Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Ji Heng is very satisfied with what Zhang Dao has done. He plans to give a good reward to the Zhang Dao, but he doesn't want to be too high-profile. For fear that the Empress Dowager doubts, he secretly sends Tian Qi out of the palace to Sanqing temple to give him money.

Ji Heng hopes Tian Qi can understand his good intentions.

With a lot of money in her arms, Tian Qi did not want to take them out, so she did not rush to work as an emissary, but put a incense on the temple.

In the capital, there are many people who believe in Zhang Dao. The Sanqing temple is full of incense. When Tian Qi finished the putting the incense, she saw someone asking for a talisman, and she also wanted to ask for a talisman of peace. Not for herself, but for Ruyi. Ruyi has eaten the wrong food recently. He has a stomach ache. The little guy's eyes are full of tears and crying for pain in hid stomach.

A peace talisman is 100 yuan, but you need to kowtow 200 heads in front of the statue of Sanqing Tianzun before you are eligible to spend 100 yuan to buy the talisman. if you think the price is too high. You can pay 100 yuan for one hundred kowtow over Sanqing Tianzun, and you'll get the talisman for free.

Zhang Dao did a great job. He specially sent four little Taoists to supervise the pilgrims to kowtow and count them for you.

Tian Qi has knocked two hundred heads. Her head is dizzy. She bought Peace Talisman. On another thought, Wang Meng's hospital exam is about to start. Why don't she get him a talisman too? On another thought, Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan are going to have an exam. They also need a talisman, she also wants to make a fortune talisman for  herself. And dont forget about the Emperor.

Tian Qi broke her fingers and calculated. She would get all these talisman. Conservatively, she had to kowtow 1200 heads. Her head had to be a pomegranate. When Tian Qi asked the Taoist who scattered the talismans, "what can I do if I don't want to kowtow at all? "

The little Taoist turned his white eyes contemptuously. "If you don't want to kowtow, spend money. One or two silver as a token. "

Tian Qi can't help biting her teeth. The Zhang Dao really wants money. She took out several pieces of silver and wanted to buy six talismans. She haggled with the little Taoist for a long time. Tian Qi wanted him to give her one more talisman. The little Taoist was so tired that he finally gave Tian Qi another talisman.

Tian Qi is satisfied and wants to go with a pile of talismans. The little Taoist stops her. "Don't go. You can draw if you spend more than five liang of silver. "

"Ah??? "Tian Qi thought it was fresh." what do you mean? "

The little Taoist explained to her simply, and Tian Qi understood as soon as she heard it. This is basically Zhang Dao has become a ghost trick to promote everyone to spend money. This old boy can measure characters, but only three characters are measured in a day. And these three characters are generated by lottery. Pilgrims spend more than five Liang silver to be eligible to participate in the lottery.

Tian Qi felt that the people's eyes must be clear, and she would not be blinded by the Zhang Dao. however, she soon found that there were many people willing to be blinded. She had no place to sit, so she had to squeeze a bamboo stick under the shade of the tree and wait for the prize.

The prize is drawn by Zhang Dao himself. He appears here regularly three times a day, only one at a time. He means that even when measuring characters, we should pay attention to fate. "Fate" is a Buddhist saying. This old Taoist is very interesting to use.

Standing under the shade of the tree, she casually tossed the signet in her hand into the air for fun. She threw it twice and didn't catch it. The signet fell on the ground, and the newly made light yellow one lay on her back. On it, she wrote three flyhead characters with black brush: 68.

At this time, a little Taoist under the shed raised a bamboo stick and shouted, "master has drawn No. 68, which benefactor's bamboo stick is No. 68, please come with me. "

Tian Qi picked up the bamboo stick and followed the little Taoist to Zhang Dao reception hall.

When Zhang Dao saw Tian Qi, he smiled and touched his beard and said, "it's Tian Gonggong. I really have a bond with you. "Then he exchanged greetings with Tian Qi for a while.

"Do you want to ask people or things today? "Zhang Dao handed her a pen and paper." write a word first. "

A thought suddenly came to Tian Qi's mind. He wrote the word "Ji" on the white paper. "I asked about people. "

Zhang Dao looked at the word for a while and said, "son stands for man," and "wood" stands for life, but there is an extra stroke of life, like a knife, to cut off life. Tian Gonggong, I said this you don't blame me. I'm afraid the person you asked is no longer alive. "

Tian Qi looks at Zhang Dao in surprise.

Zhang Dao touched his beard again. "Why, I said it true? "

Instead of admitting it or denying it, Tian Qi said, "Take another test for me."

