Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Sailor and Her Toy (Sailor Moon)

A Sailor and Her Toy (Sailor Moon)

A/N: A Sailor and her Toy was a commissioned one shot originally written back in May of 2020. Posting it up here now for people to enjoy!

Summary: After Haruka, Sailor Uranus, catches her girlfriend of several years cheating on her, she drops Michiru, Sailor Neptune, like a hot potato. She ends up trying out the other side of the fence, and starts dating this handsome, nice guy. When Michiru begs to be taken back, Haruka decides to make her work for it.

Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Threesome


With a simple battle cry, Sailor Uranus lunges forward, finishing the monster in front of her with her sword. The impaling stab works exactly as intended, and the monster slumps back before disappearing into darkness. Gritting her teeth, still thrumming with battle lust and adrenaline, Uranus glares down at the now empty space for a long moment, feeling like the fight was over far too fast.

But… alas, you can't always get what you want. More than anyone else, Uranus knows this for a fact. Letting out a sigh, the young woman releases her transformation, knowing that was the last enemy in the area. As she returns to her normal form, as she becomes Haruka Tenoh once more, she glances down at herself and presses her lips tightly together in irritation and mild self-loathing.

While in the uniform of a Sailor Scout, there was no doubt that she was a woman. It was a woman's clothing, after all, the Sailor Uniform, and with it, she certainly felt very feminine. However, out of the transformation, Haruka knew she looked rather androgynous, like she could really go either way, be a very pretty man, or a very butch woman.

Once upon a time, she'd taken her looks to be a strength. Once upon a time, she'd thought that the differences between how she looked in her Sailor Transformation and how she looked out of it were a boon, something to keep her civilian identity safe. More recently, however, she found herself wondering if things might be different if she were more feminine all around. Maybe… but no.

Shaking her head, Haruka lets out a huff, even as a voice speaks up behind her, masculine in nature. From the moment she hears him, she finds herself unconsciously smiling.

"Nice work, Haruka!"

Turning around, Haruka beams at her friend, a young man named Catalan. He was a student, much like her, and while he seemed to be rather plain and unassuming at first glance, he had two visible oddities to him. Once, he was a little taller than your average Japanese man… and two, he had bright blue eyes, which while not completely out of the question, was certainly somewhat unusual in Japan.

Catalan was… he was Haruka's closest friend, at this point. That probably said a lot about her, but the blonde woman refused to really dig too deep into that festering bit of herself. Regardless, Catalan was… he was a good man, and he'd proven to be quite the excellent friend. After all, it wasn't every man who would refuse to blackmail her after learning her secret.

That was how they'd met, in a place similar to this one in fact, with her having just defeated a monster. She hadn't been nearly as observant or cautious back then and had transformed back into her civilian identity without really giving her surroundings a good look. In the end, it was Catalan's own surprised noise that had made her realize she'd been seen by him, that he knew her true identity.

Haruka wasn't a killer, at least not of humans. She could never have brought herself to harm the young man, even if he had been nastier. If he'd tried to blackmail her with her civilian identity… Haruka likely would have let it happen. She hadn't been in a good place at the time after all, back when he'd discovered her secret. That was probably half of why she'd been so unaware of her surroundings back then.

Regardless, Catalan had turned out to not be that kind of man. Instead of blackmailing her or even just blabbing her secret to the media for money or something all willy nilly… he'd shown he was kind, caring, and compassionate by asking if she was okay. She wasn't okay, back then… but maybe Haruka was looking for a lifeline and hadn't even known it at the time, because she'd let him in all the same. In turn, Catalan had become a friend, someone she could actually rely on.

"Hey, why don't we go have a drink to celebrate?"

And he continued to be so, even now, even as Haruka easily reads the underlying words. He's not asking her out, or anything like that, he's truly offering to buy her a drink, as friends. Given that, it's quite easy to nod her head and say yes, letting him take her back to his place, where they have sake. This isn't the first time Haruka has been in Catalan's home, and she does hope it won't be the last either.

It was a fun ritual for the two college students. They talked, they vented, and they just… relaxed. It was Haruka's chance to just be a person talking to another person, rather than some magical girl who went out and fought monsters with a damn Space Sword. Honestly, she'd probably been leaning on Catalan a bit too much, of late. She'd been over a lot recently, nearly every day this week in fact.

Which is why it's no surprise when Catalan eventually gets a little serious.

