Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Heart Stone Cave (Bofuri)

Heart Stone Cave (Bofuri)

A/N: Heart Stone Cave was a commissioned one shot originally written back in August of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Maple receives a love letter from a secret admirer, asking her to meet him alone at Heart Stone Cave. Sally, suspicious, refuses to let Maple go alone. In the end, it all turns out for the best~

Themes: Threesome, Virgin Sex, Happy Sex


"I'm telling you; I think this guy is suspicious, Maple… asking you to come alone like this… it's not right!"

Giggling at her friend, Maple beams, choosing to take Sally's words as concern for her, rather than a condemnation of her likability. After all, if Sally didn't like her, then she wouldn't have introduced her to NewWorld Online in the first place, right? Out in the real world, the two young women were Risa Shiramine and Kaede Honjou, respectively. But just like Maple didn't consider herself Kaede while she was playing the VRMMORPG NewWorld Online, she didn't consider Sally to be Risa either.

After all, this was all about escapism, in a way. But in another way, NewWorld Online could be surprisingly lifelike, as Maple had recently discovered. A quick look into her inventory has the fair-skinned, dark-haired young woman blushing a little. There, sitting almost innocuously in one of her inventory slots, is a simple piece of parchment. However, if one were to mouse over it… well, they would see the name of the item, which was in fact the title of the letter.

My Confession.

It was a love letter she'd found waiting for her in the mail when she'd logged in just a little while ago. Honestly, it was probably for the best that Sally had logged in right alongside her, because Maple would probably have run off on her own immediately. Even if it were kind of awkward and embarrassing to get a confession from someone she'd probably never met before… it was also super exciting!

But Sally had been the voice of reason. The love letter, for all that it had extolled Maple's virtues and left her blushing profusely as a result, had been rather short. In the end, it asked Maple to meet with the sender in the Heart Stone Cave that evening, and they would see where they would go from there. It had also told her to go alone, but Sally wouldn't hear of it.

Now though, the two of them were getting closer and closer, and Maple… Maple was getting more and more nervous, but also more and more excited with every step. Sally, meanwhile, has her arms crossed over her head and her eyes narrows as her lips turn downwards in a small frown.

"Promise me if this guy turns out to be some old guy, you won't even entertain his fantasies, okay?! We're leaving if he's some lonely middle-aged NEET!"

This time, Maple doesn't giggle at Sally's concern for her, even if she does still recognize that it's concern. There's a limit to what she's willing to take from her friend, so Maple pouts and gives Sally some big, doe-like eyes.

"… Do you really think someone closer to our age wouldn't like someone like me, Sally?"

Perhaps it's a little conniving, perhaps it's a little manipulative… but it does the trick, much to Maple's satisfaction. Sally immediately blanches and starts waving her hands in front of her face and backtracking.

"N-No! O-Of course not! I just… I just want you to be safe! T-That's all! You're a very cute girl and any guy would be lucky to date you!"

Maple smiles and gives a simple nod to show Sally is forgiven, even as her face pinks a little up at the way her gamer friend just worded that. Sally is blushing a little as well, as they make their final approach towards the Heart Stone Cave. It's not necessarily an unknown location… but it's also pretty far out of the way, and has no actual quests tied to it, so it's not surprising there's no one else around as they enter.

Honestly, for all that Maple is excited to meet the writer of that love letter, she can admit that this place is actually secluded enough that it's perfect for an ambush. So, even if the letter did say to come alone, she's glad Sally is at her side.

As they round the bend and come into the central cave itself… there's a boy waiting for them. He looks nervous, fiddling with the straps on his armor as he paces back and forth across the cavern. When he notices them however, he goes still. His eyes alight upon Maple, and he smiles in a way that makes her blush and smile hesitantly right back. He glances over at Sally, but doesn't pay her much mind, just giving an expectant nod as he swallows hard and steps forward.

"Y-You didn't come alone, but that's okay… I'm, um… I'm Steel. It's great to finally talk to you!"

