Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 46.1

Chapter 46.1

In the past few days when Ji Heng tangled to complete consciousness, Tian Qi didn't realize that danger was coming.

The so-called "smart people work hard and wise people worry, and the incompetent people have nothing to ask for". Tian Qi is smart and capable. She is a good money maker, and naturally she is busy becoming a top. Not only run at both ends of Baohe palace, but also consider the business of the newly purchased restaurant.

Speaking of this restaurant, Tian Qi has a headache. She's not omnipotent. She's never been in restaurant business before, and so she a bit busy.

Her other three partners have put forward various opinions on the restaurant and participated in the future planning of the restaurant.

The most important question is what kind of dishes to run.

Ji Zheng thinks it's good to continue selling Lingnan cuisine. Tian Qi prefers Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine. Zheng Shaofeng likes Shandong cuisine. He wants to donate a chef to make Shandong cuisine for free. Tang Tianyuan grew up in Sichuan when he was a child and later came to Beijing with his father. Therefore, he has a special interest in Sichuan cuisine.

There are four different opinions among these four people. Tian Qi is afraid to ask others. If she asks again, he may even talk about several other cuisines.

Ji Zheng had an idea. "In fact, it's not too bad. There are many visitors from all directions in the capital. We'd better make more cuisines to satisfy the tastes of customers from all over the city. "

Zheng Shaofeng and Tian Qi both thought this idea seemed good, but Tang Tianyuan raised a practical problem: "every cuisine has a wide range of categories. If you gather all kinds of cuisines here, it's really difficult to have all kinds of cuisines"

Tian Qi thought about it and said, "well, let's make the most basic and distinctive dishes all over the country. Although there are many kinds of different cuisines, the ones that can attract customers are more than a dozen. In addition, if someone wants to taste some tricky things, it's OK, but they should make a reservation in advance. We can do whatever they decide. "

The compromise was unanimously accepted. In fact, only Ji Zheng has ever had business experience. Limited by the growing environment, Ning Wang can't do much in politics, and he doesn't like to go to the official arena, so he can only do business to relieve loneliness and find the value of life. Ji Heng always said that he was idle, in fact, he was mistaken his younger brother.

There is no definite way to do business. In Ji Zheng's opinion, it is not necessarily a feature to make a restaurant rich but not specialized. Because the imperial examination is to select talents from all over the country, which is relatively fair, it results in that the people who are officials in Beijing come from all over the country, and the same merchants gather here, and there are also foreign who come and go every year. These people from all sides are changing the population structure of the capital. What they want to eat is what they have here. Moreover, when people in different places gather together for a meal, if you only order a certain cuisine, it is inevitable that everyone must adjust their mouth. It's better for everyone to order their own home dishes. First, they can have a taste the taste of their hometown. Second, they can always find topics at the dinner table comfortably. From birth to death, a person always has a different attachment and pride to his hometown, especially when wandering outside. A few people who are not very familiar will gather at one table to have a talk about their hometown. The relationship will also be closer. When they come out, they will be more familiar. Maybe they will become loyal customers. In addition, those who like to hunt for novelty and taste fresh food can also come here. If you order a table of vegetables, you can eat all kinds of flavors at the same time. It's fun to eat everything from Yanyu in Qinhuai to Qingtian in Shudao.

It has to be said that Ji Zheng actually knows how to grasp customer psychology.

The operation mode of the restaurant has been determined for the time being. Next, they need to change the name and reopen the business. The name is also Ji Zheng, popular but not vulgar, straightforward and direct, called "Bafang Diner". The plaque was inscribed by Tang Tianyuan. Tang Tianyuan's calligraphy is elegant and unrestrained, which is well-known in the cultural circle.

The next step is to recruit a chef and find a partner.Zheng Shaofeng felt that he had not contributed much, so he was determined to donate to the cook. His Shandong cuisine cook is very unusual. Not only he can cook Shandong cuisine well, but also can cook northwest cuisine. He can serve as a person with two jobs, which is very suitable for their restaurant.

