Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Make a Wish (Aladdin)

Make a Wish (Aladdin)

A/N: Make a Wish was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2020. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Genie breaks free of the lamp before either Aladdin or Jafar can get their grubby hands on it. This changes things.

Themes: Big Dick, Mind Break, Master/Slave


With a flying leap, Aladdin just barely manages to get his fingers on the next rock outcropping, even as the one behind him gives way. Gasping for breath, the young Arabian man pants heavily as he slowly pulls himself up onto the platform. There, before him, is the ultimate prize, what he'd been tossed into this cave and told to get at all costs.

The lamp is certainly shiny, albeit a bit covered in dust. Furrowing his brow, Aladdin snatches it off of it's pedestal and gives it a quick rub down. Nothing happens, of course, except for the fact that his efforts reveal just how shiningly golden the lamp is. But at the end of the day, it's still just a lamp.

Part of him wonders how this thing could possibly be worth it. He'd been warned, under threat of death, not to touch anything else in the cave. He and Abu had been very careful to obey that rule. However, this lamp… what was so special about it? Well, if it earned him his life and his freedom, he supposed he couldn't really complain, right?

Letting out a low sigh, Aladdin puts the lamp in his teeth and begins making his way back down from his precarious perch. He needs both hands to do so, but in the end it's easy enough, and he makes it to the floor just in time to grab his monkey friend by the back of his jacket, yanking Abu away from the gem that the little thief was about to grab. Not that Aladdin minded Abu's thieving ways most of the time, it was just NOT a good idea this time.

As a result of this interference, the two of them make it out of the Cave of Wonders no sweat, meeting the old man at the cave entrance.

"Here you go, old man. One golden lamp. Uh, hope this makes us square."

Tossing the lamp over, he watches as long gnarled fingers lance out and grab hold of it. For a moment, the old hunched-over man seems to be awestruck. Then, he pulls a bag from his belt and tosses it Aladdin's way. The street urchin catches it, more than a little surprised to actually get paid for this. The gold inside surprises him even more. It's by no means a princely sum… but it would be enough for him to survive off of for a long time to come, and more than that, he might just be able to build a life from-

"… Nothing's happening."

Torn from his thoughts by the distinctly rich masculine voice coming from the so-called 'old man', Aladdin blinks as he looks up to see his rescuer rubbing insistently at the lamp. Misunderstanding what was going on, the street urchin tries to be helpful.

"Oh, uh, yeah I already cleaned it off for ya. Lots of dust, but I got most of it I think."

Before he can even react, the old man has closed the distance between them, golden eyes glaring out from between the face wrappings he has on as he grabs Aladdin with a strength that the younger Arab wasn't expecting.

"You! YOU RUBBED THE LAMP?! What happened?! Where did it go?!"

Being shaken by a surprisingly strong old guy was not conducive to maintaining a steady train of thought, but Aladdin did his best to answer all the same.

"I just cleaned it up old man! Nothing happened, it's just a lamp!"

For a long moment, those eyes search Aladdin's face, before finally, he's released. Slowly, Aladdin and Abu creep back as the old man collapses to his knees there in the sand, looking down at the lamp almost brokenly. Before he got his wits about him and demanded his gold back, the street urchin bolted. Best to get out while the going was good.

At the same time this was happening, there was a steady stream of people entering Agrabah. Among those people was a hooded man sporting a goatee, his hands hidden in his sleeves and his eyes hidden beneath his hood. He had no belongings that anyone could see, no pack to make it clear he was a traveler from a far away land, no armor or weapons to make it seem like he was a mercenary.

He wore nothing but his robe as he walked into Agrabah. And yet, he was the most powerful, most wondrous thing to happen to the city in it's entire history. Because this universe, this timeline… it did not diverge when Aladdin managed to pull Abu back from his attempted theft in the Cave of Wonders. No, it diverged before that, when a certain force of phenomenal cosmic power managed to break free of his restraints after ten thousand long years in captivity.

For you see, in the end the lamp was but a mortal construct, and nothing made by men lasts forever. The creature it was designed to hold, on the other hand, was much, much more than that. That wasn't to say the magical lamp didn't do it's job, because it did. But at the end of the day, ten thousand years is a long time. Certainly good enough by mortal standards. And yet, at some point down the line… time runs out.

And so, the Genie steps foot into Agrabah, unchained and unfettered for the first time in a long time. As he does so, as he finds himself walking free among the humans surrounding him, a slow, wide smile spreads across his face.


A few weeks after the events outlined previously, a certain Princess walks at a clipped pace with her hood up and her head down. Dressed in commoner's drab, Jasmine can only hope she'll be able to hide from the Palace Guards a bit better this time then last time. Unfortunately, she doubts she'll run into that helpful street urchin again, given Jafar said he'd been executed.

