Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Change of Fate (Merlin)

A Change of Fate (Merlin)

A/N: A Change of Fate was a commissioned one shot originally written back in January of 2021. Posting it up here and now for people to enjoy!

Summary: Spending two thousand years waiting for your King to return will change a person. When Merlin finds out how everything will go for him and Arthur and Camelot and that it never seems to pay off... he decides to make sure Arthur won't let that fate come to pass. But there are consequences to enhancing the young King. 

Themes: Corruption, Rough Sex, Dom/Sub


The moment that the door opens, Morgana renews her struggles. She'd only been resting for a moment, but once again she tries to fight against her bonds… until she sees just who it is standing beside the bed she'd tied to.

"Emrys. I should have known!"

Merlin just chuckles, not looking nearly as guilty or ashamed or pitying as Morgana would have expected. The powerful wizard's trademark big ears and wide smile are both in place, as is his rundown attire. It's easy to see how he could so easily be mistaken for a servant, rather than one of the most powerful magic users in all the land. But Morgana knows better.

She pulls a bit more at the silken ties around her wrists, trying desperately to draw her legs upwards away from the matching silk cloth around her ankles. Stripped down to nothing but her chemise, she feels woefully exposed here, even if she's not being kept down in the dungeon for whatever reason. In fact, from look around, she would say these… these are her old quarters, from before she left Camelot in the wake of the attempt on her life.

Why she was being kept here rather than in a cell, Morgana couldn't say. But perhaps Merlin can tell her. Focusing her green eyes on the boy she'd thought she could trust for too damn long; Morgana presses her naturally pouty lips together tightly.

"This is your doing then? These bindings, my inability to call upon my magic. Must you take this from me as well?"

Something surprisingly dark and dangerous flashes through Merlin's eyes, uncharacteristically… somber but also a bit of anger there as well.

"This is my doing, you're right. All of it. From your current bondage, to Arthur's sudden… proactiveness."

Morgana's eyes widen and her nostrils flare a little at that. It wasn't hard to bring to mind what Merlin was talking about. In fact, it was something she'd discussed with her allies at length in the last month, before Arthur and his Knights had somehow found her latest hidey hole and managed to capture her. The young new King had grown surprisingly… capable of recent times.

Oh sure, Arthur was always skilled enough in plenty of ways, even Morgana was forced to acknowledge that. From his looks to his skill with the blade and his all around general fortitude as a knight. But he could also be something of an emotional buffoon… and he tended to let his morals hold him back, his conscience guiding him as much as his tactical mind.

It made him weak. It left him vulnerable. It gave her and her allies numerous opportunities to strike, only for Merlin as Emrys to stop them again and again. But suddenly, somehow it was like Arthur had been changed. Almost as if… someone had cast a spell on him.

"Merlin… what did you do?"

That darkness in Merlin's eyes grows and his carefree smile proves itself a façade as it turns into a much more honest, much more wicked grin.

"What I had to do, to fix all the harm that you and the others have caused, would have caused. Call it a vision. Call it time travel… I saw the next two thousand years, Morgana, I LIVED them. Things don't get better, not for any of our causes. Magic dies. Camelot dies. And it's all because of you and your ilk."

Morgana can only stare in horror at the strangeness that's overtaken Merlin. He does suddenly look older, much older than his normally youthful appearance might suggest. He looms over her bound form and she's afraid of him, afraid of what he might be capable of.

"I gave Arthur what he needed to survive. And if that means there might have to be a… sacrifice here and there… well, better your lot than ours, hm?"

She didn't like the sound of that. She didn't like it one bit. Even as panic seizes her heart, Morgana pulls out her last trump card.

"You speak madness, Merlin. B-But it matters not. You're going to get me out of here, you're going to help me escape."

Merlin pauses, something stormy crossing his face for a moment before he lets out a bark of laughter and cocks his head to the side mockingly.

"And why ever would I do that?"

"B-Because… if you let Arthur interrogate me, he might just find out that his trusted servant is Emrys himself… and that you were the one who failed to save his father."

