Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Alexis Castle, Instagram Model (Castle)

Alexis Castle, Instagram Model (Castle)

A/N: Alexis Castle, Instagram Model was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: After Alexis' kidnapping at the end of 5x15, someone else who has an interest in her seeks to buy her from her kidnappers. From there, Alexis finds herself waging a war on multiple fronts. Protecting her family, and fending off her own desires and those of her kidnapper.

Themes: Mind Break, Master/Slave, Breeding


Even before she opens her eyes, Alexis Castle knows she's in serious trouble. The red head is far too quick on her feet to have to spend too long figuring out what happened. Unlike how they portrayed it in all of the shows, Alexis remembered everything that had happened to her before she'd been rendered unconscious. She'd been kidnapped, that much was obvious. When she'd initially woken up, she'd immediately tried to make her escape.

That hadn't gone very well… actually, no. It'd gone better then Alexis expected it to. She'd managed to get outside, at least. That was as far as she'd gotten before they'd grabbed her and there'd been a pinch in her neck followed by darkness, though. However, what had stopped her in her tracks before their hands had fallen upon her and held her in place… was the sight of the Eiffel Tower. The actual Eiffel Tower.

The realization that she had somehow been transported from New York to Paris in the time she'd initially been kept unconscious had short-circuited even Alexis Castle's impressive intellect and given her captors the chance to recapture her. Now she was waking up again, and who knew where the hell she might be. Was she still in Paris? Or had she been transported halfway across the world again without her knowledge?

Finally opening her eyes, Alexis blinks a little as she stares up at the ceiling and takes stock for just a moment. She's not bound or gagged, weirdly enough. Nor is she in a chair or on the floor of some cage or cell. No, rather… she's lying atop a bed? That gets the red head's attention, and she hurriedly sits up and looks around.

It's not home… but it's also far closer to home then she's expecting. It's an upscale apartment, albeit made with a distinctly foreign architecture in Alexis' humble opinion. Still, wealth and opulence are fairly familiar in a lot of ways, and while Alexis had tried her whole life not to let it get to her head too much, there was no denying that her dad was richer than most people, and their quality of life showed.

This apartment was about the same level as the one back in New York City, if Alexis had to make a guess. Which was… weird. But also, not her problem. Right now, there was only one thing she had to do, and that was escape. Unfortunately, checking the windows showed that was NOT a safe way out. It did confirm she was still in Paris though… the Eiffel Tower was sat there, far off in the distance still.

After the windows, Alexis tries the doors. Ever single one of them is locked, however. It's quickly becoming apparent that this is to be a gilded cage. Well, whoever it is who's locked her away in here has another thing coming! Alexis knows how to fight; she knows how to defend herse-

One of the doors is suddenly unlocking and the door handle is beginning to turn. Thinking fast, Alexis grabs the closest thing she can find, a lamp, and takes up position behind the door. As it opens fully, Alexis goes to swing… only for a pair of surprisingly strong, masculine hands to grab her by her wrists and turn her clumsy attack aside.

In short order, Alexis is disarmed. And not just of her lamp too, because as smart as she is, she's still a young woman… and the handsome man that's just stepped into the apartment and so easily neutralized her is really, really good-looking. This only distracts her for a moment, really, but by that time he's already tossed her onto the bed and is busy setting the lamp back on the table where she grabbed it.

Recovering, Alexis quickly stands up, eyes already flicking towards the open door, only for him to hold up a finger to her.

"I wouldn't do that, Ms. Castle. You wouldn't like the consequences of trying to run a second time."

Alexis flinches at that, and her moment of indecision is all it takes for him to step back over to the door and close it behind him before turning to her with a smile.

"Here's how this is going to go, Alexis. You're going to do what I say, when I say it. I demand absolute obedience. If you do not, there will be consequences. Demonstrations of my power and reach."

It didn't matter how handsome he was. Or at least, that's what Alexis is telling herself, as she juts out her chin, refusing to back down, refusing to submit.

"You should really let me go. You can't possibly think that no one will come for me. And when they do, you'll be s-sorry."

As she's inwardly cursing herself for the slight crack in her voice at the end there, her captor is just chuckling.

"Oh, I have no doubt that your father will make the attempt. It will make it all the easier to kill him, if I choose to."

Alexis' eyes widen at that, and she makes an aborted lunge forward, her hands curling into fists.

