Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Backed Into A Corner (Hazbin Hotel)

Backed Into A Corner (Hazbin Hotel)

A/N: Backed into a Corner was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in May of 2020! Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After Charlie's disastrous interview and her talk with Alastor, the Overlord intervenes on her behalf by 'asking' Tom Trench to convince Katie Killjoy to do another segment on the hotel. The Radio Demon has no idea what he's unleashed.

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly


It really was a shame. If he could do something, he would. But in the end… Tom Trench was nobody important in the grand scheme of things. Certainly, he was no one important down here in Hell. For a brief moment, as Princess Charlie had tried to explain what she was doing and attempted to extoll the virtues of her hotel scheme, Tom had allowed himself to feel just a smidgen of hope.

He wanted it to work. He wanted her experiment to be real. Because, at least for him personally, it would have represented an opportunity, a way out of Hell and a way to escape from Katie Killjoy. But then, much like everything in life, Katie had seen to the destruction of that smidgen of hope right quick by shutting down Charlie's efforts in the disastrous live interview that the Princess had been granted.

Honestly, his fellow news anchor might as well have been named Katie Murderhope Killjoy, for all that her middle name would mess up the double K's she had going on with her first and last. The bitchy demoness was a lover of torture, an artisan when it came to vanity. She only cared about herself, about having the hottest stories, and about sniffing out the latest gossip that she could use to torture and belittle and degrade people she didn't even know.

In comparison, Tom Trench… wasn't anything special. He was a nobody, who'd mostly just stumbled into his job at Six-Six-Six News. Funnily enough, he actually had seniority over Katie. That was how he got his job in the first place… Six-Six-Six News was nothing before Killjoy came along. It was the sort of place that even an imbecilic demon like Tom could find work.

When Katie had arrived in Hell, the bitch already full of ambition and arrogance and modern news know-how, it'd been a piece of pie for her to take over. These days, she was the head anchor and Six-Six-Six News was Hell's premier news station, and Tom Trench… Tom Trench was still a nobody. Why they kept him around, the loser demon couldn't even begin to understand, but he assumed it had something to do with Katie looking better next to him or something.

Ah well. As Tom trudges home, he shrugs his shoulders in a big, exaggerated way. The Princess' idea had certainly been an interesting one, at least to him, but it was doomed to failure from the very beginning. Even if it could have been his way out of Hell, Tom knew that most demons weren't actually looking for redemption or escape. After all, they'd all been brought down here from the Earth above for a reason. Evil was the name of the game, and practically nobody here had any desire to be anything but.

Princess Charlie would just have to find another new pet project to work on, because Hazbin Hotel was circling the drain fast, now that Katie had given it her official seal of disapproval on air and would likely never mention it again. And… that was fine. Tom had been foolish to let himself feel an ounce of hope in the first place, really. He just needed to keep his head down and continue marching forward, just like he had in life…

Of course, it becomes difficult to continue marching forward when you find yourself abruptly waylaid, scooped up, and deposited in a nearby dark alley. It happens so fast that Tom just freezes, half-expecting whatever demon that's grabbed him to just bite his head off and be done with it. Certainly, it seems like his time is up.

"Mister Trench… a word, if you please."

Slowly, Tom looks up and stares at his would-be killer. But no… no, the Radio Demon has no reason to kill him in a dark alley, not when he could rip him limb from limb in public and no one would give two shits. As Alastor looks down at him with a wicked grin (not that the Demon Lord has any other sort of grin) Tom shivers, recognizing that whatever this is, he'd probably have preferred a quick death to it.

Still, the Gas Mask Demon was no idiot, he knew better than to even think of being impolite to the Demon Lord standing before him now. Alastor, also known as the Radio Demon, was one of many powerful Overlords down here in Hell. Tom still remembered the day when Alastor arrived in Hell. He'd shown up with so much raw power that he'd managed to trample several older demons who'd been in charge for centuries, including Tom's boss at the time. He'd then broadcast this carnage on the radio for everyone to hear, thus earning his title as the Radio Demon.

