Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

My Life as a Horny Sexbot (My Life as a Teenage Robot)

My Life as a Horny Sexbot (My Life as a Teenage Robot)

A/N: My Life as a Horny Sex-Bot was a commissioned one-shot originally written in March of 2020. Posting it up now for people to read.

Summary: In which Jenny is sick and tired of not being like the other girls at school. She should have sexual organs too! But her mother refuses to install them... leading Jenny to hunting down the one man who can and will.

Themes: Body Modification, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly


"Wow, loser. What are you, a pervert?"

It's not the first time she's stared… but it is the first time she's been caught staring. And by the worst possible person, too. Jennifer Wakeman, also known as XJ-9, also known as Jenny, lights up in embarrassment… literally. Given that she's literally a state of the art robotic protector of Earth, her cheeks are actually made of metal. But her mother and creator, Nora Wakeman, had still given her the ability to blush… or at least simulated it so that whenever she felt embarrassment, two round little cyan dots appeared on her metal cheeks, slowly growing darker and darker the more embarrassed she got.

"I-I wasn't-!"

"Sure, you weren't! Look everyone, Robo-Girl's a pervert!"

Jenny whimpers as every pair of eyes in the Girl's Locker Room turn to her at once. The collection of human girls, most of them in a state of undress or half-dressed, all frown slightly and hurry to get clothing on much faster than they were before, no longer chatting amicably with one another like they once were. Jenny's already dark cheeks grow even darker as the only two people NOT to hurry to get dressed step in front of her, grinning wickedly.

The Crust Cousins are without a doubt, Jenny's greatest enemies. And no, she's not just saying that! So, what if she's fought robots and aliens and other things that are technically way stronger than the two baseline human girls are! What those enemies might have in strength, Tiff and Brit Crust more than make up for in sheer nastiness. The fashionable school bullies' greatest weapons are their minds, and their ammunition is the words they use to cut people down left and right.

Normally, Jenny isn't their victim but is instead their opponent, the one to stand up for the little guy, for the nerds that they sometimes bully. But right now, it's Jenny who's been called out, and even those nerds that she's protected from the Crust Cousins before are currently getting dressed as fast as they can, now that her peeping has been rightfully called out.

Only Brit and Tiff aren't actually getting dressed, the two still in their underwear, so sure of themselves and apparently confident in their bodies. Jenny wished she could say the same about herself, even as they grin at her wickedly, like predators sensing weakness. Brit was the one who called her out first, the tall black girl having noticed her robotic eyes slowly scanning the room of half-naked young human women. It's Tiff who speaks up now though, now that they've got her pinned like a fly beneath a microscope.

"You know Brit, I think you might be wrong. I don't think Robo-Girl here is a pervert after all."

Oh no. Jenny holds very still, as if a lack of movement will make them forget she's there, even as Brit turns to Tiff with a raised brow. Her cousin is shorter and whiter in skin tone, but she's just as calm and collected and altogether vile as the taller girl.

"Oh? Is that so? Then why exactly would she be staring at all of us in our underwear, hm?"

Jenny trembles as she too waits for Tiff's answer, hoping that the shorter of the Crust Twins wouldn't manage to hit the nail on the head like she feared. But…

"Isn't it obvious?!"

Gesturing at Jenny's robotic body, Tiff laughs.

"She wishes she was a real girl! Can't you tell? It's pretty obvious, she might LOOK like us, she might talk like us… but she ain't like us where it counts."

Catching on now, Brit Crust hums and then reaches up to her own chest, giving her bra-clad tits a squeeze right in front of Jenny's eyes.

"You mean she wishes she had a pair of these?"

Tiff Crust takes it even further, going so far as to cup her own genitals through her panties and give a particularly lurid thrust of her admittedly curvaceous hips in Jenny's direction.

"She definitely doesn't got one of these!"

Finally breaking, Jenny lets out a choked sob, drops of oil leaking out of her eyes as she abruptly moves to pass them both, pushing them aside and fleeing the locker room with all due haste before she can begin sobbing in earnest. Because… they're right. They're both right… she's been wondering for a while now what it's like to actually… to have sexual organs like the human girls she goes to school with. And now even the Crust Cousins have noticed her staring, have cut to the quick of her feelings on the matter, leaving her incredibly vulnerable.

