Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 39: Checks and balances

Chapter 39: Checks and balances

A.: freshly finished. Didn't get a chance to do any proofreading so I hope I dind't make any big mistakes so it wouldn't impede your reading. Enjoy xx

Even though Ji Heng was very upset with himself, he was helpless.

Why did he go to kiss him

, did not he? He really went to kiss a eunuch on his mouth. And he did not feel uncomfortable after the act, but even wanted to continue ...

He needed to stop! He could not think of it anymore!

Ji Heng leaned his head on one hand and, with a lifeless look in his eyes, tried to stay focused on the records of his office. At the end of the memorial, there was a red zone for his criticism of the report. Because he was not concentrating, he only wrote a red square character for "Tian". It was neat and clean, and yet it looked like an open mouth that made fun of him, constantly mocking him.

Broken sleeves! Have fun with a eunuch! and not even feel disgusted!

Ji Heng suddenly pissed off. He held the writing brush on this character and stained it fiercely several times until it was completely covered and there was nothing left but a red scream. At first glance, it looked like a puddle of blood, shocking the eyes and surprising the heart.

shock the eye, surprise the heart - idiom = shocking, horrible to see, a horrible sight.

He threw down his writing brush and leaned on the back of his chair, trying to clear his mind. However, his chest was clogged and he could not breathe smoothly.

The back of the chair was pure gold-plated copper and without cushion. Previously, he never thought it was too hard, but now that his heart was distracted and his thoughts were troubled, he felt it stick painfully to his back.

distracted heart, troubled thoughts - idiom = panicked and anxious

Ji Heng had no choice but to focus all his anxious thoughts on his fist. He closed his fist as he hit the front of the desk again and again, the files, books and writing brushes vibrating and shaking as they were jerking. A brush with a blue and white porcelain handle was shaken until it fell to the ground. It was only then that he stopped when he saw his birthday present, the high-quality inkstone with the eight immortals, and rushed to catch it. A little more and the inkstone would have been completely broken.

Sheng'An Huai heard the commotion in the room and he worried. He made quick steps to get in and try to check the situation inside. Ji Heng saw it and asked "What's the problem?"

Sheng'An Huai felt guilty for disturbing the emperor. He was worried about him so he came to take a look. Without any other option, he took advantage of the affair that had been reported to him at that time and replied: "Your Majesty, Empress Dowager Niangniang has sent someone to bring a teapot of medicinal tea. Dowager niangniang also said that it was the fresh fruit season, where she had to deal with cherry and peach trees, and she invited you to go to Ci Ning Palace to taste them. "

Although Ji Heng was not lacking in fruit, the Dowager Empress imagined all possible methods to become her friend and son, so that Ji Heng could not naturally say anything in a temper tantrum. Therefore, he decided to remain silent.

It was just that Ji Heng feared that the Dowager Empress would offer him herbal tea and invite her to eat some fresh fruit at this critical time in order to talk about Kang Fei, so he was not very happy .

He was in a bad mood at first and was now even more reluctant to spare Kang Fei. He turned darkly. "You go to the Yu Hua Palace and take all the servants involved in the miscarriage of Wan Pin, give the decree of Zhen, this case will be sent to Shun Fei to investigate thoroughly, it can not seek the appeasement to all cost."

Sheng'An Huai received the imperial decree and; EFT.

After that, Ji Heng went to Ci Ning Palace.

The Dowager Empress was very happy to see her son approaching so quickly. She thought he was willing to compromise and ordered her servants to make tea and then pressed a plate filled with cherries and said to Ji Heng, "These come from the fruit tree that the gardener planted in the palace. The cherries usually ripen around the third to fourth month, but they can be delayed and ripen two or three months later, so we can eat these fresh and tasty cherries on a hot day. Oh that's good? "

Ji Heng quietly tasted a fruit and agreed.

The Dowager Empress happily talked to Ji Heng about random things and then talked about the Wan Pin affair. In reality, the Dowager Empress also felt embarrassed and uneasy about meddling in her son's business and disappointing him. But she did not want anything to happen to Kang Fei.

However, Ji Heng told him that he had already relegated the case to Shun Fei to investigate.

The dowager empress was alarmed and asked "Why?"

"Shun Fei can handle business appropriately, Zhen trusts him."

The last half of the sentence was sincere words. If he trusts Shun Fei, who is he wary of? Kang Fei? Or is it his mother?

