Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Bastila Falls (Star Wars)(KOTOR)

Bastila Falls (Star Wars)(KOTOR)

A/N: Bastila Falls was a commissioned one shot originally written back in September of 2020. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which Malak takes on a different approach in breaking down Bastila Shan, and the young woman proves to be uniquely vulnerable to it.

Themes: Corruption, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub


The situation was… dire, to say the least. Bastila Shan, Padawan of the Jedi Order, was quite aware of that fact. Things had come to a head, and she herself was in deep shit to say the least. It wasn't just the fact that she'd been captured by Darth Malak himself, and even now was awaiting his personal touch. He would torture her, of that the young Jedi was sure, but Bastila could do nothing about that but prepare.

She just wished that her capture at the Sith Lord's hands hadn't come at the worst possible time. She'd made the best of a bad situation, when she'd urged her companions to flee while she held Darth Malak off. The fact that neither of them were chained up beside her now made it clear they'd managed to get away.

But at the same time, she had to wonder just how much of a shitshow everything had turned out to be back on the Ebon Hawk. Because things couldn't possibly have gone worse, truth be told. Not unless one imagined a world where Revan rejoined Malak right then and there on the spot, but Bastila didn't think the current Dark Lord of the Sith would allow that anyways. Malak wanted Revan dead. The only question was, what did Revan want?

She'd helped the Jedi Order capture Darth Revan. She hadn't personally assisted in wiping the Sith Lord's mind and personality clean, but she'd effectively handed them the keys to the kingdom when she and her small strike force had managed to capture Revan in the first place. And then there was the Force Bond to consider. Even now, Bastila could feel that connection between her and the reformed Sith Lord.

Surely Revan wouldn't revert to old ways now that he knew the truth, right? Surely Carth would understand that it wasn't Darth Revan they'd been fighting alongside all these months, but a reformed man who'd become a stellar Jedi Knight all over again. Surely… surely… surely…

There were a thousand ways that things could go, and Bastila could only hope that more moderate voices like Juhani and Jolee would speak up in Revan's defense and keep the reformed Sith Lord on the straight and narrow in Bastila's absence. That was all she could really hope for, because she had no hope concerning herself.

Darth Malak would arrive, and he would torture her. Sith Lightning was a vicious, awful thing, and Bastila was not looking forward to it. The worst part was not knowing when it would begin. Thanks to the collar around the chained up Jedi's neck, she couldn't feel a single iota of the Force. She had no way of knowing when Malak was coming for her, and the waiting was a torture in and of itself. She couldn't even mediate, not truly, not without the Force to guide her.

It was-

As if summoned by her thoughts, the door to her prison suddenly hisses open, and the subject of her fears steps through. Defeating and capturing Darth Revan was supposed to be a major coup for both the Jedi Order and the Republic. But the man that had risen in his place had proven to be much more of a tyrant, much more of a monster. Only in hindsight had it become obvious that Revan was holding his bloodthirsty apprentice in check, and that Malak was just waiting for an opportunity like the one Bastila and the Jedi had given him.

"Bastila Shan…"

His voice reverberates out of the metal prosthesis he has in place of a jaw. He sounds robotic, but that in no way takes away from the menace and seething hatred in his tone. This is an Evil Man. This is a Monster. Bastila fortifies herself for what she knows is to come and does her best to present a brave face even without the Force at her side.

"Darth Malak. I'm sure you must be worried. The crew of the Ebon Hawk is nipping at your heels. There was only one Star Map left to find, when you let them escape."

There's a brief pause, and for a second Bastila thinks the Force Lightning is about to start early. But instead, she gets a low laugh from Malak instead, a dark chuckle as he steps ever closer to her, his yellow eyes staring down at her in curious amusement.

"Your incomprehension amuses me. But then, I suppose it only shows how little of my old master remains, doesn't it? If Revan truly remembered anything, if he knew all that he should have known, he would know that finding the Star Forge is pointless when you're not strong enough to TAKE it. Let them come, I say. Let the Republic and the Jedi converge on this solar system, on the Star Forge. My fleets and my armies will destroy them all to the last."

