X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 25: Jim Is About To Leave

Chapter 25: Jim Is About To Leave

At that moment, as if time had slowed down, Bantay could slowly and clearly hear every word that was escaping from his master's lips, hoping that his master would give him some better name.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva in great difficulty that as if it didn't want to slide down to his throat, Bantay put all his attention to his master. Cold sweats were starting to drip down from his forehead as nervousness was invading his heart.

"Please don't give me a dog's name..." Bantay prayed deeply. But halfway through his word, the voice of his master echoed.



Bantay spurted a mouthful of saliva! Now he finally realized why the saliva didn't want to slide down to his throat, it appeared that it was readying itself to be spurted out!


Immediately, Bantay felt another lightheaded and it seemed stronger than before. He staggered weakly to the floor as he couldn't regain his balance anymore.

Is this fate? Am I fated to be named Bantay?

Oh Bathala [1], what is your plan, what is your purpose, please enlighten me, because I cannot fathom your wisdom!

"Hey 'Bantay' are you really ok?!" Jim rushed to his tamed beast who he named Bantay that just fell on the floor.

Ugh, you already called me Bantay?

Sigh, fine! I will accept this name! From now on, my job is my name, and it is not a dog's name alright!

Consoling himself, Bantay felt soothed. He stood up from the floor and replied respectfully, "Thank you master for naming me but that is already my name."

"What?! Bantay is already your name? Who named you?" Jim was a little surprised. He didn't think that he would come up with the same name as that 'genius' who named his tamed beast.

Jim really thought that he really was great at naming since there was someone who came up with the same idea as his'.

Of course, Bantay knew what his master was thinking and he couldn't help but be speechless. But knowing that the other party was his master, he could only answer him politely, "The one who named me is the blue light that was possessing you lately."

"Oh? So we have the same taste huh. Now I know why did he choose me," Jim commented heartily. "Now that I think about it, do you know where is the blue light? I haven't seen it for a while since the last time it show itself to me."

"The blue light is gone. I think it won't appear anymore before us." Bantay replied as he lightly scratched the back of his head.

"What? How is that possible?!" Jim was yet again surprised by another information he just learned.

Bantay then immediately explained how did the blue light disappear, and Jim couldn't help but be disappointed.

There were still a lot of things that he wanted to ask from the blue light like where he could find the other X-rank Hunters and how could he meet with them.

But upon learning that the blue light had already dissipated, Jim could only wait and entrust everything to the future on how he could meet with the other X-rank Hunters.

Jim was wondering how many X-ranks were out there and what were their abilities be like. He really was curious to know how strong were they and who was much stronger between them.

As he was thinking about it, a slight smile surfaced on his lips as excitement was slowly filling his heart.

Seeing this, Bantay could only tilt his head as he asked himself doubtfully in a low voice, "Is master happy to know that the blue light has already dissipated?"

Hearing those, Jim found his eyebrows twitching and a forceful smile surfaced again on his lips. But he didn't answer Bantay, instead, he let the other party think whatever he wanted to think.

"Ahem..." From the side, the girl who was just ignored from the very beginning couldn't remain silent anymore. The information she just learned was really inconceivable.

What blue light you all are talking about? How can you call it as one of the Four Greatest Hunters?

And this boy was actually chosen by that blue light you called one of the Four Greatest Hunters?

Just what in the world is happening here?!

The girl didn't know why but she knew that the people in this village were really out of ordinary, especially the woman before her. So she was thinking that their words were somewhat credible.

But to speak lightly before her and called someone as one of the Four Greatest Hunters, it really was unbelievable. Besides, if it really was true, why were they talking in front of her that as if it didn't concern them whether what they say was to leak out or not.

Do they really trust me that fast? Or are they out of their mind?

It's one of the Four Greatest Hunters you are talking about here you know, its matters were considered top secret from the outside world!

Or maybe they are just talking nonsense here? But why are they so serious?

So the girl couldn't suppress her curiosity any longer and asked, "You all, just what in the world is happening here. Is it right for you all to talk something like this with me? Don't you think that I would tell everything I just learned here to anyone or probably sell at a high price that someone here is chosen by one of the Four Greatest Hunters as you all are talking about?"

Charley who just recalled the matters about the girl chuckled softly until it became an elegant smile. She stared at the girl sitting before her and spoke, "I believe that you won't tell it. Besides, even if you did..."

Charley was just about to say something when she recalled something else. She halted her words as she couldn't help but shook her head in dejection.

"Excuse me for a while, I just have some matters to do. Don't worry it won't take long." Charley turned around and went to her room for a moment.

But before she could go, the girl spoke yet again, "Wait a moment, can you just explain something to me? And how are you sure that I won't tell this to anyone? It's a high price you know!"

But Charley just smiled towards her as she said, "Just give me a moment first, just talk there to my son if you want to clarify something."

After which, Charley went and entered her room and closed it tightly.

Knowing that the other party was somewhat avoiding her, the girl could only turn her gaze to the boy who rushed to his tamed beast as she asked, "Just what's happening here?"


Inside her room, Charley was holding her book ready to cast magic at any moment. After a few moments, the book floated closely in front of her as she turned the pages of the book into half. From there, something like a hologram screen appeared.

The round small screen around a foot in diameter could reveal a visage of an old man. His eyes were sharp as an eagle and his silver spiky hair made him look scary.

After which, Charley spoke up in depression, "Father, I want you to come here together with my daughter. It seems like Jim is about to leave."


[1] Bathala Bat-ha-la is a Filipino term for God.

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