Listening to this, the Dowager Empress realized that her son was intelligent and already knew the story from the inside. With no other choice, she sadly said, "Heng-er, you know I'm doing everything for you, if you think your mother did something inappropriate, just say it. people are digging a gap between us, mother and child. "

Hearing the sweet words of the Dowager Empress, Ji Heng smiled and said, "Imperial Mother is making fun of Zhen, even if I trust other people, they miss you another ten thousand times. the case be examined and the truth revealed. " found and only then can we say what; is in our mind. Zhen also does not want to make too much noise. "

The Dowager Empress realized that she had already planned to ban Kang Fei with a chess piece. Thus, Kang Fei will now have to live under the supervision of Shun Fei and obey him. His son has done the job thoroughly, expert checks and balances. Now, he even brought these checks and balances of the Imperial Court and transferred them to HouGong. Even though she felt stifled and stifled, she knew that, according to her son's temperament, it was already easy for them. As it did, she says nothing.

After talking a little more, Ji Heng asked about his son, RuYi. The Dowager Empress turned to the outside and pouted, "He's out in the garden, no. Let's play with this servant of your palace.

Ji Heng knew that the little servant she was referring to was Tian Qi. Originally, he wanted to go to RuYi, but at that time, Tian Qi was there too. Yesterday's question rushed into his mind and made him blush and his heart beat faster. He did not know how to face him so he hesitated.

The dowager Empress, stupefied, asked: "You do not want to go to RuYi?"

These words gave Ji Heng some courage. He got up to leave. "In that case, Zhen will go to see him, RuYi worries you, as soon as you do not pay attention, this child is in trouble." Once he had finished speaking, he saw the Dowager Empress nodding to her. He turned around and left.

Because the Dowager Empress wanted to give a face to Ji Heng earlier, she took the opportunity to start a fishing and recover a plum and said, "Do not worry, Tian Qi is very good for RuYi and they always play together, AiJia can be comfortable. "

launch a fishing recover a plum - idiom = to make a favor; exchange gifts; you scratch my back and I scratch yours.

Hearing this, Ji Heng only turned around and sounded ok, then his steps quickened even more. It was like he was escaping.

Tian Qi and RuYi played around cherry trees and peach trees in the garden of Ci Ning Palace. Besides them, there was also Dai SanShan and Sheng'An Huai.

Sheng'An Huai finished dealing with the emperor's affair and also came to Ci Ning Palace. There are people next to Ji Heng to serve him, so Sheng'An Huai did not have to come. However, he continued to worry. He could not accept that the Emperor had turned into a pervert, making his temper very strange. Sheng'An Huai was a faithful servant, so he came to watch him.

In addition, Tian Qi was also at Ci Ning Palace ...

Upon hearing that the emperor was chatting with the Dowager Empress, Sheng'An Huai did not return and remained in the garden, watching Tian Qi and RuYi playing.

Tian Qi did not usually care about people standing in a circle and looking at her. However, Sheng'An Huai's expression seemed strange, its meaning unknown. He seemed to have pity on a pig or a dead sheep. She had never been so uncomfortable to be looked at before.

Thus, she had no choice but to ask secretly "Sheng YeYe, would you like to tell me something? If you have something to say, say it directly, and I will answer you honestly."

Sheng'An Huai only bitterly scratched Tian Qi's shoulder, "Tian Qi, you have to keep an open mind."

Tian Qi "..." From the beginning, she was very open, you ...

Naturally, Sheng'An Huai could not be completely transparent with Tian Qi about it. He held this case tightly closed, keeping it in his mind. He dared not speak to anyone about it, so much so that he was very frightened and nervous when he kept the secret. He could not sleep the night before, turning around and turning in bed until dawn. Only then did he fall asleep dazzled. As soon as he fell asleep, he had this dream where he revealed the truth about this case while talking about sleep. He was so scared that he woke up right away, no longer falling asleep.

Tian Qi was unaware of Sheng'An Huai's confrontational mood. She only asked "Is it hard for me to stop working at the palace?"

"He ..." Sheng'An Huai threw his whip an horsetail once and only once again. "You should not think of such things, ya, his Highness is calling you, ne."

RuYi has already called Tian Qi twice, but Tian Qi did not hear it. Now that she was focusing on him, she pulled RuYi's hand to argue, "What happened, Your Highness?"

RuYi pointed to a red cherry tree "I want that, you help me pick fruit."

The cherry tree was only a few years old and his body was as thick as a bowl. This year was the first time he had so many fruits. Tian Qi raised his head to see only to see, under the cover of the green jade leaf, there was a group of cherries resembling agate beads, rinsed with spring water, pink and adorable. The light breeze swept the cherry tree, shaking it gently, as innumerable little agate pearls banged against each other like adorable tinkling bells. We could really say "The sun is tilted, the wind rises spirally in the front yard, green jade paint revealing thousands of red pearls."

