Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Goblin Slayer, Lady Layer! (Goblin Slayer)

Goblin Slayer, Lady Layer! (Goblin Slayer)

A/N: Goblin Slayer, Lady Layer was a commissioned one-shot originally written in March of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Goblin Slayer saves the entirety of that original party. The female members all want to thank their savior personally, of course. Luckily for them, Cow Girl and Guild Girl got there first and have loosened him up considerably, so that he's in the right frame of mind to accept their thanks.

Themes: Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Harem


"O-Oh, w-what's this… um, if it's an issue, I can h-heal this as well…"

… He did this to himself, didn't he? It was his own fault, at the end of the day. His name was Goblin Slayer, not Human Savior. But he'd stupidly saved that entire adventuring party all the same. The idiots should never have gone into that goblin nest so confident. The fact that they'd all survived, even their idiot leader Warrior, was a miracle in and of itself.

Frankly, all Goblin Slayer had done was staunch the bleeding stump of Warrior's lost arm, give Wizard the antidote for the poison dagger she'd been stabbed with, and then saved Fighter from the gangrape the goblins had been in the midst of delivering to her. Her clothes had been torn and there'd already been penetration, but he'd managed to kill the bastards before they could fully break her mind, it seemed. Hell, the Priestess who even now was sliding down to her knees before him and carefully spreading his legs apart hadn't even been touched, though that didn't mean she hadn't been traumatized.

Regardless, he doesn't fight her, doesn't try to stop her from moving his knees to either side, nor does he stop her from fiddling with his codpiece with her small, slender fingers. If this was what she wanted to do… well, he'd long since learned that once a woman put their mind to something, it was all but impossible to get them to back down.

His first sexual experiences had all been at the hands of his childhood friend, Cow Girl. Admittedly, it'd been after they met again and neither of them were children anymore. That first night she'd convinced him to stay with her and her Uncle on their farmstead, she'd snuck out to the barn and he'd been given a crash course in sex. Though really, they'd both ended up doing a lot of fumbling and experimenting that first night, seeing how it was Cow Girl's first time as well.

Upon seeing him the next day, Guild Girl had demanded he follow her into the back, and then she'd asked him point blank who he'd slept with. Given he'd been wearing his armor, including his helmet when he entered the guild hall, Goblin Slayer really couldn't say for sure HOW she'd known… in the end, he'd just chalked it up to women having abilities and powers that he couldn't pretend to understand.

Needless to say, that was the day he learned about oral sex, namely fellatio. Eager not to fall behind, Guild Girl had dropped to her knees right there in the backroom and expertly removed his codpiece before blowing him with her mouth. From there, things had escalated into sex. Goblin Slayer hadn't hidden anything from Cow Girl though, and these days the two women seemed to constantly be vying for his attention whenever he wasn't out on a quest to slay goblins.

He should have known that saving that party would only complicate his life further.

"A-Ah, h-here it is…"

Unlike Guild Girl, Priestess clearly wasn't all that used to messing around with armor. It's taken her all this time of introspection on his part to find the right spots, but she's finally done it all the same. His codpiece comes away, and she moves aside his undergarments as well, her slender fingers wrapping around his cock and finally pulling it from his confines. To be fair, he was more than half-erect, though her direct contact with his shaft was making him even harder now.

He couldn't say why he'd popped a boner as the Priestess had been healing his ails. Perhaps it was simply a matter of the combination of feeling quite good as his wounds were healed, and the pretty young woman who was doing the healing? This wasn't the first time it'd happened. Over the last few days, since that day he'd saved her party from certain death, Priestess had taken it upon herself to heal him.

But before now, the last few times anyways, she'd done so out in the main hall of the guild, waiting for him to walk in through the front door and then hurrying over to heal him. Probably because he'd rejected her initial request to join his party. He didn't do parties, didn't really want to have to look after some green healer when he had goblins to be slaying… but she was persistent, he'd give her that. And apparently the party he'd saved was still recovering as well as deciding what to do next, so for the time being Priestess had nothing better to do then wait for him to return each day so she could spend her spells on him.

