Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Salamander Girl Kirche (Familiar of Zero)

Salamander Girl Kirche (Familiar of Zero)

A/N: Salamander Girl Kirche is a discontinued commission that was originally written back in September of 2020. Since its never getting a part 2, I'm posting it up as a one-shot here for people to enjoy!

Summary: Kirche Zerbst goes to bed hugging her new familiar Flame and wishing there was something she could do about her 'rival's' complete and utter failure to summon a familiar. She wakes up... somewhere else.

Themes: Monster Girl Sex, Rough Sex, Big Dick


It was strange. She really had no reason to feel guilt over the day's events. And yet, slipping into her bed that evening was a somber affair for one Kirche von Zerbst, rather than the exultant, celebratory moment it should have been. After all, today had been the day of the Summoning Ritual. It was considered quite the sacred and special ritual, where a mage would summon their protector and partner, a magical creature more often than not that would follow them through the rest of their lives.

Everyone in their year had summoned their familiar today. Well, almost everyone. Louise de la Valliere, more commonly known as the Academy's Zero for her seeming inability to create anything but explosive effects with her magic… had utterly failed to summon a familiar. Kirche had to admit, not even she had allowed herself to imagine what would happen if Louise failed the Summoning Ritual.

After all, it wasn't like Louise was totally magicless. She had never cast a proper spell, but clearly she HAD magic. Those explosions she was constantly producing with her wand were in no way a non-magical effect. And yet… and yet, one couldn't be a mage if one couldn't cast spells. Failing the Summoning Ritual was widely regarded as the last straw for Louise.

Even the cute little pinkette seemed to know that, because after the Professor had apologetically called for an end to the Summoning Ritual Ceremony with Louise as the only failure, the young woman hadn't even violently objected or tried to break free when Kirche had wrapped her up in a hug in a moment of overwhelming pity.

Smothering the pinkette in her breasts wasn't nearly as fun when Louise wasn't fighting back or struggling mightily against it. Even worse… the poor girl didn't even cry. It was so dreadfully obvious that she wanted to, so painfully clear from the way she was trembling in Kirche's arms, but not even once did she shed a tear.

… It was going to be so much duller around Tristan Academy without her rival. Little Louise was going to be packed away within a few days from what Kirche had heard, and they'd likely never see her again. Even her currently betrothal was in question. Though privately, Kirche hoped that would at least stay intact. Maybe Little Louise would be able to find value in becoming the perfect lady of a house, though for Kirche such a thing would amount to a death sentence, to be frank.

In the end, there was nothing to be done, nothing that Kirche could do about any of it. That didn't stop her from feeling a little guilty, didn't stop her from being sad. The gorgeous Germanian mage falls asleep stroking her new familiar, the salamander she'd named Flame. Her last waking thoughts are on Louise, as she subconsciously wishes with all her heart that there WAS something she could do about it.


Kirche jolts awake to one of Louise's explosions enveloping her body. She yelps instinctively of course, but there's no actual pain. Which is odd, because she's been on the receiving end of a couple of the shorter girl's explosions before, and they can certainly hurt like hell, even if they don't do TOO much real damage.

All the same, Kirche's first thought is to be quite offended that Louise snuck into her room in order to take out her failure on Kirche. And after she'd tried to comfort her too! Her second thought is worry about what might have happened to Flame, because her new familiar should have definitely warned her of Louise's break-in before the littlest mage could get off a failed spell.

Her third thought is to toss all of that out the window as she realizes several things in very rapid order. Number One, she is NOT on a bed… nor is she in her bedroom anymore. She's on the ground, the grass and dirt beneath her ass and feet and hands telling her as much. Number Two, her body feels VERY off. For once, she can feel something under her ass, and her fingers and toes both feel absolutely abnormal.

