Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Improper Procedure (Among Us)

Improper Procedure (Among Us)

A/N: Improper Procedure was a commissioned one shot originally written back in October of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: This story is based on the first page of  (but not the second) and the game Among Us. Alien Tentacle Monsters abound.

Themes: Tentacle Sex, Rough Sex, Mind Break


They meet outside of the airlock, both of them lugging heavy cases filled with materials behind them. While they could communicate via the commlink built into their suits, neither of them says a word to the other. Not until they're in the airlock proper, anyways. As the airlock seals shut behind them and the rapid decontamination begins, the one in the black spacesuit reaches up and undoes the clasps on her helmet, eventually pulling it off of her head after a moment with an aggrieved sigh.

Seeing this, the one in the white spacesuit, a fair bit shorter than her counterpart, does the same. This provokes a grin from Black, who shakes her blonde locks out a bit before lifting an eyebrow in her peer's direction.

"Another day, another dollar, eh White?"

Letting out an exhale, followed by an inhale of the recycled air they were currently standing in, the astronaut identified as 'White' runs a hand through her brunette locks.

"… Yeah, I suppose so."

Furrowing her brow in concern, Black cocks her head to the side.

"You okay there, White?"

Bobbing her own head in response, the brunette gives a hesitant smile.

"Just… tired."

Before the conversation continue on any further, the inner door of the airlock unseals as the decontamination ends. 'White' reaches down and grabs her case with both hands, setting her helmet down atop it and lifting it into the air with a heaving grunt. Black does the same with hers, and the two split off without another word to each other.

Which, honestly is for the best. It's not like they really know each other. Sure, they work together sort of, and they work for the same company and live on the same Research Facility, but ultimately, they didn't even bother with names around here. As she comes to another door, 'White' balances her crate on one knee and palms the door open with the sensors built into her spacesuit's glove.

Her name definitely isn't actually 'White'. It's Sam. Well, it's Samantha Griener, fully, but all of her friends back home called her Sam. The door to the storage room hisses open, and Sam sets the crate down just inside, putting it with the dozens of other crates that look identical to the one she just deposited. Then, palming the door back closed and carrying her helmet at her side, Sam plods down the corridor towards her quarters.

Black would probably be in the Mess Hall by now, but then, the blonde was better at this then she was. Sam… felt entirely out of her depth here, she had to admit. It was just… she was in over her head. And the lack of social connections, the privacy bordering on obsession… it made it so very hard to cope. She'd taken this job because she had no choice. There was simply no other options available to her. But she wasn't quite at the point where she'd gotten into the routine of things just yet.

Arriving at her quarters, Sam wastes no time in opening the door and slipping inside. Before it's even finished sealing shut behind her, she's palming the front of her spacesuit, splitting it open down the middle so she can begin the process of climbing out of it. An arduous task, to be sure, but one that has to be done each and every day. She can't do her job without putting the spacesuit on… but she certainly can't live in the damn thing either.

She should have gotten something to eat, it was dinner time… but truth be told, Sam just wasn't that hungry. What she was, was tired. So damn tired… and so damn done with this place. She couldn't do anything about the latter though, she was stuck here for the foreseeable future. Not only because she was physically trapped on the colony for at least a year until the next ship came around, but also because the contract she'd signed had been a three year contract, and the penalties for breaking it were… quite egregious.

What she COULD do was address that other issue. The exhaustion. She was just so tired. As soon as she's out of the suit, Sam all but collapses onto her bed. She doesn't bother getting under the covers, she doesn't bother taking off her socks or changing into something besides the sweaty sports bra and company-issued panties that she's wearing. She doesn't even bother taking the ties out of her hair.

Glistening with sweat, Sam collapses onto her bed, curls up against her pillow, and is out like a light in mere moments. She just… she just needed some extra sleep until she got used to this place. Just a few more nights of turning in early and she'd… she'd get acclimated. She was sure of it.


Unbeknownst to the young would-be astronaut laying on the bed, decontamination had failed. Oh, not this latest time… no, it'd failed months ago. Her boot had hit upon something while she was plodding along on the seemingly uninhabitable surface of the planet outside. Something had got caught in the grooves of her boot, had gotten wedged up there.

She hadn't noticed it that day, and because it was trapped underneath her boots during decontamination, the usual procedures didn't catch it. It went unnoticed, and ultimately ended up getting dislodged from Sam's boot when she was trying to get out of the spacesuit and had been stomping around and hopping up and down on one foot a lot.

