Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Sentinel’s Subjugation (Warcraft)

A Sentinel’s Subjugation (Warcraft)

A/N: A Sentinel's Subjugation was a commissioned one shot originally written in September of 2020. Posting it up here for people to enjoy!

Summary: In which a Night Elf Sentinel finds out the truth, an undeniable truth that her race has managed to avoid for far too long. Elves are made to be lewded. And Orcs are made to do the lewding.

Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Dom/Sub


Elves are made for lewding. This Universal Constant had very few exceptions, and even those were exceptions that proved the rule, more often than not. At the end of the day, what else could elves be, but made for lewding? Prettied and gussied-up humans, not allowed to have a single fat or ugly member in their entire race… of course elves were made for leading.

There were some types of elves that avoided this sort of typecasting, however. For one, the Night Elves, otherwise known as the Kal'dorei. As a people, they were almost the exact opposite of the stereotype in many ways. For one, their males were not pretty boys destined to be used and abused. In fact, Night Elf males were, as a general rule, quite ugly… a direct contradiction of the Universal Constant that said elves were supposed to be prettier humans.

Likewise, female Night Elves defied expectations by being the warriors of their race. More akin to Amazons then your normal Elf, a female Night Elf was almost always a Sentinel. And when she wasn't, she was a Priestess of Elune. And even Priestesses of Elune knew how to fight, knew how to wield the Light of the Moon against their enemies.

Night Elf women were built strong, built tough, built powerful. They were also built beautiful, unlike their male counterparts, but then, they wouldn't be elves if they weren't. They'd be trolls, at best. Either way, in the end, the Night Elf Race tended to defy the Universal Constant. Elves were made for lewding. But the Night Elves had avoided that fate time and time again for thousands upon thousands of years.

The Universe really had thrown the book at them too, and in many ways, it had succeeded. But in the most important ways, it'd failed. Demons in the form of the Burning Legion had clashed with the Night Elf race multiple times. They'd also suborned parts of the Night Elf race to do their bidding. There were even tentacles involved, as Azshara and her Highborne fell beneath the waves and were transformed into monsters, into the sea serpent-esque Naga.

But the main population of Night Elves escaped such a lewd fate, and continued on living their lives, ignorant of their true purpose in the universe, of their true place in the world. Demons just did not work, the Universe quickly discovered. No matter how many times it threw the Burning Legion at the Kal'dorei, the damn elves refused to be lewded and succumb to corruption.

Luckily, the Universe had another trick up it's sleeve. When elves refuse to be lewded, what can be done? There is one thing, can you guess what it might be?

That's right. Orcs. Elves are made to be lewded, and in the vast majority of situations where they are being put in their rightful place, it's the Orcs that do the lewding. One might even say that the only reason the Night Elves managed to escape being lewd for so long came from Azeroth not HAVING Orcs. That changed, of course, when the Dark Portal activated.

And sure, it opened on the wrong continent. The Universe works on a macro-scale… it managed to get Orcs onto the planet, and that was enough, right? It took a little while after that, but what's a couple of decades? Besides, the Orcish Horde as it originally arrived on Azeroth wasn't truly that interested in lewds. Their overwhelming bloodthirst had to be beaten out of them first.

After spending some time in the human's prison camps, the Orcs who fled across the sea to Kalimdor and ultimately came into conflict with the Night Elves there were… a bit tamer.

… But no less orcish in their needs and desires.


A cry spills forth from Saelyia Swiftspirit's lips as the female Night Elf is tossed bodily back into one of the ancient trees of Ashenvale, the impact sending reverberations through the tree and causing her no small amount of pain across her back. The pain in turn causes her fingers to involuntarily flex, and her glaive to fall from her grasp.

As it lands in the soft grass beside her, Saelyia slumps down, back against the tree, breath ragged. She's… just winded. She can still get up, she can still fight, she-!


The massive war axe embedding in the bark right beside Saelyia's head causes her to go still. The massive, hulking greenskin looming over her as he huffs and snorts and pants down at her keeps her still. As she freezes up, he grunts and kicks her glaive away with his big green foot, leaving her entire defenseless. She'd already tried to stab him with her dagger earlier, only for the huge creature to pull her dagger out and toss it aside like it meant nothing.