As the smoke clears, Kirche looks down at herself and blinks dumbly at what she sees. It's like… it's like someone mashed her and Flame together into one being. She's got scales now… scales for DAYS. And a massive fucking lizard tail as well, that she's basically sitting on. Her arms and legs are both covered in scales, while the rest of her (naked) body is her old self, dark-skinned Germanian. And… blinking, Kirche reaches up and amongst her red hair feels distinct draconic horns curling out from just above each of her ears. Her ears, which also feel weird and inhuman now, pointed like a (she shudders in fear) an ELF.

But she's clearly NOT an elf, given the sheer amount of scales on her body. Her very nude, very exposed body. And yet, they didn't call Kirche the Ardent for nothing. The newly transformed Monster Girl doesn't even bother covering up as she finishes cataloging her new form and glances around, taking in her surroundings now that the dust and smoke have cleared away even more.

… This is the Summoning Ritual Ceremony, isn't it? It takes a second, but Kirche is an incredibly smart girl, so it ONLY takes the second. It's a little weird, seeing it from this perspective, but it's not hard to figure out what's going on when she was in the crowd of students standing a little way away just a day previously. Not to mention all of them have their familiars already. Except, oddly enough, Tabitha and her dragon familiar are nowhere to be seen.

She herself isn't there, of course, because she's here. Here, and combined with her familiar. This is… weird? What was happening? HOW had this happened? The last thing Kirche remembered was going to sleep hugging Flame and wishing there was something she could do. This was NOT what she'd meant… though also, she had to admit that the longer she existed in her new body, the better she was starting to feel about it. Really, she feels so… powerful. Like she could crush a man's skull between her thighs for REAL, now.

Of course, besides the gaggle of students and their summoned familiar, there's Louise herself. Though, she's wearing the boy's uniform and has much shorter pink hair, oddly enough. Said pinkette is standing apart from the other students, staring at Kirche with a mixture of something like gleeful happiness and absolute scandal warring across her face.

Heh, it's obvious that Little Louise doesn't know how to react to Kirche's appearance. Everyone else has a normal familiar, but Louise… Louise got Kirche in all her nude, lewd glory.

"… C-Congratulations, Mister Valliere! Well done with your successful summoning. Now… go complete the ritual, Louis! B-Bind your familiar to you."

Blinking as she processes Professor Colbert's words, Kirche realizes two things in quick succession. One, that's not Louise… that's apparently Louis, the male version of Louise. Still a fucking midget, still pink hair, but a boy instead of a girl. Oh, he was just as adorable as his female equivalent! Two, this was all her fault. This was a result of her wish to help Louise, wasn't it? Somehow, she'd wished so hard that her magic had managed to combine her and Flame into some sort of Monster Girl, and now here she was, summoned across dimensions to be a male version of Louise's familiar!


Watching Louis approach nervously, Kirche can't help the toothy grin that spreads across her face. This, of course, makes Louis flinch back momentarily, but the boy will not be deterred for long. When he finally gathers up the courage to lean forward and give her a kiss, Kirche can't help herself. She is, after all, The Ardent. Wrapping her scaled arms around Louise's shoulders, the Salamander Girl very much deepens the kiss between her and the pink-haired young man, going all in on the kiss and rapidly turning things into a make out session.

It burns, when the Familiar Runes begin to appear, but Kirche is no stranger to pain mixed with pleasure. If something hurts too much, she's found, it's better to seek out more pleasure to counteract it. So, she keeps on kissing a squirming Louis, while at the same time grabbing one of his wrists and bringing his hand up to one of her naked mocha-colored breasts to hold and squeeze it, which he does instinctively.

Meanwhile, the Familiar Runes form right above Kirche's already moistening mound as a crotch tattoo just a bit above her slit. This in turn spikes her burning libido and causes literal hearts to replace Kirche's pupils as her needs for Louise easily multiplies by a factor of ten. This is her Master; this is the mage she's bound to for the rest of her life.

Is it any wonder that she hurriedly drags Louise atop her in order to continue their… greeting? It's a wonder to Louis, apparently, because as soon as he's able to pull back from her tongue-filled kiss, the poor boy is sputtering and struggling mightily.