"… U-Uh, sure! Lord Alastor, s-sir! What can I do for you?"

That ever present wicked grin grows a little wider as Alastor leans in closer.

"I have something I want from you. A favor if you would. I want you… to generate some more press for Hazbin Hotel!"

Tom too had been leaning forward subconsciously, listening to Alastor's meandering drawl… until it gets to the end, and he freezes up entirely. Whether Alastor notices or not, he doesn't seem to care that Tom has frozen, because he continues on with a wave of his hand.

"It doesn't have to be good or bad, really. You can say whatever you want about the place. But… I need Hell's premier news station to talk about Hazbin Hotel some more. What do you say?"

As previously stated, Tom Trench is NOT stupid. He's just rather weak-willed and something of a loser. Regardless, because he's actually pretty smart, the news anchor is able to put two and two together pretty quickly. For all that Alastor is the Radio Demon, he's not some media mogul who owns all of Hell's entertainment. The other Overlords of Hell have their hands in all the pies as well.

So yeah, Alastor isn't technically Tom's boss… nor is he Katie's. In fact, Katie's ratings are so damn good that he's fairly sure even if they had a direct superior or boss, that that demon wouldn't necessarily be able to get away with ordering Katie around. Certainly, Alastor couldn't. Which was why the terrifying, overwhelming Radio Demon had come to Tom instead. He probably wasn't afraid of Katie Killjoy or anything like that… but the Demon Lord was no doubt smart enough to know which avenue to approach from.

That all was to say, even knowing that didn't precisely help Tom one bit, because this clearly wasn't a favor, it was a demand. Tom was stuck between an Overlord and the bitchy Head Anchor. Truly, there had never been more of a rock and a hard place situation. Even still, the Gas Mask Demon makes a single, solitary attempt at trying to appeal to Alastor's better nature.

"I-I would, o-of course I would sir, b-but… it's… Katie w-wouldn't hear of it, you see! She HATES that place! She told me outright that she's not going to give it another second of coverage ever again, not unless its to report on it's complete and total s-shutdown!"

Silence falls in the alleyway once Tom is done explaining the situation to the Overlord of Hell. For a brief moment, Alastor just stares down at him, and Tom isn't quite sure whether he should be hopeful that the Demon Lord is going to be agreeable, or fearful that he's about to get his head torn off by the Radio Demon.

In the end, it's neither. Alastor suddenly pulls back and gives Tom a wink.

"Well, you'll try anyways. For me. Won't you?"

There's an implicit threat in those words, and in the end all Tom can do is hang his head and nod his agreement. Alastor brings a clawed hand down on the Gas Mask Demon's shoulder in what might have been an attempt at a pitying pat, and chuckles.

"Good. Oh, and don't mention that it was I who asked for it!"

And then, just like that, the Radio Demon turns and leaves the alley, whistling as he goes, while Tom stands there, trembling in a mixture of emotions. What was he going to do now? If he brought up the idea with Katie, she'd no doubt abuse him some more. Whether she'd actually get rid of him or not was honestly neither here nor there, because it was more a concern of what felt like a sinking inevitable failure.

What would the Radio Demon do to him if Tom failed? How could Tom possibly succeed? Shuddering, the Gas Mask Demon makes his way home, his mind whirling and his thoughts going a thousand miles a second. By the time he's finally in his dingy little apartment however, he realizes there's only one choice in this absolute mess of a situation. It's time… to enact his doomsday plan.

Ever since Katie showed up, Tom has been worried. He's almost certainly living on borrowed time at this point. So, a few years back, he'd begun doing some research. He needed an edge… and for all that Hell had become somewhat modern and commercialized, a reflection of the world above… it was still a place of darkness and demons, of esoteric magics and horrors that had long been forgotten.

Tom had been doing research, and he'd come across an ancient tome that had outlined a magical potion with a list of ingredients that he was surprised to find could still be procured, even today. The potion had jumped out at him because it seemed perfect for his purposes. It was said to be used by ancient Demon Princes in ages long past, to help them deal with belligerent, disobedient demonesses on their 'wedding nights'.

