Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Building Blackmail (Fate/Stay Night)

Building Blackmail (Fate/Stay Night)

A/N: Building Blackmail was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2020. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Shinji Matou happens to get his hands on some humiliating footage of Saber relieving tension. Using this, he builds his collection of blackmail regarding the fine blonde higher and higher, until finally he can have her just the way he wants. Wrapped around his dick.

Themes: Rough Sex, Humiliation, NTR


She's setting the table for the two of them when the knock on the front door comes.

"Saber, can you get that?"

Even before Shirou's voice drifts from the kitchen into the dining room, Saber is already making her way over. There's no way in hell she's going to let her Master get distracted from the meal he's cooking for them. Saber was willing to do a lot more than just answer one measly door for Shirou's cooking. Reaching said door, Saber unlocks and opens it without thinking, with all the confidence of someone who knows they can handle anything that might be waiting on the other side.

Only to freeze up at just who she sees waiting for her there and what he represents. Shinji Matou stands on the porch of Shirou's residence, grinning at her like the cat that caught the canary. Saber's back immediately straightens and a harsh scowl spreads across her face as she glares daggers at the blue-haired boy.

"You. What do you want?"

Cocking his head to the side, Shinji lets out a small laugh, not seeming at all put out by her tone.

"Oh? Is that any way to greet a guest? Am I not allowed to pop by to visit my friend anymore?"

Curse him. Curse this boy and his wickedness. Saber wished with all her heart that she could tell Shirou exactly what sort of person he was friends with, but in the end… scowling, the blonde nevertheless steps to the side, eyes narrowed as she makes room for Shinji to step into the house. She closes the door behind him with a little more force than is absolutely necessarily, locking it behind her, only to turn and find him still standing right there, invading her personal space as he grins at her.

"Though, I will admit that today's visit was more about seeing you then Shirou, Saber. You don't mind, right?"

"Y-You little bastard, if you think-!"

Shinji's hand comes up, and within it is his smartphone, already turned on, the screen showing a playing video that's thankfully muted. Saber goes absolutely still at the sight of her on the screen. It's not just a video of her though, oh no… it's a video of her touching herself. In a moment of weakness, she'd played with herself and Shinji had captured it all, recording it and then showing it to her, holding it over her head.

The anger doesn't quite fade out of her, but it does become eclipsed by fear and a soul-deep sort of weariness as her shoulders slump in defeat.

"What… what do you want?"

"Show me your tits, Saber."

For a moment, the anger is back in full force and Saber snarls, ready to commit to physical harm against the annoying brat in front of her. Except, Shinji isn't even scared, and they both know why. He's already explained it to her… it's not just on his phone. If anything happens to him, then her secrets, all of them, will be spread across the human world's internet. More than that though, an entire packet will be delivered to Shirou directly, so that he can see exactly what sort of scarlet woman she is.

Shuddering as a feeling of helplessness washes over her, Saber slowly unbuttons her white blouse and pulls it apart. Then, when Shinji just raises an eyebrow at her with a questioning smile, she curses under her breath and reaches up to undo the front-clasp of her bra as well. The bra comes apart easily, her breasts, perky and capped with little pink nipples, while small, still yearning to be free.

They bounce once, twice, and then come to a stop as Saber closes her eyes and averts her gaze, hating that she's exposing herself to him. Only the telltale click of his phone gets her eyes open again as her gaze snaps back to him. Shinji just grins at her, holding his phone in front of her, having obviously taken another photo of her… indecency.

That was the worst part. He'd made her do things for him, when he'd first shown her the video. But they hadn't been anything too bad, just little bits of exposure like this, letting him touch her. It was only after the fact that he'd revealed he'd been recording THAT whole experience too, heaping more humiliation and shame onto her.

These days, he didn't even bother to hide it, he just used his phone to capture her in all her weakness whenever he liked. And there was nothing she could do to stop him. Not if she didn't want all of the sordid things he had on her to stay hidden from the light of day.

"Saber? Who was at the door?"

Hearing Shirou's voice from the kitchen causes her to immediately flinch and try to cover herself up though, out of fear that he's about to step out and see them together. Shinji just gives her a shit-eating grin and turns away, having already got what he wanted from her. As she's fixing up her bra and blouse, he's the one who calls out to Shirou, striding down the hallway with the confidence of a man who knows he holds all the cards.

