Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Confirming a Theory (HxEros)

Confirming a Theory (HxEros)

A/N: Confirming a Theory is a commissioned one-shot that was originally written back in July of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Daisuke has always been good at reading people. Kirara Hoshino acts like she doesn't like men... but he suspects something different. So, he goes about getting to the bottom of things.

Themes: Slutty, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex


"Daisuke. Kirara. Please see to cleaning up the classroom before you leave today."

Straightening up at hearing his name called, Daisuke glances over at the other student to be singled out and refrains from smirking as she meets his eyes with a look of embarrassment and anger on the forefront. What's lurking beneath the surface is what he's really interested in though. As the rest of the people in the classroom, including the teacher, all pack up and head out for the day, Daisuke stands and begins going around and fixing up the room, paying Kirara Hoshino no mind, or at least seeming to.

In truth, even though he's not giving her even the slightest attention right now, that's by design. As it so happens, Kirara is front and center in his thoughts at the moment and has been for a while now. Daisuke always did love a good mystery, after all.

Tall and lanky, with shaggy black hair and a pair of spectacles on his nose, Daisuke was perhaps a bit of a nerd. But at the same time, he wasn't your stereotypical small and unassuming nerd. He stood out due to his height and his rather crazy unruly hair. He managed to straddle a whole lot of different boxes without actually really fitting into any one of them. Perhaps that was why he wasn't subject to much bullying, because at the end of the day, the bullies didn't really know what angle to attack from.

Kirara Hoshino, meanwhile, was a beauty with strawberry blonde hair, amber eyes, and a fit young body that was perhaps still doing a bit more growing. But what growing it had accomplished so far certainly made her quite the pretty schoolgirl. And yet, when he'd first laid eyes on her, Daisuke really hadn't thought much of her. Sure, she was pretty, but he'd noticed how she couldn't even stand being around boys, let alone touching them.

And yet… Daisuke had always been good at reading people. He'd begun to notice something odd about the strawberry blonde as time had passed. Whenever a boy had gotten too close or even just tried to talk to her… there would be the normal emotions of anger and embarrassment as she shut them down, but there was also just a little bit of shame and arousal, if Daisuke was understanding her correctly.

The 'if' in that thought was what had ultimately led to him testing his theory. It was one thing to think he saw something interesting in the man-hater, but another entirely to actually prove it. Daisuke might have been good at reading people, but he'd been wrong about his observations before, and it'd instilled in him a need for proper experimentation before he just… jumped to conclusions.

Still, the more he'd seen of her each day at school, the more the young man had become absolutely certain that there was more to Kirara than a first glanced showed. And thus, had begun his testing. He'd begun to interact with Kirara more frequently. He'd done things like 'accidentally' brushing past her in the school hallways, found reasons to be in the same places as her throughout the day, and even started up harmless small talk with her whenever he saw an opportunity.

Sure enough, once he looked past the instinctive anger response, Daisuke continued to see the same mixture of embarrassment and desire. His theory all but proven in his head, all that was left to do was give Kirara a chance to confront him on it. Which bribing the teacher to assign him and the strawberry blonde to clean up the classroom after school certainly did.


And like that, the young lady in question is in front of him, her hands on her hips as he blinks and slowly straightens up from where he'd been picking up a piece of paper that had slipped onto the floor. Though, if he was right in his observations, Kirara was no lady…

"Hm? Yes, Kirara?"

He keeps a bland smile on his face, as he looks her right in the eye. For a moment, Kirara flinches back, her face even heating up a little… but then she glares at him angrily, trying to pretend like her embarrassed blush is a furious flush.

"You've been getting rather presumptuous with me, you know? What I want to know is why you've been acting so strangely! I-I don't appreciate your attentions!"

Cocking an eyebrow, Daisuke hums for all of a moment before shaking his head.

"I disagree."

Blinking owlishly, Kirara looks at him, befuddled.


With a smile on his face, Daisuke leans forward into Kirara's personal space.

"I think you do appreciate my attentions, Kirara. More than you'd ever be willing to admit. I think really, you're a pervert who's been trying to repress her own sexual urges. I think you want boys to want you, but also don't think you're supposed to want boys to want you, so you respond with anger to hide your arousal. I think, Kirara, that you're a slut."