He was an Orc, a warrior of the Horde that her and her people had heard whispers of. They'd settled in Durotar, a dry barren wasteland of a place with no resources save for the large amount of boars that made it their home and the harpies that made their nests in it's canyons. But boar meat and harpy feathers do not exactly make for good building materials. Neither does perpetually dry rock.

They'd needed wood, these damnable orcs. And with the Barrens rather lacking in that regard as well, they'd turned their eyes northward, to Ashenvale… to her home. The reminder reignites Saelyia's anger, and she glares daggers up at the greenskin who's undeniably defeated her. She's lost, but that doesn't mean she's just… going to give into fear. If these are to be her final moments… then so be it.

"Do it, monster. But know that my people will avenge me. Know that your time in Ashenvale grows ever shorter."

He stares down at her, still huffing more like a beast than a man. His gaze makes his incomprehension abundantly clear. But then of course a savage brute like this wouldn't understand the tongue of her people. Miscommunication was at the heart of every conflict, wasn't that what High Priestess Whisperwind always said?

It doesn't matter. None of it matters. Not her thousand years of living, not her hundreds of years as a Sentinel. This damnable greenskin with his massive body has bested her in spite of all of her training. And now she's going to die, right here and now. A single tear forms in the corner of the Night Elf Sentinel's glowing eye, but she refuses to let it fall, sucking it back in as her chest heaves from the exertion.

She expects the Orc to pull his axe out of the tree and swing it through her with ease. She expects him to finish her off and continue on with whatever it is big monstrous greenskins do until one of her sisters is finally able to put him down. What she does NOT expect, however, is for him to let go of the handle of his axe to reach down and tug his loincloth aside.

The massive, fat, green cock that is revealed by this move causes Saelyia's eyes to widen, even as it twitches and grows and hardens right before her eyes, like some sort of snake slowly rising up to level with her face. Even flaccid, his cock was massive. Turgid… it's a veiny, angry green thing, and it scares Saelyia more than she cares to admit.

Finally processing what he actually has in store for her, Saelyia's reaction is a mixture of incredulity, horror, and disgust.

"W-What?! NO! K-Keep that thing away from- Gah!"

Reaching out, the orc grabs her by her ponytail, his massive fist easily closing around her hair as he yanks her head up and smears his cock across her face. Instinctively and involuntarily, Saelyia's nostrils flare and she gets her first ever sniff of Orc Musk. Glowing eyes widening, hidden pupils dilating, the Night Elf Sentinel shudders a little bit as she feels a strange spasm of… something deep within herself.

But no! No! She refuses to submit to this creature.

"I won't! I won't do it, you can't-mmph!"

She was expecting him to rape her the conventional way. She was not expecting him to take the opportunity of her open mouth to spear forward into it. As his utterly enormous green cock pushes past her lips and teeth, Saelyia's eyes go wide and her jaw begins to strain. She tries to bite down, of course she does… but her teeth grind against a cock that's almost as tough in hide as a fucking Nightsaber!

Feeling like she might chip a tooth, the Night Elf hastily pulls her teeth away in order to preserve them… and inadvertently gives the Orc free access to the entirety of her mouth and throat in the process, access he uses to his advantage as he grunts and groans, thrusting in and out of her mouth.

"Hulghk… Hulghk… Hulghk…"

Saelyia's eyes are watering now. But at the same time, her nostrils are flaring and her mouth… her mouth is watering too. Of course, a lot of that is just an over production of saliva and drool caused by her getting face fucked. But it's also the smell. That damn smell… where does this Orc Beast get off smelling so good?

Even as her mouth is being violated and her throat is being defiled, Saelyia is drinking in more of that musk then she ever wanted to. Her glowing eyes flicker between the big fat green cock pistoning in and out of her mouth, and the face of the monster currently having his way with her throat. He stares right back down at her, his body casting a shadow over her face that makes his own red eyes and the fainter glow in them much more pronounced.

He truly looks like a demon, in this moment. But then, hadn't she heard something about how the orcs once drank demon blood and that was why they were green skinned and red eyed? Or was that merely a rumor? Either way, the thought finally reminds Saelyia to try and struggle. She may not be able to bite through the orc's cock, but at the very least she should be trying to escape. He doesn't even have her bound!