"Y-You! F-Familiar, I insist you cease and desist this instant!"

This is SO much better than her last encounter with HER Louise, the limp body feeling more like a doll in her arms then a real girl. Having her new Master violently object to her bad touching is a welcome familiarity for the Monster Girl, and only makes her all the wetter for him. Which, when his knee nudges into her crotch and he realizes just how WET she is when she soaks through his pants leg, only prompts more struggling and flailing.

His limbs beating against her breasts repeatedly are more than enough to send Kirche right over the edge in her newly sensitive body. She was sensitive before, but now… the Salamander Girl sees stars as she squeals beneath her new Master, moaning wantonly and wiggling and writhing in ecstasy beneath him. Louis might be as slow on the uptake as his female counterpart, but once he finally realizes what his struggling is doing to his familiar, he immediately goes still, his spine ramrod straight and his face on fire in horror and embarrassment.

Kirche, meanwhile, just lays beneath him, relaxing as she cuddles him in her embrace, her nostrils smoking like she just had a particularly satisfying sexual encounter, even if all they did was dry hump each other. Well, Louis dry humped here. There was NOTHING dry about Kirche's end of things.


Eventually, they do manage to get back to Louis' room. The crowd of students pull away after the Professor stammers out a dismissal, and while Colbert wishes Louis the best of luck and also makes mention of wanting to study his familiar's runes at some point later, the older mage ultimately doesn't seem inclined to save Louis from his predicament.

Still, once they're all alone and the opportunity to embarrass and tease Louise in front of his peers has passed, Kirche is quick to let him get up, and even quicker to rise to her own feet and curl herself around his small body. It's a bit silly given their size disparity, but Kirche refuses to let Louis go anywhere without teasing him with some part of her body, clinging to his short form all the way back to his room.

Now that they're locked away from prying eyes and eager ears, Louis is… a little despondent.

"F-Fuck, what's Mother going to think when she finds out I've summoned a familiar that puts the entire Zerbst line to shame with her perversion?!"

Kirche startles at that, and then can't help but grin a wide, wicked grin, even snickering a little bit. Louis notices and gives her a suspicious look but doesn't comment on it. He still doesn't know she can talk, mostly because Kirche hasn't bothered to inform him of that fact yet. As far as Louis knows, she may as well be more monster than human…

Still, it's nice to confirm that her family and their rivalry with the Valliere Family still exists in this world, even if Kirche herself either doesn't or never came to Tristan Academy. She could-

Kirche blinks, her thought process thoroughly derailed as Louis, still bemoaning his inevitable fate at the hands of his Mother and her Will of Iron, begins the nightly ritual of taking off his uniform. Which in turn leads Kirche to a VERY important discovery. Louis was hung like a fucking HORSE! Unable to help herself, the Salamander Girl prances over and drops down to her knees as she grabs Louis by his skinny hips and yanks him around to face her.

Even kneeling only brings Kirche to eye level with the short boy… no, not a boy. He may be short; he may have pink hair… but this mostly soft cock he was hiding between his thighs was ALL man. Shit, if not for the whole 'stick straight out' quality of dicks when they were fully erect, Kirche could imagine Louis' cock doubling as a third leg at full mast! The guy was a fucking tripod!

"F-Familiar! Please, cease being so… f-familiar!"

Giggling at Louis' unintentional joke, Kirche proceeds to lift the young man up onto the edge of his bed. This puts her closer to eye level with his cock, and also lets her discover that beneath that gargantuan dick is a pair of balls that MUST have been uncomfortable in his trousers. Holy fuck, Louis had the equipment of a Sex God hidden in his pants! Kirche had to have a taste!


Louis' cries fall on deaf ears as Kirche's long reptilian-esque tongue snakes out and begins to lick at his member. Very quickly, he begins to grow thick and hard under her ministrations, proving that he's both a shower AND a grower as he gets bigger and bigger by the second. At a couple of points, Kirche has to stop, lean back, and just look between Louis and his cock, wondering how the FUCK the young man has enough blood to properly pump the thing up without passing out.