His initial words rock Kirara back on her heels, leaving her sputtering and wide eyed at first, but he talks for long enough that she ultimately recovers by the time he's finished… and promptly slaps him across the face.


With that, the strawberry blonde schoolgirl turns on her heel and leaves the classroom in a huff, positively stomping out with her hands balled into fists at her side. Daisuke watches her go, enjoying the natural feminine sway of her hips and the swishing of her uniform's skirt. It's his turn to blink owlishly for a moment as he brings a hand up to rub at the cheek she'd slapped.

In the end, the young man just shrugs. That was honestly one of the better outcomes he had expected from their conversation. It neither fully proved nor disproved his theory regarding her, of course… but it left open the option for the theory to be proved or disproved down the line, so that was good. Smiling a little, Daisuke continues to clean up around the classroom. That was part of the bribe, after all. His teacher probably thought he and Kirara would be making out or something, so the man had demanded Daisuke actually make sure the room got tidied up before he left.

And so, Daisuke does, before gathering his things and leaving. Another stage of the testing process completed… who knew what tomorrow would bring?


Tomorrow and the days that followed brought extremely promising results. Over the next few days, after their fateful confrontation in the classroom after school, Daisuke catches Kirara watching him more times than he can count. He also sees her blushing profusely whenever she thinks no one is looking. The anger only shows up when he looks back at her, which in his eyes means that his theory is closer to being proven right than ever before.

She wants him, or at least, she wants what he's suggesting he can offer her. Daisuke isn't silly enough to think he's an overly attractive prospect for the girls in his life. There are other guys more handsome than him, or if one's looking for brains over brawns, there are guys smarter than him as well. In the end, he's just an average dude… who knows how to read people.

Each day that passes makes it clearer and clearer that his read on Kirara was the right one. The way she constantly sneaks peeks at him when no one is looking is honestly kind of adorable. If she weren't at least a little bit interested in what he had to offer, she wouldn't be paying him the time of day. After all, school life was busy and crowded. If she never wanted to interact with him again for the rest of their time together as schoolmates, she certainly could have managed it.

Especially since, if she HAD taken to ignoring him wholly and utterly, Daisuke would have let this all go. After all, he wasn't looking to force her to do anything she didn't want her to do. He wasn't that kind of guy. But the fact was, Kirara just couldn't stop glancing over at him, couldn't stop blushing around him, couldn't stop stealing peeks of him during their classes together. Daisuke barely even looked in her direction, and yet, she couldn't get him out of her head.

When Friday rolls around, he makes another move. When he sees Kirara sit down in the very back corner of the classroom, perhaps to avoid him since he always tends to sit in the middle, Daisuke takes the opportunity presented to him and sits right next to her just as the final bell is ringing and everyone is settling in for the lesson.

Seeing as it's too late for her to switch seats as the teacher begins talking up at the front of the class, Kirara can do nothing but tremble next to him, likely attempting to make it seem like she's feeling nothing but rage. But Daisuke knows better. Which is why he passes her a note halfway through class without even looking at her, feeling as her delicate fingers brush over his as she takes it from him.

He listens to her unfold it and knows she's read it when he hears her breath hitch. When no angry outburst follows, Daisuke just smiles, continuing not to so much as look at her. The lesson continues, and he ignores Kirara the entire time, even though he can feel her eyes doing their level best to burrow through the side of his head for the rest of the hour.

When class ends, Daisuke stands up and leaves without so much as glancing in Kirara's direction. The ball is firmly in her court now… because the note he gave her was an ultimatum, of sorts. Daisuke really didn't have it in him to continue playing this cat and mouse game. He wasn't looking for a slow courtship or a your regular, run of the mill boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

That was probably what had ultimately drawn him to Kirara in the first place, his subconscious realizing that she represented something unique, something special. That she was a hidden gem, and all he had to do was reach out and pluck her. But… Daisuke wasn't the kind of man to force himself on a girl. He wasn't going to pin Kirara down in an empty classroom and rape her, no matter how much his intuition claimed she would love every last moment of it.

No, his own admittedly twisted morals allowed for him to poke and prod and experiment with her but required him to make her take the final step, if she was so willing. Which was why Daisuke's note had come with simple instructions and the address of a love motel. Tomorrow, on Saturday, they would meet at the room number he'd already booked for the coming weekend. Or, Kirara might not show and Daisuke would spend the day just relaxing and watching some TV before going home.

