You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 33: Perfect quality (seek to follow up)

Chapter 33: Perfect quality (seek to follow up)

Chapter 33 Perfect Quality (for further reading)

Dawn has not yet broken.


While Lu Xuan was half asleep and half awake, he suddenly heard a rough howl coming from his ear.

He was jolted instantly, without sleepiness at all. When he opened his eyes, he saw the blue-eyed lynx not far away staring at him coldly.

"You were the one who made that howl just now? It's inevitable..."

"Is there too much contrast?"

Looking at the cloud-walking lynx cub squatting quietly on the bed, it was difficult for Lu Xuan to connect the elegant figure of the steed in front of him with the rough howl just now.

"Call me again?"

Lu Xuan tried to ask.

Treading Cloud Lynx ignored it, jumped up lightly, and calmly landed on the ground as if stepping on four white clouds.

Lu Xuan had no choice but to get up, and when he was about to wash up, there was another specious cry from behind him.


The obvious clip sound is just because of the talent there. Lu Xuan seems to have seen a scene where a big and thick man tried his best to pretend to be cute.

"It's a nice bark, don't bark again next time."

Lu Xuan casually left a sentence.

After washing, he fed a few pieces of dried pork meat.

After buying back the cloud stepping lynx cub yesterday, he established a simple master-servant contract with it.

This contract can ensure that the two have a close connection and can achieve a certain degree of mutual understanding. If the spiritual pet wants to be unfavorable to the monk, the monk can find out immediately.

The conditions of the contract are relatively simple, and there are relatively few restrictions. It is said that there is a more complicated blood contract in the Beast Control Sect. After the establishment, the monk can decide the life and death of the spiritual pet in one thought. If the monk dies unexpectedly, the spiritual pet will follow. go.

After having breakfast, Lu Xuan came to the spiritual field and inspected every area in the spiritual field.

In the Lingquan Pool, Jingxuelian has grown several delicate and white lotus leaves, growing proudly in the mist, independent of the world.

Lu Xuan poured a round of spiritual rain technique with icy spiritual power on it, making several small lotus leaves look cooler.

There are a few blood jade ginseng that are not honest, they want to take advantage of Lu Xuan's rest at night, and hang out together.

Lu Xuan even saw two jade-like spirit ginsengs approaching the blood jade ginseng in the middle from two directions.

"If I didn't find out in time, wouldn't the three of you want to play multi-participation sports?"

Lu Xuan sneered ruthlessly, and then operated the ground drawing technique to correct the two blood jade ginseng that were out of position.

In the needle-thin red pine leaves of the Chiyun pine, the five pine nuts have grown in size, which can't be concealed and is about to come out.

In the area where the spirit fireflies are planted, a hundred spirit firefly grasses have entered the final stage of maturity, and each plant is about one foot tall. Lu Xuan estimates that several of them will bring rewards in the next few days.

After patrolling the Lingtian, he brought a few excavated insects to the edge of the Lingquan again.

In the Lingquan Pool, the three-tailed red-bearded carp swims around the snow lotus, as if feeling a slightly different spiritual environment around the lotus leaves.

"This situation, in a sense, can also be summarized by those four poems."

"Fish playing lotus leaf east, fish playing lotus leaf west, fish playing lotus leaf south, fish playing lotus leaf north."

"It's just that the ancient poems describe the dense lotus leaves and the fish constantly emerging, but in the Lingquan Pool, the red bearded carp surrounds the snow lotus, directly covering its four directions."

Lu Xuan thought secretly in his heart, throwing a fat zerg into the spiritual spring.

As early as when Lu Xuan came over, the three-tailed red-whiskered carp knew that there would be delicious food, and each dragged a pair of slender red whiskers to swim below Lu Xuan.

As soon as the Zerg was thrown out, the six long whiskers shot out in no particular order, attacking the fallen Zerg.

Suddenly, a black and white claw stretched out from the edge of Lingquan, grabbing six thin red long whiskers.

The body of the red beard carp was pulled by its claws, and jumped out of the shallow spring water.