Zhang Dao shook his head. "I can only test one at a time. If I do it again, I'm afraid it won't work. "

But Tian Qi didn't follow, "well, let's just use this word. I want to ask another thing. "

"What do you ask? "

"Ask a thing. If you're really good at it, you can guess what I'm asking."

Zhang Dao had to look at the word again, pondered for a while, and said, "he grows on the earth," and "Zi" is under the "he" and under the earth, which means that what you ask is also under the earth You're not looking for a dead bone, are you? "

Tian Qi fell down on the chair in surprise. "How do you know? "

Zhang Dao put on a profound expression again and ordered the paper, "you told me. "

Tian Qi sighed helplessly, "what I am looking for is not one dead bone, but three dead bones. "

" Ji "stands for" Four "in the rankings. You said that you need to find the bones of three people, and count you as a family of four. They are your relatives right?"

Tian Qi's eyes turned red and her voice choked a little. "So, can you figure out where they are buried now? "

Seeing that he guessed right, Zhang Dao was also a little sad. He shook his head and sighed, "I can't figure it out. But since you don't know where they are, you think they are suffering from a disaster. If they are suffering from a disaster, they will probably die where they are buried. "

Tian Qi couldn't help crying out, " I can't find it!"! "

Zhang Dao had to comfort Tian Qi and said, "don't think about these things first. I think you are going to be unlucky recently. Please be careful. "

Tian Qi gradually stopped crying and asked, "I've been unlucky enough.h What kind of pattern will it take this time? Can you crack it? "

"It can be, but if this time it's cracked. Next time it's going to be worse. I advise you to let it happen. "

Tian Qi didn't care. She finally thought of her serious job. She gave Zhang Dao the money. When she left, she told Zhang Dao not to disclose what happened today.

Of course, Zhang Dao will not disclose the customers' rights. He still has this professional ethics.

From the Sanqing temple, Tian Qi went to Bafang  diners. Zheng Shaofeng was anxious before the examination. He missed Tian Qi and Ji Zheng very much, and then he gathered the four princes in the together. When Tian Qi arrived, the other three were already waiting for her. Her mood at the moment had calmed down. Seeing Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan, she took out the talisman she had just asked for and picked out two talismans for them.

Zheng Shaofeng was very happy. He hung it on his neck, stuffed the Fuwen bag into his collar and held it close to his chest. The more bad people are at school, the less secure they are when it comes to exams, and the more they need to seek comfort in some other way.

Tang Tianyuan thanked her. He wanted to put talisman in his sleeve. But seeing Zheng Shaofeng treated it so seriously, he was embarrassed to perfunctory and hung it on his neck. Since knowing that Tian Qi is a eunuch, Tang Tianyuan always feels sympathy and regret when facing her again, and is afraid that his unintentional words and deeds will touch her sad place, so he is very careful.

Moreover, his father Tang Ruoling also told him to have a good relationship with Tian Qi. Two days ago, Tang Ruoling listened to Tian Qi's suggestion, and the younger brother under the commander wrote several memorials, saying that some officials in the court didn't respect Ning Wang enough, so he directly criticized Sun Congrui. To be honest, Sun Congrui did not respect Ning Wang enough. Just because of those things in the past, the big guy thought that the Emperor hated and fear Ning Wang, so he was not close to Ning Wang. Ning wang has no right and gentle character. Although the Minister of rites may not be proud of him on the surface, he will not be cautious and strictly abide by the etiquette to treat him. Sun Congrui is also a man of seeking fame, not to mention flattering Ning Wang. He also hopes to gain the reputation of "fearless of the powerful" by disdaining Ning Wang. At the same time, Sun Congrui will be rewarded by the Emperor. What's the best of both worlds strategy.

But Sun Congrui didn't touch the emperor's veins this time. Although it's common for the Imperial family to kill their own brother , but the Emperor's  still pays great attention to kinship under the condition of ensuring that their status is not threatened. Ning Wang Ye is no better. He is the Emperor's brother. How dare you to be rude to the Emperor's brother? Moreover, the Emperor is also a man of good face. He also likes to be said that his brotherhood can be a model for the world. From this point of view, the past discord between him and his brother should be covered up rather than magnified. Some officials are willing to step on the relationship between the two brothers to enrich their political future, which alienates their brothers in disguise. Do you think the Emperor can be happy?

The Emperor was not happy. He was very unhappy. He took several negative examples and demoted them to Yunnan. Sun Congrui, as a minister of rites, was scolded by the Emperor for his disregard of rites and laws. In this way, Tang Ruoling poked the Emperor's heart and made him face. At the same time, he made friends with Ning Wang. It's wonderful to kill two birds with one stone.

