Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Goddess’ Dalliance (Greek Mythology)

A Goddess’ Dalliance (Greek Mythology)

A/N: A Goddess' Dalliance was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of 2021. Posting it up now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Hera was the ideal for women everywhere, the Goddess of Marriage and Family. Choosing to grace a young Spartan Warrior who has always given her the best offerings with her presence, Hera feeds the mortal her milk to give him increased stamina and strength, and in return receives the most amazing fuck of her immortal life.

Themes: Big Dick, Godly Sex, Fucked Silly


She was the ideal for women everywhere to aspire to, was she not? Goddess of Marriage and Family. Wife of Zeus. Queen of the Olympian Pantheon. She was supposed to be the one that all mortal women looked up to and aspired to be like. So why did it feel like Hera was being set aside for other Goddesses such as Aphrodite and Artemis and Athena?

Sat upon her throne, the Queen of the Gods broods. SHE was the second strongest divine being on all of Mt. Olympus. She acted as a counterbalance to her husband, and all paid proper respect to her. Except… except for her husband. Zeus was the King of the Gods, the ruler of their Pantheon… and he was also the most unfaithful womanizer Hera had ever seen.

An unrepentant misogynist with a laundry list of infidelities easily as long as Mt. Olympus was tall, Zeus had betrayed Hera time and time again. It felt less like they were husband and wife at this point, and more like they were King and Queen by necessity rather than love. And Hera DID remember a time when she loved her husband and when he in turn loved her. But it had been so long. So, so very long…

It didn't help that women seemed to be turning away from her more and more. Zeus' infidelities and Hera's wrathful responses did not paint her in the best light, she was quite aware of that. They called her jealous, they called her all sorts of names. Hera took her retribution for those slights, but she'd long since ceased enjoying doing so.

They claimed she was quick to anger and that her vengefulness was unmatched amongst the Gods of Olympus. Hera had only done what she did because she thought it would make it stop. If stories spread far and wide of her punishments, surely then the mortal women and nymphs and others that Zeus constantly philandered with would get the message and back the fuck off.

But no, no matter how many nymphs she turned into trees, no matter how many mortal women she cursed, Zeus kept doing it and females kept being seduced by his natural charisma and divine machismo. Hera was sick and tired of it. Not least of which because of all of the demigod children that kept popping up as a result. To say nothing of the actual gods that had been born of Zeus' dalliances and joined their Pantheon.

Hera was forced to interact with more and more of Zeus' indiscretions on a regular basis century by century it felt, and she was sick and tired of it, to put it simply.

Perhaps… perhaps it was time for her to get some of her own. Perhaps if punishing Zeus' lovers would not work, she should see about getting back at her wayward husband in another way. A way that would in turn bring her pleasure and personal satisfaction.

Casting out with her divine senses, the Queen of Olympus breathes in deeply as she feels her worship. For all that more and more women are choosing to worship deities like Aphrodite for a chance at beauty, or Artemis for a chance at independence, or Athena for a chance at knowledge, Hera still has her followers.

More than that, she still has plenty of male worshippers as well. Men who wanted a family, who hoped to find a good wife who would keep their home for them and raise their children while they were off to war. Men who saw conflict as a means of protecting their would-be family while seeking the glory to earn a good, honest wife and that family in the first place.

As Hera focuses on the male portion of her worshippers, one in particular stands out to her. She'd noticed him before. He was an oddity, mostly because… he was of Sparta. A young Spartan Warrior, one would expect him to pay lip service at best to a Goddess such as herself. But instead, the young man always gave her the best offerings when he prayed to the Gods of Mt. Olympus. He always paid respect to her first, and Ares second.

He was not the strongest nor the most agile warrior as a result. He had not earned glory in battle as of yet, despite partaking in a few. He was distinctly middle of the road, because he paid respect to her first and foremost, and the God of War second.

