Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Angelise Reiter, Princess Whore (Final Fantasy MMO)

Angelise Reiter, Princess Whore (Final Fantasy MMO)

A/N: Angelise Reiter, Princess-Whore, was a commissioned one shot originally written back in October of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Angelise Reiter, Princess of the Garlean Empire, takes on a Very Important Mission, to protect her home from the machinations of a merchant within the City State of Ul'dah. 

Themes: Prostitution, Rough Sex, Breeding


"You can't possibly be serious."

Her brow twitching, her tone becoming strained, anyone who knew the Garlean Princess would recognize in a heart beat that Angelise Reiter was but a moment from blowing her top. Of course, the dark-skinned Garlean Operative, a native to these parts for all that he was paid to spy on behalf of the Empire, didn't necessarily know her at all. Or even if he did, he was foolhardy enough not to be afraid of her in the slightest.

Grinning cockily and in such a carefree manner, the admittedly dashing rogue just shrugs his shoulders without a care in the world. Certainly, he doesn't seem to care at all that he's asking Angelise to humiliate herself in such a debasing and degrading fashion.

"I'm afraid I am, your Highness! As I said before, this is the only way I can see to sneak you into the city. After all, you're not exactly… inconspicuous, you know? Ul'dah is not a place where exotic beauties such as yourself tend to crop up in full Garlean Regalia and Armor. But in that outfit… you'll be noticed for all the RIGHT reasons, instead of the wrong ones."

Gritting her teeth angrily, the Princess looks down at her own armor, as fine and glorious as ever, and then to the… garment currently held in her gauntleted grasp. The difference was astronomical, and for good reason at that. The set of armor she was currently wearing was the attire of a Princess Knight, of a warrior woman, which was exactly what Angelise viewed herself as.

The attire in her grasp, on the other hand, was that of a dancing slave or a whore. Which was precisely what she was expected to become, unfortunately enough.


She didn't like this, she had to admit. She didn't like this one bit. But… she'd come too far to fail now, hadn't she? When it had reached her ears back in Garlemald that some merchant in Ul'dah was trying to accumulate power within the far flung City State and that he had intentions of using that power to turn Ul'dah towards war… well, obviously they couldn't just let such a thing lie, right?!

(In truth, they very much could. Garlemald, more commonly known as the Garlean Empire, was so much vaster and more powerful than the small City State of Ul'dah that the thought of the latter threatening the former was laughable, if one took even a moment to think about it. But Angelise Reiter was not necessarily known for thinking things through. Otherwise she might have taken a moment to ponder why a Princess would be sent to spy on a Merchant of all things.)

When an official from her Empire had come to her with hat in hand, telling her all about this plot and BEGGING her to intervene… well, of course Angelise had graciously said yes. She was nothing if not magnanimous, a benevolent and caring ruler… in the face of those who knew their place and showed her the proper respect.

But only now was she finding out exactly what the plan for smuggling her into Ul'dah was. And it was… less than tasteful in her eyes. Finally, unable to take it any longer, finally unable to hold back her legendary temper, Angelise glares at the dashing, roguish Garlean Operative grinning at her. He might work for her Empire, but his heritage was obviously that of a primitive, and it colors her language as she glares at him, thoroughly incensed.

"This is ABSURD, you… you Savage! You want me to wear THIS into Ul'dah?! I know you said this will allow free accommodations, but this is still just plainly PREPOSTEROUS!"

Rather than being appropriately cowed by her outburst, which was definitely NOT a tantrum and was in fact a very dignified expression of her righteous fury as a Princess at being asked to do something so uncouth, the Operative just shrugs again, still grinning easily.

"I think it's brilliant, really. If we try to get you into the city in any other way, everyone will know in an instant that it's you! You are rather famous, Princess, and your exotic and unique looks don't help with that. BUT… if we pass you off as a whore pretending to be you, well then, no one will think twice. You'll just be another show with which to draw in the mark."

Damn it. Damn him. Damn them all. When she got back to Garlemald, the first thing she was going to do was have that Official who sent her out here flogged! She might even have him hanged for treason if she found out that he was involved! Still… she was a Princess of Garlemald. It wasn't like she could back down now. Not when a threat to her home, to the Empire, lay just over that hill in the City beyond.

