A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 291: Satyr.

Chapter 291: Satyr.

The next morning, Ilex had the Orcs settle in their cities. The Elven nation had undergone a tremendous change they did not have the tech or the sci-fi vibe about them now. They were all now rejuvenating their old ways. 

The nature city had totally become a match for its name. The glass buildings were now covered with green vines. The streets had no traffic. As for the mounts, they trained elegant steeds outside the city. You Xi Wang walked around with a big smile on his face. he also found out that they have given up on using high-tech weaponry, but switched back to bow&arrow and long swords, spears. He liked this. 

Call him selfish, but this was how Elves were supposed to be. Close to nature. The reason for their previous plight was their blind chase for development and scientific excellence. Ilex wanted to assign a grand hotel for the people he brought but You Xi Wang refused it.

He had these people stay outside in the field where they fought yesterday. At this moment he stood facing the rookies and said, "Wherever you go, you first find a place to live, but you will only know the value of a shelter when you earn one." 

The rookies were confused when they heard this. Fenny spoke, "Noobies, get your asses moving and build yourself barracks. Males on the right females on the left. You have till the evening. if you can make a satisfying barrack in by coordinating together then all well and good. Otherwise, you will spend the rest of your days here, under the bright starry sky." 

The rookies went stiff as they heard this, one of them asked, "REPORT."

Allan said, "Proceed." 

The rookie asked with some hesitation, "Sirs, will you also make the barrack with us?"

The five people started to laugh as if they heard a joke. Neo said, "Watch and learn kid." 

He grunted, a triangle formed out of the ground, yet it did not stop, soon four walls were also erected. Allan blew on the mud and removed the impurities while Yuki blew a cold breath to harden the walls. You Xi Wang waved his hand, a strong gust of wind cut out windows and doors in the thing. 

Neo said, "We can use the same way to make rooms as well. Oh yeah, make sure that you guys don't forget a proper sewage system or you will ruin the scenery by adding mounds to it. Dismissed." 

You Zhichi quickly separated the girls from the boys and they started to act. Fenny said, "Baby Wang, who do you think will win?"

The boy smiled and replied, "Well, we have forbidden Gena from helping, even big sis will only supervise. The boys have no one else, but they are not completely hopeless. The girls have one big team while they have five different smaller teams. The world load is equally divided."

Yuki said, "Xi Wang, let's go for a walk. I have something to talk about."

Neo said, "Beauty Yu, do I wait for you to come back before I finalize your room?" 

Yuki said, "I will share with Xi Wang, you make the extra one for Celes and Lily. They will stay with us. Big Momma will select the layout of the house."

Her words did surprise them but they were now almost used to it. The two were now acknowledged by the family. Fenny nodded and the three people went inside the house to start working. While the love birds held each other's hand and started to walk toward the city. Gena and the kids were there to study spirit runes. 

There were a lot of common things in the world. Spirit Runes were an example. Elven people were very proficient in this knowledge while they lagged in arrays. You Xi Wang held onto Yuki's soft gentle hand and asked, "What is it? I can sense that you want to say something to me."

Yuki nodded and said, "Gena is in love with you." 

There you have it, straight and sharp like a sword. She continued, "Ever since you helped her with her voice she has taken a liking for you, and then the rest of the events have made this liking evolve into love. She has been accepted by the others. You do not need to think over that. What we ask you to do is to accept that girl, if not for yourself, do it for us. She is very gentle and caring Xi Wang. Please think about it."

The system said, [Okay, so now your future wife is chasing skirt for you.]

You Xi Wang rebuked him, [Shut up, bitch.]

He gazed at Yuki and said, "Why was I not told about this earlier?"

Yuki scrunched her nose a bit and said, "As if I had a good chance to do it. You were busy with clearance and battles. Do you know that day when you fired that thing you and Fenny were so nuts about? Gena cried when she saw you fall on the ground." 

She talked about how Gena has been keeping her feelings in check and not showing it in front of her. Turns out that Yuki also found out by a coincidence. The more You Xi Wang knew the surprised he became. As the two reached the city gates. 

The boy said, "I am not too sure about it Yuki. I think I will need time to cater this emotion and special feeling with her." 

Yuki nodded and said, "We only ask for this. Also, you hooligan, how dare you to do all my sisters in one noon. Are you a monster? They were all blush like monkey butts."

You Xi Wang scratched the back of his head. He had no reply for this one. That day he was boiling with passion. The two people came inside the city gates. They were headed to the City Library. The guards in the city all had scenes of how You Xi Wang and Yuki fought yesterday, they would all bow to the couple slightly. 

The two would smile and nodded their head in reply. Yuki even teased You Xi Wang about some Elven Chicks blushing when he smiled at them. The latter also said the same for her as the elven men gazed at him with extreme envy. 

The two bantered their way to the library. They were about to enter when they found that the two little fairies were walking out holding Gena's hand on each side. They both had a skip in their step. Suddenly they saw You Xi Wang and came to his side. The boy also bent down and scooped them up in his arms. 

He asked with a smile, "Hoho, looking at you two, something good happened?"

Celestia replied, "We found Rune engraving books. It can strengthen spirit weapons, even turn ordinary clothes into armor."

Lily continued, "Xixi, these runes are called enhancement runes. They have nine levels. Also, if one engraves them on their body, they can make their body strong as well." 

The two kids rambled on and on about it. They were totally psyched about what they learned in the library. They asked the curator if they can take a digital copy of it for later. They had not yet developed an invincible memory.

The curator allowed them the request with a smile on her face. The girls were happy. Yuki suddenly said, "If they want to eat some good candies. Elves have a sweet tooth and so do these kids. You Xi Wang warned them to not overeat lest they get cavities. Their bodies were not yet completely tempered. 

Yuki did this to give You Xi Wang and Gena some time together. The two people stood in their place for a few minutes, none of them spoke. The famous awkward silence. You Xi Wang asked, "How have you been Gena?"

Gena flinched and nodded shyly. The two then started to walk back to the camp and You Xi Wang started to ask her about a lot of things. Like how were the kids, Gena was full of praises for them. He asked if the runes they found here were any good? Gena nodded and told him about her comprehension. 

The girl showed him the digital copy they took from the library records. They found a grass patch outside the city and sat down there discussing the runes. The distance between them gradually shortened. Soon they were talking like they used to back on the Lost sector. Suddenly the boy asked, "Gena, do you like me?"

The girl was surprised and then she took a deep breath. She calmed down and said, "Yes, I do. Even if you do not like me can we still stay friends?" her voice was getting lower and softer as she spoke the last few words. 

The boy shook his head and said, "The first time I saw you, I felt intrigued. The curiosity made us friends. We are still friends, will stay like this. It may take some time, but who knows if we actually fell in love. I only hope that you can tolerate me till then."

Gena replied, "Always." she had a sweet smile on her face. 

You Xi Wang smiled and suddenly they heard two voices, "SO, SISTER GENA IS OUR SISTER-IN-LAW." the two girls came back with Yuki and they seem to have heard the conversation now. 

Lily said, "Xixi is such a womanizer."

Celestia said, "Humph, Satyr."

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