Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 102:

Chapter 102:

Ji Zhao didnt have time to wait for the others to come, so she set out with Zheng Shaofeng and Fang Jun to the place that the man said. Before leaving, she left a message on the big stone board with the dead mans blood, told the guards the time and place to meet them, and asked them to help bury the man.

She didnt say where she was going.

The three people walked a dozen miles before they entered the mountain. Fortunately, the destination is not in the depth of the hill. Otherwise, the snow hasnt been melted yet, so its inconvenient for them to get in and out.

Ji Zhao stands under the river and looks up. Her heart suddenly jumps uncontrollably. Her intuition told her that her parents were there, in the cave.

It was something she had been searching for, but now she was afraid.

If she can find them, it means what that the man just said.

Then Ah Heng

Ji Zhao shook her head. She didnt believe that Ah Heng would do such a thing.

Zheng Shaofeng rolled his sleeve a little. Because of the strong wind at the mountain pass, he put it down again. He turned to Ji Zhao and said, I will go up and have a look with Fang Jun. You stay here.

No, Ji Zhao shook her head. Im with you.

Zheng Shaofeng is worried about her. But he also knew Ji Zhaos stubbornness and persuasion were useless.

The three went up the river together. A few days ago, there was light snow here, covering the ground with a thin layer, like powder on the face of a beautiful woman, covering the original defects. However, Ji Zhao still saw some dark marks on the corner, which indicated that someone had come here recently.

Maybe its an animal or something, she thought on purpose.

The snowy mountain road was very slippery. They stumbled up the high place and finally saw the cave. Some branches outside the cave are covered, but there is still enough space to enter.

Fang Jun pulled all the branches apart. He picked up a thicker branch and made a torch. Then he held the torch and walked ahead. Ji Zhao followed him. Zheng Shaofeng was behind.

At first, the cave was a little narrow, but the more they open it was, the whole cave was not deep. Ji Zhao walked more than ten steps and then saw the white bones in the cave.

Dark cave, scattered and ferocious human bones, and the weird cry of crying when the mountain wind passes through the cave entrance.  Zheng Shaofeng thought he was brave, but now his back is cold.

Ji Zhao went straight with her eyes, kneeling in front of a skeleton in chains. There is a lot of moisture in the cave, and the iron chain on the leg bone has almost rusted away. The clothes he wore on his remains were also ragged, but the dust-covered coat was the prison clothes she had worn in those days.

Next to this remains another one, wearing a shackle but with a slightly smaller body and a smaller skeleton, known to be a woman at first sight. Ji Zhaos eyes seem to be glued with thick glue, and she turns to the womans corpse blindly.

Fang Jun turned around and finally looked gloomy. These are the brothers I was speaking to directly. he paused and said, so, These are Mr. and Mrs. Ji.

He didnt go on, and Ji Zhao already knew what he meant.

She knelt on the ground and looked at the two bones without a word.

Zheng Shaofeng said, Well, lets go back and call someone first? The three of us have no tools to transport all of these bones. As he approached, he went down the mountain with a pile of bones on his back and couldnt help but fight a cold. Suddenly, there was a sharp jingle under his feet, which hit the wall of the cave, rebounded, and magnified, especially in the cave entrance.

This abnormal sound draws Ji Zhao and Fang Juns attention.

Zheng Shaofeng looked down curiously and caught something. He saw a bronze waist token on the ground. He bent down to pick it up and shook it with a black silk robe. This thing looks familiar.

Fang Jun took a look at it and replied, this is the waist token of the Department of Justice. How can it appear here?

Thats my question too, said Zheng Shaofeng, pointing to those lying on the ground. Is there any of these people come from the Department of Justice?

No, this waist token looks very new, and there is less dust on it. It should have been here for a few days.

Eh, that means that the person from that department came here a few days ago? When Zheng Shaofeng said this, he thought it was not good. Because the Emperor directly controlled the Department of Justice, did that mean that the Emperor had known this before they came here? He scratched the back of his head and asked Fang Jun, arent you also from the Department of Justice? Dont you know these things?