Gritting her teeth, Angelise tosses the dancer's outfit away from her with undue force. And then, with great reluctance, she reaches up and begins to undo the clasps and buckles keeping her armor fitted to her gorgeous body.

"Fine! But you will make sure that only the merchant in question reaches my chambers, is that understood?! I will not lower myself to handling the riff raff of this filthy city of savages for even a moment! Our… mark will be my only client, and once I have gotten what I need from him, you will smuggle me a dagger and I will put an end to this threat, once and for all!"

By shouting orders as she stripped naked and began to change into her… new attire, Angelise made herself feel a little better about what was coming. Not much, but a little at least. It helped too that the Operative just smiles and nods in agreement with her demands.

"Not a problem, Princess."

Of course, she might not have been so bolstered by his easy acquiescence if she knew that her demands lined up quite nicely with what had always been the plan. No, she likely wouldn't have been very happy at all, if she knew the truth of things.


The looks that she got as they entered the city bothered her immensely, but there was nothing Angelise could do about it. Not dressed as she now was, with not an ounce of armor in sight, with nary a weapon to be had. Not like there was anywhere that she could even hide a blade on her person, dressed like this. Black see-through silk covers her legs up to the thighs and her arms up to just below the shoulder, while at the same time covering all of her face below the eyes.

Golden pasties with heart-shaped rubies in them cover her nipples and the same hangs just above her mound with a thin piece of black silk descending from it betwixt her thighs. The entire outfit comes in pieces but is all technically connected by small chains of golden beads looped between the pasties and the crotch of her new 'uniform'.

Furthermore, her hair had been put up into twin tails. Staring at herself in the mirror now, stood in the middle of her new quarters within Ul'dah's premiere brothel, Angelise purses her lips beneath the thin veil that covers her mouth and nose and glares at her own reflection. She certainly doesn't look like a Garlean Princess anymore… but at the same time, she can see how the gold and black of her attire make her into a twisted parody of herself.

The doors to her chambers abruptly open, and in walks the man that she's here for. If only she had a blade on her, she could run it through his throat right now and be done with things. But no, the Operative who'd smuggled her into the city had been very clear about things. She needed to wait, to bide her time. If they didn't ferret out the full depth of his plot against the Empire, then it was possible others might take up his plans once he was gone and continue them on.

Only once they knew just what was going on, only once he spilled the beans to his 'favorite whore', would they be able to move against him. That was where she came in, though there was no denying that she was happy about it, even as she turned to face him properly, a hand on her cocked hip and the other playing with one of her twin tails a bit nervously.

"Greetings. My name is Princess, and I will be… tch, serving you today. Welcome to the Quicksand…"

The greed and lust in his eyes is unmistakable as he grins wickedly, trailing his gaze up and down her body. He should be so lucky to witness her in her current state, truth be told. Angelise was well aware that her body was glorious, but that didn't mean she had to like this, it didn't mean she had to be happy that she was exposing herself to some Merchant Savage in a place like this.

"When I'd heard the Quicksand had a new attraction, I admit, I knew I had to be the first to try it out. My oh my… you certainly are gorgeous, Princess."

A shudder runs down her spine at his slimy tone. He would be the first… and the last. If even a single man entered her presence, she would go ballistic and kill everyone, blade or no! She was a warrior, after all! But right now… she was to play the part of the whore.

"How would you like me to entertain you? I will have you know; I cannot dance like some common floozy."

That gets a raised brow from him, probably because she's wearing what might be considered dancer's attire right now. But Angelise refused to humiliate herself any further. She did not know how to dance like some exotic prostitute, and she would not degrade herself by attempting it. Best to just get this over with and astound him with her sexual prowess so that he came back for more that way.

"Oh? Well… hm, I suppose it makes sense, given who you're supposed to be. You wouldn't know how to dance, would you?"

It takes her a moment to realize that he's completely hoodwinked. He thinks she's a whore playing at being Angelise Reiter, and that she's just getting into character. That's… good, right? It means she can just be herself, and all will be well.