"D-Don't you dare! You… you're lying! The NYPD will protect him! And they'll find me too! Detective Beckett-!"

"Detective Kate Beckett is also on the list. Though, why you think they'll lift a hand to come for you is beyond me. We're halfway across the world, darling."

And then he snaps his fingers, and Alexis' eyes are drawn over to the wall, where a number of monitors have been unveiled. One by one, they turn on. The things they reveal… chill her to her core. In one screen is her father, looking harried as he walks somewhere, talking on the phone. Alexis isn't much of a mouth reader, but she thinks she picks up her own name on his lips, once or twice.

Another monitor has her grandmother on it, the woman back at home, head in one hand and wine cup in another as she stares out into nothing, looking deeply distressed. A third monitor shows Kate Beckett at her desk in the NYPD of all places, looking terribly frustrated and angry. And the fourth and final shows Paige, Alexis' best friend. They'd reconciled a few months back as a matter of fact and were as close as could be.

"I think, if you're very naughty, I'll start with Paige. She's the one you care about the least, right?"

Alexis is a smart girl. She's always been proud of that fact. Now though, it kind of sucks, because she's able to immediately read between the lines.

"D-Don't… please."

Her roguish captor grins at her as he snaps his fingers and the monitors all flicker off. The demonstration of power is complete.

"I won't have to, if you're a good girl. I think you will be though. Oh, and in case it wasn't abundantly obvious, the NYPD has already handed off your case to the FBI. Unfortunately, the FBI isn't going to be able to find you. Neither is your father, even with the favors he's starting to call upon. Like I said before, your father is putting himself in harm's way… but so long as you do as I say, he'll continue to run around in circles, rather than getting a bullet between the eyes."

It was a crime, the way his sinister, vile words didn't at all detract from his good looks. Still, Alexis was appropriately terrified, not just for herself, but her loved ones. Trembling in place, the red head presses her lips together.

"W-What do you want from me?"

Smirking, her kidnapper flops down in a nearby chair and spreads his legs nice and wide as he lounges back.

"I want you to strip naked, and then come here and suck my cock. And make it look good, pet."

Of course. Of course, that's what he wants. But… what other choice does Alexis really have? She shivers, even as her eyes dart over to the wall of currently blank monitors. It doesn't matter if those were live feeds or not. They gave an appropriate show of his reach. If he could get cameras into the NYPD itself, he could easily kill an NYPD Detective. Likewise, with her grandmother and their home.

Letting out an explosive breath, Alexis ducks her head and begins doing as she's told. It doesn't come naturally, stripping seductively. But she does her best all the same, swaying her hips as she pulls her shirt over her head, doing a little dance to music only she can hear in her head while turning around for a moment to reach behind and unclasp her bra.

She tries to cover her breasts and take off her skirt at the same time, but that's an exercise in futility, and eventually her devilishly handsome kidnapper gets a good look at her ta-tas as she pulls her skirt off and then has to hook her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and bend down to slide them down off of her legs.

As she steps out of that final garment, Alexis feels more exposed then she ever has before in her entire life. Her kidnapper, meanwhile, is still sitting where he was before, smirking rather smugly at her as he waits patiently. How long that patience will last, Alexis doesn't know. Feigning sultriness and trying to be as seductive as she can be, Alexis walks over and… kneels down.

She doesn't know what else to do. She doesn't know another way out of this. Even if she can somehow disable this guy and escape… he's probably got guys in place already to… to hurt the ones she cares about. Grimacing, Alexis moves in and begins to unbuckle her captor's belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, which at a glance are very high quality.

Slipping a hand into his boxers, also high quality, Alexis wraps her hand around his cock and pulls it out. Her breath hitches a little bit at the size. He's not huge or anything… but he might as well be, compared to the scant number of cocks the young red head had seen so far in her short life. Blushing a little, Alexis stares at it for a moment, slowly stroking it up and down… until one of his hands lands atop her head somewhat forcefully.

"I did give you an order, sweetheart. I expect it to be followed."

His voice is silken and soft but coated in menace. Flinching, Alexis immediately leans forward and plants her lips on the tip of his cock. The hand atop her head shifts to the back, and he slowly pushes her down, forcing her lips to spread nice and wide, her jaw stretching as she takes his dick into her mouth, much to his vocal hissed pleasure.