Tian Qi felt her mouth overflow with saliva and she could not help swallowing. She knew that these trees were cherished by the Dowager Empress. Just because RuYi wanted her to collect fruit for him, she did not have to worry much. So, she willingly accepted and, without needing other people to bring a ladder, she shook her sleeves and cleverly climbed into the trunk of the tree. Fortunately, his figure was a little smaller than that of a eunuch, this tree can still be considered a small tree, allowing no one to climb it. If it was someone bigger, the trunk of the tree would have broken under the weight.

RuYi stood next to her and encouraged her.

After climbing to the tree Tian Qi found a branch and sat on it. She grabbed a cherry then pulled a handkerchief to wipe the fruit, after which she put it in her mouth. Indeed, it was sweet and juicy, really delicious.

Only eating one did not satisfy her envy so she took another one and ate it, shaking her head.

RuYi raised his head and watched closely all the movements of Tian Qi. He was still a child. Seeing only the beautiful cherry made her want to pick her. Seeing Tian Qi eat brilliantly, he also wanted to eat it. Unfortunately, he was too embarrassed to ask for food, fearing that people would make fun of him and call him a greedy creature. Without a better option, RuYi eagerly asked Tian Qi, "Tian Qi, is that good, my?"

"Tasty, tasty!" Tian Qi answered him and ate another cherry. She ate while she also picked cherries and wrapped them in her clothes so that she could easily go down when RuYi asked for them.

RuYi was getting more and more impatient and asked once more "Are they tasty, my?" the meaning could not be clearer.

"Tasty! Delicious!" Tian Qi just answered those two words. She looked down to see RuYi's impatient face. He pursed his lips and swallowed, his expression too interesting. At the same time, a bad idea came to her mind: stay in the tree without falling. On one side she could eat cherries, while on the other side she could look at RuYi's expression.

RuYi licked his lips, his eyes wet. Her expression now resembled a little girl who was raising her head and waiting to be fed. "I also want to eat ..." Finally, he says it aloud.

"You wait a moment, Mom, I'll take some and bring them to you." Tian Qi was comfortable at the top of the tree and did not want to go down.

The greedy RuYi almost cried, her appetite dissatisfied. "Tian Qi, Dai SanShan also wants to eat it."

Dai SanShan raised his head and blinked. Suddenly, he retracted his four limbs inside his shell.

When Tian Qi saw it, she could not continue to tease RuYi. "Well, I'll get lots for you, wait a moment." Saying this, she climbed higher and changed the branch she was sitting on. Soon she picked up more cherries

Ji Heng came exactly at that moment. Stopping under the tree, he raises his head to look at Tian Qi. RuYi and he were definitely father and son, their posture being identical. RuYi looked exactly like a little Ji Heng.

Even though both father and son, the postures were identical, they saw completely different things. RuYi could only see cherries, cherries and more cherries, as he swallowed continuously so that his saliva did not fly off and make others laugh.

As for Ji Heng, the only thing that seemed to him in his eyes at that time was Tian Qi's buttocks.

A.: so I haven't had much time this week to translate and I'm working on it now. The chapter will probably be up tomorrow, 19/05 around 10pm UK time. I hope I'll be able to finish translating until then. If not, I'll just post whatever I managed to translate and add the rest to the next chapter.

Thank you all for your comments and your patience xx

If there are any of you who wish to translate the book with me, just let me know.

Ji Heng is very bored and has a feeling of helplessness.

Why did you go to the pro's, and face a eunuch, he really went to the mouth. And after the end of the game, there is more discomfort, and even a little involuntary feeling ...

Stop! I can not think of it anymore!

Ji Heng narrowed his eyes and stared at the case. At the end of the chapter, Zhu Zhe's place was written with a red brush with a "Tian" character. It was square and arrogant, but it was like a mouth, and he made fun of him and shouted at him.

Broken sleeves! Play eunuch! The evil is not disgusting!

Ji Heng suddenly became very angry. He held a few strokes on the word with the Zhu pen until he covered the word, leaving only a bright red piece. At first glance, it looked like a puddle of blood, shocking.

He threw down the brush and leaned on the back of the chair. He was exhausted and his body was empty. The chest was full of things and cluttered.

The back of the chair is pure copper and gold, and there is no back, no more and no less. I did not think it was like before, but now he's even more upset.