"Then, let's start with a blowjob, shall we?"

Grinning jovially, the disgusting merchant begins to remove his clothing, Angelise's nose wrinkles beneath her veil as she shifts from bare foot to bare foot, gritting her teeth and pursing her lips. Putting his savage cock anywhere near her mouth was the last thing she wanted to do. But what choice did she have? She couldn't reject him out of hand, even if she was allowed to be herself. She needed to at the very least reel him in enough to keep him coming back and to ultimately get him talking about his long term plans.

So, as he unveils his massive cock, Angelise walks forward. There's not much sway in her step, for all that she's a woman, she was also a knight. Her walk is rather mannish, consequently. But that doesn't keep the merchant from admiring her half-naked body, which is very clearly ALL woman. As she comes to a stop in front of him, Angelise reaches up to unlatch her veil in preparation for having to use her mouth, only to have him stop her with an upraised hand and a shake of his head.

"No… leave it on. Just crouch for me, Princess."

The way he says 'Princess' makes it so very obvious he means 'whore', each and every time. It galls Angelise to obey him, but the white-haired, blue-eyed beauty has no other choice. Not if she wants there to be a point to this whole humiliating experience. So, glaring at him silently, she drops into a crouch, bending her legs at the knees and spreading them wide as she brings herself down to level with his rapidly hardening cock.

Thrusting forward, he spears up under her veil in an instant, his cock more than erect enough at this point. He ends up pushing the black silk up, causing it to wrap around the head of his cock like a condom of sorts, even as the underside of his shaft grinds against her nose and her lips. Angelise's eyes go wide as her nostrils instinctively flare and she takes in a thick, musky blast of the man's scent.

"Tch! It smells!"

And yet… she knows her duty. Her tongue slips out of her ruby lips and begins to trail along the underside of his cock, toying along his shaft and dipping down to his balls every once in a while. One might wonder how a Garlean Princess knew what to do so swiftly and without instruction. Was she just naturally talented… or had previous experiences with savages trained her for this moment?

Either way, Angelise licks and laps along the Merchant's cock, as he slides it back and forth across her face, using her veil as a sort of barrier with which to gauge his movement. Back and forth, back and forth, her tongue writhing and wiggling all the while.

"Very good, Princess… very good."

And then his hands come down, one and then the other, and grab onto her twin tails near the base of each. Taking hold of her by the hair, he drags her head back a bit, while at the same time pulling his cock back a little as well. Angling it better, his glans end up brushing against her lips this time instead of past them, and his intentions are quite obvious as he grips tightly at her white locks.

"Open wide now, Princess~"

With no other choice in the matter, Angelise directs her vibrant blue eyes in an impressive glare up at the savage, even as she opens wide and lets him begin to assault her mouth. Her veil comes down to rest atop his cock, mostly hiding what was actually happening beneath it from view. This leaves him with just her glare to keep him company as he slides his member in and out of her warm, wet mouth.

But that doesn't seem to deter him. If anything, it turns him on more, the merchant groaning as he thrusts forward into her oral cavity time and time again, her ruby red lipstick smearing across his dark-skinned cock. He groans and tosses his head back in visible enjoyment as he fucks her face harder and faster by the moment, plowing into her reluctant but willing mouth with great pleasure.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

As the savage takes liberties with her throat, her eyes involuntarily tearing up in the process, Angelise promises to herself to make his eventual death extremely painful. Once she had the information they needed, once they'd put together a proper plan for the neutralization of this bastard and all of his assets, she would make sure that she personally got to do the deed. She might even take a blade directly to his balls and geld him before moving on to finishing the deed.

It was the least he deserved for visiting this injustice upon her!

"Oh fuck yes!"

As it turns out, he's far from done too. His pace suddenly increases as his grip on her twin tails tightens up. He's using her damn hairstyle like a set of reins, and it's pissing her off something fierce! But the lack of air is even worse, as she tries to breathe through the flaring nostrils of her nose, only for his groin to smack into it at the apex of every breath again and again.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Her hands, which until this point had been resting on her knees in a stalwart refusal to so much as touch the man's dick, finally come up, pushing a little against his legs. But she finds herself woefully unprepared to resist him. The grip he has on her hair is too strong, and the forcefulness he's abusing her throat with is just too much. A lack of air is also weakening her, it must be, because she simply can't push him away.