Bastila's eyes are wide by the time he's done talking, as she hurriedly processes all that he's saying. This solar system… meaning that she's actually here, she's actually at the final location. This is where the Sith's Super Weapon is located. If only she could free herself, she might be able to… to tell someone. If she could send out just one message, then maybe… but Malak sounds so confident. Is this Star Forge truly that unstoppable?

"Do your worst, Malak. I won't break. I won't tell you anything."

There's another pause… and then another laugh. Bastila flushes in anger and indignation as it becomes obvious the Sith Lord really isn't taking her seriously.

"Is that so, little padawan? Well, I suppose we'll just have to see, won't we?"

Here it comes. Bastila tenses up, expecting Sith Lightning to hit her at any moment. But that never happens. Instead, Malak reaches out… and touches her. It's so out of left field for her that Bastila doesn't even register what's happening, at first. The Sith Lord is just casually reaching out and groping one of her breasts through her Jedi Garb, like it's nothing.

When she finally reacts, she tries to jerk away, only for Malak to tighten his grip, squeezing down hard enough for a cry to spill from Bastila's lips. Except, it's not a cry of pain… it's a cry of pleasure. Her eyes widen as she realizes how GOOD Malak's mauling of her tit feels. Why does it feel so good? F-Force, what is he DOING to her?

"You like that, don't you Bastila? You enjoy my touch. As I knew you would."

Bastila shakes her head in denial, only for him to reach out with his other hand and take hold of her second full, supple breast. He gropes and squeezes it, and another pleasured cry escapes her lips.

"This is your truth, Padawan. It is the truth of every Jedi. You suppress these emotions. You hide from your lusts, from your desires. You ignore your needs. The Jedi would have done better to prepare you for this sort of… attack. But instead, you are woefully weak before my touch."

Is it true? Is this all her? Bastila gasps and moans and mewls. How can her breasts be THIS sensitive? To be fair, she's never really had them played with like this before. No one's ever touched her in such a… such a sexual manner. She's never even masturbated or touched herself in such a sexual manner. As a Jedi, she's been taught to let such urges go into the Force. Rather than giving in to her lusts, she meditates. Rather than touching herself to get rid of her desires, she releases them into the Force and finds her calm center.

Apparently, if Malak is to be believed, that has left her uniquely vulnerable to this method of torture. Not a single ounce of pain, but instead a steadily filling ocean of pleasure. It threatens to drown her, and all he's done so far was play with her chest. What reason would he have to lie though? Why shouldn't she believe him? As far as she's concerned, everything he's said has been the truth.

Of course, poor Bastila has no way of knowing just how much she's being manipulated. The Force Suppression Collar around her neck makes it impossible for her to escape, but more than that, it makes her uniquely vulnerable to the Sith Lord currently toying with her. Everything he's said so far has been a lie. The Jedi's way of releasing their emotions and urges and desires into the Force, while not as fun, was in fact perfectly viable.

If she had access to the Force right now, she'd not only be able to discard her current pleasure, she'd know just how much Malak was using the Dark Side to manipulate and abuse her. She'd be able to feel him using his Force Powers to slowly bend her to his will. Unfortunately, she can't feel a damn thing, Force-wise. All she CAN feel is the pleasure slowly building inside of her, until suddenly, it stops.


Releasing her tits quite abruptly, Malak instead grabs the front of her tunic and pulls. With a powerful display of Force-Enhanced strength, he rips her top off of her entirely, causing a whimpering cry to spill from her lips as she's exposed before his gaze. A deepening blush darkens her cheeks and she squirms in place, only to realize this does embarrassing things to her full breasts, which now freed from their confines, bounce and jiggle with every movement. Her nipples are rock hard too, and the air ghosting across her chest feels… amazing, far better than it should.

She shivers, even as Malak thrusts a hand down her pants next, pushing his palm against her sex and running his fingers along her moistening slit. Bastila gasps, her breath hitching, even as the Sith Master stares into her eyes knowingly.