But he'd made it quite clear in his note what would happen if she didn't show. And really, it wasn't even anything bad… so long as she wasn't the perverted slut that he'd pegged her as being. If Kirara didn't show up at the love motel at the appointed time… then Daisuke would no longer bother her. That was the promise he'd made in the note. If she didn't come, he'd take that as a complete rebuttal of his theory and an utter rejection of his words and leave her alone.

… He may have specified that he would 'never bother her again'. But hey, it wasn't an ultimatum if there wasn't something to be lost, right? And if he DID still turn out to be wrong somehow about what sort of woman Kirara was, then she lost nothing by not showing up. It wasn't like they were friends or anything like that, after all. They were barely even acquaintances. But maybe they would end up being a whole lot more than that, if it turned out he was right about Kirara after all…

A smile on his face, Daisuke heads on home. If he WAS right, tomorrow and Sunday were going to be big days for him.


The next day, Daisuke finds himself sitting there on the bed, waiting as the appointed time grows ever nearer. He promised himself he wouldn't get his hopes up too much, he'd done all he could to prepare for being wrong as he'd been with other observations in the past. But there was no denying he had the jitters as he sat there, waiting to find out one way or another. There was no denying he was just a little bit nervous, and constantly looking towards the door, waiting for the moment Kirara might walk through it.

And then it comes, the door opens and the strawberry blonde steps inside, and it's like all of his nervousness and uncertainty washes away. Or maybe it just transfers over to Kirara herself because she's undeniably shy as she closes and locks the door behind her, before stepping into the room only to stop at the feel of his intense gaze on her. Her hands fiddle with her skirt, the girl having come in her school uniform, albeit with a coat over it.

This was it. He was right. Kirara was a perverted little slut who… who wanted to be taken charge of and told what to do. Daisuke's cock is immediately growing in his pants, going from soft to rock hard in moments, and Kirara hasn't even done anything particularly sexy yet! Well, besides stand there and look fucking adorable.

"… Strip."

He's glad that his voice doesn't crack, as he speaks up. Kirara stiffens at the command, her eyes snapping to meet his before darting away, even as she responds with a stutter and a stammer.


Daisuke simply crosses his arms over his chest, not intending to give even an inch on this. He's in control now… Kirara has made it abundantly clear that she wants this.

"If you're serious about going through with this, you're going to do everything I tell you to. So… strip."

The blonde blushes profusely, fidgeting and squirming, but in the end she nods and slowly shucks off her coat, setting it aside. Then, she begins to strip. She's hesitant and rather uncoordinated as she does so, exposing her flesh to him and coloring in embarrassment all the while. It's no sexy strip dance, but to be fair, that wasn't what Daisuke had asked for, nor had he provided music.

So, Kirara slowly strips out of her clothes, taking off her shoes and then her socks, and then unbuttoning her blouse. Her skirt comes off after that, leaving her in nothing but her underwear. She fidgets for a moment like that, half-naked, before a glance at his face causes her to continue on upon seeing the determined expectation in his eyes.

Off comes her bra, her arm coming up to try to cover her full tits. But it's hard, because she really does have a good pair of breasts to go along with her nubile young body. And once she moves onto her panties, well, she needs both hands to pull them down her legs anyways, letting her tits fall free and bounce and jiggle as she bends over to get the last of her clothes off of her body.

Slowly, she stands up, placing her hands over her body strategically to try to cover up. And yet, the look in her eyes tells him she expects him to tell her not to, to remove her hands. The look in her eyes makes it clear she's even hoping for it. But Daisuke isn't playing this game with her.

"Aren't you sick of following society's rules, Kirara? Aren't you tired of doing what's expected of you, rather than what feels right?"

Kirara blushes and stammers and stutters, not really saying anything intelligible as she squirms there in place before him, naked and so delectable he could just eat her right up. But no… patience.

"Society expects you to cover up your body when you're standing in front of a boy, doesn't it? So, you do it. Except… society would say you shouldn't have taken your clothes off in front of me in the first place, Kirara. You've already broken away from society just by being here. So… what do YOU want to do with your arms, hm? What do YOU want to do with those hands? Stop thinking about what society expects from you… and start living for yourself, you perverted little slut."