"So… how are you doing?"

Haruka sighs at that, feeling a bit of heat on her cheeks already from the sake. It was good sake… and she was maybe a little tipsy. But she wasn't worried, she knew she could trust Catalan to be the perfect gentleman. That was entirely evident in the question he was asking her, after all. She knew exactly why he was asking it, one friend concerned about another who'd gone through a very bad break up.

Yep, despite Haruka and Michiru, otherwise known as Sailor Neptune, being together for so long… they'd broken up. Catalan was aware of all of it, of course, Haruka had told him all of this before, including how she and her fellow Sailor Scouts had been reincarnated from the past. Hers and Michiru's past didn't just extend to this life… it went way further back than that.

Which was why, when Haruka had discovered Michiru and Ami Mizuno, otherwise known as Sailor Mercury, in bed together one night… she'd not been able to do anything more than simply flee the scene in despair. Of course, eventually the two of them had had to talk… Michiru had tried to explain that it was a mistake, a one time thing at that, and that it would never happen again… but Ami, sweet, dear Ami, had been the one to confess to Haruka that it'd been going on for a lot longer than just 'one time'.

In the end, though it'd broken Haruka's heart to do so, and she still blamed herself almost as much as Michiru for things not working out between them, she'd broken up with the other woman. At this point, she really wanted nothing more to do with her either… which was what had ultimately driven her away from the rest of the Sailor Scouts as well.

These days, the only time they came together was when the threat called for it. In battle, Haruka would still fight alongside them all, she wouldn't dare risk the world just because of her feelings… but the battlefield was where all contact ended. It… it was better that way. Haruka needed time to sort through all of this, her tangled mess of feelings. She needed time to reconcile everything.

Ah, but Catalan is still waiting for her answer. In the end, she decides to respond to his question with another question.

"Catalan… am I too manly? D-Do you think that's why Michiru went to Ami instead? Because I wasn't enough of a w-woman for her?"

That had been one of Haruka's deepest fears since the break-up, truth be told. She'd been okay with being the butch one of their pairing when they were still together, but now… now it felt like all of her self-confidence had been lies she'd told to herself. Maybe she wasn't just butch, maybe… maybe she was ugly? Maybe she was too masculine to ever be loved by either a man or a woman?

"Haruka… no, that's not true. You're beautiful. You're one of the prettiest girls I've ever met, one of the most gorgeous women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Don't let anyone, not even yourself, convince you otherwise alright?"

If not for her ability to hear the utmost sincerity in his voice, Haruka might have thought he was just trying to placate her. But as she looks up at him, she can see it in his eyes… he means it. In that moment, Haruka's heart catches in her throat. Because… ever since she and Michiru broke up, even as she's been wrestling with her heartbreak and her feelings for her ex… she's also been having different feelings for Catalan, ones that she'd honestly never thought she'd feel… for a man.

Swallowing hard and gathering her courage, Haruka leans forward, just as her friend is taking a drink of sake.

"Catalan, do you want me?"

The simple question comes at something of an inopportune time as Catalan nearly spits his drink all over the table. To be fair, this wasn't the first time she'd asked this question… but before, every time it'd been accusatory. Or so Haruka thought. She'd actually asked this question a few times before in her current tone as well… but only when she was drunk beyond reason.

She's neither blackout drunk nor accusatory this time, things that Catalan notes as he looks at her, truly looks at her once he's recovered. Letting out a low sigh, the young man nods his head.

"You're beautiful, Haruka, I mean it. If you were available, I would love to be with you. Honestly, the fact that I'm your friend makes me happy enough… I can tell you still love Michiru though, and I don't really want to take advantage of you or be your rebound guy. I don't want you to feel like you need to… pay me back for being your friend, or anything like that."

As he finishes his explanation, Haruka simply nods… before coming to a simple conclusion. Catalan pours himself another saucer of sake, but before he can drink it, Haruka takes it and puts it in her mouth, only to move to his side and kiss him. As she does so, as her tongue worms its way past his lips, Haruka lets the sake slip from her mouth into his, the alcoholic drink going right down his throat as they makeout momentarily, Catalan in shock, but nevertheless very receptive.

When they finally separate, he opens his mouth to speak, but Haruka covers his lips with a finger, even as she bites her own.

"I… I know what you're going to say, Catalan… but this isn't because I feel obligated, or anything like that. Yes, I want to thank you for being there for me… but this is more than just me wanting to reward you, alright? I want… I want to show you how much I care."

