Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Tian Qi ran out of Ji Heng's arms and knelt on the ground in a hurry like a thunderbolt

The Emperor is smiling at her. "What do you want to explain? "

"This slavethis slave "Tian Qi's face was paled and sweaty.

Although Ji Heng was angry with her, he could not bear to see her like this. "Get up, speak well. Who are you? "

Tian Qi is still in shock and fear of her identity being revealed. She concealed her secret for seven years. And this person is the one who decides her life and death. She knelt feebly, afraid to get up.

Ji Heng sighed, pulled her up forcibly and took her into his arms. "Pretending to be pitiful, you know that I can't help you, right?"

"Your Majesty Do you want to kill this slave? "

"Who says I want to kill you? "Ji Heng said, suddenly reached her ear and smiled," I want to eat you. "

" "Tian Qi just felt like she was falling from the cliff. Now she found that she had just fallen down a short distance and was pulled back. As soon as the heart went up and down, she had already sweated two layers. She lowered her head and rolled her eyes. She thought quickly about when she had shown her flaws. How long has the Emperor found it? Why hasn't he said it until now?

I can't figure it out!

Seeing the person in his arms wring her body uneasily, Ji Heng calculated his breath, so he doesnt scare her. His body was rubbed by her for a while, and she was ready to move again somewhere he had just stopped. Ji Heng can't stand this surprise. His little brother has too much burden. He pressed his heart and suddenly interrupted her thinking, saying, "why do deceive me? "

"I "Tian Qi really panicked. In the past, when she was prepared for all kinds of crises, she passed by without any danger. But now, different from that, she was suddenly caught in the throat with a sword and could not move.

Ji Heng calmly took out his handkerchief and wiped Tian Qi's sweat little by little. "What kind of person are you? "

Tian Qi looked at the smiling Emperor, and she didn't know whether he in his right mind. In short, she wants to do something impulsive. Suddenly, she held his face and kissed him recklessly. Her mouth blocked his mouth. It seemed that she could pull two people into the chaos of passion and impulse, and she could temporarily abandon those who were at a loss. He could also forget about her for a while. Step by step. Although this is only temporary.

Ji Heng really forgot these things. Suddenly, Tian Qi attacked him like this. He feels so sweet that he could die. How could he let it go easily? In fact, a suspense and pressing event has somehow turned into a passionate kissing event.

Tian Qi's mood is like a pot of stew, panic, fear, helplessness, shame, guilt, depression, indulgence, sweetness, pain, desire. These various emotions are like a big hand, tearing her in all directions. She really feels that she is going to collapse, not to mention how to end it.

Ji Heng sucks and kisses Tian Qi. He feels her pain and helplessness. He hugged her more tightly, and his flexible tongue rolled into her mouth. He wanted to suck away her pain. She should not suffer, nor need it.

At the end of the kiss, both of them were panting. Tian Qi's eyes were shining with water. She looked down and saw Ji Heng looking at her intensely. She pushed him away and ran away without thinking.

Ji Heng didn't go after her. He knew that she was not far away. He has shown his attitude and is waiting for her to confess.

* * *

Ji Heng expected that Tian Qi was not far away. Mainly because she didn't go out of the palace

She ran back to her room and buried her head in the quilt. It seems that if she buries it like this and then comes out, she can turn what she just did into a dream.

The Emperor knows. He knew she was a woman, though he didn't know who she was.

What to do, what to do

Tian Qi found that she couldn't figure out what to do because she didn't know what the Emperor was going to do.

It is reasonable to say that once such a thing happens, the person who pretends to be a eunuch will undoubtedly die. Not only she but also the person who handled it at the beginning and the person who examined it will be implicated.

But now the Emperor told her plainly that he would not kill her.

Does this show that the Emperor likes her a little?

Alas, what  do you think

But the Emperor knew that she was a woman, and claimed that he had not let other eunuchs touch her

Tian Qi reached out, held the quilt tightly, and then she couldn't breathe. She had to sit up from the bed and hold the quilt on the bed.

Calm down, calm down. Eliminate personal emotional factors and summarize the current situation. The Emperor found out that she was a woman. The Emperor didn't know her identity. The Emperor said he would not kill her.

Above, can she find the Emperor to confess?

Tian Qi wavered a little.

At this time, someone outside slapped her door violently, " Tian Gonggong, it's amazing! The Emperor wants to fight Sheng Gonggong. Go and have a look! "

Then Tian Qi opened the door and ran out with the man. All the way to ask him what was the situation, the man also did not know clearly, he knew that Sheng Gonggong was sent by the Emperor to ask questions, said a few words, let people take Sheng Gonggong out to fight.

Tian Qi suddenly thought of a word the Emperor had just said.

