Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Clover’s Bad End (Totally Spies)

Clover’s Bad End (Totally Spies)

A/N: Clover's Bad End was a commissioned one shot originally written back in April of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Clover gets sent on a solo mission, only to have a couple of thugs get the drop on her. Needless to say, things don't end very well for our blonde femme fatale.

Themes: Bondage, Mind Break, Rough Sex


As she creeps down the hallway, Clover can't help the small smile that graces her lips, nor the way she's almost vibrating with excitement. This is it, her big break. She's been sent on her very first solo mission, which meant she could finally show the others what she was really made of. After all the times she'd ended up as the damsel in distress, all the times she'd been captured and put in silly outfits, or had her body transformed in weird and uncomfortable ways, this was her chance to really change things up.

There was no Alex to be sportier than her, no Sam to be smarter than her. It was just Clover and her skillz with a z this time around, and she was going to show them all that she didn't need any help to be just as good of a spy as the rest of them!

Of course, that plan is almost immediately stymied when Clover comes upon a door with a keypad lock. Staring at it for a moment, the blonde pouts. How is she supposed to get in?! It's not like she knows the code! But wait, she was given something for this, wasn't she? Carefully looking through her gadgets, Clover soon pulls out a small little perfume bottle. Misting it over the keypads, her eyes light up as she watches the keys used in the four digit code become lively with luminescent finger prints.

Of course, that still meant she had to try every single four digit combination until she found the one that actually worked. But… how hard could that be? She already knew there were no repeats, at least! Sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth, Clover leans forward in concentration as she begins inputting possible combinations one by one, her focus solely on the task before her… to the detriment of her spatial awareness.

Before she can get through even five codes, a hand holding a sweet-smelling cloth suddenly whips around her head and shoves said cloth into her face. Clover's eyes widen at the familiar smell of chloroform, but even as she tries to rear back from it, she finds herself impacting a solid wall of muscle, a man's broad chest, even as his other arm wraps around her waist to stop her struggling. In moments, Clover's world goes dark, and she slumps down to the ground unconscious, face down, ass up, in a truly humiliating position if she were awake to know about it.

Behind her, two beefy thuggish men, hired as security for this top secret facility, share a look with one another. The one holding the chloroform lets out a small laugh.

"… I honestly didn't think that would work!"

The other one gives his friend a weird look, glancing between the chloroform-soaked cloth and his face.

"… Why do you carry chloroform on you, dude?"

"F-For non-lethal takedowns, of course!"

"… Uh-huh. What do we do about the chick?"

Both of them look down at the unconscious blonde at their feet, admiring her shapely rear confined in tight, form-fitting red catsuit. Eventually, the first speaks up.

"Well, protocol says we report it to our superiors. They'll probably have us lock her away somewhere, and she'll either get picked up or interrogated on sight before being disposed of. But that… that's kind of a waste, ain't it?"

"… Sure, but then, what are you suggesting? Not like we can just let her go. Then it'd be on our heads."

Nodding, a wicked sort of grin spreads across the first thug's face.

"I'm suggesting we take her for ourselves of course. She's a pretty young thing, isn't she?"

The look on his friend's face is not one of disgust or revulsion… but contemplation and worry as he stares down at the unconscious blonde at their feet.

"You think we can keep a spy like her locked down once she wakes up again? Not entirely sure that's a good idea…"

"Oh c'mon… we can do it. Just need the right… chemical assistance."

That causes the second thug to perk up, and a matching grin to begin forming on HIS face as well.

"Oh… oh yeah, that could work…"

"Glad you agree. Now help me strip her down. She's probably got all sorts of tracking devices on her… we won't want to lead anyone back home."

"Damn straight…"


When Clover wakes up again, she notices several things in rapid succession. One, she is now sitting in a chair. She is also very much tied to that chair. As well, her WOOHP-issued catsuit has been stripped from her, leaving her in nothing but her regulation panties and bra, a matching red color as her catsuit had been.

Groaning as she slowly opens her eyes, Clover peers around the room she finds herself in… and is immediately a little more concerned and also a bit confused at the same time. This isn't the high-tech interrogation room she would have been expecting the baddies to stick her in. Instead, she's tied to a chair in the middle of a living room in what looks to be a rundown house.

