Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Very Unique Relationship (Pokemon)

A Very Unique Relationship (Pokemon)

A/N: A Very Unique Relationship was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in August of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Noah and his Kirlia have been together for a long time. And yet, she's never evolved into a Gardevoir, despite how many battles they've won, how much training they've done. That doesn't bother Noah... but he's also not displeased when his Kirlia has a unique reaction to a Dawn Stone and becomes the first ever female Gallade.

Themes: Pokemon Sex, Loving Sex, Handholding


Long ago, before knowledge was lost and the world became what it was, there were Pokémon who married Humans, and Humans who married Pokémon. This was perfectly natural in that time, a time when there existed no differences to distinguish between the two. But eventually that changed, eventually knowledge was lost. Humanity was set back and had to rebuild it's knowledge of Pokémon.

In the process of doing that, the relationship between humans and Pokémon evolved upon a very different path. But that didn't mean there weren't some who still felt drawn to the old ways. When something is as natural as breathing, it doesn't matter how strongly others try to snuff it out. Life will always find a way.


"K-Kirlia! Kirlia, Kirlia, Kirlia!"

Noah groans as he drives himself deeply into his Kirlia's sexy, thrusting upwards even as Psychic-Fairy Type Pokémon bounces upon his member, riding him to kingdom cum. His hands are pressed into the green under her white skirt-like frills and his cock is being lovingly gripped and squeezed quite tightly by her dripping wet cunt.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you Kirlia? F-Fuck, take it! Take my cock!"

Moaning wantonly, the Emotion Pokémon shudders as she does exactly that. His cock carves its way up into her deliciously tight pussy, reshaping her to form an extremely solid seal around his shaft. As she rides him, her white frill is bouncing up and down, drawing the eye in the way normal human breasts might have. As a Kirlia though, she doesn't really have breasts, or nipples.

Noah has never minded that though, because it's not about the physical between him and Kirlia, for all that they're incredibly physical with one another in their intense intimacy. They're in love with one another, him and his Pokémon, and he wasn't going to let society tell him that that love was wrong or wretched. Fuck them, fuck all of them.

Alas, to avoid too much scrutiny, they did have to keep on the move. The life of a Pokémon Trainer, in a nutshell. Which was why they were in a small out of the way cave right now, making love to one another without prying eyes to ruin their fun. It was better this way, better if it was just him and his Kirlia.


As his Pokémon abruptly begins to cum around his cock, Noah grunts and then lets out a loud groan. This is far from the first time that she's orgasmed atop his dick tonight, but it seems it's going to be the last, at least for the time being. As that groan leaves Noah's lips, the young human male just can't hold back any longer. His Kirlia's sexy, tight Pokémon pussy milks him of his load, and he ends up filling her to the brim with his seed, even as he fingers cling to her hips and dig into her ass cheeks.

For a moment, both of their bodies are incredibly tense, their backs rigid as they reach that mutual moment of nirvana together, only to come crashing down at the same time. Literally, in Kirlia's case, as she flops forward onto his chest with a moan of her own name.


And yet, despite her not being able to speak the human tongue, Noah understands her instinctively. He can't say why… he assumes it has something to do with the Psychic part of her dual Pokémon Type? Except, it's not like she's speaking into his mind. He can just correctly intuit what she's saying at any time.

Smiling softly, Noah reaches up and curls an arm around his Pokémon's tired, panting form.

"Yeah, Kirlia… I had fun too. You were good, you were really good."

Assured by her trainer, the Emotion Pokémon cuddles closer into his chest and proceeds to doze off. She's not sleeping deeply, of course, they've still got much of the day ahead of them and this wasn't where they were planning to camp for the night, but she's earned a little bit of a nap at this point. Noah and his Kirlia… they'd been together since he was ten and she was just an egg.

When she'd first hatched as a Ralts, he definitely hadn't thought of her in any sort of… sexual way. She was just his Ralts, his first Pokémon, his closest companion, and his best friend. That was why he'd never put her in a Pokeball, unlike some of the others he'd caught along his journey. Instead, he'd kept her at his side, letting her ride on his shoulder whenever she got tired.

As a Ralts, she rode on just the one shoulder at a time, but when she evolved into a Kirlia, she began to drape her legs over both shoulders and cling to the back of his neck with her thighs. That was where it had started, to be honest. Once she became a Kirlia, she was much more humanoid… meanwhile, Noah was growing up. Experiencing puberty. Seeing girls for the first time.

Except, even though he met plenty of pretty girls on his travels, he'd never met one that he was truly attracted to. Instead, it was all he could do to keep his attention off of Kirlia's body and on the fight at hand whenever they had a Pokémon Battle. It was so hard to focus on giving her his orders when the skirt-like frill around her waist made for such tantalizing glimpses of her shapely behind and the puffy pussy lips nestled betwixt her thighs.

He never would have done anything… except, he'd come to realize that Kirlia felt the same way, namely through those piggyback rides on their travels. With her being too big to sit on just one shoulder, and of course being a Pokémon and thus not wearing any clothes… Noah quickly got a good idea of how turned on close proximity with her trainer left the Kirlia.

