X-ray Is More Than I Thought

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

She got tired from crying? Yuka has already lost consciousness.

Her sleeping face is so tranquil as if a demon has been exorcised.

Should I say that it came off? Or could it be that it was taken off.

Yukas the one who can answer that.

Marina. Get up

Putting the sleeping Yuka in my shoulders, I called out Marina and sighed.

Eh, ehehe, eheheheIm sorry

Marina whos sitting on the ground laughs as she looks up at me with watery eyes.

I can understand from just looking. She cant stand up.

Well, its normal for that to happen.

Yuka tried to kill Marina but she was unable to swallow the situation a while ago. But when time passed, she was able to understand what kind of situation she was in.

Marinas inferior to some extent compared to Yuka and Asahina but shes good enough to be called a beauty. Thus she mustve experience being a target of negative feelings like jealousy and enmity.

She didnt do anything bad, she was just beautiful, she was just cute and yet she became a subject of jealousy, be soured, be cursed on. Its all the more because of her faulty character.

Because of that, Marina who displays her emotion too much receives hatred, jealousy, and grudge easily.

And she mightve been turned with murderous intent. Shes the girlfriend of the leader of the delinquents so its not strange if it does.

But its doubtful if the murderous intent is the real thing.

Humans would ad least think of killing a person once or twice in their lifetime. However that doesnt mean that they would translate it into action.

The negative feelings of jealousy, hate, grudge , and bias would strengthen that to some degree. False intent to kill means that they dont really intend to murder. If the hate vent out has the stress of hate to the degree of wanting to kill, their own spirit would make a self-defense to keep heir own feelings.

But Yukas murder intent is different. Its not that sweet.

She aimed at a persons head and swung the golf club with all her effort. Thats a very simple movement but not every human can do it. Or rather, its troubling if every human can do that.

What would happen if thats true? If you swing the golf club with all your best, what would happen to the head of the person if hit directly? Its obvious even if you dont think.

The persons common sense would adjust. Even if the mind doesnt adjust, the chain named common sense that was given since infancy would unconsciously put brakes.

And yet, Yuka swung the golf club with all of her power to strike.

How would it turn out if the golf club hits Marinas head directly? What would happen to her if Marina dies?

A person isnt afraid to kill a person. A person who killed would be disgraced by the name of murderer, imprisoned, erased from the society and must walk in the shade. Thats the scary part.

In the end, human wont kill another just because oneself is cute.

Yuka didnt know those things at that time.

She doesnt know what would happen if she killed a person.

Because she was exposed in a clear pure urge to kill, its natural for Marina to be unable to stand up.

To be honest, Marina was lucky that she wasnt able to swallow the situation when Yuka wanted to kill her.

If she was able to, then Marina would surely be confused. Then her body would stiffen driven by fear. She might try to act violently and run to save herself.

If Marinas body was stiff that time. If Marina acted violently that time. The possibility of me not handling Marina is high. Shed be lucky if she was only injured. If unlucky, then she would be dead.

Unable to swallow the situation, she lost the strength of her body as a blank surprise so I was able to control Marina and made her evade Yukas attacks.

No matter how amazing my ability is, this isnt a physical action ability.

Theres no meaning if I dont have muscular strength nor strong reaction speed. This cant form a barrier nor dominate the opponent.

Its just a vision power till the end.

Thats my power.

Want me to lend my shoulder?

Approaching Marina with Yuka on my shoulder, I called her out as she look down on the ground.


Marina who sees Yuka sleeping when she glanced at me, looks at me with a troubled face.

Do you think that it would impose a burden to me whos already carrying Yuka? Or?

Are you scared of Yuka?

Asking her, Marina tilts her head.

Scared? Eh? Why?

She answered back with an unintentional dumbfounded response.

Why? She just tried to kill you you know. Its normal to be afraid.

Could it be that she didnt even notice that Yukas trying to kill her?

Could it be that she tried to kill me?

Marina spoke in an ignorant tone.

Oh, she noticed. That would be amazing in some meaning if she didnt even notice the murder intent, but she noticed it as expected.

But why is she not afraid? Its a bluff?

Why are you not afraid? You mightve been dead, not joking. Could it be that you thought Ill protect you? Dont say that

Marina knows that Im strong to some degree. But Marina havent seen my strength. She only know the result when she saw Shinozakis eyes whos completely broken.

