Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

In September, when the osmanthus is bloom, it's also the time that exam result release, so that's why the list is also called the osmanthus list. On the day when the resulting post, there were so many people in front of it which caused pain.

Tian Qi crowded in the crowd and looked from the beginning. At first sight, she found Tang Tianyuan's name, which was the number one.

Tian Qi touches her chin and laughs. She has put all her eighty Liang silver down on Tang Tianyuan. It seems that she will make a small profit this time. After she finished laughing, she felt a little sorry. Originally, Bafan diners also had made profits, and she got some money from it. But when the shopkeeper heard that Tian Qi was going to make money, he hug the treasure, he would not let it go.

After watching Tang Tianyuan, Tian Qi is pushed to the back of the list and starts looking for Zheng Shaofeng from the back to the front.

Third, from the bottom, it's not bad. Tian Qi nodded repeatedly. Zheng Shaofeng was so stupid that he was lucky enough to be selected in the exam, so he didn't have to worry about the ranking.

That's what Zheng Shoufu thought.

There are three sons in his family. The first two are very promising, and he won the gold medal early. The youngest one is the only one, which makes him feel like he picked it up from the waste heap. He has lost a pair of good leather bags, which is useless. Now that the youngest son has won the honour of the whole family, Zheng Shoufu is very happy. He is ecstatic than when he learned that his elder son and the second son were the Jinshi. He also arranged a banquet in a low-key way and invited his colleagues to praise his youngest son face to face.

Zheng Shaofeng was naturally very troubled. The lady who had despised him at the beginning had a little interest in him this time, but Zheng Shaofeng shook his tail like a majestic big flower rooster and looked down on others. He has his reasoning: Although this lady is virtuous, she is not smart enough. He is very self-aware that his brain is not that smart, so marry a stupid wife, and have a dumb child; it is still better to marry a more intelligent lady so that their children can have both the wisdom of the mother and His father's skills in martial arts, how good.

To thank his good friends for their support and help, Zheng Shaofeng held a banquet at his home and invited Tang Tianyuan, Tian Qi and Ji Zheng to his house for a drink.

Seeing his son's level of friendship rise in a straight line, Zheng Shoufu was delighted. He also showed his face at the party, and when he found out that the mysterious Tian Gongzi was Tian Qi.

Zheng Shoufu, an old fox who has been in the official arena for many years, did not show much surprise. He made a few polite remarks with Tian Qi and observed the look of Ning Wang and Tang Tianyuan by the way. They knew the details.

Well, he afraid that his silly son has been kept in the dark.

Zheng Shoufu calmly left the party and began to think about it as soon as he turned around. Tang Ruoling recently had some excellent contribution in front of the Emperor. He has a good relationship with Ning Wang. His son has a friendship with Tian Qi. From there, he can see that Tang Ruoling is stepping up step by step, regardless of the number of ways he uses.

If all of us have standard qualifications, Sun Congrui can take over after Zheng Shoufu's retirement. But Zheng Shoufu always thinks that Sun Congrui is not reliable. Some people are more honest and hypocritical. Moreover, Zheng Shoufu suspects that Ji Qingyun's case was related to Sun Congrui Ji and Sun are good friends. If Sun Congrui can betray Ji Qingyun, what else can he not do? This kind of person can't do anything when he is in a hurry.

From this point of view, Zheng Shoufu doesn't want Sun Congrui to take over the government. He knew that he could only do it for a few years. And he had to think about his sons.

Tang Ruoling is different. Although this man is a little white and black, he is quite noble, not a villain. Besides, Tang Ruoling's family power is not significant. Although his son is promising, he is just like that. When Tang Ruoling wanted to employ people, Zheng Shoufu's sons were able to top it.

Zheng Shoufu has been immersed in this road for a long time, and naturally, he is very clear. He carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of Tang Ruoling and Sun Congrui, and finally found that the most important person was Tian Qi.

Don't underestimate the eunuchs, especially those in the imperial court because they are the people who are closest to the Emperor and know him best.

We have to say that Zheng Shoufu is right

Tian Qi's help to Tang Ruoling was hidden and not visibleif the two stood up as a team, the Emperor would know. Tian Qi basically will not directly instruct Tang Ruoling to do or do that, she will only tell him what kind of person the Emperor is, what he likes, and what he hates, and then Tang Ruoling will realize it.

Also, she will suggest the "slander" way.

