You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 557: Fall of Danjie

Chapter 557: Fall of Danjie

Chapter 557 The Fall of Jiedan

According to previous experience, if one breaks through to the realm of pill formation, the second-grade water firefly light regiment cultivation reward will be greatly reduced, which is in conflict with the massive amount of cultivation required to advance to a new realm.

Now that we have successfully mutated the third-grade ice fire grass, when we break through to the realm of pill formation, the light group cultivation level rewards should not be as pitiful as those of the second-grade.

Lu Xuan thought deeply in his heart.

The next thing to do is to cultivate the mutated spiritual seeds to maturity and experiment with how much cultivation rewards the white light group can bring.

Besides, I just want to try my best to get more ice fire grass spiritual seeds.

He looked at the spiritual seed in his hand and sighed.

The new spiritual species has some changes compared with the previous ones.

The surface of the azure slender spirit species has many snowflake-like light blue patterns. When you hold it in your hand, you can feel a cold breath seeping into your skin.

He carefully collected the ice fireweed spiritual seeds and continued to inspect the remaining mutated spiritual seeds.

In the end, a total of five Ice Fireweed spiritual seeds were found, and the remaining spiritual seeds were either reduced to waste in the mutagenesis process, or were used for mutagenesis again by Lu Xuan to see if he could get more Ice Firefly spiritual seeds.

Even though this hope is slim, Lu Xuan is still willing to give it a try in order to obtain more improved spiritual seeds.

On this day, he came to the sword hall and planned to hand over the fourth-grade sword peacock that he had grown previously to the sword hall.

As a disciple of the sword hall, he can apply to the sword hall for the ownership of this sword peacock. However, Lu Xuan already has the fifth-grade light-splitting shadow-escape sword grass. He doesn't want to waste the opportunity on the fourth-grade sword peacock, so he might as well use it Change some sword seals.

There were far fewer disciples entering and exiting the sword hall than usual. Lu Xuan did not see the figure of his old acquaintance Shen Ye, so he found a senior member of the sword hall whom he knew and handed the sword peacock to him.

With the senior brother's expression of satisfaction, he received five hundred sword seals as a reward for cultivating the sword peacock.

Just as he was about to leave the sword hall, his spiritual consciousness was keenly aware of the discussion between two sword hall disciples not far away.

Senior Brother Zhou is too miserable. He was so seriously injured. I dont know when he will recover.

Yeah, I thought it was a great opportunity to get a fifth-grade treasure, but I didnt expect an unexpected accident and I was besieged by demons.

It seems like its a blessing or a curse to get that fifth-grade magic weapon.

Senior Brother Zhou, a fifth-grade magical weapon...

Lu Xuan immediately thought of Zhou Qi in Black Star City.

Two junior brothers, please stay. I just overheard the discussion between the two of them. I wonder if the person the junior brother is talking about is Senior Brother Zhou Qizhou of Jian Tang?

Lu Xuan stopped the two of them and asked.

Thats right, its that Senior Brother Zhou.

A young monk nodded and said.

Did Senior Brother Zhou encounter any danger? It seems a bit serious.

Senior Brother Zhou was sent back to the sect by Master Jiedan a few days ago. The situation is not optimistic.

"According to my uncle, he encountered several evil monsters in the Black Demon Abyss. They were good at attacking evil spirits with their souls and were hard to guard against. As a result, Senior Brother Zhou's soul was severely damaged and he fell into a coma most of the time. Occasionally he woke up with a look of loss. The crazy look of sanity.

Treasures that can heal the soul are rare, let alone my senior brother. I tried several methods to recover a little bit.

The sect has an uncle who is good at this kind of healing technique. It may take decades to fully wake up, and there is still a lot of risk of alienation during this period.

The two of them said to Lu Xuan, with great sympathy for Zhou Qi in their words.

After spending decades to heal the wounds of the soul, the journey of cultivation has basically come to an end. Even a fifth-grade magic weapon cannot make up for the losses.

The price is indeed too high.

Lu Xuan echoed.

Although he had previously suspected Zhou Qi and monitored him with the Void Nightmare Eye for a period of time, he finally confirmed that there was nothing abnormal. In addition, Zhou Qi in Black Star City was quite polite to him, so he felt a little sorry to hear the news.

"For those of you who are good at divine souls, fortunately I have the fifth-grade Clear Flying Feather Clothes to protect my body. If I encounter them, I'm not afraid at all. I can even counter-attack with the fifth-grade Stinging God Cone." "Well, I have quite a lot of means."

He returned to the cave, thinking about how he should deal with this situation.

"Huh, why are you thinking so much? There is no chance of encountering that kind of monster in the sect, right?"

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile and said, anyway, he will stay in the sect and live until the end of time.

The news that Zhou Qi was seriously injured was quickly forgotten by him. He focused entirely on the many spiritual plants in the spiritual field and had no time to care about anything else.

Only when I was out did I hear various news from Liu Su and others.

On this day, he was inspecting many spiritual plants in the spiritual field.


Suddenly, a melodious and deep bell rang in the sect, and the sound spread to all the mountain peaks and caves.

There were nine bells in a row, and there was a strong sense of sadness in the sound.

Lu Xuan stood in the ditch of the spiritual field, stunned on the spot, and heard the sect rules he learned when he entered the sect.

The sound of these nine bells means that an important figure in the sect has died.

Sure enough, an old voice sounded in his ears.

Our sect, Qingxu Zhenren, has been cultivating elixirs for more than two hundred years. He fell into the hands of demons in the Black Demonic Abyss. All his disciples mourned in silence.

Did Master Jiedan fall?

Lu Xuan was horrified.

He stood there and observed a moment of silence. It took a long time for his mind to regain its clarity.

He had an acquaintance with the fallen Master Qingxu. Ge Pu, the true successor of the sect, once introduced Lu Xuan to him. The Master wanted to understand a magical method.

Seeing that he is good at cultivating spiritual plants and possesses the incomplete secret realm, he asked him to cultivate the fifth-grade spiritual plant pure glazed tea on his behalf.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the Black Demon Abyss so quietly.

As far as he knows, Master Qingxu has been in the realm of alchemy for many years. He has a mid-level cultivation of alchemy. He is proficient in elixirs and talismans and is very powerful.

It can cause the death of a real person in the middle stage of alchemy. How can the alien monsters that invade this world be so terrifying?

Lu Xuan had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Master Qingxu asked him to cultivate the fifth-grade pure glazed tea on his behalf. After his death, if there were no close relatives or relatives to come and ask for it from Lu Xuan, it would probably be an advantage to Lu Xuan.

But there was no hint of joy in his heart, and his expression was extremely solemn.

He originally thought that with the protection of the sect and numerous fifth-grade treasures, his safety had been greatly guaranteed, but now it seems that it is not so safe.

The alien demon can easily kill a True Lord Jiedan. If it is stronger and more numerous, is it possible to invade the sect and kill True Lord Yuanying?

How should you deal with those powerful demons if you encounter them?

With the treasure in his hand, he may have the strength equivalent to that of a monk in the early stage of pill formation, but in the middle stage of pill formation, all real people died.

He suddenly lost much confidence.

It doesnt make a living even if you cultivate a field.

Lu Xuan sighed softly.

Now, we can only see how long the practice community and sect can persist.

As for myself, lets not think about it so much. If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to support me. I can farm with peace of mind and harvest the light group as a high-level reward. This is the right way.

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