A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 57: turn up

Chapter 57: turn up

Chapter 57 found

After Liu Hezi said this, he was the first to run away.

The brothers hurriedly followed, complaining as they ran: "We have already told those families that they cannot move, but Hu Si refused to listen. Something must have happened."

"Shut up, you are talking so much at this time, run away." Liu Hezi looked back at the victims who were holding torches and shouting and rushing towards them. He was so frightened that he almost fell down and rushed towards them with all his strength. The Tibetans ran to the cave.

Some sharp-eyed victims saw them and pointed in their direction and shouted: "Front to the right, front to the right, there are a few kidnappers there, everyone, hurry up and chase them!"

The victims hated Liu Jie'er's group, especially those who had lost their girls, and they chased Liu Hezi and the others desperately.

Gu Jinli didn't chase them. So many victims had already chased Hu Si and his gang, and she was not missing any one of them. The most important thing for her now was to protect Gu Jinxiu.

"Brother Qin, search that woman's body. She must have an antidote." The handkerchief was soaked in poison, which was quite effective. Without the antidote, Gu Jinxiu would not be able to wake up until tomorrow. Gu Jinxiu is a girl who is about to get haircut. Gu Jinli must rescue her quickly to avoid being gossiped about.

Qin Sanlang rummaged through Sister Liu's body and found a hard purse. He took out a small bottle of medicine, opened it and smelled it. The smell was so strong that it should be the antidote to the drug.

Xiaoyu, here it is. Qin Sanlang threw the antidote at Gu Jinlis feet.

Gu Jinli picked up the medicine bottle, put it on Gu Jinxiu's nose and smoked it for a while. Gu Jinxiu groaned and woke up.

After being awakened, Mrs. Cui, the third grandma, Mrs. Chu, and Luo Huiniang were so frightened that they wandered around for a while and finally found Gu Jinli and Gu Jinxiu.

When Mrs. Cui saw the two of them, she immediately rushed over, hugged the two sisters tightly, and cried with joy: "Mom, Xiaoyu, Sister Xiu, it's okay if you are okay, but I'm scared to death."

Ms. Cui was awakened by the noise and did not see the two sisters. She was so frightened that she burst into tears and hurried around to look for someone. But it was too dark and the surroundings were too chaotic. Cui and the others were frightened again. They wandered around for a while before they saw them.

Gu Jinxiu just woke up, she was still covered, she didnt know what happened?

Gu Jinli patted Mrs. Cui on the back and said with a smile: "Don't worry, mom, my eldest sister and I are both fine. Please stop crying."

Mr. Chu, Third Grandma, and Luo Huiniang also ran over. After seeing that their sisters were all fine, Third Grandma and Mr. Chu clasped their hands together and bowed toward the east: "God bless you."

As soon as Luo Huiniang saw Gu Jinli, she asked, "Xiaoyu, what's going on? Those bad guys are here to arrest people again?" She heard many victims shouting for the kidnappers.

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, Sister Liu and the others are too greedy. They haven't stopped stealing so many girls. They just used a handkerchief soaked in medicinal juice to cover up people and try to drag them away. But they are not lucky, I I woke up as soon as I smelled the medicine, caught up with them, and beat them to the ground with Brother Qin."

Qin Sanlang had already captured Sister Liu's two accomplices and tied them with Sister Liu with ropes around their waists. When he saw Third Grandma and the others, he raised his voice and said, "Third Grandma, you two aunts, don't worry. The three kidnappers have been caught by us, Xiaoyu and the others are fine."

When Luo Huiniang heard Qin Sanlang's words, she ran over. When she saw Sister Liu and the others, she took the wooden stick in her hand and beat them: "You are so unscrupulous that you kidnap and beat them." I wont kill you.

Sister Liu was injured. Where can I stand Luo Hui Niang? Within a few moments, they fainted.

Luo Huiniang snorted, ran back with a wooden stick, and said to the third grandma and the others: "Third grandma, mother, and Aunt Dashan, I knocked them out, don't worry."