"Yo, Shirou, it's me!"

"Wha-! Shinji? You should have called ahead; I would have made more food!"

"Haha, don't worry about it, we'll just split it three ways. I'm sure Saber won't mind!"

Her spine goes so straight it feels like it might snap, and even as Shirou answers with a less than sure response to Shinji's confident tone, Saber isn't really even hearing it. T-The bastard. First her body… and then her food?! Did his duplicity and despicable nature know no depths?!


He catches her again on her way back from the bathroom. The bathroom she'd gone to in the first place in order to escape his… attentions. As he crowds her up against the wall in the hall just outside of the dining room, Saber grits her teeth, scowling at him and wishing she could just break him in half over her knees, consequences be damned.

But no… no, she had to play ball. Or he would destroy her… Shirou would never see her the same way, ever again.

"You were gone in the bathroom an awfully long time, Saber… were you horny? Did you touch yourself in there? You're such a wanton woman."

Not trusting herself to speak, Saber just scowls all the more. She hadn't been touching herself in the bathroom… she hadn't! It was the opposite; she'd been cooling herself down. Ever since he'd invited himself to dinner, Shinji had been all over her. Not where Shirou could see, of course, but he hadn't let the man of the house's presence stop him from having his wicked way with her.

After the encounter at the door, they'd both hung out in the kitchen with Shirou. Saber had done so in part because of the delicious smells wafting from Shirou's glorious cooking, and in part to try and dissuade Shinji from doing anything else. That hadn't worked out. While Shirou had still been cooking, Shinji had snuck up behind her and pulled her pants down, playing with her panty clad behind to his heart's content.

Then, during the meal itself, he'd sat down right beside her with Shirou sitting across from them, and Saber hadn't… she knew she couldn't speak up, the look in Shinji's eyes said that he was going to get what he wanted from her, or else. So, she'd tried to endure, tried to focus on the meal at hand. Shirou's cooking was as delicious as ever, even if there wasn't as much of it as she was used to, with it split between three people instead of two.

Unfortunately, Shinji had been dead set on ruining it by touching her throughout. His hand started out on her thigh, but eventually moved down between her legs. Shirou… Shirou never noticed as she was fingered right there beneath the table, directly across from him. Ultimately, Saber had tried to excuse herself so that she could hide in the bathroom and calm down.

It'd worked, but now here she was, once more trapped with Shinji Matou while Shirou was just feet away in the other room, still at the table.

"Strip for me, bitch."

His voice is silken and soft in tone to avoid Shirou hearing him, but nevertheless commanding and confident as he grins at her.


"You heard me. Blouse and leggings. Off with them, now."

He couldn't be serious… but no, he was. Saber's eyes dart to the open doorway just next to them. All Shirou had to do was walk around the corner and he'd see them. Hell, if he even so much as had to go to the bathroom, he'd step out and catch them. The chances of being found out were too damn high… and yet, they were still lower then having all of her secrets revealed purposefully by the smarmy dick standing in front of her.

Scowling, one of the most powerful entities on the planet… does as she's told. Closing her eyes tight, the King of Knights takes off her blouse and then her leggings, and when Shinji holds out his hands for them, she hands them over, even as she reaches across her body to grab her arm in a defensive move. She can feel the heat on her face, as she stands there in front of Shinji in nothing but her bra, panties, and stockings.

Dropping the garments to the floor, Shinji grins as he looks her up and down, seemingly admiring her body. Saber… Saber hates how her body reacts to that hungry gaze. It's just biological reactions, of course. There's not an ounce of Saber that actually likes Shinji Matou or wants to be in his company. However, that doesn't change the fact that she's been conditioned by his touch, by his gaze. He's never hurt her… she's not even sure he could. The way he plays with her body… it invokes reluctant pleasure in her every single time.

She hates herself almost as much as she hates him, at this point.

"Turn around. Hands against the wall."

With no choice but to obey, Saber does as she's told, wondering what he's up to, what he's planning on doing to her this time. His hand on the back of her neck presses her further into the wall, while his other hand goes to her panties, his fingers tugging at the undergarment briefly, pulling her hips and ass outwards, causing her back to arch a little as she gasps.