That's when Tang Ruoling made up his mind to tie Tian Qi to his boat. After a long time, when Tang Ruoling learned Tian Qi's real identity, he could not help sighing .The fate was wonderful.

Don't talk about it. Just talk about it. Ji Zheng saw that Tian Qi had pulled out a lot of talismans. The other two is not for him. Without it, he was lost. He watched Tian Qi eagerly to take back the rest of the talismans.

Ji Zheng's eyes make Tian Qi speechless. This is not anything  valueable. Why is he so eager? Even though she thinks so, Tian Qi picks out a talisman and gives it to Ji Zheng.

Ji Zheng treat it like a treasure. He hangs it on his neck.

They  have a dinner and chat. Ji Zheng saw Tian Qi's embarrassment, and naturally he knew why. However, he kept quiet on the surface and even pretended to be confused. Finally, he decided to call Tian Qi out and ask him to "speak clearly.".

Tian Qi was a little upset. "What have you done yourself, don't you know? "

Ji Zheng is not old, but his acting skills are very profound. He looks at Tian Qi in a dazed and aggrieved way. "What have I done to make you avoid me like a snake or a scorpion? It's better for you to say it directly so that I can understand it. "

It seems that he really can't remember. Tian Qi thought to herself and replied, "you were drunk that time, said something crazy and do something bad . "Thinking of the drunk  Ji Zheng, Tian Qi could not help blushing.

Ji Zheng watched her beautiful face dyed with a layer of blush, like a delicious peach. He was a little bit moved. He wanted to pinch it or take a bite. Of course, he had to pretend to be calm on the surface. "It's because I lost my virtue after drinking. It's really damned. I'm here to accompany you. I hope brother Tian, don't label me as a drunkard. "He said, holding his fist and making a deep bow to Tian Qi.

He talked like this. Tian Qi was embarrassed to be pretentious. Anyway, he was drunk and didn't mean to belittle her. So Tian Qi forgive him  "Don't do that again. "

Ji Zheng stood up straight. "Then don't hide from me, will you? "

Tian Qi nodded.

When the two opened their minds, they went back to the table. Tian Qi solved a knot in her heart, and had a good meal. Ji Zheng talks and laughs with everyone on the surface, but in his heart he is thinking about how to get Tian Qi out of the palace safely and effectively.

He can't stand it.

* * *

Tian Qi returns to the Qianqing palace. Ruyi is also there. The little guy is playing in his father's study. He had a stomachache yesterday and is better today, so he won't take the medicine. The nanny added a lot of sugar to the medicine and coaxed him to drink. As a result, he took a sip and vomited. Nanny can't help it, so she using Tian Qi," Tian Qi said. If you don't drink well, she won't playing with you. "

This move really worked. Ruyi drank the medicine honestly and turned to the palace to ask Tian Qi for Kung Fu.

It's a pity that Tian Qi is not here. Ruyi sits in his father's study, turns over a picture book, and asks, "what about Tian Qi? "

Ji Heng is too much trouble. The worst part is that he even thinks about that little pervert. Really, it's only a day away.

"Do you want Tian Qi? Ji Heng asked his son.

Ruyi nods.

"I miss him too. "Ji Heng sighed.

Ruyi is a little strange. "What do you want her  to do? He doesn't play with you. "

Ji Heng thought, of course, he'll play with me. What he plays with me will scare you to death. In front of his son, he had a shameless sense of superiority: you think Tian Qi and you are good, in fact, he and I are the best

When Tian Qi came to ask the Emperor for a reply, the father and son were still repeating this nutrient free dialogue. As soon as Ruyi saw Tian Qi coming in, he said happily, "Tian Qi, I'm taking medicine! "

Tian Qi said with a smile, "really? His Royal Highness is indeed prince, it's amazing. "

Ruyi nodded solemnly, "of course. I am a fat man. "

"You're fat enough," his father cut in mercilessly. 

Tian Qi knows what Ruyi means, because she taught Ruyi the word, "Your Highness, it's not fat, it's majestic majestic. "

Ruyi is a little embarrassed. 

Ji Heng likes to watch Tian Qi and Ruyi talking together. Although the two little idiots have not been able to speak at a high level for most of the time, they can just like a spring breeze, which can blow away whatever haze is hanging over Ji Heng's heart. At the moment, seeing his son's mistake, he added his foot very unkindly: "it's stupid. "

Ruyi's mouth is shriveled and he is not convinced. "I'm not stupid. I don't wet my bed at the age of four. "Since his father strictly prohibited him from saying that, he understood another way of expression. In this way, we usually call it irony.