"I will find Sheng Anhuai's and take account with him. "

But it's too fast

When they went to the Qianqing palace, they saw that Sheng Anhuai had been pressed on a bench. Two eunuchs holding up boards greeted him on the bottom. He was slapped and cried out for being wrong. "What did I do , Emperor "

Sheng Anhuai is still not clear about the specific situation until now. He only knows that the Emperor called him to scold him severely. The Emperor didn't disclose a specific reason. In a word, it's just inexplicable. Sheng Anhuai now believes that Tian Qi's words, the Emperor's brain may indeed have some problems.

Ji Heng is standing under the eaves in black. The people around were scared to be silent. No one dared to ask for help.

Tian Qi knelt at Ji Heng's feet, and gently twirled the corner of his clothes, saying, "Emperor, everything is just a joke made by these slaves. Sheng Gonggong is innocent. Please dont  be angry!"

With a cold face, Ji Heng watched Sheng Anhuai's

Tian Qi had to kowtow to the ground. She regretted to death now. How could she accidentally say that? Although she doesn't understand why Sheng Anhuai wants to lie, but now because of her, he will get a strong beating

Thinking about it, Tian Qi cried out in vain.

The people around were all in a daze. Under the Emperor's rage, Tian Qi had the courage to talk with him.

"Get up! "Ji Heng couldn't stand Tian Qi banging her forehead.

Tian Qi kowtowed obstinately, "ask the Emperor to bypass Sheng Gonggong! "

"Stop it! "Ji Heng said, and the eunuch immediately stopped.

Sheng Anhuai lies on the bench. "Thank you, Your Majesty. "In fact, The eunuch who executed him was struggling to not hurt him.

Ji Heng leaves with a heavy face. Tian Qi got up from the ground, thought about it, and followed. Ji Heng was angry. What's angry is that Tian Qi doesn't confess to him, but he comes to Sheng Anhuai and pleads with him. Sheng Anhuai talks nonsense like that. He wants to beat him again!

Tian Qi followed the Emperor for a long time but did not know how to speak.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward. The one who breaks the embarrassment is Ruyi.

It's getting cold and Dai Sanshan is in hibernation. Ruyi is afraid that Dai Sanshan will be frozen, so he wants to get it to the warm Pavilion of Ci Ning palace. Ji Heng didn't think so. In case the tortoise scared the empress dowager, he had Dai Sanshan moved to Qianqing palace.

Now Ruyi wants to play with Dai Sanshan, so he goes to the Qianqing palace. Of course, he needs to give her father a greeting first and borrow Tian Qi.

Ji Heng came to see Dai Sanshan this time with the two little friends. He really didn't understand. The tortoise was asleep. Ruyi was looking at a big tortoise shell.

Ruyi takes Tian Qi's hand, points to a bunch of gourds on Dai Sanshan's back, smiles and asks, "Tian Qi, is it nice? "

When Tian Qi saw the object, she was stiff. On the soft rattan made of gold thread, there are small gourds carved with various gemstones and emerald leaves. The leaves are green and the gourd is crystal clear.

This thing is called seven treasures immortal Hu. She has seen it before and it's in her own house. Tian Qi thought of many things in a flash, and her hands were unconsciously clenched. Ruyi's hand was hurt by Tian Qi, but he didn't shout out.

Ji Heng did not find Tian Qi's abnormality, because he was also very unusual, "where did this come from! "

The nanny quickly replied, "it is the eunuch of Baohe shop who is dedicated to the Emperor. "

It's not unusual for people in Baohe shop to please Ruyi. It's just the gourd, Ji Heng suddenly sighed.

When Tian Qi heard the Emperor sigh, he asked, "Emperor, do you know this thing? "

"This is my Mr. Ji's. Mr. Ji's family suffered a lot of changes. I saw this thing again after several twists and turns. But although the treasure is there, the people "Then he sighed again.

Tian Qi asked tentatively, "who is Mr. Ji? I didn't even hear about the official surname Ji in the dynasty. "

"Have you heard of Ji Qingyun? "

" I have no idea. I haven't heard of it. "

"Mr. Ji was the most trusted person in my life. But, he was cheated by Chen Wuyong. Later, I didn't know what to do when he exiles in Liaodong. I wanted to avenge him, but in any case, I've been searching for him. But, I've never seen his dead man or a dead body. Some people say that he defected to the enemy. I have to keep this case under pressure until now. "

Tian Qi's heart moved, almost telling the Emperor the truth. But on second thought, she has no proof and no evidence. If she pretends to be Ji Qingyun's daughter, the Emperor may not believe her. Moreover, the Emperor has just made a confession, which shows her father's weight in the eyes of the Emperor. If she claims to be the daughter of this person at this time, the Emperor may suspect that she has other motives to pretend to be the daughter of loyal officials. In addition, Sun Congrui's business of selling friends and seeking honor is also groundless, which cannot be avenged by the Emperor. If she wants to clean up Sun Congrui, she can only do it secretly. At this time, she can't let the Emperor know her identity and purpose. Otherwise, the Emperor will probably prevent her from "setting up loyalty and good".

Thinking of this, Tian Qi had to press back her words.

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