In other words, she doesnt know the nature of my strength.

The nature of my strength. Marina doesnt even know if its physical strength of scheming. Of course, she doesnt know that I have an ability either.

Its just foolish to believe in an ambiguous strength.

Im not making a fool out of Suzuhara-san but I didnt think of Suzuhara-san helping me. How should I say it? I didnt want your help in the first place


I leaked out a foolish voice from Marinas unexpected answer.

You didnt even think of wanting my help?

I dont feel that shes lying. I can only see Marina seriously thinking that.

I dont get it, but my vision suddenly flows, I sat down on the ground suddenly then fell down on the ground suddenly. Thats what I all know. But I saw Nee-san when I looked up. Raising a golf club as she look down at me. When I saw that, Aah, I thought I was going to die

Marina smiles softly as she speak in a gentle voice. That appearance wont be thought of as the human that was about to be killed just now.

Looking at Nee-san, I was finally able to notice Nee-sans heart even for a bit. And the size of the sin I committed

Marina closed her eyes and tears flow along her cheek. Then she breathed in deeply, she opened her eyes and looked up at me with a smile while crying.

Even if I bet everything even my life at this point to make up for my sins, it cant be undone anymore. Its not about whether Nee-san forgives me or not, it cant be undone anymore. Nee-san carried such a wound. Thats what I understood

Marina shed tears while smiling. Im looking down at that Marina with wide open eyes.

It cant be undone. The wounds carved in Yukas body wont be erased anymore whatever you do. For her to notice it.

Marina noticed the size of the wound in Yukas heart more than herself being killed, and her heads filled with it?

Its easy to say but Marinas about to be killed by Yuka just a while ago. And yet, she shows a face that shes able to understand it.

Marinas fun as expected.

Then, what would you do? if you cant repair it anymore are you giving up on paying for your sins?

When I asked Marina, her expression stiffened and she refused strongly.

It cant be repaired anymore but I need to live my life continuing to compensate for my sins. Thats the only thing I can do

Looking up straight at me, Marina declared clearly. Theres no hesitation felt from her words.

How big is Marinas sins?

If Marina didnt lead Yuka to the trap, she wont be taken by the delinquents.

She knew it and kept watching. Thats all.

If Im in Marinas standpoint, I wont be feeling guilt from it.

Shes just weak. It makes me laugh when I think that.

Also, thats not why Yuka wanted to kill Marina. She might be having a grudge on it but that grudge would just be barking on the wrong tree.

The reason Yuka tried to kill Marina is because Marinas here. The reason is just the way it is.

The darkness in Yukas heart is perhaps accumulated before she was made a toy by the delinquents.

She was bullied till Asahina saved her. After she was saved by Asahina, the bullying suspiciously stopped.

Asahina helped her because she felt like it. She just saw Yuka being bullied that day by coincidence and she stopped it. Thats all. If so, it wont be strange if shes still continued to be bullied behind Asahinas back.

Yuka kept living the majority of her life being unlucky and enduring it for all those years. The darkness accumulated from those days was let loose and Marina was just in front of her.

Marinas the one who broke the gates of Yukas heart but I think anyones fine for Yuka that time.

Everyone can be the target of the darkness in her heart.

Yukas lucky thinking about it.

If Yuka turned her murder intent to me at that time, I would.

Well who cares.

You should just do whatever you want. I dont care about it


I just pushed Marina away with those words but Marina showed no discouragement and just nodded.

Shes not shaken. Thats good. If not, it wont be interesting.

Thats why youre so fun


I saw Marina tilt her head from my mutter then I laughed instinctively.

Im talking to myself.


Answering Marina with a laugh, she puffed her cheeks and voiced like a pig.

It suits you barking like a sow. Buubuu doesnt feel incompatible with you one bit

Buubuu! Buubuubuu!

Marina felt happy when I teased her? She pretended to attack me and plays like a pig while blushing on her cheeks.

It seems that shes happy.

Then, lets go back. Hey, hold onto my shoulders

Saying that, I squat down next to her.

Then, Ill take your offer

Blushing on her cheeks, Marina looked up at me and stretched her right hand to my shoulder. Then she gripped my shoulder.

The vibration is transmitted.

The vibration wont be noticed as its just weak.

The vibration transmitted on my back make me suspicious whether its really a vibration because of how faint it is. But I whos keeping my ability can clearly see it.