When she pulls her finger back, Catalan, seemingly at a loss for words, just swallows harshly and nods. Then, he watches as she straightens up and begins to strip down. While outwardly, Haruka's hairstyle and the way she dressed made her seem somewhat androgynous, in truth it was more her own mental issues that made her feel like she wasn't feminine enough, as well as a baked-in desire to be the butch half of her and Michiru's pairing.

Catalan had the right of it, Haruka WAS a gorgeous woman, and he felt right in calling her the most beautiful woman in the world. She had a sizable rack, a nice firm ass, and a strong, but not overly-muscled figure. For a brief moment, the young man is at a loss as she removes her clothes, just watching her with his mouth agape. But as if on instinct, or perhaps some small part of him yelling in the back of his head to just shut up and go along with it, Catalan begins to get undressed as well.

He's taller than Haruka, of course, and with something of a runner's body. Fit, but not over the top about it. He liked to keep in shape, he always had… but funnily enough, he'd still never been with a girl before, despite his looks. He was a virgin, though of course at his age and with modern technology, he knew the basics.

Of course, what Catalan doesn't really clock of his own body in the same way Haruka does… is the massive, thick cock he had between his legs. The short-haired blonde blushes prettily, never having really thought she had much of a preference for men before. But maybe, with Michiru in her past, it was time to try something new?

Licking her lips, not wanting to back down now, Haruka steps forward, taking Catalan's cock in her hands and stroking it as the two naked young people stand there staring at each other's bodies. Ultimately, Haruka looks up into her friend's eyes and speaks clearly and concisely, barely a tremor in her voice.

"Take me, Catalan… make me your woman."

Those prove to be exactly the words Catalan wants to hear. He goes in for another kiss, and Haruka, having never felt more like a woman, surrenders control entirely to her friend. Soon enough, they're both on their backs in Catalan's bed, and he's lining up that behemoth of a cock with her twat. As his cockhead presses against her pussy lips however, the young man does wince a little and look at her apologetically.

"Ah… sorry in advance, this is my first time…"

Haruka just smiles at him kindly and nods.

"Don't worry… you'll be my first man, so we're in this together."

Then she wraps her arms around his neck and draws him down into another deep kiss, and slowly but surely, Catalan begins to penetrate her. To be fair, Haruka has had sex toys inside of her before… but nothing that could possibly have prepared the short-haired blonde for Catalan's absolutely massive bitch breaker. At first, she wishes that she'd told him to be more careful, not realizing it would hurt as much as it does… but once he's hilted inside of her, she's able to relax a bit more, her pussy producing enough lubrication in the end.

He starts off slow… but soon enough begins to go faster and harder. For Haruka, who is not a complete sexual virgin, but has never been with a man before… it's a strange sensation, finally having a real cock inside of her. It's strange, but also good… she feels a deep connection to Catalan, even as he pounds into her deeper by the moment, soon ramming up against her cervix, the entrance to her womb.

Much to Haruka's surprise as he continues to make love to her, Catalan doesn't seem to focus on her breasts or ass that much, but instead her lips. It's kissing her as he fucks her that Catalan seems to take the most pleasure in, and throughout the encounter, their lips disconnect, and their tongues stay intertwined. She quite enjoys the contact between the two of them, and soon enough she's hitting her first orgasm, moaning into Catalan's mouth all the while.

He notices, but keeps on going, fucking her hard mid-orgasm, and making her climax again right afterwards. Haruka's eyes widen, because she's never had that happen before, never been with a lover who didn't let her just ride out her orgasm, who didn't wait for her to recover. Catalan is obviously different though, and even as she tries to tell him not so fast, she can't get the words out, too lost in the explosive pleasure as a third orgasm hits her back to back to back.

By the time Catalan hits his peak, Haruka has lost track of a lot of things… but she's still cognizant enough to realize that he's going to cum, especially when he tries to pull out. It's instinctive, or at least that will be her excuse, but Haruka refuses to let him leave her, wrapping her powerful legs and thicc thighs around his waist and holding him in close.

He unloads inside of her without any more resistance, making Haruka orgasm yet again, even as they keep on kissing. The whole experience is so very intense and powerful, both of their bodies locked together in the moment before they finally each start coming back down to earth. Catalan looks almost guilty for cumming in her 'without permission', but Haruka nips that in the bud before he can even apologize by smiling up at him and caressing his face in her palms.

