You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 580: good person

Chapter 580: good person

Chapter 580 Good People


Lei Zheng, who was silent on the side, took a step forward, his expression calm and intimidating.

Since we have agreed to explore the Leihai Ancient Medicine Garden, there is no point in fighting over it now.

We havent even set off yet, but if there is already a feeling of dissatisfaction between us, we might as well go it alone.

He paused and continued:

That hidden secret place is said to be an ancient medicine garden. It is very necessary to invite fellow spiritual planter Lu Dao. He is an indispensable person for identifying spiritual plants and finding elixirs.

So, any questions?

What Fellow Daoist Lei said is right. I was reckless. I shouldnt doubt Fellow Daoist Lus role among us.

Hearing this, Wang Yanzhong, who was tall and tall, admitted his mistake straightforwardly.

This small commotion quickly disappeared. Lu Xuan kept his eyes calm and calm, and seemed not to care about Wang Yanzhong's doubts at all.

As for whether some people think he is confident or that he is shrinking and giving in, that has nothing to do with him.

The five of them each used flying swords to find the passage opened by Tianxing Cave at the edge of the Thunder Sea, and entered the Thunder Sea with the Thunder Fire Token in their hands.

In the Thunder Sea, there were thunders everywhere, and the density was many times greater than outside. Out of caution, the five people fell down one after another and walked quickly through the opened passage.

A moment later, Lu Xuan spotted the thunder beast squatting beside the passage not far away.

Fellow Daoist Lu, dont pay attention. That monster will not attack us, but there is no need to feed it.

Its appetite has been picked up by many monks passing by, and the meat of ordinary low-grade monster beasts is still unworthy of it.

The one-eyed middle-aged man suggested.

Looking at its cute appearance, I thought of the spiritual beasts kept in the cave, and I couldnt help but want to feed it something.

Lu Xuan threw several flame fruits and ice berries over.

The huge thunder beast looked round and round, but its movements were extremely agile. It turned into a stream of silvery white light and grabbed several spiritual fruits in its mouth in an instant.

Huh? Did you bring out someone of the same kind?

Just when Lu Xuan was about to leave, he noticed that there was a relatively smaller monster behind the thunder beast.

The monster's figure looks much smoother, with lightning emerging and sharp eyes. Compared with its predecessors, its expression is a bit more vigilant.

Hey, bring in the new with the old.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but laugh, and also threw a few spiritual fruits.

After the little thunder beast swallowed the spirit fruit, he subconsciously focused his mind on its body.

A thought came to mind.

Exotic thunder beast, a fourth-grade monster, has part of the bloodline of the ancient exotic beast Lei Si, has great potential, is good at various thunder spells, and is good at lightning escape.

Exotic Thunder Beast

"If I remember correctly, the previous fat thunder beast only had a trace of Lei Si's blood in its body, which was extremely thin, while the bloodline in this alien thunder beast has been partially improved."

I wonder if its a mutation awakening, or is there an ancient alien beast named Lei Si in the depths of the Thunder Sea that is constantly sowing seeds?

No matter what it is, it means that the new thunder beast is extraordinary.

Lu Xuan slowed down his pace, and with his spiritual power, he held a magical peach and sent it to the little thunder beast.

The thunder beast smelled the magical peach, and his eyes showed a look of intoxication. He couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and took a bite.

Plump and juicy, fresh and fragrant, a slight trembling sensation spreads throughout the whole body, as if enjoying the ultimate pleasure.

Lehai Sea is remote and spiritual plants are rare. This thunder beast has never eaten spiritual fruits such as the Immortal Peach. For a moment, he looked at Lu Xuan with a somewhat friendly look in his eyes.

This moment is just like that moment.

Lu Xuan saw the familiar scene in front of him and remembered the White Jade Sky Ape and the Xuantian Luan Bird that he had fed since their infancy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Fellow Daoist Lu is actually willing to give this monster a third-grade spiritual fruit?"

Luo Ming noticed this scene and said with some surprise.

The thunder beast has been guarding the passage, begging for monster meat from the passing monks. It was strange at first, but as time went by, fewer monks paid attention to it.

Those who feed themselves with third-grade spiritual fruits like fellow Taoist Lu are even rarer.

I saw that the new thunder beast was too thin, so I felt soft-hearted and wanted to feed it a better spiritual fruit.

Anyway, I am a spiritual planter. I dont have much else in my hands, but the spiritual fruit is enough.

Lu Xuan explained with a smile.

Friend Lu Dao is really kind.

Haha, fellow Taoist, thats a great award.

Lu Xuan smiled.

The five people continued to go deeper into the thunder sea, and the thunder they encountered became more intense and violent. If it were not dispersed by the Thunder Fire Token, they would probably be caught in the thunder.

There were bursts of thunder in my ears, a sea of thunder was naturally generated, and there were also the roars of thunder beasts.

Thats almost it.

Along the way, the five of them did not encounter any dangerous situations. Only a few eyeless thunder beasts tried to attack them secretly, but they were killed by the five of them in the blink of an eye.

Half a day later, Lu Xuan and others came to a thunder waterfall.

Countless thunderbolts poured down, as if a catastrophe was coming, and spiritual consciousness penetrated it, as if it was about to be chopped into powder and had to retreat.

This Thunder Falls is really too wide. Under such an offensive, the Thunder Fire Order will definitely not be able to sustain it for long. Do we have to rely on our physical bodies and magic weapons to resist it?

Wang Yanzhong frowned. Although he was physically strong, he did not have the absolute confidence to pass through this Thunder Falls intact.

Is there a way around it?

"No, the entrance is right behind here. There is no way to enter from other places. There are extremely hard rocks everywhere and there are strong restrictions."

The one-eyed middle-aged man said harshly.

As for the way to enter, when you come here, you will naturally have a way to deal with it.

Fellow Daoist Yuan, Ill leave it to you next.

He turned to look at the white-haired old woman.

Yuan Shuangling nodded slightly and knocked the ground with the dragon-head crutch in his hand.

A flash of light flashed, and five thunder nets floated out of the faucet. The thunder nets were constantly changing, as if they were forming clothes woven with tiny thunder.

The clothes floated in the low sky, as light as nothing, and strands of lightning jumped around and returned to the clothes again.

Fellow fellow Taoists, this thunder suit itself has extremely strong resistance to thunder and can withstand the bombardment of thunder for a long time. At the same time, it can also hide the spiritual energy in the body to prevent the alien aura from causing thunderous rage.

However, it can only last for a period of time, and it will gradually dissipate after that.

The white-haired old woman said softly.

Lu Xuan saw Lei Zheng and others starting to take action. He followed suit and took off a piece of thunder clothes floating in front of him. With a movement of his spiritual power, the clothes covered his body properly.

After passing this Thunder Falls, you will enter the outskirts of the ancient medicine garden. There are restrictions everywhere inside, and there are also attacks by weird monsters. I would like to ask some fellow Taoists to pay more attention.

Luo Ming didn't know whether he had already entered or got the information about the medicine garden from somewhere, so he gave instructions to Lu Xuan and others.

Lu Xuan and others nodded in unison, wore thunder robes, and entered the Thunder Falls.

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