there was no way in.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try."

"… Yeah?"

And then Daphne makes a bit of a mistake, grinning all carefree-like as she smirks at the phone.

"Yeah. If you can get past all the security, you can have me. Get your hands on me and I'll let you teach me a lesson. But we both know you're straight out of luck."

"… See you soon, Ms. Blake."

And then the line goes dead, just like that. Daphne lifts a single sculpted eyebrow at that. It's the first time her stalker has ever hung up on her. As she sets her phone down, her eyes do ghost across the dimly lit living room, if only for a second. If she were a normal girl, maybe she'd be jumping at the shadows by this point, maybe she'd even be calling the police.

But Daphne isn't going to be scared by some voice on the phone. She has full confidence in the house's security. So, Daphne turns her eyes back down to her textbook and picks up her cup of tea again, going back to studying like she was doing before her stalker called. With nothing to worry about, Daphne puts the call and her ill-conceived promise completely out of her pretty little head.

As such, when the attack comes a few minutes later, the red head isn't expecting it at all. An arm is suddenly around her neck, and the last bits of her tea go sloshing all over the place as she shrieks into a hand that clasps over her mouth. As she's pinned down to the couch from behind, a familiar, sinister, masculine voice sounds in her ear.

"Hello, Ms. Blake."

Daphne's eyes go wide in fright and astonishment. He'd actually done it. Somehow, her stalker had gotten inside the house. He'd gotten his hands on her.

"What was it you said? 'Get your hands on me, and I'll let you teach me a lesson'? Was that it?"

Blushing in embarrassment at her taunting boast being thrown back in her face… Daphne is nonetheless more than a little turned on as she squirms in his grasp. When the arm around her neck suddenly ghosts south to slip under her nightie and grab at one of her full breasts, Daphne whimpers into the man's hand at his rough touch, body betraying her by instinctively lifting up to meet his gripping, squeezing fingers.

It's obvious he's waiting for a response though, and eventually, Daphne gives a slow, reluctant nod of agreement, even as her legs kick out on the couch. He's got her… and there's nothing she can do about it now. Well, there's a few things she could technically do about it, but the way he's touching her so far, while aggressive and rough, isn't necessarily violent. Daphne will wait to see if she needs to bring out her martial arts training or not. With a black belt in karate, she might be able to fight off her attacker… but truth be told, she almost doesn't want to.

It's been a while for the beautiful red head, to say the least. Seeming to sense her reluctance to fight back and taking it as acceptance of her situation, her attacker chuckles darkly and abruptly flips around, ending up astride her as he crouches on the couch. He's wearing all black, even a balaclava to cover his face, but the all black he IS wearing makes one thing clear… the man is positively ripped.

This isn't some fatso or skinny nerd who snuck into her place, this guy works out, which she sort of already guessed by how strong he was, but feeling it is different than seeing it.

"Good girl. Yeah, I think we both know you want this… you've been fantasizing about me, haven't you?"

Daphne scoffs at that, more for his reaction than anything else. Her stalker doesn't fail her either, letting out a growl at her scoff and grabbing her by the hair with one hand as he fiddles with his pants with the other. In moments, his cock is out, and Daphne is staring down the barrel of quite the impressive, mouth-watering pecker.


Open she does, and a moment later he's shoving forward into her gaping maw. He's not gentle about it, as he begins to fuck her face, but Daphne DID say he could teach her a lesson if he got his hands on her, so the vivacious red head doesn't really fight it, as she's choked on his cock, gagging and gurgling all the while.

"Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!"

"Yeah, that's right bitch. You're mine. You're fucking mine!"

The possessiveness might be a problem later on, but Daphne has always been a live in the moment kind of gal. So, she submits, slurping at his dick even as it slides down the back of her throat again and again. He fucks her face hard and fast, and finishes in the same way a few minutes in, letting out a sudden groan before he pulls out and cums all over her front.

Daphne flinches as he gets it across her face and all over her chest. She's just about to admonish him for it even, when he's suddenly grabbing at her nightie, at her clothes. A squeal erupts from the red head's cum-painted lips as he tears her nightie off of her body quite aggressively, and then does the same with her panties as well, yanking them roughly down her legs.

She lets him though, even helps him get her panties off. Naked and flustered and panting heavily, making her tits jiggle as she lays there beneath him, Daphne bites her lower lip, waiting to see what he'll do next. Fuck her, more than likely… but she can't deny she's excited for it.

Grabbing her by her hips, her stalker tosses her onto her front. Forcing her to bend over the arm of the couch and kneel into the couch cushion, he yanks those same hips backwards, his cock hot dogging her ass for just a moment before he's pulling back and thrusting in. Daphne's eyes go wide as she stares out the window that was just behind her before, and her lips part as a low, keening wail erupts from her mouth at the sudden penetration.