Setting aside the extremely rapey connotations there, from what Tom could tell, it should help him with Katie… not that he wanted that kind of relationship with his fellow news anchor, but he assumed the potion would give him some sort of supernatural confidence, some extra power, and maybe even some defenses against Katie's nonstop aggression.

All of that should let him get the edge on the demoness. He's only a few steps away from completing the potion too, he has all the ingredients, and he's been working on the longer steps for months now. He COULD finish the potion tonight, if he so chose… which is exactly what he's planning to do. He'll use the potion to endure Katie's crap, and then he'll badger her until she talks about the hotel.

It's fool proof!


By the time Tom comes to a stop in front of the door to Katie Killjoy's apartment, which is of course on the other side of town from his in a VERY expensive high rise, he's… not quite feeling like he's ready to take on the world, or anything like that. He'd finished his potion, and he'd gone ahead and drank it down, using a straw thanks to his stupid gas mask face.

And sure, it made him feel good… but he didn't suddenly feel all powerful, or anything. Damn ancient tome and it's vague descriptions of what the magical potion was supposed to do. In the end, all Tom could do was put his faith in the nebulous writing and his own hard work. Maybe he wasn't ready to take on all of Hell, but he needed to at least take on Katie. Lest he end up on a certain Radio Demon's bad side.

With a sigh, Tom reaches out and knocks on the door to the demoness' apartment. It takes a moment, but eventually he hears her on the other side, and then the door is flung open and there Katie stands. Not in her usual news anchor ensemble, but in a big bathrobe instead. Though it's still in her signature color of red, so that part is no different.

The red is about the only thing that doesn't distract Tom though, even as Katie looms over him, eyeing him up and down.

"What do you want?"

Tom is a bit too busy staring to respond, immediately. He's always known, intellectually speaking, that Katie Killjoy is a fine piece of ass. But her attitude is rotten, and so is her personality, so he's never really thought about it before. Even still, dressed in only her red bathrobe, Katie's proportions are even easier to ogle, leaving him staring at the tall demoness' hourglass figure, from her large breasts to her thin waist, to her wide hips.

Oh yeah, Katie Killjoy is a looker… but she's also a total bitch in every way that matters, so Tom can't exactly let that distract him… even though he already has. Luckily, his gas mask face hides his gulp as well as some of his uncertainty as he looks up at her, feeling a strange sense of confidence.

"Katie… I need to talk to you."

Not a single stutter or stammer… honestly, Tom is as surprised as his fellow news anchor clearly looks. But Katie's baffled expression lasts all of a moment before she gives him a more considering, calculating glance. In the end, the head anchor of Six-Six-Six News shrugs her shoulders and steps aside.

"Fine then. Come in, I suppose."

Tom follows the demoness into her expensive, ritzy-looking apartment, his gaze following her naturally swaying hips more than actually looking around, if he's being honest. He does note how well-furnished the place is, able to see quite easily where Katie's utterly massive paycheck goes, what she's been spending her money on.

Regardless, eventually Katie turns back around to glare down at him aggressively. She doesn't offer him a drink or any sort of snack, she gets right down to business.

"What is it, you idiot? I don't have all night."

Right… right, it was time. He had to do this. If he didn't, Alastor would likely have his head. Unfortunately, he was also forbidden from mentioning the Radio Demon's name to his fellow news anchor… which meant this had to be HIS idea, unfortunately.

"Katie… I think we should give that Hazbin Hotel idea the Princess is working on another fair shake. I think we should report on the place again, in an unbiased way… with some journalistic integrity."

Silence falls, as Katie stares at him. Honestly, Tom is almost too distracted once again by his own words. He's not a bad public speaker, he wouldn't still be a news anchor if he was. But when it came to demons and demonesses that could squash him like a bug, such as Alastor or Katie herself, it was hard not to stutter and stammer in their presence, like he had earlier with the Radio Demon.

However, he was speaking so clearly right now, so easily. Not a single hitch in his words, as he laid out his intentions to his fellow news anchor. It was honestly kind of amazing… but Tom's self-awe is short-lived, as Katie finally comes out of her stupor and snarls.

