Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 62 (1)

Chapter 62 (1)

Tian Qi cried so much that Ji Heng was a bit panic at the moment. He asked tentatively, "Are you pretending, or is it true?"

Tian Qi ignores him and wipes her tears with her sleeve. She puts on her clothes with her other hand and wraps them around her waist. Ji Heng saw that she was shrinking, her shoulders trembling as if she was terrified. Although he didn't understand, he was very distressed. He gently pressed Tian Qi's shoulder and whispered, "Okay, don't cry. It's okay. "

Tian Qi couldn't stop sobbing. She wanted to stop, but her tears continued to flow down. For more than seven years, her fear, grievance, resentment, pain, and other emotions broke out, just like the Yellow River burst, which could not stop for a while, so she had to wait for it to flow out slowly.

Ji Heng watched Tian Qi cry so hard. The more she cried, the sadder he felt. It was as painful as if an iron palm had pinched him. In addition to the heartache, he felt remorse. He made the little pervert cry so sad. Ji Heng is a little depressed. He pulls Tian Qi into his arms and holds her. His movements are as careful as touching fragile objects. "Well, don't cry. My heart was broke when you cry. "Seeing that Tian Qi was carried into his arms without any resistance, Ji Heng was relieved at last.

His arms were full and warm. Tian Qi leaned on his chest and heard his loud and slightly disordered heartbeat. Her tense mood gradually calmed down, just like the duckweed had a root, and her feet had fallen. Once a person has a dependence, she will suddenly let himself be vulnerable, and her past grievances will double. Though Tian Qi has gradually calmed down, she thought of the humiliation she had. She began to cry again, her face buried in Ji Heng's chest, and her tears rubbed against his clothes.

Ji Heng had to caress Tian Qi's back and coax her softly, "Okay, no more crying, no more playing, huh? "Although he said this, he inevitably had some regrets.

Tian Qi was also a little embarrassed. "Yes, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Just stop crying. "Ji Heng said, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't see people crying. Some of them wept more bitterly than this one. How could he be biased to prevent this little pervert from tears?.

Tian Qi then slowly stopped crying, thinking that she had just made such a big scene. She was a little ashamed and helpless. In fact, after such a long time, she has been able to face it calmly, but she has been deliberately forgetting something. Today, she is awake in similar situations, which makes her mood collapse to irresistible.

Ji Heng was relieved to see that Tian Qi was in a stable mood. He asked in bewilderment, "Tian Qi, you Don't you like that? How can you be so afraid?

Tian Qi shook her head. "Emperor, when I was eleven years old, I was forced to strip my clothes, so just now "

Before she finished, Ji Heng's face was cloudy, and there was a sense of killing in his cold eyes as if a layer of coldness had formed around him. Tian Qi keenly perceives the change of his mood, so she stops to look up at him and wonders, "Your Majesty? "

"Who is it? "Ji Heng asked in a cold voice.

"Ah? "

"Who's, do that to you? "

"Yes They are dead. "

"Really? Where are they buried? "

"I don't know "

Ji Heng's look is not relaxed at all." this kind of person should dig out his bones. "

Tian Qi couldn't help shivering.

Ji Heng hesitated again and asked, " besides forcibly taking off your clothes, have they ever done anything else to you? "

"No, when they were undressing me, they dead." That night, too many people died. Tian Qi thought and shook her head to shed tears. Her face was painful.

Ji Heng knew that Tian Qi was sad so that he couldn't draw her back to this experience, so he patted her on the back and said, "Okay, let's stop talking about this."

Tian Qi quickly wiped her tears. "I'm sorry, Your Majesty,  I lost my temper."

Ji Heng has a very subtle satisfaction with Tian Qi's misbehavior. Little pervert in front of others will certainly not be like this, only when facing him, will not suppress her most profound sadness. However, does the "others" include Ah Zhen

Ji Heng turned over his body, felt for a crumpled talisman, spread out his hand to Tian Qi, and said, "Explain this thing?"

"Emperor, isn't this the talisman that this slave gave you? Throw it away if you don't like it. "It's necessary to knead it like this and show it to her.