"This is what you truly want, Bastila. Not peace, not serenity. You want passion. How do you think I've turned so many of your kind to my side? How many Jedi has your Order brought back from the Dark? Revan? You had to destroy his mind to make him into a faithful Light Side-loving monk again. And yet, day by day, more of yours become mine. Just as you soon will be."

What if… what if she could use this to her advantage? The mention of Jedi turning causes the start of a plan to begin forming in Bastila's mind. The pleasure building within her is just too much, but maybe she can trick Malak into thinking it actually overcame her. Surely, she can hold back the tide long enough to convince him of her sincerity. And then, if he frees her, if he thinks her loyal, she can use that to send a message, to bring the Republic and Jedi down upon his head.

All it takes is for her to give in, just a little. Letting herself start to enjoy it, Bastila puts on a bit of a show, moaning a little more wantonly as she writhes and wiggles in his grasp. His fingers are sliding into her cunt now, and her breasts are bouncing and jiggling with her squirming as she pants and mewls.

"… Y-Yes…"

Malak's blazing yellow eyes focus on her face again at that, from where they'd been staring at her chest briefly. The Sith Lord's fingers move a little faster inside of her as she whimpers and pretends to submit.

"I-It f-feels… g-good…"

For a moment, Malak is silent, as if he's assessing the veracity of her words. She's telling the truth, so she hopes it comes across that way. It does feel good, it all feels so damn good… but she can enjoy it without succumbing to the Dark Side. She has to, in order to fake it until she makes it. After that brief moment passes, the Dark Lord of the Sith throws his head back and laughs a deep, menacing, robotic laugh.

"Ahaha! They were fools to let you out of the Temple so early, Padawan. You poor thing. They've been using you for your Battle Meditation for so long that they've forgotten you're more than a tool, haven't they?"

That… hits a little too close to home for comfort, but Bastila just uses that, letting some of her hurt show on her face. She can't use the Force right now, which means she's being forced to confront all of her emotions head on. So, she might as well use them to her advantage, right? Without the Force touching her, it's not like she can turn to the Dark Side anyways… right?


He continues to finger her cunt for a few moments longer, before abruptly pulling away. Bastila lets out a soft whine of disappointment that she doesn't have to fake at all. She was close to something; she could feel it. She was nearly at the peak of some unfathomable mountain that she'd never climbed before. But Malak had stopped early, and she hadn't quite managed to tip over the edge.

"You want to cum, my dear. But only bad girls get orgasms. You'll be my bad girl, won't you padawan? You'll make yourself useful to me."

She gets ready to shut down again. If he starts demanding information for pleasure, Bastila will refuse. She can't… she can't betray everyone like that. But instead, Malak flicks his fingers contemptuously, and her chains fall away from her body. Bastila falls to her hands and knees at that, almost instinctively going for the Force Suppression Collar around her neck.

But she knows better than to try to remove that when Malak is right there. She couldn't beat him in a fight with all of the Force and her lightsaber at her side, there's no way she'd win now.

Instead, she pushes herself off of her hands and onto just her knees, looking up towards the Sith Lord just in time for his cock to flop out of the confines of his pants and down onto her upturned face. Bastila's eyes widen at the sheer size of the still growing member as it lays there upon her face, and her breath hitches as she breathes in the scent. It's a curious smell, not exactly wonderful, but also not… terrible either.

"If you wish to earn release, you will put my member in your mouth and suck it to completion. Only then will you receive your reward."

P-Put this thing i-in her mouth? He had to be joking, s-she'd break her jaw! But one glance past his length up to Malak's face makes it clear that the Sith Lord is deadly serious. More importantly, he's waiting impatiently for her to begin. She has to… she has to do what she's told. She has to sell her conversion, her submission.

Heart pounding in her chest, cunt gushing in arousal, Bastila Shan reaches up and grabs Malak's thick fat cock with both hands. She draws back so that she's staring down the barrel of his thick shaft, and then opens wide and tries her best to take him into her mouth. It's the young woman's first attempt at fellatio, ever. She does her best all the same though, and to her surprise… it's not an unpleasant experience.

