Zhan Yue

Chapter 501: Unsettled

Chapter 501: Unsettled

Thus, I leveled while helping the guild to get ready. The event tomorrow was server-wide so not only would there be Winter Sun City members, there would be people from Wannan City, Bright Lake City and Linan City. Moreover, there would be a large scale war so guilds would command their members. With You hadn't been challenged much in such a war before so this would be really important for us.

Just like that, we continued until 2am and everyone nearly had panda eyes from staying up. After eating bits of food, the few girls went to put on masks while I headed out to look around. I looked at the safety of the surroundings while rotating energy through my body. I followed what Master taught me to cultivate and it did feel effective. Not long later, the Blazing Sun energy in my body filled up once more.

Return to my room, sleep!


This time, maybe because I was too tired, I slept until my alarm sounded. It was 10:30 and I just lay on my bed and sent a voice message, "I am awake, Shen Mingxuan order!"


Shen Mingxuan replied, "I need to wash up, I am not free. You order!"

"I don't know which is nice, if not I shall go out to buy!"

"Okay, you go!"

Lin Xi said, "Then go out to buy. Lu Li go drive I will follow you. I want to walk about too and breathe in the fresh air."

"Okay, I will wash up first."


Half an hour later, upstairs.

Lin Xi's door was open and she pushed her own wheelchair out. She was in a beige T-shirt that was stuck close to her skin and her chest looked really attractive. She wore a knee-high skirt and her legs made my heart beat quicker. I laughed, "Lin Xi, today you... Look really good."

She laughed, "That is all you learned from Ah Fei? That is not enough~~~"

I rolled my eyes, "That is enough!"

She smiled, "Okay, let's head out."


I walked forwards,

pushing the wheelchair into the escalator. I also said to the watch, "Stareye, activate the car and drive it out."

Thus, when we walked out of the hall, my car had driven by itself to the parking lot.


Watching the car drive itself in front of us and even opening the door, Lin Xi was stunned. Her eyes were filled with shock.

"This is the power of technology..."

I smiled, "Automatic analysis of the area, driving by itself, not bad right?"


She licked her lips and raised her arms, "Carry me up..."


I hugged her and a scent filled my nose. Until she started rushing me did I place her on the seat. I then dashed to the other side and drove out of the villa towards a construction site. Opposite it was a fast food van with many cooked dishes.

I parked it and said, "Lin Xi what would you like?"


Her face flushed red and she muttered.


I was speechless, "Chicken drumstick, steak, fish, choose one?"



I ordered with the uncle, "Steak, Seaweed Braised Meat, Green Pepper potato, beansprout meat, give me one set."


The uncle packed a lunchbox and then I ordered for Shen Mingxuan, Gu Ruyi and myself. After he was done he passed them all to me.

"Me me me~~~"

Lin Xi waved and smiled, "Let me take it, he needs to drive."


The uncle passed the bag to Lin Xi and smiled, "Little kid, your girlfriend is so beautiful!"

"Cough cough..."

I was a little awkward and still said shamelessly, "Of course, her looks are top!"

Her face flushed red and she opened her eyes wide, "Oi oi, what nonsense are you saying~~~"

I stepped on the gas and after leaving I explained, "Look, the uncle thinks we are together. If I deny then he will find it a waste. If a small lie can make him happy, why not?"

Lin Xi hugged the lunch box and was speechless, "You learned that from Ah Fei? This... Scoff, you really are learning quickly..."

"No, I am learning by myself..."




When we arrived, I came to the shotgun seat and asked, "Put it down, I will send you up and then take it."

"Forget it, I am hungry."

She frowned, "You bring me, I will carry the food."


I carefully hugged her out. Lin Xi carried the lunchbox and I just sent her to the wheelchair. We then went upstairs. Shen Mingxuan and Gu Ruyi looked at us and they were probably hungry. After all, we hadn't eaten breakfast and were hungry until now.


Shen Mingxuan walked forwards and pressed the back of her hand on Lin Xi's face. She stared at me, "Did you bully her, look at how hot her face is!"

"No..." Lin Xi's face was red.

"Scoff scoff, let's eat~"

Thus, we ate the lunch box. The dishes really tasted good. The uncle really put in a lot of effort, it was even better than many other places.

After finishing, we had a coke each and when we were done, time was nearly up.


"It is nearly 12:30, prepare to go online."


We wore our helmets and went online. The moment the data was read, I appeared in Winter Sun City. My equipment and resources were done yesterday. At this point, numerous other players came online. I could even see Legend and Vanguard. This event was server-wide so it would definitely be more intense. Whether or Winter Sun City can stand out would depend on our own skill.

Not far away, Calorie led a bunch of With You cavalries over. Most of them were on Sika Deers. Thus the group of them looked really cute. Sika Deer horns were wrapped in flames and they were really strong like well-trained horses. With the riding effect, their bodies were covered in armor. The players on them were well equipped too and they were filled with killing energy.

"We are here~~~"

Calorie saw Lin Xi and me and smiled, "Guild Leader, Deputy Guild Leader, we are ready. 2000 of the main guild are online, 2000 from Assassin Alliance have around 1500. Along with 1000 we recruited, we have 4500."

Search Hosted Novel for the original.


Lin Xi nodded and looked at the guild experience bar, "Unfortunately we are a small bit from level 6, if not the main guild could gather 4000 people."

"Right but we have no choice, we built With You too late~~~"

Calorie smiled, "Let's head out. We can teleport to the north gate and then head to Yundian Mountain. That would take 20 minutes so this is the right time."


Lin Xi nodded, "Head out!"


Thus, I sent the order to the guild and everyone teleported to the north gate. We would gather then and head out together. It actually needed 10G to teleport over so the game could probably reclaim a large sum from this.

Not long later, With You teleported over and we passed the city gates under the north wall. We gathered at the designated spot. Like what Lin Xi said, our Sika Deer Cavalry was now a huge group of around 200. They were led by Calorie, Light Lantern and Haotian and were the most elite squad in With You currently.


Looking at everyone, I switched to the Paladin account. I was dressed in high-level armor and I grabbed Silver Ocean Sword that was covered in orange light. I rode the Thousand Mile Moon Foal and just followed Lin Xi.


Light Lantern stared, "Why did you switch accounts?"


I said solemnly, "Assassin is too fierce, we are all on the same side so the Paladin seems more friendly."

"That probably isn't the reason right?"

Calorie smiled, "I think you must feel that the Assassin is shorter than us so you feel unbalanced. You want to sit on your mount to get on our level!"


She was right and my face flushed red, "Stop talking nonsense, that wasn't the reason..."

Lin Xi burst out laughing and said, "Okay, let's gather and head out. Time waits for no one."



After she gave her orders, the thousands from With You headed out. We stepped on the snow and headed towards the north. This would be the first war since With You formed up and it was really important. If we managed to shine then this would help us gain a footing in the server.

Horse hoof sounds could be heard as the Sika Deer Cavalries rode at the front. The backline was the ranged and support players. I led another group of cavalry at the back to protect everyone as we headed forwards.

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