"Here it comes, Princess! Take it! Drown in my seed!"

That HAS to be hyperbole, right? Angelise only has a moment to assume as much before he begins to cum. Much to her shock, his load is thick, viscous, and above all else, incredibly large. His seed pours down her gullet and comes right back up as she chokes on it quite harshly. Her throat spasms and protests the absolute mess of a flood being forced down into it.

It's incredibly humiliating and incredibly unbecoming, but the Princess feels his cum explode out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth in copious amounts, so much so that some of it drips down onto her barely-concealed breasts and into her cleavage. It burns as it comes back up, and she continues to choke until he finally has mercy on her and pulls back, relaxing his grip on her pigtails.

"Wonderful. That was… very well done."

The force of his release of her has sent Angelise backwards, but her training as a knight means she caught herself on her hands. As she hacks up the seed still sticking to her esophagus and finally finds proper air again to fill her lungs, the Princess belatedly realizes the sort of humiliating position she's currently in.

Rocked back onto her hands, she's still half in the crouch. Just, now she's also on her back, leaving her body splayed out for the merchant, her legs still bent at the knees and still spread apart in an altogether erotic and wholly provocative manner. Meanwhile, the backed up cum that had exploded out of her nostrils and mouth is now causing her thin black veil to plaster to her face, which is starting to make it hard to breathe again.

All of this combines to mean one thing… her mark is already rock hard again from the debauched and depraved show she's inadvertently putting on. As he looks down at her with a wild grin and avarice and delight both in his eyes, Angelise shudders for the first time in vague trepidation. She doesn't like that look. She doesn't like it one bit.

"I see you're just as ready for Round Two as I am, Princess. Good… very good…"

Before she can protest, he's upon her. Grabbing her by her hips, forcing her to roll over onto her hands and knees. Angelise yelps and squeaks as he manhandles her into position and flips up the back of her extremely lewd skirt to reveal the rest of her fat ass as well as her moist cunt, but she doesn't fight back. She could have, and she would have easily taken him to pieces, at least in her mind. But no… no, this was part of the mission. All she could do was endure.

As his cockhead presses against her slit from behind, Angelise trembles. At least… at least it won't feel good, right? After all, he's just some merchant savage. This might be her first experience with him, but surely despite his large cock, he would be incapable of truly impressing her with his technique. This would be a trial to endure, but only in that she would be bored by the time he was finished with her, surely!

And then the merchant thrusts into her and Angelise is fighting against herself as she sees stars. His hands grip at her hips and his fingers dig into her firm ass, and then he's fucking her. He's fucking her harder than she's ever been fucked before. Beautiful blue eyes wide, mouth agape and sucking in so much air that her veil is nearly being pulled in as well, Angelise bucks and shudders beneath his onslaught.

Her first orgasm hits her about ten minutes in. Her next several come rapidly after that, in quick succession. She can't seem to stop cumming for him, humiliating enough. The more the merchant fucks her, the more she squeals like a stuck pig and climaxes upon his pistoning prick. It's degrading and shameful, and she feels a small spike of self-loathing at the way her body seems to be just… giving in to this man.

But as always, Angelise Reiter is nothing if not good at rationalizing things. The Garlean Princess eventually manages to twist it up in her mind enough to be okay with what's happening. After all, she needs to make him like her, right? She needs to make him come back for more. So, what if she enjoys the task a bit more than strictly necessary? It just means he'll be more likely to come back for seconds and thirds and fourths. And eventually, he'll start telling her things. He'll tell her everything. And then she'll end him for ever daring to make a Princess of Garlemald cum with his cock!

"Getting close, Princess!"

The sudden warning sends a shock through Angelise's system. Her blue eyes go wide, and she looks back over her shoulder as he continues to fuck into her, albeit with a more sporadic pace.

"N-Not inside! You can't cum inside!"