"Excuse me?! What did you just say?!"

Tom clears his throat and begins to answer.

"I said-hrk!"

In one smooth motion, Katie steps forward and silences him, going for the jugular… metaphorically speaking. She doesn't actually grab him by the throat. Instead, the gorgeous, bitchy demoness grabs him by his genitals, grasping his groin in her hand as she sneers down at him and squeezes hard.

"It was a rhetorical question, shit-stain! Where do you get the nerve to think you can order me around, huh? You think I'm going to dance to your tune, you little pissant?! You're a loser, Tom, and you'll always be a loser!"

Tom's answering moan of pleasure probably isn't what Katie is looking for, as she tries and fails to crush his dick and balls in her hand. Truth be told, Tom isn't expecting it either. Both of them look down at that point, Tom in wonder at the complete lack of pain, and Katie in confusion and disbelief that her strongest grip is… merely fondling Tom's junk, rather than mooshing it up outright like a rotted banana.

For all intents and purposes, Katie is currently trying to geld her news anchor, trying to turn him into a eunuch right then and there for daring to even suggest she do something she doesn't want to. And… she's failing. Truth be told, it's a new feeling for Killjoy. She hasn't failed at much since dying and showing up in Hell. She's a force of nature, a personality that can't be beat… so she's not quite sure what to do when her unstoppable force meets Tom's immovable 'object'.

In the end, her curiosity gets the better of her as she feels the Gas Mask Demon's dick getting big… bigger than she ever would have thought possible, all because of her grip. Still quite angry, but maybe just a little turned on, the demoness licks her lips and rips Tom's pants away from his body to see exactly what she's dealing with.

Frankly, Tom is just as shocked as Katie when an utterly massive demon dick, fit more for an Overlord or a Prince or even the King of Hell himself, unfurls from out of his torn away pants. His cock is huge, bigger than it's ever been in both his life and his death. Of course, with a gas mask for a face, he can't actually gape with his jaw dropped open, since he doesn't have a jaw anymore… but he's still incredibly surprised.

He's even more surprised when Katie shifts her crushing grip into a more… sexual hold, grasping just his shaft in her hand and stroking it up and down experimentally. He grows a bit bigger, and even spurts out some thick white precum as a result of her touch, and Katie hums in consideration.

"… You know what Tom; I'll make you a deal. Not that you'll succeed, but it might be fun for a lark. Satisfy me… and I'll do a segment on that shitty hotel. Hell, I'll even suggest it might be a good thing. Not like I give an ounce about 'journalistic integrity'."

As she throws his words back in his face, Tom is trembling… but not in fear. Is this the potion, doing this? He's filled with desire right now… desire for Katie Killjoy. Tom was of two minds, at the moment. Neither was particularly afraid or terrified or anything like that. Instead, part of him was disgusted by the thought of submitting to this crazy bitch. The other part was quick to point out however that Katie is a SEXY crazy bitch, with legs for days, a nice rack, and an ass that has never ever quit for as long as he's known her.

Plus… Alastor was still a factor, and in the end, that was what decided it for him. Weighing his options doesn't take Tom long, and ultimately, the Gas Mask Demon nods his head towards the demoness, causing her to grin wickedly. Truly, Katie Killjoy's smile is utterly sadistic as she lets go of his cock and reaches up with both hands, untying her robe and slowly removing it. Underneath, Tom can see that she's actually wearing red satin undergarments, and thigh high leggings.

His cock grows a couple more inches and then stops, and it's obvious to both denizens of Hell that he's finally at full mast, his dick absolutely gigantic and pointing directly at Katie as she licks her lips. With a single shove, she pushes Tom onto her back and crouches over him, moving her panties to the side and without foreplay or hesitation, SLAMMING herself down onto his prick.

It's obvious that Katie wants one thing and one thing only… her pussy stuffed full of his demon meat. Tom can't honestly blame her as he groans in immense enjoyment, because it feels really, REALLY good from his end as well. The Gas Mask Demon is left panting through his face as he considers whether or not he should reach up and grab ahold of Katie, or whether that would be a… bad idea.