Before Lu Xuan could yell at him, the cloud-walking lynx cub quickly let go of its black and white claws, and the three-tailed red-bearded carp involuntarily fell back into the Lingquan pool.

This time, the red-bearded carp, who had been fishing for worms with its thin red long whiskers, became much more honest in an instant, and no longer dared to pop out its thin red long whiskers and approach Lu Xuan, waiting for the insects to fall to the surface of the water before going to fight.

Lu Xuan glared at the cloud-walking lynx cub nestled on the edge of the Lingquan Pool, and felt that it was its instinct to catch the fish, and to put it down instantly was to follow Lu Xuan's instructions.

Treading the cloud lynx ignored Lu Xuan, but walked like a cat, walking silently on the edge of the Lingquan Pool, waiting for the opportunity to move.

It's just that the red-whiskered carp suffered a big loss just now, and dare not shoot the red-whiskered carp again.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The wounds on the body of the Bi-eyed Cloud Stepping Lynx have all healed, and four of the spirit fireflies in the spiritual field have matured.

Perhaps because of the purer and richer spirit energy in the spirit field, and because Lu Xuan carefully cultivated it from the spirit seed stage, the four mature spirit fireflies this time gave Lu Xuan an unexpected surprise.

Two of them are of superior quality and two of them are of perfect quality.

After the four spirit firefly grasses were picked, four shimmering white light clusters were left in place.

Lu Xuan picked up the light clusters one by one.

"Harvest a stalk of Lingyingcao, and gain the cultivation base of September."

"Harvest a Lingyingcao and gain one year's cultivation."

Two thoughts flashed through Lu Xuan's mind respectively.

The spiritual power in his body rose again and again, raging wildly in his meridians.

Lu Xuan operated his exercises to control the flow of spiritual power in his body. After it gradually calmed down, a smile appeared on his face.

During this period of time, although he mainly focused on cultivating spiritual plants, he still worked hard to cultivate in his free time, but the aura in his body could almost shrink.

He is not in a hurry, after all, the talent is there, and this kind of cultivation speed is normal.

What's more important is that the light group of the spirit firefly grass rewards the base, and it is not so important to practice **** weekdays, whether the spiritual power is improved or not.

No, two spirit fireflies are almost worth his two years of penance.

"Three batches of Lingying grass have been planted, and it can be seen that the quality of the mature has a great influence on the reward of the light group."

"Remember that ordinary quality brings three months of cultivation, good quality brings June, superior quality brings September, and perfect quality brings one year."

Thinking in his heart, he continued to pick up the third white light cluster.

"Harvest a spirit firefly grass, and get the wood life technique."

A thought flashed through my mind.

"Wood birth, wood-type magic, can condense wood-type spiritual power, and speed up the growth of spiritual plants to a certain extent."

"Finally, a new spell has emerged."

After Diyin Shu and Geng Jin Jian Jue, the light group brought by Lingyingcao appeared a third kind of spell.

This wood birth technique is similar to the Earth Yin technique, both are gradeless techniques, not as powerful as Gengjin Sword Art, but it is more suitable for Lu Xuan.

"Just learning the effect of ripening is better than nothing. After absorbing a few more experience packs of wood life technique, it should be able to shorten the growth time of many spiritual plants."

Lu Xuan thought secretly.

The last white light group was also brought by the perfect quality Lingyingcao.

The ball of light disappeared, and a talisman appeared in Lu Xuan's hand.

The material of the talisman is different from that of ordinary talismans. It seems to be made of gold and iron, with densely packed fine sword marks carved on it.

"Sword Qi Myriad Talisman, a second-grade talisman, is equivalent to a full-strength blow of a high-level Qi training monk when cast, and the attack is extremely strong."

"Second Grade Talisman!"

Lu Xuan was pleasantly surprised. Both the first and second grades belonged to the category of Qi training. Most of the first-rank talismans were equivalent to a full blow of a low-level Qi training monk. Among them, the good ones could rise to the middle-level cultivation of Qi training, while the second-rank talismans were mostly comparable to Qi training. A blow to the high-ranking Qi training monk.

For the current Lu Xuan, it can be regarded as a trump card.

(end of this chapter)

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