"I will keep the one you gave me. This one is Ning Wang's. Did you send it? "

"Yes. "Tian Qi nodded calmly.

Ji Heng squinted dangerously.

Tian Qi quickly explained, "I bought six, and I got one for free. And there was no place to keep it. I might as well give it away. I happened to see Ning Wang that day and gave it to him "

Ji Heng's mood is complicated. The good thing is that Ah Zheng's talisman was bought for six and got one for free. The annoyance was that this little pervert bought six at once, not just for him and Ruyi. He bit Tian Qi's earlobe dissatisfied, and asked, "Which of these six do you think of first?"

Tian Qi said at the moment, "of course. It's you. Others I pay for it. I kowtow 200 times to give you this. "

Ji Heng was a little proud and said with a low smile, "you have a conscience. "

Tian Qi noticed that his hand is a wrap with gauze. "Emperor, are you hurt? "

"Yes, its not because of you. "Ji Heng said, deliberately uncovering the gauze and presenting the ferocious wound that had not to heal in front of Tian Qi so that the little pervert would be distressed.

Tian Qi is distressed. She held Ji Heng's hand and frowned because she had cried just now, and her eyes were sour. Now when she saw such bloody things, she could not stop but shed tears. Her eyes are cover with tears.

Her tears ran down her cheeks and splashed down to Ji Heng's wound.

Ji Heng: "" The tears are salty, soaked in the wound, the taste is so

However, despite the pain, he did not draw back his hand, only gave a slight tremor to his fingers. Tian Qi held his hand, lowered her head, closed her eyes, and kissed the wound carefully.

Ji Heng felt the pain on his hands and the sweetness in his heart. He looked at Tian Qi's lashes, which were rustling and shaking, like grass stained with dew. He thought that he planted in this little pervert's hand.

* * *

Although he said he didn't care about it and didn't want to bring up the sad past of Tian Qi, Ji Heng decided to trace it carefully and find those bastards who bullied Tian Qi. If they didn't die completely, they would kill thoroughly. If they disappeared completely, they would be dug out and exposed. Since Tian Qi said that those people died suddenly on the way, it means that this is a homicide case, which should be easier to investigate.

Well, first of all, let's see where Tian Qi comes from.

Ji Heng himself is curious about this. What kind of people can bully this little pervert? He ordered the internal eunuch to submit the registration information of Tian Qi before entering the palace. The report will generally record the basic knowledge of a eunuch before entering the palace.  Such as who is the person, who is the father and mother, what parents do for their living, how many brothers and sisters at home, how old, who has passed through, who introduced him, and so on.

The eunuch of the eunuch searched the database for a day, but he came to report to Ji Heng with empty hands. "Replying to Your Majesty, all the eunuch's information could be found, except for Tian Gonggong. "

Is it gone?

Ji Heng wondered, "did you accidentally lose it, or did someone steal it?"? "

The eunuch didnt dare hide it, he said, "those materials are all put in one place, and usually no one checks them. If they are lost, it is unlikely. "

It means that someone with intention stole it.

This guess is also a little strange. Who will run to the internal officials to steal the information of eunuchs? Unless the eunuch's information has any vital information or Ji Heng suddenly thought of Ji Zheng. His brother is likely to take data for Tian Qi.

He had a headache. He told him to go and find out who stole it. But he didn't look optimist that the eunuch can find it Eunuchs were often tired and lazy. The database could not indicate how many people came in and out. It was impossible to find out. If Ji Zheng took it, he would not be able to get it back. He can't threaten the dead people for such a thing.

Anyway, the information recorded on the data is very rough and dull. Ji Heng went to ask Tian Qi himself, Ji Heng thought. But he also wanted to hear what the little pervert was like in other people's eyes. Ji Heng asked Ding Zhi, Tian Qi's master, and Wang Meng, his best friend, for details.

To be honest, both Ding Zhi and Wang Meng belong to the people who "specialize in art." When it comes to dealing with people, they are a little out of tune. Ding Zhi praises Tian Qi as a flower, and Wang Meng hails Tian Qi as another flower. Although Ji Heng fails to get any useful information from their mouth, he feels proud of Tian Qi. So he rewards the two people.

Both of them were a little confused and left with money in their hands.

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