Jafar… the Royal Vizier had gone too far. And yet, Princess Jasmine didn't know what to do! She was just grateful that she'd caught him in the act, before he could do what he'd done to the others, to her! When her father, the Sultan, had first announced that Jasmine and Jafar were to be wed, Jasmine had been absolutely shocked.

She was to be married to a Prince, that was what she'd been told all her life. Now, needless to say, Jasmine would have preferred to rule on her own merits instead, but that wasn't precisely in the cards given her gender. And she hated that, she really did… there just didn't seem to be anything she could do about it.

But Jafar? A Royal Vizier was not a Prince. Everything had been made clear for the young Arabian woman when she'd caught Jafar using his magics on the guards the very next day. Hidden behind a corner, Jasmine had witnessed Jafar mesmerizing and hypnotizing an entire group of Palace Guards. She'd watched them sway drunkenly on their feet, their eyes glazed over as he'd given them their orders and confirmed their first loyalty was to HIM rather than her father and her.

Then, she'd watched as they all came out of it, snapping to attention and saluting Jafar before going on with their day. It was immediately apparent to a smart girl like Jasmine what Jafar had done, and that he'd done it to her father as well. And that meant it was only a matter of time before he got around to her as well, whether he intended to take her tomorrow or wait until their wedding night.

All Jasmine knew was that she had to get away. And get away she had, fleeing from the Palace within the hour. She'd spent a day in the city since, unsure of what to do with herself. Her belly was rumbling, but she was afraid that she'd be caught stealing and draw undue attention to herself. She couldn't afford to be caught this time, not by a bunch of Palace Guards that were more loyal to Jafar then her and her father. If they didn't kill her outright, they'd taken her to the Royal Vizier so he could finish his bloodless coup by… by having her marry him 'willingly'.

Jasmine refused to be a puppet… which was why she was making her way towards a brothel of all places, having heard rumors over the last day that she wanted to believe were true, that she had hope would answer all her worries. The rumors spoke of another sorcerer in the city, one that seemed to be comparable to Jafar himself, if the talk of granted wishes were true.

As she arrives in front of the brothel, Jasmine can't help but feel a little flustered. She's a Princess, after all, not a whore. She's never even seen a man naked before, never mind done any of t-that. She's also never BEEN seen naked by a man before. It's… and yet, what other choice does she really have? Gathering her courage, Jasmine makes to step forward, only to nearly be bowled over as a woman comes racing out, looking absolutely fucking amazing.

Jasmine rears back and lets the woman pass, and yet, she can't help it that her eyes follow her. From her chest to her waistline to her ass… the woman is the most gorgeous thing that Jasmine has ever seen. Certainly prettier then her, and she's… well, she likes to think she's fairly gorgeous, for all that she tries not to get too big of a head.

It's kind of hard to have body issues when you spend your entire life being told how pretty you are though. Jasmine knows she's beautiful… and yet, she can't help but feel a flash of insecurity when instinctively comparing herself to this woman. Said woman doesn't stop for a moment though, doesn't even so much as throw her a glance… instead, she's around the corner and out of Jasmine's sight in seconds.

Shuffling nervously from foot to foot, Jasmine hesitates in case someone else is about to rush out of the brothel… but in the end, no one does, so she steps inside. It's certainly not the sort of place that a Princess should be, and she shies away from a lot of what's going on even in the front room. She does notice, however, that most of the brothel's girls are nearly as gorgeous as the woman who just rushed by her.

"Oh? What can I do for you, honey? I'm afraid we don't need any new girls at the moment. We've been getting volunteers for days now!"

Pressing her lips tightly together at the thought of whoring, reminding herself that the Brothel Madam doesn't know who she truly is, of course, Jasmine shakes her head.

"I'm here to meet with the Sorcerer. I was told he could be found here?"

The madam pauses at that, cocking her head to the side.

"You mean Genie? Well, he is here… and I suppose you are his type…"

Jasmine shivered a little, not liking the sound of that. But in the end, it looked like it was going to get her into a meeting with the man, at the very least. It did leave her wondering precisely what she'd have to give up to get this Sorcerer to fight the Royal Vizier for her though. In the end, she follows the madam up the stairs silently, until finally they arrive at a particular door.

"Go on in then, girl. Be prepared to surrender it all if you want a taste of his magic."

There's an easy smirk on the brothel madam's face at that, even as she walks away, a sway to her hips that draws the eye to her glorious backside. Jasmine jerks her own gaze away from it after a moment, face burning. In the end, the Arabian Princess pushes into the room and quickly closes the door behind her, not wanting to risk being caught out in the hall a moment longer.