His cock tastes better by the second. His smell is invading her senses. She… she quite likes it, in fact. She could get addicted to sucking the Sith Lord's member, if she wasn't careful. Of course, Bastila has no way of knowing that this is because of Darth Malak's influence. The Sith Lord is using the Dark Side to make the unaware Jedi Padawan associate sucking his dick with pleasure, just as he did with his mauling of her breasts.

Bastila, as Force-Blind as she is at the moment, is completely helpless against such manipulation. And it only gets worse, as Malak puts his hand atop the brunette Jedi's head and begins to guide her further down his length, and at a faster pace as well.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

As Bastila begins to choke and gag and gurgle along Malak's member, she doesn't mind it half as much as she thought she would. It honestly feels rather good, to have him in control. It feels amazing, to have him dominating her so… so thoroughly. Deep down inside, Bastila knows this isn't good. She knows she has to fight the pleasure, she has to combat the ecstasy and not let the ocean of desire and lust filling inside of her drown her in its excesses.

It's a give and take situation, from her point of view. She HAS to do enough to convince Malak that she's turned, but she also has to hold back enough to make sure she doesn't actually turn. She'd known from the moment she came up with this plan that it would be hard, but only now is she starting to realize just how hard.

Eventually, Malak stops guiding her altogether, his hand atop her head remaining but doing nothing but holding her. Instead, Bastila finds herself with an increasing hunger for his cock, as she shamefully enjoys his large member to the fullest extent.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"That's right, Apprentice. You're doing well. Give in to your passions. Submit to your desires. They will take you far."

Eyes very nearly rolled back in her head, Bastila moans around his cock. WHY did it have to taste so damn GOOD?!

Of course, that's nothing compared to what comes next. Without warning, the Sith Lord begins to cum. An inexperienced virgin like Bastila has no idea what that even means, let alone how to handle it. His seed flows out of his cock and down her throat, and she immediately begins to choke all the harder. His cum comes back up and burns as it flows out of her nostrils, out of the sides of her mouth.

They make an utter mess of her face together, the two of them, but even with that mess, Bastila ends up swallowing a good portion of Malak's load. And truth be told… it's the best thing she's ever tasted. As his cock slips out of her mouth, Bastila is left with cheeks puffed out and filled with his cream. Rather than spit it out, she endeavors to do her best to swallow it all, enjoying the taste far too much not to. When she's done… when she's done, she instinctively looks up to Darth Malak for approval, and tries hard to ignore the warm feeling in her chest when he gives it in the form of a simple nod.

"Well done."

Another flick of his fingers, and Bastila finds herself forced onto her hands and knees and spun around so that her ass is presented to him. He then tears away her leggings with some more casual Force Use. Perhaps this in and of itself should have reminded the beleaguered, addled Jedi Padawan of what Malak was probably capable of doing to her mind, but in her current state, she wasn't exactly thinking straight.

In truth, by that point all part of her really cared about was the reward he'd promised her. As such, when Malak mounts her a moment later, his cock teasing at the entrance of her cunt lips for a brief moment before thrusting forward and claiming her virginity… Bastila can do nothing but toss her head back and SCREAM in ecstasy.

This is also the exact moment that Malak reaches up and tears the Force Suppression Collar around her neck away. In that instant, as Bastila Shan experiences her first orgasm, her connection to the Force is brought back… and irrevocably tainted by the Dark Side inherent in allowing her lusts and her passions to run rampant. Her beautiful blue eyes flicker yellow for a moment before turning back, a sign of things to come as she shudders beneath the Sith Master currently plowing her silly.

The way he's fucking her is just too much for Bastila to overcome. He's not just fucking her body; he's fucking her mind. She can feel it now, the way he's manipulating her with the Dark Side, but there's no way she can combat it. The pleasure is too much, she let it run rampant within her, and now… now she's overwhelmed. The ocean of ecstasy that's been filling within her empty basin now threatens to drown her beneath the crashing waves as she struggles to stay afloat.

His cock inside of her cunt, stretching it out and making it his… there's no better feeling in the entire galaxy, she's pretty sure. He pumps in and out of her like a mad man, fucking her with Dark Side enhanced strength until her eyes are crossed and she can't tell up from down anymore.