"Good girl. That's it…"

Nothing about this should be enjoyable or fun. Nothing about this should be pleasurable. So why the fuck is she already reacting to his use of 'Good girl' by getting a little wet d-down there? Alexis scowls inwardly, even as she begins to bob up and down his cock. There's nothing she can do but what he wants… and that SHOULDN'T be a good thing. And yet, her body is already tingling a little. Sucking his dick… it's not as bad as she thought it would be.

He never forces her too far down, letting her go at her own pace. In fact, after a little while, he takes his hand off of the back of her head and lets her do all the work. Alexis doesn't stop of course… she can't afford to stop. She can't afford to be disobedient. Not with everyone's lives on the line. And so, she sucks his cock. She doesn't do it particularly well, in her estimation, but she does it to the best of her ability.

Her jaw starts to strain a little, but she manages to slobber all over his throbbing member all the same, breathing in his musk and not quite enjoying, but also not actively hating the taste of his dick.

"Play with your tits for me, pet."

His words, as soft and silken as before, don't register at first. But when they do, Alexis jolts and immediately moves her hands to her breasts. She grabs and squeezes them as she continues to bob up and down on his cock… but it's harder, much harder to concentrate and focus on the task at hand with her fingers digging into her soft tits, her palms rubbing against her rapidly hardening nipples. It was like trying to pat one's head and rub one's belly at the same time. Not impossible, but very, very difficult.

If her captor notices the loss of any amount of skill she had when it came to sucking his cock, he doesn't say anything. All she gets is another quiet 'Good girl' for following his instructions, and then he just watches her. The room is filled with sounds of her gulping and slurping and sucking at this roguishly handsome man's cock, and the more she does so, the more she plays with her chest… the harder it is to focus on anything else.


Suddenly though, it's done. He pulls her off of his member and drags her gently but firmly to her feet as he stands up as well. His cock is still rock hard, and now glistens from her spit polishing of it, bobbing side to side and glinting in the room's light as he guides her to the bed. Alexis is shaking, trembling, and shivering… but in trepidation or anticipation, she cannot say.

She tries to cover herself up belatedly, but he just takes her by her arms and pulls her hands away. Then, she's on the bed again, on her back, and this time he's on top of her, holding her down. His cock teases her folds as he spreads her legs wide and then pushes them up a little, pressing them back along her body. He looks down at her, and she in turn looks up at him. Was this really about to happen? Was he really-?

He's inside of her a moment later, mounting her in a mating press, and Alexis finds herself crying out as he slips into her cunt. She's no virgin, and in this day and age, Alexis doesn't consider that to be a mark of shame. If her kidnapper was expecting it, he doesn't bring it up. Instead, he's fucking her hard and fast from the beginning, and Alexis is grunting and groaning, squealing and mewling in short order.

It's certainly the roughest fuck she's ever had. But then… it's rape, isn't it? Alexis blinks, even as her face contorts in pleasure and another moan escapes her parted lips. The fact that she even has to question it… d-damn him for being so fucking gorgeous. Damn him for being so devilishly handsome. If he was some ugly, smelly piece of shit, she'd be hating every last second of this, like she should.

Instead, Alexis is feeling conflicted. And much to her embarrassment, his cock is much larger now that it's inside of her then she'd really given it credit for. He's stretching her out and reaching into her depths in a way no other man she's ever been with has managed. But then to be fair, those scant few guys she'd been with before… they weren't men, they were boys. Not like her captor. He… he was ALL man.

It's incredibly embarrassing, but she can't help orgasming upon his cock. The first time it happens, she cries out, unable to contain her voice. She tries to hold it back the second time, but it just comes out of her like the shrill release of hot air from a teapot. That's when the man notices, and his rugged good looks curl into a wicked grin.

"That's right, babe. You love my cock, don't you? You love it, pet. It's okay. Just admit it."

With him goading her on, Alexis is lost. She just can't seem to stop cumming on his dick, and he keeps on fucking her and talking down to her. She'd never… it wasn't even on her radar, the fact that she might have a fetish for being demeaned and dominated at the same time. And yet, here she is, cumming her brains out for a guy who's kidnapped her, who's raping her.

She feels it too late, when he starts to cum. His breathing becomes ragged, his thrusts become sporadic and irregular. But she's too busy rolling her eyes back in her head and squealing to recognize what's happening. But then she feels it, the first spurt of his seed inside of her, and she knows he's cumming, she knows he's filling her with his essence and that her womb is wholly unprotected.