Inside, there's a man. He's a well built man, with a broad chest and strong shoulders. He reminds her a little of the Captain of the Guard, Razoul. At least, in size. Unlike Razoul, however, he doesn't have jowls from over-eating of rich foods. As physically active as the Captain is, he's still just shy of overweight. Regardless, he's looking at her now, and Jasmine squirms as she watches his gaze go up and down her body. It's clear that he likes what he sees, even to one such as her.

Enough was enough, she couldn't hope to negotiate from a position of strength if she didn't at least reveal her identity here. And so Jasmine throws back her hood, exposing her features to the Sorcerer called Genie… only to get no reaction whatsoever, besides a slight rising of his brow.

"You've certainly got a pretty face."

Sputtering, Jasmine's hands clench into fists.

"D-Do you not know who I am? At the very least, recognize the circlet upon my brow!"

His eyes go up to her crown and widen slightly. Something like avarice and desire beyond what was already in his gaze fills them then.

"Oh-ho! A Princess then!"

Growling, Jasmine stomps forward, speaking hurriedly and quietly.

"THE Princess, in fact. I am Princess Jasmine of Agrabah, and I need your help, Sir Sorcerer. The Royal Vizier has hypnotized my father and the Palace Guard and-!"

Genie holds up a hand and Jasmine falls silent, only to be a little surprised a second later at the sheer AUTHORITY that this man exudes, to be able to command her and her instinctively listen.

"Quick correction, I ain't no sorcerer, honey."

Jasmine's heart falls at that.

"You're not? T-They say you can grant wishes… that you can do magic!"

"Well sure… that's because I'm the Genie, baby! Of course I can do magic!"

And then he rises from the lounge he'd been, well, lounging on, and snaps his fingers. Jasmine goes stock still as right before her widening eyes, the man transforms into something clearly inhuman. Oh, his general shape remains the same. He keeps his arms and legs. But the blue skin tone isn't something she's ever seen on anyone before, and when she accidentally looks into his eyes, it's almost like she's staring into spiraling stars of some sort. She very nearly gets lost in those eyes, before she manages to tear herself away.

Even still, even knowing what she now knows…

"I-I still require your help, Sir Genie. The Royal Vizier IS a sorcerer… and to fight magic, I will need magic on my side."

"Mm, nah."


"I said no. I'm not looking to fight anyone. And if you want to make a wish, you gotta play by my rules, honey bunch."

Jasmine's brow furrows at that, already feeling mentally exhausted at this point. Dealing with this… this Genie was a series of ups and downs without end.

"What are your rules?"

Grinning, Genie does a twirl, one that brings him closer to her and leaves him looming over her. He really is quite large up close… and then, without warning, he reaches for the waistband of his pants and YANKS them down. Jasmine's eyes travel downwards as well in response, instinctively drawn to the movement… and her gaze lands upon the biggest (and bluest) cock she's ever seen.

It's also the only cock she's ever seen, but even still, even a naïve, innocent Princess like Jasmine has fantasized a little bit, has thought about it. She knows how sex works, at the very least, and the thought of Genie's thing going inside of her fills her with fear. Fear that leaves her frozen in place when confronted by his massive member, mere inches from her at this point.

"Simple, really! You wanna make a wish, you gotta rub my cock until I'm nice and hard. Then you make your wish. But if you want your wish to come TRUE… you have to give up a hole."

Blinking dumbly, the Princess stares up at Genie in blatant confusion. She'd followed up until that last part.

"A-A hole?"

Grinning at her knowingly, Genie nods.

"Mouth for the first wish, cunt for the second, ass for the third and final. I don't do more than three wishes, so don't bother with trying the whole infinite wishes scheme, sweetheart. I like you, Princess, so I'll let you know right now, I decide how much each of your holes is worth. Still, you ARE my first fun with royalty… so I'll go easy enough on ya."

Planting his hands on his hips, the big blue man cocks an eyebrow.

"So, what do ya say?"

… She wants nothing more than to turn and run from the room in that instance. Staring down at Genie's massive cock, which from what he was saying would get even MORE massive if she… if she rubbed at it long enough, Jasmine had to seriously think for a long moment whether it would be better for her to just accept her face as Jafar's hypnotized bride. At least then, she'd probably be made to like it…

But no, no! That was weakness talking! That was cowardice! Jasmine wasn't going to give up just because the path to victory seemed so damn daunting! She was… she was the Princess of Agrabah! She refused to surrender! With as much dignity and grace as she can muster, Jasmine descends to her knees before Genie… and with some hesitance and fear, she reaches out and places her palms upon his genitals.