It's a very player-like name, she supposes. Maple can't help but feel a little shy, now that she's finally face to face with the guy who'd actually written her a love letter. It was one thing to rush off to meet him, but apparently a whole other thing to actually talk to him. She didn't know what to say, but she opened her mouth to speak anyways, only to be cut off by Sally.

"Oi, buster! What're your intentions towards my friend here? Answer quickly, before I get angry!"

Like that, Maple is mortified.

"S-Sally! What do you think you're doing?!"

As Maple flails, Sally scoffs and plants her hands on her hips in an authoritative manner.

"I'm just looking after my friend, Maple! Your judgement might be clouded here, you need an unbiased, impartial observer to make sure everything is on the up and up!"

Sally was in no way unbiased or impartial though! That was exceedingly obvious, by this point. Sputtering, Maple goes to tell her friend that she really doesn't need a guard dog right now, when Steel lets out a small laugh and holds up a hand.

"N-No… she's right. Um, I'll just say what I was going to say, okay? Even if there's an audience… I don't mind since it's you Maple."

Maple's heart swells at that as the young man puffs out his chest and gathers his courage.

"I… I like you! I 'like you' like you! I've been watching you for a little while, and I know that's maybe a little bit like stalking, but I was too shy to approach. I had to gather the courage to even send my confession to you through the mail system, and even then I could only do this out here, in this cave. I f-figured this way, we'd both know for certain."

Before Maple can even begin to process that last bit and ask what Steel means, he clenches his hands into fists and shouts out loud before his nerve can break.

"I-I want to go out with you Maple!"

And like that, the deed is done, the confession made. And normally, this would be the point where Maple would have to consider how to answer, and likely fight through a mountain of embarrassment and shyness before saying 'yes'. Or maybe she'd not be able to, and she'd flee the cave, unable to handle all of the emotions she was feeling. Or maybe Sally would speak up again and ruin everything by chasing Steel away with her caustic overprotectiveness or something.

None of those three things happen, because Heart Stone Cave has an incredibly special purpose, despite not being tied to any quests. It's not known to very many players… but it IS known to Steel. Basically, if you confessed to someone in Heart Stone Cave and that other person felt even a smidgen of feelings back for you, the cave would give the two of you the Status Effect 'Lovestruck', causing the couple to fall in love, at least for long enough to properly explore said feelings.

However, the programming for Heart Stone Cave was complex enough as it was, and the location was remote enough as it was… that the developers hadn't bother making it, so it distinguished between people. Meaning, when Steel confesses to Maple… even though he calls MAPLE by name and not Sally… he's also confessing to Sally at the same time. And Sally, despite her overprotective defensiveness, has already privately admitted to herself that Steel isn't half-bad looking, and if he's as reasonable as he seems, just might be a good match for her friend.

That, combined with Maple and Sally's repressed yuri feelings for one another, is more than enough for the system to inadvertently create a ménage a trois right then and there. Applying the Lovestruck Status Effect to Maple, Sally, and Steel all at once, and causing all three of them to fall in love with each other right there on the spot.

For the first time, Maple and Sally are allowed to feel their true suppressed feelings for each other, while Steel is looking at Sally in a new light. The three of them end up meeting in the front of the cave, and as sloppy and silly and somewhat cheesy as it is… they engage in a passionate, heartfelt three-way kiss, their tongues and lips working at each other as they also engage in a three-way hug.

Steel can't believe his luck, but then, neither can Maple or Sally. Not only are they getting a boyfriend, they also get to be girlfriends too! This is great! The only problem, of course, are their maturity filters… which are easily turned off with but a thought. Once that setting has been decisively dealt with, equipment begins to disappear from all three of their bodies in a steady manner, piece by piece as they all hasten to strip naked.