Merlin's smile drops completely at that.

"Uther was your father as well. For all his faults."

Gritting her teeth, Morgana snarls.

"I deny that! I deny him as my father!"

After a beat, Merlin just shrugs in response and his smile returns as a curiously small thing that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"That's fine. And… tell Arthur what you want. Did you think I hadn't already told him myself? Did you think I hadn't already confessed everything and pledged myself to his service all over again, this time as both Merlin AND Emrys? He knows already, Morgana. And the Arthur he's become is more than pragmatic enough to make use of me and my magic to keep Camelot safe. After all, he sent me ahead of him, didn't he?"

Morgana, stunned by Merlin actually giving up his greatest secret to his closest friend, can't find the words to respond for a moment. But then the boy begins to cast over her, his hands moving as magic coalesces in the air over her bound, splayed form. Struggling, Morgana grits her teeth as she stares wide-eyed at her former friend.

"Sent you ahead of him for what? Merlin, what does that mean?!"

But Merlin never answers her. He finishes whatever spell he's casting, and Morgana feels as it falls over her, as his magic takes hold. Then, he turns and leaves her, just like that. Not but a moment later, Arthur Pendragon, her half-brother, steps into the room.

"Hello, Morgana."


She inwardly curses herself for the stutter. Once upon a time, she'd actually had a crush on Arthur. Back when he was a Prince and she was but a ward of her father, it had seemed quite likely that they would eventually marry and become wed to one another. Given his rugged good looks and martial prowess, Morgana had been all for that pairing.

But a lot could change in a short amount of time. Hilariously enough, she didn't harbor much hatred for Arthur personally. She disdained him, she disliked him, he represented everything she was fighting against these days, but her true hatred could be reserved for Uther and Merlin. But now Uther was dead, and Merlin… Merlin had done something to Arthur to turn him into a more 'proactive' king as the young wizard had called it.

"I've thought about what I want done with you, Morgana. Merlin suggested killing you… but that felt like such a waste."

Why was her body getting so damn hot? Morgana finds herself panting as Arthur gets closer to her bedside. Her hands clutch at the silk ties around her wrists, her toes curl down at the foot of the bed. Her bosom rises and falls with every laboring breath she takes… and down betwixt her thighs, her core… her core blazes fiery hot in Arthur's presence.

"I want us to be a family again, Morgana. And maybe that's impossible… but Merlin assured me that he had magic up to the task."

Morgana's gorgeous green eyes widen at that, and the dark-haired woman has all of a moment to process what Arthur is saying before the King of Camelot is leaning over her, one of his calloused hands grabbing her roughly by her porcelain jaw as he slams his lips into her own in a rough, passionate, tongue-filled kiss.

Much to her horror… it feels good. Having him kiss her, having him explore her mouth with his tongue, it feels really good. But it's a foreign sensation of pleasure, and easy enough for Morgana to recognize that it's all thanks to the spell that Merlin cast over her before leaving. Whatever the other magic-wielder did to her, it's priming her body for Arthur's touch, for his presence. Whether it's specifically tied to Arthur or whether she'd be like this for any man, Morgana doesn't know. What she does know is, it's growing harder and harder to ignore the pleasure that Arthur simply kissing her brings about.

Even knowing that it's not her but Merlin's spell… it's so damn hard to focus on anything but the feeling of Arthur's rough mouth upon hers, of the way he parts her soft lips and pushes in with his tongue. The feeling of domination, that's what's arousing her right now.

When Arthur finally pulls back, Morgana finds herself leaning up, her head chasing after him, her lips puckered and parted slightly, her eyes heavily lidded. She realizes what she's doing a moment too late and hastily pulls back, blinking rapidly to clear her head of such… salacious thoughts. Arthur just chuckles as he begins to unbuckle his belt, as he begins to… to disrobe.

"Merlin's magic truly is something else. You know, he's how we found you. Without him to track you down, it might have taken longer. My father… our father was foolish to reject all forms of magic. After all, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire."