It had rolled under her bed… and that was where it had hatched. A creature, an alien lifeform that no one knew even existed on this godforsaken, barren rock of a planet. The people who'd sent Sam and her fellow crewmates out to this planet, they certainly didn't know what would ultimately be awakened. And poor Sam… she had no clue what she'd ultimately helped birth and feed, what she'd BEEN helping feed for months now, completely unknowingly.

Out from under the bed, tendrils reach for Sam's suit. Before the self-cleaning procedure can activate, they've been feeding on the bodily fluids she's left behind night after night for a while now. But that was then… and the creature has been growing considerably. It's been evolving. It's senses have been… expanding. While the spacesuit represents one source of sustenance, for the first time the creature under Sam's bed notices another source… right above it.

Sam, in all of her half-naked, sweat-covered glory, is stinking up the room rather badly. Not that she notices it, asleep as she is. But the creature does, and it's drawn to it. Out from under the bed, tentacle after tentacle comes. Out from under the bed… a head comes up as well. The creature has been growing for quite some time now.

Peering down at Sam's naked, sleeping form, instincts begin to pop up. An instinct to take. An instinct to feed. An instinct… to breed. This creature is semi-intelligent, semi-sapient. The more it grows, the smarter it will get. But even with an animalistic intelligence, it's smart enough at this point to instinctively know that it needs Sam. It needs this lifeform in front of it.

And so, it reaches for her. Tentacles dripping with slime slap down on her sock-clad feet, and hastily crawl up to her bare legs. The sweat is sucked out of both her socks and off of her body itself, even as more and more tentacles join the first few. As the socks are consumed, her feet and legs are left alone, intact for the time being.

It's as the creature is reaching Sam's panties that her beleaguered mind begins to catch up with the sensations she's feeling on her lower half. As she wakes up, Sam blinks her bright green eyes slowly, mewling and whining and whimpering as she squirms. The creature, sensing it's prey starting to fight back, hurriedly latches onto her, grabbing her a lot more violently.

Sam comes awake with a start, eyes shooting WIDE open now as she looks up into the face of evil itself. The alien creature, made up of tentacles and an undulating mass that could have been any combination of black, purple, or blue in the dim light of her quarters, is something straight out of a horror movie. Needless to say, in the face of such a monster, Sam opens her mouth to scream.


Only for the monster to shove a tentacle right down her throat, choking off her ability to talk right then and there. Without hesitation, she's yanked off of the bed. As she squeals around the tentacle in her mouth, pressing her tongue to the bottom and stretching her jaw to the near breaking point, the monster tears her down to the ground, and then disappears under the bed. A moment later, just a moment to even try to catch her breath, it begins to pull her along to follow.

"Nnngh! Nnngh!"

Panting, she tries to say 'No!' but can't even speak around the intrusion in her mouth. And then she's under the bed, in the alien's domain. It's been busy, since it hatched here. The underside of her bed has become the very definition of a containment breach, a whole alien habitat that Sam had no clue was under her bed.

In all fairness, she should have known. If she'd been following company protocol, she would have cleaned her room at least twice a week, and likely she would have found the creature's egg before it ever hatched under her bed. Instead, she'd been so exhausted since arriving at the facility that she simply couldn't be bothered to keep up with such things. And so, the protocols had gone ignored. And so, Sam's room had become the home to an alien tentacle monster.

Her bra and panties soon follow the same path as her socks, even as she writhes and struggles and fights to no avail. The tentacles consume her undergarments with an eagerness that has to be seen to be believed, even as they move all over her body, slurping up her bodily fluids. But of course, there eventually comes a point when Sam is clean of sweat… and the creature has to begin more invasive practices in order to get more of its prize.


Sam's squeals grow all the louder, even as the tentacle down her throat blocks them from getting anywhere. Said tentacle continues to burrow further, forcing its way past her gullet and esophagus and down into her stomach itself. Meanwhile, her lower orifices are not left untouched. More appendages do the work of forcing her legs wide apart, spreading them to be given access to her bottom holes. Then, two thick tentacles, even bigger around then the one currently gagging and choking her, go straight up her cunt and ass.

The hapless young woman's green eyes go wide and then roll back in her head altogether from the explosion of sensation as she's thoroughly plowed in all three orifices. It's undeniably painful… but there's also a hint of pleasure in the experience. Perhaps because of how tired she is, perhaps she's a little delirious. Or perhaps it's the effect of the alien tentacle monster's slime, which is now coating her insides.

Regardless, as the creature begins to truly piston it's appendages in and out of Sam, her entire body shakes and spasms. It's not like she wants it, in fact she most vehemently does not want it. But all of her struggling proves to be imminently useless. No amount of trying to fight back, no amount of attempting to break free is actually working.