How could she ever show her face at school again, now that she'd given them such nasty ammunition to use against her? She knew they were both vile enough to capitalize on it. Jenny might have been a robot, made to protect earth… but she was also a girl, made with a girl's mind… so in the end, the answer she comes up with, the only way she could possibly go back to school after all that… well it seems obvious to HER what she has to do, anyways.


"No, XJ-9! Absolutely not!"

As her mother and creator shoots down her proposal immediately, Jenny whines like the petulant teenager she is, stomping her incredibly powerful robot feet into the floor and creating dents wherever she does so.

"But moooom! All the human girls have reproductive organs! What's wrong with giving me breasts and a vagina? Aren't I supposed to have gotten PAST puberty by this point?!"

"Jenny… you aren't human! You're a robot, which means you never had puberty to begin with! And you'll never have puberty! Honestly, you should be grateful. Do you really want to have a monthly period?"

If Jenny were perhaps more mature, or just even more knowledgeable about human female biology, that last bit probably would have been the end of it. After all, no woman would ever willingly CHOOSE to have a period. The fact that she didn't have one was a blessing Jenny just didn't fully appreciate. But at the end of the day, that was neither here nor there. The robot girl wanted sexual organs, damn it!

"Just because I'm a robot doesn't mean I can't have human characteristics though! Didn't you make me in the image of a teenage girl specifically so that I would relate more with other humans?!"

Unfortunately, her quite concise and quite valid argument is simply and plainly lost on her mother, who it seems has already made up her mind on this sort of thing.

"The answer is no, XJ-9, and that's final. I'm not some perverted crackpot like that mad man Eckerstein! Such modifications would be completely useless to you at best, and wholly detrimental to your duties at worst. This is the last I'll hear on this subject young lady. Now, don't you have homework to be getting done?"

Jenny pouts and crosses her arms over her chest as Nora doesn't even wait for a response, her mother and creator leaving the room without another word. Honestly, why did her mom have to be so old and so prudish? It wasn't like Jenny was asking for much here, right?! Still, as smart as Nora Wakeman was… she was still capable of making mistakes. She was only human after all. Unwittingly, her mother had given Jenny exactly what she needed… a name.

Grinning wickedly to herself, the teenage robot hurries over to the nearest computer, of which there were quite a few given her mother's predilection for electronics. Hooking herself in and connecting to the internet is the work of moments for Jenny, who doesn't even need a monitor to properly interface with the world wide web.

It takes a little longer to figure out who the heck Eckerstein is, but soon enough she finds what she assumes is her quarry. Dr. Michael Eckerstein, a man with several PhDs and who was apparently pretty much as good with robotics as his mother. However, unlike her creator, who was world-renowned for her work in the field of robotics and more importantly known by the people in charge as the gal who outfitted the Skypatrol with their best tech and created robots like Jenny to protect the Earth… Dr. Eckerstein had a bit of a more infamous take to him.

Apparently, his reputation had tanked when he'd unveiled that he'd designed a line of sexbots. That must have been what her mother was talking about when she called him a perverted crackpot. The world, or at least those in charge, had rejected him and his work, and sent him backing into seclusion. These days, the genius mechanic was a total recluse… and yet, with a little bit more work, Jenny found out where he was living anyways.

A guy like him, who had more in common with her mom then Nora would ever care to admit, couldn't simply go all the way off the grid. In the end, Jenny follows the paper trail of power tools and other necessary technology for building robotics and figures out exactly where she can find Michael Eckerstein.

Disconnecting from the computer, Jenny pauses for a moment and ponders whether or not she should really be doing this… before ultimately deciding that yes, she definitely had to do this! The other girls at school wouldn't ever respect her or see her as anything more than a thing if she wasn't like them! And her mother refused to help! In the end, this was the last option left for Jenny!