And then he cums inside of her. Only belatedly does Bastila realize what that could mean, the unwanted pregnancy that could be brought about. The formerly virgin Jedi never had to worry about that kind of thing anymore. She makes a token protest and tries to push him back even as she feels his cum filling her womb directly and sloshing about inside of her, but there's no stopping him.

In the end, she succumbs to the pleasure and allows him to have his way with her, triggering the biggest orgasm she's had yet as her pussy walls milk him of his seed quite thoroughly.

As they both bask in the moment, the beleaguered Jedi can only hope that someone will find her soon. This is so much worse than Force Lightning. The pleasure is already getting to her, and she's not sure how much longer she can hold it back.


Several days later, Bastila is starting to lose hope of escape or rescue. She's starting to lose hope of even managing to sneak a message out. Malak is too smart for that. While she's technically no longer a prisoner, while she's technically no longer in the Force Suppression Collar… she's been at the Dark Lord of the Sith's beck and call since that day where he'd deflowered and fucked her into oblivion.

He hasn't let her out of his sight for long enough for Bastila to do anything… and frankly, it's hard to even think about escape or sneaking out a message, when he keeps her so focused on his pleasure. And when Malak is happy, she finds that she too is happy. When he's enjoying himself, Bastila enjoys herself just as much.

Walking down the hallway, the half-corrupted female Jedi can't help the saunter and sway in her step, despite no one being around to see it. The seductive back and forth of her hips and ass make the slave dancer's outfit she's wearing swish back and forth enticingly as well. She looks… she looks like a whore. Like a fuck toy. Like a needy little cum dump. She knows this, because these are all things that Malak has called her over the last few days that she's been his… his Jedi Slut.

Stepping into his private quarters, Bastila bites her lower lip as she finds him waiting in his bedroom for her. But then, to be fair, he had ordered her to 'attend to his needs' not but five minutes ago. She'd positively rushed to his side, unable to truly combat the eagerness she felt when it came to obeying his commands.

"Good, pet, very good. Now, come here and please me."

Malak is naked, currently. His chiseled, muscular body is on full display, along with his currently soft cock. Though, said cock is already twitching and growing hard at the sight of Bastila in her skimpy slave attire. Licking her lips, she unconsciously sashays over to where he's laid out on the bed. Her large breasts jiggle and bounce within the bikini top of her outfit, even as she climbs onto the bed with all the seduction that he's taught her these last several days.

She's still very inexperienced… but the Dark Side more than makes up for that inexperience, and Bastila has found herself drawing on it more and more in order to… shore up her façade. She can't have Malak realizing that she's faking it, after all. So, she has to make it at least partially real, in order to properly convince the Sith Lord of her sincerity. At least, that's what the Jedi Padawan tells herself, even as she becomes more and more corrupted by the Dark Side.

Moaning wantonly, Bastila begins to pepper Malak's chiseled torso with kisses, worshipping him in her own way and leaving lipstick marks all over his pectoral and abs as she slowly descends down to his cock. She greedily takes the big fat rod in her mouth, much better at sucking dick at this point then she was at the start.

Leaning on the Dark Side and her passions, Bastila is able to tell when Malak likes something she's doing with her lips and tongue, and when he doesn't. She can read his mood and give him the best blowjob possible. A good use of the Force? Her teachers would surely say no, but then, what did they know? None of them had been in her situation before, forced to service a Sith Lord for any hope of escape.

Once she's used her mouth to get him nice and hard, Bastila can tell the exact moment that Malak is growing bored with her. Needing to keep his interest in order to earn more freedoms, or so she thinks, the female Jedi quickly comes off of his cock with a pop and moves into position atop him. Straddling his member, she grabs hold of his erect length and presses it into her sopping wet pussy folds, slowly sinking onto it.

The blissful moan that leaves her throat really should have been a sign for Bastila of just how far and fast she was falling, but in the end, the young woman is woefully ignorant to her own corruption. As she slowly rides him, she instinctively does everything she can to make him feel amazing, all while enjoying herself immensely.