A shudder runs through Kirara's naked body at that last bit, but Daisuke can tell it's one of pleasure. Blushing profusely, all the way down to her tits, Kirara nevertheless moves her hands… however, she doesn't move them far. He didn't tell her to take them away and show him herself after all… he told her to live for herself.

And like the closet pervert that Daisuke has sussed her out to be, what Kirara wants to do with her hands is quite slutty indeed. Right before his eyes, she slips her one hand to one of her breasts and begins groping and squeezing it, her index finger fiddling with her nipple in what's obviously a practiced motion as she moans softly. Down below, her other hand pulls back enough to reveal her dripping wet mound, even as her fingers play with her clit and her pussy lips, making the noises coming out of her mouth even louder.

Daisuke lets this continue for a little bit, until his erection has gone from simply hard to downright painful. Reaching down, he unbuttons and unzips his pants, and pulls his cock out of his boxers. The way Kirara's breath hitches makes it clear his dick is the first she's ever seen before. He's not overly endowed, he's not massive or whatever, but he's also not small. He's just on the larger side of average, but for an undeniably virgin pervert like Kirara, well, he's probably bigger than anything she's ever played with before.

Her eyes now fixated on his erection as Daisuke strokes it up and down, Kirara continues to play with herself, panting now, her lips eternally parted and her tongue tracing out every once in a while to lick at them cutely. Daisuke lets her finger her cunt for a few moments more, and then snaps his fingers and points down at her feet.

"On your hands and knees. Crawl over here and suck my cock."

A clear, concise command. A way to remind Kirara that even if he IS giving her more freedom than society ever did, he's also in charge here. Kirara's knees slam into the thankfully-carpeted floor as she all but collapses from the order. Her hands fall forward onto the carpet in front of her, and her eyes remain fixed on his pecker all the way over to him.

Spreading his legs apart, Daisuke provides room for Kirara to kneel between them, and as she leans forward, he places a hand atop her head, lacing his fingers through her strawberry blonde locks. Amber eyes go crossed trying to look at his cockhead as it presses forward against her lips, before ultimately uncrossing to look up at him.

Staring down at Kirara, Daisuke feeds the horny little slut his cock, not the least bit surprised when her tongue swishes around his dick tip, before settling for writhing along the underside of his shaft as he pushes inch after inch of his member into her mouth. It's not long before Daisuke's cockhead hits the back of her throat, of course. She's over halfway down by the time that happens, and as she chokes momentarily, he pulls back and then goes again, before slowly relaxing his grip on her hair and letting her do it herself.

Bobbing up and down on his cock with little experience but plenty of enthusiasm, Kirara's amber eyes never leave his face as she swallows as much of his cock as she can, sucking and slurping quite noisily in her best attempt at cock worship. Her wet, velvety mouth certainly feels quite good around his member… almost as good as the fingers she's still touching herself with down below no doubt feel in her cunt.

She's matching her movements; he realizes after a little while. As she bobs up and down on his dick, her fingers are matching that bobbing in and out of her pussy. It seems to be bringing the slutty little pervert no end of pleasure, and Daisuke is quite enjoying himself as well, so he doesn't bother stopping her. This… even if he's maintaining as much confidence as possible, even if he's showing her just how in control he is… this is still Daisuke's first time doing anything with a woman as well.

Maybe it's because of that, that he ends the blowjob early. Tightening his grip on Kirara's hair, he pulls her back all of the sudden, working past the lump in his throat as his cock twitches and throbs inches from her face, covered in her saliva, even connected to her lips still with a tendril of drool. Looking up at him, somewhat confused, Kirara pouts mightily, seeming a little hurt that he'd stopped her.

"On the bed. On your back… I'm going to fuck you now."

His voice is hoarse as he delivers that line, but Kirara doesn't seem to notice, her eyes widening and lighting up all at once. Letting go of her hair, Daisuke watches as the beautiful young woman climbs onto the bed and lays back, splaying her legs apart for him. It's only once she's in position that she seems to hesitate, blushing profusely yet again, acting all shy as Daisuke stands up and strips off the rest of his clothing as well. She blushes even harder when he takes out a condom and puts it on his cock, as if she hadn't even thought about that. Finally, he climbs onto the bed after her, crawling into place between her legs.