At the same time, Tian Qi and the other three redecorated the restaurant. The kitchen is enlarged, and the elegant rooms are redecorated. In addition to the regular elegant rooms, there are corresponding special elegant rooms with different cuisines. The first floor is the lobby, which is used by ordinary guests. The tables, chairs and benches have been replaced, and tea is provided free of charge.

Although these things seem simple, they are really tedious to do. Tian Qi do everything seriously. She is really tired these days. She thought that since she had a career outside, she really didn't need to stay in the palace. She could still do the antique business after leaving the palace.

Most importantly, the Emperor's eyes were very strange when she left that day. Tian Qi always has a premonition that she will never get good thing next time she meets him. But the question is from the process of the two encounters, whether they will meet again, maybe, she can't control them.

Or I can leave the palace, from now on.

Tian Qi thinks of many ways. The safest one is to pretend to be ill, which will use Wang Meng again. When Wang Meng heard that Tian Qi was leaving the palace, he felt sad and burst into tears.

Tian Qi found out that the boy was like a sentimental little girl. She was a little upset and feel moved. Because someone cry for her departure.

After taking the medicine given by Wang Meng, Tian Qi was put into the isolation room of Anle hall. This time it's still an infectious disease, and it's a more deadly one tuberculosis.

Tian Qi thinks that if there is no accident, she should be locked up for a day or two. When eunuch of Anle hall returns to Sheng Anhuai, she can be expelled from the palace. Since the Emperor dislikes her so much and doesn't want to see her, Sheng Anhuai probably won't report this to the Emperor, which will put an end to the possibility of the Emperor knowing that she is ill and dying directly.

In fact, her thinking is not wrong. The facts show that she almost succeeded.

Of course, almost.

* * *

The so-called "important thing" that the Empress Dowager called Ji Heng to discuss that day was for Ruyi's birthday. To be honest, it's really not "important". It's not suitable for a child to have a big birthday, but the Empress Dowager loves her grandson and wants to celebrate his birthday. There is no need to make a pomp, what is important is that it caring, lively, and happy.

Ji Heng asked his son what he wanted, and he wanted to watch play with his father.

Ji Heng simply let Sheng Anhuai go out to find a theatrical troupe to play Na Zha.

Next, they need to determine the invited list of Ruyi's birthday party. His grandmother, his father, his uncle, must attend. In order to respect his son's opinion, Ji Heng said that Ruyi could add people to it.

Without any intention, Ruyi chooses Tian Qi.

Ji Heng has figured it out these days, but he is not as eager as before. He plans to take advantage of Ruyi's birthday to get Tian Qi back. He specifically told Sheng Anhuai that Tian Qi must attend Ruyi birthday party.

However, Sheng Anhuai replied, returning to your majesty, Tian Qi has tuberculosis and is being treated in Anle hall.

This remark was like a thunderstorm on a sunny day. Ji Heng only felt a "buzzing" in his brain, a blank. His eyes were empty and he was staring at the front. He couldn't believe it.

How can this happen? A few days ago, she is still alive and kicking around and now suddenly got incurable disease?

Sheng Anhuai added, "Tian Qi wants to go back to her hometown to have a look before she dies and she will set out tomorrow.

Ji Heng suddenly roared, "why didn't you say it earlier!

The roar seemed to produce substantial strength, and Sheng Anhuai was shocked. "Your Majesty, you said that I don't need to report anything related to Tian Qi.

" "Ji Heng did say that. But But that was before, now it's different!

"Where is she?Ji Heng asked.

"Emperor, Tian Qi is still in Anle hall.

"Go to Anle hall.Ji Heng said he wanted to go out.

Sheng Anhuai stopped him, "Your Majesty "He was in a dilemma. Tian Qi had tuberculosis, which was contagious. If the Emperor was infected, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Go to Anle hall!Ji Heng's expression was a little ferocious.

Sheng Anhuai had to get out of the way and follow closely behind.

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