Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Kryptonian’s Natural Predator (DC Universe)

A Kryptonian’s Natural Predator (DC Universe)

A/N: A Kryptonian's Natural Predator was a commissioned two-shot originally written back in April-May of 2021. Posting it up here and now as a one shot for people to enjoy.

Summary: Kara's natural curiosity causes her to run afoul of an alien threat. But really, it just wants to get friendly with her...

Themes: Tentacle Sex, Mind Break, Fucked Silly


Hobbies were important. All work and no play made for a dull girl, and Kara Danvers had to be doubly careful about that because she was living a double-life. She had a job in her civilian identity, as well as her superheroine antics as the Kryptonian heroine known only as Supergirl. Luckily for her, her Kryptonian physiology made it so she didn't have to sleep QUITE as much as a human might. So long as she got plenty of Sun during the day, she could be fine for some exceptionally late nights.

That was all to say, Kara had her hobbies… and even had some as Supergirl. Not every moment spent in costume could be based around fighting bad guys, or else she'd probably go crazy. Though to be fair, MOST of her time in costume was spent fighting bad guys. There were a lot of them after all, and only so many heroes in the Justice League to take care of them.

All of that said, after a long night of crimefighting, Supergirl was willing to indulge in one of her passing fancies… star-gazing, and more specifically, meteorite hunting. It was a simple pass time of hers, developed after she'd seen her first shooting star. And honestly, it doubled as a bit of work too. After all, she'd come to Earth on a shooting star as well. So had her cousin Kal-El, otherwise known as Clark Kent, otherwise known as Superman.

So yeah, she liked to look into it whenever she saw a shooting star. Not just out of a professional curiosity, but because she thought they were cool… and she was one of the only people on the Planet Earth who could feasibly go chasing after a shooting star whenever she saw it.

Tonight was one such night, when she'd seen a smoldering meteorite crashing down from the heavens and slowly curving towards the Earth. After making sure it was small enough that it wasn't likely to do any damage beyond cosmetic, Kara had followed the shooting star at a leisurely place. It eventually landed in a small field a few hundred miles outside of Metropolis, and with her curiosity taking advantage her as always, the blonde Kryptonian hovered down to the smoldering crater it left behind, excited beyond measure.

There were any number of things that a meteorite might contain. Some of them could be dangerous, like alien parasites or even just plain alien supervillains. It had happened before, and it would likely happen again. But there were cool things too, like space metals and the like. Of course, space rocks weren't always good… see Kryptonite, for example.

Supergirl ultimately approached the meteorite with caution but an eagerness without compare, checking to make sure she didn't feel any of the debilitating effects of Kryptonite, and also making sure that she didn't catch sight of any movement. Her cousin had trained her well enough that she was at least aware of the possibility of an ambush. If she saw the meteorite moving, she had every intention of pulling back and calling in the League.

But it wasn't moving… it was just sitting there, smoldering. And it didn't look like someone's spaceship or anything like that, it looked like a proper space rock. That all said, Supergirl still remains cautious, even as she gets closer.

"Hello? Anyone in there? If you come in peace, I'm here to help!"

She waits a beat, but doesn't hear anything. Grinning a bit too widely, Kara gets closer and places her hand on the outside of the meteorite's surface. Needless to say, it's still VERY hot from entering the Earth's atmosphere… but at the same time, she doesn't feel anything alive inside of the meteorite. No conventional heartbeat or pulse or anything like that.

Of course, she's well aware that some lifeforms don't have the conventional methods of life detection, so Kara calls out again, even as she brings both hands down on the meteorite's surface.

"I'm going to go ahead and split this rock open now! If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace!"

Once again, the blonde superheroine waits a beat. Then, grinning like a schoolgirl, she grips at the rock… and promptly cracks it open with her Kryptonian strength. Needless to say… she's not expecting the spray of goo to explode out from within it and promptly COVER her from her hair to her toes in gunk. A yelp leaves Supergirl's lips and she rears back even as she hastily swipes her eyes to clean out the gunk.

Blinking rapidly, she tries to process what just happened… but her moment of indecision is, in itself, a mistake. As it so happens, while this is NOT Kryptonite… it is from her home system. Particularly, one of Krypton's long-forgotten sister worlds, a planet called Boron. Closest to the sun, Boron had been abandoned by the Kryptonian species for a long time, deemed too hot to be worth shit.

That did not, however, mean that all life on Boron had been wiped out or was extinct. Merely that it needed the right… conditions in order to survive. The vacuum of space was not the right conditions, needless to say, so the goo that Supergirl now found herself covered in had been entirely inert. Likewise, the middle of the night on Earth was not the right conditions either.