He very nearly stops for a moment, pausing ever so briefly before he laughs and continues to fuck her, rearing back a hand to spank her bottom in the meantime.

"Excellent work, staying in character! But I know your employers have ways of dealing with that sort of thing! Still… so sorry, Princess! But unfortunately, that's not your decision to make!"

Tch, he still thought she was acting like herself to enhance the experience! How very frustrating! Still, he wasn't wrong about brothels having ways of making sure their girls didn't get pregnant. It was less of a sure thing then just not cumming inside, but… Angelise hangs her head for a moment, not fighting it as he thrusts into her just a few more times before finally cumming.

As she's creampied, Angelise lets out a sharp cry and orgasms one last time, absolutely bewildered that this… this Merchant Savage was capable of bringing her to the heights of ecstasy so many damn times. But in the end, she was no true whore. She was Angelise Reiter, Princess of the Garlean Empire. She would not fall here!

Of course, in direct contrast to that thought, the moment her mark pulls out of her freshly filled cunt and lets go of her hips, Angelise finally collapses face first onto the pillows and blankets beneath her, splayed out and panting heavily as exhaustion finally overtakes her. Luckily, the merchant is done with her… for now.


"Oooooh~ Oh! Oh! Oh!"

With a laugh, the merchant, her sole client, reaches up and delivers a spanking slap to her bouncing, jiggling ass.


Angelise very nearly goes cross-eyed from the sensations caused by the hit, especially combined with the pleasure she was currently being forced to endure. Or rather, that she was currently forcing HERSELF to endure, as it were.

It'd been several… encounters since the first, at this point. Frankly, the Princess couldn't precisely say how long it'd been. She wasn't allowed to leave this room. But that was fine, because her purpose here wasn't to see the sights or explore the city. It wasn't like Ul'dah had anything to offer that the Empire did not, after all. Bunch of savages.

Regardless, she could only truly measure the passage of time by the visits of this man beneath her right now, that she was currently fucking. This man, this merchant savage, both her mark and her client. The man who, with his big fat member, turned Princess Angelise Reiter entirely cock drunk. Not that she would ever admit it, of course.

"You look good, Princess! Like a proper whore! You're doing well! Keep it up!"

But then, she didn't have to admit it. One could see the truth just by looking at her right now. Angelise was, at the moment, doing all the work. With the client laid out on his back, propped up on a bunch of pillows and relaxing, Angelise was currently crouched over him, her feet on either side of his waist as she lowers her cunt onto his cock again and again.

Rapid and repeated impalement of her quivering quim upon his monstrous member results in a rather lewd expression on Angelise's face, even if some of it is hidden beneath her veil, as always. Of course, the whole pose is made all the lewder by the fact that she's been forced to place her hands behind her head on his orders, lacing her fingers together back there, leaving her armpits woefully exposed and her chest jutting out, bouncing and jiggling freely. Her gold pasties had failed her a good five seconds into this position, and in fact she'd ultimately fucked herself out of most of her outfit, leaving all of that gold jangling about her like a collection of chains and necklaces, rather than any real attire.

But she was still Angelise Reiter! She was still a Princess of the Garlean Empire, damn it! She refused to buckle! She refused to back down! Though… she was starting to get a little worried. It had been several encounters since the first one, she'd been fucked and creampied by her client numerous times at this point… but not once had she been provided with the herbs needed to make sure that his seed did not take inside of her womb.

So far, all she could rely on was luck and the knowledge (hope) that her superior Garlean body would not allow some worthless savage from a worthless City State to impregnate it. Surely not, right? That didn't stop Angelise from trying to get the herbs though. But when she'd put the request to the attendants bringing her meals and helping her bath and dress, they'd just looked at her blankly. They didn't understand her language, and of course, she didn't speak THEIR savage tongue either.

She hadn't been willing to reduce herself to trying to mime what she needed, especially not when such charades would be… incredibly humiliating to try and perform. Instead, she'd waited for the arrival of her contact. The Garlean Operative who'd smuggled her into the city at the start of all of this had finally shown up again a few encounters with her client back. He'd come just after the merchant had finished with her, and they'd had a talk about what she'd learned so far.