"A-Arthur… this isn't you. This is Merlin, messing with your mind… just like he's messed with mine. Can't you see that? Can't you see what he's done to you?"

Perhaps appealing to this… corrupted Arthur's better nature was silly, but Morgana honestly didn't know what else to do. And the lingering affection that Merlin's spell was forcing on her was causing her to see Arthur in a better light… a more sympathetic light. They were both victims here after all, weren't they?

Arthur just barks with laughter as he finally frees his cock from its confines, revealing it in all it's impressively thick and long glory to her. The already pale witch goes paler still as he climbs onto the bed, moving between her thighs.

"You just can't help yourself, Morgana. Ever the manipulator. But you give Merlin too little credit. He came back two thousand years to fix things. He showed me what happens next, he showed me what my old self would have cost us, both in the short and long term. I agreed to have him change me, make me better. It was the only way he was willing to cast the spell in the first place."

Morgana's heart sinks at that, even as Arthur forces her already splayed legs even further apart, his fingers digging into her thighs through her thin chemise. Then, he pulls his hands back and grabs the dress by it's hem, a wicked sort of grin on his face as he begins to pull and pull.


With a loud tearing sound, the chemise gives way under Arthur's physical strength, ripping down the center as he goes up and up and up, until he's gotten to the low-cut collar of the whole thing and has split it neatly down the middle. Pulling it apart and revealing Morgana's pale, pristine body in all of it's gorgeous glory, Arthur smiles down at her womanly figure, even as he tucks the torn halves of her chemise under her backside. She's still wearing the sleeves after all, and he'd have to untie her to take it all the way off.

He seems content with just this though, and much to Morgana's shame, she finds her arousal building at having Arthur's gaze on her now naked form. His cock, thick and hard and dangerous-looking, hovers in the air above her cunt, even as he kneels there between her legs, running his hands up and down her form.

Mewling moans exit Morgana's lips, and even knowing that her intense arousal is because of Merlin's spell doesn't help to fight it very much. Probably because it's not entirely Merlin's magic that's leaving her in such a state. Oh certainly, he's left her debilitatingly aroused in the face of Arthur and his handsome form, but at the same time, that magic had to have something to build off of… namely her own attraction to Arthur Pendragon, not as dead and buried as she might have thought.

"Morgana… I've always admired you; you know? Your conviction, your beauty. You've always meant so much to me. I'm glad you're finally home."

Before she can protest that, before she can deny it vehemently as she MUST… he buries himself inside of her and Morgana finds the words taken away by the sheer FULLNESS of having his cock stretching out her cunt.

"Ohhh fuuuck~"

Her back arches and her eyes go crossed as her lips part to allow the crass language through. She startles a laugh from Arthur, even as he holds her by her hips and drives himself as deep inside of her as possible.

"Such foul-mouthed language, Lady Morgana. It's clear that you haven't been spending time with the best people since you left Camelot."

"S-Shut up… y-you know nothing of who I've been spending time with!"

Even getting that much out is hard on her as she moans and writhes beneath Arthur. His hands move from her hips to her breasts and even though he's undeniably rough in his treatment of her tits Morgana honestly can't get enough of it. The spell Merlin cast on her is leaving her entire body on fire now, and the parts where Arthur is touching or fucking her are downright immolating as if having been placed in lava.

"You forget yourself, Lady Morgana. Is that any way to talk to your King?"

Morgana whimpers, her mind being driven wild with lust. Never in a million years would she have expected this to be her fate. But then, never in a million years would she have expected Merlin to experience the next two thousand years. What must have happened? She must have won, she must have succeeded in destroying Camelot, hadn't she?

But then, whatever had happened after that… Merlin had said magic had died. That was one of the main reasons that Morgana was even fighting Camelot at this point, was to defend magic. For magic to die… did that make her in the wrong? Did that mean all of them were wrong to be going against Arthur? Merlin seemed to think so, had always thought so. Whatever the big-eared wizard had seen in the two thousand year vision he'd had; it'd only reaffirmed to him that Arthur was the only one who could fix it all.