Much like Kryptonians themselves, this particular lifeform needed a lot of a Yellow Sun's rays in order to come back to life. And while it was currently night time… Supergirl WAS a battery that constantly soaked up the power of the Yellow Sun during the day.

Before Kara can stop it, the goo is slipping under her costume and pressing into her skin, practically coming alive. As she yelps and tries to desperately pull it off of herself, the goo on her face also solidifies and covers her mouth and eyes, blocking her sight and her ability to call out for help. As a result, she does not see that there is a whole lot more of the ooze inside of the cracked open meteor she just broke. Nor does she see it rise up above her as she struggles against the ooze all over her.

Like a tidal wave, the alien ooze crashes down upon Supergirl, and she finds herself drowning on dry land as it pins her to the earth, covering her entire body, hiding her from view. Her struggles slowly but surely begin to die down at the ooze does the only thing it can do… and feeds on the only source of sunlight anywhere nearby.

Supergirl, within the ooze's embrace, struggles as much as she can against it. But over time, her struggles weaken. Not because she's giving up the fight, not because she's surrendering or anything like that… but because she herself is getting weaker. Her Yellow Sun given powers… are disappearing. When she belatedly thinks to try and fly up, to leave most of the ooze ground-bound behind her, it's already much too late. Her power of flight is lost, and she can only whimper into the ooze covering her mouth as she wiggles and writhes in it's not-so-tender embrace.

Once it's fed enough, the ooze becomes to solidify into it's true form… a writhing, pulsating, throbbing mass of tentacles and wiggling appendages. But just because it's returning to it's true form doesn't mean it's satisfied. After all, Kara is right there… and alongside sunlight, this long-forgotten creature, this apex predator of the Rao System… wanted one other thing as well. A host.

Kara can only cry out in her bondage as something prods against her cunt. Her skirt has already been dissolved, as has the rest of her costume. She's well aware that she's completely naked now beneath the beast, it's many tentacles having complete access to her nubile young body. Unfortunately, there's nothing the blonde can do about it. She's been completely depowered, left utterly weakened. Some time under a Yellow Sun would probably get her back to tip top shape in no time… but it's the middle of the night, and the sunrise is still hours away.

As such, there's nothing Kara can do to stop the tentacle from penetrating her and beginning to saw in and out of her cunt. Nor can she stop the other tentacle that slides up between her ass cheeks, and ultimately impales her butt. Finally, the pressure against her lips redoubles and her mouth is forced open, her jaw stretched wide as a third tentacle forces its way down her throat.

That's not to say all of this is painful. It's not even uncomfortable for that long. Instead, the tentacles all exude a fluid into her orifices, one that is absorbed in turn by her body… and Kara begins to feel good. Way too good to be natural, way too good to be realistic, but knowing that she's being plied with aphrodisiacs by a tentacle monster doesn't exactly HELP the blonde resist them any better than she otherwise would have.

With the current constitution of a human, or maybe even something weaker than a human, Kara can do nothing more than gurgle, her eyes rolling back in her skull beneath the mask that's plastered itself across her face, covering her and leaving her in a state of sensory deprivation. No sight, no sound, no nothing… except for the sensation of being fucked as tentacles ravage her every orifice.

Even as that happens, two more tentacles play with her tits as well, stimulating her breasts to the point that Kara is soon cumming her brains out for this alien creature. The tentacles fuck her silly, and play with her breasts, and all around drive her wild. Almost as if they know exactly what to do to make her go crazy with lust. Probably because they do… probably because these creatures have thousands of years of instincts regarding turning Kryptonian women into their hosts.

The Kryptonians thought them long extinct, of course. You wouldn't even find information on them in the repositories of knowledge held within the Fortress of Solitude. But that didn't make the tentacle creature any less real, nor did it make it any less Kara's natural predator. Gurgling and writhing helplessly in the tentacles' embrace, Kara shudders in orgasmic bliss… even as her mind is slowly broken down and rebuilt into the perfect host for her new master.

The tentacles piston in and out of her cunt and ass and throat far more harshly and far more incredibly than any man she's ever had before. Not only are they thicker, fatter, and longer, they're just all around better. Kara is, after all, a Kryptonian. The amount of men who can handle her in bed, she could count on one hand. The amount of men who can handle her in bed and AREN'T related to her, she could count on even less fingers.

That wasn't to say she'd never had sex… just that it'd been almost universally disappointing so far for her. This was not that. This wasn't disappointing in the least. And as she's fucked silly and soundly for the first time in her young life, Kara can't help but lose herself in the pleasure. At a certain point, it's like she doesn't even WANT to fight it anymore. Why would she, when it feels so damn GOOD?!