He'd been disappointed when she'd told him she'd learned nothing as of that moment, but Angelise could care less with a savage, even one working for her Empire, thought of her. She was still a Princess, after all! She'd demanded that he bring her the herbs she needed the next time they met, and while he'd promised to do so, he'd looked worried. He'd even asked her if she wished for him to begin extracting her, before something bad happened, like her getting pregnant.

Of course, Angelise had denied him. She still didn't have any information after all, and she refused to back down, she refused to fail! She would stick this out until the bitter end!

As she continues to bounce up and down on his cock, making an utter fool of herself in the process, the merchant rather nonchalantly reaches up and grabs onto her tits, groping and squeezing them to his heart's content and drawing some perverse, embarrassing moans from Angelise in the process. And then, with her pasties out of the way, he grabs and pinches her nipples, pulling them away from her chest and ultimately unbalancing her, dragging her upper half down towards him.

As she falls forward, still bouncing on his cock, he grabs hold of one of her twin tails and flicks aside her veil with his other hand, pulling her into a lewd kiss. They swap spit for a moment, their tongues intertwining, his moving into her mouth and dominating hers without issue as Angelise finds herself instinctively submitting to the kiss. This makeout session continues on through orgasm after orgasm for the Princess as she rides the client cowgirl, her blue eyes crossing and ultimately rolling back in her head more than once.

It's as she's coming back down from one of these climaxes that the client smiles up at her and speaks.

"Thought you might like to know… I've become attached. So, I decided to make things official."

Blinking down at him owlishly, and rather tiredly at that, Angelise just waits for him to continue on, no irritated retort on her tongue this time, not even the strength to glare left in the beleaguered Princess.

Chuckling, the merchant wraps his arms around her and slides his hands down to her generous backside as he grins up at her.

"I've bought out your contract from the Quicksand Brothel. Which means you belong to me now. Once we're done here, you'll be coming home with me, to be my personal live-in whore. What do you think of THAT, Princess?"

She doesn't even really get a chance to formulate a reply. The moment she processes his words and what they mean, her body, trained and conditioned at this point, responds by shamefully climaxing AGAIN upon his cock. The merchant's eyes widen in surprise, and a moment later he's groaning as the fact that she's cumming from his news hits him and that thought, combined with her clenching pussy walls, manage to tip HIM over the edge as well.

Even as he cums inside of her unprotected womb for the umpteenth time, Angelise is already justifying everything to herself in her head. She… she only came because she was so happy. And she was only so happy because this was… this was all according to plan, right? With this, she would be closer to the mark then ever. She would be his closest confidant in no time! With this, she would have unfettered access to everything she needed in order to uncover what he was planning and finally foil his plot once and for all!

Yes, this was ultimately a good thing, and that… that was why she'd cum. It certainly wasn't because she got off to the idea of being his personal live-in whore or anything like that. No… no, that would be ridiculous…


She's on her back, and they're fucking again. But then, it feels like a day doesn't go by without him fucking her, at this point. At least she's no longer holed up in that stupid room at the brothel any longer. She's got the ability to roam the merchant's grounds, her 'Master' having the good grace to allow her to walk about. Of course, he demands she do so naked, so she doesn't go out very often, not wanting to be the eye candy of every guard and servant he employs.

Still, it's nice to see the sunrises and sunsets every once in a while, nice to be able to recognize the passage of time again. Angelise hadn't realized how much she missed it until she'd gotten it back. But regardless, her role was still that of a whore, just a live-in one now. She was effectively his concubine, his slave.

She hadn't had contact with the operative in months. She wasn't sure if he was dead, or something else had happened to him. But it didn't matter. For a Princess of Garlemald, it was little more than a setback. And she'd had plenty of those, since arriving in Ul'dah.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Princess?"

Angelise flinches, and then scowls even as a flush spread across her cheeks, down her neck, and across the top of her chest. So, he'd noticed, finally. But then, of course he would. It was all but impossible to hide when he demanded she go naked practically everywhere around the residence, refusing to let her wear even a stitch of clothing, let alone something that would allow her to hide her… condition.