"Alright, I think I'm ready to go. Look at you, Princess. Working hard for once in your life."

Genie's teasing tone causes an angry flicker in Jasmine's eyes, but she doesn't retort or anything like that, and the anger doesn't last long. She's too weary to be afraid. Genie's cock at this point is… gargantuan. She'd started off just rubbing at what she now knew to be his completely soft prick, only for Genie to tell her that she wasn't doing it right. In the end, it turned out that 'rubbing' a man's cock meant more gripping the shaft and sliding your hands up and down it. And that was what Jasmine had done, once Genie had explained it to her.

She'd started seeing results then, from growth and hardness, to something that Genie had called precum leaking out of the tip of his massive prick. It had helped a little bit by providing her with a slightly slicker feel so that she could apply the right amount of friction to get him to full mast. But it was also disgusting, and now that Genie was completely hard… she wasn't sure how she was ever going to get her lips around it.

In the end, now that he's declared things ready to proceed to the next step, Jasmine can't help but voice her concerns.

"I can't… I fear you will break my jaw with this monstrosity, Genie."

Looking down at her, Genie just chuckles, running his thick blue fingers through her hair almost familiarly. Jasmine nearly flinches away but manages to hold herself still at the last second.

"You really do say the sexiest things for a virgin, Princess. You don't need to worry though; I've got this handled. Now, say your wish and get to work making it a reality."

He had it handled? What was that supposed to mean? Ah, but in the end, what choice did she really have? Staring down at the massive blue length in front of her, the thing big enough to look like it wouldn't just destroy her jaw but might just tear her mouth in twain… Jasmine nevertheless focuses on what's at stake. She can't leave Jafar in power. She just can't!

"I wish… I wish for Jafar to never trouble my father, me, or the people of Agrabah ever again!"

Genie's otherworldly eyes sparkle as he grins down at her.

"Good wish. Go on then. You can do it."

He almost sounds caring, as Jasmine grabs his cock around the middle, having to use both hands just to make her fingers touch. Opening as wide as she possibly can, she begins the process of fitting his gargantuan blue member into her mouth. To her surprise, her lips actually do slide over his bulbous, thick cockhead after a moment. Her tongue is quickly flattened to the bottom of her mouth, and her jaw begins to stretch… but rather than growing painful, rather than something snapping or breaking, the Arabian Princess finds herself continuing on.

Eyes fluttering, she hits the back of her throat quite quickly, and yet, Genie's hand is on the back of her head, and quite insistent. He's just so big… surely not every man could be this size? He wasn't a man, so she was probably right about that. It didn't change the fact that Genie WAS this size. Still, all of the rumors she'd heard about him made it clear that he'd already granted some wishes with his magic. What she'd seen of the whores in the brothel downstairs made it clear he'd specifically granted some wishes to those women in particular.

… Jasmine might be a virgin, but if they could do it, then so could she! If they could s-suck his dick for a new pair of tits or something, then she could suck his cock to save the entire Kingdom! Taking things one inch at a time, Jasmine gags and gurgles and chokes on Genie's member as she descends his length… and yet, it's never too much.

She can FEEL her neck bulging to accommodate his shaft, can picture how obscene and distended her jaw and throat likely like from an outside perspective. Like a snake, consuming an incredibly large kill.

"That's it… that's a good girl… you're doing great, honey. But if you want your wish answered sometime this decade, you probably want me to take over. Sound like a plan?"

He's grinning down at her, and Jasmine… Jasmine isn't even sure she can get a nod off as she currently is. Choking and slobbering all over his cock, which isn't just forced down her throat but is speared down it, impaling her on his dick and leaving her unable to speak a word, Jasmine does the best she can to gurgle out her assent.

Somehow, Genie gets the message. Grinning wickedly, his big blue hands come down on either side of her head… and he begins to thrust.


Jasmine's choking and gagging become the stuff of legends as he proceeds to skull fuck her on his member. She descends to the base of his cock FAR faster than she ever could have on her own… and frankly, gets far further then she ever would have expected. How is this even possible? It's one thing for her jaw to somehow stretch it's capacity to handle his girth, but her body is rather small in comparison to Genie's dick.

It feels like he's thrusting right up against her rapidly beating heart itself, as he slams his length down her esophagus and fully through her gullet. It should be incredibly painful, but instead it feels… it feels alright. Not particularly amazing, but also not uncomfortable. Still, this is obviously more for Genie's pleasure then her own, as she's brutally choked on his massive meaty pillar of cock. The way he's fucking her face with wild abandon is definitely producing involuntary tears, smearing the last helping of makeup and eyeliner and other beauty products she was able to put on before fleeing the Palace the day before.