Magic. It has to be. And while Kirche once would have considered that sort of excuse unintelligent, ignorant commoner hogwash, believing that she knew full well the limits of what magic could do… she definitely wasn't so sure anymore. Not after going to sleep in her bed with her familiar, only to wake up in the middle of an explosion, summoned to BE Louis' familiar.

All the fucking rules were out the window at this point, and to be quite honest, Kirche was just going to go with the flow and enjoy life to the fullest for as long as she possibly could! Of course, the Salamander Girl is not idle while all of these thoughts are running through her mind. No, by the time Kirche has determined that she's going to go with the flow and enjoy life, she already has Louise's mostly hard dick in her mouth and is doing her level best to inhale his cock down her throat.

I-It just tastes so good! Her Master's dick has no right to taste this damn good, and be this damn big, and just… just… i-it wasn't fair! Not that Kirche wasn't going to swallow Louis' cock whole as much as she possibly could. It's a little difficult, because he's so big and she can only do so much, but Kirche is insistent. She's desperate. Her saliva on Louis is having the effect of enflaming his passions to be sure, but in turn, the Familiar Runes on Kirche are making her utterly needy in the face of her Master's musk and the taste of his cock.


That last call, very different from the others in tone and tenor, is the only warning Kirche gets before she discovers that Louis has an alternative way of exploding when he's a male. His hands fall upon her head, grabbing onto both of her horns, and the Monster Girl sees starts as he happens upon a very, VERY sensitive part of her new body.

Kirche had no idea that getting held by her horns and face fucked into oblivion would feel shooooo gooood~ But it does, and she can't get enough of it, his seed exploding down her throat while he YANKS at her horns, forcing her to the base of his cock. Her nose flattens against Louis' pubes (also pink) and her eyes roll up in her head as drool and slobber and saliva drip off of her lower lip, onto Louis' sizable balls which are now tucked against her chin.

As Louis cums, so too does Kirche, and it feels like she might never stop, like she might keep cumming for the rest of her life from this pleasure. So good, it's all so good. But of course, eventually it does come to an end when Louis comes to his senses and lets go of her horns, not just releasing his hold on them, but positively pushing them and subsequently her away from him.

Falling onto her back, Kirche giggles inanely for a bit, totally cum drunk as she lays there with her eyes rolling around in her skull, her hands rubbing all over her body, her body in turn splayed and available for her Master to use. But he doesn't. Use her, that is. And the longer that he doesn't stick it in her, the more Kirche wants it, the more she NEEDS it.

After a little while of waiting for Louis to get the hint and come down off of his bed to FUCK her, Kirche realizes she's going to have to be more straight forward about it, and slowly gets onto all fours, before climbing up onto Louis' bed and presenting herself to be well and truly properly fucked. Her large lizard tail up in the air, swaying from side to side, Kirche wiggles her hips and ass as she shows Louise her gushing wet pussy lips.

If THIS doesn't get her Master to come and give her the dicking she desires, Kirche doesn't fucking know what will!


The Founder in particular hated his guts, didn't he? That was the only conclusion Louis de la Valliere, youngest son of House Valliere, could possibly come to. Brimir was real, watching from above, and personally had it out for Louis. How else did one explain the shit that kept getting piled upon him? All those years of explosions, no hint of actual spellcasting, and then… this?

He had already been the laughing stock of the Academy for his outright inability to cast a single spell properly. But if there was one thing Louis knew, it was that there was no upper limit to the cruelty of his peers. It wasn't like they couldn't make him MORE of a laughing stock… they DEFINITELY could, and by the end of the day, rumors with far more truth to them then Louis would have preferred would be racing across Tristan. Rumors of him getting snogged senseless by his lewd, lascivious familiar. Rumors of her orgasming her brains out beneath him. Rumors of him being unable to escape her hold, of him not even being able to control his familiar.