"You like that, Saber? Yeah, I bet you do…"

It was becoming clear quite quickly that she hadn't spent enough time cooling off in the bathroom. Maybe… maybe she should have touched herself in there, maybe she should have brought herself to completion, because now all it felt like she'd done was calm down so that he could rile her up all over again. And this time it was all the easier, what with her desire simmering just beneath the surface.

Still, Saber shakes her head back and forth in silent disagreement, not wanting him to think she's giving in, that she's admitting to his words. Shinji just snorts in response, and then his hot breath leaves the nape of her neck. For a moment, she wonders what he's doing… and then his thumbs hook into the waistband of her panties and pull them down to her knees.

A moment later, his tongue is lapping at her cunt as his nose presses between her perky ass cheeks. Another gasp elicits from Saber's lips, and she quickly covers her mouth with her hand to muffle the moan threatening to spill forth as best as she can.

D-Damn him! Damn him to hell! Saber's eyes scrunch shut, but that doesn't help her ignore the sensations he's forcing upon her. In fact, it only really accentuates them, causing her to feel it all the more acutely. She opens her eyes again, staring at the wall in front of her and doing her level best to contain her voice, even as Shinji begins to eat her out.

How dare he… how dare he! This was b-beyond the pale! She was g-going to make him pay for taking such liberties with her! Oh god, was he recording this too, somehow? Saber didn't see any cameras, and it didn't look like he had his phone out, but she wouldn't put it past him all the same. In the end, it didn't matter did it? She was trapped, and there was nothing she could do but try and endure.

Shirou was still in the next room, too. She could hear him eating, but luckily he didn't seem to have noticed any of the muffled noises coming from the hallway as of yet. That was good, because Shinji wasn't letting up. In fact, he'd brought in his fingers to help out now. Even as his tongue writhes inside of her, his digits are stroking across her clit and along her folds, causing Saber to whimper and mewl.

C-Curse this feminine body. Curse the god who gave it to her as well. She was born to be King, was she not? She'd proven as much, not just in her original time with Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table, but in this time as well. She'd made herself a place on the Throne of Heroes as the King of Knights. And yet, here she was, weak in the knees because some mortal man was licking at her slit.

It angered and frustrated Saber more than she cared to admit. But at the end of the day, most of that anger and frustration was directed at herself at this point. She was so damn weak… she needed to be stronger, but the more Shinji played with her, the more… the more, oooooh fuuuck~

Green eyes nearly rolling back in her head, Saber lets out an entirely undignified, loud, wanton moan that's ultimately only partially swallowed up by the hand covering her mouth. The sounds of Shirou eating in the other room immediately come to a stop, and she can hear him putting down his chopsticks and standing up.

"… Saber?"

Knowing she only has moments to act, Saber removes her hand and calls out.

"I-I'm fine! E-Everything is fine! I just… s-stubbed my toe!"

There's a pause, and then the sound of Shirou sitting back down hits her ears and fills her with relief.

"Heh, is there a hole in the wall this time?"

Saber blushes at the reminder of her occasional klutziness. Shinji, meanwhile, is the most confident, arrogant, reckless brat she's ever had the displeasure of knowing, because he's STILL eating her out. His tongue has no business feeling this good inside of her, honestly. And her treacherous body has no business reacting with more and more l-lubrication down there as she gets wetter and wetter from his ministra-


Realizing Shirou was expecting at least some sort of response and is getting up from the table AGAIN, his voice tinged in worry, Saber hurriedly formulates a response.

"N-No! No holes! E-Everything is FINE! J-Just stay there!"

There's another pause, and then this time a chuckle, Shirou's voice tinged with even more amusement as his tone becomes teasing in quality.

"Sure, Saber, sure. I'll let you take care of it."

If her cheeks weren't already aflame from Shinji's attentions, they'd be red from that. Shirou did think she'd busted a hole in the wall with her toe, and he thought she was covering up for it out of embarrassment. If only it were that, and not what was actually happening. D-Damn it all! Saber claps her hand over her mouth just in time to mostly contain the strangled moan that leaves her lips as she tips over the edge.

Shinji's tongue and fingers are just too much for her already primed body, the attention he'd been giving her since he'd arrived building up to this moment, where she simply couldn't hold it back any longer. As she cums across his tongue, Saber shudders and shivers, her legs trembling and threatening to fail on her as she presses herself against the wall, using it for support.