Regardless, he'd thought his armor had done a relatively good job of hiding his body's unfortunate reaction to her daily healing… but apparently not… or maybe Priestess had simply finally worked up the courage to act. Today, she'd dragged him off to her own private room on the second floor of the guild hall in order to perform the healing… and now here she was, no longer healing him, but instead holding his cock in her small hands, licking her lips as she looks from it to his face.

"… Please, let me do this for you."

He wasn't saying no, was he? As he sits there in silence, Priestess blushes at his continued lack of response, but ultimately seems to take it as the affirmation she desires. Regardless, leaning forward, the hesitant young woman opens her mouth somewhat shyly… and begins to lick at his dick tip. Her tongue slips across his cockhead again and again, even as her hands stroke up and down his still hardening, still thickening length.

Her inexperienced, tentative, and altogether hesitant technique are kind of endearing, truth be told. It reminds him of the first time Cow Girl performed fellatio on him, after he'd told her what happened between him and Guild Girl. He'd had nothing to hide, after all. She'd insisted on doing everything he and the blonde had done together though. In the time since, Cow Girl had learned how to suck his cock just as expertly as Guild Girl could. Priestess though, was very clearly not so sure about how to go about things… but too enthusiastic about 'repaying' him to care all that much.

Her licking turns into lapping, which turns into slurping, until finally she gets brazen enough to open her cute little mouth as wide as it will go and put his cock inside of it. Even as her lips begins to slide down his shaft, he can tell she's not going to be able to take him all the way. She stops as soon as he hits the back of her throat, and that's the furthest she proves willing to go as she begins to bob up and down on the first few inches of his length.

Not that Goblin Slayer begrudges the little Priestess that. It's obviously her first time, so he can't really expect her to take him to the base like say, Guild Girl would normally do. Instead, he just sits there and enjoys her enthusiasm. Lacking in technique, but making up for it with a sheer eagerness to please, Priestess works over his cock all the same, slurping and sucking at it, moaning a little around the length in her mouth as she looks up at him with eyes that speak to how thankful she is for him.

Yeah, this might have been all his fault… but really, he was kind of glad he saved that party. Even if they'd been something of a distraction from killing goblins, he could at least say they'd all made it out, and that was certainly something special when you had a bunch of wet-behind-their-ears newbies rushing head long into their very first goblin nest without any sort of planning or special equipment.

Besides, he'd still managed to take care of the goblin nest as well, in the end…

With a groan from beneath his helmet, Goblin Slayer finds himself getting close to release. Placing a gauntleted hand atop Priestess' head, he draws her attention with the simple touch.

"… I'm going to cum soon."

It's simple courtesy to warn a girl, that was also something he'd learned from Guild Girl and Cow Girl. Whatever Priestess wants to do next, so long as she finishes what she started, he doesn't care. He's still a little surprised by her ultimate decision though, which is to get this determined look in her eye, sucking down even harder on just his cockhead as she rapidly strokes her small, smooth palms up and down the rest of his shaft.

Goblin Slayer lets out a grunt as he finally begins to cum, and the moment she feels the first taste of ejaculate on her tongue, Priestess pulls back and tilts her head, opening her mouth and lolling out her tongue as she… as she lets him cum all over her face. That wasn't even something Guild Girl or Cow Girl had ever done before. Guild Girl, whenever she decided to give him a blowjob, usually tended to swallow his loads down without any difficulty.

Meanwhile, Cow Girl had spit the first couple of times, but upon learning that Guild Girl swallowed, she'd gotten this resolved look and from then on swallowed too. As far as he could tell, cum was an acquired taste, because she no longer grimaced anymore while doing so, and truth be told, she almost seemed to enjoy swallowing these days.

Regardless, Priestess is apparently kinkier than he thought, because she takes his seed on her face rather than in her mouth or possibly even directing it onto the floor. She takes his cum all over her features, moaning all the while. When he's done, there's a momentary pause before she seems to realize what she's done and blushes profusely beneath his white, hot jizz staining her cheeks.

Pulling back, as if she's suddenly been burned by very hot fire, Priestess stands and clasps her hands together, even as his cum drips from her face.

