A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 58: Beat to death

Chapter 58: Beat to death

Chapter 58 Beat to death

Girl Fang, my dear girl Fang, how will you live in the future?

Sufen, it was my mother who harmed you. I shouldnt have given you to these **** beasts just to give you a cotton-padded jacket to wear and food to eat.

Sister Xiang, if you feel uncomfortable, just cry. Dont say anything, dont scare your mother.

The families of the girls held their daughters in their arms and comforted them while crying.

But these girls were too badly hurt and had been drugged for several days. They were already delirious. They didn't speak or cry. They just stood there in a daze, which made their families extremely anxious.

When the victims around them saw this, they felt very sad and sympathized with them, but there was nothing they could do.

Among the victims, an older woman saw that the clothes of several girls were torn to tatters. While wiping her tears, she took out a few clothes that were still intact and handed them to the families of the girls: "Hurry and put clothes on the children." superior."

The families of several girls gratefully took the clothes, put them on their own girls, and held them in their arms while crying bitterly.

When the victims saw what happened to these girls, they hated Hu Si and his group, especially the fathers of the girls. Their eyes were red with anger and they cursed Hu Si and the others: "Beasts, a bunch of damned beasts, they are all dead." This innocent thing has ruined our daughter's life!"

The father of these girls hated Hu Si and his gang. He called his brothers and clan members, took big sticks, hoes, and shovels, and said to the victims around him: "Folks, those beasts have caused countless harm to people, and we can't let them go." If you pass them, you must kill them to prevent them from harming others again!"

The victims also hated Hu Si and his group. When they heard this, they all shouted: "Yes, we cannot let these pigs and dogs live."

The victims were so excited that, led by several girls' fathers, they rushed in front of Hu Si and his group with sticks and stones, and beat them all over their heads and faces.


Dont fight, dont fight, fellow villagers, we know we were wrong and we wont dare to fight again, dont fight~

Hu Si and his group were beaten until they were wailing and begging for mercy. However, they were outraged by the public and the victims did not listen to them at all. They kept beating them with hoes, shovels and wooden sticks for more than a quarter of an hour. Until they are beaten to death.

Mr. Qin knew that Qin Sanlang had **** Sister Liu and the other two accomplices. When he saw that the victims had beaten Hu Si and the others to death, he said to the side: "Sister Liu and the two accomplices are not dead yet."

Liu Jie'er's name is well-known among the victims. After hearing Mr. Qin's words, the victims who were red-eyed immediately asked: "Where is that poisonous woman Liu Jie'er? Take us there quickly!"

Mr. Qin raised his hand and pointed to the resting place of their family: "Over there, my Sanlang tied him up."

Mr. Qin is not willing to let Sister Liu and her children go, but they cannot do it themselves. They still have to settle down, but they cannot be seen by so many people killing people. Otherwise, in the future, when we go to the south, if we don't have enough protection, the victims will complain about it. If something goes wrong, they will go to the government office and be implicated in their previous affairs.

Mr. Qin could only find another way to let these victims take the lives of Sister Liu and the other three.

When the victims heard what Mr. Qin said, they rushed to the resting place of their family and killed Liu Jieer and the other three.

Qin Erlang walked beside Mr. Qin and complained coldly: "You and Sanlang are the only ones who like to meddle in other people's business."

What does it have to do with whether these victims are dead or alive? It was okay for Sanlang to help the girl of the Gu family arrest people. Even he was taken out by Mr. Qin to look for people and worked all night.

Mr. Qin was very tolerant to Qin Erlang. Hearing his words, he was not angry. He just smiled and hurried to the resting place of several families with his hands behind his back.

"Sister Liu is here, everyone, hurry up and beat this vicious woman to death." When the victims saw Sister Liu, they wanted to eat her flesh alive. Sister Liu saw hundreds of victims rushing towards her with hoes and sticks, and her face turned pale with fright. She knew that the victims would beat them to death for the evil they had done, so she hurriedly faced Qin who was guarding them. Sanlang begged: "Brother, help me, the little woman was also forced by that **** Hu Si. She didn't really want to harm those girls."

The two accomplices then begged: "Brother, help me, let us go quickly. We have money and food in our hands. As long as you let us go, the money and food will be yours."

Qin Sanlang ignored them at all. He only turned to the third grandma and shouted: "Third grandma, please stay away for a while."

When the third grandma saw the rushing victims, she knew that they were here to kill Sister Liu and her three sons. She quickly called to several women: "Take the children quickly and take shelter far away."

Don't let the children see this kind of thing, they will be frightened out of their wits.

Several women hurriedly took their children and ran away.

The victims quickly rushed in front of Liu Jie'er and the three of them, and without giving Liu Jie'er a chance to cry, they hit them with hoes and sticks, and beat them to death in a short time.

Gu Yumei watched the victims beating Sister Liu to death from a distance, and was trembling with fear. She felt that the victims were too cruel, how could they beat people to death?

"This is going to be retribution." Gu Yumei said.

Mrs. Chen rolled her eyes when she heard this: "You are so kind-hearted. These people deserve to be beaten to death for committing such crimes. I have heard that several of the girls who were captured by them were raped."

She glanced sideways at Gu Yumei: "You are lucky and nothing happened. If something happened, how could you say that?"

Gu Yumei froze, her face pale with fright at Chen's words: "Really, really?"

"Oh, can there still be lies? If you don't believe it, ask the victims around you. As soon as you find those girls, someone will come back and tell them about them." There is no shortage of talkative women among the victims. She went out and walked around and knew everything. .

Gu Yumei was too scared to speak anymore.

After Hu Si and his group were beaten to death, the victims found some food and money in the cave where they hid the girls. They were kind enough to give the money and food to the families of the girls who had been raped, as a kind of compensation.

But the money and food are nothing compared to the girl's innocence.

In this era, without an innocent girl, her whole life will be ruined. If something like this happened in their hometown, all these girls would be caught and drowned by the clan elders.

Fortunately, we are on the road to escape now. The clan members are scattered in all directions. The elders of the clan are unable to hold on and are dying. There is nothing they can do about it. The families of these girls do not dislike them and decide to take them on the road, thinking that no one will know about this when they get to the south. Son, find some widowers for them to marry, so that they can have a way of survival.

But not all girls families love their daughters so much. Among the thirty girls who were rescued, ten were not taken back by their families.

Four of the girls were abducted by Hu Si and others from other places, and their families have disappeared; four were given to Sister Liu and the others by their parents because their families had no food; and the remaining two were given to Liu Jieer and the others because their families felt it was embarrassing. Don't want it.

The third grandma scolded the parents who were unwilling to take the girl back: "This is too cruel. The girl is not wrong. How can you say you don't want it and just don't want it? There are some unreasonable people among the victims in this barren mountain. If the girls are thrown here, wouldnt they be killed?

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