This, of course, gets Shirou's attention yet again, and this time there's no fixing it. His chair scoots back and he calls out to her much louder, but Shinji is already shoving her clothes into her hands and her towards the bathroom.


The bathroom door closes shut behind him, and all she can do is hope that Shirou didn't see anything. Pressing her ear against the door, she listens in on the ensuing conversation between Shinji and Shirou, trying desperately to ignore just how wet the insides of her thighs are, her honeyed fluids slowly dripping down her legs.

"Oh-! Shinji? I uh, thought I heard Saber?"

"Hm? Oh, no, she had to go back into the bathroom. I don't know, maybe she's coming down with something? Heh, we both know it couldn't be YOUR food that messed her up."

Shirou giving her food poisoning?! Outrageous! And yet, now that Shinji has planted the idea in his head…

"Oh no, what if it did though? I hope she's okay…"

Shirou's words are followed by a loud yawn, and a moment later she hears Shinji's voice, tinged with what has to be feigned concern.

"Whoa, you okay there buddy? You been overworking yourself again? We talked about this, Shirou…"

"N-No, no, I'm fine. I appreciate the concern, Shinji, I really do, but I'm… I'm just a little tired. I'm fine."

"If you say so…"

There's another pause, and then an even bigger yawn.

"… You know, you might be right. Shit, I hate to do this, but I think I'm gonna turn in early tonight… sorry we couldn't hang out more."

"Don't worry about it Shirou. In fact, go get some rest now. I'll clean up the table, and Saber can see me out when she's done in the bathroom. Sound good?"

"… Yeah, sure. That sounds… that sounds great."

Their voices trail off as the two leave the hallway, going their separate ways. Shirou had sounded really tired, strangely enough. He hadn't been sleepy earlier, before Shinji had gotten there. Or… had he been exhausted, and she'd been ignoring it in favor of making him cook for her? A slight pang of guilt hits her even as she begins to get dressed again, fixing her clothes up.

Luckily, this nightmare of a night was very nearly overly. All she had to do was go out there and escort Shinji off the premises, just as he'd said. Once he was gone, she could… she could finally unwind herself and relax before bed. Feeling somewhat good about herself, Saber finally opens the bathroom door and steps out into the hallway, only to nearly run right into Shinji, who's standing there waiting for her. He lifts an eyebrow at her.

"Why are you dressed, bitch? You didn't think we were done, did you? After all, it's time for you to return the favor…"

Saber's heart plummets along with her hopes as she pales, realizing the nightmare has only just begun.


"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff, Saber."

Squeezing her eyes shut, she tries to ignore his words, tries to ignore the way his cock is forcing itself down her throat. Kneeling in front of Shinji with her shirt and leggings as well as her panties gone, left in nothing but her unclasped bra, her hands palm down on the top of her legs, Saber sucks Shinji's cock, slurping and bobbing up and down on his length as he uses a hand atop her blonde hair to push her further then she's ready for, to force her deeper.

This was downright humiliating, there was no doubt about it. But what choice did she really have? He'd shown it to her… the video of what they'd done in the hallway. It was a clear escalation of things for the two of them, but by going down on her first and recording it, by showing her cumming all over her face as he ate her out… he had the leverage to make her go this extra step.

She should have known better, but then, she had, hadn't she? She'd even worried about a hidden camera somewhere while he was doing it. She'd known it was a possibility, but what else could she do? Now here she was, on her knees, 'returning the favor', as he'd called it. Which meant giving head for the first time in her entire existence. That it was Shinji Matou she was being forced to suck off was just the icing on the shit-cake.

"You're a good cocksucker, Saber. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you had prior experience doing this sort of thing."

Saber's green eyes flicker up to the wicked grin on Shinji's face, and she glares as best she can. But even she's aware of how little 'oomph' her glare has in it at this point, with how red her face is, with how his cock is pushing down the back of her throat, and her drool and saliva is dribbling down onto her small chest.

"Heh, yeah I know. This is your first time, isn't it? For a prude, you sure are a natural at being lewd, Saber. I couldn't have asked for a better slut if I tried."

D-Damn him. Damn his words and the effect they were having on her body. It was all… it was all simple biology, right? He'd touched her in a nice, pleasant way while saying hurtful, demeaning things like that too many times to count at this point. She'd come to associate pleasure with degrading comments, so even though there was no pleasure in this for her, even though she was sucking his cock and getting nothing out of it on her end… his words were still managing to turn her on.