Instead, she's trapped under her bed in the alien monster's clutches, brought to its domain and made airtight by its big fat tentacles stretching out all of her holes. To say that the situation is dire would be an understatement… but as Sam swiftly finds out, things can ALWAYS get worse. Even as the tentacles of the creature consume her bodily fluids while also applying more and more slime to her insides and outsides, it continues to search for more sustenance.

Which is why multiple small tendrils begin to approach her face. Sam sees this, of course, and does her best to fight it. But in the end, there's nothing she can do. Her nostrils are already flaring for air, so it's not like she can do anything to keep the small little tentacles out of her nasal cavities. And she certainly has no way of shutting her ear canals off from the creature.

These additional orifices are soon invaded as well. At that point, the lack of oxygen begins to get to the beleaguered young woman. This… this was not what she signed up for. Getting raped by a tentacle monster HAD to go against some of the terms of her contract or SOMETHING! But there was nothing she could do about it.

Her vision was starting to go dark. With both her throat and nostrils filled with the creature's slimy tentacles, breathing was becoming a serious issue. She was asphyxiating, even as the creature continued to fuck her roughly in every single orifice she had. Humiliatingly enough, the lack of oxygen to her brain combined with the friction being forced against her insides… made the whole thing a pleasurable experience.

She didn't WANT to enjoy it, but ultimately, she couldn't help it. As embarrassing and shameful as it is, Sam soon experiences an explosive, humiliating, degrading orgasm from the tentacle monster's ceaseless onslaught. Even as her eyes are fluttering shut and rolling back in her head, even as her vision is fading and going black, she's cumming on the damn thing's appendages.

Shameful, utterly shameful… but honestly, she could care less about shame at this point. At this point, Sam just didn't want to die. She didn't… she didn't want to die…


Suddenly coming back to life, returning to consciousness, Sam sucks in a lungful of air, her eyes wide and wild as she immediately lunges forward. She's no longer held in place, no longer restrained. In moments, she's managed to crawl out from under her bed. Looking up, she finds herself staring into the floor length mirror in one corner of her quarters. She sees herself, in all of her slimy glory. Every single orifice, including her nostrils and her ears, is leaking the alien tentacle monster's bodily fluids.

She looks like an utter mess… but the important thing is, she survived. She survived, and she escaped! Except, just as she's foolishly feeling hope, just as she's starting to smile and even beginning to laugh in euphoric ecstasy over managing to get away with her life intact… she sees the tentacle slip out from under the bed behind her in the mirror in front of her.

In the end, the young woman doesn't even have a chance to scream, before her absolutely coated body is yanked back under the bed, the alien creature having thought her deceased. But now that she's breathing again… well, they can go back to having the fun they were having before. And now that it has a living source of sustenance, it's growing so much faster. Both physically… and mentally.

It knows what it is now. It knows what it's meant to do. And in the end, it's just getting started.


Alice, otherwise known as 'Black', blinks when she meets with White at the airlock. The other astronaut is already wearing her helmet, weirdly enough. Honestly, she knew her height and size made her somewhat intimidating, but she'd been trying to make inroads with White for months now. The other girl just seemed so… introverted. Still, Alice wasn't going to give up! She had to live up to the stereotype of bombastic blondes, after all!

"H-Hey… didn't see you in the Mess Hall last night. Hope you got something to eat this morning, at least?"

White turns to her but doesn't respond. The airlock cycles open, and Alice steps in with White at her side. As they reach the point where she'll have to don her own helmet, the blonde makes one last attempt.

"Well… uh, hope you get a good haul today, at least. And if you ever wanna talk or hang out or something… you let me know, okay?"

Shortly after, she puts on her helmet and secures it. That's the last thing said between them, as the airlock cycles through and opens up into the uninhabited barren rock of dirt they're stationed on. Putting White and her eccentricities out of her mind, Alice heads off in the direction of her dig site from yesterday, confident that she hasn't fully mined the spot of materials just yet.

She doesn't bother looking back. White will go her own way, likely in the opposite direction entirely. After all, it's not like the material they're looking for is hard to get. Certainly, one spot doesn't require two astronauts.

Behind Alice, back at the airlock, the white spacesuit watches her go. And then, after a moment, it begins to follow. Meanwhile, inside of the 'spacesuit', Sam screams around the tentacles continuing to plunder her holes. She screams as she's forced to watch herself and the monster that had taken over her suit slowly approach the closest thing to a friend she's made on this rock.

She wishes with all her heart that she could warn Black, that she could let the other woman know what was going on. But she can't, trapped as she is, a prisoner within the creature. There's nothing she can do… but watch.


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