Of course, the moment she tries to push him back and scramble away, he reacts. Unfortunately, thanks to the large tree she's pressed up against, there's just no way to get out of his grasp. As she tries in vain to push against his massive bulk and force him to stumble back, the quite fit Night Elf Sentinel finds her wrists snatched up and held above her head by one big hulking green hand.

The other remains on her ponytail, and once he's got her arms secured above her head, the orc begins to pick up the pace, speeding up the process.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

He's deep in her throat now, so deep that her nostrils are flaring for air at this point, not just more of his musk. She thinks she just might die like this… and that thought fills her with more fear than any before it. To die with a monster's cock down her throat, being defiled? It scares her and she struggles all the harder, her throat convulsing around his pistoning prick as she tries in vain to just BREATHE.

In the end, she suspects her struggling helps the monster along a bit. With a triumphant, exultant roar to the sky, the orc who has so thoroughly defeated her begins to cum. He's still in her throat first when he does so, and the choking that Saelyia does as a result is so much worse than any before it. However, the sheer force of his cum exploding out of his cock is enough to push him back, even as he wrecks her throat with his seed. Even as his cum is exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her suddenly full mouth, he's pushed back out of her throat, his cock leaving her stretched lips with a distinct pop… followed by much of his seed.

As Saelyia chokes and spits up most of his cum… there's still plenty that ends up in her belly. To say nothing of the trails of his essence that now line her sinuses, coming out of her nose like two whisps of smoke. Every ragged, raspy breath she takes at that point causes her to breathe in more and more of the orc's musk, his scent, his TASTE.

She still hates him though. He still disgusts her. There's nothing about this that makes her happy. When he yanks her to her feet, she curses him through a raspy voice and a ruined throat. When he tears her Sentinel armor from her body, exposing the rest of her flesh (even though the armor did a pretty damn good job of exposing her already) she snarls and struggles as much as she can.

It's no use against him though, of course, and he soon has her between him and the tree, one leg lifted up by a large green hand around her ankle. He could crush her ankle in an instant, and when she feels him squeezing hard enough to grind the bones together, Saelyia goes still. After all, the more he… defiles her, the more he gives her a chance to escape. She can't do that with a broken ankle.

Unfortunately, there's no chance that presents itself before that big fat orc dick of his comes up between her legs, nudges against her unprotected slit, and then thrusts forward with all of the confidence, surety, and strength of an Orc Warrior. Saelyia cries out, the Night Elf Sentinel speared on Orc Cock for the first time in her long, long life.

And… it feels good. Even as he begins to savage her, even as he begins to brutalize her and rape her right there against one of Ashenvale's sacred trees, Saelyia is struggling against both him and herself now. Because his cock… feels damn good. In all fairness, it's been a while for her. With how much their men sleep, Night Elf society isn't just Matriarchal by necessity, it's downright female-dominated by nature.

She's had some fun with her fellow Sentinels, of course, but it's been… years since she had a real cock inside of her. And maybe the time apart is making all the difference, but frankly, Saelyia can't help but compare her past experiences with her own race to this experience… and find them all wanting. The Orc's cock is just so thick and fat and huge. But more than that, he seems to know exactly how to use it on her, fucking her against the tree quite savagely.

He's defeated her and is now fucking her nonstop. It shouldn't be so pleasurable, it shouldn't be so satisfying… but fuck, it's surprisingly good. Her body certainly seems to think so, as she can feel herself reluctantly building to a crescendo despite no desire to… to climax for this beast. Unfortunately, what she wants seems to have nothing to do with what's going to happen, because as the greenskin thrusts up into her one final time, Saelyia finally breaks and experiences her first orgasm upon an Orc's cock. It's an explosive one too.

A moment later, he's cumming again as well. Saelyia's eyes widen and nearly roll back in her head as the Night Elf Sentinel feels the Orc Warrior fill her womb to the brim and then some. It just doesn't stop, and sure she sort of knew that already from the defilement of her throat, but to be fair, she'd been too busy worrying about drowning in his cum and asphyxiating on his cock at the time to properly comprehend the size of his load.