Ji Heng had to focus his distraction on the fist, holding a fist and weighing a book in front of him. The signature brush of the book, etc., was moved and a blue and white shoulder pen, very thin and square, was scared. It sounded loud, only the green black square eight immortals Qingshou

Sheng Anhuai heard the inside of the house slam and worry, so he took a small step to check the situation. When Ji Heng saw him, he asked, "What?"

Sheng Anhuai is a little guilty. I am embarrassed to say that the Emperor fears that you will not come. I have to take him home. "The emperor, the Dowager Empress, sent a bottle of homemade herbal tea, and the Empress Dowager said there were some fresh fruits in her place." The cherry trees that people serve under the tree have also produced good fruit this summer, please go to Cining Palace for a snack. "

Although Ji Heng did not miss these fruits, but the queen mother managed to get closer to his son, Ji Heng could not say anything on the head. He remained silent.

However, the queen mother sent tea to the bones of this festival. Please, let the fruit, let Ji Heng feel that his purpose is to be afraid of Kangxi, so the heart is not very comfortable.

He was in a bad mood. Now he is even more reluctant to make mistakes for reasons of forgiveness. He thought about it and said, "You are bringing people to send all the slaves involved in abortion to Yuhua Palace." The purpose of this case is to investigate and solve the problem, and there must be no appeasement. "

Sheng Anhuai took the lead and left.

Then, Ji Heng went to Cining Palace.

The queen mother came to see her so quickly, thinking it was a compromise. He was very happy and asked people to go to tea in a hurry. He pointed at a plate of cherries and told Ji Heng, "This is the fruit tree planted by the gardener in the house of the Aria." The cherries are ripe in March and April of each year, but it can delay ripening the fruit for two or three months, so now, on a hot day, we can still eat this fresh and refreshing cherry. You say well? "

Ji Heng tasted one and said it calmly.

The queen mother was happy to talk with Ji Heng and discussed what he said. The queen mother is really clumsy in the middle of hers and she does not want her son to be disappointed, and she does not want Kangxi to have a good time.

Ji Heng told the queen mother that he did not care and told Shun.

The queen mother was in shock. "Why?"

"If you do things right, you can trust him."

The last half of the sentence can be described as sincere words. He believes in finesse, but who is it? Kang Wei? Or is she a mother?

When the queen mother heard this, she knew that her son's intelligence would have already known the story from the inside. She must have said awkwardly, "Geng, you know, I'm only for you. If you think that what you did for your mother is not fair, just say it, do not wait until someone leaves our mother and our child. "

Ji Heng heard the sweet words of the queen and laughed. "Mom laughs and then believes in others, it's not as good as you. It's a good thing to wait until everything is finished and I do not hope so. It is too big."

The Queen Mother knew he was planning to release a horse, but since Kangxi's neck was held by the chains, it will remain an inheritance. The son acted consistently and well, and he was the best at balancing the rules. Now he has transferred control and balancing methods to the harem. Although she is guilty of heart, she knows that it is not easy to reach this level with the temperament of her son and she will say nothing.

After talking for a moment, Ji Heng asked for his wish. The queen sent a smile outside. "He played in the garden and the little slave in your palace."

Ji Heng knows that this little slave is referring to Tian Qi. He wanted to see what he wanted, but he heard that Tian Qi was there too. The thing that made people blush in the heart but did not let him look back was in his mind for a moment, so that he did not know how to face him, so he hesitated.

The queen mother was amazed. "You do not want to go to your wish?"

This sentence finally gave Ji Heng some courage. He got up. "So I went to see him, if you want to be a worried child, you'll have problems if you're not careful." After seeing the queen, he turned around and left. .

The Dowager Empress gave her face just now, and now she says, "Do not worry, Tian Qi is very good and he wants to play with him."

When Ji Heng heard this, he only turned around and responded with a little more speed. It was like escaping.

Tian Qihe Ruyi plays around the cherry tree in the garden of Cining Palace. In addition to the two, Dai Sanshan and Sheng Anhuai are present.

Sheng Anhuai went to Cining Palace after finishing the Emperor's errands. There is a disciple around Ji Heng, Sheng An Huai Ben does not need to come, but he is not comfortable. The emperor has recently become a metamorphosis, which is probably unacceptable and leads to a very eccentric temperament. Sheng Anhuai thinks he is a faithful slave. He always comes to take care of it.

And Tian Qi is also at Cining Palace ...