Gritting her teeth, Angelise gives her 'master' her best heated glare. Though it would probably have more emphasis to it if her entire body wasn't bouncing and jiggling in a very exaggerated manner from the force of his thrusts. From her enlarged breasts to her slightly rounder belly, the body of a knight, of a warrior, had ultimately faded over the past months. In it's place was the body of not just a whore… but a pregnant one at that.

"F-Fine, you b-bastard! You want me to say it? I-I'm pregnant! You've knocked me up!"

Grinning cockily, the merchant's eyes flash as he reaches out and grabs one of her jiggling tits, squeezing and mauling it in his hand, kneading her flesh for a moment before pinching the nipple in a way that, combined with his cock buried deep in her clenching twat, sends her right over the edge. As she cums with a silly expression on her face, one that he'd conditioned her to adopt every time he made her orgasm, her 'master' just chuckles.

"Ah, I love how even after all this time, you continue to make an effort to play the role you were given. But then, if you'd ever broke character, you wouldn't be fit to be my beautiful, perfect Princess-Whore, now would you?"

"… Tch."

Angelise turns her head away at that. Meanwhile, her mind is whirling. It's good, right? It's good that he still thinks that she's nothing more than a fake! Even though she's sure her… absence has been noted back in the Garlean Empire at this point, news of her disappearance clearly hadn't reached Ul'dah yet, or the merchant who'd purchased her would probably be more suspicious.

Which… which was good, of course! Because her mission wasn't done yet! As he just chuckles at her silent fuming and leans in to feast upon her tits and continue to fuck her to his heart's content, Angelise doesn't even notice her legs move without her will, wrapping around his waist in a lewd lover's embrace. She's too busy thinking about the mission, of course.

It doesn't matter that the savage has knocked her up. It doesn't matter that she's fallen out of contact with the operative who put her in this situation in the first place. She's resigned to staying put until she finally figures out what this damnable plot against the Garlean Empire really is!

Pulling off of her nipple with a slurp and a pop, her 'master' looks down at her with a twinkle in his eye, running a hand over her burgeoning baby bump.

"You know, this will only be the first, Princess. I've decided, I'm going to keep you around for a very long time as my own personal broodmare. How can I not? You're such a gorgeous specimen… our children will be glorious; I just know it."

He punctuates that last 'it' with one final thrust, as if he knows that his words will succeed in sending her right over the edge again. As if he knows her better than herself, because in fact, they do. Together, the two of them both reach climax, Angelise cumming HARD on her master's cock and the merchant savage groaning as he unloads inside of her yet again. Not like it matters how much he creampies her anymore. He can't get her DOUBLE pregnant, after all.

As Angelise Reiter, Princess of the Garlean Empire resigns herself to this new life for the foreseeable future, her clenching, gushing wet cunt gives way to the lie that her surface thoughts are. Deep down inside, the Princess knows the truth. She knows that every time she thinks about her 'master' in that contemptuous disloyal way, it becomes a bit more real to her. He becomes a bit more her master in truth. And she knows that she loves being his whore and is altogether excited to be his baby mama.

But of course, so deep in self-denial as she is, the Princess can't ever acknowledge any of those things. Just as her new master may likely never acknowledge the fact that he already knows exactly who she is, that it's never been an act and that he's had the actual real Princess Angelise Reiter in his clutches all along. If he has his way, she'll never know that there is no plot, that he was actually doing a favor for the Garlean Official who sent her his way in the first place.

She probably won't ever realize that the so-called 'Garlean Operative' who'd smuggled her into the city in the first place was never one of the Empire's people, but in fact one of his. The merchant had paid that man handsomely for his contribution to getting Angelise into his clutches, and then sent the rogue on his way, effectively exiling him from Ul'dah for at least the next decade.

By that time, the merchant figured his new Princess-Whore would be far too acclimated to her new life to care if the man showed up again. But for now… for now, it was time to continue with her training, with her conditioning, with everything. After all, even if he's managed to knock up a Princess of the Garlean Empire, he's not foolish enough to think he's FULLY broken her in yet.

Garlean Royalty had to be made of slightly sterner stuff then that, right? But not to worry… he was just getting started.


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