Yuka whos carried by me is trembling faintly. Being able to see it made it possible for me to feel the vibration.

Shes awake. I dont know when she woke up but well, Id be troubled when I ask so I didnt.

Oh right. Its convenient now that Yukas pretending to be asleep.

Marina. I want to tell you something while Yuka-chans asleep

I call out Marina while shes trying to stand up trembling as she hold my shoulder.


Marina tilts her head when I called her.

I said it a while ago but no matter how much guilt you feel for Yuka-chan, even if you feel a debt, those are unrelated to me


I dont care about your problem with Yuka-chan. Thats why dont get me involved in your problems


Marina tilts her head from my words for a moment but she immediately understood it and nodded firmly.

Did she really understand it? Are you making assumptions from misunderstanding by yourself?

Youre my girlfriend. Dont forget that


Marina raised a foolish voice when she heard my voice, her eyes shook and she turned red gradually then she laughed sloppily.

She doesnt understand what Im trying to say at all. She only is happy when I tell her that Shes my girlfriend.

Well fine. Its okay even if she doesnt understand.

Right, Yuka-chan? Yuka-chan would understand what Im trying to say.

Marinas my possession. I just made her understand that I dont care about what kind of relationship they would have but I wont let her do what she wants in front of me.

Marinas my girlfriend and Yukas my onahole. In short, Marina has the higher position for me.

I have to let her know it.

Marina doesnt seem to understand the real intention of my words at all and we went back home with her laughing frivolously.

Looking at Marina, I regret seeing her in a new light.

I should make Yuka my girlfriend and demote Marina as a guinea pig.

Arriving at my house, I laid down the pretending to sleep (perhaps) Yuka on the sofa.

She was awake a while ago. But shes honestly sleeping right now.

With my current ability of grasping the space in all directions, I can grasp anything that goes within the range of my ability. But the human body is different. No, should I call it an organic matter? Such a thing makes me grasp only the surface. If I try to look for the contents, its only a part.

Because of that, I can only guess whether Yukas pretending to sleep or if shes really asleep.

And I understood another thing. When I change my consciousness to see the through the human body, the space grasp ability cant be used.

Then if I release my space grasp ability, though I can see the whole human body before, its no good anymore.

Perhaps, even if I completely release my space grasp ability, I think that my brain cant empty the capacity to make it available anytime. Thats why I cant draw out all the ability to see through the human body.

Space grasp ability and X-ray vision. If I can only train to perfect the shape of the two.

But it might not be possible if its impossible to empty the capacity of the brain.

If I train and get used to the ability would it make a space? Or could it be that the space grasps capacity is too much that it makes a limit in the current form.

Well, the answer would be given if I work hard and train the ability.

Marina. Im entering the bath so Ill leave everything else to you

Squatting down in front of the sofa, I was looking at Yukas sleeping face before I called Marina and stood up.


Marina whos sitting straight on the floor nodded obediently while looking up.

Though I thought I might suggest that we enter the bath together but it seems that shes not that much of an idiot.

Could it be that she noticed Yuka feigning sleep.

If Yukas awake and I leave this place, Yuka would probably open her eyes. Marina knows that so she thought of staying in this place.

Now then, what would happen to the two of them?

Yuka might not attack Marina anymore. Thats why I pushed the nail in while Yukas pretending to be asleep.

I wont let her feel at ease when she lay a hand on my girlfriend.

Knowing that, and she was able to almost kill Marina, what kind of change Yuka would show.

Would she break? Or would she be reborn?

If its the latter, it wont advance as long as she cant make a conclusion with Marina. And perhaps, Yukas the latter.

If shes broken, theres no need to pretend to be asleep.

And Marina would also try to reach conclusion with Yuka.

It would be convenient for me if they think mutual. It would be difficult if it ended badly for the two of them. At worst, I have to dispose one of them.

If I do it will be Yuka. Though Yukas ability is higher, Marinas much easier to use and more interesting. Yuka should know that.

Thus Ill leave it to the two of them and Ill soak myself in hot water.

Soaking in the hot bathtub, i leaked out a sigh.

The lust well up. My penis is raging as if its going to explode.

To be frank, I want to violate Marina immediately. No, I was driven by the impulse that I want to covet any woman possible.

Is that the murder intent. Thats really unbearable

Yukas figure crossed my mind.