"It's okay… it felt good. It felt amazing."

A small flash of pride shows up on Catalan's face at that, even as his cock jumps inside of her.

"How about… another round?"

His eyes widen at that, but he nods, eager to go again. Grinning, Haruka uses a martial arts maneuver to flip them over so that she's now on top.

"It's my turn to show you a good time, Catalan~"

And then she begins to ride him like the stallion he is… and a good time is had by both as they fuck well into the night.


The next morning, waking up, Haruka groans at how sore she feels… and then she looks to her right and sees Catalan laid out on the bed beside her. But then of course, this is his bed, in his room, in his apartment. She'd spent the night, and it leaves Haruka blushing something fierce. Initially, she wonders exactly what she was thinking last night, but the more she thinks about it and the more she watches Catalan as he sleeps, the more she can't help but feel it was right. What they'd done… it was right.

When Catalan wakes up, Haruka can't resist applying another kiss to those oh-so-kissable lips. For a time, they just lay there together, cuddling, before they get up and start getting ready for the day. Only then does Catalan ask about the elephant in the room.

"So… was this a one-time thing, or…"

They hadn't had a chance to talk about their relationship yet. It was a valid question, and her friend clearly wanted to know where they stood with each other. Haruka winces, but knows she owes him an answer. He deserves at least that much.

"… I'm not ready for another serious romantic relationship yet, I don't think. But… I wouldn't mind having you as a… what do they call it?"

Her honest inquiry is meant with a chuckle from Catalan as the young man waggles his eyebrows.

"Friends with benefits?"

Haruka blushes bit grins right back at him as she nods.

"Yes, that's it."

Catalan hums, before shrugging his shoulders, seeming quite pleased with it as well. But then, he cocks his head to the side and frowns as if another thought has occurred to him.

"… Did we fuck last night because you actually like me, or did you want to use me to make Michiru jealous?"

Haruka stops dead in her tracks at that and gives the accusation the thought and care it deserves, before finally sighing.

"… I care for you deeply, Catalan, and even if Michiru and I had never been together, I think I would have liked to explore… something with you. But I won't deny that it feels good to move on, just a little. So… maybe a bit of both?"

Rather than getting upset, Catalan takes Haruka's honesty in stride, or at least seems to. In fact, he walks over to her and wraps his arms around her, pulling her into a hug and grinning a little.

"… Do you want to make her REALLY jealous, Haruka?"

The offer makes Haruka blink and blush… and think quite a lot about what he's offering her. Did she?


Haruka had no way of knowing it, given how she'd distanced herself from the group, but everything that had happened… it'd affected the Sailor Scouts' team dynamics more than anyone wanted to admit. All of them were going to the same college these days, in order to be close by in case of emergency. Only Chibi-Usa and Hotaru were too young for such things. Regardless, they tended to see a lot of each other… but the tension in the group had become palpable ever since Michiru and Haruka's break up.

Ami in particular felt incredibly guilt over what they'd done… and a little upset that Michiru was wholly unconcerned by it. And Michiru really was… she was confident that Haruka would get over it soon, and that they would be back together. She'd even gone so far as to tell Ami as much, and that they probably wouldn't be able to see each other anymore, once she and Haruka finally mended fences. Until then, Michiru was all too willing to take advantage of the shy Sailor Mercury, and Ami was too much of a natural submissive to stop her, even of her emotions were in turmoil and she felt like Michiru was in the wrong.

Regardless, Michiru and Ami have classes with Haruka and her new friend Catalan, so it only makes sense that they head to said classes, as the day gets underway. Catalan is a source of annoyance for Michiru, who has become convinced that he's the reason Haruka hasn't forgiven her yet. Certainly, it can't be Michiru's fault, and certainly it can't be impossible for Haruka to ever forgive her, right?

Today however, things are different… strange. For a moment, Michiru is even happy, because when they first walk in to class, it's to find Catalan chatting up a pretty blonde girl in a dress that Michiru has never seen before. She assumes, very briefly, that he's finally moved on from Haruka and realized she'll never like him in that way.

Michiru's assumption lasts right up until the young woman Catalan is speaking to happens to turn a bit and she's able to get a good look at her face. Then, it's like Michiru's entire world has come crashing down around her. It's… it's not some stranger, sitting there next to Catalan, holding his hand. It's… it's Haruka Tenoh, in the flesh. Michiru's former girlfriend, who's always been as butch as can be, is all dolled up, wearing a dress and makeup for the first time in her life, as far as Michiru is aware.