Placing his cockhead against her dripping wet pussy lips provokes an embarrassed reaction from Kirara as she hastily covers her face with her hands, whimpering like mad but not doing a single thing to try and stop him. With a growl, Daisuke reaches up and grabs Kirara's wrists, pulling her arms away to the sides just as he thrusts into her down below and robs her of her virginity.

As he tears through her purity, Daisuke is treated to the beautiful sight of the virgin pervert's face contorting in pleasure and pain alike from the abrupt penetration. A moaning wail leaves Kirara's throat, followed by mewls and whimpers as Daisuke begins to thrust. They don't… kiss. He's half-tempted to, but he doesn't want this to become anything it isn't supposed to be. This relationship is built on Kirara's sluttiness, and his willingness to manipulate and exploit her perverted tendencies.

He's in control, and that's just the way they both like it. Kissing might cede some of that control, so instead Daisuke just watches Kirara's face as he fucks her, watches as her sounds turn more and more wanton, her moans rising in pitch, her ecstatic cries eventually filling the rented room. Her pussy walls clench and squeeze around his cock sporadically, and even as Kirara is crying out, he knows she's cumming.

It's the first time he's brought her to orgasm, and with his dick too… Daisuke can't get enough of that feeling, of the satisfaction that courses through him at having brought pleasure to a woman. So, he picks up the pace, fucking Kirara even harder, even faster. He's rewarded with the tantalizing sight of her breasts bouncing and jiggling all over the place right in front of his eyes as he continues to hold her wrists to the sides of her head, and even louder moans from Kirara as his cock goes deeper than ever before, stretching her sopping wet cunt nice and wide.

Ah, but what if he could make those moans even louder. Kissing might be out, but… leaning forward, Daisuke gives into his instincts and begins to lavish significant attention upon the trapped strawberry blonde's milk jugs. The beautiful orbs probably aren't as big as they're going to be once she's fully matured, but there's certainly a handful apiece, leaving him just enough for him to wrap his mouth around, swallowing her tits and then slowly drawing back his lips and teeth across her soft, sensitive mammaries until eventually he catches hold of her nipple between his teeth and begins to nibble and then gnaw at it.

Kirara whimpers and mewls and moans, wiggling beneath him, but not in any real attempt to get away. More so, her pussy walls clench and cling and squeeze around his cock as she orgasms yet again from the dual assault he's leveling against her person. Tugging her nipple up from her body between his teeth as he continues to fuck her cunt with all his might, Daisuke eventually releases her teat and then repeats the process with her other breast, alternating between the two beautiful flesh orbs until they're both red and their nipples are pronounced and rock hard from the attention.

Pulling back, Daisuke looks down at Kirara… and promptly comes undone. It's just too hard to hold back his release when she looks so aglow with arousal and flushed with pleasure, her inner walls clinging to his member and trying desperately to milk him of his cum. With a loud groan, he ejaculates into the condom, filling it with his seed as opposed to pumping his load directly into her womb and potentially saddling them both with a child neither are looking for or ready for.

In response, Kirara's eyes roll back in her head and her entire body spasms as it too experiences one last explosive orgasm from being came inside, even as said cum is captured by the condom he put on beforehand. Collapsing back onto the bed after arching her back in climatic bliss, Kirara pants heavily, her breasts a-jiggling, even as Daisuke breathes slowly while pulling his cock back out of her twat.

… He's still hard. Frankly, he's too excited to go soft. So, Daisuke removes the condom, ties it off, sets it right next to Kirara's head as a reminder of what they just did, and then puts a fresh condom on. The whole time he's doing this, Kirara is still recovering, her gaze heavily lidded and the girl herself more than likely somewhat insensate.

Which means she lets out the cutest little squeal of surprise when he grabs her by her hips, flips her over onto her front, and then pulls her up onto her hands and knees as he thrusts into her from behind. Taking her doggystyle while Kirara yelps and gasps and mewls is just as good as fucking her on her back was. The young woman, meanwhile, has her head down and is staring at the used condom he'd put in front of her. Or she is, until he reaches out and grabs her by her strawberry blonde hair, yanking her head backwards and forcing her spine to arch beautifully.

