A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 292: Not Easy.

Chapter 292: Not Easy.

The teams successfully built two barracks for themselves. Bother buildings were three-floor high and had enough space for the people to sleep and rest. They all had some education regarding civil structures and as Core formation cultivators they were smart enough to follow the instructions of the technicians who had a basic knowledge. 

The people slept contently yet the pain came too soon. They were all woken up harshly the next morning. The sun has not yet risen when You Xi Wang woke them all up. He had them freshen up and sit down facing the horizon to meditate. 

The purpose was to have them develop the habit to sleep to the bare minimum. They were all tired from the teleportation plus the heavy work for building the barrack. Thus they were all sleeping deeply. Another purpose was to make the people absorb the active spiritual energy. 

This sort of spiritual energy can only be absorbed when the sun rises on the horizon. The spirit energy itself gets rejuvenated when the sun shines upon it after 12 hours. This is why it is called active spirit energy. The vitality is ten times more than the normal spirit energy. 

When the people were done absorbing the active spirit energy, they were all asked to spar with You Xi Wang and the other five. Gena joined them, she was not weak but one of the best fighters they had on Lost Sector. Her eyes played a vital role in her combat prowess. The rookies did not hold back as they all saw their actual skills, yet they were all beaten blue and black. 

You Xi Wang said after the spar, "You all will spend one hour in the medicinal bath we prepared in the pool behind the barracks. After that, we will continue the training again. Also, you get five minutes to eat as well. Go. The time starts now."

You Zhichi and her team were no exception. They were also weak in the combat aspect. They all needed this training as well. The celestial maiden only called them over as none knew when they might need to fight thus it has been a long time she had indulged with her team.

The rookies got inside the bath. Male and female pools were separated by illusion and barrier arrays. It only took the phantoms five minutes to make this area. You Xi Wang had bought a lot of body tempering medicinal powder that was blended in with the water in the pool. To ensure that the people have a strong physique as they develop. 

After an hour the people came back. They were all dazed, after two minutes in the pool. Their pains vanished, five minutes more there bruises vanished. Ten minutes and they all became refreshed again, as they set in the pool, finally their fatigue was replaced by energy and strength. They were surprised by the changes. 

They all murmured among themselves. 

"You Xi Wang is a good guy, I can feel my strength becoming more profound even though it is a slight gain."

"I know right, also I wonder what he would do after this?"

They were all anticipating future training. After an hour when they came out of the pool, they never imagined that they will be beaten again, this time the pain was also stronger and some people directly fainted and they all started to spend their time inside the pool and the field. 

You Xi Wang and the rest were not merciful at all. After a week he started to infuse his spirit energy with the attacks. The phantoms had become a nightmare to the rookies. You Xi Wang changed the composition of the medicinal mixture. He advised them all to endure the pain as they soaked in the marrow washing pond. 

His grandmother had given him a lot of medicinal aid before she left for the Chen family. Those packets of medicinal powders were all being used now. After seven days the combatants started to last longer. You Zhichi was always the last one to fall down and now she would come to tie. Yet they all knew that the people are still not fighting seriously. 

The phantoms did not move in a team formation at all. They fought independently and also did not use live ammunition and weapon intents. But the third week brought a change in the routine. God knows where You Xi Wang came up with the idea of night raids and surprise attacks on the people. In the training he started to have Celestia and Lily play as an ally. 

The role of allies was over powered. They can not be harmed but can only be dodged. Neo erected two high poles and the two fairies would watch the scene from the top. Later they would randomly trigger the array formations they have laid out in the battle field, adding to the trouble of the rookies. They would also sometimes help rookies, if they won the toss before the battle. 

But You Xi Wang or Gena would immediately spot their movement and avoid the traps while alerting others. The time in this dimension was slower then the one You Xi Wang and the rest belonged to. After the fourth week, he talked to Ilex who happily allowed them to visit the spirit lake. 

The crowd was baffled but they were kept in control by the team leaders. Their happiness costed thema week of tears. The phantoms started to get serious, they would fight with them holding weapons and You Xi Wang even courtesiously told them to come at him with the intent to kill or they won't survive his hits. 

He held up to his words, the first day he and the phantoms sent thirty eight guys in the medical pods for recovery. The casualties included, broken limbs to amputations. Thank god for the medical excellence of the modern technology that these people did not receive any major after effects. Yet they did not lay down hin front of You Xi Wang. 

As soon as the rookies entered the combat mode, they were ruthless. At the end of the month, Allan gave them all a test. The test was to compare their own growth with their first ever recorded performance when they came to this place. The results were shocking. 

The people were now capable to appear in an executioner exam and pass directly. Yet You Xi wang scolded them and said, "You think this is the best that you can do? I should send you back, so that you do not shame my name. What is your goal to come here?"

The happy and excited crowd suddenly turned somber and they all started to admire the grass below their feet. Well things had just started to worsen. You Xi Wang found some young Orcs. who were at the peak of their life. and had them challenge the rookies. 

Orcs were all battle hardened people. They left the humans in misery. The punishment of loss was half the food, one set of clothes and if you lost three times in succession you sleep under the stars. 

The weather was freezing at night, to make it a punishment the person subjected to this punishment will have the spirit energy sealed. The people suffered but they used this suffering to fuel themselves. The performance gradually improved and the rookies started to deal with the Orcs as well. They started to develop what You Xi Wang wanted them to develop. The battle instinct and vigilance. 

Soon the people who spent nights outside became zero. The rookies all developed a good bond and they all started to learn from each other. This was what boosted their performance to an another level. 

The relationship between Gena and the boy wonder also deepened slowly. One day, however, Sasha, the elven secretary came to the camp. She came with a summon for You Xi Wang and the important people in the camp. 

You Xi Wang, You Zhichi and Fenny came to the court of the elven queen. 

The boy asked, "Your Majesty, you summoned us?"

Ilex nodded gently and said, "Sir, we have a situation that needs your guidance. If you may, please."

The boy asked, "What is it?"

Ilex spoke after she inflated her already fluffy mountains, "The Dwarves want to resettle themselves near the city. They have sent a messenger asking for a audience."

You Xi Wang asked, "Why do they want to move so suddenly?"

Ilex shook her head and said, "I have no idea but the dwarves are a very grumpy species. I have no idea about how to deal with them. So, sir please help us." a queen humbling herself to an outlander. 

The reason was that Forest elves were humble species, they did not know malice now arrogance. Just like nature. The boy thought for a bit and said, "Okay. I will attend the meeting. I thank you for the prestige." 

Ilex nodded to him similarly. In her mind she thought, 'This guy is not easy.'

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