You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 294: Unrighteous conduct

Chapter 294: Unrighteous conduct

Chapter 294 Unrighteous actions

The sound of clattering gradually increased from far to near.

As far as the eye can see, hundreds of sea beasts of different shapes rushed towards the sea area designated by the Song family.

There are monster tortoises floating on the surface of the water and moving fast like arrows from a string, sea beasts with puffy feet that can jump up to ten feet in one jump on the water surface, and dragons and fish monsters that appear and disappear on the water surface and approach quickly. .

The aura is basically first-grade and second-grade monsters, but there are too many of them. Song Yu and other monks of the Song family are ready to fight, holding talismans and magic weapons, and staring closely at the many sea beasts that are getting closer and closer.


Seeing that the sea beasts were about to touch the first line of defense laid down by the Song family, Song Yu gave an order.

Suddenly, the talismans in the hands of hundreds of monks were fired one after another, and countless ice spears, ice arrows, ice thorns, etc. overwhelmingly attacked many sea beasts.

The sea beast either relied on its strong physical body to resist, or evaded sensitively, or countered with water-based spells. For a while, various spells flew, and the water surface was turbulent.

Because the Song family was fully prepared, many sea beasts were seriously injured or even died directly under the large-scale destruction of the first round of talismans, turning a large area of the sea into blood red.

But the number of sea beasts was far more than that of monks. After the first round of talismans, many sea beasts quickly adapted and rushed towards the monks of the Song family fiercely.

Under the impact of numerous sea beasts wave after wave, the monks were powerless, and within a moment, they could see that they were obviously at a disadvantage and their defense was in jeopardy.

"Raise a sword for a thousand days, use the sword for a while, keep it in the scabbard for so long, it's time to see blood."

Lu Xuan held a simple and simple scabbard, looking solemnly at the sea beasts that were raging wildly in the sea.

Finally, under the fierce impact of a huge sea beast, several monks of the Song family were repelled, and a gap appeared in the defense line. In an instant, more than twenty sea beasts got in.

"Oops!" Song Yu, who had been watching around, found a hole in the defense line, exclaimed, and was about to come to help.

Suddenly the sword sounded.

There was a sudden explosion in the ears of the sea beast monks present, and a deep purple lightning flashed across.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the purple lightning sword directly penetrated the head of the monster that entered the water, and at the huge hole, the lightning jumped cheerfully, completely burning the head of the sea beast to black.

The Purple Lightning Sword itself is in the forefront of the third-grade flying swords. The sword body has the power of thunder and lightning, and it has been nourished in the mysterious Yangxuan scabbard for so long. Under the momentum, it can easily kill more than 20 sea beasts in one face-to-face.

"Thank you, Uncle Lu, for your timely rescue."

Not far away, Song Yu's face was full of gratitude. Although he was only breached through the first line of defense, if he could not take action to quickly deal with these sea beasts and let the empty ghost fish in the waters be hunted by them, it would be a great loss.

"A matter of duty."

Lu Xuan replied with a calm expression.

"Pay more attention to your surroundings. If you find any family disciples who can't bear the impact, relieve their pressure in time."

"Yes!" Song Yu responded quickly.

He glanced at the corpses of more than 20 sea beasts floating on the water, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Since Lu Xuan came to Kongming Island, he basically stayed in the courtyard with the spiritual field, closed the door, and devoted himself to the spiritual plant.

In this case, he subconsciously thought that Lu Xuan was just a disciple of the inner sect of the Heavenly Sword Sect who was keen on spiritual planting. He still maintained respect on the surface, but unconsciously underestimated him by two points.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan's combat strength far exceeded his imagination, and he easily eliminated more than 20 sea beasts in just one face-to-face encounter.

"Sure enough, he came from a famous family, and his swordsmanship is beyond the reach of ordinary foundation-building monks."

Song Yu secretly sighed, came back to his senses in an instant, looked at the battle situation on the sea, and felt a lot more at ease.

Next, Lu Xuan sat at the rear, seeing where the Song family monks were in an emergency, and quickly rushed to help, killing several sea beasts in twos and threes.

In this way, the situation gradually stabilized, and many sea beasts died in a short period of time, more than a hundred, and the momentum was getting weaker and weaker.

"Huh? And a little cunning."

Lu Xuan let out a light snort, his spiritual sense sensed a change, and immediately, a light blue bead that appeared with aura flew out of the storage bag and held it in his mouth.

It is the water-like bead that allows him to walk on the ground in deep water.

He kept sinking and landed on the bottom of the sea. Under the protection of the water beads, he moved freely without being affected by the deep water in the slightest.

Inspired by spiritual sense, dozens of second-grade sea beasts dived into the bottom of the water and were quickly approaching Lu Xuan.

In the dark seabed, the purple electric sword in Lu Xuan's hand turned into a purple light, and shot at the sea beasts at high speed.

Like a poisonous snake that had been dormant for a long time, it came out of the dark in an instant, and pierced through the heads of three second-rank sea beasts.

The rest of the sea beasts were affected by this, and became fierce, rushing towards Lu Xuan brazenly.

Lu Xuan snorted coldly, and the Zidian sword quickly turned back, stabbing at the nearest scaly sea beast.

At the same time, the Xunlei Sword Pill in the dantian spun suddenly, and countless dark sword glows gushed out from the dantian, like a large school of fish, crossing a beautiful arc, rushing towards the sea beasts on the edge.

A bone ball rolled out of the storage bag, and under the control of Lu Xuan's mind, it instantly pulled into a bone spear, and shot at the rest of the sea beasts like lightning.

Just when the sea beast thought it could escape easily, the tip of the forest white spear suddenly split open, like a flower that bloomed in an instant.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen sea beasts couldn't react in time, and were enveloped by a giant net of white bones.

The huge net quickly closed, and the net wires turned into slender barbed spurs, deeply piercing into the body of the sea beast.

The fourth-rank Bone Puppet magic weapon is naturally extremely easy for the second-rank mainly monster body.

Not long after, under the joint force of Zidian Sword, Xunlei Sword Light and Bone Demon Puppet, all the sea beasts that tried to sneak in from the bottom of the sea were eliminated.

Looking at the corpses all over the water, Lu Xuan floated in front of him, and the purple lightning sword sliced out the sea beast's eyes one by one.

"Fresh monster eyes, don't let them go."

Lu Xuan has always been thinking about the white-eyed trick tree in Lingtian, and it happens that there are ready-made pupils that can be used to nourish it.

"Hmm... digging out all the pupils of the sea beast doesn't seem like the righteous way..."

At the bottom of the sea, dozens of corpses of monsters with deep black holes in their eye sockets are scattered everywhere, and it looks extremely tragic at first glance.

If it is seen by the monks of the Song family, it may cause some bad associations.

Thinking in Lu Xuan's mind, with an idea, the bone puppet turned into a white wooden stick with a bone propeller blade on the top, spinning rapidly towards the head of the corpse on the bottom of the sea.

Many heads were impacted by a huge force, and under the pressure, the hard skulls exploded one after another, becoming headless corpses,

"Looking at it like this is much more normal. At most, I only think about whether I have some cruel means, and I don't think that I have secretly poached all the pupils."

Since the problem cannot be covered, then directly destroy the problem.

Looking at the dozens of corpses underground, Lu Xuan thought secretly.

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