He cuts her off before she can even try to get him to stop, before she can even begin to beg him not to cum inside. He lowers his mouth and covers hers with his own, kissing her deeply, his tongue pushing past her lips and wrestling her tongue into submission. And as he cums inside of her in that mating press while kissing her… Alexis shamefully climaxes one final time as well, eyes fully rolled back in her head, tongue submissive to her captor's as he dominates her in every way possible.

Their bodies are locked up for a moment after that, and then it's over. Alexis lays on the bed as he leaves her, panting heavily, eyes glazed over. She's exhausted, but not quite down for the count. And yet, it seems that Mr. Handsome is done for her, for the time being.

"Good girl. Very good girl. Now, you rest alright? We'll be having fun again soon enough. And remember, the lives of those you love are in your hands."

Alexis' eyes flutter as he exits through another door. She could… she could try to escape, but he's right, isn't he? Even if she gets away, she's in Paris. She'd never be able to warn anyone in time. Not to mention it sounds like her dad already made himself an unwitting hostage to this guy. There's nothing she can do but lay here and rest while she has the chance. Especially if they were going to be having more 'fun' soon enough like he'd said.

As Alexis stays right where she is, physically unbound but mentally shackled in place, her captor slips into the other room, one filled with computers and the like. Sitting down, he grins at sight of a specific video already waiting for him in his inbox. His editor had been editing in real time throughout that… exchange, and a cursory glance over the contents of the video sped up shows nothing out of place that he doesn't want.

Which means it's time to release "Making Babies with Alexis Castle" to a porn site. A few button clicks later and he's done precisely that. This first video would be just a taste, of course. Soon enough, there'd be a lot more. A lot, LOT more. And soon, they'd be going mainstream too. He could already tell; Alexis Castle wouldn't take long to break and rebuild. This first video had been edited to make her look nice and willing as he bred her silly. Soon enough, even that much editing wouldn't be necessary…

Meanwhile, the only one truly looking for her still at this point was that father of hers. The father who'd just been foolish enough to put himself in the hands of some very dangerous people. They wouldn't do anything to Richard Castle so long as Alexis behaved, but they would keep him out of touch with the rest of the world, and away from any… news of his daughter's online activities.

All according to plan.


Several days later, Alexis is beginning to lose her grasp on reality. After that first time that he'd made an utter fool of her and rocked her world all at the same time, Alexis had gone into the next bout of sex far warier. On the one hand, she knew she had to do what he said if she wanted to keep her loved ones safe. But that didn't mean she had to like it, and no matter how hopeless he tried to make it seem… Alexis had to have faith in her father. She had to believe that her dad was coming for her, even if no one else was.

That conviction and determination to just hang on had lasted about halfway through their second time together, before he'd started to goad her again, and Alexis had cum within moments of the first words beginning to leave his mouth. It was like he knew her better than she knew herself. It was like he had a read on the depths of her very soul and was able to see exactly what made her tick. He was wearing her down, and no matter what Alexis tried, it felt like he was winning.

In the week since their first time together, they'd constantly had unprotected sex. He's fucked her in every position she can think of, and some she never would have thought possible. And he makes it look so easy too, with his stupid, handsome, smug face as he fucks her into orgasmic, euphoric bliss, over and over again.

She can't even begin to guess at whether or not he's already impregnated her, and that thought alone fills her with both horror and arousal, which in turn prompts self-loathing. The not knowing is what's getting to her. The unprotected sex… they've done it at least a dozen times by this point, probably more, and all Alexis can think about is how good his cock feels bareback inside of her.

If he even offered her a condom at this point, she's not really sure she'd take him up on it. It's not use anyways by now, right? It has to be too late by this point…

Kneeling there, Alexis sucks at her captor's cock as he smiles down at her, his roguish grin doing funny things to her core. Or maybe all that tingling down below is from her well-fucked, creampied pussy slowly dripping out cum onto the floor between her legs. After all, he's already fucked two loads into her. And now she's sucking him off, cleaning him up, and getting him ready to go all over again. What is she even doing? The red head has never felt more lost in her life.

"That's a Good girl. That's a very Good girl."