"U-Um… t-thank you…"

Recognizing a dismissal when he sees one, Goblin Slayer just nods and places his codpiece back on, making sure it's securely in place before standing and leaving the room. He's fully unaware of Priestess' mouth opening and closing as he goes, no words coming out as she struggles to find a way to ask him to go further… but ultimately just can't due to sheer embarrassment. Next time, she resolves to try harder… next time, for sure.


When Wizard comes to him, she shows up in the dead of night out on Cow Girl's farmstead, slipping inside of his barn as he sleeps. He's not wearing his armor when she arrives, though he does grab his sword and stand, assuming her to be an enemy at first until she steps out of the shadows and into view, the dim lantern light revealing her to be blushing, ever so slightly.

"You saved me… and I need to settle that debt before I can move on."

Goblin Slayer, remains quiet, even if he isn't wearing his armor or his helm. He can see her studying his face just a bit, just like Guild Girl had done the first time she'd gotten around to stripping him out of his armor before sex. As it so happened, that'd been around their fourth or fifth sexual encounter total, if he recalled correctly.

"… This is the only thing I have to offer."

Back in the goblin nest, if you'd asked Goblin Slayer to rate Wizard's sexiness, he definitely would have given her a low score. Not only was it not the time or place for that kind of thing, stabbed, poisoned, and bleeding girls weren't really his kink. That said, now that she's fully healed and they aren't in a goblin nest anymore, watching Wizard pull open her robes and then yank up her top and her skirt, exposing both her breasts and her naked glistening pussy lips at the same time… certainly had its appeal.

There's also the added fact that she averts her gaze, the bespectacled young woman blushing profusely as she looks to the side while giving him a nice, long look at the goods. She's frozen, trembling almost, clearly waiting for his response. Seeing how his cock is currently rising due to her actions, Goblin Slayer lets out a sigh and nods.

"… Very well."

His voice, no longer muffled by the helmet, almost seems to surprise her. Or maybe it's his easy acceptance that causes her to startle. Either way, she moves forward, and he sits down on the edge of his makeshift bed of straw, allowing her to kneel between his legs just like her former party member did a day before. Unlike the Priestess however, Wizard seems to know a bit more about what she's doing… at the very least, she has a couple of assets that Priestess doesn't to bring into the battle.

Taking hold of her sizable tits and bringing them up, Wizard blushes and doesn't dare look him in the eye as she wraps her breasts around his cock, giving him a titjob. This too is something Goblin Slayer is already familiar with, given that both Guild Girl and Cow Girl have sizable racks themselves. Priestess couldn't do it due to her utterly flat chest, but he doesn't begrudge her that anymore than he begrudges her inability to deep-throat his member.

Regardless, Wizard wraps her breasts around his shaft and spits on both his cock and into her cleavage, applying lubricant as she begins to slide her soft orbs up and down his member. She's utterly focused on the task at hand… or just using it as an excuse to not look up, instead keeping her eyes firmly on his cock the entire time. His member is soon pushing up between her breasts, leaving the top of her cleavage and coming perilously close to bumping against her lips, until finally that's exactly what happens.

The first time is clearly an accident, given how it surprises her, making her rear back and blink. But the second time and every time after is obviously intentional as she begins to lay dainty little kisses on his dick all while giving him the best boobjob that she can. The bespectacled female caster is clearly as inexperienced as Priestess, but a little bit more blessed when it comes to womanly features.

Still, Goblin Slayer lets her do as she likes, until eventually he groans, once again drawing close to release. Upon letting her know that he's about to cum, Wizard just nods her head, a determined glint in her eye as she simply picks up the pace. Like Priestess, she doesn't try to swallow or direct his load somewhere else… she takes it, right then and there, barely even flinching as his seed splatters all over her face, her glasses, and her naked tits.

There's a sharp intake of breath as he cums all over her, and her cheeks grow even rosier than before… but unlike Priestess, it seems she's not satisfied with just one titjob. Pulling back and standing up, Wizard doesn't say her goodbyes and depart or anything like that… instead, she turns around, bends over, and drags her cloak to the side while pulling up the back of her skirt, exposing her naked, pale bottom to him, as well as her glistening wet pussy lips, nestled between her silky smooth thighs.

"Please… please use me as you wish. W-whatever hole you wish to take… my body is yours, this evening."