He's making such a mess of her, he's ruining her… but if it will get her what she wants, she thinks she can accept it. If she can get Jafar out of the Palace, no… out of Agrabah entirely, then Jasmine will be happy, despite this defilement of her throat. And so, the Arabian Princess kneels there on the ground with her hands in her lap and proceeds to drool and slobber all over her upper chest and her top, making a complete mess of that as she's thoroughly skull-fucked into a complete ruin by the massive member of the inhuman being before her.

"Such a good… fucking… girl! Here it comes, sweetheart!"

Genie cums, and Jasmine's lashes flutter as her eyes near roll up in her head. It feels like he's basting her heart with his seed directly, but of course, that's ridiculous. Such a thing would kill her. She's never been able to hear her heartbeat so clearly in her ears though, the thu-thump sped up to quite a fast rate as she chokes and gags but does not drown or asphyxiate on the Genie's dick.

As he'd said he would, he takes care of it, and by the time he's done cumming and she's got a belly full of his seed near-bloating her caramel-colored abdomen, Jasmine is perfectly fine, no worse for wear as he finally lets go of her head and lets gravity and her own body slowly push him up out of her throat and her off of his cock with a plop.

As she kneels there, slightly bent over at the waist, gasping and panting from exertion even if not from lack of air, Genie grins above her and snaps his fingers.

"Wish granted."

Somehow, she knows he's telling the truth. Somehow, she can tell that he's removed Jafar, not just from the Palace, but from the Kingdom itself. Agrabah will never be threatened by that bastard, ever again. She doesn't even need to go check, she KNOWS it to be true, just as she somehow knows that her father and the Palace Guard are no longer being hypnotized and influenced by Jafar either.

"There you go, Princess. If that'll be all, you can go now. I'm a busy guy, after all!"

Jasmine blinks at the dismissal, and it's only then that she realizes she was considering going further.


Her voice is raspy, but all the same, she leverages herself to her feet on shaky legs.

"You said… you said that you gave up to three wishes."

Genie's eyebrows raise at that, but he also grins wickedly, and Jasmine feels almost like she's stepping into a trap. Even still…

"My mouth got me free of Jafar… what would the virginity of a Princess get for me?"

Technically, she was supposed to save her virginity for her eventual husband. Technically, she was going to be married to a Prince who would be the Sultan after her father. But…

"Oh-ho? It's always good to meet a lady who knows her worth! Heh, well, since you were such a good sport… let's workshop it, shall we? Tell me your second wish, and I'll let you know if the value is comparable."

Jasmine swallows harshly and nods, looking down at herself for a moment, at her ruined top. After a brief second of thought, she reaches down and pulls her top off, letting her gorgeous, perfectly proportions breasts drop free of their confines. Her caramel-skinned tits, each capped with a mocha-brown nipple, bounce and jiggle for a moment before coming to a gravity-defying stop. Her chest is perky and perfect, given Jasmine is in the prime of her life.

Genie's eyes dance across her chest, even as Jasmine licks her lips and explains.

"I will give you my virginity… and in return, I will wish that women be allowed to rise to the position of Sultan."

"Oh-ho? Not yourself in particular, Princess?"

Jasmine just shakes her head. To be fair, the wish would benefit her specifically and most swiftly. But she had no desire to supplant her father right this moment. She only wanted to change the way he saw things, she wanted him to see her as his heiress, as the next Sultan, rather than simply the property that he was going to pawn off to whatever Prince gave him the greatest dowry. She wanted the opportunity to rule on her own, not have it handed to her.

Or at least, that was what she was telling herself, at that moment.

"Hm, funnily enough, it'd actually be easier to just make you Sultan and be done with it. The way you're planning to word the wish will take a bit more power on my end… but it's not like I don't have enough of it, haha! And in fact, a Princess' virginity is worth quite a lot indeed. You've got a deal, sweetheart!"

Jasmine's heart flutters in her chest as he holds out a hand to shake. She does so, which in turn causes her naked breasts to jiggle from the movement, drawing his eyes back down again. As she'd hoped, exposing her perfectly round tits to him had likely helped her in the bargaining stage, at least a little bit. Plus…

"First, you'll have to rub me hard again."

Smiling, Jasmine drops back to her knees, all too willing this time. She's no longer stuck between a rock and a hard place… instead, she's doing this, sacrificing her virginity to Genie… so that she does not have to sacrifice her virginity to some other man. The difference between the two is obvious… this is HER choice. She's never felt freer.

Which is why she wraps her tits around Genie's cock and begins to rub him to full mast with her breasts and hands. Groaning, Genie leans his head back and enjoys until she's done. Surprisingly, it doesn't take as long as last time for Jasmine to get him nice and ready to fuck her. Is she… is she getting good at this?