Where the hell was she? She'd need to find out once she got out of this current predicament. Luckily, she had a lot of practice escaping rope bondage at this point… it felt like every other day, she was getting tied up by her enemies. These ties weren't even that complicated, it was just her wrists and ankles. In fact, if she leveraged her weight properly, she could probably break an arm off of the chair and-

Before Clover could get beyond the planning stages of her escape, the door opens up and two men walk in. They're beefy, hulking dudes, with broad shoulders and muscular chests. She pegs them immediately as ex-military, probably washed up sorts who'd left government service behind and now worked in the private sector for shady entities and corporate monsters. Thugs, Clover's mind helpfully categorizes them both as. She and the other girls had fought dozens of those sorts at this point.

Smiling at them both sweetly and doing her best to ignore her current state of undress (it wasn't uncommon for her captors to transform her or tie her up, or even to dress her in some new outfit, but it WAS uncomfortable being stripped down to just her underwear) Clover bats her eyes and seductively licks her lips.

"You both should really rethink this whole kidnapping thing, boys. If you let me go and rat out your bosses, I can get you guys decent plea bargains~"

The two thugs, one brown-haired and brown-eyed and the other black-haired and blue-eyed, exchange a look at that. Then, the first points a thumb back to himself and then his friend.

"I'm Mark, he's John."

'John' just grins as he crosses his arms over his broad chest.

"Though, you can call us your new daddies, sweetheart. Seeing as you belong to us now."

Oh, so they were those kind of scumbags. Clover represses a shiver, even as she glares at them both balefully. She was SO going to do some damage to their nuts before she got out of here, as soon as she got free.

"This is America, and as far as I'm aware, slavery was outlawed ages ago. I don't BELONG to anyone!"

The two thugs just snort at that, and Mark comes forward… carrying a syringe. Clover's eyes go wide, and she tenses up. She's certainly no stranger to weird drugs at this stage of her career, having been the test subject to too many mad scientists to count at this point. This wasn't even a lab though; this was some rundown abode. Who knew where that needle had been.

"K-Keep that thing away from me!"

Chuckling, Mark just shakes his head as he grabs her by the arm and holds her steady.

"Not to worry, sweetheart. This won't hurt one bit, so long as you don't struggle. In fact, this is going to make you feel REALLY nice."

Some kind of recreational drug then? Were they seriously about to date rape her? Clover's nose wrinkles at the thought, and the blonde opens her mouth to rebuke him, but before she can do so, he's slipped the needle into one of her veins with an expert hand and delivered the payload of whatever the fuck was in that syringe. Clover blinks as he pulls it away, because for a moment she feels nothing. She opens her mouth to say as much, and to maybe smack talk some more… only for it to hit her in that moment.

A low moan leaves her open lips before she can clamp them shut, and Clover whimpers as she writhes in the chair, her hands now clutching at the arms for dear life. Her pupils dilate, and her breath begins to come out in short little gasps as she struggles to ignore the effects of the drug now flowing through her system.

"Damn dude, that's some fast acting stuff."

"I told you it would be, didn't I? It's my own special concoction. Haven't ever got to try it before… but no better time than the present, right?"

"Heh, right."

F-Fuck, they were giving her some experimental shit? She was once again some mad scientist's test subject, only this time he wasn't even a recognized scientist, he was some thug who apparently played around with chemistry in his off time. What could possibly have been in that syringe? Why… why was it driving her so fucking wild?

A louder, longer, and more wanton moan makes its way out of Clover's lips as her thoughts become heavier and heavier. It's becoming harder and harder for her to think about anything except for what she so desperately needs… some sort of sexual release. Whining openly now, her glazed-over eyes staring straight ahead, the blonde rubs her crotch into the seat of the chair, grinding into it as her panties soak through in moments.

"Oh yeah, she wants it. She wants it bad."

Suddenly, they're both in front of her, the men who have kidnapped her and brought her here. But not just them… their cocks too. They pull them out of their confines and wave them in her face, and Clover's nostrils flare as she zeroes in on the meaty members, whining in need, leaning forward in her bondage to try and get at them.

"This what you want, bitch? You want some thick fat dick?"