She's… never seen Haruka in a dress before. There's her Sailor Uniform of course, and that has a skirt on it, certainly, but in Michiru's eyes, Sailor Uranus and Haruka are almost different people. Seeing the short-haired blonde in anything but long pants and a shirt is… quite the shock.

That shock slowly falls away to anger as class goes on. Michiru finds herself boiling with rage as she notices how close Haruka and Catalan seem to be. He'd done this to her, Michiru quickly realizes. He'd made Haruka into something she's not, turned her into… into some ditzy girl. This wasn't how it was supposed to go… this wasn't how it was supposed to go at all.

It gets worse when class ends, and they all begin to leave. As Haruka stands up, she takes the hand from Catalan that she's been holding this entire time, and plants it smack dab on her ass as they walk out together, pointedly doing so in a way that it happens right in front of a gobsmacked Michiru. The green-haired woman nearly pops a blood vessel in anger, even as she watches them go.

Later that day, around lunch time, Michiru finds herself stalking her ex-girlfriend and Haruka's new lover. Not that she sees either of them in that way. Haruka is still hers, and Catalan… Catalan is just an obstacle to be removed. As she watches them around a corner, however, Michiru is almost pushed into acting, especially when she sees Catalan pushing Haruka up against a wall and kissing her, feeling her up.

Things are getting hot and heavy fast, and Michiru is CONVINCED that Haruka doesn't want it, that she's being forced into this somehow. Is Catalan blackmailing her? Is that it? Nostrils flaring, Michiru is just about to bring out her wand… when she makes eye contact with Haruka, meeting her one visible eye from around Catalan's head.

The short-haired blonde is holding her own wand already behind the young man's back… and she's pointing it right at Michiru. Both that act, and the look in Haruka's eye, tells Michiru all she needs to know. Haruka isn't being blackmailed, she isn't being forced to do anything by this man. She wants it… and more than that, she wants Michiru to try something so she can lay a smackdown on her.

A shiver runs down Michiru's spine, but ultimately she stomps off in anger as Haruka smiles after her. She's convinced this… this fling won't last for long. Haruka will still return to her. She HAS to.


A month later, Haruka finds herself staring down at her former girlfriend and lover as Michiru knees down on the ground in the middle of Catalan's living room, tears streaming down her cheeks. She's just got done apologizing and begging Haruka to come back to her… but honestly, Haruka isn't feeling very pitying.

Over the last month, Michiru has seen a lot more of Haruka… and that's by design. Be it in school or out of school, and even in their duties as Sailor Scouts, Haruka was around a lot more… and Catalan was never far behind, either waiting for her to finish up, or right by her side helping her with shopping or classes or whatever it was.

Hell, after one battle, while all the Sailor Scouts were celebrating with a good meal at their favorite restaurant, Haruka even invited Catalan to join them, and spent much of the meal making out with him, to the point where Michiru had ran off to cry in the bathroom. The other Scouts had obviously noticed what was happening, watching the situation deteriorate and wanting to mediate… but they'd all been rebuffed. Especially Ami, who upon trying to say something, had been threatened with beheading by Haruka on more than one occasion.

It was all too much. Finally, it'd managed to worm it's way through Michiru's thick skull, into her dense head… that Haruka might not come back to her of her own accord. She'd finally realized that the short-haired blonde may not eventually break and return to her side to be her girlfriend again. That realization… it'd broken Michiru instead.

Now here she was, right in front of Haruka, trying to make excuses, trying to explain, even as she apologized.

"I-I'm sorry, Haruka. I'm s-so sorry… I never should have b-betrayed your trust… I thought… I t-thought that maybe I could bring Ami in f-for fun, that she might… s-spice up our relationship. I… I didn't ever mean to hurt you!"

No, Haruka even believes her. But even if Michiru hadn't meant to hurt her, she had treated Haruka like little more than a dog, expecting the blonde to always be there to heel, treating her like little more than an object in her life, or a pet. Sneering, Haruka crosses her arms over her chest… which is currently only covered up by the apron that she has on. The apron, that's Haruka's only piece of clothing as she looms over Michiru, upset that the latter had interrupted her sexy housewife roleplay with Catalan. She was supposed to be cooking for him right now in her naked apron set up, not listening to her bitch of an ex make excuses for herself.