Alexis shudders, eyes fluttering for a moment as she very pointedly does NOT look up at him, instead going nearly cross-eyed in order to focus on the task at hand. Damn him. Damn him and his conditioning. See, she can tell what he's doing. She really isn't stupid. She's pretty sure he's wearing her down and slowly turning her into whatever it is he wants her to be.

The problem is, knowing is only half the battle. She's not sure what to do to stop it, because so far, not only does Alexis know what he's up to… she knows it's working too. He has her dead to rights, and she's helpless in the face of his machinations.

"Alright, that's good enough. Let's move over to the bed, babe. I wanna see you riding me asap."

Blushing until her face is nearly the same red as her hair, Alexis pulls back, letting his cock pop out of her mouth somewhat reluctantly. As he moves over to the bed, she stands and follows him, not even really noticing that she's swaying her hips a bit more and unconsciously putting on a show, even though he's not even looking at her.

Of course, he's looking at her soon enough, laid out on the bed on his back and holding his cock in hand like an altar for her to impale herself upon and sacrifice herself at. As his smoky eyes fall upon her, Alexis finds herself biting her lip and crawling onto the bed and up to his crotch even more seductively. Despite her efforts, some part of her wants to impress him. Some part of her wants to please him.

Positioning herself above his sizable dick, Alexis slowly descends upon his cock, gasping and groaning as he once again spreads her pussy lips open nice and wide in order to accommodate his girth. Of course, the first two loads make it all the easier for him to slip down his meat pole, causing a mewling moan to escape the young red head's lips as she tosses her head back, thrusting her tits out and bringing her arms together in a way that smooshes them most delightfully. It's a move that he's trained into her, and she doesn't even realize it.

Chuckling, her captor (her Master) reaches up and squeezes one of her offered tits, groping and kneading her breasts, first one and then the other, even as she begins to bounce up and down on his cock. His other hand is resting on her hip, but he's leaving her in control… and despite her best intentions, she's giving him quite the show, moaning and mewling as she rides him to kingdom cum.

In no time at all, Alexis is orgasming explosively on his dick. Even with her picking the pace, she's unable to help cumming around his big fat cock. Of course, part of that undoubtedly has to do with the fact that she's going way too fast and subconsciously enjoying this way too much. Regardless, she cums her little brains out, and then collapses forward onto his chest for a moment, panting and mewling needily as she just… rests briefly.

That's when he strikes. Running his hand through her hair, sliding it out of the way of her ear, he leans in and whispers to her.

"You know, Alexis… I've been recording us together. Every single time we've fucked, I've made it into the video and put it on the internet. I've got proof of just how much of a slut you are. Of how much you're MY little slut. Everyone's seen you by this point. They know how much you're enjoying this. Well, except for your dad, but I figured you wouldn't want him to witness such a thing."

Alexis has gone stock still as he murmurs into her ear. Still impaled on his cock, laid out across his body, the young red head stares at her captor with wide eyes as she processes his words. Grinning wickedly, he brushes some more hair out of her face and continues speaking, this time in a louder voice.

"I'm going to knock you the fuck up, babe. Going to breed you in front of all of these people watching. All of these guys who wish they were me, all of these girls who wish they were you. And you're going to be my slutty little pornstar for the rest of your life, aren't you, pet?"

It's in that moment that Alexis realizes something very important. Her father isn't ever coming for her. Oh, he might very well try for the rest of his life, and that pains her to even think about, her daddy hunting for her fruitlessly for all time… but no matter how hard he tries, her dad isn't going to get her back. If they haven't found her by this point… they never will."

The revelation breaks the last parts of Alexis that still remain from before this paradigm shift in her life. A shudder runs down her spine, one that she can't help but think probably looks like pleasure to all the cameras watching them. And the sad thing is, part of it is pleasure. Leaning forward, Alexis disguises her own murmur as a kiss on her captor's lips.

As they smack lips together, she's speaking, low and quiet.

"I-I'll be your slut… I'll be your Good girl… j-just promise me you'll leave my family a-alone. Promise me you w-won't hurt my dad or grandma…"

When they pull back, his grin makes her blush in a way it really shouldn't. Damn him once more for being so damn handsome.

"You got it, babe."

And then they're kissing again, this time with him initiating it, and Alexis whimpers and mewls into his mouth as the kissing gets sloppier and sloppier, the two of them sealing her vow with that makeout session as he comes up off the bed and wraps his arms around her waist. He thrusts up into her from below and bounces her on his dick all the way to another creampie, cumming inside of her yet again and quickly setting off another explosive climax for the beleaguered red head as she ultimately gives up.