Her smile filled with insanity under the moonlight.

I heard that humans show their true nature when they feel death.

I certainly felt death that time.

I dont think Yuka will defeat me. My physical power and ability is advantageous and Yuka forgot herself. Yuka has an overwhelming observation power and perception of death.

The delicate womans only forte. Its an easy victory. Im certain that I will win. Even if an unexpected situation occurs, I can just use Marina as a decoy when the times comes and it would be easy to crush Yuka.


Winning and killing are completely different things

That is murder intent. A lump of hatred that sincerely wishes to kill people.

Even if I could win, the clear death exists.

Witnessing those kind of things, I.

Im able to know my true nature thanks to Yuka

I almost ejaculated. Thats how aroused I am. Its the first time I was able to feel such strong arousal.

Its laughable. With the overwhelming mayhem of the murderous intent, I feel neither anger nor fear, I wasnt driven by the destruction impulse either, I was just desperate to let out my sexual desire.

My true nature is really lewd

It seems that I only seek for lewd stuff till the end.

Going up from the bath, I went to the living room, I stopped in the corridor and used my ability.

If my guess is right, the two of them are in the middle of the discussion.

My existence would only be a hindrance for the two of them right now. I must not get involved to let them reach the conclusion.

Ill take a read at it though.

Walking down the corridor with my ability active, I stopped when two living being entered the range.

Marinas sitting on the floor. And Yukas kneeling on the ground in front of Marina.

Shes feigning sleep as expected.

Please raise your head

A faint voice is heard. Im a bit far from the living room so its not possible to catch even a faint voice usually. But I can hear it. No, should I say that I can see it?

My hearing isnt that great. Thats why I cant hear what a normal human cant hear.

Then why can I hear it?

My ability clearly understands the movement of Marinas lips. The movement is complemented with the faint voice I hear then the words are supplemented.

So it can be used like this too?

Im able to complete their words because of the movement of their lips and faint voice. But in a situation where I cant really hear the voice, it would be difficult to complete their words by just the movement of their lips.

If I train then I may perhaps read the words by just watching the movement of their lips.

Well, that would be lip-reading.

Because I can grasp the movement of the lips perfectly, I have higher accuracy from the usual lip-reading.

Aside from lip reading, I might find other functions if I train.

Until when are you going to lower your head?

Marina whos sitting straight talks to the kneeling Yuka with a strong tone.

Theres no need to worry about when you tried to kill me. Because I dont have even a single scratch

Marina talks to Yuka but Yuka keeps her dogeza without moving an inch. Marina leaks out a small sigh while looking at Yuka.

I should be the one kneeling instead. But I cant do that. The only thing I can do right now is accept Nee-sans apology. And Im certainly accepting it. Thats why please raise your head

I felt admiration from Marinas words.

Marina said that she was able to understand that Yuka cant recover from it, thus she said that shell bet her life for atonement. Thats why I certainly thought that shed lower her head at Yuka if she wakes up.

She probably would undergo it for Yukas sake. She wisely judged to accept Yukas apology so she wont be left a debt anymore.

I dont know if shes an idiot or clever.

This apology isnt for when I tried to kill you


Yuka speaks out while kneeling down. Marina raised a foolish voice to those words.

I really did something inexcusable to you. I cant apologize for that even if I do. I also dont know how to compensate for it

Thats why I told you Im accepting your apology. Im convinced already. Thats why you dont need to do anything more than this

Understood. Then, Ill make another apology


Marina said that she accepts Yukas apology. And Yuka agreed to Marinas words. With that in mind, Yuka made a new apology and Marina raised a foolish voice because of that.

Yuuki-Marina senpai. Please let me declare that I recognize you as Mota-kuns girlfriend

Yuka speaks as she look up and stare at Marina with both hands on the floor.

I love Mota-kun


Yuka speak out clearly while looking straight at Marina, then Marina tilts her head.

Marina tilts her head but her face is stiff. She mustve noticed what Yuka is about to say. Thats why she must be thinking of Ah, this might be somewhat dangerous

This apology is an apology for NTR-ing1 Mota-kun away from you


Stealing me away from Marina. Yuka said it clearly and Marina tries to tilt her head ignorantly while sweating.

NTR-ing me away? Youve said it. She didnt say that she want to steal me away nor desires to do so, she clearly said that shell take me away.