Thanks to her Jedi training, she has enough control over her own body to manually flex her cunt muscles along his cock as she slides up and down his length, gasping and groaning in pleasure, all while purposefully milking him of his seed. Even as bad as she knows it is for him to cum inside of her unprotected, Bastila has become increasingly more and more addicted to the feeling of being 'creampied' over these last several days.

She wants it, she wants his seed to fill up her womb. She wants him to cum inside of her and to feel that pleasure as he makes her his woman again and again. Just the thought of it causes Bastila to orgasm again and again around his cock as she rides him. Her head tosses back, and her cries of ecstasy fill the space. She seeks that moment of acknowledgment that comes with him cumming inside of her, and in seeking, brings herself more and more pleasure along the way.

Except, the Sith Lord's release never seems to come. Bastila gets more and more frantic, more and more insistent. In her need to make him cum inside of her, in her need to FEEL him fill her with his seed, she begins to draw heavily on the Dark Side. Why? Why won't he cum for her? He's certainly cum inside of her enough over the last several days that she knows he shouldn't be recalcitrant. Her body is made for sex, is it not? He's said as much while yanking on her hair and fucking her from behind, while mauling her tits or spanking her ass.

She's a sexy, horny Jedi slut and she should be able to make him cum, but he just won't FILL HER!

Finally, Bastila looks down at the Sith Lord, looks him in the eye. Her blue eyes gaze down at his yellow eyes as she stares at him, red-faced and panting heavily, wide-eyed and needy beyond compare. He gazes right back at her impassively, in total control over himself and the situation.

"It is time to acknowledge the inevitable, Bastila Shan. You are mine. You were made to be mine. My plaything, my pet… my Apprentice."

Bastila freezes at that, her spine going ramrod straight and rigid as she stares down at him, caught in his gaze, in his gravitational pull. She is but a dark flame within the totality that is the Dark Side, while he is something between a bonfire and a Black Hole. She can't escape him, no matter how hard she tries. Still… h-his Apprentice?

"Give in. Give in to the Dark Side. Give in to your Master. Give in to ME!"

He grabs her by her hips roughly and thrusts up into her from below, his cock penetrating her womb. But still he doesn't cum, and in that moment, Bastila breaks not from weeks of painful torture, but mere days of pleasurable ecstasy. The young Jedi snaps and cries out as she orgasms around his cock, only to have him STILL not fill her womb as she needs. And so, she gives in. She stops holding anything back, and she surrenders to the promise of pleasure from her newfound Master.

"Y-Yes! Yes, please Master, please give it to me!"

Bastila's breathless capitulation is immediately followed up with a reward as Malak thrusts up into her one final time and then begins to cum. As his seed fills her womb, she cums along with him, eyes rolling up in her skull and tongue lolling out of her mouth. In that moment, Bastila Shan gives herself over to the Dark Side. More importantly, she gives herself over to the Dark Lord of the Sith himself.

As they both recover from their mutual climax, Bastila begins slowly riding her Master's still-hard cock for another round, all on her own. Malak, meanwhile, reaches up and pulls down the bikini top of her slave attire, releasing her fat milk jugs from their confines and squeezing them in both of his hands as she continues to ride him towards the next orgasm.

At the same time, he admires his new apprentice's flushed face, as well as her eyes, which have gone from blue to permanent yellow, signifying her new status as a Sith. All according to his plan.


It takes two more months for Revan, the Jedi, and the Republic to finally locate the Star Forge and the system it sits in. Two months in which Darth Malak has all the time in the world. Time to build his fleets and his armies further, time to convert more Jedi to the Dark Side and bolster his Sith Forces. And, time to fuck and train his new Sith Apprentice while utilizing her Battle Meditation in all the best possible ways.

The Revan that finally confronts Malak on the Star Forge's command desk is a shadow of his former self, the Dark Lord can tell as much immediately. From the bland Jedi robes, to the blue lightsaber he wields…

"Oh, Revan. What did they do to you…"

"Malak! I've come to put an end to your reign of terror! But first, what did you do with Bastila?! Where is she?"