"We're done, Michiru. Full stop. Besides, I already have a boyfriend now. I would never do to him what you did to me."

Catalan, who's nearby as emotional support, is nevertheless surprised. This is the first time that Haruka has ever called him her boyfriend, as it so happens. Michiru hadn't noticed because she was so caught up in herself, but it's true. Haruka and he had made very clear boundaries, and up until this moment, they'd stayed friends with benefits, even as they knowingly teased Michiru with Haruka's happiness and satisfaction every single day. Now though, it seemed Haruka had made a decision…

Michiru, meanwhile, lets out a choked sob, shattering right there and then. The thought of truly losing Haruka permanently… she can't, she just can't. How would she ever be able to truly live without her other half? In an instant, Michiru goes from on her knees to on her face and knees, prostrating herself before Haruka as she tries again.

"P-Please! Please give me another chance, my love! I-I'm begging you, I'll d-do anything to prove h-how I feel about you!"

Haruka just snorts… and then gets a thoughtful look in her eye. Glancing up at Catalan, she grins wickedly and mouths the words 'get naked' to him. As he slowly nods and begins to strip, Haruka looks back down at Michiru consideringly.

"… I could perhaps be convinced to give you another chance… if you do everything I say, no matter what. If for even one moment you don't obey me, then I'm washing my hands of you and we're going our separate ways. Alright?"

Michiru's head comes up at that, her eyes widening in hopeful shock as she nods happily.

"Good. Then strip naked."

Michiru hops to her feet and happily does so. While Haruka DOES have big tits, she's quite firm and athletic. Michiru on the other hand, has tits AND a soft body, being far more feminine then Haruka. She's got curves in all the right places, and as she strips she makes a show of it to Haruka, eager to arouse her former girlfriend, not really realizing she's also giving quite the show to Catalan at the moment as well.

Once she's naked and smiling before Haruka, awaiting the blonde's next command… she gets it and her face falls.

"Good. Now, my next order for you, to be followed without question… is to get on your back and lose your virginity to Catalan."

Horrified, Michiru whirls around at that, only now realizing that Catalan is also naked and quite hard. Her eyes fall upon his cock and she freezes in place at his size, whimpering in fear and terror.

"P-Please, Haruka… no, please M-mistress. I'll do anything you want; I'll be whatever you want me to be… but n-not that. I only love you, H-Haruka. I only want to b-be with you…"

Snarling, Haruka steps forward and gives Michiru's ass a hefty smack that sends her stumbling forward into the space between the blonde and her boyfriend.

"Shut up, cunt. You made Ami into your fuck toy and were with her more times than she could count, she told me as much. And now you've disobeyed my second order, just like that. I should kick you out on your ass right now, but I'll give you one last chance to obey. Or… you can get your shit and get out, for good. Leave, and we'll never talk again, in this life OR the next."

That last bit is a bit more meaningful, given the Sailor Scouts' peculiar set of circumstances. Tensing up at the threat, Michiru whimpers, knowing that she has no choice. She gets on her back, just as Haruka told her to, and can only watch as Catalan moves into position, Haruka's boyfriend placing the head of his massive cock against Michiru's pussy lips.

She closes her eyes, not wanting to look… but Haruka isn't having any of that, ordering her to open them up again. In the end, she's forced to watch as Catalan lines up… and thrusts forward, hilting inside of her in one go. Michiru screams in pain, her voice echoing off the small apartment, and for a moment Catalan pauses, and she can actually see some concern for her in his face, can see why exactly Haruka might be so enamored with this guy.

But then Haruka speaks up.

"Don't go easy on her, Catalan. Don't you dare. I want you to fuck her without mercy, do you hear me?"

Michiru's eyes widen at that, even as she sees a change come over Catalan's face, the tall man looking to Haruka and smiling a loving smile at her… even as he begins to fuck Michiru as hard as possible. Michiru groans and cries out again and again, clawing at the ground in pain as tears well up in her eyes. She's starting to fight back, starting to think this might not be what she wants after all… but then movement catches her gaze and she sees Haruka on the couch nearby, her apron discarded as the naked blonde begins to play with herself.