A remark Yuka wouldnt say before.

I dont want to lie anymore. Ill speak honestly. I was saved by Mota-kun and fell in love with him. Thats why I want to hold onto Mota-kuns heart. But Im not qualified to love. I who became tainted has no qualification to be Mota-kuns girlfriend. The only thing I can do is to use this defiled body, at least I can be next to Mota-kun. But I realized that I was wrong

Unwavering, unhesitating, simple, but hot, Yukas talking powerfully.

Mota-kun blocked me calmly as I try to kill the person in front of me. And I was told to live as I like. I was told that I dont need to hide anything anymore. Thats when I understood it. I was blaspheming Mota-kun. I told you to not blaspheme him but it was me whos blaspheming Mota-kun. Im using the reason that my own body is defiled, believed in him and only ran away

Yuka keeps talking. Marina silently listens to her and her actions are obviously doubtful. A large amount of sweat is pouring out as shes flustered.

It became dangerous. This has become extremely dangerous. Thats what she probably thinks.

Yukas fault. That is she cant speak her real intent.

Yukas a subject of Marinas atonement and shes also an existence whom she respects as a teacher. She doesnt feel she can win against a serious Yuka. But she probably didnt think of Yuka getting serious.

But Yuka became serious.

Even if I tell him my feelings, I dont know whether Mota-kun would accept my feelings. But that doesnt matter. I will take Mota-kun away from you. Thats all. Thats why Im making my apology right now. Im sorry for stealing Mota-kun

Saying that, Yuka bowed deeply.

Amazing. She already spoke of my thoughts and made an apology assuming that she will steal me away.

Shes got some confidence. She already decided.

Yuka who wasnt able to say her real intent asserted it here. Yuka will no longer hesitate. Yuka whos stopped all this time began to run with all her best.

Just like Asahina whos beating the iron wall barehanded as she laugh.

Fun. This is interesting. Shit, Im so aroused that I almost ejaculated.

W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-wait a moment! You want to apologize for stealing? Im not dumping Suzuhara-san yet!

The flustered Marina somehow answered back to Marina. But shes considerably shaken.

I dont care about that. You only have to work hard on your own way. I will steal Mota-kun away and become his girlfriend. Then Ill be cherished round the clock. Thats all

I-I told you, Suzuhara-san has

I dont need Mota-kuns confirmation of his will


I wont confess to him out of the blue. I wont forget that I am defiled. Thus I know what I can do

Wai, but, however

The one chosen can just be the girlfriend. Theres no means on choosing that. I will definitely steal Mota-kun

Pya, pyaa

Yuka asserts herself in a dignified manner. Being pressured by Yuka, Marina creaks a strange voice while trembling.

Pyaa, what?

That said.

My will doesnt matter? Very well, I dont hate that

Shes not going to court me by saying that she loves me but shes going to make me fall for her. She has to choose the means for that.

Or rather, hey Marina. What are you doing running right away? Do you not have a pride as my girlfriend?

T-Then would you allow me to say something too?

Marina raises her hand timidly while speaking out in a shaking voice.

Oh? I thought Marina would only say Pyaa but shes going to make a counterattack?

What will you say?

I dont have a problem for Suzuhara-san to be in a relation with nee-san. A-Also, Im Suzuhara-sans girlfriend. Thats why I have no intention of giving away Suzuhara-san

Marina raises a signal of rebellion to Yuka even while crying.

Though she intend to hand over the seat before the incident in the park, it seems that she had a change of heart. But shes so timid, can she actually win against Yuka?

You dont intend to hand him over?


Yuka reacted from Marinas words and asked Marina. Marina nodded to the question timidly.

Thats fine. I dont intend to ask him to be given. I dont even think of asking you from him. Because Im going to steal him away

Pya, pyaa

Yukas glaring up at Marina and speaks out the word Steal with emphasis. Marinas raising a strange voice from Yukas pressure.

I told you, whats Pyaa?

T-Then I have no choice but to fight

Teary eyed, Marina said that she will fight.

Oh, Marina speaks Pyaa while trembling but she declared that she will fight.

Shes trembling but she doesnt intend to back off at all.

Seeing that Marina, Yuka smiled.

Right. Im glad to hear that. Theres no other road than fighting

Yuka asks Marina while smiling.