If you'd told Michael that his day would begin with a familiar fembot coming down from the sky on her rocket pigtails begging for him to install sexual organs in her, he would have laughed in your face. No way in hell was THE Nora Wakeman letting her precious XJ-9 anywhere near him. While it was never reported anywhere publicly (and thus didn't come up in Jenny's search of the man) Michael was almost one hundred percent positive that the one who led the crusade against his sexbot designs was none other than the woman they sometimes called the Mother of Modern Robotics herself, Nora Wakeman.

And to think, he'd once admired her, even crushed on her, seeing her as everything he aspired to be. It was rough having your hero betray you like that. So maybe that was why, when XJ-9 came to him asking for help, he hadn't had to think that long or that hard before saying yes. The girl just wanted what every human woman got… the chance to be sexual.

Nothing wrong with a pair of tits and a cunt, right? Certainly not in Michael Eckerstein's book, that was for sure. After all, his entire robotic career was based on giving fembots tits and cunts and all the delicious tools they'd need to pleasure the men who purchased them. Getting to put his work to good use in modifying Nora Wakeman's proudest creation was phenomenal… but what was about to come next would be the icing on the cake for sure.

As Jenny comes back online, blinking her robotic eyes open, he's there, leaning over her, offering a comforting smile.

"Hey there, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

Slowly, the robot girl sits up, only to blink and look down at her new 'breastplate', blushing at the rack she's now sporting. On top of that, she spreads her legs apart and sees the opening that now lies nestled betwixt steel thighs, her skirt and tank top currently removed for him to install the modifications.

"I… I'm not sure."

Grinning somewhat lecherously but hiding it just out of her line of sight, Mike chuckles.

"Well that's alright, because next we'll need to give your new modifications a test drive. I hope you're alright with me being your partner for that? It's important that we make sure there's nothing wrong with any of your new… parts."

Jenny's a smart girl, Nora had made sure of that. He sees the way her eyes widen, and bright spots appear on her cheeks as she 'blushes' and ducks her head in embarrassment. But in the end, after wiggling in place for a little bit, the robotic girl nods.

"Y-Yeah… that makes sense I suppose."

Giddy at his good fortune, Mike comes around to the front of Jenny, and without hesitation reaches out and grabs hold of her freshly installed breast plate. As he plays with it, the pleasure sensors in her new, steel breasts transmit the sensations right up into her CPU, causing her cyan blush to darken on her cheeks, blinking there as she wiggles in his grasp. The eccentric, somewhat perverted mechanic plays with Jenny's tits for a little while, before eventually leaning forward.

He catches Jenny's steel lips in a kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth and tangling it with her metal tongue in turn. Jenny's eyes widen at this, as she'd clearly not expected him to be so thorough. But that was just it. Any robotics mechanic worth their shit could install a pair of tits and a cunt into the robot before him. Nora Wakeman had, after all, made Jenny insanely modifiable and highly adaptable.

Still, only he could go a step beyond and abuse that adaptability to give Jenny a LOT more pleasure sensors then she'd had previously, even going so far as to make the tongue-wrestling and kissing the two of them were currently engaging in much more pleasurable as well. Frankly, it wasn't like a robot like Jenny had much use for her mouth, other than as a cum receptacle, right?

Jenny moans into his mouth, fidgeting and squirming under his expert molestation of her breasts. He knows all of her weak points, having been the one to give them to her in the first place, and he does everything in his power to use and abuse every last one of them, turning the gorgeous robot girl into a puddle of pleasured mess.

After playing with her top modifications to his heart's content, Mike pulls back and then slides one of his hands down betwixt Jenny's steel thighs, grinning as he brings his fingers to her newly installed pussy. As he expected, given it was as he'd designed it, she's leaking lubricant fluid all over the place, making the robot girl nice and wet for what he intends to do to her next.

"You're ready for the next test, XJ-9. Why don't you slip off the table and turn around for me alright? There's a good girl, bend over, that's it."