Though, he's beginning to finally notice that, for whatever reason… she can't hurt him right now. He's starting to get an idea of exactly what the potion he imbibed was supposed to do. Perhaps it wasn't meant to make him offensively more powerful… but instead defensively. It made sense, given what he knew about it. After all, a Demon Prince wouldn't need more offensive power… but if they were going to pin a demoness of unknown strength and power down and rape her senseless, they would need to use protection. And no, not that sort of protection.

He certainly doesn't feel like he's wearing a condom, as Katie bounces up and down on his cock with that same sadistic grin on her face. She's enjoying this, enjoying riding him like a bronco as she groans happily.

"F-Fuck… you're big where it counts Tom, I'll g-give you that. If only you weren't so, mm, worthless in so many other ways~"

He'll take his compliments where he can get them, even if Katie's rotten personality leaves her insulting him a moment later. Regardless, he's barely paying attention to what she's saying, far too distracted by what she's DOING instead. It feels so good, having her wrapped around his massive cock… too good, in fact.

With a loud groan, Tom lets loose, releasing his first load since he drank the potion. His seed comes out of his cock thick and viscous and voluminous, and it fills Katie Killjoy up nice and fast. The demoness still freezes atop him for a moment though, having not even reached one orgasm yet. Just as she's about to kill her fellow news anchor for being a quick shot, she blinks and realizes something, working her hips in a circle and noting how Tom is still fully hard inside of her, not even slightly soft.

Wasting no time in getting back to business, Katie bounces up and down on Tom's cock some more, and Tom in turn groans beneath her, his massive prick throbbing and pulsating, but remaining quite hard in her cunt, which is even slicker now. After a few more thrusts, Katie reaches her first climax as well, letting out a loud orgasmic scream as she throws her head back and cries out.

Once she's recovered, she lifts herself off of Tom and watches as cum oozes out of her pussy and onto his big fat demon dick… his still-hard, big fat demon dick. Licking her lips, Katie meets the lens of Tom's gas mask and grins ferally.

"I hope you're ready for more, Tom. Because we're not done yet… not by a long shot. Get back to work!"

As she says those last four words, she shoves herself back down onto his dick and begins to ride him towards kingdom cum again. Tom, meanwhile, finally throws caution to the wind and reaches out to grab Katie by her hips, gripping at them tightly and thrusting up into her from below. When she doesn't immediately take his head off for the aggressive act, Tom speeds it up, not letting up for even a second as he fucks the bitchy, bossy demoness from below for all he's worth.


Time… time passes without much meaning. The most Tom can guess, it's still at least the same day… or rather, night by this point, when he next looks up at the clock. He and Katie have been going at it like animals for all that time too, the potion he'd taken leaving him… insatiable, in a way. He'd always had a bit of a thing for the sin of lust, but this was definitely different… this was just wild.

Case in point, they'd fucked in several positions at this point, but there was no way in Hell that under any normal circumstances, Tom Trench would be taking Katie Killjoy on her bed, doggystyle. As he plows her from behind, his massive cock splitting her insides and his hands gripping at her hips, it's obvious from Katie's groggy mumbling that the demoness doesn't quite understand how they got here like this either.

But the amount of orgasms he's put her through so far have left her… surprisingly docile. Her pussy walls clench and cling rather weakly to his cock, and she moans more than she yells, mewling and squirming in front of him as she claws at her own bedding. She hasn't insulted him in a while at this point, seeming to not have the voice for it, having screamed herself positively hoarse.

With a last vicious thrust, Tom cums inside of Katie again, creampieing her from behind this time and groaning all the while as he drops a fresh load of spunk deep inside of the demoness' pussy. Katie, in response, climaxes on the spot, an explosive orgasm that she's been conditioned to have every time Tom jizzes inside of her by now.

As he pulls out, Katie slumps forward, landing on her face, ass still up in the air, and her pussy OOZING with his cum… HIS cum. Tom stands there for a moment, having had every intention of leaving it at this. Obviously, he's completely satisfied his bitch of a colleague by this point, right? The head anchor of Six-Six-Six News really has no leg to stand on, if she wants to claim he didn't hold up his end of the deal.