Fang Jun shakes his head and replies, now Song Hai is in charge of the Department of Justice. I dont know the details of many things.

At this time, Ji Zhao interrupts them and says to Zheng Shaofeng, Ill stay here with Fang Jun. please go down the mountain and ask some people to come over and take these bones out.

After Zheng Shaofeng went out, Ji Zhao and Fang Jun kept a torch and a pile of bones, silent for a long time. They took off the shackles of her parents, cleaned up the bones, placed them, and waited for someone to take the body out. Ji Zhao is doing this and muttering to herself. Fang Jun cant understand her words. He only knows that she is full of sadness.

After that, Ji Zhao sat on the ground with her legs in her arms, stunned.

Fang Jun suddenly asked, do you believe it now?


The Emperor is the real murderer of this thing?

Shut up! Ji Zhaos voice suddenly became higher. She hung her head and said, Im sorry, I . After that, she found that she was out of control.

Fang Jun shook his head, and his eyebrows were twisted deeper like sharp swords.

Dont you think its all very carefully planned? Ji Zhao explained, he deliberately appeared in front of us and said those things. Then, there was a waist token of the Department of Justice. How can there be such a coincidence in this world that we have met?

But how do you explain that? Fang Jun pointed to the bones lying on the ground, your father, your mother, my brothers, these are not fake. Even if the waist token can be stolen, this kind of scene cannot be forged. If that person really lies, how can he know that its here?

Ji Zhao is speechless. It was, indeed, the most difficult part of her. She thought for a moment and argued, even if he knows the details, he can deliberately lie to us. Its not impossible to say black is white.

What did he do? Why should he find a group of killers to help him do the play and then cut him to death after telling a lie? Did he take his life to cheat you?

This thing has no explanation. Ji Zhao couldnt understand it, so she replied, how do I know.

In fact, you believe it long ago, said Fang Jun, who sat down with his bronze face and dark eyes reflected in the fire. His eyes were no longer peaceful but a little sad. He said, you didnt tell them where we were. Youre afraid they would tell the Emperor. You already have doubts about the Emperor.

Nonsense, you are also a person from the Department of Justice. Why didnt I keep it from you?

Fang Jun was shocked. I I will not betray you.

Ji Zhao doesnt know how the topic turns here. She stares at Fang Jun for a while and suddenly says, do you do anything?

Tell me.

No, I cant.

You said you would not betray me?

Fang Jun thought for a while, looked up at her, and said, a while ago, I was involved in a series of pursuits in the Department of Justice. Song Hai had a list of all the people on the list who were killers, and none were left behind.

When Ji Zhao heard this, she had already guessed his meaning.

I havent seen that list. Song Hai is afraid of me. He wont let me know that. Generally, I will kill whoever he asks me to kill. But I have killed several people before. I familiar with two of them, he said, taking a meaningful look at Ji Zhao. They were in that ruined temple eight years ago. After that, I began to suspect that it was those people the Emperor was after. It seems that I was right when I met this matter today.

Ji Zhao still wont believe it. She cant argue now. She just shakes her head.

Fang Jun understood her very well. Her fiance suddenly became the enemy of killing her father. No girl could accept this kind of thing. But Fang Jun couldnt bear to see that she was kept in the dark and married her own murderer.

The two never spoke again. The sky outside was utterly dark, and the roar of the mountain wind was louder. Some mountain wind came in, and the flame was shaking like a beating tongue. Ji Zhaos brain is in a mess. She seems to be forced to accept some truth, but her feelings are stubborn and firmly refused. She looked down at the remains of her parents. They lay side by side with their heads facing her. There no eyes, just black as if to suck her in and sleep with them.

She thought that would be nice.

Zheng Shaofeng came soon. Although the snow road in the night was hard to walk, he was embarrassed to let the two living people guard a pile of bones for the night. Besides, there was a delicate girl. The guards took enough body bags and carried the bones down the mountain overnight.