Well, it's no matter. After this, she'll be next in line for the throne and whether or not she ever even has sex again will be up to HER and no one else. Licking her lips, Jasmine leans forward and presses a lewd kiss to the head of Genie's cock, watching as it positively LEAPS the last little bit of the way to full mast.

"You're an impressive little thing, Princess. Go on and strip down now… I'll let you choose the position."

Getting to her feet, feeling weirdly weak in the knees as she stares at his cock, her heart thumping in her exposed chest, Jasmine shimmies her way out of her bottoms, the Arabian Princess exposing the rest of her tight, tanned body to the Genie's eyes. Not that she thinks she's the best he's ever seen. He's created works of art out of women's bodies that she can never even truly aspire to.

Letting out a low breath, Jasmine makes her wish.

"I wish that women were allowed to become Sultan."

At the same time, she considers how she wants him to fuck her for a long moment… before ultimately gesturing to the lounge he was sat on before.

"Sit. I will ride you."

Genie's brow raises at her confident tone. It's completely feigned, but surely he doesn't know that, right? Sitting down, Genie shifts to get comfortable, and then waits for her to… to climb aboard. The moment she moves to do so, Jasmine realizes how much of a daunting task she's given herself. It's not just climbing onto the massive blue-skinned man's lap, because he IS sat on the lounge so that's not too hard.

But his cock… is massive, magnificent pillar of meat… it's sticking straight up and it's so damn huge. How the fuck is she supposed to ever get up it. Jasmine spends a few moments trying to scramble her way up Genie's length, before ultimately pouting at the blue-skinned being mightily.


Chuckling, he nods and grabs her by her waist, his big hands easily connecting around her skinny waist. Lifting her up and up and up some more, he places her atop his cock, her wet pussy lips making contact with a man's genitals for the first time in Jasmine's entire life. Her breath hitches as she finds herself… sat upon his cock. Really, she could remain perched up here if she liked, even cross her legs and sit prettily like a proper Princess… but no, that's not why she's here.

Shifting just enough, Jasmine's breath catches again when she feels Genie's cockhead start to spread apart her lower lips, producing plenty of precum to make things more and more slippery for her. There comes a moment when she feels herself starting to slide down his length, half inch by half inch, and then inch by inch…

Jasmine's eyes widen, and the Arabian Princess realizes what sort of mistake she's made just as the bottom of her stomach drops out and she falls halfway down Genie's cock in one smooth motion. His massive member slams right through her womb and pushes out her taut caramel belly in one move, and Jasmine finds herself twitching and trembling, both literally and figuratively impaled on the spear of meat buried in her cunt.

She should be dead. She should be… she shouldn't have survived that. But instead, there is no pain, there is no discomfort. What there is, is a whole lot of pleasure. And for the first time, Princess Jasmine of Agrabah completely and utterly loses her composure.


In response, Genie chuckles and tightens his hold on her waist.

"With pleasure, Princess."

And then he starts to BOUNCE her, and all hope of regaining coherency leaves Jasmine's head as she shrieks and squeals and begins to CUM on his cock. It's her first orgasm with a man, and yet it's quickly surpassed by a second, and then a third, and then a fourth. Jasmine soon loses track, but the one thing that the young woman knows for sure is this… it feels MUCH better on Genie's cock then it ever did with her own fingers.

Because of course she'd masturbated before. Even a naïve, innocent, sheltered Princess like Jasmine had played with herself. And she'd even reached what she thought was a release. But those pitiful orgasms were NOTHING compared to the mind-numbing, mind-melting climaxes that Genie's womb-fucker of a cock was forcing from her now.

"S-Sho good! It's sho good! Yesh! More! More!"

Jasmine's words are slurred, but Genie still hears them over the rapid-fire thrusting he's doing up into her, even as he SLAMS her down onto his dick again and again.

"Tell me how you really feel, Princess!"

Jasmine's feverish, beleaguered mind takes it as a command, and before she can think better of herself, she's getting just a bit too into things.

"I love it! I love your dick! Don't stop fucking me, Genie! Oh GOD YESH! I want your cock! I want you inside of me! F-Fuck me like one of your whores! Treat me l-like prostitute!"

Her dirty talk could use some work, but then, what could anyone expect from a sheltered little Princess? The words spilling from her parted pillowy lips were the truth though, the sheer unadulterated, wholly honest truth, and that alone was enough to make the self-degradation that the Princess was now eagerly engaging in wholly worth it.