Funnily enough, it's his words that break through the haze. Clover is nearly nodding when she stops herself, realizing what she's doing. Flushed, panting with need, pussy dripping wet and core feeling like it was on fire, she nevertheless stares at the dicks in front of her with disgust. One of the men doesn't notice the change, and when he begins to push his cock forward towards her mouth, he very nearly gets it bitten off for his trouble, though unfortunately for her, his reflexes are up to the task of pulling him away before she can truly bite down.


"Shit, bitch still has some fight in her I suppose…"

Before Clover can formulate an appropriate response to that, there's a big hand fisting in her blonde hair, yanking her head back. Another hand comes down across her face, slapping her hard enough to make her see stars. When her vision finally stops swimming, Mark sneers down at her, a malicious glint in his eyes.

"You're going to suck our cocks now, slut. Because if you don't, if you try and bite either of us again, we'll knock every last tooth out of your skull. Do you understand me?"

Perhaps if Clover had been in a better state of mind, she would have noticed his friend's noise of disgust at the idea and realized that they would never have followed through on such a grotesque threat. As it is, she can only focus on so much at a time, and the thug's threat certainly seems real. In the end, she just whimpers and nods… and when he places his cockhead against her lips, she opens wide and makes sure to keep her teeth far away from his length.

However, as he sinks his cock into her mouth, Clover's eyes widen and her lips suction down, her tongue swirling all over his member to try and take in the taste. Her dilated pupils go wild from how delicious his cock is, and in no time at all, the blonde is doing all the work, sucking his dick like it's the best thing she's ever had.

"Heh, there it is. That's a good girl. Yeah, suck my fucking cock…"

"The drug finally working, man?"

"Yeah man, it's fine. Bitch's resistance is crumbling as we speak."

Clover wishes she could deny that, but it's so, SO hard to resist now that his cock is in her mouth. Slowly, the other thug, the one she nearly managed to bite, moves forward again. When she's forced to transition from Mark's cock to John's a moment later, she sucks his dick just as hard, causing him to groan happily.

Back and forth the tied up spy finds herself going, bobbing up and down between the two men and their sizable members. They each grab her hair as she sucks their cocks, and soon the reason for doing so becomes obvious as they start to force themselves upon her in truth, pounding forward into her mouth and down the back of her throats as they press her tongue down to the floor of her mouth.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Oh yeah, bitch! Fucking take it! Take my fucking dick!"

"That's it, sweetie! Suck that cock like we both knew you were born to!"

Passing her back and forth between them, treating her like so much whorish trash, they don't stop until they cum. And much to Clover's shrinking horror, she's anticipating their releases. She can feel their cocks pulsating and throbbing in her convulsing throat and can tell that they're both getting closer and closer… until finally it happens.

She tilts her head back and lolls out her tongue purely on instinct as they both let out hoarse grunts and groans and begin to cum all over her face and tits. They coat her pale flesh in their seed, and their jizz drips down into her cleavage, soaking through her bra as she shivers in utter delight. What she's able to catch on her tongue, Clover quickly and eagerly finds herself swallowing, the taste of their seed just as good as the taste of their dicks.

As soon as it's over, Mark's hand is on her face, his big fingers squeezing into her jaw as he grips harshly and forces her to look into his eyes.

"Feeling more obedient now, bitch? Bet you want more, don't you? You love our fucking dicks, don't you? You want your daddies to fuck you long and hard, DON'T YOU?!"

His words are like hammer strikes to her noggin. Clover… Clover has never been the smartest of her team. That doesn't mean she's DUMB by any stretch of the imagination, or at least the blonde doesn't like to think of herself in that way. But the truth is, she's always been more of your stereotypical teenage girl then Alex or Sam. One might even say she wasn't cut out for spy work…

As it is, the drug flowing through her system, combined with the seed she's just swallowed… his words make an awful lot of sense. Her pussy clenches with need, her cunt walls tightening up at the thought of finally being plowed. The virgin spy whimpers though, knowing that she shouldn't want it, that she shouldn't give in. She shakes her head back and forth and shuts her eyes tightly, trying to deny it… but something of her desire still manages to get through anyways, because Mark just laughs.

"Yeah… she fucking wants it."

He and John pull her out of the chair then, manhandling her over to a bed. Between the two of them and the drug, there's no way for Clover to put up much of a fight. Even as they tear her bra and panties off, she finds herself merely jutting her tits out in their direction, her cunt humping the air incessantly as she whimpers and whines needily.