Jenny does as she's told, and Mike soon finds himself in place behind a freshly modified fembot, now with completely functional sexual organs. Grabbing the gorgeous, absolutely wonderful female robot by her hips, he drags his cock out of his pants, throbbing and hard as it is, and brings it up to the pussy lips that he's given her. They're made of metal too, of course, all of Jenny is, but the cunt, much like the breast plate, is made of a flexible metal that gives way even in the face of a human member penetrating her.

A low moan emits from Jenny's lips as she clutches at his table hard enough to leave imprints in the metal. Her legs quiver and shake, and she's visibly trembling, even as he fills her with inch after inch of his cock, finding it all too easy to penetrate her given just how much lubricant she's leaking at this point.

"Fuck, you're so wet, XJ-9…"

"M-My name is Jenny…"

Grinning at that, Mike reaches forward, grabbing the sexbot (because that's what he's turned her into now, that's the purpose she's currently fulfilling for him) by her pigtails. Finding them to be decent handlebars for him to hold onto, he tugs a bit, causing Jenny to arch her back as he pushes even deeper inside of her. A loud groan leaves the robot girl's lips, even as he brings his mouth closer to one of her ear-holes.

"Well, Jenny… are you ready to get fucked?"

"Huh? I thought that was what we were already doi-IIIIIEEE!"

With a gratified groan, Mike thrusts forward deep inside of the female robot and is rewarded with not only a full hilting of his cock inside of her flexible steel sheath of a cunt, but also with the feeling of pressing in on a button he's installed, all the way at the back of her newly added love tunnel. This button is made of the same soft metal as the rest of her pussy, so it doesn't hurt him to hit it or anything like that… and what it does to XJ-9 is simply phenomenal in every way.

"OH! Oh, oh, OHHHH!"

Mike grins like a lunatic as he begins to fuck the sexbot with rapid-fire thrusts, every single one hitting that button deep inside of her new robot cunt that sends overloading pleasure up into her CPU. Basically, that button, which he'd gleefully and jokingly marked 'PLEASURE', was literally letting him fuck her digital brains right out of her, plowing her as she seizes up and shifts and shakes uncontrollably.

Holding onto her metal pigtails as tightly as he can, Mike grits his teeth as he takes out years and years of anger and pent up frustration towards her creator on the unknowing fembot. Not that Jenny minds all that much, he is just human after all, and while her cunt has been made to perfectly fit his cock, he can't actually wreck her chassis like he might want to.

But that's alright. He might not be able to physically break her with his cock, but he can certainly mentally break her. That's exactly what he does, groaning as he slams into Jenny's new pleasure button over and over again, until her CPU is fully overloaded and the gorgeous robot girl is ahegaoing all over the place, her robotic eyes rolled back in her head and her metal tongue lolling out of her mouth, leaking lubricant now as well, 'drooling' all over her new breast plate as he pulls on her pigtails.

Once he's well and truly fucked her into a stupor, only then does Mike let himself cum. There's no robot womb for him to cum in as it were, the button had replaced it, but he still has a lot of fun creampieing XJ-9, knowing that she's going to go back home to her mother with a load of HIS cum in her newly installed cunt. And just to make sure it doesn't leak out; he goes ahead and presses a button that covers her new pussy lips up with a pair of metal 'panties' for lack of a better word as he finishes pulling his cock out of her weakly gripping insides.

He grins, looking down at her twitching form for a long moment… and considers whether he has time to cover her face and her new tits in his cum as well while she's insensate like this. Unfortunately, her ahegaoing doesn't last long when her new pleasure button isn't being pounded dozens of time per minute anymore.

Recovering rather fast, Jenny pops up and blinks once, before giving him a bright grin.

"Oh wow… that was… that was amazing."

She goes about reattaching her steel skirt and her steel top, and then once she has her new tits covered, she gives him a kiss on the cheek and a simple wink.

"I'll definitely be back for some maintenance real soon, Dr. Eckerstein!"

Mike chuckles, even as she flies off with her rocket pigtails. He's not sure how reliable her promise is, given how apocalyptic Nora is bound to be when she sees what he's done to her 'precious baby'… but he's had his fun regardless. If Jenny comes back, then he'll have some more fun… if not, well he always has his own toys he's made over the years…


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