Her glistening wetness has created a puddle between her knees, she's well aware. She's doing her best to ignore the dripping sensation of her sex, as well as the mess she's making down between her legs. If she just focuses on the task at hand, surely it'll come to an end eventually, right?

"I'm getting close, Saber. Fuck am I getting close. You Champion Cocksucker you… I want you to take it all, slut. I want you to swallow every last drop of my load!"

He lets go of her hair at that, a clear opportunity for her to fuck up. But she doesn't want to give him an excuse to stick around, she doesn't intend to let him come up with a reason to 'punish' her for 'disobeying'. So, even as humiliating and demeaning as it is, Saber forces herself forward down the length of Shinji's cock as he begins to cum, groaning all the while.

His seed hits the back of her throat and Saber immediately gags on his cum, even as she does her level best to swallow as much as she can. Unfortunately, her level best isn't enough. Gurgling and choking here and there, the blonde nevertheless closes her eyes and drinks as much as she can, even as some of his seed escapes out of the sides of her mouth and drips down onto her chin and then off of it entirely.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff. That's a good girl…"

A burst of unwanted pleasure hits her at the demeaning designation, and Saber shudders as she tries to ignore how his words make her feel. It's… it's over, right? She's done. Shinji will leave her alone now, surely he will after this…

Rocking back on her heels, Saber pants heavily as she looks from Shinji's softening cock to his grinning expression. Her green eyes slightly glazed over, she just… kneels there, hoping that it's done, trying to push down on the part of her that wants there to be more. That second bit becomes infinitely harder when Shinji's grin widens and becomes very wicked again.

"Hope you didn't think we were done, slut. I'm just getting started. Tonight's the night you and I go all the way."

The sinking feeling in her chest is back. She knows exactly what he means… but at this point, how can she say no? He's got all of the power, and she… she's just a weak, defenseless woman in the face of his might.


"N-No… p-please not here…"

If Saber needed any further reminder that she was helpless before Shinji Matou, it was the fact that he'd reduced her to a mewling, begging mess. And yet, he just laughs in her ear, chuckling darkly as he bends her over and fingers her from behind with one hand while reaching up to grope a breast with the other. Gasping, mewling, moaning, Saber tries to keep her voice down… because right below her, mere inches away, is Shirou's sleeping form.

Shinji had dragged her into the sleeping young man's bedroom and told her in no uncertain terms that he was going to fuck her here, with Shirou right there. Saber had tried to protest… and yet, as he'd manhandled her into position, she hadn't exactly put up much of a fight, now had she? And now here she was, on her hands and knees over Shirou, completely naked, her pussy gushing wet for Shinji, honest about what it desired even if she herself could not be.

All Saber could think about was what would happen if Shirou woke up. Of course, what the blonde had no way of knowing was Shirou's sudden bout of exhaustion was in no way natural. She'd been in the bathroom when Shinji had manufactured an excuse to draw Shirou's attention away from his food long enough to dose it with the drugs that had knocked the young man right the fuck out.

Not even a marching band in full fucking form coming right through the bedroom would wake Shirou up right now. He was out and he wasn't getting up for a while, not until those drugs were out of his system at least. Which meant Shinji Matou could do whatever the fuck he wanted with his blonde pet and not have to worry about losing his hold on her for even one second.

Meanwhile, Saber just had to endure and try to be as quiet as possible. Which was hard, because after everything that had happened so far, Shinji's promise to fuck her had gotten her subconscious and her body conspiring together against her. Gasping, mewling, moaning like a bitch in heat, Saber's green eyes are fully glazed over at this point as Shinji's expert hands move over her body and betwixt her thighs.

He has no right being this good with those fingers of his. He has n-no right being able to play her body like a fiddle. Saber just wishes it was Shirou instead. That he was the one her body had been conditioned to love the touch of, that he was more forceful so that his hands would overwhelm any touch Shinji laid upon her. Instead, it was the other way around, and the aggressive Matou boy was rocking her world, despite all of her efforts to fortify herself against him.

Pulling his fingers away from her dripping wet cunt quite suddenly, Shinji grunts and then moves into position behind her.

"You're ready, Saber. Here it comes."