And they are naked, by the time they've finished getting rid of their gear. The lack of a maturity filter means a lack of underwear as well, and just like that, the trio are staring at each other, finally seeing their new lovers naked for the very first time. Of course, this brings up a slight dilemma. Frowning slightly, brow furrowed as she stares down at Steel's dick, Maple asks the obvious.

"Um… w-which of us should go first?"

"You, dummy!"

And yet, it's not as much of a dilemma as Maple thought it was apparently, at least not to Sally. Giggling, the flat-chested brunette wraps her arms around Maple from behind and slowly eases her equally flat friend down to the floor, where she cradles Maple's head in her lap while presenting her to Steel and his hardening prick.

"It's only fair… I didn't get it before, but now I do. I'll go second, and it'll be just as fun! Go ahead, Steel… give it to Maple nice and hard! You don't have to hold back either, because Maple here likes to put all of her points into defense!"

Maple flushes but doesn't contradict Sally. It IS true… and she kind of wants it, kind of wants to see what sex with Steel is going to be like. She wants him to… to give it to her, like Sally put it. Luckily for her, Steel wants to 'give it to her' just as badly. Falling to his knees, he places his cock up against Maple's pussy lips, his eyes wide and his lips slightly parked as he pants unevenly, clearly more than a little overwhelmed by what's happening. They all are, to be fair, but that doesn't stop the three Lovestruck Fools from wanting it.

With a grunt, Steel thrusts in and takes Maple's digital virginity. But, thanks to a certain short-haired girl's point allotment, she doesn't feel a thing. The loss of virginity, normally something that's supposed to hurt at least a little… doesn't really register for Maple at all. Instead, what she gets is ALL the pleasure as Steel's sizable member pushes into her and stretches her wide, and he begins to thrust in and out with a rough fast pace from the very beginning.

"Y-Yeah! That's it! Faster! Harder!"

Maple whimpers, but also mewls. Instead of asking him to slow down, she moans wantonly, enjoying the feeling of being so filled more and more with every passing moment. She's not sure how long it is, but all of the sudden she's crying out, her back arching and the back of her head pressing into Sally's lap, into her crotch as she cums around Steel's cock.

Maple squeals in orgasmic delight, while Sally lets out a low moan of pleasure from the grinding sensation of Maple's head against her pussy. Seeing this, Steel does the only thing he can do… he flips Maple over onto her hands and knees and begins fucking her from behind. This in turn places Maple eye-to-pussy with Sally's naughty bits, and unable to help herself thanks to the Lovestruck Status Effect, she leans forward and begins to do what feels most natural… lick Sally out.

Gasping and groaning, Sally leans back, spreading her legs a little further apart and placing a hand atop her friend's head as Maple proceeds to tongue her cunt. It feels good… as good as she secretly always fantasized about. Sally's face is ablaze as her eyes meet Steel's over Maple's body. They're basically tag-teaming the girl between them at this point… and there's nothing stopping them both from leaning forward and making out while they do it.

Their mouths meet and Sally throws her free arm around Steel's neck, pulling the boy in to the kiss, even as she bends over Maple's head, her hand still buried in her friend's black hair. The two of them basically hump Maple to their heart's content, which doesn't really bother her one bit, given all of the overpowered defense and other skills. In fact, Maple is perfectly happy where she is. On the one hand, Steel's dick buried inside of her pussy feels really, really good.

On the other, she's finally able to show Sally her soul-deep appreciation for the other girl introducing her to this game in the first place. It's a win-win situation as far as Maple is concerned. Of course, both Sally and Steel can't hold on for much longer once they start making out on top of fucking and being eaten out by the third member of their ménage a trois. Both groan into the other's mouth as they orgasm at the exact same time, Sally covering Maple in her pussy juices, while Steel cums deep inside of the young woman's digital womb.

In that moment, engaging in a love-filled three-way sex act in the depths of the Heart Stone Cave, the trio have done something that Maple has actually done before… they've unlocked a super-secret part of the game. The Lovestruck Status Effect, which normally was quite temporary, reacted to all of the conditions being met by evolving into a unique, permanent Skill for each of them. Of course, for now that Skill would show up as ? on their character sheets. They'd have to do some more research and tinkering to figure out what it was all about.