Goblin Slayer's eyebrows creep up at that. It sounds like she's offering him anal. Which, again, he'd done once apiece with both Guild Girl and Cow Girl at this point. The latter because of course she had to try to one-up anything that the former did. However, Cow Girl hadn't enjoyed anal very much, and truth be told he didn't really care for it one way or another either. It was just another hole at the end of the day, he supposed.

So, ever since that time with Cow Girl, he'd refrained from anal with both her and Guild Girl. He was well aware that trying it with a virgin like Wizard would only lead to pain and heartache. He had no desire to hurt her… so as he rises from his bed of straw and grabs hold of her shapely, womanly hips, he lines his cock up with her glistening cunt instead, not at all surprised when she lets out a sigh of relief at feeling him pressing into her slit rather than her back door.

Snorting a bit in amusement, Goblin Slayer slowly penetrates the young woman from behind, not at all surprised when he encounters resistance partway in. He pushes on though, taking Wizard's virginity without more than a moment's hesitation, and then stopping as she cries out in pain. He gives her a second to adjust, waiting for her to eventually call out to him to 'k-keep going' before finally beginning to fuck her from behind.

So prim and proper, clearly the kind of girl who was a bit of a bookworm. She'd probably done really well at the Magic Academy, maybe even graduated with top marks. He'd seen that scorch mark of a goblin that she must have killed with magic back in the nest. But that hadn't really helped her, now had it? For all her prodigious skill with magic, she would have been goblin chow if he hadn't come along and given her the antidote.

With that in mind, Goblin Slayer finds himself fucking Wizard perhaps a little harder than first intended. Perhaps part of him is trying to teach her a lesson. Perhaps that's why his palm comes down on her ass mid-thrust, spanking her in a way that has her crying out for a moment before she manages to cover her mouth to stifle her cries. He fucks her, and in all fairness, she seems to enjoy it, even if he is a little rough with her, even if he takes her hard and fast, harder and faster than most of his encounters with Guild Girl or Cow Girl have been.

He never actually says anything, never actually lays any recriminations upon her for how she and her party nearly ended up, but as he fucks her through orgasm after orgasm, he likes to think that she knows all the same, that she gets the meaning behind his powerful thrusts, deep into her cunt. Eventually though, he feels his second release rise within him, and common courtesy once more dictates that he warn her.

"Cumming soon."

He grunts out the two words, waiting for them to penetrate Wizard's mind, knowing full well from previous experiences that it takes a second. Still, he's expecting her response to be different from what Cow Girl and Guild Girl always say when he lets them know he's getting close. After all, Wizard is an adventurer, unlike the two of them, and she has other considerations that she needs to-

"I-Inside! D-Do it inside!"

Or not. Blinking in mild surprise that she would want him to cum inside of her, just like Cow Girl and Guild Girl always both demanded when he was fucking them, Goblin Slayer nevertheless simply shrugs and does as he's told, groaning as he drives his cock to the hilt inside of the bespectacled young woman before laying a nice, thick load of his white, hot seed inside of her womb. The magic caster groans right back at him, before crying out in ecstasy, her pussy walls clenching down around his cock in one last explosive orgasm.

Pulling out of her once he's done, Goblin Slayer blinks as releasing his hold on the bent over young woman causes her to fall forward, flat on her face with a yelp. She's quick to hop back to her feet afterwards though, flushed with embarrassment and biting her lower lip as she looks at him, her glasses askew and his cum mostly dried by this point.

"… Thank you."

And with that, Wizard turns and flees into the night before he can even offer to let her stay in the barn with him until morning. He was still trying to decide whether he should or not to be fair, after all it wasn't really his barn or his farmstead… but in the end, she takes the option out of his hands entirely and leaves before he can say a word.

For a moment, Goblin Slayer just stands there, wondering when his life became so complicated. It was his own fault, in the end. He'd let Cow Girl and Guild Girl worm their way into his heart, hadn't he? He, who was supposed to be merely an instrument for slaying goblins, had allowed himself to grow affectionate for two beautiful women.