After the arrival of Shengan Huai, I heard that the emperor was talking to the queen mother. He did not enter. He only went into the garden to find Tiantian, watching Tianqi and Ruyi playing.

Tian Qi is not uninhabited, but she has never been so uncomfortable. Sheng Anhuai's eyes reveal a strange and unclear eccentricity, just like the kind of sorrow when we look at pigs and sheep that have been killed. Look at his heart.

So she had to ask secretly, "My dad, do you have anything to say to me? If you have anything to say, I will share with you."

Sheng Anhuai took only one shoulder pain from Tian Qi. "Tian Qi, look at the opening."

Tian Qi: "..." has always been pretty open ...

It is impossible for Sheng An Huai to go through such things with Tian Tian. He puts this matter in his heart and dares not say anything, even to avoid being afraid to keep secrets. I did not sleep one night last night. I turned to the opposite side and fell asleep. I fell asleep and dreamed. When I fell asleep, I dreamed. When I dreamed of my dreams, I shook the truth. I was so scared and I was not sleepy.

Tian Qi did not know the tangled mood of Sheng Anhuai. He just asked, "Is it difficult to get out of the palace?"

"Oh, huh ..." Sheng Anhuai slammed the dust and refused to say more. "You do not think about it, your Highness is called you."

Ruyi had already called Tianqi two sounds and Tian Qifang did not hear it. Now he turned his attention to him and lifted his pious hand. "His Royal Highness, what has happened?"

Wishing to point to the red cherry of this tree, "I want it, you can pick it for me."

Because the cherry tree is not a few years old, it is not very high and the size of the bowl is very thick. This year is the first time to produce so much fruit. Tian Qi looked up and saw that under the cover of green leaves, a bunch of cherries looked like agate beads washed in spring water. It was red and adorable, the breeze was passing, the cherry trees swayed and the agate beads were silent. The little bells, the exquisite touches and the kindness of the bells, we can say that "the wind sways before the sundial, and the oil falls from a thousand pieces of red pearls."

Tian Qi only felt that the mouth was in his mouth and could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. She knows that this tree is the treasure of the Empress Dowager, but as she wants to pick it up, she does not have to refuse, so she easily accepted it and she did not need to stand on it ladder and she caught him. sleeves and climbed into the trunk. Fortunately, his figure is thinner than the average eunuch. This little tree is still forbidden. If there is a big five, he is afraid to bend the trunk.

Wishing to cheer him up.

While climbing to the tree, Tian Qi sat down on a branch, took a cherry, took out a handkerchief and rubbed it, then removed the fruit's handle and put it in his mouth. It was sweet and juicy, it was delicious.

After eating a little addiction, she chose one more, then another, and nodded while eating.

Ruyi looked up and looked at each movement of Tian Qi. It's a child's heart. He just looked at the cherry and looked good. He wanted to pick it up. At that time, Tian Qi had a good taste. He wanted to try. He was too embarrassed to eat. He feared that the jokes would be an invasion. So, I had no choice but to watch Tian Qi and ask, "Tian Qi, is it delicious?"

"It is delicious!" Tian Qi said, and received a cherry entrance. While eating, she chose the cherries and used them to wear clothes. When I was good, I gave it to myself.

If you wish, but you can not wait, ask again: "Is it delicious?" It's no longer obvious.

"It's delicious! It's delicious!" Tian Qi answered twice. She looked down and looked at his mouth impatiently and swallowed his mouth. The expression was too interesting. She stopped near the tree for a moment and ate cherries. Observe the pious expression.

I wanted to lick my lips, my eyes were wet and fascinating. Right now, I was straight, like a girl waiting to be fed. "I want to eat too ..." I finally said it.

"Wait a minute, wait until I take you a little bit more." Tian Qiqi can not get off the tree.

Ruyi was almost stunned, "Tian Qi, Dai Sanshan also wants to eat."

Dai Sanshan narrowed his eyes, eyes amazed and ignored them. Suddenly he retracted his head and limbs into the shell.

When Tian Qi saw this, he did not want to keep teasing him. "Well, I'll pick it up a lot." Wait a minute. He said he had climbed higher and replaced it with a branch to quickly pick up the cherry.

Ji Heng went to the tree at that time and looked up at Tian Qi. He and the godly father are the father and the son, and the posture of looking up is very consistent, and Ruyi is simply Xiaoyi's Xiaoheng.

However, although both fathers and two sons have the same posture, the things they see are completely different. We only see cherries, cherries and cherries. He must stop swallowing water in case saliva leaks and mocks.

And Ji Heng, he only has the hips of Tian Qi right now ...

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