But… staring down at her, seeing her completely exhausted and leaking out his seed, Tom comes to a startling realization. He'd… he'd dominated her. He'd put this bitch, this arrogant cunt of a demoness in her place. He had seniority, by all rights he should have been her superior down here in Hell. But from the moment she'd first shown up, Katie hadn't shown an ounce of weakness, she hadn't let anyone walk all over her… until now.

Quite suddenly, the Gas Mask Demon realizes that his own exhaustion… it's a wholly mental construct. He's not really all that tired… in fact, thanks to the potion he made, he can definitely keep going. And with Katie so out of it and dominated by his new demonic dick… he can do whatever the hell he wants. With that in mind, Tom knows EXACTLY what he wants to do.

Moving into position, Tom mounts the face down demoness, grabbing hold of her fat ass and spreading it wide as he presses his still hard prick in between her open cheeks, towards her untouched back door. The demoness startles awake when she first feels his cockhead against her anus, and Katie manages to lift her head up enough to look back over her shoulder at him, even as her body begins to twitch as she tries to draw upon her inner demon form, likely to hurt him. There's a note of warning in her tone as she growls back at him.

"Tom… don't you fucking da-AIIIIIEEEE!"

Needless to say, he's through listening to her. And with the potion backing him up, Tom has never felt surer of himself in his life. In the midst of Katie's threat and her attempted transformation, Tom slams his cock home into her asshole. But he doesn't just bugger Katie Killjoy… he begins to spank her too, his hands coming down on her pale behind with harsh slaps as he butt fucks and punishes the bitchy news anchor for all the shit she's put him through over the years.

Katie, for her part, squeals beautifully and is soon drowning in new pleasure mixed with some pain. Tom never would have taken her for a masochist, but there's something undeniably sexy about watching her pant and squeak beneath him. Groaning his enjoyment, Tom doesn't let up for even a moment. In fact, he fucks Katie's ass harder as he begins to speak, growling out his words and punctuating each word with a thrust.

"I'm! In! Control! Now! Bitch!"

Katie gasps and moans, trying to muster up the will to speak, but finding it so very difficult. Her body shakes and spasms as she suddenly experiences her first ever orgasm from being anally pounded, the butt fucking she's enduring causing her to squirt like a fountain, a mixture of her pussy juices and his previous cum loads geysering out of her well fucked twat.

"If! You! Ever! Want! This! Dick! Again! You'll! Do! What! I! Say!"

Tom's ultimatum comes with more harsh thrusts deep into Katie's ass, his cock burying itself in her bowels and driving the demoness positively wild as he slams home into her back door with the same force he delivered to her cunt over and over again… if not possibly more. Katie… finally snaps, just as he'd known she would.

"Y-Yes! F-Fuck, don't stop, you big-dicked bastard! I-I'll do it! I'll be your fucking bitch, o-or whatever, just keep on fucking me! I'll talk up that shitty hotel, just don't stop plowing me silly! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUUUUUUCK!"

As Katie cums a second time, her butt muscles clench and squeeze down around his cock even more tightly than her pussy ever did. With a groan, Tom cums inside of Katie Killjoy's ass, feeling all powerful for once in his afterlife. He fills her bowels to the brim with his spunk, just like he did her twat, and then he pulls out, panting heavily and admiring his handiwork.

Katie stays face down, ass up, clearly not having the strength left to rise as she sort of half-lays there, arms at her sides, fingers twitching, entire body trembling. There's quite a lot of cum leaking from her ass and pussy, and Tom can't help but think she looks beautiful, more beautiful than he's ever seen her. But… as great as it is for his seed to be slopping out of her lower holes… it'd look even better if she were absolutely coated in his cum, her expensive-looking lingerie ruined entirely by his white, hot ejaculate.

His newly enhanced demon ick clearly agrees with him as it begins to rise again, and Tom chuckles darkly as he reaches down to take ahold of it and begin stroking it. Taking a step forward, the news anchor throws his colleague's words from before right back at her.