Lets throw away our mutual foolish debts. I, Tamoe Yuka, declares a war on Mota-kuns most important woman right now

Erasing her soft smile, looking straight at Marina, Yuka speaks in a dignified manner.

Pyaa, pyaaI-I-I accept it

Trembling while raising a strange voice, Marina still receives Yukas declaration of war.

No matter how scared she is, she accepted it while standing, Marina would never withdraw.

Its hard to deal with the motivated Yuka but Marinas not that naive.

That said, Oh, I see. This is Yukas answer?

Even though she said shell steal me away, even though the wont chose the means, that is all on the purpose of making Marina mind it.

Perhaps, Its all to fight with Marina fair and square.

But are you sure about that Yuka-chan? That womans breaks will break when you fire her up. Shes trembling right now but shes going to explode and and reach high gear immediately. Its stupid to challenge such woman with a frontal attack.

If its me, Id seal Marinas movement s with the debt and obtain what I want easily, but.

Youre much cuter than before, Yuka-chan

I dont hate a meat doll just for dealing with lust. I can do what I like whenever I like and throw them away when I get tired.

But Id prefer a woman I wont tired of. No matter how much you hold her, no matter how much you play with her, that woman shows different face every time.

Then, our fight will only be ours, with that said, lets get along in front of Mota-kun okay? Marina-senpai

T-Thats right. Well be best friends in front of Suzuhara-san then, Yuka-san

Looking at each other, the two of them nodded as they talk over.

Yuka-san, right?

Marina called Yuka boss and nee-san, shes still respecting her however, shes unable to call her name even feeling the debt of sense of guilt.

But she called her name. In short, she has determined herself to throw away the indebtedness to fight with all her best.

Yuka also called Marina Marina-senpai She can fight with all her best if shes not feeling indebt.

Marinas scared when you look at her but it seems that Yuka had fired her up.

Yuka-chan. You shouldnt have fired up that woman.

Yuuki-senpai and Yuka-san. I cant consent to be called like those by a best friend

Raising her finger, Yuka muttered with a worried face.

Suzuhara-sans a brutal savage but thats why hes watching properly

Marina muttered in a worried way as she raise a finger just like Yuka.

Marina-chan. Could you stop calling my boyfriend a brutal savage?

Eh? Ah, sorrEh? Boyfriend!? Eeh!?

Marina apologized as Yuka ask her then she raised her voice.

M-My boyfriend you say, Suzuhara-sans my boyfriend!?

I know but I just want to say it. Im just saying it selfishly

Eh!? Huh!? C-Certainly youre saying it selfishly thenHey! I cant agree to this!?

I dont need for you to agree. Im just sayin it selfishly. I dont need to ask Marina-chan

Huh!? P-Please wait a moment! Ah, my head, my heads in chaos! Pya, pyaa!

Being confused by Marinas words, Marina looks perplexed. Looking at Marina, Yuka smiles while laughing fufu.

Yukas looking black right now. Or rather, Marinas the one causing confusion but now Yukas doing it.

Its as if shes a different person.

Is this the wicked Yuka? How should I say it? It feels so lewd.

Enough of that, it seems that the two have finished talking so I assume that I can deal with this lust now?

Its so unbearable that I might go in masturbating. I wont settle with one or two today.

I released my ability and went inside the living room in a hurry while wondering which meat hole to use.

Entering the living room, Marina and Yuka sits side by side in the sofa.

Ah, Mota-kun!


Noticing me, the two of them stood up at the same time. The two of them are holding hands.2

N? Whats with the two of you? The two of you are getting along strangely

I know everything but I naturally played ignorant. Since its somewhat interesting, then I activated my ability again.

Ehehe. I actually talked a lot with Marina-chan, then we understood each other! right? Marina-chan!

Yuka answered grinning then she looked at Marina while tilting her head.

Her speech and behavior isnt strange at all.

As expected of Yuka. What a wonderful acting. Shes living by lying on others.

But when you think about the size of what shes holding, wont it be strange if they suddenly get along well? Also, she tried to kill Marina just recently? Then it would be strange that they suddenly get along.

Well, it would be troublesome if I ask them so lets let it pass.


On the other hand, Marinas in blank surprise, Yukas pinching her on the angle I cant see then she screamed.

We made a conclusion and became best friends arent we? Right, Marina-chan?

Yuka glared at Marina for a moment then she made an overflowing smile and asked Marina.