Mrs. Chu shook her head helplessly. Sister Liu and her three children had been beaten badly by Qin Sanlang and Xiaoyu a long time ago, so why did she need to take action?

Gu Jinli didn't want to stay here any longer, so he and Mrs. Cui helped Gu Jinxiu up and said, "It's too dark here. Sister Liu's other accomplices haven't been caught yet, so let's go back quickly."

She was worried about Qin Sanlang, so she turned around and called him: "Brother Qin?"

Qin Sanlang waved his hand at her and said, "You go back first, I'll watch them here." Ms. Cui was thinking about Brother Cheng and was also afraid that something would happen to her two daughters again. After hearing Qin Sanlang's words, she didn't stay any longer and supported her. Gu Jinxiu followed the Chu family and others and returned to the resting place of several families soon.

The men and boys from all the families went out to look for someone. Only Aunt Tian, Lao Yan, Yan, and Chen were waiting in the resting area with their younger children. When they saw them coming back, they happily greeted them.

Brother Cheng was the most excited. He immediately rushed over and hugged Gu Jinli's leg. His eyes were red, but he refrained from crying. Instead, he said very sensibly: "Eldest and second sisters are fine, it's okay. Brother Cheng is very good." , didnt run around and cause trouble to the family.

He wanted to follow everyone to find someone, but was stopped by Lao Yan. Lao Yan said that it would cause trouble for the family if he ran away and got lost in such a chaotic situation.

He didn't want to cause trouble to the family, so he endured his worries and stayed in the resting place.

Gu Jinli let go of Gu Jinxiu, hugged Brother Cheng, and said with a smile: "Brother Cheng is so good."

Mrs. Chen looked behind them and saw no one else, so she quickly asked: "Where is Sister Mei? Why don't you see Sister Mei? Haven't you found her yet?"

Ms. Chen is Gu Yumei's biological aunt, and Gu Yumei has lost her mother. As an aunt, she always needs to take more care of her. She didn't see Gu Yumei at the moment, and she was very anxious, but she didn't dare to look for anyone because she was afraid of death.

Gu Jinli said: "Sister Yumei is fine. Uncle Damu and Uncle Dalin have already caught up with her and should be back soon."

Gu Jinli once again told what happened after he woke up.

After hearing this, Mr. Chen felt relieved.

Fifteen minutes later, brothers Gu Damu, Gu Dalin, and Gu Dafu carried the unconscious Gu Yumei back.

Everyone saw that Gu Yumei was back and nothing happened, so they all breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's good to be back. Our family is lucky. The girls are not missing."

Gu Jinli took out the bottle of antidote and put it on Gu Yumei's nose and smoked it for a while. Gu Yumei coughed a few times and woke up. When she saw Gu Jinli, she cursed: "Gu Xiaoyu, why are you crazy? You stayed up so late at night. Smoke me with something so smelly!"

Gu Jinli rolled his eyes at her, stood up and walked away.

Gu Dafu couldn't bear to scold Gu Yumei, but Gu Dagui couldn't help it and scolded Gu Yumei: "Sister Mei, don't say that to Xiaoyu. If it weren't for Xiaoyu, you would have been abducted by a kidnapper." Is there still a chance to curse here?

"That's right, Sister Mei, Xiaoyu is your savior." Mrs. Chen told Gu Yumei about tonight's events in an embellished manner.

Gu Yumei was confused. She was drugged and knocked unconscious by Sister Liu and her gang, and she was almost dragged away?

After Gu Yumei reacted, her face turned pale with fright, her whole body was trembling, and she couldn't speak at all.

Seeing her so frightened, Gu Dagui couldn't talk to her anymore.

There was still noisy searching and arresting people all night long. At dawn, the victims finally caught all Hu Si and his group who were fleeing in the mountains. After beating them up, they asked what happened before. The hiding place of the girl they abducted.

The victims quickly organized people to rescue people and rescued more than 30 girls who were drugged and had their hands and feet **** from the cave.

Unfortunately, six of these girls had been dispossessed by Hu Si and the others. When their families found out about this, they almost fainted from tears.

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