Ji Zhao slept in a daze that night and had a dream all night. The next day, she got up and took people to look for a proper coffin nearby. After two or three days, the coffins of other dead people were found. Her parents dont need to find the coffin. Ji Heng has already brought it to Liaodong in advance. Its a suitable nanmu coffin. Ji Zhao was moved by his thoughtfulness before. But, now she didnt dare to think about that.

She thought that if he really knew the details about her parents bones, he would send someone to pretend to be a guide and lead her to that place.

But she did not meet such a person.

Does that mean that he didnt know about it? He was wronged?

Ji Zhao found another reason to defend Ji Heng. She decided not to share this reason with Fang Jun if he found another way to refute her.

After the burial, they escorted the coffins back to the Capital. Fang Jun wants to try to contact the relatives of his short-lived brothers so that they can settle down as soon as possible. Ji Zhao wished to bury the coffin earlier, so she just passes by the Capital.

But she still wants to hear Ji Heng explain in person so that she can be at ease.

A group of people rushed on, arriving one day earlier than the original schedule. Ji Zhao didnt wait for others to report to the Emperor. She advanced to the palace.

She has a sign that allows her to enter the palace, and many people know her identity. Therefore, no one stopped her from going to the Qianqing palace.

Sheng Anhuai is surprised to see Ji Zhao. Ji Zhao asked, Is the Emperor in the study?

Yes, but the Emperor is listening to Song Hais report. Why dont Ji Gu Niang wait? Sheng Anhuai is now more and more polite to Ji Zhao.

Inexplicably, Ji Zhao has an idea in her mind. She goes to study alone.

Sheng Anhuai knows that she is the Empress of the future. At this moment, she comes back in a dusty way. Once she comes back, she cant wait to see the Emperor. Then she will deliberately interrupt the Emperors business so that she can have a good time with him. It all looks normal. Sheng Anhuai didnt stop her. He knows that Ji Zhao is a reliable person.

Ji Zhao walked lightly to the door of the study and listened to the voice through the crack of the door.

Your Majesty, the people I sent to help Miss Ji find the remains in Liaodong didnt come back. The other two guards were also missing. They may have been in trouble. This is Song Hais voice.

When Ji Zhao heard this, her brain was buzzing, like being hit by a dull hammer. The reason she worked so hard to find was quickly broken.

Who else will interfere?.

I dont know Emperor, does Miss Ji know about this?

No way, Ji Heng cut the nail and cut the railway. Other people, who know this matter is dead?

Yes, these ministers can be guaranteed by their heads, and there is no missing fish. But Fang Jun

Will Fang Jun say it?

No, I dont think so.

Keep an eye on him. Dont let him get closer to ah Zhao. If there is a hint of doubt in him, kill him.

Yes, your Majesty.

Be sure to find out who is involved in this Probably Ning Wang.

This minister is in command.

Ji Zhao didnt dare to listen anymore. She left that place. When she went out, her face was pale as if she had been much frightened. Sheng Anhuai doesnt know what happened. He thinks the Emperor probably scolded her. But the Emperor did not ask, so he did not say it.

Its not good to be a dignified emperor. If he doesnt ask, no one dares to break his mouth. Many people in the Qianqing palace saw Ji Zhao coming, but Ji Heng didnt know it. When he learned that Ji Zhao had come back, he was still the head of the guard who came back to ask him for help.

Ji Heng actually felt inadequate in his heart because the people he sent didnt come back, but Ji Zhao still found the right place. Who told Ji Zhao the truth.  Is that the one he sent out?

This matter has developed beyond his expectation. It shows many strange things. He regrets that he didnt follow the past. He just listened to others and didnt know the truth thoroughly.

Ji Heng is relieved and goes out to find Ji Zhao. However, Ji Zhao has left the city with her coffin.

She left without coming to see him or saying a word to him. Ji Hengs heart suddenly filled with an ominous warning, making his heart sink again and again.

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