Eh? Ah, right! Right, right?

The teary eyes Marina has her ass pinched, she then she answered while tilting her head as she look at Yuka with a cramp smile floating on her face. Theres only unease with her appearance.

Its impossible to ask Marina to act.

Thats Marina but.


Yuka screamed.

Marina pinched Yukas ass in the position I cant see.

Marina looks at me with watery eyes.

Oho, well done.

Yuka glared at Marina with teary eyes then she laughed immediately after. Then.


Marina screamed and jumped.

Yuka pinched the back of Marinas thighs in a position I cant see.

That mustve hurt. The pain in pinching the thigh area is no joke.

Its no wonder she shouted Pyaa.


Marina glared back at Yuka with teary eyes.

N? Whats wrong?

Yuka tilts her head while smiling.

Then Marina whos glaring at Yuka laughed.


Slap. Marina raised a surprised voice.

Marina tried to pinch Yuka in her thighs on the position I cant see but Yuka slap it with her hand.


Marina glares at Yuka vexed then Yuka laughed.


Marina raised her face and beat Yukas front of the face. She drawn out a cat paw.


Yuka shut her eyes and screamed


Marina who saw Yuka got caught with the cat pay and raised her voice, she immediately reached for the back of Yukas thighs.

Just kidding

Yuka who should be surprised sticks out her tongue and jumped.


Marina whos completely taken by surprise looked up at Yuka while bending forward then stiffened.

Yukas pretending to be caught by the cat paw.

Yuka wont be overwhelmed in terms of deception.


Pyon! Yuka jumped to distance herself from Marina then pinched the thighs of Marina who showed the opportunity.


Marina jumps up and down while crying then she fell down on the floor, she rolled on the ground while holding the back of her thighs with her hand.

Uwaa, that hurts. Just looking at it hurts so much.

Huh? Whats wrong Marina-chan?

Looking down at Marina who screamed and rolled on the floor, Yuka speaks out triumphantly.

What a black smile! Shes really a different person now. It seems that shes completely unbound. Also.

It seems that theyre not acting when she said that shes now getting along with Marina.

Hmm, you really get along well now. I dont care anyway

Muttering so, I approached Yuka while Marina avoiding Marina whos rolling on the floor.

Its fine if the two of you get along well. But, rather than that

I stand in front of Yuka and looked down at her, I pinched the pink nipples thats coming out of the breast area of the black knit dress.


Pinching her nipples, Yuka trembled and leaked a sweet voice.

I dont care if you get along now or anything. What I care about is Yuka-chan ruined my training


Stirring her nipples with my finger, Yukas nipples got erect immediately, then she tilts her head while blushing.

I thought of having a light exercise before dinner but Yuka-chan ruined everything, didnt you?

The result was more than expected but Yuka thinks she made a blunder so let me use that.

I-Im sorr

Id be troubled if you apologize. My principle is to have you apologize with your body

Yuka apologizes teary eyes but when she heard my words, her ears turned red immediately. Then she breathes roughly and looked up at me with wet eyes.

Obscene liquid flows in Yukas thighs.

I have to punish the bad kid. A very harsh punishment.

I say while pinching Marinas left and right nipples then pulled those nipples to the very limit of her breasts.

AH Na Y-Yes Yukas punishment A very severe punishment Hurry up

Yuka trembles from pain and pleasure then she requests for the punishment with a sweet and hot voice. But she became pigeon toed, her face distorts and she trembled.

I-It hurts Mota-kun Please forgive me

Writhing in pleasure, Yuka seeks for more pleasure, then she asks for forgiveness while showing frightened gestures. But she cant hide the fact that shes unbearably happy.

She thinks of pleasing me more than the pain or fear and it seems that she changed courses immediately.

I know that its an act but.

Got it. Ill cherish you a lot as you wish. Until you break

Laughing, I pulled Yukas nipples to the limit until her legs float.

Naaa I-It feels good Not, It hurts! 3

Pulling her nipples until her legs float, saliva drips down from the edge of Yukas lip.

Her real intent leaks out but it maybe an act to please me.

So fun. I wonder how much room she has? This is a punishment I wont let Yuka do anything, this is a one sided bullying.

Lets see how far she could act.

  1. Of course thats not the literal translation, the literal is Steal
  3. K-Kimochii Janakute itai yoo

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