Ah, but of course. Revan probably expected to find Bastila on the way here. If Malak were to use her Battle Meditation, then she would be best served elsewhere in the Star Forge. But Malak wasn't using her for her Battle Meditation in this fight. He didn't need to. His fleets were vast, the power of the Star Forge infinite, and the Republic and Jedi had come to meet their doom.

"Bastila? You wish to know what I've done with my own Apprentice? Why, she's right here."

Out from the shadows comes a much transformed Bastila Shan. Clad in her skimpy dancer's outfit, yellow eyes glowing with power, her tits are much fuller now… and her belly is beginning to develop a bit of a baby bump, thanks to the fact that she's now knocked up with his child. The Dark Lord of the Sith would grin if he could, but instead he has to settle for radiating smugness as Revan's face falls at the sight of her, the reformed Jedi Knight's heart clearly breaking.

Ah, did this new Revan have feelings for Malak's Apprentice? How… cute.

"Go on then, my Apprentice. Show this worthless worm that dares to masquerade about with my old Master's face how powerful you've become."

Igniting her double-sided red lightsaber, Bastila leaps forward and immediately engages Revan in combat. No words, just pure aggression. But it's measured aggression, controlled aggression. Bastila knows how to wield the Dark Side properly now, thanks to Malak's teachings. And she uses it to utterly trounce the pale reflection that remains of his old Master.

In the face of Bastila's Dark Side Mastery, this washed out version of Revan doesn't stand a chance. Soon enough, he falls to his knees in defeat, his lightsaber cut in two, his Jedi Robes littered with burn marks. She hasn't killed him yet though, nor even truly maimed him. The reason why becomes obvious as the pregnant Sith Apprentice looks to her Master for guidance, for orders.

Looking down at the two of them from above, Malak scoffs in disdain. Revan… Revan isn't even worth killing, not anymore.

"You may leave, Revan. I see now that no trace of my old Master remains. Leave and never return. Live in exile for the rest of your days as you watch me destroy your precious Republic and Jedi Order and replace them both with something far better, something far greater."

Exhausted as he is by his fight with Bastila, Revan can't resist as Malak puts the Dark Side of the Force behind his command, mentally dominating his old Master and sending him fleeing with his tail between his legs. The broken Jedi runs away with a broken heart and a much diminished ego, and Malak… Malak has never felt more fulfilled.

Well, there is one way in which this moment could be better. Yanking her over with the Dark Side, Malak proceeds to celebrate their victory as he fucks Bastila doggystyle, mounting her in the same way he had that very first time all those weeks ago, and plowing her from behind with all his might. Bastila, for her part, holds nothing back. Crying out in ecstasy, mewling in pleasure, the pregnant Sith Apprentice celebrates her victory with her beloved Master.

As Malak fondles her milk-laden tits with one hand and caresses her baby bump with the other, the Dark Lord of the Sith leans forward and coos in her ear.

"You will make for an excellent breeding bitch, my dear Apprentice. I'm going to pump you full of my seed again and again for as long as you last. Together, we will raise our children in the Dark Side, creating a Dynasty for MY Sith Empire that will last a thousand generations."

Bastila shudders in orgasmic bliss beneath him. They both know that the battle taking place outside is the beginning of the end for both the Republic and the Jedi Order. They're done, there's no coming back from this defeat. All of their best admirals, all of their best Jedi Masters are taking part in this attack, and it simply won't be enough. They will fall, each and every one of them, and afterwards Malak's fleets and armies will spread across the universe, until nothing remains but his Empire.

"Yes, Master! Yes!"

Bastila is all too happy to crow in agreement with him, her corruption and Fall to the Dark Side complete in every way. Malak may not be able to grin, but he feels noting but triumphant jubilation as they bask in their pleasure, in their passion, in the Dark Side together.

The carrot, rather than the stick. That was the difference between defeat and victory for one Darth Malak. By going with pleasure instead of pain, he had tied Bastila to him more swiftly and more thoroughly than anyone could have guessed. And in the end, not even the Jedi's trump card in Revan was enough to stop them.

Darth Malak was ascendant. And with Bastila Shan and her Battle Meditation at his side, his victory was assured.


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