Now that she's got a womb full of Orc Seed, she knows just how much he can cum… and it's a fucking lot. Shivering, Saelyia looks down at her once-flat abdomen, and the slight bulge that his cum alone has created there. The incredibly fit, Amazon-esque Night Elf has never felt so bloated, so full… so satisfied.

A shudder runs down Saelyia's spine and she whimpers, even as the Orc pulls out of her. Only for a moment though, only long enough to spin her around and push her face first into the tree that she'd wanted so desperately to protect from his people. Then, he's inside her again, fucking her from behind as hard as he likes… and Saelyia can't help but cry out in an ugly manner, the pleasure coming to her even faster this time as she realizes that her chance to escape might be a long time coming indeed… and that this disgrace and desecration is only just beginning.


"Ah, ah, ah!"

He was… insatiable. Saelyia squeezes her eyes shut for a moment, trying to stop the gasping and moaning coming from her lips, but it's no use. Even if she closes her mouth shut, she just whimpers instead in an embarrassing fashion. As the orc's cock pistons in and out of her again and again, she can do nothing but take it. She's not even trying to fight him, anymore.

What would be the point? Sure, her wrists are unbound, so maybe it could be argued that she should be fighting back, but there's no way she's going to be able to properly fight him off, naked and weaponless as she is. She's not a Priestess or Druid, just a Sentinel, which means she can't call upon Elune or the Emerald Dream to help her in this instance. Or rather, she can, but she can't expect substantial aid to manifest from such a request.

And honestly, she doesn't want the eyes of Elune upon her right now. She hopes, deep down inside, that the Moon Goddess is looking away. Because… Saelyia can't stop cumming. Even as that thought is crossing her mind, her sweaty elven body is locking up again, a cry spilling forth from her lips as she orgasms once more around the orc's cock.

He grunts but does not cum in response, holding back his own release so he can fuck her longer. To be fair, it's not like he hasn't already filled her with his seed a million times so far. Ever since her defeat, Saelyia has been this… creature's toy. He took her with him when he was done, and she didn't have enough strength in her arms to so much as beat her fists on his back as he'd carried her like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. Nor had she had the strength in her legs she would have needed to run. Her entire body had been limp by that point.

The past few days since then had been filled with more of the same. Nonstop sex. The brutish orc didn't seem to have an off-switch, and even when she pleaded for rest, her begging usually went unanswered. He fucked her until she passed out from exhaustion, and then he woke her up with more sex, whether it was him sliding his morning wood into her open mouth or into her warm, wet cunt.

Yes, wet. She was perpetually wet for him, at this point. She hated it, of course she did. Saelyia was a proud Sentinel of the Kal'dorei race. There was no room in her for anything else… or so she'd thought. But bit by bit, fuck by fuck, day by day… this bastard was worming his way in. Not into her heart, but into her mind. Into her every waking thought… even into her dreams.

A shudder runs through Saelyia, and she cries out again as her captor hits a particularly deep point inside of her. At the very least, they were on a bed, she supposed. When he'd taken her with him, she'd expected huts and dirt floors and pelts for beds. Instead, she found out to her horror that the orcs had been repurposing elven buildings, and he in particular was apparently high-ranking enough to have his own room.

As such, she was laid out on her back on an elven bed, surrounded by her people's architecture as he fucked her again and again. He might as well have been taking her on her own bed, really. Which made it all the worse for her. It was all just too… too much. Laid out on her back, her gravity-defying supple breasts bouncing back and forth across her chest as he fucks her, Saelyia can do nothing but moan and mewl and gasp like a wanton whore.

He has her dead to rights, this fucking bastard. This massive, hulking monster. He has her dead to rights… and they can't even understand each other! Or rather, they can't even understand each other's languages. When he suddenly reaches up and places one of his truly massive hands around her neck, forcing her to tilt her head back and jut her chin out, the message is quite clear. He's not choking her; he's simply holding her by the throat… and it's obvious what he means.

I could kill you at any time. But I won't, because you belong to me now. Mine. All mine.

She knows that's what the greenskinned bastard is thinking, because she can read it in his big wide tusk-toothed grin. She can see it in his glittering red eyes. He holds her by the neck and continues to fuck her on her back, his massive cock bulging out her abdomen ever so slightly, invading her womb directly, her cervix long since broken down and failed in it's task of stopping the massive green behemoth slamming into it.