That was why, when Guild Girl had told him about the party of green adventurers who were going to a goblin nest unprepared with tears in her eyes… Goblin Slayer had perhaps hurried to get there a bit faster than he would have under normal circumstances. And as a result of THAT decision, he was apparently now the focus of the admiration of a party that was three-fourths women.

If Warrior tried to 'thank him' he would have to politely rebuff the other man. But if Fighter wanted a piece of him… even as Goblin Slayer lays back down to try to get some more rest before dawn, his cock decides it's time to rise again to the thought of the fit young martial artist and what they could do together.


"That's why… I think it'd be best if we were to disband the party. With just the two of us… no, even then it wouldn't really work, would it? I can't be an adventurer with just one arm…"

Fighter bites her lower lip, but ultimately nods, squeezing the one remaining hand that Warrior DOES have as she lays at his bedside, looking at him. Priestess had done her best to heal him, but losing an arm was a bit more than some scrapes and cuts. In the end, Warrior would be recovering for a long time, and he was right, even when he was fully recovered… he'd never be FULLY recovered.

On top of that, Priestess and Wizard had both made their intentions clear. They'd left the party, not that it was much of a party to begin with. In the end, with this conversation, Fighter was on her own.

"Yeah… I suppose you're right…"

In a way it was a little freeing though? She and Warrior exchange a bit more small talk, because they are still friends, childhood friends at that. In the end though, she wishes him the best and then departs, and as she walks down the street, she finds herself smiling. It's the first time since… since that day that she's done so, and honestly it makes her feel a little guilty, given the cause of her smile. But in the end, only now that she was truly free did, she realize that Warrior was a bit of a ball and chain, holding her down.

It was almost like, as childhood friends, they were expected to get together or something. But she'd never seen him like that, never seen him as a boyfriend or a lover or anything. He was… she loved him, sure, but it was a familial sort of love. He was like her little brother. So yeah, now that they weren't a party anymore, she no longer felt that strange pressure to… well, to make something more of their friendship. She wished him luck on charming some civilian girl, because Fighter… Fighter had someone else in mind for herself.

She might not have lost a limb that day like Warrior did, but she did still lose something, a part of herself that she was never getting back. The goblins… they'd raped her. She'd fought as best she could, struggled against their clawed, grabby hands as much as possible, and they'd still pinned her down a-and raped her.

Luckily, HE'D shown up before too long had passed. They'd still torn her clothing off and raped her more than once, but if it had lasted much longer, Fighter was fairly certain she would have broken, and likely wouldn't have been able to go back to being an adventurer any more than Warrior could. He'd saved her though… and she wanted to repay him.

So, she goes to the Guild. Luckily, he's there, turning in a quest. Priestess is fussing over him, but Fighter doesn't care. She walks right up to the counter where Goblin Slayer is stood and taps him on the shoulder. When Priestess sees her, the little blonde puffs up her cheeks in indignation but ultimately backs off. Meanwhile, Goblin Slayer turns around, regarding her silently.

Fighter doesn't let that stop her though as she folds her arms over her chest and gives him a cheeky grin.

"Need to talk to you out back."

There's another beat of silence, and then Goblin Slayer reaches back and takes his pouch of coin for his latest completed quest off of the counter behind him, attaching it to his waist before giving her a nod and gesturing for her to lead the way.


There's not much talking, as it were, because the moment they're in the back alley behind the Guild Hall, Fighter is using a martial arts move to whip Goblin Slayer's helmet off of his head, and before he can even react, she's leaping at him, wrapping her limbs around him like a spider monkey and kissing him full on the lips with all of the pent up aggression she has in her fit, trim frame.

This is her taking back her agency. This is her taking back her body… and giving it to Goblin Slayer. She still wants to be an adventurer, she thinks… but before she can go back out there and fight monsters again, she needs to both thank her savior properly, AND reclaim her virtue in a way. This kills two birds with one stone, really.

Still, there's always the chance Goblin Slayer won't react favorably… but luckily for her, that turns out to not be the case. He doesn't pull her off of him or anything like that, instead his gauntleted hands go to her ass and he squeeze down hard as he staggers under their combined weight over to a nearby crate, before laying her back across it. Their lips disengage from one another and for a moment Fighter just lays there, looking up at him, idly noting that he actually has rather plain, but also handsome features.