With one hand holding her hair and the other on her ass, Daisuke takes Kirara rather roughly, fucking the perverted, horny slut as hard as he can and as savagely as he can. As expected, it provokes quite the reaction from her. No words, he's beginning to suspect he'll have to teach the former virgin dirty talk… but the noises that Kirara makes are music to Daisuke's ears all the same, and he works hard to extract each and every one of them from her lips, even as he extracts orgasm after orgasm from her twat.

Grunting, groaning, Daisuke doesn't let up for even a moment. He gives Kirara precisely what she wants, and exactly what she needs… a big fat cock, filling up her insatiable twat. Pounding Kirara into the bed doggystyle is like a dream come true, it really is. He can't stop now, so he doesn't, slamming home into her hungry cunt again and again and again, for what feels like an eternity.

Obviously, that's not the case. He was as much a virgin as Kirara before all of this. In the end, Daisuke can't last forever. And honestly, even though he's already cum once, the rough, fast pace of fucking Kirara from behind on her hands and knees… it brings him to his next release even faster than the first. He's not content with just filling another condom this time though.

With a loud growl, Daisuke pulls out at the last second, and positively rips his condom off of his cock. Kirara has just enough time to turn her head to look back at him curiously as he strokes himself the rest of the way to completion… and then he's cumming, finishing all over her back and ass, and even managing to hit her in the face as she turns to look at him.

His seed lands all over her body, coating her, marking her… claiming her. It's as if Daisuke is saying to the world, even if it's only the two of them… 'this is my slut. I found her, I sussed her out, and I claimed her. This one is MINE!'. Kirara… Kirara looks gorgeous, covered in his jizz. On her hands and knees, ass up in the air, back arched, face turned back towards him, the young naked woman looks absolutely beautiful.

Plus, Daisuke grins as he tightens his grip on her hair, it lets him segue into his next idea perfectly.

"Oh no, I've made you all messy… guess we'll both need to take a shower now."

Tugging her off the bed by her hair, acting domineering but also being careful not to hurt her too much, Daisuke drags his new pet slut to the motel room's bathroom… and Kirara lets him, her hands already between her legs, fingering her needy twat as she stumbles along after him.

This was the start of something new, that much was for sure. The start of something utterly depraved and truly debauched. And Daisuke couldn't wait.


"Huh, you notice how Kirara has been acting differently, lately?"

"What, Hoshino? Uh, in what way?"

"She's not as angry and hostile all the time anymore, at least."

"Eh, yeah… but she still avoids us guys like the plague…"

"… Maybe she got a boyfriend?"

"Hah, yeah right!"

Conversations such as the one above were taking place all across the school these days, as people recognized a change in Kirara Hoshino. The hostility and anger that she'd always espoused whenever a male got too close to her was indeed gone… though she was still maintaining a polite distance from anyone of the opposite gender, at least in public.

The change was obvious, and people were certainly discussing it… but the subject of their discussion had no idea, because at the moment, she was around the back of the school, nestled away in one of the school's multiple equipment sheds. There, the young woman is crouching down, her legs bent at the knee and spread nice and wide. Her blouse is unbuttoned, and her bra is discarded, leaving her free to wrap her tits around the cock of the young man in front of her… the young man who had found her out, and then subsequently tamed her with his cock.

Swallowing the head of Daisuke's member in her mouth while running her breasts up and down the rest of his length in a blowjob-titjob combo that she was getting progressively better at, Kirara looks up at Daisuke and after a moment, lets his cock leave her mouth with a quiet pop. Blushing, she pouts up at Daisuke, even as she wiggles her hips, causing her skirt to swish back and forth. Her legs are trembling, and there's already a small puddle of her arousal between her feet, her panties well and truly soaked through by her lust.

"I-It's your fault, you know… you made me like this, Daisuke… you couldn't leave well enough alone, could you?"

Daisuke, grinning wickedly at Kirara's poor attempt at acting the tsundere, just chuckles as he laces his fingers through her strawberry blonde hair and pushes her back down onto his cock, making her once again take the top bit of his member into her mouth.

"Well then, I guess I'll just have to take responsibility."

She lets out a muffled noise of affirmation around his cock and then gets back to work, focusing on the task at hand of getting him off with her tits and mouth. Groaning, Daisuke tilts his head back and lets his eyes drift shut as he backs in the sensations coursing through his member.

He loved it when he was right.


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