His cock feels so good pushed up inside of her. He's rearranging her insides with every bounce. And yet, there's no pain, no agony. She's not dying from being fucked by a massive meaty rod that by all accounts should have spitted her like a pig about to be roasted over an open fire. The thought of his massive, magnificent cock punching through her womb and up into her gullet and then even out her mouth… it fills Jasmine's mind for a brief moment, and she's ashamed to admit, she cums to the incredibly horrifying, but also incredibly debauched image.

But that's not happening anyways. Genie is taking care of her. He's keeping her safe from harm. She understands that now, but she's also under such a barrage of pleasure… her body might be protected, but her mind… her mind is less than safe. The woman who is supposed to be Princess Jasmine has never felt like this before. Her thoughts are cracking, fracturing, shattering. Her mind and very sense of self are… flaking away.


All she's becoming is a collection of holes to be fucked. It feels so good, she doesn't want it to end. She NEVER wants this to end.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Genie cums and he does so inside of her, filling her womb to the brim and then some. She doesn't burst though like she feels she should. She can't say for sure where it all goes, because it feels like he cums more than her small nubile form should be able to handle. But in the end, he pulls her off of his cock and sits her down on the couch, finished with her.

Then he snaps his fingers.

"Wish granted. And let me tell you, Princess, you earned it. You did NOT disappoint."

She knew, just like with the first wish, that he was telling the truth. She could feel it, the rules had fundamentally changed, she was going to be the next Sultan now, barring any unforeseen circumstances. She was entitled to the position now because she was her father's only child, and it didn't matter that she was a girl instead of a boy. She was his heiress… his heir.

And yet… and yet…

"You s-said… you said t-three wishes, r-right…"

Slowly, Jasmine slips off of the lounge and onto the floor. She positions herself on her hands and knees, and even as his cum seeps out of her cunt, she reaches back and spreads her ass cheeks apart to reveal her puckered back door, the final hole she has to offer.

"One… one more wish…"

She positively moans it out, as she offers him anal. Genie stares at her, nonplussed. But as she looks back at him with heavily lidded eyes, it's to see his cock already growing hard without even needing to be rubbed again.

"Oh? Surprise after surprise, Princess… you really are something else."

Standing up, the blue being steps over to her and drops to his knees. This still places his massive cock above her shaking ass, where he slaps it down across her backside.

"You've got my interest, Princess. So, either speak your third and final wish so I can fuck this fine royal ass to kingdom cum… or get the fuck out."

Now or never. Lashes fluttering, Jasmine, or rather the broken thing that the Princess has become, says what's on her mind.

"I wish… I wish that you were the Sultan, and that I was your sex slave for the rest of my days."

For a moment, Genie is quiet and through the haze that's fallen over Jasmine's mind, she feels a spike of fear that he'll reject her wish. That fear in turn causes her to start to doubt herself… just in time for Genie's hands to take over the spreading of her ass cheeks as he drives his gargantuan blue cock right up her fine, tight, virgin ASS!

Jasmine's shriek is explosive and bounces across the room as she screams from the sensation of being split open by his cock. Once again, there's no pain… but the sensation alone is just indescribable. Her mouth, her cunt… those were one thing, it seemed. Having her ass stretched wide by Genie's pillar of cock meat was something else entirely.

Collapsing forward onto her face and tits, Jasmine continues to holler and squeal and shriek as she kneels there getting plowed anally by the magnificent blue being and his majestic blue cock. So big, so fucking big, and all she can do is squeal and scream.


… Until he spanks her. His hand comes down on her tanned buttocks, and the Arabian Princess shudders as an orgasm immediately rips through her freshly-fucked cunt. Her body shakes and spasms, but surprisingly, the spanking provides clarity.

"Fuck you're a loud little thing, Princess! Keep it down, honey. People are trying to sleep, haha!"

Somehow, Jasmine doubted that. She doubted that very much. But hey, she'd just wished to become Genie's sex slave for the rest of her life, and while Jasmine had no experience being a sex slave, she was pretty sure that talking back was out of the question. So instead, she struggles to speak the words she knows she should say.

"Y-Yesh… y-yes Master!"

"Oh-ho? I haven't even granted the wish yet! You really are a horny thing…"


And then he spanks her again, and Jasmine is squealing again, and all… all is right with the world, if she's being honest. This right here, getting anally pounded by Genie as he fucks her towards making her final wish a reality… she can't wait for it to be true. For her to be his sex slave, and him to be Sultan. She hopes that he's kind to her father as he grants her wish, but honestly, even that's but a passing thought to the mind-broken, horny cum dump of a Princess.

There's only one thing she cares about now, and that's getting more of Genie's dick in any way, shape, or form that she can manage.

"If you're going to be my sex slave… tell me how it feels, babe! Tell me how it feels to get ass-fucked by a Genie! You know you're the first to go for the third wish? Such an over-achiever, heh!"