At the same time though… Louise looks from his familiar's swaying backside to his cock. He's still fucking hard, which is just frankly ridiculous, and also making him a little light-headed. Louis has masturbated once or twice since arriving at Tristan Academy… but frankly, he's tried his best to refrain, because doing so to completion takes a LOT out of the young man… and leaves a mess that he can't even start cleaning up on his own for the maids.

It hadn't been until the second time that Louis had realized the looks he was getting from the Academy staff whenever they passed him in the halls. The rumors that had started up over his lewd activities in his room… that had put a stop to any further masturbation for the poor young man. And yet, his familiar… his familiar had just INHALED his cock down her throat, defying all the odds and all logic to do so. She'd taken his cock and she'd sucked him to completion… and then she'd gone on to swallow every last drop of his seed, l-like she was made for it or something!

Perhaps… perhaps she was? Louis looks down at his erection again. He'd always considered it as much a curse as his inability to cast magic, truth be told. His cock was way too fucking big, and he was ALWAYS uncomfortable because of it. For a time, he'd wondered if his discomfort had anything to do with his failure to cast even the simplest spell.

But no, his experiments in the nude had put that to rest. He made explosions with his magic whether he was dressed in the incredibly tight, uncomfortable school uniform or whether he was completely exposed in the privacy of his room.

… He could use his familiar for some much needed stress relief. The thought makes Louis flinch, and he bites his lower lip, worrying it between his teeth as he considers her inviting cunt, just waiting for him. While much of her is monstrous and reptilian, her torso and her crotch are distinctly human. As was her lips and her so very fuckable mouth.

Panting heavily, Louis hesitates for only a moment more… and then lunges to the side, away from the bed and his new familiar. He doesn't flee though or anything like that… he throws open his trunk and rummages around in it until he gets to the bottom and pulls out the instrument that Eleonore had given him when he originally left for the Academy, in case he needed it to help him discipline his familiar.

Needless to say, Louis had never expected to summon something that would actually need his sister's horse whip, but all the same as he cracks it across his familiar's ass and watches the strange monstrous girl stiffen and yowl from the impact… he has to admit it feels really fucking good. When his exceedingly dangerous familiar doesn't immediately turn around and try to take his head off for that first strike, Louis keeps going, keeps swinging.

The horse whip slices through the air again and again, laying itself into his familiar's backside. Eventually, Louis starts to speak.

"Familiar. You have acted unbecoming of your station. You are to be the familiar of Louis de la Valliere, of House Valliere. As a familiar of the Valliere Family, there are certain expectations you will follow. Absolute obedience, to start."

His familiar screeches and howls… at first, anyways. By the time he's done whipping her and done speaking, she's moaning and mewling under each blow, and if Louis didn't know any better, he'd say she was starting to LIKE getting whipped. Gritting his teeth, Louis knows one thing at least… he really can't hold back anymore. His cock has never been harder, and his head has never felt lighter. Perhaps that's contributing to his poor decision making. Perhaps that's the excuse he'll use later for why he's doing this.

Right now, Louis sets the whip aside and leaps up onto his bed, his small height meaning he can quite literally walk up to his monstrous familiar's upturned ass and grab her by her hips as his cock lines up with her pussy right then and there. With a shout, Louis thrusts forward… only for that shout to turn into a ROAR as he finally penetrates his familiar.

The Familiar Runes on the Monster Girl's crotch light up upon Louis' penetration of her molten hot, deliciously wet cunt. For a second, he's worried that he's overstepped, and his cock is going to suffer third-degree burns, if it survives the experience at all. But the heat isn't painful after a moment, and it's because Louis… Louis is transforming. Growing.

Eyes wide, Louis looks down at himself to see his body becoming something it definitely wasn't a moment before. The short pink-haired boy becomes a man-sized monster, bulking up quite rapidly, until his body actually matches his cock size for once. It causes him to collapse to his knees and lean forward, properly mounting his yelping, surprised familiar as his weight pins her down to the bed.