In fact, right this moment she could feel the young Spartan praying to her, dedicating a sacrifice to her. Breath hitching as something warm gathers in her chest, Hera decides to follow the prayer back to its source. As she leaves her throne behind and travels towards this young man, she can't deny… she's a little excited.



Startled from his prayer, the young warrior's head snaps up, his eyes going wide at the sight of his favored Goddess standing before him. It was true that he followed Hera first and Ares second. Many of his fellow Spartans thought him mad for doing so. But above all else, he wished for a family. Above all else, he desired a beautiful wife. Hera, as the Goddess of Marriage and Family, could give him those things.

Never in a million years did he think she would come before him in the flesh though. Even as she glows with divine light, Hera smiles, her ethereal beauty taking the young Spartan's breath away.

"I have heard your prayers, Spartan. You desire family. You desire a good wife."

"Y-Yes Goddess! I do!"

"… But you will never get these things if you do not excel at war. Tell me, Spartan, why do you not pray to Ares to elevate you above your peers?"

Flushing, the young man looks down at the ground as Hera probably knowingly voices what his own comrades have told him.

"I… my mother was won by my father in war. But they never loved each other. And when he lost the greatest battle of his life, she left him. It was then that it became clear to me… true family cannot be built on a foundation of bloodshed… my Goddess…"

For a moment, Hera is silent. And then she smiles and reaches out to him.

"Come here, Spartan. Come and partake. Satisfy me, and I shall give you all you seek."

As he moves forward to take her hand, Hera reaches down with the other and parts her robes. The young Spartan's eyes go wide as the Queen of the God exposes herself to him, revealing perfectly shaped divine breasts each capped with a perfectly shaped nipple. As she draws him in, he willingly goes with her, and soon enough she's cradling him to a breast, bringing his mouth to one of her nipples.


And drink he does, even as his hands come up and grab at those perfect tits of hers. If Hera is upset by his impetus however, she doesn't show it, so the young Spartan continues on, groping and squeezing the Queen of the Gods' breasts as he drinks from one and then the other, sucking her divine nectar stray from her leaking teats.

Her milk is beyond any he's ever had, but then of course it is. How can the milk of an animal such as a cow or goat possibly ever hope to compare to the milk of a Goddess? How can even the milk of a mortal woman hope to compare? But then, that's the thing. It can't.

As Hera's milk flows down the Spartan Warrior's throat and into his gullet, as he drinks and drinks of her sweet, sweet nectar, something happens. One cannot simply partake of a Goddess' breast milk and expect to remain unchanged. And that's precisely the point. As he drinks Hera's milk, the young Spartan's muscles begin to bulge beneath his tunic. His body begins to grow stronger and stronger.

His cock, which was average in length beforehand, starts to engorge and enlarge at the same time, both growing thick and erect, but also growing beyond any fully erect state he'd ever had before now. At some point, his tunic bursts off of his chest. His clothes can no longer contain his body… and the young Spartan can no longer contain himself either.

Hera lets out a lust-filled cry as he pushes her back, overbalancing them both and taking her all the way to the floor. The Goddess of Marriage can't help but smile as his hands begin to move over her body, as he begins to touch more than just her breasts. Infidelity should be against everything Hera believes in, but when your husband betrays you a thousand times over beforehand, not even having marriage as one of your domains can keep you loyal it would seem.

As her newly christened Champion rubs against her with his whole body, Hera feels his cock in particular pushing against her thighs. She splays her legs open for him willingly and feels as her dress is further torn away from her by his new divine strength. She has made him one of the most powerful Spartans in existence. Not even Ares has blessed any of this young man's kin in the way she's blessed him.

And just as she'd asked of him, he uses his newfound blessings on her, to give her exactly what she wants. It takes a few thrusts, but eventually his massive cockhead finds purchase in her dripping wet pussy lips. As he enters her, he thrusts forward energetically, and Hera moans, a throaty wanton moan that fills the air.