"B-Bastard… I won't… I won't b-break. I refuse."

Obviously, he has no idea what she's saying, but she likes to think he gets the message anyways. Especially as his grin dims somewhat, not quite becoming a snarl, but definitely becoming laced with determination and resolve. His grip on her neck tightens just enough to be shy of uncomfortable, and he leans forward a bit more, fucking into her all the harder, all the faster.


His balls smack up against her perfectly proportioned ass cheeks again and again as Saelyia cries out, her melodic voice filling the air. Her eyes very nearly roll back in her head, as another orgasm takes her. She's trying, she really is. It's just so hard. Why… why did Elune forsake her? Had the Kal'dorei not served the Moon Goddess well? Why would Elune allow such barbarous creatures onto their shores, if not as a form of punishment, or perhaps a trial?

Saelyia could already tell that, if this were a trial… she was a failure. She could fight it as long as she liked, but the orc… he was already having his way with her. She'd failed to stop him from taking her, and now he was enjoying the spoils of his victory, of his conquest. Meanwhile, his people continued to harvest their forests for trees.

That last part should fill her with rage! It should fill her with disgust and anger! It should push her into a righteous fury from which she may never recover! Instead, she's just filled with Orc Dick. And the more that her captor fucks her, the harder it is to care about anything else that's happening outside of this room.

Drawing his hand back from her throat, the Orc proceeds to oh so casually smack it across her face. There's no real force behind the impact. If he put his weight and strength into it, he could probably snap her neck with a proper slap. But instead, he just casually smacks her, grinning again as her breath hitches and her cunt clenches around his cock from the impact. Really… was she really ENJOYING him HITTING her now?!

As he speeds up the pace yet again, the beast leans forward and says something in his low, guttural tone to her. He's spoken to her a few times these past few days, mostly accompanied with hand gestures to make his commands to her clear. This time, however, is the first time that Saelyia can hear the distinct taunting tone of his voice and realizes that he KNOWS.

He knows just as well as she that she's already on the verge of breaking. He knows just as well as she that she's barely even fighting back anymore. He knows… and the knowing is what finally tips her over the edge. That and the big fat green dick currently pillaging away at her womb, of course. With an anguished but also ecstatic cry, Saelyia finds herself brought to the single strongest orgasm she's ever had, her eyes fully rolling back in her head.

She whites out from the pleasure for a moment, losing consciousness ever so briefly. When she comes back to the world of the living a second later, it's to the sensation of her captor cumming inside of her, her pussy walls milking him of his seed. The knowledge that she brought him over the edge, that it was her fault he deposited yet another huge load in her womb… it sends her through yet another explosive orgasm.

Howling and screaming her emotions for all the world to hear, Saelyia can do nothing but cum around her captor's cock again and again and again.


"… I hate you…"

Beneath her, her Orc chuckles as he holds her by the waist and assists in fucking her. Laid out beneath her, the hulking brute is currently thrusting up into her from below, but almost languidly. In truth, it's Saelyia who is in charge right now, riding him, bouncing up and down on his cock. As embarrassing as it is… she's become a bit addicted.

"I know."

His guttural response causes a full body shudder in the former Sentinel, and she glares down at him, irritated to say the least. Fuck him. Fuck him so damn much. Where does he get off, accepting her vitriol with such aplomb?

It's now been several weeks since he beat her and took her. She's learned a fair bit of the Orcish Tongue by this point. She's his slave, and he doesn't let her leave their 'home' without a leash and collar, but she's not an idiot, she's not stupid. She can pick up on things, and he likes to take her for 'walks', likes to 'show her off'. So, she's learned their language from that, if nothing else.

He's pleased about it too, irritatingly enough. He likes that she can speak her tongue, though he also likes her own language. He's told her he likes to hear her scream in it as he fucks her into blissful oblivion. Needless to say, Saelyia has done her best to hold her voice back in every session since. Needless to say, she's categorically failed in that goal in every session since as well.

"I hate you!"

Slamming her fists into his chest has no effect. He grunts but doesn't care, and all the while, her hips continue to rise of her own volition. He holds her by the waist, but it's an illusion. She's in control right now, technically. She's the one bouncing up and down on his cock. He's just laying back and enjoying his sex slave riding him.