His cock is thick and long, meaning he stretches her out just right and gets so damn deep into her that Daphne is seeing stars. And he doesn't leave her any time to adjust or recover, either. He's fucking her hard and fast from the get-go, and Daphne is getting suck into it all. Moaning, whimpering, mewling like a kitten, Daphne gets plowed from behind.

He's treating her like… like a slut, like HIS slut, that he can do whatever he wants with. Daphne won't lie, it's incredibly arousing, the way he's using and abusing her. She's always been a fan of rough sex, to be fair. Unfortunately, neither Fred nor Shaggy were really up to the task on that front. And when she and Velma had dated for a few months, well… Daphne had been the one in charge of THAT relationship, of course she had.

Just giving in and letting this masked man have his way with her… it feels good. It feels right, really. He was a home intruder, so she supposed this was rape and she should be crying and struggling a bit more… but truth be told, Daphne is enjoying herself more than she'll ever be willing to admit. So much so, in fact, that the red head is beginning to push her hips back into his thrusting cock as he fucks her from behind.

With every grunt and groan, he slams home into her twat yet again. Her sopping, dripping wet twat, which is beginning to convulsive as Daphne herself spasms her way through an orgasm. That brings a pause to the intruder's actions as he leans over her, breathing hot air across her ear.

"Did you just cum without asking for permission, slut?"

Daphne, still recovering from the climax, licks her lips and pants as she bucks her hips back into the masked man's cock.

"What… what're you going to do about it, bastard?"

Her snarky response is answered with a growl and his fingers in her mouth, forcing themselves halfway down her throat. She gags, even as he begins to fuck her hard again, silencing her as he rails her from behind some more. Daphne doesn't even try to hold back the subsequent orgasm that swiftly arrives after that, and when he responds by spanking her disobedient ass, she squeals and cums again for a third time.

"Damn bitch! You're really asking for it!"

And yet, she thinks she hears a fondness in the stranger's voice, even as he grasps her by the neck and pulls her back up against his chest. His other hand wraps around to grab and grope at her fantastic breasts, and Daphne moans as he nuzzles into the back of her hair, thrusting up into her from below all the while. Fuck, it feels good to let go. It feels so damn good to get fucking railed by this muscular, well-hung STUD.

When he abruptly cums inside of her, Daphne is reminded that she didn't have him wear a condom… but she's on birth control, so it SHOULD be okay anyways. In the end, she's not really in a position to complain… which is why she complains anyways, if only to provoke a response from him. She's happy to find that even after cumming twice, once on her face and the other up into her gushing twat, that he's still rock hard and ready to go.

When she hooks her fingers up under the hem of his black shirt, he doesn't stop her from removing it… and so, Daphne strips her intruder like he did her, exposing his absolutely gorgeous body below the neck. She doesn't touch the mask, but around the fourth or fifth time he's fucking her, long after they've moved from the couch to the floor, he does it himself.

She doesn't recognize him, funnily enough. But he's certainly handsome, in his own way. He's also domineering, controlling, and possessive in all the best ways, so Daphne lets him keep fucking her, lets him think he's put her in her place. They fuck all over the house all throughout the night, from the living room to the hallway, to the kitchen for a late night snack, followed by the shower for a late night wash.

As he's pinning her up against the shower wall, hand fisted in her hair and hot water pounding down across both their bodies while he pounds into her from behind, Daphne groans appreciatively, pushing back into his thrusts. His other hand delivers stinging smacks to her tits and ass both, but Daphne doesn't mind… she quite likes it in fact, how he enjoys hurting her, but not too much.

At some point, he's graduated from stalker and home intruder to lover, oddly enough. And she can't get enough of it, of him. As he cums inside of her for the umpteenth time and their shower together is brought to a close, Daphne comes to a decision. When he starts heading for his discarded clothes after they've both toweled off, Daphne stops him, taking him by the hand and turning him back around.

Words escape her, so she just drops to her knees and takes him back into her mouth instead. His half-chub quickly re-inflates as she bobs up and down on his cock and wraps her arms around his waist. Groaning, the handsome, well-built man places a hand atop her head as he looks down at her, eyes unreadable.

"… You're insatiable, Ms. Blake."

Seeing an opportunity, Daphne pulls back off of his cock with a pop and gives him a sunny smile, the twinkle in her eye no doubt evident.

"Please… call me Daphne."

He blinks in surprise at that, and then a slow, smug smirk spreads across his face. When Daphne takes him by the hand again and this time finally leads him to her untouched bed, he follows, and together the two of them cuddle up, drifting off to sleep.

… Certainly, one of the odder ways for a couple to get together, but honestly, Daphne knows she's never been normal by any stretch of the imagination. Frankly, she wouldn't have it any other way.


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