Slandering is highly skilled behaviour. If the other person is a fool, you must speak frankly about your evil words, and if the other person is smart, you must act as you weren't playing smart.

For example, when slandering  Sun Congrui, we must not talk ill about him. We should emphasize that he "despises the eunuch" because he is "honest and upright".

Look down on eunuchs, It's like a bitter feud with the eunuch!

After listening to this kind of things a lot, Ji Heng also thinks that Sun Congrui is a little confusing. Although eunuchs are not likeable, not all eunuchs are wicked. And the eunuch in the Imperial Palace it's picked by himself, so he thinks it's funny. Why is Sun Congrui said so?

Ji Heng is still a little suspicious, thinking that Sun Congrui just hates Tian Qi wasn't his son once fought with Tian Qi?. Ji Heng deliberately asked Sheng Anhuai again. Although Sheng Anhuai never met Sun Congrui, he also knew that Sun Congrui hated eunuchs, so he also did not like Sun Congrui. When the Emperor asked him, Sheng Anhui would not say anything wrong, but he would even never say anything useful.

Ji Heng thought to himself, even he, who was almost abused by the eunuch, didn't hate eunuch. Why is Sun Congrui? This person hates eunuchs. Either he hates eunuchs, or he is just showing them to others.

Who he wanted to show it too? Ji Heng sneers.

To form a sharp contrast with Sun Congrui and strengthen the effect of the complaint, Tian Qi also brought out Tang Ruoling: Tang Rouling respect us the eunuchs, and he is polite in speaking. He is not arrogant. It's flatteringthe slaves in the light of the master or whatever.

Tian Qi is evident that the Emperor knows that she has a friendship with Tang Tianyuan, so she can no longer pretend to draw a clear line with Tang Ruoling. She has to properly express her preference for Tang Ruoling. Of course, she needs to reassure the Emperor that she is a reasonable person. It's impossible to stand in line with them because of Tang Rouling.

In a word, the process is long and complicated, and only those with enough brains can play it. In this process, Zheng Shoufu, Tang Ruoling, Ning Wang and Tian Qi gradually reached a consensus, forming a united front to eliminate Sun Congrui.

There is another reason why Ji Heng has made some criticisms about Sun Congrui. Tian Qi knows how to be flattering him. Even the Emperor is seduced by her. Sun Congrui despises Tian Qi, that is, which means he dislikes Ji Heng's taste.

This reason is inhumane.

The banquet in Zheng's mansion started at noon, and several people had a meal for nearly two hours. Tian Qi drank more than a few glasses of wine. When she went back, she stumbled when she walked. Ji Zheng sent her to Xuanwu Gate and watched her enter the palace gate. Then he left. There was almost no interaction between the two in the whole process because the Emperor sent people to secretly follow her all the time, to "protect" Tian Qi.

When Ji Zheng returning to Ning Wang Fu, the people sent by Ji Zheng came back from Liaodong and said that they had a piece of information about the previous investigation.

"Wang Ye, there is indeed a hunter in Tianjiatun, Jiming County, Liaodong. Seven years ago, he sent his son to the palace to be a eunuch. That child is his seven sons, he must be the person that the Emperor wants to check. "

So, Tian Qi's identity is not a forgery, but a real person? Is she real  Tian Qi or a fake Tian Qi? Ji Zheng frowned, for a moment he couldn't figure out. He has too many questions. Who is this Tian Qi? Why enter the palace? She knows how to read and write, and her words and deeds are elegant. At first glance, she looks like a girl of an official family or a scholar. How can she come from a Hunter family? Besides, she calls herself Gusu people and likes Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine. She is quite familiar with the local people in the south of the Yangtze River. Likely, she is Gusu Renshi?. Why does such a person get involved with the hunters in Liaodong?

Has Tian Qi ever been to Liaodong?

What is the reason for a girl to travel thousands of miles from south to north to Liaodong?


Ji Zheng felt as if he suddenly lit a candle in his brain. He immediately ordered the man to "check all the sinners who had been exiled in Liaodong during the period of twenty to twenty-five years of chundao. They must be official or scholar family, especially who have children.

There was a "yes", and he took the order.

Ji Zheng sat down, turned out a book, unfolded it and looked at it carefully. He looked at it again and again, as if he wanted to see the gold from the short lines.