But for the time being, that couldn't be further from their minds. In fact, not a single one of them even notices the chime at gaining a new Skill. Instead, Steel is pulling out of Maple, while pulling Sally towards him. Maple is sitting up on her knees, a big smile on her face since she knows what's happening next and is eager to help just like Sally did.

And Sally… Sally is along for the ride, sandwiched between her friend (now lover) and their boyfriend in moments. As Maple holds Sally securely in her lap, spreading the brunette's legs apart, Steel moves in and places the head of his still erect member at her entrance. He kisses Sally first, and then kisses Maple as he thrusts in. A small cry of pain does leave Sally's throat on account of her defense not being nearly as high as Maple's. But in the end, surrounded by her two lovers, the loss of her digital virginity doesn't bother the young woman for long.

Instead, she begins moaning and really getting into it, enjoying the way Maple's tiny nipples are rubbing against her back, the little nubs feeling just as good as Steel's cock, thrusting up into her hungry, sopping wet pussy. It gets even better when Steel suddenly leans down and begins to suckle at Sally's flat chest, playing with her extremely limited amount of breast flesh and licking and nibbling and swirling his tongue around her nipples at the same time.

It all just feels so good, and she can't get enough of it. It's not long before she's cumming just like Maple did, the orgasmic pleasure and ecstasy that the VRMMORPG is managing to simulate just… mind-fucking the hell out of her. There was a reason that the maturity filters couldn't be turned off by children, but by the laws of Japan, all three were of the age of consent and could do whatever they wanted.

All the same, VR sex was undeniably addictive, as Maple and Steel had already discovered, and as Sally was discovering now. Not that they recognized that fact… they were in love. If anything, it felt so good because they loved each other, right? Moaning and mewling and whimpering in between Steel cutting off her voice with his intermittent kisses, Sally loses track of just how many times she orgasms before he finally unloads deep inside of her digital cunt.

His seed fills her in the same way he filled Maple, leaving them both creampied by their new… their new lover. Boyfriend just didn't feel right, it didn't feel STRONG enough… but they would call him that in public for now. Although, calling each other girlfriend and sharing a boyfriend… that would likely turn some heads.

None of them are sure they care though, even as they all smile at each other, still naked there on the cave floor, looking lovingly into each other's eyes. Until finally, Maple perks up.

"Oh! We need to invite you to Maple Tree! U-Unless you already have a guild?"

Steel blinks and then quickly brings up his character sheet. A flick of his fingers later, and he beams happily.

"Not anymore! They were just a filler guild anyways… took anyone they could find missing a guild tag, you know? They probably won't even notice I'm-!"

He cuts himself off and eyes a pop up balefully for a moment before swiping it away angrily and doing his best to smile around the anger.

"Please send that invite now, before I get spammed some more."

Giggling, Maple does exactly that, with Sally watching on happily, having no complaints about adding their new lover to the guild. He belonged in Maple Tree as much as anyone else did, right? It certainly feels right once he's gotten the invite and has accepted. They all let out a sigh of relief, like it only feels proper for the three of them to be in the same guild.

For a moment longer, the naked threesome just stare at each other with happy, slightly dopy grins… and then they kind of realize what they're doing and look away, blushing and laughing sheepishly.

"… We should probably get going. Don't want anyone finding us here, hehe!"

Sally isn't much of a 'hehe' girl usually, but there's a nervous quality to her giggle that has both Steel and Maple nodding in understanding. Putting back on some of their clothes, the trio begin to make their way out of the cave… only for Steel to show off how strong he is by scooping both girls up into a double-bridal carry. This prompts both Maple and Sally to kiss their handsome hunk of a boyfriend on the cheek closest to them.

The three have never been happier…


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