She's undeniably turned on by the sight, even as Catalan's cock finally begins to feel good inside of her. Slowly, Michiru's reluctance fades away… though she does of course beg Catalan to stop. Haruka is having none of that though, demanding that he continue and telling Michiru to stop complaining. Instead, Haruka ordered Michiru to beg for more, to beg for Catalan's cock… or she would never love Michiru again.

Needless to say, even as tears stream down Michiru's face, she does as she's told, telling Catalan that she loves it, doing her best to be convincing as she begs him for more. This in turn sends Haruka over the edge as she watches her ex get fucked, hating it but forced to say she loves it every step of the way. When Catalan eventually tells Haruka he's getting close, Michiru freezes up and tries to pull away again… but Haruka tells her to take his creampie, to let him fill her up.

So, she does, hating it even as it makes her orgasm, hoping against hope that this would be the end of it and maybe Haruka would never make her do this again. Maybe they would finally be happy together again, afterwards. But no, that's not to be.

"On your hands and knees, Michiru. You're going to let Catalan fuck you in the ass now."

Haruka's domineering personality has never been stronger, and Michiru, broken down emotionally over the last month, has never been more submissive. As horrified as her former girlfriend's words make her feel, she obeys all the same, the beautiful woman getting on her hands and knees and feeling Catalan lining up behind her as he spreads her gorgeous, jiggling bubble butt apart.

"No mercy, Catalan. She's nothing more than our fuck toy now… so treat her as such."

Michiru whimpers at that, but hangs her head, seeing no other choice in the matter. With a chuckle, Catalan thrusts forward, making the green-haired woman scream quite loudly as he quickly settles into a violent pace, fucking her hard and fast, filling her ass up to the brim with his man meat. Her facial expression is left locked in shock and pain from her ass being forced open in such an unceremonious way, and Haruka smiles at seeing that face, enjoying every bit of Michiru's suffering.

Until it wasn't suffering anymore and was instead pleasurable. All three of them would quickly discover how much of an anal slut Michiru was, and as much as she'd try to deny it, she would orgasm many times from Catalan's cock pounding into her bottom. Haruka, meanwhile, was tired of sitting on the sidelines, so spreading herself upon the couch, she beckons for Catalan to approach.

He does so by fucking Michiru's ass even harder and forcing her to crawl forward all the way. Michiru sobs and moans in equal measure, the pain and pleasure mixing together for her, even as Haruka grabs ahold of her curly hair the moment she's within range.

"Eat my cunt, you traitorous bitch. It'll be the first of MANY apologies I extract from you."

This, at least, was familiar ground for Michiru, and something she is more than happy to do. Haruka, meanwhile, moans in pleasure as her ex-turned-pet begins to eat her out, enjoying Michiru's erratic licking, made so by both a desire to pleasure Haruka, and the fact that she was getting fucked in the ass. All three soon reach a mutual orgasm together, though by that point both Michiru and Haruka have cum multiple times, with Michiru having cum the most.

As Catalan unloads inside of the bitch's ass, Haruka forces her face down so that Michiru has to drink every last squirt of pussy juices. Michiru, meanwhile, orgasms explosively, even as she takes it in both ends. As they finish up and pull apart, there's no denying that all three are fairly tired, but also immensely satisfied.

When she locks eyes with Haruka, the blonde actually smiles at her… something Michiru returns as she goes in for a kiss. However, there Haruka stops her, blocking her lips with her palm and shaking her head.

"No… you haven't earned the right to kiss me yet, not even close. If you want to… you're going to be obeying your mistress and master for a lot longer. Is that understood?"

The emphasis Haruka puts on master makes it clear that if Michiru wants to be with her lover again, she's going to have to obey any demand that Catalan makes of her. In the end, Michiru can only hang her head and say, 'Yes Mistress', knowing she has no choice in the matter. Immediately, Haruka has her kiss Catalan, which she does reluctantly, even as Catalan dominates her mouth and kisses her deeply.

After that, Michiru is forced to watch the two of them fuck… and watch she does, biting her lower lip as she sees how happy Haruka is with Catalan, not daring to touch herself when neither her master nor her mistress had said she could. She watches and knows that it will be a long time before she could even hope to get things back to normal. Still, she did have hope, she wanted to repair things with Haruka, and she was willing to do a lot for the sake of their love.

Surely… surely Haruka would eventually grow tired of this… this MAN, and come back to her, right? All Michiru had to do was stay strong and wait it out.

Oh, how wrong she was, not that she knew it yet. But she'd figure it out eventually… oh yes she would.


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