He pins her down and takes her right then and there, and in response, Hera wraps her limbs around his body and holds him close, enjoying the way he CONTINUES to drink of her perfect breasts, even after he penetrates her. He's certainly an eager young thing, but then, Hera is just as eager, just as willing to get down and dirty. She's finally getting some satisfaction, as well as revenge against her husband.

Tossing her head back, the Queen of Gods lets out an ugly cry of pleasure as the young Spartan fucks her harder and faster by the moment. His cock, which might be too big for a mortal woman now, fills Hera just right, stretching her divine cunt nice and wide and leaving her almost unable to think straight. Before, he was but a man. But now… now he's becoming something more.

He's still drinking from her breasts. He's still consuming her divine milk. Some small part of Hera wonders if this is a bad thing. Some part of her wonders if she's creating a monster. But that part is quickly silenced by the satisfaction of being well and truly fucked for the first time in centuries. This is the best sex she's had in far, FAR too long.

As he pounds into her while suckling on her tits hard enough to leave hickies around her nipples, Hera's eyes begin to roll back in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. It's a truly stupid expression for the Queen of the Gods, an utterly humiliating look to have on her face as she's fucked and fucked… and fucked some more. But it's exactly what spreads there, exactly what she ends up looking like as he cums inside of her… and then keeps on going.

Even as he spills his seed deep in her womb, the young Spartan isn't satisfied. And if he's not satisfied, surely Hera isn't satisfied either, right? Alas, the Queen of the Gods is in quite the state already, and in no position to tell her new lover, her new Champion, that it's time to stop. And so, the young Spartan keeps fucking her.

Overtaken by his bestial, primal desires, he flips the Goddess over onto her front and takes her from behind. Holding her like that, groping and squeezing her perfect breasts as he molds himself to her back, he fucks in and out of her with reckless abandon, ramming away into her priceless, gorgeous cunt with all his now considerable might. His divine might, at that.

Hera loses track of how many times she orgasms around the young Spartan's cock. She loses track of how many times HE cums inside of her as well. She loses track of… just about everything. He fucks her and he fucks her, and along the way, it all blurs together, the pleasure and ecstasy too much for him. She really has created something new, and by the time he finally runs out of stamina and falls unconscious, Hera isn't doing much better herself and falls asleep right beside him.

When she wakes up some time later, the Queen of the Gods is shocked at what she's wrought. Post-coital clarity makes it clear to her that she's almost certainly made a mistake. After all, as the Goddess of Family, she can already feel the new life taking root inside of her divine womb. Just like her husband before her, she would be giving birth to some sort of demigod or god, her infidelity having a lasting consequence on their marriage.

Part of Hera feels a vicious satisfaction at that, but the part of her that IS the Goddess of Marriage feels nothing but shame. And so, not even able to look her new Champion in the eye, despite him giving her the best night of her life, Hera blesses him and departs.

The blessing will make sure that he finds a woman who will love and cherish him for who he is rather than his prowess in battle within the fortnight. The two of them will be happy together, Hera makes sure of that. Of course, with his divine blessings from drinking so damn much of her milk… pressing her lips together, the Goddess looks forward to just who this woman is that she's blessed her Champion to meet. Time is but a construct to divinity, after all.

With a flick of her fingers, she blesses her lover's future wife as well. Overnight, his eventual spouse will grow into a very comely body, but more importantly than that, she will be uniquely situated to take his massive cock and accept his overwhelming libido. He'll be able to fuck her just as long as he fucked Hera without breaking the poor girl in two or something equally horrifying. As a consequence, she'll lactate breastmilk for the rest of her life whether she's pregnant or not, but that's fine.

Hera knows that her new Champion wants a big family anyways, so she suspects his wife will be pregnant more often than not regardless. Either way, Hera has her own problems to worry about now. Like what she's going to do about the life growing within her womb.

Still, even with the shitshow that's likely to follow… she can't help but feel that it was all worth it, in the end.


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