X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 169: Finally Free

Chapter 169: Finally Free

A little while ago before Janine was then again, sent flying...

"Oh? This girl is lunatic..." Janine remarked inwardly. When she heard the little girl saying that she would let Ben and Jim choose who would be saved and be killed among them, she was pretty astonished. She never thought that the other party was this insane.

But would Janine let that girl do her way? Of course, not. Janine was determined to save Jim and Ben. And once she set her mind, it was difficult to change it anymore.

With that said, Janine took a deep breath as she tried to detect where was the root of the invisible hair strangling both Jim and Ben was. And upon knowing where it was located, Janine readied herself to cut it off.

Of course, she could just go to the girl and beat the crap out of her. But Janine knew as well that this girl wasn't so simple. She acknowledged the fact that the other party was really capable. If she got careless, Janine thought that she might end up like those two.

Janine wasn't usually using her brain and attack without any strategy whenever she fought. But in front of a worthy opponent, her instinct was functioning properly as her carelessness was being thrown away.

With that said, Janine was careful this time. Her focus was entirely caught on how she could save Jim and Ben as her right hand then sprouted a claw. Janine thought to herself that this would be enough to cut that annoying hair.

After which, as her eyes were flashing with a cold glint, Janine was now all ready to make a move.


But then, when she was about to disappear and rush for the rescue in the fastest way possible, she would have just found herself being sent flying then again.

Just who in the world had sneaked an attack from her behind? Janine had immediately become furious at that time. But then, she couldn't have a chance to turn around to see who was that fool who attacked her as she was sent away pretty fast and rolled furiously on the ground instead. And this time, her rolling was much further compared to before as she felt that that sneak attack was way stronger than before.

Janine was helpless. She tried to be careful but he neglected the other possible enemies. She could only hope that Ben and Jim would still be alive when she came back again.

"Good job, Bantay." On the other hand, seeing the successive sneak attack of Bantay, the one who attacked Janine earlier, Elaine could only commend the other party.

"Thank you, master," Bantay replied. But his voice bore no emotion as he was no different than a mere puppet right now.

"..." On the other hand, when Jim heard it, he didn't speak any words. But instead, he fiercely glared at the girl in front of him as if he was going to eat her at any moment.

Ben saw her friend being like that as he was worried about the other party. He could tell that that beast was important to him but this lunatic girl had actually manipulated Bantay's mind and let him believe that she was his master.

It was really something unacceptable even for him.

"Woah! What beautiful eyes you have there!" Elaine remarked seeing the cold eyes of Jim. The sight was just too beautiful that she almost fell in love. So then, with as if a warm smile, she asked, "So what now? Who will you choose? Who will I set free? And who will I kill?"

Elaine thought that this Jim would definitely go on a rampage as he would unleash his full potential and display the strength she was looking for. If that happened, then it would definitely be a good fight. Elaine believed that nothing was more satisfying than toying with a worthy opponent.

But contrary to her expectation, Jim didn't run amok. But instead, his cold eyes were fixed onto her as his voice finally came out of his mouth, "No need to choose."

"Oh?" Elaine was a bit surprised as her smile didn't leave her. So after a moment of pause, she continued, "What will you do then?"

But instead of replying to her, Jim closed his eyes. Elaine on the other hand tilted her head slightly as she thought to herself, "Is he doing something special?"

That said, she let Jim do his ways as she watched the other party without care. But then, just after a few moments, Jim finally opened his eyes.

But this time, Elaine was astonished to see that one of the other party's eyes had its pupil become red with five red dots in the middle forming a cross.

Pulang Mata! Elaine widened her eyes in shock before her smile returned to her as she remarked, "I never thought that the trash of Jabat Family has already awakened his bloodline. This is really a surprise. What a beautiful eye you have there."

"But why is it only one eye?" Elaine shook her head in disappointment as she added, "Though it is the legendary five dots just like your mother, with just one eye, its strength will definitely diminish greatly. It really is disappointing..."

But just after Elaine said what she wanted to say, and when she turned back her gaze to Jim's eye, she suddenly disappeared out of thin air leaving without a trace.

Ben who saw her disappearing widened his eyes before a smile crept up on his lips. How could he not if he realized what had just happened?

At that moment, Ben was more than sure that that lunatic who caused them so much trouble had just gone into the illusion world created by Jim. Serves her right! Ben's happiness was just surging up as he imagined what would be very likely to happen to that lunatic in the illusion world.

So then, knowing that the one who bound them to restrict their movement was not around anymore, Ben released a force as he finally managed to break free from his bindings. The same went for Jim, he raised both of his hands as he finally managed to tear off the hair binding him.

Without the caster being around, the strength of the hair binding them had lost its original strength as it was now easy for them to destroy it.

The two couldn't help but shake their arms and swirled them many times as they felt that their muscles had suddenly gone stiff.

But then, they still hadn't finished stretching their body when suddenly, they felt something dangerous behind them as they instinctively jumped away. After what they had done, a loud thud sounded as if a meteor had just landed. The shockwaves had even pushed them away as they found it hard to control their balance when they landed on the ground.

"Your tamed beast is still under control by that girl?" Ben blurted out. He almost died in shock when he felt that someone was actually attacking them from behind. Although the presence was hidden, the killing intent was just too great that Ben suddenly felt a chill.

On the other hand, Jim was shocked as well. He never thought that even after he had brought that girl into the illusion world, Bantay would still be under her control.

"It seems like we still need to beat that girl first..." Jim muttered. When Ben heard it, he nodded his head in agreement.

But what should they do to this beast now? Ben suddenly thought about it. This beast had really lost his mind as he finally went on rampant. Thus, Jim's tamed beast went after them as it was obvious that this beast wanted to give them harm.

Did that beast became angry when that girl who was controlling him was nowhere in sight? Ben thought about it as a bone rib sprouted on his chest. He then plucked it out as it transformed itself into a rod a little taller than him.

"You go first and beat up that girl!" Ben said as he pointed his rod against the incoming Bantay. "And I will handle your tamed beast here. But don't worry, I won't kill him."

Kill him? Jim could only smile bitterly. That would be great if he could really kill Bantay. But unfortunately for him, as long as he was living, Bantay would continue to exist even if his body was completely destroyed.

"Don't worry, do everything you can. After all, he cannot die." Jim responded to Ben as he readied himself to leave.

"He cannot die?" Ben suddenly had cold sweats appearing on his forehead. What did the other party even mean by that? This beast was immortal? Ben suddenly felt a bad premonition about this as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva while Bantay was getting nearer.

"Uhm... He's close to that," Jim laughed dryly. "Alright, I will leav..."


Jim was just about to bid farewell when suddenly, Bantay who was about to reach his distance to Ben was being hit by something from the side. The force was just too strong as Bantay tumbled on the ground for a long distance.

The two were still shocked at what had just happened when they finally had a clearer look at what had struck Bantay. And to their shock, they saw Janine of whose fist was still raised forward as if itching to punch for more.

"Damn, that felt good!" Janine let out a satisfied smile when she finally got to avenge herself. But of course, this wasn't enough, a single punch couldn't be enough to subside her frustrations for the two rolls she had suffered.

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