As their bond as Trainer and Pokémon grew stronger and stronger, as he came to understand her in a way that he hadn't even really understood her as a Ralts, it had become obvious that they were both denying themselves what they truly wanted. And for what? A society who'd thrust them out into the world together at the ages of ten and zero, and told them to go fight against other trainers and Pokémon?

What did they really owe a society like that, right? Absolutely nothing. And so… Noah and his Kirlia had begun a relationship together. One based on deep, passionate, emotional love… and yes, sexual intimacy as well. And they'd been like that for all these years now, traveling around, taking on challengers and Gyms where they came across them, but really just looking to continue enjoying their time with one another.

That was what Noah had learned throughout his time as a Trainer. It wasn't about the destination; it was about the journey. He had no desire to challenge the Elite Four or become a Pokémon Master. All he cared about was his Kirlia and being happy with her. Keeping a low profile and maintaining the simple façade that they were nothing more than Trainer and Pokémon made sure that he and she kept being happy together.

It was a little odd though. Her time as a Kirlia had massively eclipsed her time as a Ralts by this point. She'd been a Kirlia for years now, despite more than meeting the power requirements in his opinion. Some of the stronger Gym Leaders he'd managed to defeat at this point had even expressed amazement at how strong of a Kirlia he had and had questioned him on why he wasn't letting her evolve into a Gardevoir.

He was pretty sure none of them believed him, that it had literally never been an option, that he wasn't forcing her to stay a Kirlia forever. He wasn't, he really wasn't. He'd always love her, no matter what form she took, no matter what she evolved into. Unfortunately, he couldn't say something like that in the way he wanted to. One Gym Leader had even accused him of holding Kirlia back from evolving just to use her as a sleeper in his line-up. Noah had been close to reporting that guy to the League for harassment but hadn't out of fear that his relationship with his Pokémon would somehow be uncovered.

Letting out a sigh, Noah reaches into his pocket, careful not to jostle Kirlia TOO much as he pulls out the Dawn Stone he picked up recently. He… doesn't really have a use for it, at the end of the day? But it's probably pretty valuable, so he'll sell it in the next major city he comes to. Cities always have people with more money to throw at these kinds of things then smaller rural towns do.

It is very pretty though… he's almost tempted to keep it, just as a souvenir. But no, he's got plenty of those as is. And given his and Kirlia's nomadic lifestyle, he really doesn't need to overload them with more stuff then he already has. His backpack is full enough as it is with things like his town map of the region and his foldable bicycle and fishing poles.

Moving the Dawn Stone around in his hands, he admires it's many facets in the dim light coming from the cave entrance. Unfortunately, that same dim light is what causes him to misjudge how he's holding the stone. It slips from his fingers, going to clatter to the cave floor as he lets out a yelp and jolts in a way that definitely wakes Kirlia from her dozing.

"… Kirlia?"

"Haha, sorry Kirlia, I just dropped something, that's my bad."


The note of admonishment in his Pokémon's voice as she reaches down and grabs the Dawn Stone has Noah blushing a little in embarrassment. Getting told off by his beloved… really, he was so clumsy, wasn't he? However, before he can apologize again, something neither of them could ever have expected happens. As Kirlia lifts the Dawn Stone up in front of her, she blinks at it, staring into its depths.

And then, his Pokémon, his best friend and lover… begins to glow. It's a very distinctive full body glow, the glow that accompanied a Pokémon Evolution.


His frightened Pokémon's cry is followed by her pushing off of him, finally dislodging his softened cock from her creampied cunt as she stumbles back away. Noah sits up, eyes wide and mouth agape, as Kirlia glows and glows. It's blindingly bright, and yet he simply can't bring himself to look away, even as the Dawn Stone is consumed in the evolution, and his Kirlia transforms… into a Gallade.

Now, to the basic Pokémon Novice with just enough training under their belt, this might not sound that strange at all. In fact, they'd probably be rolling their eyes and laughing at Noah as they incorrectly informed him that he should have seen this coming. After all, everyone knew that Kirlia evolved into Gallade when exposed to a Dawn Stone, right?

But they'd be wrong, because it wasn't that simple. Rather, a MALE Kirlia could evolve into a Gallade when exposed to a Dawn Stone. It was supposed to be impossible for female Kirlia, because Gallade was a wholly male form.

As the light fades and Noah finds himself staring at his evolved Pokémon, now definitely a Gallade, he has to admit… there's nothing at all male about Gallade's form. Oh, she definitely looks more like a Gallade then a Gardevoir, but she's inherited some of her traits as Kirlia… and gained some more traits on top of that, that make her femininity decidedly obvious.

For one, rather than the weird oblong waist that Noah has seen in pictures of male Gallade, his Gallade has inherited the skirt-like frill that she had as Kirlia. It actually looks like she's wearing a white dress now, one that just barely covers up her new breasts. Because yes, Gallade had breasts now, where Kirlia definitely did not.

It quickly becomes apparent, as Gallade stands there blushing profusely, that while it might LOOK like she's wearing a cute white dress now, she most definitely isn't. Just like when she was Kirlia, it's part of her body. This is fundamentally obvious when her beautiful bust sprouts previously invisible light green nipples from the white of her 'dress', making it clear that she's as naked as ever.