"Hope you're ready for more, bitch… because we're not done. Not by a long shot!"

This was effectively his only chance to do what he had to do and put Katie in her place permanently. Tonight was his night… and he wasn't going to waste even a single second of it.


"… So yeah, maybe I was wrong about that hotel. Hazbin Hotel, our Princess' latest project… might be worth something after all. If you aren't a pussy, you'll give it a try."

At hearing Katie Killjoy's not-quite-ringing endorsement of Hazbin Hotel after doing a whole positive segment on the place, Princess Charlie can only stare at the TV screen in utter shock, her jaw dropped and her eyes wide in complete and utter bafflement. That slowly morphs into pure happiness and a beaming sort of smile that, contrary to most of the demons in Hell, doesn't contain an ounce of evil or sadism or wickedness.

"This… this is the best news ever!"

As Charlie drags Vaggie into a hug, bouncing around and cheering and celebrating, Alastor, the Radio Demon, watches on from the background, his usual wicked grin on his face as he cocks his head to the side, more than a little confused and more than a little surprised. Not that he's showing any of it, even thought he IS quite shocked by the news.

When he'd gone to Tom Trench and given the Gas Mask Demon his marching orders, he hadn't quite known what to expect. Failure? Almost certainly. Some desperate move to either force Katie's hand, or replace her entirely? Maybe. Either way, he'd ultimately not expected much out of the Gas Mask Demon. It was just one small way that Alastor was doing his part in spreading the word about Hazbin Hotel. He'd assumed it, like many of his other ideas, would fail, while some would succeed and those would be the ones he'd focus on more.

This though… how the fuck had Tom Trench managed to convince Katie Killjoy of anything? It was… mind-boggling. Perhaps… perhaps he'd underestimated dear Mister Trench. No, rather, he'd DEFINITELY underestimated Tom Trench. He was going to have to keep on eye on the Gas Mask Demon. There was more there then anyone had ever suspected, clearly.


Tom yelps as he's dragged into Katie's dressing room immediately after their show concludes. This isn't the sort of place he would normally ever be allowed, but he's certainly not questioning it as the demoness pushes him back against the nearest wall and drops to her knees right then and there, pulling out his utterly massive demon dick and fellating it on the spot.

Even though he'd managed to get some leverage on Katie and had definitely put her in her place the night before… she was still a rotten bitch through and through, and the sort that didn't take no for an answer. Still, she doesn't fight it when he places his hand atop her head and laces his fingers through her hair. Her red eyes flash up to meet his for a moment, before she quickly looks away again, fixating on the task at hand instead.

Katie Killjoy wasn't the kind of demoness who would ever admit that she got dominated by a demon… even though that was exactly what happened. Tom got the feeling that if he pushed the issue, she'd sooner try to kill him then call him Master, or something like that. This certainly wouldn't be anything like the normal master-slave dynamics that most sexual relationships in Hell operated under.

… But that was alright, he didn't need Katie to call him Master to know that this bitch was now HIS bitch. Though, that dumb potion… it had definitely changed him. He felt like it was mostly for the better, but he honestly couldn't say for certain. Still, one thing is for certain. He may have managed to succeed and fulfill Alastor's demand, Hazbin Hotel had its second chance… but Tom could already tell that his pathway to redemption was closed forever.

He had Katie's attention now, after all, and for all that HE was the one with the big bitch-breaking dick that had dominated HER, he could tell that the moment he made any effort to try to get redeemed and sent to Heaven… Katie would kill him for trying to leave her. She was that sort of possessive, obsessive bitch of a sub, he supposed.

Still, as her vacuum-like mouth quickly brings him off and he cums down her throat, forcing her to swallow a nice hot load of his thick, viscous seed, Tom lets out a somewhat content sigh. Katie quickly finishes gulping down his cum, and then pulls back and stands up, beginning to unbutton her clothes in a purposeful hurry that makes her intentions quite obvious.

In the end, Tom supposes… this is okay too.


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