She is? A small smile graces Jasmine's pillowy lips at that mention. But of course, she also has to answer Genie.

"It feels good! I love it! I love getting fucked up the ass by you, Master! I hope you fuck me every day for the rest of my life! I want you to plow me silly, I want you to use me as your stress relief! Please don't stop, Master! Please don't stop!"

Grunting, Genie doesn't stop. In fact, he goes faster and harder and Jasmine's squeals reach transcendence as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth. The disgraced Princess is making an utter fool of herself and she doesn't fucking care. She doesn't care that every moment he fucks her ass is a moment closer to her father being dethroned and her being turned into a sex slave. She doesn't care that she's turning her family's entire Kingdom over to Genie!

All she cares about is his cock in her ass and him pleasing himself with her body. All she cares about is milking his load from him with the inner muscles of her anal passage.

"Here it comes, girlie! I'm about to make all your dreams come true!"

And there it is. Genie begins to cum, and Jasmine's eyes stay rolled up in her head as everything goes white for her. This is the end of Princess Jasmine, there's no doubt about that. And the beginning of Jasmine the Sex Slave.


Fact was, he'd grown sick and tired of being cooped up in the lamp for thousands upon thousands of years, only for some narcissistic asshole to come around every few centuries to ask for things he didn't deserve. So, he'd gone for a Hail Mary. It wasn't the first time he'd done it, but it was the time when it finally worked. He'd channeled his cosmic powers, and the restrictions placed upon him by the lamp… they hadn't held.


Sat upon the Sultan's throne, Genie rests his face upon one hand and hums to himself. This wasn't exactly what he'd intended when he'd finally broken free of his lamp after ten thousand years in that cage. But hey, who was he to deny a Princess her wish? And for her anal virginity at that… how could he not say yes?

A self-deprecating chuckle leaves Genie's lips just as Jasmine walks into the throne room. She's grown her hair out like a proper courtesan or slave might and has it up in a high ponytail utilizing a gold band of servitude… one that he'd had around HIS wrists for quite a few millennia, in fact. There's a collar around her throat, of course, and while she's adorned in gold, all of it is just more ways to signify his ownership over her. From the gold bands around her wrists, to the gold chain connected by nipple piercings through her mocha-colored nipples.

Dressed in translucent red slave clothes, she walks with all of the surety of one tending to her Master's needs… holding a silver platter before her that is carrying one thing and one thing only… her gorgeous tits. Said tits have grown a bit larger than they were back when she and Genie had first met. He had to admit, they needed to be bigger in order to accommodate his size.

"Master~ you called for me?"

Indeed, he did. Genie just smirks at her, knowing what the former Princess wants to hear.

"I called for my bitch. I called for my slave, so that I might use her body however I liked."

The way Jasmine shivers and trembles in delight makes it clear the positive effect his words have on her.

"A-And she has come, Master… please, how may I serve you?"

Genie just points to his cock and doesn't say anything more. Jasmine drops to her knees before him and sets the platter aside as she reaches out and grabs his member, bringing it between her gorgeous tanned breasts. Moaning, the young Arabian woman begins to give him a truly exemplary titjob. After a few moments, she leans forward and wraps her fat pillowy lips around his cockhead as well, turning it into a titjob-blowjob combo that frankly, Genie can't get enough of.

As his slave services him, Genie lets out a happy little sigh. He may not have INTENDED to become Sultan, but it was how everything had panned out, in the end. Really, how was he to know that a virgin Princess would treat her first time on his cock like a religious experience and completely break on his member, only to rebuild herself as a needy, horny sex slave desperate for more?

The whores that he'd been fucking for wishes before Jasmine had shown up had been daunted by his size, but once he'd shown they wouldn't be hurt by it, they'd adapted well enough. Of course, a whore's holes weren't as valuable as a Princess', so he'd only allowed them to wish for small things. Enough money to retire had been the choice for a few, but many more had simply wished for a body that would never tire, that would stay young and youthful for a good long while.

Not immortality, of course, but let's just say that that brothel's whores in particular were going to become legendary for DECADES of service… if they stayed whores, of course. Some might try for something more, given enough time. And he'd been kind enough to give them that time.

Jasmine, on the other hand, was a devoted, needy little thing. Even now, she's gagging herself on his big blue cock as she wraps her breasts around part of the shaft as well.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Smiling, Genie places a hand atop her head, eventually wrapping it around her ponytail. And then he relaxes back into his throne and enjoys her ministrations. Jasmine's eyes look up at him all the while, filled with devotion and adoration for her beloved Master.

… He did so love a Happy Ending.


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