Then his cock is out, his thick hard cock, and he's tugging down her pants and she's helping him. In a frenzy, they both get her half naked, and a moment later he's inside of her, pushing her flexible legs up against her body as he begins to take her in a mating press. And press on he does, fucking into her deeply, pounding away at her tight, muscled cunt. She's a martial artist at the end of the day, and that means she has total control over her body. Her pussy muscles clench and flex around his cock, her inner walls moving under her pointed direction as she moans wantonly beneath her savior.

For his part, Goblin Slayer seems to have no problem at all fucking her as hard as he can, slamming into her drooling quim most violently. It's different then what the goblins did to her though, because she's choosing this, she's initiated this… and if any man is going to claim her, better it be an actual man and the man who saved her life at that, then any damn goblins. She's all too happy to submit to the Goblin Slayer's amazing cock, all too happy to have him wash away the taint that the goblins who'd defiled her left behind.

This man… this man was her everything. Not only had he saved her life, he had made it his own life's mission to kill goblins. She could get behind that, especially after what she'd been through. She wanted to help him, wanted to kill goblins right alongside him… but if she was going to convince him to let her join his party, then she'd have to prove herself. After all, their first encounter had been with her as little more than a damsel in distress to be saved.

With a growl, Fighter pushes back on Goblin Slayer's grip on her ankles. He lets go, and she hurriedly wraps her legs around his back, before using the sudden leg lock to pull herself up off the crate. Thanks to his lack of helmet, she gets to see his eyes widen for a split second in surprise before she takes him to the ground, his cock still lodged deep inside of her as he lands flat on his back.

Placing one hand on his chest, Fighter begins to ride him cowgirl style, biting her lower lip as her abs flex and shift, her entire body undulating and gyrating across his cock.

"I'm not some weak girl. I want you to know that now, before we go any further. I'm not… I'm not some damsel that needs saving all the time. You met me at a v-very low point in my life. I was weak then… but I can learn from my mistakes. Next time, I'll do better."

As she rides him while explaining her feelings, Goblin Slayer just grunts, taking hold of her hips and accepting the change in position with ease, even as he looks up at her, his expression rather closed off. Surprising for someone who wore a helmet all the time, she can't help but think, but maybe this was just who he was. Stoic and withdrawn. That was okay… she could work with that.

"Next time?"

Ah, but when he does finally speak, he certainly cuts to the matter at hand, doesn't he? Fighter blushes at his words, even as she continues to ride his cock, impaling herself on his thick, meaty log again and again. It's in the midst of formulating a response to his question that she cums for the first time, climaxing around his cock and shuddering as a moan escapes her lips.

As soon as she recovers however, she plants her hands on his chest and leans forward, looking him right in the eye as she bounces up and down on his dick.

"I want… to join your party."

He frowns at that, before shaking his head.

"I don't have a party."

Fair point. He really didn't, she knew because she was well aware that Priestess had already asked to join him and he'd turned her down, at least for the time being.

"Then make one w-with me."

Goblin Slayer grunts at that, his hands on her hips tightening. For a moment, she thinks he's going to pull her off and try to leave or something, so she hurries to clench her inner cunt muscles down harder around his cock, trying not to let him pull out of her. But he just grunts at that and comments idly.

"I'm getting close."

Blinking, Fighter realizes he's talking about cumming inside of her. Blushing a little at the idea, she nevertheless pushes him down firmly and continues to ride him at break neck speed.

"Inside then… cum inside of me."

He obeys, much to her satisfaction and thrills. His seed paints her womb white, fully cleansing the taint of those goblins who'd raped her. Or was it enough? It didn't feel like enough, so even as he finishes cumming, Fighter keeps on riding him. Goblin Slayer doesn't seem all that upset by this though… in fact, his cock is still rock hard inside of her as she massages his length with her inner walls.

"You and I… we could team up and fight monsters together."

"I only kill goblins."

Fighter's eyes flash, and she gives him a somewhat sadistic grin.

"Fine by me. I could do for some goblin killing, myself."

But he just shakes his head again, frowning up at her, a bit of a growl of frustration in his voice.