Hours later, when the sun finally rises and blankets them both in it's soothing rays… it's already far too late.


"It's really good to have you back from your vacation, Kara. I think I speak for all of us at the Justice League when I say we were a little worried for you. But I can tell, the break has done you good."

Standing tall and proud, clad in her blue and red attire as always with her hands on her hips, Supergirl just smiles.

"Yeah, I really needed the break, I suppose. Thank you for the kind words though, Diana. Frankly, I think all of us heroes push ourselves too hard sometimes, don't you?"

Humming, the gorgeous Amazonian Princess frowns slightly, though it does little to mar her beautiful features. Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, considers Kara's words briefly before cocking her head to the side and shrugging her shoulders.

"I suppose you might have a point. I believe they even have a saying for it in the Men's World. 'Recharging your batteries', I think?"

Supergirl just smiles and nods at that.

"Yep! And let me tell you, my batteries are more than recharged… they're SUPER-charged!"

She and Diana share a chuckle at that, but after a moment, Wonder Woman shakes her head.

"I won't deny the benefits, but truth be told, I'm not sure I could take such a break. Not without some serious extenuating circumstances. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you for taking a vacation… it's just that there's always something going on in the world. I don't think I could stop, not for anything. Not when there's still so much to be done."

Inclining her head in acknowledgment of her superior's words, Supergirl just shrugs.

"We can't do the world any good if we burn ourselves out on saving it, in my opinion. But hey, maybe those extenuating circumstances will come along and you'll realize you need some alone time. For now though, it's my first patrol back and I'm at your command, Wonder Woman. Where do you want to start?"

"Right. Let's head over this way first, shall we?"

As the Amazonian Princess begins to lead the way, she misses the way Supergirl's smile turns somewhat… sinister. She also, to her incredible detriment, misses the way that Supergirl's costume shifts and the blonde Kryptonian shivers in delight as a million little feelers brush across the covered parts of her flesh, certain appendages buried in her cunt and ass throbbing and pulsating with one simple sensation.



Diana Prince, otherwise known to the World of Man as the superheroine Wonder Woman, was far from some blushing virgin. Even before Steve Trevor crashed on Themyscira, Diana had known the pleasures of the flesh. While many a male might not fully understand how two women (or more) could find pleasure with one another without the company of men, the Amazonians of Themyscira had LONG made quite the art form of such things.

Of course, Themyscira was not just a place of only women, it was also a home to warriors of all shapes and sizes. And when you get a bunch of warrior women together, they tend to do the same thing as men. Since joining Man's World, Diana has come to hear this referred to in typical masculine manner as a 'dick waving contest'.

Needless to say, the Amazonians did not have dicks to wave about nor measure. That did not mean they weren't an incredibly competitive people. And where you have competitive warriors with gorgeous, fit, trimmed bodies… you were bound to have sex as well. Sex of a… competitive nature, at that. In fact, sex involving challenges, wagers, and bets of some sort were in fact the most common.

There was plenty of what the World of Man would call 'normal' or 'vanilla' as well, of course. Diana had seen plenty of loving, romantic relationships between the women of Themyscira, mostly those of a more… mercantile and civilian nature. For the warriors and athletes who made up the cream of the crop, 'normal' and 'vanilla' simply wasn't good enough. You had to prove you were the strongest, and the best way to do that was through domination over one's peers… sexual or otherwise.

Diana was, obviously, not immune to this. From a young age she'd competed with the other Amazonians, but only once she was older did they start to include their adult games in such competitions. A few times, Diana had been humbled by one of her sister warriors, and she'd spent her time on her knees betwixt their thighs for it. But over the years, Diana had only grown stronger, more capable, and all around better.

It inevitably got to the point where most Amazonians did not wish to challenge her, did not wish to compete with her. She was too good and had humbled too many of them too many times. More often than not, Diana's interest was met with immediate submission, and admittedly she got used to that, used to having the women around her submit to her natural power and authority, to her obvious overwhelming strength.

… It had been a long time since Diana felt like she was being courted, like she was being challenged. For a warrior such as the Themyscirian Princess, they were the exact same thing. And to have the challenge come from such an unexpected corner at that…

Still, there was no denying it. Clark's cousin Kara, otherwise known as Supergirl, had proven to be incredibly flirtatious all night long. Her words were laced with innuendos and her tone was teasing. Never before had the young Kryptonian woman acted so… forward. But Diana didn't mind it, not truly. For all that Clark might treat his cousin like a child, Kara very much wasn't. She was an adult both in the eyes of Man's World as well as Themyscira. Only Clark's coddling, as well as the name 'Supergirl' made her seem even slightly childish.