As the two of them collapse back onto the bed together, her resting on his chest, no doubt looking to the cameras like she's happily cuddling with him, Alexis decides then and there that she's going to try and forget about her past life. If she continues to fight, she'll just eat herself up from the inside, until there's nothing left at all.

Best to just give in and find some happiness in her new life as her captor's sex slave.


Several months later, Alexis Castle is unrecognizable, at least in her actions. Physically, not MUCH has changed (though there have been some changes) but mentally… she's had to change in order to survive. And in the process of doing so, she hasn't just survived, she's THRIVED. Having fully embraced her new lifestyle, Alexis has watched her popularity as a porn star skyrocket.

There's no doubt that the FBI know about her online activities now… in fact, her Master (who liked masquerading as her boyfriend whenever they went anywhere) had let her know that the FBI not only knew about her porn career, but had closed her kidnapping case given the dearth of evidence that she was happy and willing, wherever she was.

People knew her dad was still looking for her, but funnily enough, Rick Castle didn't know a thing about Alexis' new life as a pornstar. He was too busy being given the run around even now after all this time by her Master's friends. That tactic probably won't last forever, of course. Globalization meant that eventually, her dad would figure out he was being played, and might even discover her new lifestyle as well.

But by then it'd be far too late… and honestly, it was for the best that he eventually discover how much of a whore his baby girl had become. Maybe it would let him get back to living his own life. Maybe it would even give him inspiration for a new novel. Or… maybe it would break him. Honestly, at this point Alexis was both ashamed and thrilled to admit that she really didn't care, not anymore.

With her videos trending on nearly every porn site and everyone commenting on how hot she was, Alexis' Master had gone ahead and set up an Instagram for her, one where they posted incredibly racy picture of her in lingerie and other slutty outfits, with her happily professing her love for her 'boyfriend' in the captions. And it really was her… while her Master curated what went up on the Instagram account, he always let her actually type out the captions, something Alexis had come to really enjoy doing over the last few months.

Right now, it's just the two of them… and tens of thousands of Alexis' 'fans'. Currently, they're livestreaming for a very large audience, one of the biggest audiences Alexis has ever had. All of the cameras are situated in such a way that his face is out of the shot for privacy reasons… but of course, Alexis is fully in view, even as she makes out with her captor, smooching on him quite enthusiastically and moaning into his mouth.

The two of them are currently enjoying a relaxing bath in a large, opulent bathtub. No doubt there's a few naysayers in the chat bemoaning the fact that a skank like her has such an amazing lifestyle off of the money she's earned from them… little do they know; her Master was rich even before he'd decided to turn her into his own personal porn star breeder. Alexis lived on his dime, always had and always would.

Suddenly, her Master rises from the bath, taking her with him. Squealing in delight at his abrupt roughness, Alexis is all too happy to cling to him like a spider money, her wet body put fully on display alongside his muscular, toned bod as he carries her to the bed and deposits her on it. Once again, his face never shows up on screen… but as he flips her over onto her hands and knees for what will no doubt be another intense session of doggystyle, Alexis is brought face-to-camera with a high tech lens.

Grinning stupidly into it, Alexis reaches down under herself and gropes one of her tits, moaning into the cameras for all their viewers to see. Then, her face contorts in more honest pleasure as he thrusts inside of her, splitting her open on his cock. Licking the lips, Alexis stares into the camera, knowing full well her eyes are getting more and more glazed over by the second.

But before she loses herself completely to the feel of her Master's cock plowing her silly, she has something to say.

"Mm, h-hey everybody. I hope… a-ah, I hope you're all enjoying the show~"

Her Master's pace slows for a brief second at her sudden outburst, since they hadn't planned it beforehand. But he's nothing if not good at improv, and he's soon railing her just as hard and fast as before. Moaning throatily at this, Alexis' eyes sparkle as she winks at the camera before looking back over her shoulder at her Master.

"I've got some news for you, Daddy~"

'Daddy' was what Alexis called her Master when they were streaming together like this or recording a video. Outside of this apartment, they were boyfriend and girlfriend, technically. When it was just the two of them, he was her Master and she was his Sex Slave. But right now, he was 'Daddy', because that was the sort of relationship he and Alexis had cultivated in their online personas. After all, the very first video had been titled 'Making Babies with Alexis Castle' for a reason.