His cockhead is suddenly against Saber's slit, causing the blonde to yelp and jolt in place. She makes an aborted attempt to pull away, only for Shinji's hands to fall on her hips, causing her to still in place.

"Be a good girl for me, slut. Shirou never has to find out what sort of woman you are, so long as you do what you're told."

Closing her eyes yet again, Saber makes one more attempt to appeal to Shinji's nonexistent better nature.

"P-Please, j-just not here… h-he'll wake up, he'll k-know!"

She even concedes to the fact that she's going to get fucked one way or the other, in the hopes that it'll change Shinji's mind on the location. But the blue-haired young man just laughs… and thrusts forward. A cry splits Saber's lips as her back arches and her head tilts up. Her green eyes go wide as her body, anticipating the thrust, reacts to what it's been waiting for over weeks now… and immediately cums.

Shinji has trained her body well, and Saber can do nothing but squeal like a wanton woman as he fills her with his meat, as he spreads her inner walls wide around his cock and thrusts every last inch of his dick into her at the same time. In turn, Shinji groans happily, his hands gripping hard at her hips, his cock throbbing and pulsating inside of her.

"Oh, fuck yesss… this was well worth the fucking wait, you bitch. Playing so hard to get… but now you're all mine."

Saber squeezes her eyes shut as tears fall from them, landing on Shirou's hair down below. Because Shinji is right. Shinji is right, and there's no escaping it. She's his, she's his bitch, his slut, his… his whore…

"Yeah! Take it, Saber! Let me hear that voice of yours! Come on, cunt, I know you love it!"

She tries to hold it in, shaking her head in the negative, attempting to contain herself. But in the end, her body is too damn primed. One orgasm, two orgasms… it just wasn't enough, apparently. Her body had been looking forward to this just as much as Shinji had, it seemed, because Saber found herself cumming around his thrusting cock again and again, until finally, she couldn't hold her voice back anymore.

Her gasps, moans, and cries fill the air as her lips open wide. Panting heavily, Saber shrieks in ecstasy, her eyes focused on Shirou's sleeping face down below her. Surely he'll wake up to this, surely he'll see what's happening to her. But… it never happens. And as Shinji fucks her from behind and Saber… and Saber takes his cock, her body welcoming his conquest of it, something snaps in the blonde's mind.

W-Why won't Shirou wake up? While she'd never wanted to be the damsel, while she'd endeavored to solve her problems on her own and never involve him… some small part of him had hoped that he would realize what was going on in spite of her efforts to conceal it. That he would find out on his own what Shinji was doing to her, that he would put a stop to it, and even forgive Saber for her scarlet ways.

Some part of her… wanted Shirou to wake up and save her. When he doesn't, Saber stops fighting it. The pleasure, the sensations. She gives in to the feel of Shinji's cock carving her cunt into a perfect sleeve for him. She gives in to the orgasms he's forcing out of her, one after the other. Eyes half-rolled back in her head, tears streaking down her face, tongue sticking out of her mouth… Saber gives in.

Shinji notices, of course. Unlike Shirou, Shinji notices it all, can see it all… he knows her better than she's ever known herself, Saber finally realizes.

"That's right, bitch! Finally getting with the fucking program!"


His hand comes down on her pale ass cheek, and Saber squeals like a stuck pig. He's right though, she is indeed getting with the 'fucking program'. Giving in to the pleasure, allowing the ocean of ecstasy to wash over her and begin pulling her under… nothing else had ever felt so good. She was Shinji's bitch… and maybe, if it meant she got to feel pleasure like this, that was okay.

Lost in her own thoughts, drowning in pleasure, Saber barely even notices at first when Shinji finally cums inside of her. When she does notice, however, the orgasm hits in response and she cums her brains out at the feeling of him spilling his seed deep in her womb. Once he's done, he pulls out and lets go of her, allowing her to almost collapse on top of Shirou's sleeping form.

"Good times, slut. We'll have to do this again, and soon."

He's already getting dressed when she's finally able to turn to look at him. Getting dressed, and not even looking her way. He doesn't care. But she… she needs more. So, she crawls to him, and licks his cock clean before he can tuck it back into his boxers. Stopping, Shinji lets her, a wicked grin on her face that no longer disgusts Saber in the same way it did before, as he runs a hand through her hair, patting her head.

"Good girl."


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