So yes, when Kara made her interest clear, Diana responded in a similar fashion. It made their patrol together far more enjoyable, though also far more distracted, as she found herself spending as much time watching Kara as Kara spent watching her. They still managed to stop a few crimes, bag a few bad guys, and halt a few dastardly deeds, but a lot of their time was spent high in the sky, ostensibly patrolling thanks to their enhanced senses, but likely missing some things given they spent the entire time chatting instead of listening.

It was an enjoyable experience all the same, and Diana… Diana couldn't help but admit that she found herself intrigued. What WOULD the female Kryptonian be like in bed, exactly? What sort of lover would Kara be? Would she submit to Diana's authority? Would she fight her for it? In the end, it's her curiosity that prompts the Princess of Themyscira to invite Kara back to her rooms for a glass of wine, after their patrol is said and done.

With a wide, toothy smile on her face, the blonde Kryptonian had agreed. Now, as they step into Diana's rooms aboard the Watchtower, the Amazonian moves to the wall right away, inputting a few commands. As a founding member of the Justice League, as well as one of the unofficial Big Three, Diana has certain privileges that not all members of the League enjoy. Her spacious and comfortable quarters are one… the privacy she can command within them is another.

The door locks shut, and the windows are covered a moment later as well. The lights in the room dim as Diana turns to Kara with a sultry smile gracing her lips.

"With this, we won't be disturbed. No one will hear a single sound out of this room, and all of the other sensors have been turned off for the time being. So… did you still want that glass of wine, Kara? Or should we move on to-mmph!"

In an instant, Kara is across the room and kissing her. Diana saw her coming of course and is able to get her hands on the blonde's shoulders, but nevertheless, their lips clap together with something of a minor shockwave, and Diana's eyes widen briefly as she acknowledges the power and physical strength packed into the tight blonde body before her.

Pushing Kara back takes a bit more of her effort than Diana was expecting, but she hides her surprise behind a wide, wicked grin as she looks down at the shorter, younger woman.

"Down girl… so very eager~"

Far from looking embarrassed, Kara just grins right back, practically baring her teeth as she licks her lips suggestively.

"And you aren't?"

Diana lets out a laugh at that and a moment later, the two of them are making out heatedly. When Kara's hands go to her costume, Diana's own move to Kara's. Together, the two of them begin stripping one another down. And so begins a dance of domination, to decide which of them will be on top and which will be on bottom.

To Diana's surprise, it's far more even than she was expecting at first. Sure, Kara is a Kryptonian… but Diana is plenty strong in her own right. Imbued with the powers of Olympus itself, she should be able to handle one alien brat… right? Except, her and Clark have never truly tried to find out which of them is stronger. To be fair, he might very well BE stronger, but with magic on her side, Diana can easily match him all the same.

Only, she doesn't have her golden lasso or her magical sword or any of that with her right now. Rather, she almost wishes she did… because as she's quickly beginning to realize, Kara IS stronger than her. All this time, Diana had accepted the fact that Clark was physically stronger than her… but she'd never attributed that same strength to his younger cousin. Even unconsciously, she'd allowed Clark's treatment of Kara to influence her own view of the younger woman.

Suddenly, Diana finds herself on her back on the bed, staring up into Kara's big blue eyes as the blonde stares right back down at her, grinning wickedly and pinning her wrists back to the bed. Stripped of her clothes, covered in a light sheen of sweat from the exertion so far, the Themyscirian Princess is just starting to wonder how she might turn the tables around on this encounter when she notices something… odd.

She could have sworn that she stripped Kara just as Kara stripped her, but the costume she was sure she'd pulled off and tossed aside is back on Kara's body… more than that, it's shifting and moving, almost as if it's alive.


Kara silences her with another kiss, and for a moment Diana is distracted with the ensuing tongue wrestle that takes place between them. To her chagrin, Kara wins that too, dominating her tongue and then her mouth for a moment before pulling back and grinning as the large S symbol across her chest ripples and pulls back to reveal her rock hard nipples being played with by dozens of small blue and red tendrils.

"Oh, this? Don't worry about this… it's a new suit, completely under my control. Doesn't it look amazing on me?"

A new suit. Nanotech, perhaps? Diana opens her mouth to speak, but just stares instead as Kara's outfit comes alive, writhing back and forth, slithering up and down her body… and from Kara's arms, sliding onto Diana's. Before she can speak, part of the costume is covering her face and her mouth, forcing itself past her lips. It feels warm and strangely alive, even as it forms a particularly thick gag in her mouth, one that just barely tickles the back of her throat in a way Diana knows is going to drive her wild.