"You don't understand. I only kill goblins. I will only ever kill goblins. I will not rest until every goblin in this world is dead… but that will never happen. My name is Goblin Slayer… because goblins are the only thing I slay."

She can tell that he's trying to dissuade her, trying to explain to her that his life isn't for her, even as she continues to bounce up and down on his cock, having extracted one load of seed from him and eager to get more. But that's just it… Fighter doesn't care what she's fighting anymore… so long as she's fighting it by his side.

Leaning in close, looking Goblin Slayer dead in the eye to make sure he gets the message, she slams herself down on his cock to punctuate each of her following statements.

"I don't care. I'll fight goblins at your side for the rest of our time on this earth, if that's what you want. Hell, I'll fight them without you, if you won't have me. You saved my life, Goblin Slayer. You saved my party. I can't just… walk away from that. Not now, not ever."

He looks up at her in consternation at her words, but Fighter thinks she might be getting to him, so she continues on, all while continuing to drive herself down on his cock, deep up inside of her. She's ramming him up into her cervix now, which is already weakened a bit as well as slickened by the load of cum he's already deposited into her womb.

"Give me a chance. Let me p-prove to you that I can do it… I want to kill goblins; I want to help you in your goal. Together… t-together maybe we can rid the world of goblins in our lifetimes, eh?"

It's obvious from the expression on his face that he doesn't believe it to be possible, even with the two of them. And yet, he's going to try anyways, all by his lonesome. Regardless, she's pretty sure she's getting through to him. Grabbing his wrists, she brings his hands up to her heaving bosom, letting him latch onto her breasts and leaning forward so he can grope her tits to his heart's content.

"I'm yours, Goblin Slayer. If you want me to leave you alone, then I will go fight goblins in your name until I die. If you want me to simply warm your bed, I'll give up being an adventurer altogether and be waiting for you each day. But I want to fight for you. I want to fight WITH you… in the end, you saved my life… so it's your choice to make."

Maybe it's kind of shitty of her to be giving him an ultimatum like this, but she's deathly serious. Unfortunately, before she can get a response, Goblin Slayer groans and begins to cum again, creampieing her once more and causing her to throw her head back in ecstasy as she orgasms explosively around his cock as a result. And then, while they're both recovering, things get even more complicated.

"T-There they are!"

"H-Hey! Get off of him!"

Fighter can only blink dumbly as both Priestess and Wizard run up. Only belatedly does she realize that Priestess hadn't truly backed down… she'd just gone to get reinforcements. Glaring at what was obviously her competition, Fighter opens her mouth to deliver a caustic response to her former party members, only for Goblin Slayer to buck his hips beneath her and cause her eyes to roll up on the spot. The tension is broken as he fucks her from below while Priestess and Wizard blush profusely and watch from close by.

In the end, Fighter can only grin and take it all, everything he has to give her, hoping against hope that this was the 'yes' she was looking for.


Really, when had his life become like this? After creampieing Fighter for a THIRD time while Priestess and Wizard both watched with no intentions of walking away, Goblin Slayer now finds himself laying on a bed on the second floor of the guild hall, while all three beautiful young women crouch between his legs, taking turns licking and stroking his cock.

He could already tell that he wasn't going to get things to go back to normal after this. Fighter had made that abundantly clear back in the alley… it seemed, against all odds, against all of his best efforts, Goblin Slayer had found a party after all. Still, the moment that he found any of them not taking things seriously while hunting goblins, he'd toss them to the wayside. If this was just about them lusting after his body, he didn't have time for that.

From the looks all three female adventurers were giving him as they worshipped his cock with their tongues however, he got the impression that it was definitely more than lust that drove them. More than simple gratitude as well. He was… he was going to have to whip them all into shape, wasn't he? If they were going to help him fight goblins, then they had to learn how to fight the nasty little buggers properly.

Maybe he could use their obvious obsession with him to get them to work and train harder or something. Only time would tell. Still, it'd be nice to have back up he supposed, if they proved to be less than dead weight. Heals, magic, and even a martial artist to focus down his targets… hm, he could get used to this. As the trio of girls, all of them competing with one another for his attention, continue to work over his shaft, Goblin Slayer groans in appreciation.

Yeah… he could get used to this.


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