You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 225: Medicine garden different ghost vine

Chapter 225: Medicine garden different ghost vine

Chapter 225 Medicine Garden Different Ghost Vine

"Junior brother Lu, the ancient palace of Fudi has arrived."

Liu Su's fair face looked at a towering and majestic ancient temple in front of her, with a hint of eagerness in her eyes.


Lu Xuan nodded lightly. After emptying out the lair of the two-headed armadillo monster, he headed straight towards the central area of the blessed place at extreme speed.

During the period, he encountered some monsters with no eyes, and he took advantage of the situation to easily deal with them.

When he was about to arrive at this ancient temple, he ran into Liu Su by accident, and the two walked together, taking care of each other.

The ancient temple in front of you is located in the center of the blessed land, and it is the main target of many Heavenly Sword Sect monks who have entered the blessed land.

From time to time, various rare treasures, high-grade instruments, exercises, elixirs, etc., even occasionally appear in fifth-grade treasures.

However, entering the center of the ancient temple requires going through many formations and restrictions, and it is difficult for ordinary inner disciples to pass those tests smoothly.

Only those with strong backgrounds and talented talents will be taught by their elders and masters, and will be presented with forbidden magic weapons.

Lu Xuan and his wife's knowledge of the ancient temple is limited to its specific location, but, with a fluke mentality, they came here to try their luck.

Treasures, those who are destined will get them.

After entering the ancient temple, the two quickly shuttled through it.

The ancient temple has a vast area, and the ground and walls are made of unknown materials. The spiritual consciousness penetrated into it like a stone sinking into the sea, and was greatly hindered.

"The Medicine Garden..."

When passing a side hall, Lu Xuan couldn't help but stop.

On the bronze main entrance of the side hall, there is a plaque with two large characters with ancient charm written on it.

"Junior brother Lu, do you want to enter the ancient temple medicine garden to have a look?"

Seeing Lu Xuan's unusual behavior, Liu Su also stopped and asked curiously.

"It does."

"I want to see what kind of spiritual plants the ancient monks might have bred."

Lu Xuan said in a deep voice.

"I heard from my brothers and sisters who entered the blessed land before that there are many spiritual plants in the medicine garden in the ancient temple, and there are many third-rank plants among them."

"It's just that there are a lot of mutated monster plants inside, which look like ordinary spiritual plants, but if monks or monsters approach, they will suddenly attack."

"Due to the difficulty of distinguishing, many fellow students stumbled in the medicine garden and were seriously injured. In addition, there are third-grade spiritual plants everywhere in other areas of Fudi, which is much safer than the medicine garden.

As a result, the number of fellow students who entered the medicine garden gradually decreased. "


Looking at the two ancient characters on the plaque, Lu Xuan said softly.

He didn't know what to think of, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he turned to look at Liu Su.

"Senior Sister Liu, you know me well."

"I'm very interested in spiritual plants and beasts, and I'm not even under cultivation. Since I came to the medicine garden left by the ancient monks, I naturally have to observe it."

"As for how many opportunities you can get, that's secondary."

"I didn't expect Junior Brother Lu to be so sincere in cultivating Lingzhi. If so, then we will separate for the time being. Junior Brother, please be careful."

Liu Su did not have the idea of entering the ancient medicine garden with Lu Xuan, but was more keen on exploring other areas of the ancient temple to gain opportunities. Although he was amazed at Lu Xuan's determination to work with Lingzhi, he still made a quick decision.

"Senior sister, take care."

Lu Xuan cupped his fists towards Liu Su, turned around and entered the medicine garden.

After entering, it seems to come to a new world.

The area of the medicine garden is bigger than Lu Xuan imagined. On the gray and black soil, there are scattered spiritual plants from a distance.

The corner of Lu Xuan's mouth turned upwards. The reason why he chose to enter the medicine garden was indeed a bit of curiosity, but more importantly, he came to seek opportunities, to see if he could find one or two spiritual seeds.

In the entire blessed land, only here has the highest probability of appearing spiritual species.

Not all spiritual seeds will naturally grow into spiritual plants, or their vitality will continue to pass away and become waste seeds.

There are also some spiritual species, especially high-grade varieties. Because the surrounding environment does not meet their growth conditions or the cultivation method, they may gradually enter a dormant state based on instinct, so as to slow down the internal vitality of the spiritual species to the greatest extent. When the right time comes, they will regenerate roots and germinate, and cultivate plants.

The ghost-faced stone mushroom that Lu Xuan obtained in the secret realm near Linyangfang City was of this type. It was only by crushing the resentment of ghosts that the dormant spiritual seeds could be awakened and cultivated normally.

He entered the medicine garden with such thoughts in mind.

"Ordinary spiritual soil, without any abnormalities."

He squatted down, pinched a small ball of gray-black soil with his fingers, felt the spiritual power contained in it, and said secretly in his heart.

"That's right, if there is really any special spiritual soil, it would have been scraped by the fellow who entered the medicine garden before, so it's my turn to collect it."

Lu Xuan stood up and went deep into the medicine garden.

I found some sporadic spiritual plants along the way, but they are all low-level varieties, so there is no need to take risks to pick them.

If you pick them hastily, you may even cause a commotion and be attacked by Yaozhi disguised as a normal spiritual plant.

As Lu Xuan continued to deepen, the grades and varieties of Lingzhi had to be improved a lot, so that he, who had seen more third-rank Lingzhi, became somewhat interested.

When I was about to pick something, I suddenly felt a violent aura wave in front of me.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Xuan restrained his breath, and his figure was like a floating light, and within a few breaths he came not far away from the movement.

I saw three inner disciples fighting fiercely with a strange spiritual plant.

Under the ground, from time to time, tentacle-like green and black vines drilled out. The vines were covered with sharp barbs, and they made a shrill and sharp howling sound, bringing a gust of wind and madly attacking the three monks.

The three of them cooperated very well, and in an instant, they easily solved the weird Lingzhi.

"Junior brother over there, why don't you come over and have a chat?"

Cleaning up the vines, an ordinary-looking young man greeted Lu Xuan in the direction where he was.

"Hi brothers, I'm just passing by and want to see if I can find one or two spiritual plants in the medicine garden."

"Junior brother is alone?"

The young man swept over his spiritual sense and asked in surprise.

"If you are alone, it is better to be careful in this medicine garden. There are many monster plants here, which are extremely aggressive. If you are careless, you may fall into their ways."

Seeing Lu Xuan nodding, the young man instructed.

"Thank you for reminding me, brother. Is the weird Lingzhi that the brothers solved just now the so-called Yaozhi?"

Looking at the strangely shaped Lingzhi not far away, Lu Xuan asked curiously.

"That's right, the demon plant is called the Alien Vine, and it will pretend to be a normal spiritual plant, and sneak attack the monks and monsters who want to pick them."

"The three of us teamed up. When we encountered normal spiritual plants and picked them casually, and when there were mutant spiritual plants attacking us, we could also work together to solve them easily. Although it was a bit troublesome, the advantage was that we could get a stable harvest."

The young man said patiently.

"Isn't that just stepping on mine?"

"The spiritual plants are pushed across, without any technical content."

Lu Xuan commented secretly, bid farewell to the three, and continued to deepen.

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