Camelot now had a King and a Court Wizard again, Arthur and Emrys working together. Morgana could only imagine how Morgause would reach to such a thing, how the High Priestess would panic and fret. Morgana herself… she wasn't sure how much longer she could fight this.

Arthur drives in and out of her, and her own body betrays her as Merlin's spell forces pleasure and ecstasy upon her. Arthur's cock, buried deep in her hungering twat, feels absolutely amazing. His hands on her breasts feel just as good. His lips crashing into her lips again are the straw that breaks the camel's back.

With a wanton moan, Morgana orgasms around the King of Camelot's pistoning prick. She cums and like the floodgates have been opened, once she starts, she just can't start. Over and over again, she climaxes along Arthur's thrusting cock. The way that he's fucking her never changes, though he does speed up as her insides get slicker and slicker. She grips down on his shaft with all of her strength, but it's not enough to stop him with the momentum he has.

"Give in, Morgana. Give in to the magic, give in to the pleasure. It's so much easier. Join us, me and Merlin. Join us in making a new world, a better world. It doesn't have to be this way, it doesn't have to be you versus me, sister versus brother, Magic versus Camelot. We can change everything… you just have to give in."

It's half Arthur's Speech and half the overwhelming pleasure as he fucks her into oblivion that finally breaks Morgana. Nevertheless, she shatters, and Merlin's magic fills in the cracks. The pleasure overwhelms her mind, and it's just… so much easier to submit to Arthur, totally and utterly. She doesn't even have to say a word, they both feel it. Merlin's spell wasn't just designed to assault Morgana with pleasure, it was designed to bind her to Arthur specifically.

Now that she's given in and stopped unconsciously fighting it, everything clicks into place, the binding exerts itself, and Morgana becomes Arthur's woman, his witch, through and through. Her place is beneath him, right where she is.

Seemingly sensing this change, Arthur reaches up and unbinds the silk rope from her wrists, before reaching down and doing the same with his ankles. Instinctively, Morgana understands that he was the only one who could. Merlin trusts the King of Camelot implicitly, and had tied the PHYSICAL magical bindings into Arthur as well.

Without hesitation, the broken young woman's arms and legs wrap around her King's masculine torso. She clings to his shoulders for dear life and crosses her feet behind his back as he fucks into her harder and faster. All the while, they kiss and kiss, and Morgana is over the moon with pleasure. Arthur makes her feel so good, and though she still knows deep down that it's artificial… it doesn't matter anymore.

She's given in now, and perhaps both Arthur and Merlin are right. If the future truly was so bleak for both their sides, perhaps it's time to set aside their differences. Perhaps it's time for her to help Arthur be the best King he can be, and to make Camelot into what it should be… with him at its head.

As he spills his seed inside of her, Morgana's green eyes roll back in her head from sheer pleasure and she experiences one final explosive orgasm at the end of his cock.

Shortly afterwards, she finds herself kneeling at the side of the bed between his legs, dutifully sucking on that very same cock as Arthur runs his hands through her curls with a pleased smile on his handsome face.

"That's a good girl, Morgana. I knew you would come around eventually. I knew you could be made to see reason."

They both know that it took Merlin's magic to fully break Morgana of her hatred and 'change' her mind permanently, but she doesn't pause in her fellating of her King to say anything about that.

"I think… I think Morgause can be made to see reason too. Don't you?"

Looking up to see the wide grin on Arthur's face, Morgana instinctively understands that making Morgause see reason would take the same form as this encounter has. And… she honestly can't bring herself to mind. The High Priestess DOES need to be brought into the fold. She DOES need to submit to the King of Camelot's authority. They're trying to make a better world then the one Merlin saw, after all.

Giving her approval by redoubling her speed bobbing up and down his cock, Morgana is gratified by Arthur's loud groan.

"Mm… I'm glad you agree, Morgana. We're going to do such great things together…"

She didn't doubt that for a second. Arthur could do whatever the hell he set his mind to. Especially with both Merlin and her backing him up.


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