She's not looking him in the eye right now, instead she's staring downwards, and as Noah follows her gaze, he blushes too, because what Gallade is staring at is his cock, big and thick and fully erect in the face of this gorgeous Pokémon standing before him.

"… G-Gallade?"

Her hesitant, questioning tone damn-near breaks Noah's heart as he gives her a comforting smile.

"Of course, I like you like this. I'll always like you, no matter what you look like. But I can assure you… you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL right now."

Needless to say, that's all his Gallade needs to hear. Dropping onto her ass, the incredibly rare, if not wholly unique Pokémon spreads her now-white legs far apart and flicks up her skirt-like frill to show off her dripping wet pussy. Blushing, she spreads her pussy lips with two of her fingers and offers herself up to him for the taking.

How could Noah ever refuse, right? Stumbling over to his beloved Pokémon, the young man kneels between her legs and moves into position atop her. His hands go to her hands, and he curls his fingers through her fingers, though it's a little awkward with her only having three digits to his five. But, they make it work, and as he thrusts into her for the first time in her new form, they're holding hands, as they should be.

It feels right. Right off the bat, there's absolutely nothing weird or strange about fucking Gallade. She's still his beloved, she's just transformed. And now she's closer to his size too, as well as a bit more humanoid. There are the blades coming off of her elbows to be a bit concerned about, but that just meant they'd have to re-learn how to fight with one another.

No matter what, Noah wouldn't set her aside just because she'd changed. More than anything, he wanted to make that clear to her. So, as she lays back and gives herself to him, he holds hands with Gallade and takes her, thrusting his cock into her sopping wet pussy and filling her with his meat again and again and again.

"Gallade! Gallade! Gallade!"

Chuckling, Noah just nods down at his flushed, flustered Pokémon.

"Yeah, I bet it feels good babe. You love my cock, even now, don'tcha? Don't worry, I'm not going to stop. Not for anything!"


As she shudders beneath him in her first ever orgasm in this new form, Noah groans at the feeling of her tightening up around his dick so damn well. Her pussy juices explode down the length of his member and make the passage in and out of her all the easier. Meanwhile, he wants more… he NEEDS more. This is their first time in Gallade's final form, after all. One last first, after a whole collection of them all across their Pokémon career together. It had to be perfect.

Luckily, the way Gallade is spasming and shaking beneath him draws Noah's eye to a pair of gorgeous, jiggling and bouncing orbs, and gives him the perfect idea. So, without further ado or one more second of hesitation, Noah leans forward and captures one of Gallade's multi-colored tits in his mouth. The soft boob-flesh gives away beneath his sucking lips, while his tongue makes contact with her light-green nip.

Letting out a cry, Gallade shivers and trembles beneath him, while Noah just focuses on giving his beloved Pokémon the time of her life, thrusting in and out of her gushing wet twat and suckling at her tit as he swirls his tongue around her nipple. Said nipple gets harder and more pronounced under his attentions, until it's standing out straight from his Pokémon's new breast. Only once he can't seem to get it any harder does he swap to her other one.

Repeating himself, he works over her opposite nipple until it's just as hard betwixt his teeth, nibbling and tugging at it. All the while, his cock continues to pierce into Gallade's depths again and again and again. In response, his beloved Pokémon doesn't stop crying out. Her name leaves her lips a thousand times, but Noah knows what she's really saying. He understands that she's begging him for more, that she's shouting her happiness and ecstasy up to the ceiling.

Her inner walls clench and cling and squeeze down so unbelievably hard around his cock time and time again, and he knows that it's going to be alright… no, it's going to be better than alright. This might not be what they're used to, but it will become the new normal with enough time. Together, the two of them will learn what pleasure can be found with this new form of hers, and at the same time their love for one another will not be diminished, it will not be weakened.

Even still, all good things come to an end. A temporary one, at least. With Gallade's umpteenth orgasm, Noah can't hold back any longer. He's not even sure how long they've been fucking for, only that it's been quite a while by the time she finally milks him of his next release. Groaning into one of her nipples, Noah unloads deep inside of his Gallade, filling her womb directly with his spunk as he's done a million times before, but also doing so for the first time in this new womb of hers.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. As the two of them come down from their mutual release once again, they cuddle there together on the cave floor, staring into one another's eyes. Smiling at him, Gallade reaches out and runs a three-fingered hand down his face.


Chuckling, Noah does the same with her, enjoying the way his Pokémon feels beneath his palm.

"I love you too. And no matter what, we'll always be together Gallade. Forever and ever."

She blushes prettily at that, and then they're kissing gently and tenderly as they let the energy bleed out of them both, the adrenaline fading away. While it may not have been their original intention, neither of them was in any mood to leave this place, for the time being. So, they'd spend the night here after all, and in the morning, find out what to do next.

If Noah had his way, it would be more of the same. Him and Gallade traveling around and keeping their relationship on the downlow. But he also knew that a female Gallade was pretty unheard of. They might not BE left alone, going forward. One thing was for sure though, he wasn't going to let anyone take her away from him. No matter what.


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