Tian Qi went back to the Qianqing palace. From a long distance, she saw the Emperor standing at the door and looking away. She didn't know what the Emperor was looking at.

Seeing Tian Qi coming back, Ji Heng turns around and walks into the study. Tian Qi didn't know what he was thinking. At the moment, she shouldn't be on duty. He didn't order to go to the study, but she followed the Emperor to the study.

Sheng Anhuai was very sharp, so he quickly backed out and closed the door for them.

Ji Heng stood in his study and saw Tian Qi coming in. He frowned and said, "how can you drunk like this? "

Tian Qi's face is red, and she not yet sober. She walked over and slapped Ji Heng on the shoulder with a smile. She raised her other hand and touched his chin. Her eyes were drunk and flowing, "beauty"

Ji Heng took Tian Qi's hand and said, "You're so drunk. Go, have a rest. "

Tian Qi let go of Ji Heng, turned around and swayed away. As she walked, she said, "I want to take a bath. I want to take a bath".

Tian Qi is going to take a bath, Ji Heng swallowed a mouthful of water.

He told people to help Tian Qi to get water, and Tian Qi closed the door, took off her clothes and sat in the tub. Thanks to the Emperor's blessing, she now lives alone in a room, and it's more convenient to take a bath.

Tian Qi was washing and singing a ditty, not noticing that there was an eye in the crack of the door behind him.

Ji Heng found a good reason for his peeping: he just wanted to see if Tian Qi was a woman.

Although this guess was denied by him again and again, he always doubted after the denial. As long as there is doubt, there is hope. He was a bit self-deceiving.

The woman in the crack of the door is sitting in a big tub, with soft hair and fragrant shoulders. The shoulders are narrow and thin, but the flesh and bones are even. The skin on the shoulders is white and delicate.

Ji Heng swallowed again unconsciously. He wanted to see it more clearly. He pushed his hand forward unintentionally, and the door "squeaked" open.

Ji Heng: ""

Tian Qi: ""

She seems to have forgotten to lock the door again. Tian Qi patted her face and thought that the door was opened by the wind. She turned around and saw that the Emperor was standing outside the door with straight eyes.

"Ah!!! "Tian Qi screamed.

Ji Heng fled. He escaped quite far, and then came back to help Tian Qi close the door, and he ran away again.

Tian Qi can't take a bath again, so she cleans herself and gets dressed in a hurry. She is now completely wake up. She thinks about it carefully. The tub is big enough, and there are many petals on the water. The Emperor should not see her secret, right?

But why did the Emperor come?

Tian Qi thought that the Emperor had something to tell her, but she didn't understand why he wanted to come by himself. She did not dare to delay but hurried to his study

Peeping is a disgraceful thing. It's even more humiliating if the peeping is found. Ji Heng's face was not comfortable. He said, "I just want to ask. Tomorrow I will go hunting in Beiyan. Do you want to go with me? "

"Good! "As soon as Tian Qi's said that, her eyes brightened, she thought that her reaction was not appropriate, and then she said, "The servant is impolite, this servant obey the order."

Ji Heng nodded, then he didn't speak.

Tian Qi asked, "emperor, is Wu Zhu Er going? "

Ji Heng was shocked. "Who is he? "

Tian Qi was so surprised that the Emperor didn't even remember those who

touched him. She asked again, "is Zhao Dakang going? "

Ji Heng looked at Tian Qi inexplicably. "What do you want to say? "

"Nothing. I'm leaving. I'll go back to prepare. "

"Go ahead. "

Tian Qi out of the study, there is a little pride in her heart. At least for the time being, she is still in a good position in the ranks of touching Emperor little brother. She is better than others even if it is not as good as Sheng Anhuai, but better than others. And the Emperor's take her to hunt is a proof.

Alas, how can I be jealous again.' Tian Qi shakes her head a little helplessly.

But Ji Heng is very sorry. Although Tian Qi's shoulders are beautiful and delicious, and he would like to bite them, No, he didn't see her chest.

Ji Heng thinks that he is possessed now. Maybe even if he sees Tian Qi's flat chest, he will feel that it's just because the woman is not well developed. Only when he sees the scar under her, that he can be sure.

But how to look

Well, I'm leaving tomorrow. It's easier outside than in the palace' Thinking of this, Ji Heng has renewed his fighting spirit.


Jinshi (Chinese: ; pinyin: jnsh) was the highest and final degree in the imperial examination in Imperial China

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