She might not be verbally begging for it, but her body is certainly asking all the same, and the men take that as permission enough for what they do next, pushing her down onto the bed and taking their turns with her. Mark goes first, his big hands spreading her legs apart as his thick fat cock flops down onto her gushing cunt lips and then slides along until he can fit the head of his shaft into her pussy.

He pauses for a moment, just to listen to her whine with need, and then he's inside of her, taking her virginity just like that. It wasn't like as active a girl as Clover still had her hymen, she'd broken that a long time ago with all the acrobatics she was expected to do on a regular basis. But he was still her first guy, her first dick… and frankly, it was heaven.

Clover's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she positively loses her mind over the pleasure of having his cock inside of her. The vanishingly small part of her that was still rational felt like it couldn't possibly be meant to feel this good, but even knowing that it was likely the drug fucking with her didn't exactly help. The pleasure was still there, and Clover… Clover couldn't get enough of it.

As such, when John appears at her head again and shows her his cock, she moans and begins to worship it willingly with her mouth, sucking and slurping and slobbering at his dick even as she's fucked down below, positively plowed silly by Mark as he pistons his thick, virile prick in and out of her clenching, squeezing cunt.

"Fuck she's so tight. Bitch might have been a virgin…"

"Heh, that so cunt? Was Mark your first? Did your daddy make you a woman?"

The teasing makes Clover flush as she whimpers in abject horny arousal. They keep using that term, 'daddy'. It's getting harder and harder not to let it get to her. She doesn't… she can't let herself give in… but she already has. She's already begun succumbing to both them and the drug, and there's no turning back now as her cunt spasms and she orgasms explosively on the first cock of her entire life.

"Oh yeah, baby! Cum for daddy! That's the fucking stuff!"

Squealing around John's cock, getting fucked by Mark, Clover's eyes roll around in her head as she does exactly that, cumming again and again for the man who's currently raping her without hesitation or mercy. When he finally cums as well, it's earth-shattering for Clover, the creampie driving her over the edge into the biggest orgasm she's ever experienced.

It's in that moment that the blonde truly begins to break. She doesn't offer even a token form of resistance as the two men trade her between them, Mark pulling out of her cunt and John flipping her over onto her hands and knees and spinning her around so he can take her from behind. As he slams home into her quivering quim, as he grips tightly at her ass cheeks and begins to really rail her, Clover can only moan in happiness and lust, eyes heavily lidded with arousal.

That is, until Mark grabs her by her hair and yanks her head up, forcing her to look him in the eye while smacking his messy prick against her cheeks.

"You like that, slut? You like his cock buried in your hungry little twat?"

In her near-broken state, Clover can't deny it. Not to herself and not to him, not anymore.


Letting his prick hit her cheeks a couple more times, he tugs a little more harshly on her hair.

"Yes… what?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

"Not quite…"

Whimpering, knowing deep down what he wants from her… and wanting nothing more than his cock and more of the pleasure she's experienced so far, Clover finally breaks completely as she looks up at him, tears streaming down her cheeks, a worshipful gaze in her watery eyes.

"Yes… d-daddy."

Grinning down at her, her daddy feeds her his cock then, and Clover greedily sucks on it, even as she's fucked from behind. As the two men spit-roast her, her daddy chuckles down at her.

"There's a good girl. Don't you feel so much better now? Aren't you looking forward to more of our cocks? You're going to be our sexy little fuck toy for as long as we want. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

On the one hand, it did. On the other hand, surely she couldn't… surely she had to escape. She had a whole life to get back to, after all. Alex, Sam, Jerry… her family. She needed to get out of here eventually, right?

Seemingly seeing something of her thoughts in her eyes, her daddy hums and then produces another syringe out of seemingly nowhere from Clover's perspective.

"Well, I suppose you need another dose to truly understand, don't you?"

It's not like she can stop him, and soon enough he's delivered another load of his drug right into her arm. On her hands and knees, getting spit-roasted in both ends, the effect on Clover is MUCH more pronounced as her eyes widen and her pupils once again dilate, as the pleasure is increased tenfold, and she squeals around her daddy's cock while cumming for her other daddy without reservation.