Grimacing, Saelyia's hands go to her belly, feeling the slight bulge there. Then they go up to her breasts, and her breath hitches as she runs her fingers over the sensitive, enlarged tits and their engorged nipples. Hissing, the Night Elf Sentinel glares down at her captor, at her Orc. Her following words are a mixture of Orcish and Night Elven, but she gets her point across all the same.

"You bastard! Don't you see what you've done to me?!"

His grin falls away, and his brow furrows in confusion and slight concern. Which is the worst part about this whole thing. The realization that he's actually grown to care about her, even if it's just as his toy, as his fuck pet, as his sex slave. Saelyia refuses to dwell on it though.

"You got me pregnant, damn it! Look at me! Do you know how rare it is for my race to breed?! It can take DECADES! And you did it in a few weeks! YOU BASTARD!"

Her Orc slows to a complete stop as he parses what she's saying, processing her admission. Scowling, Saelyia crosses her arms over her chest when he reaches for them, causing him to stop and glance at her, before snorting derisively. His large hands pull her arms away from her bust, and he begins to feel her enlarged breasts.

"F-Fuck you…"

She's gasping now, moaning even. Her tits are so much more sensitive right now because of him. Aching, really. She'll be producing milk soon enough; she just knows it. Not yet though… not yet. He's surprisingly gentle, as he rubs one of his gargantuan green thumbs over a nipple, feeling it hardening and throbbing beneath his digit.

"… Good."

His response causes her to jolt, and Saelyia scowls down at him even harder.

"O-Of course you would say that, you b-bastard!"

Her Orc just chuckles, his hand leaving her breast to run across her belly. His red eyes, however, are focused entirely on her face as he speaks slowly, knowing she'll need the time to decipher exactly what he's saying.

"Your people… might breed slow. Mine do not. Orc seed has always… bred fast and true. No matter the womb."

Oh. Oh, fuck. He couldn't be… he wasn't saying what she thought he was saying, was he? Her Orc's grin grows wider at whatever he's seeing in her wide eyed look, and he chuckles as he rubs his thumb in soothing circles into her baby bump.

"First… but not the last."

It's as much a promise as it is a statement of fact. Saelyia shudders as she processes what he's saying. He's gotten her pregnant. He's knocked her up. He's turned her into his broodmare, and obviously he's pretty fucking pleased about it. It's more than that though, with this latest sentence. He's not just pleased that he bred her in a scant few weeks when it should have taken a lot longer… he's all but promising to do it again and again for however long she remains in his clutches.

Saelyia shudders again as the full weight of his words hits her, and as embarrassing as it is, cums upon her Orc's cock as a result. This in turn takes him with her, and his seed once again fills her as she sits atop him, straddling his crotch.

When he lifts himself up and pulls out of her, she begins to beat against his chest some more, albeit very weakly.

"B-Bastard. Stupid fucking orc bastard. Hate you. Hate you!"

But she doesn't stop him from turning her around or bending her over. She doesn't stop him from putting her on her hands and knees, leaving her engorged and sensitive breasts hanging down beneath her, dangling and jiggling. As he inserts himself in her from behind, Saelyia cries out, experiencing a mini-orgasm on the spot as her Orc has conditioned her to.

She cries out a lot louder when he leans over her and wraps his arms around her lithe athletic body in order to grope and squeeze at her breasts, pinching and tugging at her nipples. Squealing, Saelyia tries to ignore the rough treatment as best she can… but it's impossible. It feels too damn good, she can't hold anything back, not her voice, not her body's reactions.

Moaning and mewling, the Night Elf Sentinel continues to weakly deny enjoying any of it. She continues to tell her Orc that she hates him, that she hates all of this. In truth, not that it's a truth Saelyia will acknowledge even to herself… she's already resigned herself to this new life. And deep down inside, VERY deep down… there's a part of her that's secretly pleased that she's made her Orc happy.


In the end, it's taken some doing, but the Universe has gotten its way once more. Elves are made for lewding, after all. And while the Night Elves managed to, for the most part avoid subjugation by both demons and eldritch tentacle monsters, that just meant it was time to bring in the big guns.

And when it came to lewding Elves, there was no bigger gun then the trusty, handy Orc.


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