"I know you said no one will be able to hear us… but frankly, I just don't want you making too much of a fuss. This next part is going to be fun… let me show you what I can REALLY do now."

Gagged and pinned to her own bed, Diana is beginning to feel like she's definitely been beaten. Latent instincts from when she wasn't the strongest of the Amazonians rear their heads and she bares her neck to Kara in a submission display. It's not how she expected to spend her night, but Diana knows when to bow down to a superior woman. Giggling, Kara licks her neck suggestively, and Diana moans into her gag, her eyes fluttering. Then… something thick and hard and round presses into her slit down below, startling her and making her jolt.

"Here it comes~"

And then Kara thrusts forward, and Diana is filled with a phallus that can only have come from her new suit. It's got the same heat to it as the intrusion into her mouth, though it's much larger and much longer as it splits Diana open like nothing ever has before, making her go cross-eyed in disbelief and pleasure. Certainly, Wonder Woman is no blushing virgin… but even she has had limits on her experiences.

"Do you like that, Diana? Yeah, I bet you do. I bet you love that big fat alien cock inside of you, don't you? Well, let's see how much you REALLY like it, huh?"

… Only once had another Amazonian taken it upon herself to teach Diana a lesson through anal. While anal COULD be a pleasurable experience, it was more often than not used as a form of sexual discipline among Amazonians. Needless to say, her sister had been trying to take Diana down a notch when she'd butt fucked the young Princess. All it had done was motivate Diana to get stronger, faster, all around better.

Returning the favor to that particular Amazonian sister down the line was one of Diana's fondest sexual memories.

Never before has she experienced double penetration, however. As Kara continues to fuck her cunt with her massive fake phallus, another phallus of similar size and throbbing heat presses into her ass as well, causing Diana's eyes to widen to the size of saucers as she squeals into the gag covering her face. Kara just giggles, continuing to buck her hips forward, pounding both of these warm, thick cocks of hers into Diana with all due force.

"Oh? Not something you're used to? Well that's okay… you're going to get used to it."

If her mouth were free, Diana would warn Kara against getting ahead of herself. The young Kryptonian woman has the upper hand now, but only because of her special new suit. If Diana had known they were bringing toys into things this early in their relationship, she would have involved the Lasso of Truth, and this encounter would have gone VERY differently. Even Clark was not immune to the Lasso's magical effects. She could have easily trussed Kara up and had her way with the blonde's nubile young body!

Alas, that's not what's happening… and if anything, it's Kara who's having her way with Diana. This new suit of hers seems to be coming more alive by the moment too, as the blonde's smile widens into a full-blown grin.

"Oh… it likes the taste of you, Diana. Apparently it likes magic a LOT. This… this is going to be fun."

That's the first sign that Wonder Woman gets that something might be wrong. Unfortunately, by that point it's too late. Suddenly, the gag in her mouth comes alive at the same time as the phalluses in her cunt and ass. All of the sudden, none of them are stick phallic shapes, but instead sinuous, writhing serpents, pushing deeper into all three of her orifices, causing her to choke and gag as the one goes down the back of her throat.

Her well-built body shakes and trembles and seizes up as Kara's friend begins to do to Diana what it did to Kara. The unsuspecting Amazonian Princess is completely blindsided, having thought that the suit was under Kara's control. Not once had Diana believed that Kara might be under her own costume's control. Needless to say, she finds herself drowning in pleasure soon enough. The same pleasure that a certain blonde Kryptonian drowned in a couple weeks before.

As Kara leans over Diana, acting as nothing more then the transport for her Master, the blonde's smile could only be described as jubilant and exultant. Her grin is neither evil nor cruel, neither vile nor malicious. No, as far as Kara is concerned, she's merely giving Wonder Woman exactly what her Master gave her. Clarity of purpose. An eye-opening experience that finally showed her the truth of herself and of who she belonged to.

"That's it, Diana… give in to him. Accept our Master into your heart, into your mind, into your soul. Become one with him, and you will finally know true happiness."

Diana's eyes only have a moment to stare up at Kara in horror before they roll back in ecstasy and bliss, the Amazonian Princess being driven absolutely wild in the same way Kara was. Kara opens her mouth again to outline her Master's plans for Themyscira next, how an entire island of warrior women will be perfect incubators for her Master's children… but before she can speak, a tentacle pushes its way into her mouth as well, as two more enter Kara's holes.

Needless to say, Kara has no complaints as she too finds herself being fucked into a delirious, pleasurable puddle right alongside Diana. After all, this is her reward for bringing another powerful woman to her Master. They were both right where they belonged… and thanks to Diana's privileges, nobody would ever know what took place here tonight.


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