Grinning at the sudden shift in perspective, Louis lets out a guttural growl down at his familiar… and begins to pay her back for all the humiliation her presence and actions had caused him so far today. His cock pistons in and out of her cunt as his powerful new body allows him to fuck her FAR harder than he ever would have been able to do in his small, weak shota figure before.

"That's right, Familiar! This is what you get! Take it! Take my fucking cock!"

His deepened voice is surprising enough, but what he's not expecting at this point is a response. He gets one all the same.

"Y-Yes! Fuck me harder, Master! Fuck your slut-whore familiar's cunt! Take me! Claim me, Master! Break me in two! Fucking FUCK MEEEEEE!"

In the heat of the moment, Louis really can't even begin to process the fact that his familiar can speak the common tongue. He's too engaged at this point, he's in too deep to stop now. So, he keeps fucking her, and she keeps squealing and shrieking and begging him for more as she cums around his cock, until eventually her voice peters off into unintelligible babbling, the pleasure overwhelming his senses.

It feels good, dominating his familiar. It feels RIGHT, like this is where they both belong. Him on top, and her on fucking bottom. With a somewhat satisfied growl, Louis reaches forward and wraps a very large, masculine hand around one of his familiar's horns, vaguely remembering her original reaction. When she immediately responds by shrieking in ecstasy and clamping down on his cock, a very savage grin spreads across the Transformed Valliere's face, and he reaches up with his other hand to grab her other horn.

Thanks to his evolution, he's got the reach to take hold of both of his familiar's draconic horns, reaching across her body to do so as he continues to fuck her from behind. Yanking her head back, her spine arches beautifully, and her shrieks FILL the air, bouncing off of the ceiling and walls and no doubt reaching the hallway and the rooms around them, perhaps even above and below them as well.

Does Louis give two shits? Not at this point. Fucking his familiar into oblivion and putting her in her place once and for all are the only things left on Louis' mind at this point. He's been reduced to a primitive sort of thinking, a need to dominate, a need to CONQUER. And conquer he does, fucking his familiar harder and faster until one can't tell where one orgasm ends and the next begins for her anymore.

Of course, this rapid clenching and squeezing and clinging of her molten hot inner walls to his cock is what eventually brings it all to an end. Louis can't say how long he fucks his familiar, but eventually he does tip over the edge and spill a massive amount of seed directly into her womb. Her belly bloats out, and by the time he's done, she looks several months pregnant already.

Pulling out of her, Louis immediately collapses onto his back on the bed beside his face down, ass up familiar. Only to have her immediately turn onto her side and cuddle into him. His body shrinks back down now that he's no longer buried ball's deep inside of her, but that tingling feel of confidence and conquest and domination remains. He feels undeniably stronger than he was before, even if his body is once again small and underdeveloped, save for his massive cock and balls.

Wrapping the end of her tail around the base of his cock, his familiar slowly strokes his length up and down as she nuzzles into him, clearly expecting to spend even their sleeping hours getting him off. Louis, meanwhile, is too mentally exhausted to complain about it. He's ready to go to sleep, and he's just about there when it finally hits him.

Shooting up into a sitting position, Louis whips his head around and looks to his surprised familiar, staring into her red eyes as he points a finger at her.


His familiar blinks and then blushes, seeming to finally realize she gave the game away too.

"A-Ah… um… yes?"

It's a little weird to see his familiar, who'd been so confident and lewd before, suddenly so nervous and shy. But then, he had just fucked her into a puddle and showed her who was boss, so it only felt right for her to submit before her Maste- whoa, where was that coming from? Shaking the strange thoughts from his head, Louis just stares at his apparently-intelligent familiar.

He'd been operating under the assumption that she was more beast then human, whatever the fuck she was. Which put the things he'd done with her, from fellatio to fucking her into a weird context, but still, all the same… and yet, that couldn't be further from the truth. This creature, whatever she was, could speak his tongue. They could communicate.

This… this changed everything.


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