Seeing that the Emperor was going to be angry, Tian Qi quickly turned the topic aside, took out the talisman, and picked out the talisman for Ruyi. "When you wear this, you don't wet the bed No, you don't have a stomachache." "Tian Qi said the wrong thing and was so anxious that she almost bit her tongue.

Ruyi picks it up and asks Tian Qi to put it on.

Tian Qi put it on Ruyi and saw that the Emperor's face had not changed. She then picked out a talisman and held it in her hands to Ji Heng. "Your Majesty, this is what I asked for you from Sanqing temple. It can protect your health. If you don't dislike it, please accept it. "

How could Ji Heng dislike it. He felt warm and sweet in his heart. He took the talisman, but his eyes were fixed on Tian Qi.

Ruyi sits at the back of Tian Qi's, unable to see what his father is doing.

Tian Qi is seen by Ji Heng with a hot and restless face. She hung her hand and wanted to step back, but the Emperor suddenly grabbed her hand and gave it a little pinch.

Tian Qi is so nervous.

Ji Heng put the talisman on his lips and kissed it  gently, but his eyes kept on Tian Qi's face until he saw the little Pervert's face was so hot that he let go and lowered his voice and said, "come here tonight. "

Of course, Tian Qi understood the meaning of this.

Habit is a very wonderful thing. These days, Tian Qi is used to touching the Emperor, so she has no psychological burden. Tian Qi is determined to be a good servant. When she was serving the Emperor, she devoted himself to studying how to make the Emperor's more satisfied. Touch, rub, pick with a hook, and gently poke with the tip of your finger

Ji Heng is served by such a pair of soft, greasy and clever catkins every time. He wants to be immortal and die. He felt that he was really hopeless. He was not at the last step. He just used her hands and didn't take off his clothes. He was just like a boy with sexual desire.

But it's really cool

Today, Tian Qi learned to circle the round head of his little brother. After two circles, Tian Qi felt that the ugly man vomited a lot of water, which was one of the criteria for the Emperor's comfort. As she held it up and down, she asked Ji Heng, "is it comfortable? "

He feel so comfortable

At this time, Ji Heng lies on his back with his mouth half open and gasps heavily. He squints at Tian Qi.

Tian Qi is kneeling on the bed to serve him. She thought it was wonderful. Every time the Emperor showed such an expression, he didn't feel like the Emperor. The Emperor should be tall, like an immortal sitting on the cloud, instead of lying on the bed as he is now, letting her caress, and looking excited and eager.

But such a Emperor made her feel more real, more like a real Emperor.

Looking at such a Emperor, Tian Qi has a very different sense of achievement and satisfaction. She controls his emotions, his likes and dislikes. With one move, she can make him feel very comfortable. She held his little brother as if to pull him from the distant sky.

This subtle feeling is really not humane. Usually they are hidden in her heart and not detected. Only at this time will they jump out and hit her heart. She can't say clearly whether she likes or dislikes this feeling, but she knows that she always feels a kind of illusion under the urge of this feeling: they are equal, she is so close to him, so close that she can touch and do whatever she wants. Like stepping on a ladder in a dream, you can finally touch the stars hanging in the sky. That kind of happiness like walking on thin ice, that kind of careful satisfaction, let her heart tip thump, and dare not jump too fast, afraid of breaking the fragile possession in front of her.

Tian Qi suddenly lowered her head and pecked Ji Heng's lips. "Is it comfortable? "

"Um "Ji Heng reached out his tip of tongue and licked her lips in response.

"I want to hear it. "Tian said bravely.

Ji Heng: "

Why is there an illusion that Tian Qi is playing with him

It's fatal that he wants to take off his clothes and let the little pervert play with it

Ji Heng is willing to contribute his body. He untied his inner garment, revealed his chest, and grasped Tian Qi's other hand to cover his chest. "Kiss me here, OK "

Tian Qi really moved to his chest, bowed her head and kissed him on the chest, and listened to his excited gasp with satisfaction. This time, Tian Qi had no teacher to help himself. She bowed her head and kissed the little red bean on his chest, licked it gently and sucked it heavily. Ji Heng was so comfortable that his soul almost came out of his body. He really want to die at this moment.

Tian Qi is more presumptuous. All of this seemed like a dream. She did not dare to keep it forever, but since she came in, it was better to let go of everything and enjoy the strange satisfaction that brought to her.

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