The two of them fuck her well into the night… and well into the morning as well. And from that point on, Clover's entire life becomes about one thing and one thing only… pleasing her daddies.


Late at night, under the cover of darkness, three absolutely gorgeous femme fatales dart from rooftop to rooftop. Eventually, the trio come to a stop on one roof in particular, a good vantage point overlooking a nearby dark and foreboding building. Their current mission, as a matter of fact.

Sam, Alex… and Britney come together there, huddling close as they all spy upon the place they'll be infiltrating very soon. The trio of female spies are still working out their differences, still having some teething issues and dealing with some growing pains… but then, that will happen when you lose a member of your team and have to replace her with someone else.

It wasn't a situation ANY of them wanted to be in, of course. Britney didn't want to be Clover's replacement, didn't want to have to fill the blonde's hole in the team, and Alex and Sam didn't want to acknowledge that Clover needed to be replaced. Unfortunately, there was no denying it. It had been weeks since Clover's disappearance, and while Jerry assured the girls that WOOHP was still looking for the missing blonde, they themselves had finally been pulled off the case and assigned Britney as their new partner.

Unfortunately, when they'd gone looking for Clover after her initial disappearance, their search had turned up nothing. Not even breaking down the doors of the building where Clover had been sent on her solo mission and turning the place over had helped. As far as those evil doers were concerned, they had no idea where Clover had gone. Of course, Sam and Alex didn't believe them, especially since the security footage from the night of Clover's infiltration had been 'mysteriously' corrupted, but that didn't mean the trail had gone any less cold for them.

Likewise, the trackers in Clover's catsuit (which Sam and Alex had both been somewhat chagrined to hear about) had been no help either. The blonde's catsuit had been found in a dumpster out back behind the building where she'd been sent to on her solo mission, along with all her gadgets. Where she'd been taken after that… they could only guess and worry about.

As it was, Clover was gone… and they all still had a job to do. As Sam opens her mouth to begin speaking, leading the team as always despite feeling like there was a ditzy but lovable blonde missing from their midst, she doesn't even get a word out before Britney makes a disgusted noise in the back of her throat.

Glancing at her, both Sam and Alex are guided by the dark-haired spy's pointed finger, down into the alley below them. There, in the dim light of the alley, the trio of spies can all make out what's happening… namely, a crouching blonde woman bobbing her head up and down as she swallows not one, but two cocks at a time. Now that they're paying attention to it, the three can hear the whore going at it with an enthusiasm that turns all three of their stomachs.

With silent unanimous consent, they all come to the decision to move roofs, none of them wanting to be distracted from the mission by some slutty whore and the lewd noises her mouth and throat were making as she took cocks down both. Little did they know… they were abandoning their closest friend to her fate.


Down below in the alley, a much changed Clover has no idea that her former friends were so close to her. Not that she would have cared if she did find out. Nor would they have really been able to recognize her, even if they'd decided against all odds to take a closer look. There, crouching down in the middle of the alley and double fisting a cock in each hand, Clover has a whole new look.

She's still blonde, certainly, but in the weeks since her disappearance, her hair has grown out long enough to be put into a decently sized high-top ponytail, perfect for a man to reach out and grab to control her pace as she glides up and down his cock. Likewise, she's using much more mature makeup, and looks less like the teen she is and more like an adult hooker… which is also what she is, these days.

For her daddies (and the drug that only they can provide her with), Clover is willing to do anything. Absolutely anything at all. So when they told her to go out and make some money to provide for her ass, she'd happily done so. Now here she was, weeks into her new life as her daddy's fuck toy and hooker, blowing two complete strangers for the twenty bucks each that they were offering her.

Clad in incredibly slutty, incredibly revealing attire, namely a halter top and a microskirt, along with some high heels, Clover bobs up and down on the cocks in front of her with a gusto she'd once reserved for things like fashion, boys, and her appearance. To be fair, all of those things still mattered to the new Clover very much… just in VERY different ways than before.

This was her life now, acting as a proper little blowjob whore for her daddies to bring home some extra cash. And if they asked her to do more, she'd gladly do it, both to ensure she continued to get access to that amazing drug they'd addicted to, as well as their big fat cocks. Anything for her daddies… anything at all.


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