Grunting, he narrows his eyes at her, curious where she's going with this.

"And what… is that?"

Alexis moans as he thrusts into her all the deeper, her entire body shaking and trembling and quivering as she cums on his cock in front of tens of thousands of viewers. Once she's recovered, she doesn't answer with words. Instead, she reaches back and grabs at his hands. Luckily, he lets her do it, lets her pull them up from her wide hips. One hand goes to one of her breasts, showing him just how much fuller, it is then when they started all those months ago. The other, she slides across her belly… and the baby bump present there.

She feels him pause, and that's when Alexis beams and happily makes her declaration.

"Congratulations, Daddy! You've bred me well and good~"

The old Alexis Castle would have been appalled at her actions. Getting knocked up by her kidnapper was one thing… unavoidable really, something that couldn't be helped when he was raping her day by day with the express intent of doing so. Getting knocked up while loving every moment of it, and then announcing it to a ton of people on livestream while getting fucked by the very man who did it to her… that was certainly something else.

But the new Alexis didn't care about any of that. She'd had to give up on all of that in order to stay sane, in order to find happiness again. Rather than letting her all too intelligent mind drive her into despair and depression, Alexis Castle had adapted, she'd evolved. She'd been broken down and then rebuilt by her Master, and now she was going to be able to pay him back with the baby growing in her belly.

"Good girl. Such a good fucking girl."

As they go back to fucking, her Master speaks up again, his voice carrying for the benefit of the livestream.

"I'm going to enjoy breeding you again whenever you pop, you know. You and I will document that journey, just as we have this one, babe."

As they both cum at the thought, experiencing a mutual orgasm in front of an audience of tens of thousands, the man in question, Alexis' Master, can't help but silently praise himself, an internal pat on the back for a job well done.

He'd bought Alexis Castle from her original kidnappers after he'd found out they were selling her in retaliation for her super-spy grandfather dismantling their organization. Her attempted escape had lit a fire under their butts too, and he'd ended up getting a steal on the girl. Admittedly, he'd been obsessed with her for a while at that point, having stumbled across her on Instagram and seeing the sort of photos she liked to take of herself back then that SHE considered 'racy'. Needless to say, they'd been cute over sexy or seductive, but that had been enough to get his attention.

Seizing the opportunity to make her his baby mama, he'd snatched her right up and then used his wealth and sordid connections to send her father on a wild goose chase. Tons of girls went missing into the lurid underworld of International Sex Slave Trading every single year… in the end, Alexis Castle was just another statistic.

He'd even let Castle find the original kidnappers at this point, throwing the old man a bone in order to keep him from going off the rails and becoming anymore of a wild card then he already was. But of course, the original kidnappers didn't know anything true about him, not really. Everything was a front; everything was a lie. None of the information that they had would lead Richard Castle to his doorstep or to the man's daughter, held in his clutches.

Not to mention, he's pretty sure his pet doesn't even realize how much money she's making for him. The life of a porn star these days is actually pretty glamorous, even one that has a 'boyfriend'. Lots of the guys who happily pay subscription fees to Alexis' premium content every month don't even think that he's her real boyfriend, they fool themselves into believing he's some actor that she pays in order to make her videos.

Heh, if only they knew the truth. In the end, it matters little. He's got everything he could ever want, and as he begins to fuck Alexis again, she mewls and moans, thrusting her hips back into him even as she rests her face on the bed beneath her, her arms splayed out on either side.

Drilling into her cunt with reckless abandon, he grins viciously, his balls slapping against her clit audibly. He's won, and there's nothing anyone out there can do to change that. Alexis is his property now, and she's accepted that fact, completely and utterly. Stockholm Syndrome is a helluva thing, that's for sure.

Alexis, meanwhile, is just happy making her 'daddy' happy, moaning wantonly as he fucks her in front of all of her fans. This is where she belongs, at the end of the day. It was wrong of her to think she could have a life outside of this. Wrong of her to think that she could amount to anything more than this. Her Master had showed her the way though, thankfully. Her Master had brought her around to his way of thinking.

As she moans wantonly from a particularly pleasurable thrust of her Master's cock, Alexis just lets herself be washed away in the pleasure. Truly, she's never been happier.


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